Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; This file:
;;    http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos
;;    http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html
;; file:///home/edrx/TH/L/.emacs.videos.html
;; Version: 2022dec04
;; This file contains the indexes of all the first-class videos of eev
;; and of a few other videos. See:
;;   (find-video-links-intro "9. First-class videos")

;; (find-videos-intro)
;; (find-angg ".emacs.videos")
;; (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e find-eevvideo-links .emacs.videos")
;; (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e code-eevvideo .emacs.videos")

;; «.eev2019»			(to "eev2019")
;; «.eev2020»			(to "eev2020")
;; «.eev2021»			(to "eev2021")
;; «.eevnav»			(to "eevnav")
;; «.eevfherel»			(to "eevfherel")
;;   «.2020-find-here-links»	(to "2020-find-here-links")
;; «.eevtempl»			(to "eevtempl")
;; «.eevtestbls»		(to "eevtestbls")
;; «.eevvlinks»			(to "eevvlinks")
;; «.eev2022kla»		(to "eev2022kla")
;; «.eev2022py»			(to "eev2022py")
;; «.eev2024»			(to "eev2024")
;; «.findssrlinks2»		(to "findssrlinks2")
;; «.merg»			(to "merg")
;; «.oficina20210»		(to "oficina20210")
;; «.oficina2021a»		(to "oficina2021a")
;; «.oficina2021b»		(to "oficina2021b")
;; «.2021ssr»			(to "2021ssr")
;; «.2021workshop1»		(to "2021workshop1")
;; «.2021workshop2»		(to "2021workshop2")
;; «.2021workshop3»		(to "2021workshop3")
;; «.2021workshop4»		(to "2021workshop4")
;; «.2021workshop5»		(to "2021workshop5")
;; «.2021workshop6»		(to "2021workshop6")
;; «.2021orgfornonusers»	(to "2021orgfornonusers")
;; «.2021ffll»			(to "2021ffll")
;; «.2021findagdatype»		(to "2021findagdatype")
;; «.2022eevmake0»		(to "2022eevmake0")
;; «.2022findeevangg»		(to "2022findeevangg")
;; «.2022findelispintro»	(to "2022findelispintro")
;; «.2022pict2elua»		(to "2022pict2elua")
;; «.2022eevwconfig»		(to "2022eevwconfig")
;; «.2022eevwconfigpt1»		(to "2022eevwconfigpt1")
;; «.2022eevwconfigpt2»		(to "2022eevwconfigpt2")
;; «.2022yttranscript»		(to "2022yttranscript")
;; «.2022tikz»			(to "2022tikz")
;; «.ebtc»			(to "ebtc")
;; «.eev2021b»			(to "eev2021b")
;; «.2022c2apr1»		(to "2022c2apr1")
;; «.2021saptleg»		(to "2021saptleg")
;; «.c2m211somas1d»		(to "c2m211somas1d")
;; «.c3cd»			(to "c3cd")
;; «.calceasy»			(to "calceasy")
;; «.cae0»			(to "cae0")
;; «.caev»			(to "caev")
;; «.caes»			(to "caes")
;; «.visaud»			(to "visaud")
;; «.slogans»			(to "slogans")
;; «.2024lean4of0»		(to "2024lean4of0")
;; «.2024lean4of0a2»		(to "2024lean4of0a2")
;; Main list:
;; (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-eevvideopage-linkss")

;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos")
;; (find-videos-intro "2. Some `find-eevvideo-links'")

;; «eev2019»  (to ".eev2019")
;; Title: How to record executable notes with eev - and how to play them back
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2019.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86yiRG8YJD0
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2019.html
;; Index: http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#eev2019
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eev2019")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2019")
;; (find-TH "emacsconf2019")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "eev2019" "emacsconf2019" "86yiRG8YJD0")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "eev2019" "emacsconf2019" "86yiRG8YJD0")
;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos" "eev2019")
;; (find-eev2019video  "0:00")
;; (find-eev2019video  "0:00" "Title page")
;; (find-eev2019video  "0:15" "Prehistory 1: eev appeared by accident")
;; (find-eev2019video  "1:08" "Prehistory 2: my notes started to have lots of elisp hyperlinks")
;; (find-eev2019video  "2:35" "Prehistory 3: M-x eev")
;; (find-eev2019video  "3:04" "Prehistory 4: several other kinds of elisp kyperlinks")
;; (find-eev2019video  "4:05" "Prehistory 5: these elisp hyperlinks could be put in comments")
;; (find-eev2019video  "5:34" "Prehistory 6: variants of M-x eev")
;; (find-eev2019video  "5:41" "Prehistory 7: several megabytes of scripts and notes (here)")
;; (find-eev2019video  "6:41" "Prehistory 8: I was sure that everybody was using Emacs like that")
;; (find-eev2019video  "7:52" "Prehistory 9: "users should not be forced to see Lisp"")
;; (find-eev2019video  "9:22" "Eev as an ELPA package")
;; (find-eev2019video "10:51" "Eev as an ELPA package (2)")
;; (find-eev2019video "11:20" "M-j - and how beginners should use it")
;; (find-eev2019video "12:54" "A demo")
;; (find-eev2019video "13:10" "Demo: patching xpdf")
;; (find-eev2019video "14:01" "Demo: the `find-man' links")
;; (find-eev2019video "14:45" "Demo: the `find-apt-get-source-links'")
;; (find-eev2019video "15:11" "Demo: the eepitch block (in red star lines)")
;; (find-eev2019video "15:48" "Demo: eepitch on non-red star lines")
;; (find-eev2019video "15:56" "Demo: eepitch in action")
;; (find-eev2019video "16:47" "Demo: the `find-fline's to the source directory")
;; (find-eev2019video "17:07" "Demo: `code-c-d'")
;; (find-eev2019video "17:22" "Demo: `find-xpdffile'")
;; (find-eev2019video "17:32" "Demo: `find-xpdfsh'")
;; (find-eev2019video "17:44" "Demo: `find-xpdfgrep'")
;; (find-eev2019video "18:32" "Demo: the second `find-xpdfgrep'")
;; (find-eev2019video "18:46" "Demo: the relevant occurrence / direct link to it")
;; (find-eev2019video "19:18" "Links")

;; «eev2020»  (to ".eev2020")
;; Title: On why most of the best features in eev look like 5-minute hacks
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2020.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOAqBc42Gg8
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2020.html
;; Index: http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#eev2020
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eev2020")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2020")
;; (find-TH "emacsconf2020")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "eev2020" "emacsconf2020" "hOAqBc42Gg8")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "eev2020" "emacsconf2020" "hOAqBc42Gg8")
;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos" "eev2020")
;; (find-eev2020video "00:00" "Title")
;; (find-eev2020video "00:23" "1.1. `M-e' and `M-k'")
;; (find-eev2020video "02:23"   "variants that were better behaved")
;; (find-eev2020video "02:36"   "in the same window")
;; (find-eev2020video "02:52"   "pos-spec-lists")
;; (find-eev2020video "03:33" "1.2. Hyperlinks that don't create new buffers")
;; (find-eev2020video "03:41"   "hyperlink to the result of running the shell command `date'")
;; (find-eev2020video "03:58"   "result in the echo area")
;; (find-eev2020video "04:24"   "result in a new buffer")
;; (find-eev2020video "04:31"   "`find-googlechrome' calls an external program")
;; (find-eev2020video "04:51"   "`find-pdf-page' calls an external program")
;; (find-eev2020video "05:26"   "`find-pdf-text' converts the PDF to text and")
;; (find-eev2020video "06:25"   "`find-video'")
;; (find-eev2020video "06:53"   "hyperlinks that work like buttons")
;; (find-eev2020video "07:13"   "`eek' executes a series of keys")
;; (find-eev2020video "07:44"   "buttons that define new functions")
;; (find-eev2020video "08:18"   "`code-c-d' defines several new functions at the same time")
;; (find-eev2020video "08:32"   "the result is the name of one of the functions that is defines")
;; (find-eev2020video "08:43"   "`find-orggitfile'")
;; (find-eev2020video "09:06"   "prepends this string")
;; (find-eev2020video "09:41"   "`find-orggitnode'")
;; (find-eev2020video "10:23" "1.3. Shorter hyperlinks to PDFs and videos")
;; (find-eev2020video "10:43"   "`code-pdf-page' creates a short hyperlink function for a PDF")
;; (find-eev2020video "11:33"   "let's try...")
;; (find-eev2020video "11:55"   "`find-fongspivatext'")
;; (find-eev2020video "12:20"   "This block is a kind of an index for that book")
;; (find-eev2020video "12:54"   "This block is a kind of an index for that video")
;; (find-eev2020video "13:27"   "we can index video tutorials")
;; (find-eev2020video "14:08"   "magit-status")
;; (find-eev2020video "14:32"   "Rainer Koenig's tutorials on org-mode")
;; (find-eev2020video "14:43" "1.4. How the functions that define shorter hyperlinks are implemented")
;; (find-eev2020video "15:16"   "macroexpand")
;; (find-eev2020video "16:50"   "Let's compare")
;; (find-eev2020video "16:58"   "I am a very bad programmer")
;; (find-eev2020video "17:20"   "find-code-c-d shows the code that code-c-d would execute")
;; (find-eev2020video "18:48" "1.5. `M-j'")
;; (find-eev2020video "19:03"   "commands with very short names")
;; (find-eev2020video "21:02" "1.5.2. `M-j' itself")
;; (find-eev2020video "21:07"   "commands with very short numbers")
;; (find-eev2020video "21:19"   "M-j jumps to predefined places")
;; (find-eev2020video "21:41"   "M-5 M-j jumps to (find-eev-quick-intro)")
;; (find-eev2020video "22:13"   "the part of the tutorial that explains M-j")
;; (find-eev2020video "22:24"   "here is the header and here is the rest")
;; (find-eev2020video "22:36"   "the header is very beginner-friendly")
;; (find-eev2020video "23:11"   "The header has several elisp hyperlinks")
;; (find-eev2020video "23:40"   "what the numeric prefixes do")
;; (find-eev2020video "25:52"   "use M-j to go to the sandboxed tutorials")
;; (find-eev2020video "25:59"   "we can copy links to the tutorials to our notes")
;; (find-eev2020video "26:48" "1.5.3. `M-J' (meta-uppercase-J)")
;; (find-eev2020video "26:58"   "transforms the current line")
;; (find-eev2020video "27:36"   "into a defun of a function with a very short name")
;; (find-eev2020video "28:14" "1.5.4. `M-uppercaseletter'")
;; (find-eev2020video "28:38"   "into a link to a file")
;; (find-eev2020video "28:48"   "into a link to a manpage")
;; (find-eev2020video "28:55"   "into a link to the result of a shell command")
;; (find-eev2020video "29:38" "2. A tale of two `describe-key's")
;; (find-eev2020video "30:23"   "the standard `describe-key'")
;; (find-eev2020video "30:41"   "their targets are not visible")
;; (find-eev2020video "31:31"   "the problem with the standard `describe-key': TARGET")
;; (find-eev2020video "32:04"   "inspect text properties")
;; (find-eev2020video "34:18"   "find-ebufferandpos")
;; (find-eev2020video "35:07"   "My variant: `find-ekey-links'")
;; (find-eev2020video "37:00"   "how `find-ekey-links' generates its links")
;; (find-eev2020video "37:14"   "hacker-friendly in the way that I wanted")
;; (find-eev2020video "37:46" "3. Killer features")
;; (find-eev2020video "40:18"   "3.5. A way to create \"hyperlinks to here\"")
;; (find-eev2020video "41:18"   "3.7. A way to control shell-like programs (eepitch)")
;; (find-eev2020video "42:05" "4. A tale of several \"The User\"s")
;; (find-eev2020video "42:33"   "the one that really blew my mind")
;; (find-eev2020video "42:46"   "the user as someone external")
;; (find-eev2020video "43:26"   "user-friendly and hacker-friendly at the same time")
;; (find-eev2020video "43:48"   "(find-emacs-tangents-links)")
;; (find-eev2020video "44:25"   "but I had to use a template for that")
;; (find-eev2020video "44:44"   "but if we run this sexp here")
;; (find-eev2020video "45:12"   "this one opens the post in the mailing list")
;; (find-eev2020video "45:21"   "sometimes I want to Org source of that")
;; (find-eev2020video "45:35"   "and I take this stem")
;; (find-eev2020video "45:45"   "then I get this script that downloads the Org source")
;; (find-eev2020video "46:37"   "this one line thing here is a hyperlink to...")

;; «eev2021»  (to ".eev2021")
;; Title: Test blocks
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2021.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM0Luz78qGw
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html
;; Comment: ***START BY THIS VIDEO!!!***
;; Date:    2021nov21
;; Length:  6:04
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eev2021")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2021")
;; (find-TH "emacsconf2021")
' (find-ssr-links     "eev2021" "emacsconf2021" "qM0Luz78qGw")
' (code-eevvideo      "eev2021" "emacsconf2021" "qM0Luz78qGw")
' (code-eevlinksvideo "eev2021" "emacsconf2021" "qM0Luz78qGw")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:00" "")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:08" "Let's start by a demo.")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:10" "This is a file in Lua that defines two functions")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:14" "and if we type f8 several times here")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:24" "this line loads this file into the REPL")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:27" "and these other lines are tests")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:33" "There's a lot of information here, so let")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:35" "me organize them in a more visual way.")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:40" "This is our file in Lua.")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:42" "Lua sees this thing as a multi-line comment")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:45" "but we are going to see it as a test block.")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:47" "And eev mode is active, so f8 does the right thing")
;; (find-eev2021video "0:54" "These three lines here set up the target buffer")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:03" "these lines here are sent to the REPL")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:07" "When we type f8 on a red star line")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:18" "it executes the rest of the line as Lisp.")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:21" "So the three s here")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:29" "and when we type f8 on a non-red star line")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:34" "it sends the line to the target")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:36" "buffer and moves down.")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:38" "This line loads this file in the")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:41" "REPL, and these lines are tests.")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:45" "So we just saw how to use an existing")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:47" "test block; let's now see how to create a")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:50" "new test block. We just have to run this:")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:52" "M-x ee-insert-test-block -")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:55" "or M-x eeit.")
;; (find-eev2021video "1:58" "The result depends on the major mode.")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:01" "Let's understand that by looking at the source.")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:06" "`eeit' is an alias to this function here,")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:08" "and this function is just five lines of")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:10" "code plus a docstring...")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:12" "and the docstring explains that if the")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:14" "major mode is foo-mode then this")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:16" "function tries to call `ee-insert-test-foo-mode'")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:21" "if that function exists,")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:24" "and that if that function does not exist")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:27" "then it yields an error.")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:29" "And here's an example of one such function -")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:32" "one that inserts a test block in haskell-mode")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:37" "and here we can see two functions")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:46" "These functions look quite similar, but")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:49" "their effects look quite different.")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:52" "To make this comparison here I started")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:57" "by creating seven files, each one in a")
;; (find-eev2021video "2:59" "different language,")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:10" "and in each one of these files I typed")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:13" "M-x eeit to insert a test block.")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:16" "So here we can see that these test")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:18" "blocks are different -")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:20" "for example, the syntax for multi-line")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:22" "comments is different depending on the")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:24" "language -")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:25" "this block here that selects which")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:27" "REPL to run is also different, and")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:30" "this line here that")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:33" "tells the REPL to")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:34" "load the current file is also different")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:37" "depending on the language.")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:39" "In some cases I had to improvise a bit -")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:41" "for example,")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:43" "to implement test blocks in shell mode")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:46" "I had to use this -")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:48" "this weird syntax using a here-document -")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:52" "in Tcl I also had to improvise a bit, and")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:55" "in some cases I had to improvise a lot.")
;; (find-eev2021video "3:57" "For example in Org Mode there isn't an")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:01" "obvious REPL to run, and there isn't an")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:03" "obvious way to load the")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:05" "the current Org file into the REPL, so")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:08" "the default action of M-x eeit")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:11" "in Org Mode is just to insert this thing here,")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:15" "that we can use to run a shell in a REPL.")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:22" "So these functions are quite similar, and in")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:25" "the beginning I was writing all of them by hand...")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:27" "but then I got bored and I wrote a function")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:29" "to help me write functions like that.")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:33" "This function is called")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:35" "`find-eeit-links', and it creates a")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:38" "temporary buffer...")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:39" "and the contents of this temporary")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:41" "buffer depends on the major mode - for")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:43" "example if the current mode is python-mode")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:45" "then running this function here")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:48" "creates a temporary buffer that lets me")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:51" "write the support for test blocks in python-mode")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:56" "or rewrite the function that supports test blocks")
;; (find-eev2021video "4:59" "in python-mode.")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:00" "So if I'm in python-mode and i run this")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:03" "I get a temporary buffer like this...")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:06" "in which this thing is my template for")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:08" "the function - usually this string is")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:11" "totally wrong, I have to rewrite this")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:13" "but the rest is right - you can see python-mode")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:16" "here in the name of the function. So")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:18" "we have to edit this and save that to")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:21" "our ~/.emacs -")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:22" "and by the way these things here are hyperlinks")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:28" "this elisp hyperlink here points to the source code")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:38" "so you can see this here the function")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:40" "that supports C,")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:41" "the function for Haskell, the function")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:43" "for Javascript, etc...")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:46" "and that's it! This is a five-minute talk")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:49" "so I can't say much...")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:50" "If you want more information, or if you")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:52" "want to see real-world examples, how I")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:55" "use test blocks, etc, etc, see this page")
;; (find-eev2021video "5:58" "here... and I do not have time to explain")
;; (find-eev2021video "6:00" "this \"By the way\" here.")
;; (find-eev2021video "6:02" "So that's it! Thanks! =)")

;; «eevtempl»  (to ".eevtempl")
;; Title: Some template-based functions of eev that are not five-minute hacks
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-some-template-based.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91-9YfRPsuk
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2020-some-template-based.html
;; Index: http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#eevtempl
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eevtempl")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eevtempl")
;; (find-SUBS "2020-some-template-based.lua")
;; (find-TH "2020-some-template-based")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "eevtempl" "2020-some-template-based" "91-9YfRPsuk")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "eevtempl" "2020-some-template-based" "91-9YfRPsuk")
;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos" "eevtempl")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "0:00" "Title")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "0:17"   "the reason for this title")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "0:18" "1. `find-find-links-links-new'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "1:15"   "if I execute (find-emacs-tangents-links)")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "1:29"   "generated again with these values")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "1:50"   "the implementation is very simple")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "2:00"   "in five minutes because ... generates skeletons")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "2:15"   ";; Skel:")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "2:32"   "optional arguments, then this field")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "2:40"   "temporary variables set by a let*")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "3:25"   "to write the function `find-emacs-tangents-links'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "3:40"   "backslashes in the right places")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "5:03" "2. `M-x brep'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "5:43"   "a way to download local copies")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "7:11"   "The new way: `M-x brep'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "8:15"   "by typing `M-x brep'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "8:50"   "and then we get this buffer here")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "9:17" "3. The function that defines brep")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo  "9:38"   "`code-brurl' is a variant of `code-c-d'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "10:07"   "find-code-url shows the code instead of executing it")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "11:26"   "this is explained in the main tutorial")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "12:12"   "accept extra arguments")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "12:34"   "if we run just this")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "12:40"   "one of the reasons for using text: comments")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "13:03"   "if we run just this with extra arguments")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "14:10"   "code-brurl executes this code here")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "14:20" "4. `find-esetkey-links'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "14:45"   "if we just run `M-x find-esetkey-links'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "15:20"   "a big header with lots of help")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "16:28"   "I have these keybindings, for toggling")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "17:06"   "I realized that I use `M-x wrap' very often")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "18:18"   "in the emacs-devel mailing list")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "18:32"   "users should not be forced to see lisp")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "18:48"   "very recent")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "19:23" "5. `find-youtubedl-links'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "19:43"   "if we twist the notion of user enough")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "20:02"   "user-friendly to me")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "20:05"   "The documentation is in this tutorial:")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "21:36"   "its code is here")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "21:55"   "Let me show a demo")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "22:15"   "I never type these rm -Rv/mkdir/cd by hand")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "22:48"   "let me show how to download ... the hash is here")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "23:25"   "they regenerate this buffer in slightly different ways")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "24:03"   "a video with this hash. If I visit the directory")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "24:32"   "my magic functions have to")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "24:50"   "if I run this sexp here with nil in the title")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "25:00"   "it tries to guess the title")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "25:28"   "and if I change this {stem} here I get short links")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "26:14"   "has very long lines, but if I type super-w")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "26:28"   "I get a buffer that shows the code for find-preadingvideo")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "26:50"   "if I execute this I play the video")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "27:15"   "make a copy of this that points to the right position")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "27:53"   "summary: this is how I download videos from youtube")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "28:12" "6. `find-here-links' and `find-extra-file-links'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "28:20"   "it deserves another presentation just to itself")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "28:32"   "the central idea of eev")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "29:17"   "it is bound to `M-h M-h'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "29:25"   "generates a temporary buffer with hyperlinks to here")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "29:30"   "help and a link to the tutorial in which I was")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "29:45"   "not very well documented yet")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "30:05"   "it is explained in this section of the tutorial")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "30:18"   "if we type `M-h M-e' this runs `find-extra-file-links'")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "30:42"   "here is an example in Lisp")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "31:06"   "and I can change this {c}")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "31:22"   "Let me show a more realistic example of how to use it")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "31:28"   "let's go to the directory with the video file")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "31:45"   "this file is a video file")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "32:00"   "(a glitch)")
;; (find-eevtemplvideo "33:03"   "these were the things that I wanted to show")

;; «eevnav»  (to ".eevnav")
;; Title: How to install eev with M-x list-packages and how to navigate its tutorials
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxBjiUo88_U
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2020-list-packages-eev-nav.html
;; Index: http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#eevnav
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eevnav")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eevnav")
;; (find-ssr-links     "eevnav" "2020-list-packages-eev-nav" "kxBjiUo88_U")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "eevnav" "2020-list-packages-eev-nav" "kxBjiUo88_U")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "eevnav" "2020-list-packages-eev-nav" "kxBjiUo88_U")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "eevnav")
;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos" "eevnav")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "0:00" "")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "0:19" "Let me load my notes...")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "0:31" "0.1. M-x package-initialize")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "0:39" "0.2. M-x list-packages")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "0:44"   "run M-x list-packages and wait a bit")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "1:26"   "click on eev, click on install")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "1:42"   "just installs eev but doesn't change any defaults")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "2:25"   "installed but not active by default")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "2:30" "0.3. M-x eev-beginner (to activate eev and enter the tutorial)")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "3:06"   "a section about how Emacs deals with elisp expressions")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "3:17"   "elisp expressions that can be used as hyperlinks")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "3:41"   "you just need to remember two keys")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "3:46" "0.4. for the beginners: quitting and restarting")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "4:06"   "the part of the sequence of keys")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "4:21"   "go to the file menu, click quit")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "4:46"   "enter emacs again, type M-x eev-beginner")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "5:17" "1. Basic keys (eev)")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "5:26"   "M-e goes to the end of the line and...")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "6:28"   "M-j: you can forget practically everything...")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "6:41"   "if you type just M-j")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "6:48"   "has a header that is beginner-friendly")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "7:20"   "if I execute this ... (find-emacs-keys-intro)")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "7:30"     "a copy of the instructions that I showed before")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "8:06"     "in the other sections: Emacs concepts, other Emacs keys")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "8:19"     "hyperlink to the section about quitting in the manual")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "8:48"   "most of the entries have hyperlinks to the manual")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "9:48"   "M-j with numeric prefixes")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "9:59"   "M-2 M-j runs (find-emacs-keys-intro)")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "10:06"  "M-5 M-j runs (find-eev-quick-intro)")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "10:09" "In section 6 of the main tutorial we have:")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "10:20" "section 6: eepitch - how to control shells")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "10:36"   "if I type <f8> six times here")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "10:50"   "we have a shell running inside Emacs")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "11:22" "oops, I forgot to explain M-k!")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "11:33"   "you can go back from the new buffer by killing")
;; (find-eevnavvideo "11:40"   "ee-kill-this-buffer")

;; «eevfherel»            (to ".eevfherel")
;; «2020-find-here-links»  (to ".2020-find-here-links")
;; Title: How to create hyperlinks to "here" with `find-here-links'
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-find-here-links.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jtiBlaDor4
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2020-find-here-links.html
;; Index: http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#eevfherel
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eevfherel")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eevfherel")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "eevfherel" "2020-find-here-links" "8jtiBlaDor4")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "eevfherel" "2020-find-here-links" "8jtiBlaDor4")
;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos" "eevfherel")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "0:00")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "0:30" "create a hyperlink to that")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "0:54" "1. The tutorials")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "2:07"   "we are going to start with the beginner's way")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "2:23"   "remember that `M-h M-k'")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "3:05"   "demo of `M-h M-2' in the tutorial")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "4:00"   "you can use it with the cursor at any point")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "4:40" "2. The beginner's way")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "4:40" "2.1. The 3-window setting - and going back from it")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "5:00"   "I sometimes teach Emacs to people who")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "5:04"   "minicourse on LaTeX")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "6:25"   "trick mainly meant for people")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "6:47"   "`M-h M-3': three windows; `M-h M-1' goes back")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "7:03"   "if I type `M-h M-3' here, now")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "7:23"   "and if I type `M-h M-1' I go back")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "7:29"   "the original configuration can be anything")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "7:34"   "this very weird window configuration")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "7:42"   "and if I type `M-h M-1'")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "7:58"   "if I want to create a hyperlink to here")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "8:12"   "when I create this configuration with three windows")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "8:14"   "it's no longer practical to call this \"here\"")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "8:55"   "let me explain how I teach this to beginners")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "8:56" "2.2. Copying one link")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "9:17"   "and if I type `M-h M-w'")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "9:22"   "I get this message in the echo area")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "9:32"   "go to the buffer with notes, copy it with `C-y'")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo  "9:38"   "return to the previous configuration")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "10:10"   "when people know a few more keys ... C-w and M-w")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "10:21"   "that correspond to Cut, Copy, and Paste")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "10:30" "2.3. Duplicating and refining")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "10:53"   "as a string at the end of the sexp")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "11:12"   "an example without so much clutter on the screen")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "11:56"   "let me demonstrate this")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "12:35" "3. Using a single window")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "13:19"   "go back usually by using")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "14:00" "4. Advanced usage: anchors")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "14:18" "4.1. Creating anchors")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "15:22"   "an index at the beginning of the file")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "15:47"   "the tutorial also explains ... `M-A'")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "16:07"   "`M-A' duplicates the line and...")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "16:19"   "use `M-B' to create something like this block here")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "17:02" "4.2. The option :anchor for `code-c-d'")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "17:21"   "here I have one of the source files")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "17:30"   "here we have an index")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "17:47"   "this sexp is equivalent to")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "18:12"   "not all functions created by code-c-d behave in that way")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "18:36"   "let me give the short explanation")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "18:57"   "is a button that defines new functions")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "19:04"   "and this sexp here shows the code")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "19:24"   "this defun that defines find-eev")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "20:04" "4.3. Shrinking hyperlinks")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "20:25"   "it has a demo here")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "21:07" "4.4. The preceding tag")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "21:35"   "a variant of `M-h M-w'")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "22:06"   "it also explains in the echo area what it does")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "22:43"   "in this example the refined hyperlink is not useful")
;; (find-eevfherelvideo "22:48"   "but here is a demo that makes more sense")

;; «eevtestbls»  (to ".eevtestbls")
;; Title: Using test blocks in eev (jan/2021)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-test-blocks.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpsF_M55W4o
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021-test-blocks.html
;; Comment: My first video on test blocks. Watch the video `eev2021' instead.
;; Date:    2021jan24
;; Length:  4:45
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eevtestbls")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eevtestbls")
;; (find-TH "2021-test-blocks")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "testbls" "2021-test-blocks" "fpsF_M55W4o")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "testbls" "2021-test-blocks" "fpsF_M55W4o")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "0:00")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "0:16" "I just added this section here to the documentation:")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "0:30" "3.2. Test blocks as documentation")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "0:36"   "most people think that test blocks are very alien")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "1:04"   "The demo is this thing here:")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "1:25"   "this part downloads dednat6-minimal.zip with eepitch")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "1:50"   "we run this code-c-d so that the hyperlinks below will work")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "1:56"   "we run this setenv to set up the init file that Lua uses")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "2:06"   "the header of 'edrxlib.lua' explains how that init file works")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "2:19" "let's go to this test block: in 'treetex.lua'...")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "2:23" "test block 1: 'Treenode-tests'")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "2:24" "this thing here is colored as a comment - it is a comment")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "2:33"   "if I run f8 here I start a new Lua interpreter")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "2:44"   "the line 'require \"treetex.lua\"' loads the current file")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "2:57"   "I use it as documentation for certain data structures")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "3:31" "test block 2: 'dedtorect-tests'")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "3:44"   "run this start a new Lua interpreter")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "4:14" "again: these things are treated by Lua as comment but...")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "4:24" "to learn more about test blocks go to the eepitch tutorial")
;; (find-eevtestblsvideo "4:36" "to the section: '3. Test blocks'")

;; «eevvlinks»  (to ".eevvlinks")
;; Title: How to use the `[Video links:]' blocks in the `intro's of eev
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-video-links.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQqWufQgzVY
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021-video-links.html
;; Index: http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#eevvlinks
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eevvlinks")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "eevvlinks")
;; (find-TH "2021-video-links")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "vlinks" "2021-video-links" "xQqWufQgzVY")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "vlinks" "2021-video-links" "xQqWufQgzVY")
;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos" "vlinks")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "0:00")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "0:42" "pandemic -> shorter attention spans")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "1:07" "Let's start the technical part")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "1:14"   "remember that the tutorials are sexps like")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "1:27"   "one of the main keys for beginners is M-j")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "1:32"   "M-j explains that you can... M-5 M-j")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "1:44"   "I'm going to explain how to use these blocks")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "2:10" "If we open this tutorial in a browser")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "2:33"   "each line has two hyperlinks")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "2:38"   "the second one goes to the video")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "3:41"   "the first links go to help")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "3:59"   "let's try to go to help")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "4:18"   "it ends with this mysterious paragraph")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "5:05" "Here we have a copy of these blocks")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "5:11"   "if I execute this `find-eevnavvideo'")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "5:26"   "the second line plays the local copy")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "6:00"   "the last line says `Local file found'")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "6:09"   "if I execute this `find-eevtestblsvideo'")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "6:15"   "the last line says `Local file NOT found'")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "6:57" "We need to run this eepitch block")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "7:14"   "If you need help: (find-psne-intro)")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "7:35"   "(eepitch-shell) creates a target buffer")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:05" "Now that I have a local copy")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:08"   "this `find-eevvideo' sexp is going to work")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:20"   "the last line says `Local file found'")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:35" "To follow a `find-eev*video' sexp in Emacs")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:44"   "if we already have the local copy")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:44"   "the sexp in the second line plays it")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:53"   "if we don't have the local copy")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "8:58"   "message at the end of the buffer")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "9:21" "Sections 1, 2, 3")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "9:37" "Something that I forgot to explain")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo  "9:58"   "middle of the temporary buffer")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:04"   "URL of the .mp4 file")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:15"   "the directory with local copies")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:28"   "youtube URL")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "10:44"   "youtube URL: follow with M-x brg")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "11:17" "Advanced features")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "11:42"   "source code of `find-eev2020video'")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "12:02"   "(find-efunction 'find-eev2020video)")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:15"   "I changed my mind, let me show")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:30"   "M-e <down> M-e")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:44"   "M-e <down> M-e")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "13:52"   "to play the video straight away")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "14:07"   "redefine: section in the tutorial")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "14:25"   "this sexp redefines")
;; (find-eevvlinksvideo "14:31"   "instead of creating a temp buffer")

;; «eev2022kla»  (to ".eev2022kla")
;; (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2022kla")
;; (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eev2022kla")
;; Title: Bidirectional links with eev (@ EmacsConf 2022)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2022-kla.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRobfwXd7Cw
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-kla.html
;; Comment: A video about eev-kla.el.
;; Date:    2022dec03
;; Length:  7:57
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "eev2022kla" "emacsconf2022-kla" "KRobfwXd7Cw")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "eev2022kla" "emacsconf2022-kla" "KRobfwXd7Cw")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "eev2022kla" "emacsconf2022-kla" "KRobfwXd7Cw")
;; (find-eev2022klavideo "0:00")
;; No index yet!

;; «eev2022py»  (to ".eev2022py")
;; (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2022py")
;; (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eev2022py")
;; Title: Short hyperlinks to Python docs (eev @ EmacsConf2022)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2022-py.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeqCYQSlz-I
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-py.html
;; Comment: A video about eev-rstdoc.el.
;; Date:    2022dec04
;; Length:  14:03
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "eev2022py" "emacsconf2022-py" "QeqCYQSlz-I")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "eev2022py" "emacsconf2022-py" "QeqCYQSlz-I")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "eev2022py" "emacsconf2022-py" "QeqCYQSlz-I")
;; (find-eev2022pyvideo "0:00")
;; (find-eev2022pyvideo "12:30" "(find-rstdoc-links :foo)")
;; No index yet!

;; «eev2024»  (to ".eev2024")
;; Title: Emacs, eev, and Maxima - Now!
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2024.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ4mUSRcqJc
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2024.html
;; HSubs: http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2024.html#0:00
;; Comment: A non-technical video about teaching Emacs and eev to Brazilian students.
;; Date:    2024dec07
;; Length:  30:33
;; Info:  (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2024")
;;        (find-1stclassvideo-def   "eev2024")
;; (find-ssr-links     "eev2024" "emacsconf2024" "ZQ4mUSRcqJc")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "eev2024" "emacsconf2024" "ZQ4mUSRcqJc")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "eev2024" "emacsconf2024" "ZQ4mUSRcqJc")
;; (find-subs-links    "eev2024")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "eev2024")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "0:00" "Emacs, eev, and Maxima - Now!")
;; (find-eev2024video  "0:00" "Emacs, eev, and Maxima - Now!")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "1:21" "1. Another planet")
;; (find-eev2024video  "1:21" "1. Another planet")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "3:11" "2. Another planet: the strike")
;; (find-eev2024video  "3:11" "2. Another planet: the strike")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "4:47" "3. Another planet: the strike (2)")
;; (find-eev2024video  "4:47" "3. Another planet: the strike (2)")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "5:26" "4. Another planet: conferences")
;; (find-eev2024video  "5:26" "4. Another planet: conferences")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "7:02" "5. Maxima for students")
;; (find-eev2024video  "7:02" "5. Maxima for students")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "8:08" "6. `Now!'")
;; (find-eev2024video  "8:08" "6. `Now!'")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs  "8:50" "7. Introduction to plonking")
;; (find-eev2024video  "8:50" "7. Introduction to plonking")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "10:15" "8. Plonking and telepathy")
;; (find-eev2024video "10:15" "8. Plonking and telepathy")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "10:38" "9. Abelson and Sussman")
;; (find-eev2024video "10:38" "9. Abelson and Sussman")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "12:13" "10. Some kinds of beginners that I don't want to help")
;; (find-eev2024video "12:13" "10. Some kinds of beginners that I don't want to help")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "12:49" "11. Some kinds of beginners that I really want to help")
;; (find-eev2024video "12:49" "11. Some kinds of beginners that I really want to help")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "13:32" "12. Plonking the paragraph people")
;; (find-eev2024video "13:32" "12. Plonking the paragraph people")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "14:18" "13. Example: Yoneda")
;; (find-eev2024video "14:18" "13. Example: Yoneda")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "16:06" "14. Should we include technical details?")
;; (find-eev2024video "16:06" "14. Should we include technical details?")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "17:15" "15. What's left after plonking many people?")
;; (find-eev2024video "17:15" "15. What's left after plonking many people?")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "18:07" "16. More on metrics")
;; (find-eev2024video "18:07" "16. More on metrics")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "20:15" "17. Emacs, eev, and Maxima for students: did it work?")
;; (find-eev2024video "20:15" "17. Emacs, eev, and Maxima for students: did it work?")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "21:50" "18. Emacs, eev, and Maxima for students: did it work? (2)")
;; (find-eev2024video "21:50" "18. Emacs, eev, and Maxima for students: did it work? (2)")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "23:22" "19. Now some technical details")
;; (find-eev2024video "23:22" "19. Now some technical details")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "26:01" "20. `Run some Maxima programs'")
;; (find-eev2024video "26:01" "20. `Run some Maxima programs'")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "28:49" "21. `Install lots of Debian packages'")
;; (find-eev2024video "28:49" "21. `Install lots of Debian packages'")
;; (find-eev2024hsubs "30:16" "22. After that: a map")
;; (find-eev2024video "30:16" "22. After that: a map")

;; «findssrlinks2»  (to ".findssrlinks2")
;; (find-eevvideo-links "findssrlinks2" "2020-short-find-ssr-links-2")
' (code-video "findssrlinks2video" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-short-find-ssr-links-2.mp4")
;; (find-findssrlinks2video)
;; Short videos about workflows - and how to upload them
;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2021-01/msg00113.html

;; «merg»  (to ".merg")
;; On learning Git with eev
;; (find-ssr-links "merg" "2020-doubt-about-merging")
;; (find-eevvideo-links "merg" "2020-doubt-about-merging")
;; (code-video "mergvideo" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2020-doubt-about-merging.mp4")
(code-eevvideo "merg" "2020-doubt-about-merging")
;; (find-mergvideo)
;; (find-mergvideo "0:20")

;; «oficina20210»  (to ".oficina20210")
;; Title: Introdução ao Software Livre: Python, Shell, Lua, Emacs, eev
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021projeto-de-ensino.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW6WRnSQwc0
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021-oficina.html
;; Comment: A (long) non-technical introduction to Free Software, Emacs, and eev.
;; Date:    2021sep05
;; Length:  1:27:01
;; Play:  (find-oficina20210video "0:00")
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "oficina20210")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "oficina20210")
;; (find-fline "~/2021.1-projeto/apresentacao-1.org")
;; "Introdução ao Software Livre: Python, shell, Lua e eev":
;; (find-TH "2021projeto-de-ensino")
;; http://anggtwu.net/2021projeto-de-ensino.html
;; http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021projeto-de-ensino.mp4
 ' (find-ssr-links     "oficina20210" "2021projeto-de-ensino" "OW6WRnSQwc0")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "oficina20210" "2021projeto-de-ensino" "OW6WRnSQwc0")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "oficina20210" "2021projeto-de-ensino" "OW6WRnSQwc0")
;; (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "eev-videos-data" "oficina20210")
;; (find-eev "eev-audiovideo.el" "video-tutorials" "find-oficina20210video")
;; (find-oficina20210video)
;; (find-oficina20210video  "4:14" "0.1. anotações executáveis")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "4:32" "1. Um pouco de contexto")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "5:19"   "1.1.1. hackers felizes")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "5:38"   "1.1.2. listagens (programas incompletos e com erros)")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "6:38"   "1.1.3. como a linguagem tal é poderosa e maravilhosa")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "7:07"   "1.1.4. instruções TEXTUAIS")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "7:31"   "1.2. Como são as coisas hoje em dia:")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "7:43"   "1.2.1. \"é fácil, usa o programa tal\"")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "8:07"     "pedir ajuda")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "8:47"   "1.2.2. programas com botões mágicos")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "9:08" "1.3. Minhas tentativas de programar")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "9:25"   "1.3.1. meus programas em BASIC de 5 linhas não funcionavam")
;; (find-oficina20210video  "9:55"   "1.3.2. eu queria fazer videogames")
;; (find-oficina20210video "10:28"     "deixa eu mostrar um pouquinho de um videogame desses")
;; (find-oficina20210video "11:11"     "mesmo que fosse pra fazer algo muito simples")
;; (find-oficina20210video "11:34"   "1.3.3. eu queria fazer linguagens de programação que eu")
;; (find-oficina20210video "11:34"     "eu ficava tentando entender como linguagens de programação")
;; (find-oficina20210video "12:10"     "isso é um livro que")
;; (find-oficina20210video "13:11"     "")
;; (find-oficina20210video "13:35" "1.4. Como eu desisti de usar os programas que todo mundo usava")
;; (find-oficina20210video "13:49"     "aparentemente pra você ser respeitado")
;; (find-oficina20210video "14:06"     "ninguém usava Emacs")
;; (find-oficina20210video "14:18"     "eu contei essa história toda numa apresentação")
;; (find-oficina20210video "14:17"   "1.4.1.")
;; (find-oficina20210video "15:31"   "1.4.2.")
;; (find-oficina20210video "19:50" "link pra wikipedia sobre conses")
;; (find-oficina20210video "20:40" "definir funções")
;; (find-oficina20210video "21:37" "definir funções")
;; (find-oficina20210video "24:20" "repara que isso é tipo um help")
;; (find-oficina20210video "26:30" "manual do Icon")
;; (find-oficina20210video "32:38" "vocês não viram")
;; (find-oficina20210video "38:00" "tutorial tradicional")
;; (find-oficina20210video "43:10" "final da primeira parte")
;; (find-oficina20210video "43:18" "parte 2")
;; (find-oficina20210video "43:35" "uma das motivações era vingança")

;; «oficina2021a»  (to ".oficina2021a")
;; Title: Como instalar o eev no Emacs (vídeo da oficina de SL de nov/2021)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-oficina-1.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acFPMuZ5Jf4
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021-oficina.html
;; Index: http://anggtwu.net/.emacs.videos.html#oficina2021a
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "oficina2021a")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "oficina2021a")
;; (find-1stclassvideo-links "oficina2021a")
;; (find-ssr-links     "oficina2021a" "2021-oficina-1" "acFPMuZ5Jf4")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "oficina2021a" "2021-oficina-1" "acFPMuZ5Jf4")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "oficina2021a" "2021-oficina-1" "acFPMuZ5Jf4")
;; (find-videos-intro "1. Some videos" "oficina2021a")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "0:00")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "2:09" "Quando vocês iniciarem o Emacs")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "2:30" "M-x list-packages")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "3:00" "e aqui vocês vão ter que localizar o eev")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "4:30" "M-x eev-beginner")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "4:40" "fechar as janelas usando o botão X da toolbar")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "4:53" "e agora eu vou abrir o tutorial")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "5:09" "indicador indicando que o eev está carregado")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "5:18" "*(find-eev-quick-intro)* na mode line")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "5:28" "as duas teclas mais básicas de navegação")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "5:38" "M-e, ou alt-e")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "5:56" "repara que o Emacs tá colorindo")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "6:17" "aparentemente não faz nada")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "6:45" "nos levam pra tutoriais importantes")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "6:50" "a segunda tecla mais importante é o M-j")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "7:00" "se eu bater M-j aparece isso aqui")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "7:09" "essa parte de cima é super importante")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "7:25" "essa parte de cima tem vários links")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "7:49" "links muito importantes pra tutoriais")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "8:02" "(find-emacs-keys-intro)")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "8:20" "1. Basic keys")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "8:33" "aqui tem as três teclas mais importantes")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "9:06" "manual do Emacs")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "9:31" "vocês vão ter que aprender a usar o M-j")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "9:48" "o tutorial mais importante")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "9:50" "o tutorial mais importante")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "9:54" "M-5 M-j")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "10:08" "deixa o alt apertado e")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "10:28" "até pelo menos a seção 5.2")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "10:37" "M-1 M-j: arquivo de anotações")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "11:18" "M-21j mostra o TODO na janela da direita")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "11:35" "M-31j mesma coisa mas o cursor")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "11:56" "deixa eu só repetir")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "11:56" "vocês só precisam decorar M-j e M-e")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "12:40" "pra sair do Emacs: <menu-bar> File -> Quit")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "12:50" "com à direita e explicação de que teclas")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "12:54" "Vamos sair do Emacs com quit (C-x C-c)")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "12:57" "como eu não fiz nenhuma anotação importante")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "13:14" "deixa eu só lembrar vocês que se eu entrar de novo")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "13:18" "ele não vai estar com o eev ativado")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "13:37" "toda vez que a gente entrar no Emacs")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "13:45" "M-x eev-beginner")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "13:59" "cada linha dessas vai pra um tutorial")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "14:05" "(find-emacs-keys-intro) vai pra lista de teclas")
;; (find-oficina2021avideo "14:14" "(find-eev-intro) vai pra um índice de tutoriais")

;; «oficina2021b»  (to ".oficina2021b")
;;  (find-ssr-links     "oficina2021b" "2021-oficina-2" "XbuDnkfizYs")
    (code-eevvideo      "oficina2021b" "2021-oficina-2" "XbuDnkfizYs")
  ' (code-eevlinksvideo "oficina2021b" "2021-oficina-2" "XbuDnkfizYs")
;; (find-oficina2021bvideo "0:00")
;; (find-oficina2021bvideo "11:30")
;; (find-oficina2021bvideo "12:05")

;; «2021ssr»  (to ".2021ssr")
;; (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021ssr")
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2021ssr" "2021-ssr" "_0_NLXTVhBk")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2021ssr" "2021-ssr" "_0_NLXTVhBk")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021ssr" "2021-ssr" "_0_NLXTVhBk")
;; (find-2021ssrvideo "0:00")

;; «2021workshop1»  (to ".2021workshop1")
;; (find-es "eev" "video-workshop-1")
;; Title: The base cases 1 and 2 (workshop 2021-dec-04)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-1.mp4
;; YT:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuqJFPD871E
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021-workshop.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021workshop1")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021workshop1")
   ' (find-ssr-links     "2021workshop1" "2021-workshop-1" "HuqJFPD871E")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "2021workshop1" "2021-workshop-1" "HuqJFPD871E")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021workshop1" "2021-workshop-1" "HuqJFPD871E")
;; (find-2021workshop1video "0:00")
;; (find-2021workshop1video "0:00" "Title: The base cases 1 and 2")
;; (find-2021workshop1video "0:22" "The base case 1 is described here")
;; (find-2021workshop1video "0:52"   "The instructions are here")
;; (find-2021workshop1video "1:24" "The base case 2")
;; (find-2021workshop1video "1:39"   "What I need to do is slightly")
;; (find-2021workshop1video "1:55"   "This is not yet the link that I want")

;; «2021workshop2»  (to ".2021workshop2")
;; (find-es "eev" "video-workshop-2")
;; Title: Creating a link to a file with a 2-window setting (workshop 2021-dec-04)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-2.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqqIlZBXNhk
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021workshop2")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021workshop2")
   ' (find-ssr-links     "2021workshop2" "2021-workshop-2" "HuqJFPD871E")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "2021workshop2" "2021-workshop-2" "HuqJFPD871E")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021workshop2" "2021-workshop-2" "HuqJFPD871E")
;; (find-2021workshop2video "0:00")

;; «2021workshop3»  (to ".2021workshop3")
;; (find-es "eev" "video-workshop-3")
;; Title: Material on `M-3 M-e' (workshop 2021-dec-04)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-3.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r83inf9s8zo
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021workshop3")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021workshop3")
   ' (find-ssr-links     "2021workshop3" "2021-workshop-3" "r83inf9s8zo")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "2021workshop3" "2021-workshop-3" "r83inf9s8zo")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021workshop3" "2021-workshop-3" "r83inf9s8zo")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "0:00")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "0:09" "Short title: Material on `M-3 M-3'")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "0:13"   "Long title")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "0:20"   "The main idea behind eev")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "0:34"   "Note that the title of the workshop")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "0:45" "The main tutorial of eev is this one")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "1:43"   "Let me raise some natural questions")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "2:15"   "How can I rediscover")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "2:27"   "The information is scattered")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "2:45"   "I am going to alternate between these two things")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "3:02" "Before starting the demo")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "3:02"   "let me explain something about the window settings")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "3:54"   "I usually use this 1-window setting")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "4:32"   "In this video I will use this 2-window setting")
;; (find-2021workshop3video "4:55" "A demo. In this demo")

;; «2021workshop4»  (to ".2021workshop4")
;; (find-es "eev" "video-workshop-4")
;; Title: Invisible text (workshop 2021-dec-04)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-4.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhpHHjBUxv8
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021workshop4")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021workshop4")
   ' (find-ssr-links     "2021workshop4" "2021-workshop-4" "lhpHHjBUxv8")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "2021workshop4" "2021-workshop-4" "lhpHHjBUxv8")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021workshop4" "2021-workshop-4" "lhpHHjBUxv8")
;; (find-2021workshop4video "0:00")

;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "eev2021")

;; «2021workshop5»  (to ".2021workshop5")
;; (find-es "eev" "video-workshop-5")
;; Title: Copy from left to right (workshop 2021-dec-04)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-5.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzRsterVSXs
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021workshop5")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021workshop5")
   ' (find-ssr-links     "2021workshop5" "2021-workshop-5" "VzRsterVSXs")
   ' (code-eevvideo      "2021workshop5" "2021-workshop-5" "VzRsterVSXs")
   ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021workshop5" "2021-workshop-5" "VzRsterVSXs")
;; (find-2021workshop5video "0:00")

;; «2021workshop6»  (to ".2021workshop6")
;; (find-es "eev" "video-workshop-6")
;; Title: `find-extra-file-links' (workshop 2021-dec-04)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-6.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gi15-liGaU
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2021.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021workshop6")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021workshop6")
' (find-ssr-links     "2021workshop6" "2021-workshop-6" "-gi15-liGaU")
' (code-eevvideo      "2021workshop6" "2021-workshop-6" "-gi15-liGaU")
' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021workshop6" "2021-workshop-6" "-gi15-liGaU")
;; (find-2021workshop6video "0:00")

;; «2021orgfornonusers»  (to ".2021orgfornonusers")
;; Title: Org for Non-Users (2021)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-org-for-non-users.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh5Wz9Vh_XM
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021-org-for-non-users.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021orgfornonusers")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021orgfornonusers")
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2021orgfornonusers" "2021-org-for-non-users" "Eh5Wz9Vh_XM")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2021orgfornonusers" "2021-org-for-non-users" "Eh5Wz9Vh_XM")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021orgfornonusers" "2021-org-for-non-users" "Eh5Wz9Vh_XM")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "0:00" "")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "0:12" "To make two long stories short")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "0:18"   "In 2021 I finally understood")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "0:26"     "the documentation is written for users")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "0:36"     "I am a non-user")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "0:42"   "I can use eev to write the docs that I need")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "0:57"   "I also found something really weird")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "1:03" "The main intent of eev ... take executable notes")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "1:11"   "one part that everyone understands")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "1:23"   "and a part that is much harder to learn")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "1:54"   "I'm working on a way to make this easier")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "2:04"   "This is the initial page of the tutorial")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "2:17" "Let me explain what are users and non-users")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "2:51"   "a non-user")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "3:04"   "questions like: how does Org handle code blocks")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "3:20"   "repeatable tests")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "3:35" "An example")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "3:49"   "This thing here is a source block")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "4:00"   "we can run the source block with C-c C-c")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "4:09"   "if I do that Org creates a results block")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "4:25"   "C-c C-c executes org-babel-execute-src-block")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "4:40"   "I can learn more with M-h M-k C-c C-c")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "4:55"   "I get this temporary buffer")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "5:04"   "in these notes I selected some hyperlinks")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "5:23"   "(find-efunctiondescr ...) shows the description")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "5:29"   "it's quite long")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "5:39"   "the last one says: in a code block...")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "5:49"   "(set org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "6:02"   "org-babel-remove-result-one-or-many")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "6:17"   "M-h M-k  C-c C-v k")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "6:38"   "(find-efunctiondescr ...) shows the description")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "6:49"   "(find-efunction ...) shows the source code")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "7:13"   "I also wanted to understand the data structures")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "7:48"   "I asked on IRC ... (org-element-context)")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "7:58"   "if I execute it here ... the result is big")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "8:05"   "so let me use find-epp")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "8:18"   "the important part is in the cadr")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "8:34"   "and I can use find-eppp")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "8:43"   "I can see the keywords and their values")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "8:49"   "suppose that I want to undestand this :begin")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "8:54"   "(setq p (cadr (org-element-context)))")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "9:08"   "p now holds a property list")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "9:26"   "I can use the function of eev that highlights")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo  "9:40"   "when I run I see that the region includes")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:07" "Another thing:")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:17"   "we can create a src block by hand")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:24"   "there's a way to type it more quickly")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:28"   "(find-orgnode \"Structure templates\")")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:35"   "If I type C-c C-,")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:46"   "`s' is the letter that I want")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:50"   "and if I type C-c C-, s")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "10:53"   "(there's some help here)")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "11:00"   "and I get a source block")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "11:12"   "of course I want to know how")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "11:20"   "I used M-h M-k C-c C-,")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "11:48"   "I selected these two sexps")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "11:59"   "the target of this sexp is the description")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "12:16"   "the target of this sexp is the source code")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "12:21"   "I can use find-efunctiondescr and click on")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "12:44"   "(find-evardescr 'org-structure-template-alist)")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "12:55"   "we can get help on that variable by typing M-h M-v")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "12:59"   "we get a buffer with elisp hyperlinks")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "13:15"   "so one of them just opens the description")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "13:30"   "(describe-variable '...) has a big result")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "13:42"   "so I prefer to use this variant")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "13:49"   "with this I can get a description")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "14:03"   "here it shows the current value")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "14:10"   "refine it with a \"src\"")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "14:26"   "so this link ... and searches for")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "14:40"   "to go to the defcustom")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "14:52"   "here is its initial value")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "15:05"   "this (eek \"C-c C-, s\") is a reminder")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "15:26"   "and this is an example of a source block")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "15:39" "Just one thing more")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "15:45"   "by default when I type M-e")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "15:51"   "it opens the target in the same window")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "16:03"   "but if I type M-2 M-e or M-3 M-e")
;; (find-2021orgfornonusersvideo "16:17"   "this is practical because I can show")

;; «2021ffll»  (to ".2021ffll")
;; Title: How I write 5-minute hacks in eev using `M-x find-find-links-links-new'
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-ffll.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1CEL2fmkyc
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021-ffll.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2021ffll")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021ffll")
  ' (find-ssr-links     "2021ffll" "2021-ffll" "h1CEL2fmkyc")
  ' (code-eevvideo      "2021ffll" "2021-ffll" "h1CEL2fmkyc")
  ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021ffll" "2021-ffll" "h1CEL2fmkyc")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo  "0:00" "")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo  "9:06" "find-latex-links")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "18:17" "eev-mode and eev-mode-map")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "18:42" "Mouse-2 in the mode line")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "19:40" "For better lists, see...")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "19:57" "find-ekeymapdescr")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "20:20" "several obscure functions")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "20:32" "find-eface-links")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "21:41" "M-h M-k  M-h M-s")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "22:04" "(find-efunction 'find-eface-links)")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "22:17" "it has a test here")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "23:15" "these mysterious hyperlinks")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "23:34" "find-ecolor-links")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "24:14" "but let me go back to red")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "24:22" "(insert (propertize ...))")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "25:05" "So we were looking in details")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "25:57" "a sample of chocolate1")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "26:05" "lists all colors")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "26:24" "as always you can look at the source code")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "26:42" "find-epackage-links")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "27:25" "find-epp")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "28:03" "find-estruct")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "28:18" "and this sequence of sexps")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "28:26" "when someone mentions a package")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "28:55" "find-epackage shows the description")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "29:19" "find-epackage")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "29:31" "and also the official website of the package")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "29:47" "(ee-package-dir 'magit)")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "30:06" "btw, just a parenthesis: ...")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "30:42" "if people want to know what find-epp does")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "30:50" "I can go here, to the source code")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "31:19" "(ee-package-url 'magit)")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "31:40" "this one inserts a line")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "31:48" "and I can visit the URL with M-x brg")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "31:55" "package-delete")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "32:09" "a hack: the `t' in the 3rd argument")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "32:39" "regenerate this buffer using the directory")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "33:39" "all these lines are indented")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "34:08" "how did I do that?")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "34:14" "execute this sexp to show the source code")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "43:10" "Tricks with eek")
;; (find-2021ffllvideo "56:40" "M-9 M-j")

;; «2021findagdatype»  (to ".2021findagdatype")
  ' (find-ssr-links     "2021findagdatype" "2021-find-agdatype" "mqW_rmQPZ_w")
  ' (code-eevvideo      "2021findagdatype" "2021-find-agdatype" "mqW_rmQPZ_w")
  ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021findagdatype" "2021-find-agdatype" "mqW_rmQPZ_w")
;; (find-2021findagdatypevideo "0:00")

;; «2022eevmake0»  (to ".2022eevmake0")
;; Title: Using eev to test make(files)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-make-0.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iql5C-yQk5c
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/eev-make.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2022eevmake0")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2022eevmake0")
  ' (find-ssr-links     "2022eevmake0" "2022-eev-make-0" "Iql5C-yQk5c")
  ' (code-eevvideo      "2022eevmake0" "2022-eev-make-0" "Iql5C-yQk5c")
  ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022eevmake0" "2022-eev-make-0" "Iql5C-yQk5c")
;; TODO: index this video!
;; (find-2022eevmake0video "0:00")

;; «2022findeevangg»  (to ".2022findeevangg")
;; Title: Running executable notes from http://anggtwu.net/ with find-angg and find-wget
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-find-eev-angg.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoAzpGzFCSE
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/eev-find-angg.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2022findeevangg")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2022findeevangg")
  ' (find-ssr-links     "2022findeevangg" "2022-find-eev-angg" "FoAzpGzFCSE")
  ' (code-eevvideo      "2022findeevangg" "2022-find-eev-angg" "FoAzpGzFCSE")
  ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022findeevangg" "2022-find-eev-angg" "FoAzpGzFCSE")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "0:00")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "0:21" "http://angg.twu.net/eev-find-angg.html")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "0:39" "the image is the cover of my favorite CD")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "0:56" "http://angg.twu.net/e/")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "1:24" ".e and .e.html")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "2:52" "if I open a .e in the browser")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "3:19" "if we download a copy of a .e with wget")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "3:29" "run wget in way that sends the page to stdout")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "3:47" "(find-wget \"http://angg.twu.net/e/maxima.e\")")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "3:52" "the buffer name is \"*wget: URL*\"")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "3:56" "this doesn't show the command-line arguments of wget")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "4:07" "you can see that the «»s and the *s look right")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "4:24" "(find-fline \"~/e/maxima.e\")")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "5:02" "these three sexps are more or less equivalent")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "5:12" "when we call find-angg and find-es with extra args")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "5:29" "if we run find-fline with an extra argument")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "5:52" "if we run find-angg with an extra argument")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "6:12" "it searches for the first occurrence of that anchor")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "6:30" "it points to this example here")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "6:38" "if we type f8 here several times")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "7:10" "then I'm going to run plot2d")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "7:20" "and here I'm going to run plot3d")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "7:36" "these files are on my machine")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "7:40" "but you can use this long URL")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "8:06" "the #2021-2-C3-diag-nums points to this anchor")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "8:22" "(find-wget \"...e.html\")")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "8:33" "then wget downloads the html file")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "8:48" "(find-wgeta \"...e\")")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "9:03" "the \"a\" in \"find-wgeta\" means")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "9:10" "to look for the first occurrence of this anchor")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "9:30" "note that this is a temporary buffer")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "9:41" "by typing f8 several times")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo  "9:50" "if I type f8s here, in this temporary buffer")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "10:20" "these are my notes on a specific thing")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "10:40" "this is what I meant by the title")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "10:54" "Let me now show something else.")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "11:02"   "I showed that when we run find-angg")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "11:11"   "and this thing looks for the first anchor")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "11:30"   "But here is a trick.")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "11:30"   "(find-angg-es-links)")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "11:32"   "if you're not on my machine")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "11:40"   "a temporary buffer with lots of instructions")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "11:49"   "this first block explains")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "12:14"   "this second block explains")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "12:24"   "this progn will redefine find-angg and find-es")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "12:32"   "in ways that use find-wgeta to download")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "12:44"   "and if there are extra arguments")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "12:59"   "let me explain what I mean by other strings")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "13:10"   "if I add this \"Sejam\" to the sexp")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "13:35" "Anyway, let me go back.")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "13:41"   "if we run this progn in the second block")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "14:05"   "if we run this it redefines find-angg and find-es")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "14:12"   "now find-angg runs find-wgeta to download")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "14:30"   "this is a temporary buffer")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "14:47"   "searches for this anchor here")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "14:57"   "this find-es doesn the same thing")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "15:14"   "and we can run this eepitch-maxima (again) ***")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "15:37" "My notes are very hyperlinked")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "16:04"   "you'll be able to use them outside of my machine")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "16:14"   "because you'll replace find-angg and find-es")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "16:26"   "in this way you can follow links like this")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "16:32"   "for example, if we're chatting on IRC")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "17:00"   "this is an easy way to run examples")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "17:07"   "In many cases my executable notes")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "17:07"   "do not need any installation")
;; (find-2022findeevanggvideo "17:18"   "this case only needs Maxima")

;; «2022findelispintro»  (to ".2022findelispintro")
;; Title: Why eev has a weird elisp tutorial and how to use it
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-find-elisp-intro.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WowDSciGs1A
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/find-elisp-intro.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2022findelispintro")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2022findelispintro")
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2022findelispintro" "2022-find-elisp-intro" "WowDSciGs1A")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022findelispintro" "2022-find-elisp-intro" "WowDSciGs1A")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022findelispintro" "2022-find-elisp-intro" "WowDSciGs1A")
;; Note: this index is very incomplete!
;; There is a full transcription here:
;;   http://anggtwu.net/find-elisp-intro.html
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "0:00" "")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "1:53" "A zillion of sections")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "2:03" "Eev comes with a very short tutorial")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "5:28" "(defun eepitch-7 () ...)")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "5:45" "these are the things that are most basic")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "7:46" "It is a sandbox, in the sense that you can make any mess ***")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "7:52" "and then recreate it")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "9:02" "you can create a link to that section by hand ***")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "15:58" "the main point, that very few people have noticed ***")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "17:00" "with just a bit of text")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "17:00" "I hope that they will use this style")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "17:15" "in which we put important links")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "17:20" "instead of trying to reproduce explanations")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "17:38" "when people are learning more advanced things")
;; (find-2022findelispintrovideo "18:17" "one of my intentions was to suggest a certain stype")

;; «2022pict2elua»  (to ".2022pict2elua")
;; Title: Pict2e-lua: a library for diagrams that is being developed with eev and test blocks
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-pict2e-lua.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiHsUhGVLGM
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/pict2e-lua.html
;; Info:  (find-eev "eev-videolinks.el" "2022pict2elua")
;;            (find-1stclassvideo-links "2022pict2elua")
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2022pict2elua" "2022-pict2e-lua" "hiHsUhGVLGM")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022pict2elua" "2022-pict2e-lua" "hiHsUhGVLGM")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022pict2elua" "2022-pict2e-lua" "hiHsUhGVLGM")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "00:00" "")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "00:14" "Page: http://angg.twu.net/pict2e-lua.html")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "00:39" "The Try it!: has two eepitch blocks")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "00:52" "has a link to the definition of eepitch block")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "00:56" "copy the eepitch blocks to a temporary buffer")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "01:10" "these bullets are equivalent to red stars")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "01:18" "let's run these eepitch blocks...")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "01:49" "these lines install Debian packages")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "01:59" "I will explain this setenv later")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "02:07" "this clones the github repository")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "02:19" "# (find-fline ...)")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "02:33" "/tmp/pict2e-lua/edrxlib.lua")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "02:50" "my init file for Lua - for pretty-printing")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:01" "the setenv makes Lua use my init file")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:12" "# (code-c-d ...) defines lots of functions")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:15" "including find-pict2elua")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:22" "# (find-pict2elua ...) opens a Lua file")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:30" "Here is one of these Lua files")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:32" "here is a kind of index of the file")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:34" "some of these links point to tests")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:38" "For example if we follow this link here")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:42" "we go to a test block, and we can execute")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:44" "this test block with a series of f8s.")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:49" "The f8s create a target buffer running Lua")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "03:55" "creates data structures and prints them")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:03" "There's one thing that is very tricky")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:20" "in some of the tests we need to show the PDF")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:25" "a command that splits the screen in three")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:33" "the command that does that is (etv)")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:40" "this header contains two blocks of one-liners")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:50" "and we need to execute all the sexps in")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:53" "the second one")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:56" "I'm going to execute them with M-7 M-e")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "04:58" "that is equivalent to M-e <down>.")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:11" "The last test in this file calls (etv)")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:20" "the first part of the test is very easy")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:24" "nothing special - it just sends commands")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:26" "to Lua - but then we have this line here")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:29" "that calls a class called Show, that saves")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:36" "some TeX code to a .tex file and runs")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:38" "latex to compile it and to generate a PDF")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:42" "the important thing is that this takes")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:46" "several seconds to run and we need to wait")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "05:59" "until it says blah blah blah Success!!!")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:02" "then we can run this (etv) here, and it")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:05" "shows a drawing - a bounding box in yellow.")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:15" "In Pict2e1.lua the drawings are not very")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:18" "interesting - this is just the core library")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:24" "Let me show how to draw the orbit.")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:40" "This defun here defines the function `a'")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:43" "as a function that opens the first Lua")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:45" "file - with the core definitions - and `b'")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:48" "defines b as the function that opens the")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:50" "second Lua file with some extra classes")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:54" "and some stranger drawings.")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "06:56" "So let's execute `b', and go to")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:09" "Plot2D-test2.")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:12" "So here we have a test block -")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:16" "it's quite big - it defines...")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:19" "it changes the preamble,")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:21" "it defines several functions, it uses some")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:24" "classes that are defined in this file...")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:28" "and then after printing the TeX code")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:32" "it has this line here that contains a")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:34" "show. If I execute to this line it takes a few")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:38" "seconds... it says Success!!! and now we can")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:40" "show the .pdf. And: ta-da!")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:44" "this is the figure that I wanted to show.")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:47" "So, that's it. Again: this is a")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:53" "library that is not interesting in")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:55" "itself, but")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:56" "i think that the way in which it can be")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "07:58" "tested - which is very similar to the way")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "08:01" "in which I'm developing it")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "08:03" "is interesting in itself - so")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "08:05" "if you are interested in test blocks")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "08:08" "please test this,")
;; (find-2022pict2eluavideo "08:10" "and send feedback. That's it! bye =)")

;; «2022eevwconfig»  (to ".2022eevwconfig")
;; Title: Eev-config.el: a way without "magic" to configure eev on M$ Windows
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-wconfig.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm29XSdGCXw
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/eev-wconfig.html
;; Comment: This is mainly for beginners who use Windows.
;; Date:    2022may15
;; Length:  1:15:48
;; Info:  (find-1stclassvideodef "2022eevwconfig")
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2022eevwconfig" "2022-eev-wconfig" "Rm29XSdGCXw")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022eevwconfig" "2022-eev-wconfig" "Rm29XSdGCXw")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022eevwconfig" "2022-eev-wconfig" "Rm29XSdGCXw")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "0:00")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "0:30" "1. configure?")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "1:02" "2. Target audience")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "1:48" "3. What is eev?")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "2:00" "3.1. see (find-emacsconf2019page)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "2:45" "3.2. a slogan")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "3:16"   "demo: Maxima")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "4:12" "3.3. an older slogan")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "4:32" "4. Org Mode")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "4:42" "4.1. Org Mode can also be used to...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "5:42" "4.2. A trick to make eev more popular")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "6:30" "(end of Part 1)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "6:35" "5. Basic installation")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "7:00"   "http://angg.twu.net/")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "7:15"   "video about installation and navigation")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "7:22"   "(find-eev-quick-intro)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "7:32"   "(find-eev-quick-intro) in Emacs")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "7:47"   "(find-eev-quick-intro) in the browser")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "7:47"   "eevnav in the browser")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "8:12"   "youtube takes ages to open")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "8:36"   "eevnav in mpv")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "8:52"   "(find-1stclassvideos)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "9:00"   "(find-1stclassvideos): temp buffer")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "9:08"   "(find-1stclassvideo-links ...)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "9:21"   "(find-1stclassvideos): temp buffer 2")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo    "9:27"   "(find-1stclassvideoindex ...)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "10:07" "6. Non-basic installation")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "11:11"   "not found: download local copy")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "12:20"   "this video has subtitles")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "12:50"   "wget the video and the subtitles")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "13:25"   "this find-fline opens the directory")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "13:36"   "this find-video plays the video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "13:56"   "find-1stclassvideo-video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "14:18"   "find-eev2021-video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "14:29"   "youtube url")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "14:48"   "if I change this timestamp")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "14:55"   "it regenerates this buffer")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "15:05"   "this url has also changed")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "15:50"   "6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "16:03"   "these steps can be replaced")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "16:12"   "by these two sexps here")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "16:15"   "(require 'eev-wconfig)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "16:23"   "(find-wconfig-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "16:37"   "use this to configure eev")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "16:40"   "on Windows \"without magic\"")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "16:52"   "wconfig means \"Windows config\"")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "17:02"   "this is the \"main wconfig\"")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "17:15"   "five sub-wconfigs")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "17:29" "(find-wconfig-browser-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "18:22"     "(find-elisp-intro")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "22:00"     "3. Update this page")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "23:22"     "4. Save your configuration")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "26:00"     "menu bar and tool bar")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "26:52"   "(find-wconfig-wget-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "27:05" "(find-eev \"eev-wconfig.el\" \"intro\")")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "27:27" "Some parts of eev call external programs:")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "28:04"   "other targets: Python")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "28:42"   "these lines discuss why we need wget")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "29:08"   "[Video links:]")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "29:17"   "a link to how subtitles work")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "29:38"   "on *NIX the installation is very easy")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "29:52"   "but on Windows things are much harder")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "30:27"   "I don't have access to a machine with Windows")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "30:35"   "so I'm testing this using some hacks")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "30:48"   "an attempt to solve this problem both...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "30:59"   "both \"without magic\" and...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "31:14"   "any sufficiently advanced technology")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "31:20"   "I will use the term \"magic\" as a shorthand")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "31:45"   "I will use the term \"black box\"")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "32:11"   "\"Org for non-users\"")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "32:36"   "the index of the video is here:")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "32:47"   "oops, the video is not here...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "33:08"   "downloaded. It doesn't have subtitles")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "33:17"   "now if I execute this mpv plays the video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "33:35"   "...implemented in ways that I don't understand")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "34:16"   "in the language of black boxes")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "34:48"   "I have the same thing with M-x customize")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "35:03"   "Let me show how M-x customize works")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "36:40"   "for me all these things are magic")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "36:59"   "over the years I have experimented with...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "37:15"   "eev-wconfig.el uses all those ideas plus some")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "37:32"   "eev-wconfig.el can be used both with no magic")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "37:49"   "parts that open the black boxes")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "38:11"   "the docs about usage are incomplete ATM")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "38:15"   "let me return to (find-wconfig-browser-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "38:35"   "is has some tests in comments")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "38:59"   "(find-enode \"Init File\")")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "39:16"   "we just finished the first sub-wconfig")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "39:20" "(find-wconfig-wget-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "39:40"   "1. Download wget.exe")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "39:44"   "Run each of the uncommented sexps below")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "39:52"   "this buffer is colored as Lisp")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "40:10"   "this is an uncommented part")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "40:21"   "some sexps that are longer than one line")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "40:36"   "(require 'eww) just returns the name")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "40:42"   "(defun ...) just returns the name")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "40:50"   "these ones returns trivial values")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "41:04"   "(ee-download-with-eww ...)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "41:15"   "we have to wait")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "41:23"   "it has downloaded wget.exe and saved it")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "41:31"   "2. Use wget.exe to download other files")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "41:40"   "remember that I'm not on Windows")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "42:59"   "I had to replace the real wget.exe")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "43:22"   "now that I have wget working")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "44:05"   "I call wget to download many small files")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "44:20"   "this block contains some tests")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "45:45"   "download a pdf and a very short video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "46:10"   "3. Make find-wget use wget.exe")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "46:22"   "(setq ee-wget-program ...)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "46:30"   "(find-eev \"eev-plinks.el\" \"find-wget\")")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "46:58"   "Each of these `find-wget's here")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "47:12"   "the name of this buffer is *wget: ...*")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "47:38"   "find-wgeta searches an anchor")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "48:00"   "find-wget-elisp fontifies as elisp")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "48:30"   "all these tests work")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "48:40"   "this link explains the idea of anchor")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "49:00"   "we don't have a local copy of this video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "49:07"   "eev offers to download the local copy")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "49:10"   "but if we haven't configured mpv")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "49:15"   "we can use this youtube url here")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "49:24"   "4. use the browser as a PDF viewer")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "49:43"   "open Coetzee99.pdf in page 3")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "50:29"   "(setq ee-googlechrome-program ...)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "50:35"   "opened Coetzee99.pdf in page 3")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "51:15"   "5. Use pdftotext.exe to view PDFs as text")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "51:25"   "(find-pdf-text ...)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "51:37"   "this is a formfeed")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "51:48"   "7. Save these configs in your init file")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "52:16"   "three lines in the same place")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "52:20"   ";; See: (find-wconfig-wget-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "52:26"   ";; See: (find-wconfig-wget-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "52:40"   "let me go to my init file with M-55j")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "52:50"   "and now: Paste!")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "53:05"   "The (find-wconfig-wget-links) goes to")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "53:41" "(find-wconfig-shell-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "53:56"   "1. make Eshell use wget.exe")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "53:56"   "on Windows it's better to use Eshell")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "54:18"   "this only needs to be run once")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "54:34"   "here is a test")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "54:48"   "define wget as an alias to wget.exe")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "55:03"   "2. Make `eepitch-shell' use Eshell")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "55:30"   "other targets")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "55:50"   "I don't know how to install Python")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "56:04"   "I did my basic tests with Lua")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "56:18"   "(oh no, sorry)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "56:29"   "test that eepitch-shell runs Eshell")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "56:41"   "3. Configure the `echo' of Eshell")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "56:52"   "4. Check that `M-x brep' works")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "56:57"   "5. Save some configs in our init file")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "57:20"   "We need to copy this")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "57:29"   "and add it to our init file")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "57:45" "(find-wconfig-lua-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "57:58"   "1. Test if we can run Lua from Eshell")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "58:24"   "2. Configure eepitch")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "58:35"   "(eepitch-lua51)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "58:54"   "3. Save some configs in your init file")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "59:03"   "Again: copy, go to the init file, paste")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "59:17" "(find-wconfig-mpv-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo   "59:50"   "Again: copy, go to the init file, paste")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:00:01" "Now we have five blocks in our init file")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:00:24" "Links that open the black boxes")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:00:33"   "if we want to understand `require'")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:00:58"   "C-h f and M-h M-f")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:01:02"   "info about `find-file'")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:01:12"   "`find-eev2020video' explains the rationale")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:01:20"   "standard way: `C-h f find-file'")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:01:40"   "this contains too much magic")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:01:45"   "a black box that I don't know how to open")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:02:15"   "many years ago I started to experiment")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:02:24"   "my way is by typing M-h M-f")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:02:31"   "these are not black boxes")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:02:37"   "and are pure text - I can copy")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:02:51"   "this one here goes to the manual")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:03:00"   "this is the configuration withou magic")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:03:17"   "M-x find-wconfig-links -> magic")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:03:24" "(find-wconfig-magic-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:03:49"   "We just need these two setqs...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:04:02"   "save our configuration as just this")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:04:14"   "let me compare the two versions")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:04:34"   "this one ends with (ee-wconfig-run-magic)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:04:52"   "the expansion of (ee-wconfig-run-magic) is")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:05:29" ";; Exercise: Learn Org!")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:05:50" "8. Exercise: Lean Org!")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:06:16" "(find-wconfig-exercises-links)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:06:40"   "http://angg.twu.net/eev-wconfig.html")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:06:56"   "link to a README about the playlist")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:07:10"   "link to download the .zip")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:07:40"   "unzip it somewhere, then...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:07:48"   "9. Shorter hyperlinks")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:08:04"   "(find-eev2020video ...)")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:08:32"   "3. Create a link to the directory")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:08:36"   "edit the directory here")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:08:42"   "(find-enode \"Dired\")")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:09:38"   "4. Understand `M-h M-e'")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:10:00"   "create links like these ones")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:10:05"   "let me show how using my paths")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:10:20"   "if I execute this code-c-d")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:10:34"   "it also defines find-rainerkoenigfile")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:10:43"   "that goes to this directory")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:10:46"   "in which I have unpacked the videos")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:10:57"   "if I type M-h M-e")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:11:12"   "here you have to type \"rainerkoenig\"")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:11:23"   "the \"{c}\" are replaced by...")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:11:33"   "then copy these lines to your notes")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:11:47"   "to here. And if we did everything right")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:11:52"   "we can execute this code-c-d")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:11:57"   "the function find-rainerkoenigfile")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:12:03"   "choose one of the videos")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:12:15"   "and type M-h M-e")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:12:25"   "choose a short name for the video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:12:35"   "run this first line again")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:12:49"   "now this block here")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:12:51"   "points to that video file")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:12:57"   "we can test it")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:13:07"   "and if we execute the code-video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:13:10"   "it defines the function find-E01S01video")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:13:13"   "(find-E01S01video \"0:00\")")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:13:27"   "copy these lines to our notes")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:13:59"   "similar to the examples, but the paths")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:14:18"   "I don't know if this exercise is easy")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:14:32"   "index of the videos that they've watched")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:14:35"   "duplicate the line with M-h M-2")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:14:40"   "and change the time mark")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:14:53"   "add a comment to create an index")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:15:11"   "suppose that at 2:00 there's blah")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigvideo "1:15:20"   "mark the positions to watch again")

;; «2022eevwconfigpt1»  (to ".2022eevwconfigpt1")
;; Title: Configuração sem mágica: um experimento com o eev (versão em Português)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-wconfig-pt-1.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdLbocmo3r8
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/eev-wconfig.html
;; Comment: A video in Portuguese about eev-wconfig.el.
;; Date:    2022may02
;; Length:  29:20
;; Info:  (find-1stclassvideodef "2022eevwconfigpt1")
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2022eevwconfigpt1" "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-1" "bdLbocmo3r8")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022eevwconfigpt1" "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-1" "bdLbocmo3r8")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022eevwconfigpt1" "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-1" "bdLbocmo3r8")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigpt1video "0:00")
;; I recorded this video in Portuguese
;; to rehearse for this video in English:
;;   (find-1stclassvideoindex "2022eevwconfig")

;; «2022eevwconfigpt2»  (to ".2022eevwconfigpt2")
;; Title: Configuração sem mágica: um experimento com o eev (versão em Português, parte 2)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-wconfig-pt-2.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAAxrJX-Am8
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/eev-wconfig.html
;; Comment: A video in Portuguese about eev-wconfig.el - second part.
;; Date:    2022may02
;; Length:  46:00
;; Info:  (find-1stclassvideodef "2022eevwconfigpt2")
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2022eevwconfigpt2" "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-2" "ZAAxrJX-Am8")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022eevwconfigpt2" "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-2" "ZAAxrJX-Am8")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022eevwconfigpt2" "2022-eev-wconfig-pt-2" "ZAAxrJX-Am8")
;; (find-2022eevwconfigpt2video "0:00")
;; I recorded this video in Portuguese
;; to rehearse for this video in English:
;;   (find-1stclassvideoindex "2022eevwconfig")

;; «2022yttranscript»  (to ".2022yttranscript")
;; Title: find-yttranscript-links: downloading transcripts of Youtube videos, in eev style
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-yttranscript.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW3Tx-lHX3o
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/find-yttranscript-links.html
;; Comment: A video about `find-yttranscript-links'.
;; Date:    2022oct20
;; Length:  28:28
;; Info:  (find-1stclassvideodef "2022yttranscript")
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2022yttranscript" "2022-yttranscript" "SW3Tx-lHX3o")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022yttranscript" "2022-yttranscript" "SW3Tx-lHX3o")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022yttranscript" "2022-yttranscript" "SW3Tx-lHX3o")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "00:00" "")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "00:19" "that function is inspired by a blog post")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "01:06" "dog with the square haircut")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "01:31" "interface as unexpected as a square dog")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "01:46" "I prepared two examples")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "02:34" "this is the hash of the video")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "02:45" "when I run find-youtubedl-links")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "03:00" "it detects the hash around point")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "03:16" "and generates a temporary buffer")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "03:39" "I'm going to replace the stem by lonewolf")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "04:20" "and let me delete the parts that I'm not")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "04:24" "going to use")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "04:29" "this link goes to a tutorial")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "04:59" "remember that this is a temporary buffer")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "05:19" "this sexp calls Google Chrome to play the")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "05:30" "video starting from a certain position")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "06:52" "a temporary buffer *find-yttranscripts*")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "07:09" "remember that when I use eepitch")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "07:13" "f8 acts in one way on red star lines")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "07:23" "and in another way on lines that do not")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "07:26" "start with red stars")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "08:11" "the action of this first line is to put")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "08:15" "this buffer here, that is in fundamental")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "08:17" "mode, in Python mode")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "08:21" "so now the colors are more expressive")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:01" "I'm going to send these commands here")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:04" "to the to the Python interpreter")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:09" "this command, that calls this")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:13" "function with a very long name,")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:15" "takes a few seconds to run...")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:36" "this print(...) here prints the")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:38" "transcript of the video in a certain")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:40" "format. Sometimes I want other formats so")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "09:44" "it's easy to to switch to another format")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "11:05" "now I have a sequence of seps and")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "11:09" "each one is a hyperlink that plays")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "11:11" "the video using Google Chrome")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "11:39" "I wanted to show him the part that")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "11:41" "mentioned Akira Kurosawa")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "12:51" "copy that to my  buffer with annotations")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "13:53" "I said that I was going to show two")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "14:00" "examples... in the first one I was going to")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "14:02" "use a video that I do not have a local")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "14:05" "copy, the second one is an example in which")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "14:07" "I use a video that I have downloaded a local")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "14:13" "copy - this one about Haskell")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:35" "and note that I here I have an option")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:39" "that says that I want you to be able to")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:43" "download the subtitles of the video and")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:46" "for YouTube subtitles and transcripts")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:49" "are different things subtitles are")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:52" "edited by hand and transcripts are")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:55" "generated automatically from")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "20:59" "the program that does speech recognition")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "21:04" "and to download the transcript I need")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "21:08" "and other options that they are not here")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "22:38" "we can use a red star line")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "22:41" "to do other kinds of setups like")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "22:44" "changing the mode of a buffer even")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "22:48" "a temporary buffer")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "22:49" "so this one puts it in Python mode")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "22:56" "and note that this first line here says")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:01" "to Python to import a library - a package")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:05" "that downloads transcripts from YouTube")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:07" "either transcripts or titles it works")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:10" "for both cases")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:13" "when people are running this for the")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:15" "first time they probably do not have")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:17" "that library")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:21" "this calls pip3, that is the")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:26" "package manager for python 3")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:33" "and this thing here opens a temporary")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:35" "buffer that lets me")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "23:38" "install that package")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "24:02" "this one here can be used to")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "24:10" "show information about a package")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "24:12" "package that is already installed")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "24:27" "this section here is also like a square dog")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "26:20" "and there's something similar but that")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "26:25" "checks the remote repository of python")
;; (find-2022yttranscriptvideo "26:29" "packages")

;; «2022tikz»  (to ".2022tikz")
;; Title: Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022-eev-tikz.mp4
;; Subs:  http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2022-eev-tikz.lua.html
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7nIzpXcV6c
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/eev-tikz.html
;; Comment: A way to learn TikZ using examples from the manual.
;; Date:    2022nov02
;; Length:  1:36:27
;; Play:  (find-2022tikzvideo "0:00")
;; Info:  (find-1stclassvideo-links "2022tikz")
;;        (find-1stclassvideodef    "2022tikz")
;; Setup (as a 2nd-class video):
;; (find-ssr-links     "2022tikz" "2022-eev-tikz" "d7nIzpXcV6c")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022tikz" "2022-eev-tikz" "d7nIzpXcV6c")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "2022tikz" "2022-eev-tikz" "d7nIzpXcV6c")
;; (find-subs-links    "2022tikz")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2022-eev-tikz.lua" "subtitles")
;; (find-TH "2022-eev-tikz")
;; (find-TH "eev-tikz")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "2022tikz")

;; (find-2022tikzvideo    "0:00" "Part 1")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "12:33" "Part 2: Trying it!")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "33:41" "Part 3: Exercises")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "36:28" "5-minute hacks")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "37:09" "a) [tik]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "39:25" "b) [.emacs-1]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "40:35" "c) [.emacs-2]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "42:50" "d) [manual-pdf]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "48:37" "e) [manual-git]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "54:34" "f) [.emacs-3]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "56:10" "g) [page]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo   "57:49" "h) [src]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo "1:03:10" "i) [tiks]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo "1:14:07" "j) [section]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo "1:16:25" "k) [codeexample-1]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo "1:18:52" "l) [codeexample-2]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo "1:22:43" "m) [codeexample-3]")
;; (find-2022tikzvideo "1:27:34" "n) [getmeaning]")

;; «ebtc»  (to ".ebtc")
;; (find-TH "math-b" "2021-excuse-tt")
;; (find-LATEX "2021excuse.tex")
;; (excp 43 "typing-and-and-implies")
;; (exca    "typing-and-and-implies")
(code-video "ebtcvideo" "/home/videos/Math/I-EBTC - Quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2021-8WLcVb1rU1Y.mkv")
;; (find-ebtcvideo)
;; (find-ebtcvideo  "0:00")
;; (find-ebtcvideo  "7:40" "Início da minha apresentação")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "10:22" "Vamos começar falando de anéis")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "11:45" "3. Rings (2)")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "13:28" "4. Conventions in Category Theory")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "15:54" "5. A weird idea: downcasing")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "19:28" "6. A weird idea: downcasing (2)")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "21:28" "7. Term inference is like proof search")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "22:45" "8.")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "23:44" "9. Haskell")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "25:23" "11.")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "30:33" "14. Internal views")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "38:49" "Introduction to Type Theory")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "40:54" "26. Types after Discrete Mathematics")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "42:42" "30. Typing")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "52:43" "43. Typing proofs of and and implies")
;; (find-ebtcvideo "55:03" "44. Typing proofs of for all and exists")

;; «eev2021b»  (to ".eev2021b")
;; (find-ssr-links     "eev2021b" "emacsconf2021-dednat6" "QUMo7vgkHJI")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "eev2021b" "emacsconf2021-dednat6" "QUMo7vgkHJI")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "eev2021b" "emacsconf2021-dednat6" "QUMo7vgkHJI")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "eev2021b")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "0:00" "")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "0:33" "What I am going to show")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "0:47" "Dednat6 is an extensible (semi-)preprocessor")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "0:58" "sometimes we want to draw diagrams like this")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "1:12" "that would understand some ... in comments")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "1:38" "and it also supports diagrams for Category Theory")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "1:57" "LaTeX interprets these things as comments but")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "2:13" "Dednat6 is very extensible")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "2:28" "very boring to draw by hand")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "2:43" "In the beginning I thought that using test blocks...")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "3:06" "now that we have things like Quiver")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "3:36" "and this gave me much more freedom")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "3:50" "I showed to some friends")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "4:06" "Let me show how these test blocks work")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "4:25" "Note that these things are not red stars")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "4:32" "this sexp will make them behave as red stars")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "4:41" "f8 four times")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "5:15" "these two lines ... I don't want to explain")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "5:29" "this one is easy ... is just a hyperlink")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "5:37" "this anchor in is the middle of a very big test block")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "5:42" "if we execute it with f8")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "6:07" "so let me execute these tests")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "6:23" "these lines create a certain object and display it")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "6:36" "I can also change these tests ***")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "7:03" "run some undos here")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "7:07" "these objects correspond to these diagrams")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "7:24" "I am also going to show another test block")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "7:28" "this one here")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "7:43" "they correspond to these diagrams here")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "7:54" "this demo here can be executed by just typing")
;; (find-eev2021bvideo "7:57" "f8 in the right places")

;; «2022c2apr1»  (to ".2022c2apr1")
;; Title: Apresentação sobre Cálculo 2 - versão 1, 2022jul10 (pro F Lucatelli)
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2022jul10-apresentacao-C2.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYXHZQHX3vg
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2022-apresentacao-sobre-C2.html
;; Date:    2022jul10
;; Length:  1:25:34
;; (find-TH "2022-apresentacao-sobre-C2")
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2022c2apr1" "2022jul10-apresentacao-C2" "cYXHZQHX3vg")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2022c2apr1" "2022jul10-apresentacao-C2" "cYXHZQHX3vg")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2022c2apr1" "2022jul10-apresentacao-C2" "cYXHZQHX3vg")
;; (find-2022c2apr1video "0:00")

;; «2021saptleg»  (to ".2021saptleg")
;; Title: Matemática na Universidade - Reunião 4 - 11/jun/2021 - Eduardo Ochs
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OofZQYkNVhg
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2021aulas-por-telegram.html
;;        http://anggtwu.net/2021aulas-por-telegram.html#legendas
;;        (find-TH "2021aulas-por-telegram")
;;        (find-TH "2021aulas-por-telegram" "legendas")
;;        (find-TH "2021aulas-por-telegram" "legendas-code2")
;; Date:  2021jun11
;; Subtitles added in: 2022jul31
;; Old (2022):
;; (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/Math/" "Matematica_na_Universidade_-_Reuniao_4_-_11_jun_2021_-_Eduardo_Ochs" "OofZQYkNVhg" ".webm" "2021saptleg")
;; (find-yttranscript-links "2021saptleg" "OofZQYkNVhg")
;; (code-video "2021saptlegvideo" "/sda5/videos/Math/Matematica_na_Universidade_-_Reuniao_4_-_11_jun_2021_-_Eduardo_Ochs-OofZQYkNVhg.webm")
;; (find-2021saptlegvideo "0:00")
;; New (2023):
 ' (find-ssr-links     "2021saptleg" "2021aulas-por-telegram" "OofZQYkNVhg")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2021saptleg" "2021aulas-por-telegram" "OofZQYkNVhg")
 ' (code-eevlinksvideo "2021saptleg" "2021aulas-por-telegram" "OofZQYkNVhg")
 ' (code-video         "2021saptlegvideo" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021aulas-por-telegram.webm")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "2021saptleg")
;; (find-2021saptlegvideo "0:00")

;; «c2m211somas1d»  (to ".c2m211somas1d")
;; (find-ssr-links     "c2m211somas1d" "2021-1-C2-somas-1-dicas" "pCD1p9FZYdI")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "c2m211somas1d" "2021-1-C2-somas-1-dicas" "pCD1p9FZYdI")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "c2m211somas1d" "2021-1-C2-somas-1-dicas" "pCD1p9FZYdI")
;; (find-subs-links    "c2m211somas1d")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2021-1-C2-somas-1-dicas.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-c2m211somas1dvideo "0:00")

;; «c3cd»  (to ".c3cd")
;; (find-ssr-links     "c3cd" "2021-2-c3-cabos-na-diagonal" "nxsIK0tPWAI")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "c3cd" "2021-2-c3-cabos-na-diagonal" "nxsIK0tPWAI")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "c3cd" "2021-2-c3-cabos-na-diagonal" "nxsIK0tPWAI")
;; (find-subs-links    "c3cd")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2021-2-c3-cabos-na-diagonal.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-c3cdvideo "00:00")
;; (find-c3cdvideo "07:03" "desse jeito a gente vê que nesse")
;; (find-c3cdvideo "07:11" "cabo na diagonal num sentido \"errado\"")
;; (find-c3cdvideo "09:51" "esse é o único ponto com altura 2,")

;; «calceasy»  (to ".calceasy")
;; TODO: clean up this!
;; (find-TH "mathologer-calculus-easy")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "calceasy")
;; (find-ssr-links     "calceasy" "mathologer-calculus-easy" "kuOxDh3egN0")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "calceasy" "mathologer-calculus-easy" "kuOxDh3egN0")
 ' (code-video "calceasyvideo"                           "/tmp/mathologer-calculus-easy.webm")
   (code-video "calceasyvideo" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/mathologer-calculus-easy.webm")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "calceasy" "mathologer-calculus-easy" "kuOxDh3egN0")
;; (find-calceasyvideo "0:00")

;; «cae0»  (to ".cae0")
;; 13/fev/2023
;; (find-ssr-links     "cae0" "2023-caepro0" "XxnfW90kbZU")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "cae0" "2023-caepro0" "XxnfW90kbZU")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "cae0" "2023-caepro0" "XxnfW90kbZU")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2023-caepro0.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-TH "2023-caepro0")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "cae0" "00:00")
;; (find-cae0video "0:00")

;; «caev»  (to ".caev")
;; 14/fev/2023
;; (find-ssr-links     "caev" "2023-caepro-VR" "JoAQ6TsFlto")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "caev" "2023-caepro-VR" "JoAQ6TsFlto")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "caev" "2023-caepro-VR" "JoAQ6TsFlto")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2023-caepro-VR.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "caev" "00:00")
;; (find-caevvideo "0:00")

;; «caes»  (to ".caes")
;; 02/mar/2023
;; (find-ssr-links     "caes" "2023-caepro-o-que-sobra" "sZq2PgbLN5k")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "caes" "2023-caepro-o-que-sobra" "sZq2PgbLN5k")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "caes" "2023-caepro-o-que-sobra" "sZq2PgbLN5k")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2023-caepro-o-que-sobra.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-TH "2023-caepro-o-que-sobra")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "caes")
;; (find-caesvideo "0:00")

;; «visaud»  (to ".visaud")
;; 13/mar/2023
;; (find-ssr-links     "visaud" "2023-visual-vs-auditivo" "vVNpWTYR4wE")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "visaud" "2023-visual-vs-auditivo" "vVNpWTYR4wE")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "visaud" "2023-visual-vs-auditivo" "vVNpWTYR4wE")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2023-visual-vs-auditivo.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-TH "2023-visual-vs-auditivo")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "visaud")
;; (find-visaudvideo "0:00")

;; «slogans»  (to ".slogans")
;; 19/mar/2023
;; (find-ssr-links     "slogans" "2023-precisamos-de-mais-slogans" "qwTqIBlu9CM")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "slogans" "2023-precisamos-de-mais-slogans" "qwTqIBlu9CM")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "slogans" "2023-precisamos-de-mais-slogans" "qwTqIBlu9CM")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2023-precisamos-de-mais-slogans.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-TH "2023-precisamos-de-mais-slogans")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "slogans")
;; (find-slogansvideo "0:00")

;; «2024lean4of0»  (to ".2024lean4of0")
;; Title: Oficina de Lean4 - versão 0
;; MP4:   http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2024-lean4-oficina-0.mp4
;; YT:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkxGIrv2Q0
;; Page:  http://anggtwu.net/2024-lean4-oficina-0.html
;; HSubs: http://anggtwu.net/2024-lean4-oficina-0.html#00:00
;; Comment: A video in Portuguese about a workshop on Lean4.
;; Date:    2024jul04
;; Length:  37:20
;; Play:  (find-2024lean4of0video "00:00")
;; HSubs: (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "00:00")
;; LSubs: (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "00:00")
;; Info:  (find-1stclassvideo-links "2024lean4of0")
;;        (find-1stclassvideo-def   "2024lean4of0")
;; (find-subs-links    "2024lean4of0")
;; (find-SUBS "2024-lean4-oficina-0.lua")
;; (find-TH   "2024-lean4-oficina-0")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "00:00" "Introdução")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "00:00" "Introdução")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "00:15" "URLs da oficina e da minha página sobre Lean4")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "00:15" "URLs da oficina e da minha página sobre Lean4")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "00:22" "parecido com Haskell, mas mais fácil de instalar")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "00:22" "parecido com Haskell, mas mais fácil de instalar")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "01:00" "muito extensível")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "01:00" "muito extensível")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "01:17" "Metaprogramming in Lean4")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "01:17" "Metaprogramming in Lean4")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "01:36" "quem é o público alvo dessa oficina?")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "01:36" "quem é o público alvo dessa oficina?")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "02:17" "na Holanda e lá eles usam o livro do Hutton")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "02:17" "na Holanda e lá eles usam o livro do Hutton")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "03:07" "como o Hutton explica state monads")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "03:07" "como o Hutton explica state monads")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "03:37" "se essa figura era uma coisa precisa ou não")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "03:37" "se essa figura era uma coisa precisa ou não")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "03:56" "essas duas definições estão nesse primeiro diagrama")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "03:56" "essas duas definições estão nesse primeiro diagrama")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "04:06" "no Hutton elas são essas três linhas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "04:06" "no Hutton elas são essas três linhas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "04:20" "embaixo de cada subexpressão o tipo dela")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "04:20" "embaixo de cada subexpressão o tipo dela")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "04:27" "o ideal seria fazer uma animação")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "04:27" "o ideal seria fazer uma animação")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "04:42" "a grande dificuldade foi entender o S e esse underbrace")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "04:42" "a grande dificuldade foi entender o S e esse underbrace")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "04:51" "aí eu consigo apontar pra um underbrace e dizer")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "04:51" "aí eu consigo apontar pra um underbrace e dizer")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "05:27" "eu não sabia que ferramentas usar pra completar os detalhes")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "05:27" "eu não sabia que ferramentas usar pra completar os detalhes")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "06:15" "o Hutton mostra essa figura como se ela fosse óbvia")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "06:15" "o Hutton mostra essa figura como se ela fosse óbvia")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "07:00" "Agora eu preciso contar uma historinha")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "07:00" "Agora eu preciso contar uma historinha")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "07:18" "o aluno não entende e o professor diz: mas isso é óbvio")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "07:18" "o aluno não entende e o professor diz: mas isso é óbvio")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "07:42" "o aluno vira a pessoa que diz: isso é óbvio")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "07:42" "o aluno vira a pessoa que diz: isso é óbvio")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "08:00" "Essas alternativas são descobrir os diagramas que faltam")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "08:00" "Essas alternativas são descobrir os diagramas que faltam")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "08:21" "Essa oficina de Lean vai ser principalmente sobre")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "08:21" "Essa oficina de Lean vai ser principalmente sobre")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "08:38" "vou mostrar os pontos em que eu empacava")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "08:38" "vou mostrar os pontos em que eu empacava")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "08:43" "não sei se esses diagramas vão funcionar pra outras pessoas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "08:43" "não sei se esses diagramas vão funcionar pra outras pessoas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "09:04" "tem um monte de técnicas didáticas por trás disso aqui")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "09:04" "tem um monte de técnicas didáticas por trás disso aqui")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "09:14" "em exemplos que são mais fáceis de testar")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "09:14" "em exemplos que são mais fáceis de testar")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "09:37" "quiser aprender o que é essa expressão em Lisp")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "09:37" "quiser aprender o que é essa expressão em Lisp")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "10:09" "que todos os pedaços ficam visíveis ao mesmo tempo")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "10:09" "que todos os pedaços ficam visíveis ao mesmo tempo")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "10:21" "A primeira aula vai ser sobre instalação")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "10:21" "A primeira aula vai ser sobre instalação")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "11:02" "hiperlinks pros manuais principais")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "11:02" "hiperlinks pros manuais principais")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "12:06" "hiperlinks são one-liners em Emacs Lisp")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "12:06" "hiperlinks são one-liners em Emacs Lisp")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "12:22" "hiperlink pra uma vídeo numa certa posição")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "12:22" "hiperlink pra uma vídeo numa certa posição")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "12:47" "usa Lean pra gerar gerar código em Blender pra animações")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "12:47" "usa Lean pra gerar gerar código em Blender pra animações")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "13:05" "estendeu a linguagem pra reconhecer posições do xadrez")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "13:05" "estendeu a linguagem pra reconhecer posições do xadrez")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "14:12" "go to e go back")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "14:12" "go to e go back")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "14:41" "#check e #eval geram mensagens na echo area")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "14:41" "#check e #eval geram mensagens na echo area")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "15:06" "mostra todas as mensagens de uma vez")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "15:06" "mostra todas as mensagens de uma vez")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "15:22" "uma DSL que entende `-', `^' e números")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "15:22" "uma DSL que entende `-', `^' e números")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "15:52" "essa última gera uma árvore 2D")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "15:52" "essa última gera uma árvore 2D")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "15:56" "tou aprendendo a fazer DSLs muito simples")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "15:56" "tou aprendendo a fazer DSLs muito simples")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "16:31" "Na primeira aula a gente vai aprender a interface")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "16:31" "Na primeira aula a gente vai aprender a interface")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "16:46" "esse `find-es' vai pra anotações sobre coerção")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "16:46" "esse `find-es' vai pra anotações sobre coerção")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "16:51" "links pra documentação")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "16:51" "links pra documentação")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "16:57" "link pro resultado de um grep")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "16:57" "link pro resultado de um grep")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "17:23" "isso é um snippet de código Lean")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "17:23" "isso é um snippet de código Lean")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "18:03" "o + em princípio não sabe somar um Int com um Nat")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "18:03" "o + em princípio não sabe somar um Int com um Nat")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "18:22" "o #check mostra o termo ligeiramente transformado")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "18:22" "o #check mostra o termo ligeiramente transformado")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "18:40" "exemplo de coerção menor do que os do manual")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "18:40" "exemplo de coerção menor do que os do manual")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "19:03" "É isso que a gente vai aprender na primeira aula.")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "19:03" "É isso que a gente vai aprender na primeira aula.")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "19:29" "uma semana depois a gente faz a aula 2")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "19:29" "uma semana depois a gente faz a aula 2")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "20:27" "considerar que os manuais são a fonte definitiva")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "20:27" "considerar que os manuais são a fonte definitiva")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "21:10" "exemplo de Lean como proof assistant")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "21:10" "exemplo de Lean como proof assistant")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "21:28" "vamos começar pela versão em Dedução Natural")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "21:28" "vamos começar pela versão em Dedução Natural")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "21:45" "tradução pra conjuntos")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "21:45" "tradução pra conjuntos")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "22:52" "o NNG é um tutorial que começa por táticas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "22:52" "o NNG é um tutorial que começa por táticas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "23:49" "mostrar que tipo de diagrama faltava")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "23:49" "mostrar que tipo de diagrama faltava")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "24:18" "mudam de cima pra baixo")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "24:18" "mudam de cima pra baixo")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "24:54" "o TPinLean só ensina táticas no capítulo 5")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "24:54" "o TPinLean só ensina táticas no capítulo 5")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "24:54" "a aula 3")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "24:54" "a aula 3")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "27:14" "a gente vai ver as figuras que me salvaram")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "27:14" "a gente vai ver as figuras que me salvaram")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "27:32" "mônadas sem a notação `do'")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "27:32" "mônadas sem a notação `do'")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "28:03" "tem que fazer essas type inferences todas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "28:03" "tem que fazer essas type inferences todas")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "28:26" "um montão de exemplos e analogias")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "28:26" "um montão de exemplos e analogias")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "29:05" "uma função que recebe argumentos implícitos")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "29:05" "uma função que recebe argumentos implícitos")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "30:03" "Como é que a gente faz pra entender isso?")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "30:03" "Como é que a gente faz pra entender isso?")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "30:08" "o melhor modo é olhar pro parser do Lean")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "30:08" "o melhor modo é olhar pro parser do Lean")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "31:02" "pode ser transformado nessa árvore bem maior")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "31:02" "pode ser transformado nessa árvore bem maior")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "32:38" "tou trabalhando num campus muito pequeno da UFF")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "32:38" "tou trabalhando num campus muito pequeno da UFF")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "33:10" "greve, oficinas: Produção Cultural, Psicologia iam")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "33:10" "greve, oficinas: Produção Cultural, Psicologia iam")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "33:22" "da Computação e da Engenharia não iam")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "33:22" "da Computação e da Engenharia não iam")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "34:42" "todos esses manuais têm fonte")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "34:42" "todos esses manuais têm fonte")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "35:21" "ir pro código fonte que gerou esse HTML")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "35:21" "ir pro código fonte que gerou esse HTML")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "36:22" "a gente vai ver como acessar esse código fonte")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "36:22" "a gente vai ver como acessar esse código fonte")
;; (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "36:57" "entrem em contato")
;; (find-2024lean4of0video "36:57" "entrem em contato")

;; «2024lean4of0a2»  (to ".2024lean4of0a2")
;; 19/mar/2024
;; (find-ssr-links     "2024lean4of0a2" "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2" "MXUJ8YLp5dU")
 ' (code-eevvideo      "2024lean4of0a2" "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2" "MXUJ8YLp5dU")
;; (code-eevlinksvideo "2024lean4of0a2" "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2" "MXUJ8YLp5dU")
;; (find-subs-links    "2024lean4of0a2")
;; (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-SUBSfile "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2.lua" "legendas")
;; (find-TH "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2")
;; (find-TH "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2")
;; (find-1stclassvideolsubs "2024lean4of0a2")
;; (find-2024lean4of0a2video "0:00")

;; Local Variables:
;; mode:                 emacs-lisp
;; coding:               utf-8-unix
;; ee-comment-prefix:    ";;"
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