Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# -*- mode: fvwm-generic; coding: raw-text-unix -*-
# Non-standard settings.
# Edrx, 2004aug29
# (find-man "fvwm")
# (find-man "fvwm" "\nINITIALIZATION")

# «.moving-the-cursor»	(to "moving-the-cursor")
# «.going-to-pages»	(to "going-to-pages")
# «.meta-arrow»		(to "meta-arrow")
# «.ee»			(to "ee")
# «.FvwmCommand»	(to "FvwmCommand")
# «.style»		(to "style")
# «.etc»		(to "etc")
# «.tab»		(to "tab")
# «.4-v,h,b»		(to "4-v,h,b")
# «.4-f,g»		(to "4-f,g")
# «.menus»		(to "menus")
# «.restart-pager»	(to "restart-pager")
# «.PagerToBottom»	(to "PagerToBottom")
# «.PagerToTop»		(to "PagerToTop")

# «moving-the-cursor»  (to ".moving-the-cursor")
# (eeb-fvwm)
# (find-fvwmhelp "Key Keyname Context Modifiers Function")
# Modifier4 is the left "Windows" key. 
# (eev "xmodmap; xev")

# Moving:
#  full page     4-Up
#  64 pixels   C-4-Up
#  16 pixels C-S-4-Up
#   4 pixels   S-4-Up
#   4 pixels   S-4-Down
#  16 pixels C-S-4-Down
#  64 pixels   C-4-Down
#  full page     4-Down
# and the same works for moving left and right.
# (find-fvwmhelp "CursorMove horizontal[p] vertical[p]")

# Moving the cursor a full page: (Anywhere) Mod4-arrowkey
Key Left   A  4  CursorMove -100 +0
Key Right  A  4  CursorMove +100 +0
Key Up	   A  4  CursorMove +0 -100
Key Down   A  4  CursorMove +0 +100

# Moving the cursor 64 pixels: (Anywhere) Ctrl-Mod4-arrowkey
Key Left   A C4  CursorMove -64p +0p
Key Right  A C4  CursorMove +64p +0p
Key Up	   A C4  CursorMove +0p -64p
Key Down   A C4  CursorMove +0p +64p

# Moving the cursor 16 pixels: (Anywhere) Ctrl-Shift-Mod4-arrowkey
Key Left   A CS4 CursorMove -16p +0p
Key Right  A CS4 CursorMove +16p +0p
Key Up	   A CS4 CursorMove +0p -16p
Key Down   A CS4 CursorMove +0p +16p

# Moving the cursor 4 pixels: (Anywhere) Shift-Mod4-arrowkey
Key Left   A  S4  CursorMove -4p +0p
Key Right  A  S4  CursorMove +4p +0p
Key Up	   A  S4  CursorMove +0p -4p
Key Down   A  S4  CursorMove +0p +4p

# «going-to-pages»  (to ".going-to-pages")
# (eev-fvwm)
# (find-fvwmhelp "GotoPage prev | x [ p ] y [ p ]")
# (find-fvwmhelp "DeskTopSize HorizontalxVertical")
#    0      1      2       3      4        5    
# 0   4-F1   4-F5   4-F9    4-F1   S-4-F5   S-4-F9 
# 1   4-F2   4-F6   4-F10   4-F2   S-4-F6   S-4-F10
# 2   4-F3   4-F7   4-F11   4-F3   S-4-F7   S-4-F11
# 3   4-F4   4-F8   4-F12   4-F4   S-4-F8   S-4-F12
# 4 C-4-F1 C-4-F5 C-4-F9  C-4-F1 C-S-4-F5 C-S-4-F9 
# 5 C-4-F2 C-4-F6 C-4-F10 C-4-F2 C-S-4-F6 C-S-4-F10
# 6 C-4-F3 C-4-F7 C-4-F11 C-4-F3 C-S-4-F7 C-S-4-F11
# 7 C-4-F4 C-4-F8 C-4-F12 C-4-F4 C-S-4-F8 C-S-4-F12

# DeskTopSize 6x8
DeskTopSize 6x4

# Key F1  A   4 GotoPage 0 0
# Key F2  A   4 GotoPage 0 1
# Key F3  A   4 GotoPage 0 2
# Key F4  A   4 GotoPage 0 3
# Key F5  A   4 GotoPage 1 0
# Key F6  A   4 GotoPage 1 1
# Key F7  A   4 GotoPage 1 2
# Key F8  A   4 GotoPage 1 3
# Key F9  A   4 GotoPage 2 0
# Key F10 A   4 GotoPage 2 1
# Key F11 A   4 GotoPage 2 2
# Key F12 A   4 GotoPage 2 3

# Key F1  A  S4 GotoPage 3 0
# Key F2  A  S4 GotoPage 3 1
# Key F3  A  S4 GotoPage 3 2
# Key F4  A  S4 GotoPage 3 3
# Key F5  A  S4 GotoPage 4 0
# Key F6  A  S4 GotoPage 4 1
# Key F7  A  S4 GotoPage 4 2
# Key F8  A  S4 GotoPage 4 3
# Key F9  A  S4 GotoPage 5 0
# Key F10 A  S4 GotoPage 5 1
# Key F11 A  S4 GotoPage 5 2
# Key F12 A  S4 GotoPage 5 3

# Key F1  A  C4 GotoPage 0 4
# Key F2  A  C4 GotoPage 0 5
# Key F3  A  C4 GotoPage 0 6
# Key F4  A  C4 GotoPage 0 7
# Key F5  A  C4 GotoPage 1 4
# Key F6  A  C4 GotoPage 1 5
# Key F7  A  C4 GotoPage 1 6
# Key F8  A  C4 GotoPage 1 7
# Key F9  A  C4 GotoPage 2 4
# Key F10 A  C4 GotoPage 2 5
# Key F11 A  C4 GotoPage 2 6
# Key F12 A  C4 GotoPage 2 7

# Key F1  A CS4 GotoPage 3 4
# Key F2  A CS4 GotoPage 3 5
# Key F3  A CS4 GotoPage 3 6
# Key F4  A CS4 GotoPage 3 7
# Key F5  A CS4 GotoPage 4 4
# Key F6  A CS4 GotoPage 4 5
# Key F7  A CS4 GotoPage 4 6
# Key F8  A CS4 GotoPage 4 7
# Key F9  A CS4 GotoPage 5 4
# Key F10 A CS4 GotoPage 5 5
# Key F11 A CS4 GotoPage 5 6
# Key F12 A CS4 GotoPage 5 7

# «meta-arrow»  (to ".meta-arrow")
# Remove the Meta-arrow bindings
# (find-fvwmhelp "Key Keyname Context Modifiers Function" "'-'")
# (find-fline "/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc" "Key Left  A    M")
Key Left  A M -
Key Up    A M -
Key Right A M -
Key Down  A M -

# «ee»  (to ".ee")
# (find-man "FvwmConsole")
# (find-fvwmhelp "DestroyFunc function")
# (find-fvwmhelp "AddToFunc [ name [ I | M | C | H | D action ]]")

DestroyFunc ee
AddToFunc ee "I" read ee.fvwm

# «FvwmCommand»  (to ".FvwmCommand")
# (find-man "FvwmCommandS")
# (find-man "FvwmCommand")
# (find-sh0 "FvwmCommand 'CursorMove +5 +2'")
AddToFunc StartFunction "I" Module FvwmCommandS

# «etc»  (to ".etc")
# (find-man "1 fvwm" "\n   MODULE COMMANDS")
# (find-fvwmhelp "EdgeScroll horizontal[p] vertical[p]")
EdgeScroll 100 100

# (find-fvwmhelp "EdgeResistance scrolling moving [xinerama-moving]")
EdgeResistance 0 20

# «tab»  (to ".tab")
# (find-fvwmhelp "Key Keyname Context Modifiers Function")
# (find-fvwmhelp "Next [(conditions)] command")
Key Tab A 4 Next [CurrentPage !iconic] focus-and-raise

# «4-v,h,b»  (to ".4-v,h,b")
# (find-fvwmhelp "Maximize [flags] [bool] [horizontal[p]] [vertical [p]]")
Key v   A 4 Maximize 0 100		  # vertical
Key h   A 4 Maximize 100 0		  # horizontal
Key b   A 4 Maximize 100 100		  # both

# «4-f,g»  (to ".4-f,g")
Key f  A  4 WindowStyle NoTitle, !Borders # full (no borders or title bar)
Key g  A  4 WindowStyle Title, Borders	  # non-full

# «style»  (to ".style")
# (find-fvwmhelp "Style stylename options")
Style default-style UseDecor default-decor
Style default-style Color white/steelblue
Style default-style ClickToFocus
Style "*" UseStyle default-style
Style "*" HilightFore black
Style "*" HilightBack peachpuff
Style "*" ClickToFocus

# «menus»  (to ".menus")
# (find-angg ".fvwm/main-menu.hook")

# (find-fline "/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc")
# (find-fline "/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc" "AddToMenu Window-Ops")
# (find-fline "/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc" "# Section: Key bindings")
# (find-fline "/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc" "# Section: post.hook")

# «restart-pager»  (to ".restart-pager")
# (find-man "1 FvwmPager")
# (find-man "1 FvwmPager" "*FvwmPager: DeskTopScale number")
*FvwmPager: DeskTopScale 50

# (find-fvwmhelp "KillModule modulename [modulealias]")
KillModule FvwmPager
Module FvwmPager

# «PagerToBottom»  (to ".PagerToBottom")
# «PagerToTop»  (to ".PagerToTop")
# (ee-once (eeb-fvwm))

DestroyFunc PagerToBottom
AddToFunc   PagerToBottom
+ "I" KillModule FvwmPager
+ "I" Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnBottom
+ "I" Module FvwmPager

DestroyFunc PagerToTop
AddToFunc   PagerToTop
+ "I" KillModule FvwmPager
+ "I" Style "FvwmPager" StaysOnTop
+ "I" Module FvwmPager

DestroyFunc NoPager
AddToFunc   NoPager
+ "I" KillModule FvwmPager

Key p  A   4 PagerToBottom
Key p  A  C4 PagerToTop
Key p  A  S4 NoPager
