Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
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% http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2019derived-rules.pdf
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\input 2017planar-has-defs.tex    % (find-LATEX "2017planar-has-defs.tex")

\directlua{dofile "dednat6load.lua"}  % (find-LATEX "dednat6load.lua")

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%             |___/                                      
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\section{Logic in a Heyting Algebra}
\label  {logic-in-HAs}

In sec.\ref{HAs} we saw a set of conditions --- called 1 to 8' ---
that characterize the ``Heyting-Algebra-ness'' of a PC-structure. It
is easy to see that Heyting-Algebra-ness, or ``HA-ness'', is
equivalent to this set of conditions:
  1) && ∀P.     &     (P≤P) & &       & &                   && (\id)   \\
     && ∀P,Q,R. &     (P≤R) &←& (P≤Q) &∧& (Q≤R)             && (\comp) \\[5pt]
  2) && ∀P.     &     (P≤⊤) & &       & &                   && (⊤_1)   \\
  3) && ∀Q.     &     (⊥≤Q) & &       & &                   && (⊥_1)   \\[10pt]
  6) && ∀P,Q,R. &   (P≤Q∧R) &→& (P≤Q) & &                   && (∧_1)   \\
     && ∀P,Q,R. &   (P≤Q∧R) &→&       & & (P≤R)             && (∧_2)   \\
     && ∀P,Q,R. &   (P≤Q∧R) &←& (P≤Q) &∧& (P≤R)             && (∧_3)   \\[5pt]
  7) && ∀P,Q,R. &   (P∨Q≤R) &→& (P≤R) & &                   && (∨_1)   \\
     && ∀P,Q,R. &   (P∨Q≤R) &→&       & & (Q≤R)             && (∨_2)   \\
     && ∀P,Q,R. &   (P∨Q≤R) &←& (P≤R) &∧& (Q≤R)             && (∨_3)   \\[5pt]
  8) && ∀P,Q,R. & (P≤Q{→}R) &→& \multicolumn{3}{l}{(P∧Q≤R)} && (→_1)   \\
     && ∀P,Q,R. & (P≤Q{→}R) &←& \multicolumn{3}{l}{(P∧Q≤R)} && (→_2)   \\
We omitted the conditions 4 and 5, that defined `$↔$' and `$¬$' in
terms of the other operators. The last column of the table gives a
name to each of these new conditions.

These new conditions let us put (some) proofs about HAs in tree form,
as we shall see soon.



Let us introduce two new notations. The first one,
$$(\t{expr})\subst{v_1 := \t{repl}_1 \\ v_2 := \t{repl}_2}$$ indicates
simultaneous substitution of all (free) occurrences of the variables
$v_1$ and $v_2$ in expr by the replacements $\t{repl}_1$ and
$\t{repl}_2$. For example,
$$((x+y)·z) \subst{ 
    x:=a+y \\
    y:=b+z \\
    z:=c+x \\

The second is a way to write `$→$'s as horizontal bars. In
%:                                           L   M
%:                                    -\ee   -----\zeta
%:  A  B  C     E  F     H            K        N         O
%:  -------\aa  ----\bb  -\gg  -\dd   --------------------\eta
%:     D         G       I     J               P
%:     ^t1       ^t2     ^t3   ^t4             ^t5
  \ded{t1} \qquad \ded{t2} \qquad \ded{t3} \qquad \ded{t4} \qquad \ded{t5}
the trees mean:
\item if $A$, $B$, $C$ are true then $D$ is true (by $\aa$),

\item if $E$, $F$, are true then $G$ is true (by $\bb$),

\item if $H$ is true then $I$ is true (by $\gg$),

\item $J$ is true (by $\dd$, with no hypotheses),

\item $K$ is true (by $\ee$); if $L$ and $M$ then $N$ (by $\zeta$);
  if $K$, $N$, $O$, then $P$ (by $\eta$); combining all this we get a
  way to prove that if $L$, $M$, $O$, then $P$,
where $\aa, \bb, \gg, \dd, \ee, \zeta, \eta$ are usually names
of rules.


The implications in the table in the beginning of this section can be
rewritten as ``tree rules'' as:
%:             P≤Q  Q≤R
%:   ----\id   ---------\comp    -----⊤_1    -----⊥_1
%:   P≤P         P≤R            P≤⊤        ⊥≤Q
%:    ^id         ^comp           ^T1       ^B1
%:   P≤Q∧R      P≤Q∧R      P≤Q  P≤R
%:   ------∧_1  ------∧_2  -----------∧_3
%:    P≤Q        P≤R         P≤Q∧R
%:    ^and1      ^and2        ^and3
%:   P∨Q≤R      P∨Q≤R      P≤R  Q≤R
%:   ------∨_1  ------∨_2  -----------∨_3
%:    P≤R        Q≤R         P∨Q≤R
%:    ^or1       ^or2         ^or3
%:    P≤Q{→}R         P∧Q≤R
%:    ---------→_1   ---------→_2
%:    P∧Q≤R          P≤Q{→}R
%:     ^imp1           ^imp2
$$\ded{id} \qquad \ded{comp} \qquad \ded{T1} \qquad \ded{B1}$$

$$\ded{and1} \qquad \ded{and2} \qquad \ded{and3}$$

$$\ded{or1} \qquad \ded{or2} \qquad \ded{or3}$$

$$\ded{imp1} \qquad \ded{imp2}$$



Note that the `$∀P,Q,R∈Ω$'s are left implicit in the tree rules, which
means that {\sl every substitution instance of the tree rules hold};
sometimes --- but rarely --- we will indicate the substitution
explicitly, like this,
%:    P≤Q{→}R         P∧Q≤R
%:    ---------→_1   ---------→_2
%:    P∧Q≤R          P≤Q{→}R
%:     ^imp1           ^imp2
%:    P∧(P{→}⊥)≤⊥
%:   ------------------→_2\su
%:   P≤((P{→}⊥){→}⊥)
%:     ^foo
  \def\su{\bsm{Q:=P{→}⊥ \\ R:=⊥}}
    \left(\cded{imp2}\right) \su &\squigto& {\def\su{} \cded{foo}} \\\\
    (→_2)\su  &\squigto& \cded{foo} \\
Usually we will only say `$→_2$' instead of `$→_2\bsm{Q:=P{→}⊥
  \\ R:=⊥}$' at the right of a bar, and the task of discovering which
substitution has been used is left to the reader.


The tree rules can be composed in a nice visual way. For example,
this tree --- let's call it $({∧}{∧})$,
%:  ---------\id               ---------\id
%:  P∧Q≤P∧Q                    P∧Q≤P∧Q
%:  ---------∧_1               ---------∧_2
%:   P∧Q≤P         P≤R          P∧Q≤Q       Q≤S
%:   ------------------\comp    ------------------\comp
%:      P∧Q≤R                        P∧Q≤S
%:      ------------------------------------∧_3
%:                    P∧Q≤R∧S
%:                     ^foo
``is'' a proof for:
%$$∀P,Q,R,S∈Ω.\; (P ≤_H R)∧(Q ≤_H S) → ((P ∧_H Q) ≤_H (R ∧_H S)).$$
$$∀P,Q,R,S∈Ω.\; (P ≤ R)∧(Q ≤ S) → ((P ∧ Q) ≤ (R ∧ S)).$$

We can perform substitutions on trees, and the notation will be the
same as for tree rules: for example, $({∧}{∧}) \subst{S:=P∧Q}$.

%  ____            _               _              _           
% |  _ \  ___ _ __(_)_   _____  __| |  _ __ _   _| | ___  ___ 
% | | | |/ _ \ '__| \ \ / / _ \/ _` | | '__| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
% | |_| |  __/ |  | |\ V /  __/ (_| | | |  | |_| | |  __/\__ \
% |____/ \___|_|  |_| \_/ \___|\__,_| |_|   \__,_|_|\___||___/
\subsection{Derived rules}

\def\Hs{\{H_1, \ldots, H_n\}}

Let be $𝐬{HAT}$ the set of ``Heyting Algebra rules in tree form'' from
the last section:
$$𝐬{HAT} = \{(\id), \ldots, (→_2)\}.$$

Let's see a way to treat $𝐬{HAT}$ as a deductive system.

If $𝐬S$ is a set of tree rules, we will write:


\item $𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S)$ for the set of all trees whose bars are all
  substituion instances of rules in $𝐬S$,

\item $𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S, \Hs)$ for the set of all trees in $𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S)$
  whose hypotheses are contained in the set $\{H_1, \ldots, H_n\}$,

\item $𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S, \Hs, C)$ for the set of trees in $𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S,
  \Hs)$ having $C$ as their conclusion.


When the set $𝐬S$ is clear from the context, we write
%:  H_1  \ldots  H_n
%:  ================
%:       C
%:       ^fooC
to mean: {\sl we know} a tree in $𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S, \Hs, C)$, and this is
an abbreviation for it. I like to think of the double bar as the
bellows of a closed accordion: we can see the keys at both sides, but
not the drawings painted on the folded part of the pleated cloth.

The notation that defines a {\sl derived rule} is ``\textsl{newrule
  $:=$ expansion}'', where \textsl{expansion} is a tree in
$𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S, \Hs, C)$ and \textsl{newrule} is a bar with hypotheses
$H_1, \ldots, H_n$ and conclusion $C$, written with a single bar with
a (new) rule name, instead of with a double bar. For example, this is
a version of Modus Ponens for Heyting Algebras:
%:                                          ---------\id    
%:                        P≤Q{→}R  P≤Q      Q{→}R≤Q{→}R     
%:                        ------------∧_3   ----------→_1
%:  P≤Q  P≤Q{→}R          P≤(Q{→}R){∧}Q    (Q{→}R){∧}Q≤R
%:  ------------\MP  :=   --------------------------\comp
%:      P≤R                         P≤R
%:      ^MPL                         ^MPR
$$\ded{MPL} \quad := \quad \ded{MPR}$$

After the definition of a derived rule --- say, ``$D_1 := E_1$'' ---
the set of allowed tree rules that is implicit from the context is
increased, with $D_1$ being added to it; when we define another
derived rule, $D_2 := E_2$, its expansion $E_2$ can have bars that are
substitution instances of $D_1$. After adding more derived rules, $D_3
:= E_3$, $\ldots$, $D_n := E_n$, we can use all the new rules $D_1,
\ldots, D_n$ in our trees --- and we have a way to remove all the
derived rules from our trees! Take a tree $T∈𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S∪\{D_1,
\ldots, D_n\})$; replace each substitution instance of $D_n$ in it by
its expansion, then replace every substitution instance of $D_{n-1}$
in the new tree by its expansion, and so on; after replacing all
substitution instances of $D_1$ we get a tree in $𝐬{Trees}(𝐬S)$, with
the same hypotheses and the same conclusion as the original $T$.

We want to add these other derived rules:
%:                   -------\id
%:                   Q∧R≤Q∧R
%:   ------∧E_1 :=   -------∧_1
%:   Q∧R≤Q           Q∧R≤Q
%:   ^and4a           ^and4b
%:                   ---------\id
%:                   Q∧R≤Q∧R
%:   ------∧E_2  :=  ---------∧_2
%:   Q∧R≤R           Q∧R≤R
%:   ^and5a           ^and5b
%:                   ---------\id
%:                   P∨Q≤P∨Q
%:   ------∨I_1  :=  ---------∨_1
%:   P≤P∨Q           P≤P∨Q
%:   ^or4a            ^or4b
%:                   ---------\id
%:                   P∨Q≤P∨Q
%:   ------∨I_2  :=  ---------∨_2
%:   Q≤P∨Q           Q≤P∨Q
%:   ^or5a            ^or5b
%:                        P∧R≤S     Q∧R≤S 
%:                        -----→_2  -----→_2 
%:                        P≤R→S     Q≤R→S 
%:                        ---------------∨_3 
%:  P∧R≤S  Q∧R≤S            P∨Q≤R→S    
%:  ------------∨E   :=     ---------→_1  
%:    (P∨Q)∧R≤R             (P∨Q)∧R≤R  
%:       ^orE1               ^orE2

  \ded{and4a} &:=& \ded{and4b}    \\\\
  \ded{and5a} &:=& \ded{and5b}    \\\\
  \ded{or4a}  &:=& \ded{or4b}     \\\\
  \ded{or5a}  &:=& \ded{or5b}     \\\\
  \ded{orE1}  &:=& \ded{orE2}     \\\\

%  _   _       _                   _       _          _ 
% | \ | | __ _| |_ _   _ _ __ __ _| |   __| | ___  __| |
% |  \| |/ _` | __| | | | '__/ _` | |  / _` |/ _ \/ _` |
% | |\  | (_| | |_| |_| | | | (_| | | | (_| |  __/ (_| |
% |_| \_|\__,_|\__|\__,_|_|  \__,_|_|  \__,_|\___|\__,_|

\subsection{Natural deduction}

The system $𝐬{HAT}$ with all the derived rules of the last section
added to it will be called $𝐬{HAND}$:
$$𝐬{HAND} = \{(\id), \ldots, (→_2), (\MP), \ldots, (∨E))\}$$

Trees in Natural Deduction for IPL can be translated into $𝐬{HAND}$ by
a method that we will sketch below. Note that this section is not
self-contained --- it should be regarded as an introduction to


This is an example of a tree in Natural Deduction:
% (ntyp 46 "ND-3")
% (nty     "ND-3")
%:   [P]^1  P{→}Q       [P]^1  P{→}R   
%:   ------------(→E)   ------------(→E)
%:         Q                 R
%:         -------------------(∧I)
%:             Q{∧}R
%:          -----------(→I);1
%:          P{→}(Q{∧}R)
%:          ^ND-1
The ``;1'' in its last bar means: below this point the hypotheses
marked with `$[\,·\,]^1$' are ``discharged'' from the list of
hypotheses. Each subtree of a ND tree with undischarged hypotheses
$H_1, \ldots, H_n$ and conclusion $C$ will be interpreted as {\sl
  some} tree in $𝐬{HAND}$ with no hypotheses and conclusion
$H_1∧\ldots∧H_n≤C$ --- there are usually several possible choices. So:
%:   P  P{→}Q
%:   --------   ==>   -----------\MP
%:      Q             P∧(P{→}Q)≤Q
%:      ^a1            ^a2
%:   P  P{→}R    
%:   --------   ==>   -----------\MP
%:      R             P∧(P{→}R)≤R
%:      ^b1            ^b2
%:   Q   R          
%:   -----      ==>   -----------\id
%:   Q{∧}R            Q{∧}R≤Q{∧}R
%:     ^c1             ^c2
%:   P  P{→}Q       P  P{→}R   
%:   --------       --------    
%:      Q              R          
%:      ----------------           ==>  =========================
%:             Q{∧}R                    ((P{→}R)∧(P{→}Q))∧P≤Q{∧}R
%:              ^d1                       ^d2
%:   [P]^1  P{→}Q       [P]^1  P{→}R   
%:   ------------       ------------    
%:         Q                 R
%:         -------------------            =========================
%:             Q{∧}R                      ((P{→}R)∧(P{→}Q))∧P≤Q{∧}R
%:          -----------(→I);1      ==>    -------------------------→_2
%:          P{→}(Q{∧}R)                   (P{→}R)∧(P{→}Q)≤P{→}Q{∧}R
%:          ^e1                            ^e2
  \ded{a1} &\becomes& \ded{a2} \\ \\
  \ded{b1} &\becomes& \ded{b2} \\ \\
  \ded{c1} &\becomes& \ded{c2} \\ \\
  \ded{d1} &\becomes& \ded{d2} \\ \\
  \ded{e1} &\becomes& \ded{e2} \\

The ND rules that are difficult to understand and difficult to
translate are the ones that involve discharges: `$(→I)$', that appears
above, and `$(∨E)$':
%:        [P]^1  R     [Q]^1  R
%:        ::::::::T_1  ::::::::T_2      =====T_1  =====T_2
%:   P∨Q      S           S             P∧R≤S     Q∧R≤S
%:   ----------------------(∨E)         ---------------∨E
%:              S                          (P∨Q)∧R≤S
%:              ^oE1                        ^oE2
  \ded{oE1} &\becomes& \ded{oE2} \\
Note that the derived rule $∨E$ is used to combine the translations of
the subtrees $T_1$ and $T_2$ into a translation of the whole ND tree.

My suggestion for the readers that are seeing this for the first time
is: start by translating the ND tree below to a tree in $𝐬{HAND}$, and
then to a tree in $𝐬{HAT}$; then read the relevant parts of
\cite{NegriVonPlato} to see how they would do that translation.

% (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "negri-vonplato")
% (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "van_dalen")
% (find-xpdfpage "~/LATEX/2017distributivity.pdf")
% (find-LATEXfile "2017distributivity.tex" "fails in some way")
%:                         (P∨Q)∧R                (P∨Q)∧R   
%:                         -------(∧E_2)          -------(∧E_2)  
%:                  [P]^1    R             [Q]^1     R       
%:                  ----------(∧I)         -----------(∧I)       
%:  (P∨Q)∧R            P∧R                    Q∧R       
%:  -------(∧E_1)   ------------(∨I_1)   -----------(∨I_2)
%:    P∨Q           (P∧R)∨(Q∧R)          (P∧R)∨(Q∧R)  
%:    ----------------------------------------------(∨E);1
%:          (P∧R)∨(Q∧R)
%:          ^distr-weird-1


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