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a poor man's "\verb" \def\cocolor{} \def\cocolor{\color{DarkGreen!80!black}} \def\co#1{{% \cocolor% \def\%{\char37}% \def\\{\char92}% \def\^{\char94}% \def\~{\char126}% \tt#1% }} \def\qco#1{`\co{#1}'} \def\qqco#1{``\co{#1}''} \def\pco#1{\par\co{#1}} \def\incgr#1#2{\includegraphics[#1]{2021emacsconf/#2}} \def\fnu#1{{\footnotesize \url{#1}}} % _____ _ _ _ % |_ _(_) |_| | ___ % | | | | __| |/ _ \ % | | | | |_| | __/ % |_| |_|\__|_|\___| % % «title» (to ".title") \thispagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{empty} \vspace*{0.5cm} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c} {\bf \Huge Test blocks} \\ \scalebox{1.1}{A new feature of eev} \\ [2pt] \scalebox{0.9}{Eduardo Ochs} \\ [2pt] \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tabular}{l} \url{http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2021.html} \\ \url{http://angg.twu.net/\#eev} \\ \end{tabular} } \end{tabular} \end{center} \newpage % __ ___ _ % \ \ / / |__ __ _| |_ % \ \ /\ / /| '_ \ / _` | __| % \ V V / | | | | (_| | |_ % \_/\_/ |_| |_|\__,_|\__| % % «what» (to ".what") % (e21p 2 "what") % (e21a "what") {\bf Contents} \vspace*{-0.2cm} \begin{itemize} % (find-es "tex" "list") \setlength\itemsep{0ex} \item How to use a test block \\ (with \qco{<f8>}s) \item How to insert a test block \\ (with \qco{M-x eeit}) \item How \qco{eeit} is implemented \item How to add support for a new language \\ (with \qco{M-x find-eeit-links}) \item Etc \end{itemize} \newpage \screenshotgeometry \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-square-cube-a-tb.pdf} \newpage \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-square-cube-b-tb.pdf} \newpage \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-square-cube-b-rs.pdf} \newpage \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-square-cube-b-nrs.pdf} \newpage % «how-to-create» (to ".how-to-create") % (e21p 7 "how-to-create") % (e21a "how-to-create") \originalgeometry {\bf How to create a test block:} Type \qco{M-x eeit}, or \qco{M-x ee-insert-test}, or \qco{M-x ee-insert-test-block}. \msk The result depends on the language --- \qco{eeit} uses the major mode to detect it. For example, if the major mode is \qco{lua-mode} then \qco{M-x eeit} runs \qco{ee-insert-test-lua-mode}. \msk Look: \newpage \screenshotgeometry \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-mini-eeit.pdf} \newpage \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-mini-eeit-2.pdf} \newpage \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-seven-languages-a.pdf} \newpage % «find-eeit-links» (to ".find-eeit-links") % (e21p 11 "find-eeit-links") % (e21a "find-eeit-links") \originalgeometry {\bf How to add (or change)} {\bf the support for a language} \msk Type \qco{M-x find-eeit-links}. \bsk If the current mode is \qco{python-mode}, this will let you (re)write the function \qco{ee-insert-test-python-mode}. \msk It will create a temporary buffer like this: \newpage \screenshotgeometry \incgr{width=\paperwidth}{2021-find-eeit-links-1.pdf} \newpage % «etc» (to ".etc") % (e21p 13 "etc") % (e21a "etc") \originalgeometry For more info, a real-world example, etc, see: \ssk {\footnotesize \url{http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2021.html} } \bsk By the way: \ssk If you hate the red stars because they are `char 15's you can use red bullets instead -- `char 8226's. \ssk Run \qco{M-x find-red-star-links} for instructions. \GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!} % Used by `M-x cv' \end{document} \newpage \scalebox{0.35}{\def\colwidth{11cm}\firstcol{ Hi! My name is Eduardo Ochs and I'm the author of an Emacs package called eev. This talk is about a new feature of eev called Test Blocks. It's a 5-minute talk, so I'll have to be very concise -- and hurry a bit. \msk Several things will be just shown as links at the end, here in the Etc. Besides that, here is the structure of this talk: how to use an existing test block - we just need to type f8 several times in the right places; how to create a new test block with M-x ee-insert-test-block or M-x eeit; how eeit is implemented - it's just 6 lines of lisp; and to make eeit support new languages. \msk This is an example of a test block in Lua. This is a Lua file, as you can see here, in the file extension and in the major mode, and this thing here, that Lua treats as a comment, for us is a test block. Eev mode is active, so the f8 works in the right way. Let's see a demo. If I type f8s here the first three f8s create a target buffer running a Lua repl, and the other f8s send these lines here to the repl here. The dofile tells the repl to load the file square-cube.lua and the other lines test the functions in square-cube.lua. That's a lot of information, so let's organize it in a more visual way. These three lines set up the this target buffer here in the right window. It is running a Lua repl in comint mode. These other lines are sent to the repl. The repl thinks that the user had typed them character by character. Let's now decypher what f8 does. When we type f8 in a line that starts with a red star Emacs executes the rest of the line as Lisp, and moves down. When we type f8 on a line that does not start with a red star then Emacs send that line to the target buffer, and moves down. This line with the dofile makes the repl load the file square-cube.lua and these other lines test the functions that were defined in square-cube.lua. So this is how to use an existing test blocks. We can edit this thing here, change the tests, and run the new tests. }\anothercol{ How do we create a test block in a file that doesn't have one? We type M-x eeit, or M-x ee-insert-test-block. It will insert something, and this something depends on the major mode. More precisely, here is how eeit is defined. It builds the name of a function using the major mode, and it calls that other function. The other function does all the hard word. Most of these functions that insert test blocks are very similar to one another, but a few of them have extra features. I'm not showing them here, though. And here are some examples of what these functions can do, or what they usually do. In these seven windows we have buffers in seven different major modes. The first line in each indicates the language, and I've just run M-x eeit in each one. Note that the syntax for multi-line comments change according to the language. The setup block also changes, because it needs to specify which repl to run, and the line that loads the current file also has a syntax that depends on the language - and it usually mentions the filename, that the function for that major mode deduced from the buffer name. In some languages writing a multi-line comment is a bit tricky - see here, in shell, and here, in Tcl - and default test block for Org mode is weird - just runs a shell, it doesn't load the current file. But this is easy to change. My first To change the function that inserts tests blocks in a given major mode we just need to run M-x find-eev-links M-x ee-insert-test-block }} \GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!} % Used by `M-x cv' \end{document} % __ __ _ % | \/ | __ _| | _____ % | |\/| |/ _` | |/ / _ \ % | | | | (_| | < __/ % |_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\___| % % <make> % (find-es "tex" "pdfcrop") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cp ~/INKSCAPE/square-cube-4.pdf ~/LATEX/2021emacsconf/ % Local Variables: % coding: utf-8-unix % ee-tla: "e21" % End: