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It also shows that there are nice formulas for converting between subsets, Grothendieck topologies, and nuclei, but the formula for converting a nucleus to a subset is not spelled out explicitly. These notes fix that gap. % The paper ``Grothendieck Topologies on Posets'' by A.J. % Lindenhovius shows that when $\mathbf{P}$ is an Artinian poset and % $\mathbf{E}$ is the topos $\mathbf{Set}^\mathbf{P}$ then there are % bijections between the set of subsets of $\mathbf{P}$, the set of % Grothendieck topologies on $\mathbf{E}$, and the set of nuclei on % the Heyting Algebra $\mathrm{Sub}(1_\mathbf{E})$. It also shows % that there are nice formulas for converting between subsets, % Grothendieck topologies, and nuclei, but the formula for % converting a nucleus to a subset is not spelled out explicitly. % These notes fix that gap. \end{abstract} Let $𝐏$ be a downward-directed poset, that we will also regard as a category. Then $𝐄:=\Set^𝐏$ is a topos and $H:=\Sub(1_𝐄)$ is a Heyting Algebra. Let's denote the set of all Grothendieck topologies on $𝐄$ by $\GrTops(𝐏)$, the set of all nuclei on $H$ by $\Nucs(𝐏)$, and the set of subsets of (the set of points of) $𝐏$ by $\Pts(𝐏)$. In \cite{Lindenhovius} Bert Lindenhovius shows that when $𝐏$ is Artinian we have bijections between $\Pts(𝐏)$, $\Nucs(𝐏)$, and $\GrTops(𝐏)$. He uses notational conventions in which $J$ always denotes a Grothendieck topology, $j$ always denotes a nucleus, and $X$ always denotes a subset of $𝐏$, and he writes the components these bijections as $(j↦J_j)$, $(J↦j_J)$, and so on; we will also write them here as $(j↦J)$, $(J↦j)$, etc, and we will write the bijections as $(X↔j)$, $(X↔J)$, and $(j↔J)$. Let's put all this in a diagram: % %D diagram bijections %D 2Dx 100 +45 +40 +45 %D 2D 100 A0 - A1 B0 - B1 %D 2D | / | / %D 2D +45 A2 - A3 B2 - B3 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 A2 ==> \Pts(𝐏) \Nucs(𝐏) \GrTops(𝐏) %D ren B0 B1 B2 ==> X j J %D %D (( A0 A1 -> sl^ .plabel= a \smt{C.4.2} %D A0 A1 <-- sl_ .plabel= b \smt{(e-mail)} %D A0 A2 -> sl_ .plabel= l \smtt{2.8,}{C.4.1} %D A0 A2 <- sl^ .plabel= r \smt{2.9} %D A2 A1 <-> .plabel= m \smtt{B.8,}{B.25} %D # A2 A3 <--> %D )) %D (( B0 B1 |-> sl^ .plabel= a \sm{(X↦j)} %D B0 B1 <--| sl_ .plabel= b \sm{(j↦X)} %D B0 B2 <-> .plabel= l \sm{(X↦J),\\(J↦X)} %D B2 B1 <-> .plabel= m \sm{(j↦J),\\(J↦j)} %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{bijections} $$ \newpage % «components» (to ".components") % (linfp 2 "components") % (linfa "components") He defines the components of these bijections as: % $$\begin{array}{rrcll} (X↦j): & j_X(S) &=& X→S & \text{(C.4.2, C.2)} \\ (j↦X): & X_j &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} {p\not∈j(\dnpo)} & \text{(e-mail)} \\ [5pt] (X↦J): & J_X(p) &=& \setofsc{S∈\Ddp}{X∩{↓}p⊆S} & \text{(2.8, C.4.1)} \\ (J↦X): & X_J &=& \setofsc{p∈𝐏}{J(p)=\{{↓}p\}} & \text{(2.9)} \\ [5pt] (j↦J): & J_j(p) &=& \setofsc {S∈\Downs(\dnp)} {p∈j(S)} & \text{(B.8, B.25)} \\ (J↦j): & j_J(S) &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} {S∩{↓}p∈J(p)} & \text{(B.8, B.25)} \\ \end{array} $$ The annotations like ``(C.4.2, C.2)'' indicate where these components are defined. Note that one of the annotations says ``(e-mail)''; this is because that formula doesn't appear explicitly in \cite{Lindenhovius}, and so I (Eduardo) asked him (Bert) if that formula was what I guessed it would be, and he replied with a formula slightly shorter than my guess, and a proof... \msk These notes are just to make his formula and his proof available in a public place. All the mathematical content here is by Bert Lindenhovius, and all the typesetting was done by Eduardo Ochs, who found Bert's proof hard to follow and decided to typeset it in Natural Deduction form. {\sl Note:} when I wrote the first version of these notes I listed Bert as the main author and me as the coauthor, but he told me that he preferred to be credited only in the text. I insisted, and explained that I would have never been able to find these proofs by myself --- but he insisted more. \bsk If we combine $(j↦J)$ and $(J↦X)$ we get this: % $$\begin{array}{crcl} (j↦J): & J_j(p) &=& \setofsc {S∈\Downs(\dnp)} {p∈j(S)} \\ (J↦X): & X_J &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} {J(p)=\{{↓}p\}} \\ (j↦J↦X): & X_{J_j} &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} { \setofsc {S∈\Downs(\dnp)} {p∈j(S)} =\{{↓}p\}} \\ & &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} {∀S∈\Downs(\dnp). \; ((p∈j(S))↔(S={↓}p))} \\ [5pt] (j↦X): & X_j &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} {p\not∈j(\dnpo)} \\ \end{array} $$ It is not obvious at all that $X_{J_j} = X_j$. We will prove that $p∈X_j$ iff $p∈X_{J_j}$, where: % $$\begin{array}{rcl} (p∈X_j) &=& (p\not∈j(\dnpo)) \\ (p∈X_{J_j}) &=& ∀S∈\Downs(\dnp). \; (p∈j(S))↔(S={↓}p) \\ \end{array} $$ \newpage % «proofs» (to ".proofs") % (linfp 3 "proofs") % (linfa "proofs") \def\H#1{\hspace{#1cm}} Look: %: %: %: p∈X_{J_j} %: ------------------ --------------------------------- %: \dnpo∈\Downs(\dnp) ∀S∈\Downs(\dnp).(p∈j(S))↔(S=\dnp) %: ------------------------------------------------------ %: (p∈j(\dnpo))↔(\dnpo=\dnp) %: --------------------------------- -------------- %: (p\not∈j(\dnpo))↔(\dnpo\not=\dnp) \dnpo\not=\dnp %: ---------------------------------------------------- %: p\not∈j(\dnpo) %: -------------------- %: p∈X_j %: %: ^part-small %: \pu $$\ded{part-small}$$ %: %: %: [S∈\Downs(\dnp)]^2 %: ------------------ %: S⊂\dnp [S\neq\dnp]^1 [S∈\Downs(\dnp)]^2 %: ------------------------------- -------------- %: p\not∈S S⊂\dnp %: ------------------------------------- %: S⊂\dnpo p∈X_j %: ------------- -------------- %: j(S)⊂j(\dnpo) \H{-1} p\not∈j(\dnpo) %: ---------------------------------------------------- %: p\not∈j(S) %: ------------------------1 %: (S\neq\dnp)→(p\not∈j(S)) %: ------------------------ ----------------- %: (p∈j(S))→(S=\dnp) \H{-1} (S=\dnp)→(p∈j(S)) %: ----------------------------------------------------- %: (p∈j(S))↔(S=\dnp) %: ---------------------------------2 %: ∀S∈\Downs(\dnp).(p∈j(S))↔(S=\dnp) %: --------------------------------- %: p∈X_{J_j} %: %: ^part-big %: \pu $$\ded{part-big}$$ This proves that $X_j$ and $X_{J_j}$ are equal. \newpage % «other-formula» (to ".other-formula") % (linfp 4 "other-formula") % (linfa "other-formula") Now let's check that $X_j$ and $X'_j$ are equal, where $X'_j$ is defined as: $$\begin{array}{rcl} X_j &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} {p\not∈j(\dnpo)} \\ X'_j &=& \setofsc {p∈𝐏} {j(\dnp)\not=j(\dnpo)} \\ \end{array} $$ Proof: %: %: %: %: [p∈j(\dnpo)]^1 %: -------------- ---------- ------------ %: \dnp⊆j(\dnpo) \dnpo⊆\dnp \dnp⊆j(\dnp) [j(\dnp)=j(\dnpo)]^1 %: -------------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------- %: j(\dnp)⊆(j∘j)(\dnpo) j(\dnpo)⊆j(\dnp) \dnp⊆j(\dnp)=j(\dnpo) %: ---------------------------------------- --------------------- %: j(\dnp)⊆(j∘j)(\dnpo)=j(\dnpo)⊆j(\dnp) \dnp⊆j(\dnpo) %: ------------------------------------- ------------- %: j(\dnp)=j(\dnpo) p∈j(\dnpo) %: ----------------------------------------------------------1 %: (p∈j(\dnpo))↔(j(\dnp)=j(\dnpo)) %: --------------------------------------- %: (p\not∈j(\dnpo))↔(j(\dnp)\not=j(\dnpo)) %: --------------------------------------- %: p∈X_j↔p∈X'_j %: %: ^lemma %: %: \pu % % (lindp 50 "B.6") % (linda "B.6") % $$\ded{lemma}$$ The formula of $X'_j$ above is the one that I asked if it was correct; Bert answered that yes, and showed that it is equivalent to the slighty shorter formula for $X_j$. %L write_dnt_file() \pu \printbibliography \GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!} % Used by `M-x cv' \end{document} % _ _ % / \ _ ____ _(_)_ __ % / _ \ | '__\ \/ / \ \ / / % / ___ \| | > <| |\ V / % /_/ \_\_| /_/\_\_| \_/ % % «arxiv» (to ".arxiv") % (find-LATEX "2020favorite-conventions.tex" "make-for-arxiv") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/LATEX/ #export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH #export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH which biber biber --version make -f 2019.mk STEM=2021lindenhovius-j-to-X veryclean lualatex 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.tex biber 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X pdflatex -record 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.tex # (find-LATEXfile "2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.fls" "biblatex/") cd ~/LATEX/ flsfiles-zip 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.fls 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.zip rm -rfv /tmp/2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.zip rm -rfv /tmp/edrx-latex/ cd /tmp/ cp -v ~/LATEX/2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.zip . mkdir /tmp/edrx-latex/ unzip -d /tmp/edrx-latex/ /tmp/2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.zip cd /tmp/edrx-latex/ pdflatex 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.tex pdflatex 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.tex cp -v 2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.pdf /tmp/ # (find-fline "/tmp/edrx-latex/") # (find-fline "/tmp/edrx-latex/2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.bbl" "bbl format version") # (find-pdf-page "/tmp/edrx-latex/2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.pdf") # (find-pdf-text "/tmp/edrx-latex/2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.pdf") # (find-fline "/tmp/2021lindenhovius-j-to-X.zip") % __ __ _ % | \/ | __ _| | _____ % | |\/| |/ _` | |/ / _ \ % | | | | (_| | < __/ % |_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\___| % % «make» (to ".make") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-LATEXfile "2019planar-has-1.mk") make -f 2019.mk STEM=2021lindenhovius-j-to-X veryclean make -f 2019.mk STEM=2021lindenhovius-j-to-X pdf % Local Variables: % coding: utf-8-unix % ee-tla: "linf" % End: