Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
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% (defun cv () (interactive) (C) (ee-kill-this-buffer) (v) (g))
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\usepackage[colorlinks,citecolor=DarkRed,urlcolor=DarkRed]{hyperref} % (find-es "tex" "hyperref")
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{\bf E-mail from Bert Lindenhovius, 2021jun30}

% https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/QgrcJHrtvWmlxhvCBggGFXMszBggGkmQmdv

\def\nuc  {(·)^*}
\def\Nucs  {\mathsf{Nucs}}
\def\dno   {{↓}^\circ}
\def\dnu   {{↓}u}
\def\dnus  {(\dnu)^*}
\def\dnou  {\dno u}
\def\dnous {(\dnou)^*}

I think you are correct, but I think the expression can be simplified:

$X_j= \setofsc{p\in P}{p\notin j({↓}p∖\singp)}$.

Reason: by (iii) of Definition B.6, it follows that $j$ is monotone.
Now $p$ in $j({↓}p∖\singp)$ implies ${↓}p⊆ j({↓}p∖\singp)$ and by (ii)
of Def. B.6, we obtain $j({↓}p)⊆ (j∘j)({↓}p∖\singp))=j({↓}p∖\singp)⊆
j({↓}p)$ (last inclusion because $j$ is monotone). Conversely, if
$j({↓}p∖\singp)=j({↓}p)$, then by (i) of Def. B.6 we have ${↓}p⊆
j({↓}p)=j({↓}p∖\singp)$, hence $p$ in $j({↓}p∖\singp)$ if and only if

%:   [p∈j({↓}p∖\singp)]^1
%:   -------------------         ------------------        
%:   {↓}p⊆j({↓}p∖\singp)         j\;\text{monotone}        [j({↓}p)=j({↓}p∖\singp)]^1
%:   -----------------------    ----------------------     ---------------------------B.6.(i)
%:   {↓}p⊆(j∘j)({↓}p∖\singp)    j({↓}p∖\singp)⊆j({↓}p)     {↓}p⊆j({↓}p)=j({↓}p∖\singp)       
%:   --------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------       
%:   j({↓}p)⊆(j∘j)({↓}p∖\singp))=j({↓}p∖\singp)⊆j({↓}p)    {↓}p⊆j({↓}p∖\singp)               
%:   --------------------------------------------------    -------------------               
%:   j({↓}p)=j({↓}p∖\singp)                                p∈j({↓}p∖\singp)                  
%:   ----------------------------------------------------------------------1
%:   (p∈j({↓}p∖\singp))↔(j({↓}p)=j({↓}p∖\singp))
%:   ^reason
%:   [u∈\dnous]^1  
%:   -----------      ----------       
%:   \dnu⊆\dnous      \dnou⊂\dnu       [\dnus=\dnous]^1
%:   ------------     ------------ m   -----------------B.6.(i)
%:   \dnu⊆\dnouss     \dnous⊂\dnus     \dnu⊆\dnus=\dnous
%:   -----------------------------     -----------------
%:   \dnus⊆\dnouss=\dnous⊂\dnus        \dnu⊆\dnous
%:   -----------------------------     -----------               
%:   \dnus=\dnous                      u∈\dnous                  
%:   -----------------------------------------1
%:   (u∈\dnous)↔(\dnus=\dnous)
%:   ^reason2
% (lindp 50 "B.6")
% (linda    "B.6")


In my notation...

% (lindp 12 "2.9")
% (linda    "2.9")


In order to show that the expression for $X_j$ is correct, I find it
easiest is to start with the subset $X_J$ associated by a Grothendieck
topology $J$ on $P$, which by Lemma 2.9 is given by all $p$ in $P$
such that $J(p)={{↓}p}$.

By Theorem B.25, to any nucleus $j$, we can associate at Grothendieck
topology $J_j$ by $J_j(p) = \setofsc{S \in \Downs({↓}p)}{p \in j(S)}$

Hence, to $j$ we can associate the subset $X_{J_j}$ of $P$ consisting
of all $p$ such that $J_j(p)=\{{↓}p\}$, i.e., all $p$ such that ${↓}p$
is the only downset $S$ of ${↓}p$ with $p$ in $j(S)$. Then
$X_{J_j}=X_j$ as defined above, which can be seen as follows.
  J_j(p)      &=&       \setofsc{S∈\Downs({↓}p)}{p∈j(S)} \\
  X_J         &=&       \setofsc {p∈P} {J(p)=\{{↓}p\}} \\
  X_{J_j}     &=&       \setofsc {p∈P} {\setofsc{S∈\Downs({↓}p)}{p∈j(S)}=\{{↓}p\}} \\
              &=&       \setofsc {p∈P} {∀S∈\Downs({↓}p). (p∈j(S))↔(S={↓}p)} \\
  (p∈X_{J_j}) &=&                       ∀S∈\Downs({↓}p). (p∈j(S))↔(S={↓}p)  \\
  X_j         &=&       \setofsc{p∈P}{p\not∈j({↓}p∖\singp)} \\
  (p∈X_j)     &=&                     p\not∈j({↓}p∖\singp)  \\

Let $p$ in $X_{J_j}$. Let ${↓}p∖\singp$. Since ${↓}p$ is the only
downset $S$ of ${↓}p$ with $p$ in $j(S)$, we cannot have $p$ in
$j({↓}p∖\singp)$, so $p\in X_j$.

%:                                        p∈X_{J_j}
%:                              ---------------------------------
%:   {↓}p∖\singp∈\Downs({↓}p)   ∀S∈\Downs({↓}p).(p∈j(S))↔(S={↓}p)
%:   ------------------------------------------------------------
%:       (p∈j({↓}p∖\singp))↔({↓}p∖\singp={↓}p)
%:       -------------------------------------
%:       (p\not∈j({↓}p∖\singp))↔({↓}p∖\singp\not={↓}p)
%:       -------------------------------
%:       p\not∈j({↓}p∖\singp)
%:       --------------------
%:       p∈X_j
%:       ^foo


Conversely, if $p$ in $X_j$, let $S$ in $\Downs({↓}p)$ such that
$S\neq {↓}p$. Then we must have that $p\notin S$, hence $S⊆
{↓}p∖\singp$, hence $j(S)⊆ j({↓}p∖\singp)$, and since $j({↓}p∖\singp)$
does not contain, neither does $j(S)$. We conclude that ${↓}p$ is the
only downset $S$ of ${↓}p$ such that $p$ in $j(S)$, whence $p$ in


%:   [S∈\Downs({↓}p)]^2
%:   ------------------
%:     S⊂{↓}p            [S\neq{↓}p]^1     [S∈\Downs({↓}p)]^2
%:     -------------------------------     --------------
%:          p\not∈S                        S⊂{↓}p
%:          -------------------------------------
%:                  S⊂{↓}p∖\{p\}                        p∈X_j
%:               ------------------               -------------------
%:               j(S)⊂j({↓}p∖\{p\})   \H{-1}      p\not∈j({↓}p∖\{p\})
%:               ----------------------------------------------------
%:                  p\not∈j(S)
%:                  ------------------------
%:                  (S\neq{↓}p)→(p\not∈j(S))
%:                  ------------------------            =================
%:                  (p∈j(S))→(S={↓}p)          \H{-1}   (S={↓}p)→(p∈j(S))
%:                  -----------------------------------------------------
%:                  (p∈j(S))↔(S={↓}p)
%:                  ---------------------------------2
%:                  ∀S∈\Downs({↓}p).(p∈j(S))↔(S={↓}p)
%:                  ---------------------------------
%:                  p∈X_{J_j}
%:                  ^foo



  X_J         &=&    \setofsc {p∈P} {J(p)=\{{↓}p\}} \\
  (J↦X)(J)    &=&    \setofsc {p∈P} {J(p)=\{{↓}p\}} \\
  (J↦X)       &=& λJ.\setofsc {p∈P} {J(p)=\{{↓}p\}} \\
  (J↦𝓨)      &=& λJ∈\GrTops(𝐃).\setofst {u∈𝐃} {J(u)=\{{↓}u\}} \\
  𝓨          &=&                \setofst {u∈𝐃} {J(u)=\{{↓}u\}} \\

  J_j(p)      &=&       \setofsc{S∈\Downs({↓}p)}{p∈j(S)} \\
  (j↦J)(j)(p) &=&       \setofsc{S∈\Downs({↓}p)}{p∈j(S)} \\
  (j↦J)       &=& λj.λp.\setofsc{S∈\Downs({↓}p)}{p∈j(S)} \\
  (\nuc↦J) &=& λ\nuc∈\Nucs(...).λu∈𝐃.\setofst{𝓢∈Ω(u)}{u∈𝓢^*} \\
  J        &=&                  λu∈𝐃.\setofst{𝓢∈Ω(u)}{u∈𝓢^*} \\
  J(u)     &=&                        \setofst{𝓢∈Ω(u)}{u∈𝓢^*} \\
  𝓨   &=&    \setofst {u∈𝐃} {J(u)=\{{↓}u\}} \\
       &=&    \setofst {u∈𝐃} {\setofst{𝓢∈Ω(u)}{u∈𝓢^*}=\{{↓}u\}} \\
       &=&    \setofst {u∈𝐃} {∀𝓢∈Ω(u). (u∈𝓢^*)↔(𝓢={↓}u)} \\

\GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!}  % Used by `M-x cv'


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* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
# (find-LATEXfile "2019planar-has-1.mk")
make -f 2019.mk STEM=2021lindenhovius-june veryclean
make -f 2019.mk STEM=2021lindenhovius-june pdf

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