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2022.1} \bsk Todos os PDFs do semestre juntados num PDFzão só \bsk Eduardo Ochs - RCN/PURO/UFF \url{http://angg.twu.net/2022.1-C2.html} \end{center} \newpage % «parts» (to ".parts") % (c2m221tudop 2 "parts") % (c2m221tudoa "parts") % (find-angg ".emacs" "c2-2022-1") % (c2m221introa "title") % (c2m221introa "title" "Aulas 4 e 5: mais exercícios de substituição") \incl{2022-1-C2-intro} % (c2m221somas3a "title") % (c2m221somas3a "title" "Aula 11: somas de retângulos") \incl{2022-1-C2-somas-3} % (c2m221isa "title") % (c2m221isa "title" "Aula 15: infs e sups") \incl{2022-1-C2-infs-e-sups} % (c2m221tfc1a "title") % (c2m221tfc1a "title" "Aula 23: o TFC1") \incl{2022-1-C2-TFC1} % (c2m221mt1a "title") % (c2m221mt1a "title" "Mini-teste 1") \incl{2022-1-C2-MT1} % (c2m221dfia "title") % (c2m221dfia "title" "derivada" "da função inversa") \incl{2022-1-C2-der-fun-inv} % (c2m221atisa "title") % (c2m221atisa "title" "Aula 29: algumas técnicas de integração") % (c2m221tudop 120) \incl{2022-1-C2-algumas-t-ints} % (c2m221mt2a "title") % (c2m221mt2a "title" "Mini-teste 2") \incl{2022-1-C2-MT2} % (c2m221pra "title") % (c2m221pra "title" "Aula 31: primitivas") \incl{2022-1-C2-primitivas} % (c2m221dp1a "title") % (c2m221dp1a "title" "Aula 31: dicas pra P1") \incl{2022-1-C2-dicas-pra-P1} % (c2m221p1a "title") % (c2m221p1a "title" "P1 (Primeira prova)") % (c2m221tudop 193) \incl{2022-1-C2-P1} % (c2m221dp2a "title") % (c2m221dp2a "title" "Aula 31.5: dicas pra P2") % (c2m221tudop 204) \incl{2022-1-C2-dicas-pra-P2} % (c2m221p2a "title") % (c2m221p2a "title" "P2 (Segunda prova)") % (c2m221tudop 206) \incl{2022-1-C2-P2} % (c2m221vra "title") % (c2m221vra "title" "Prova de reposição (VR)") % (c2m221tudop 216) \incl{2022-1-C2-VR} % (c2m221dvsa "title") % (c2m221dvsa "title" "Aula 35: dicas pra VS aberta") \incl{2022-1-C2-dicas-pra-VSA} % (c2m221vsaa "title") % (c2m221vsaa "title" "VS aberta (VSA)") \incl{2022-1-C2-VSA} % (c2m221vsba "title") % (c2m221vsba "title" "VS extra - 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