Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
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\title*{Chapter Title}
\author{First Author \thanks{corresponding author} and Second Author}
\institute{First Author \at Institute 1, Address of Institute 1, \email{name1@email.address}
\and Second Author \at Institute 2, Address of Institute 2 \email{name2@email.address}}
\abstract{Each chapter should be preceded by an abstract (about 250
  words) that summarizes the content. The abstract will appear
  \textit{online} at \url{www.SpringerLink.com} and be available with
  unrestricted access. This allows unregistered users to read the
  abstract as a teaser for the complete chapter. Please do not include
  reference citations, cross-references or undefined abbreviations in
  the abstract.}

\keywords{please provide around 5 keywords.}

%D diagram ??
%D 2Dx     100 +20
%D 2D  100 A
%D 2D
%D 2D  +20     B
%D 2D
%D # ren ==>
%D (( A B ->
%D ))
%D enddiagram

\section{\textit{Main Text of the Chapter}}
This is the main body of the chapter and should include sections and
subsections. Please re-name this heading and add your own subheadings.\\
{\bf Note: Footnotes should not be used! Avoid acknowledgements other
  than those related to funding.}
Citations are in NameYear style using natbib citation commands like
{\bf \textbackslash citep\{\}} and {\bf \textbackslash citet\{\}}. The
basic \textbackslash cite command works identical to \textbackslash
citet. \\
Some examples of citations are given below:

\item[-]{Journal article: \citep{Smith99}}
\item[-]{Book chapter \citep{Aron01} }
\item[-]{Book, authored: \citep{Brown01}  }
\item[-]{Proceedings, with an editor:  \citep{Boisnard06}  }
\item[-]{PhD Thesis: \citep{AlmenaraThesis10} }

% AbramskyTzevelekos   \cite[p.15]{AbramskyTzevelekos}
% AbramskyTzevelekos   \cite{AbramskyTzevelekos}
% AgdaUserManual       \cite{AgdaUserManual}
% Awodey               \cite[lemma 8.2]{Awodey}
% Awodey               \cite{Awodey}
% BadiouLoW            \cite{BadiouLoW}
% BadiouMoTT           \cite{BadiouMoTT}
% CWM2                 \cite[Section III.2]{CWM2}
% CWM2                 \cite[p.33]{CWM2}
% CWM2                 \cite[p.55]{CWM2}
% CWM2                 \cite[p.61]{CWM2}
% CWM2                 \cite[page 83]{CWM2}
% CWM2                 \cite[section X.3]{CWM2}
% CWM2                 \cite{CWM2}
% CaccamoPhD           \cite{CaccamoPhD}
% CaccamoWinskel       \cite{CaccamoWinskel}
% CarsonSappho         \cite{CarsonSappho}
% ChengMorally         \cite{ChengMorally}
% CoeckeNewStruP       \cite{CoeckeNewStruP}
% CoeckePQP            \cite{CoeckePQP}
% Corfield             \cite{Corfield}
% DSLsofMath           \cite[sec.3.3]{DSLsofMath}
% DSLsofMath           \cite{DSLsofMath}
% EilenbergSteenrod    \cite[p.ix]{EilenbergSteenrod}
% EilenbergSteenrod    \cite{EilenbergSteenrod}
% Elephant1            \cite{Elephant1}
% FongSpivak           \cite{FongSpivak}
% Freyd76              \cite{Freyd76}
% FreydScedrov         \cite[p.28 onwards]{FreydScedrov}
% FreydScedrov         \cite{FreydScedrov}
% Ganesalingam         \cite{Ganesalingam}
% Hazratpour           \cite[section A.5]{Hazratpour}
% HuCarette            \cite{HuCarette}
% IDARCT               \cite[Section 14]{IDARCT}
% IDARCT               \cite[Section 16]{IDARCT}
% IDARCT               \cite[sec.12]{IDARCT}
% IDARCT               \cite[sec.3]{IDARCT}
% IDARCT               \cite[section 16]{IDARCT}
% IDARCT               \cite{IDARCT}
% Jacobs               \cite{Jacobs}
% Jamnik               \cite{Jamnik}
% Kromer               \cite[pp.82--83]{Kromer}
% Kromer               \cite{Kromer}
% KromerSlides         \cite{KromerSlides}
% LawvereRosebrugh     \cite[p.2 onwards]{LawvereRosebrugh}
% Leinster             \cite[p.97]{Leinster}
% Leinster             \cite[thm.4.2.1]{Leinster}
% Leinster             \cite{Leinster}
% MDE                  \cite{MDE}
% MacLaneNotes         \cite{MacLaneNotes}
% MarsdenCTUSD         \cite{MarsdenCTUSD}
% MilewskiCTFPOCaml    \cite{MilewskiCTFPOCaml}
% MissingAgda          \cite{MissingAgda}
% NederpeltGeuvers     \cite[def.9.2.1]{NederpeltGeuvers}
% NederpeltGeuvers     \cite[p.127]{NederpeltGeuvers}
% NederpeltGeuvers     \cite[p.179]{NederpeltGeuvers}
% NederpeltGeuvers     \cite[p.340]{NederpeltGeuvers}
% NederpeltGeuvers     \cite{NederpeltGeuvers}
% Norell08             \cite[section 2]{Norell08}
% OchsLucatelli        \cite{OchsLucatelli}
% OchsTallinnAbs       \cite{OchsTallinnAbs}
% OchsVGMS2018         \cite{OchsVGMS2018}
% OchsWLD2019          \cite{OchsWLD2019}
% PH1                  \cite{PH1}
% PH2                  \cite{PH2}
% PenroseSIGGRAPH2020  \cite{PenroseSIGGRAPH2020}
% Perrone              \cite{Perrone}
% PowerPasting         \cite{PowerPasting}
% Riehl                \cite[definition 6.1.1]{Riehl}
% Riehl                \cite[p.52]{Riehl}
% Riehl                \cite[p.60]{Riehl}
% Riehl                \cite[proposition 6.1.5]{Riehl}
% Riehl                \cite[section 1.7]{Riehl}
% Riehl                \cite[thm.2.2.4]{Riehl}
% Riehl                \cite{Riehl}
% SICP                 \cite{SICP}
% SeelyBeck            \cite{SeelyBeck}
% SeelyDiff            \cite{SeelyDiff}
% SeelyLCCC            \cite{SeelyLCCC}
% SeelyPLC             \cite{SeelyPLC}
% SelingerLN           \cite[p.52]{SelingerLN}
% SelingerLN           \cite{SelingerLN}
% Taylor               \cite{Taylor}
% ThompsonGardner      \cite{ThompsonGardner}
% VanBenthemJutting77  \cite{VanBenthemJutting77}
% WadlerPLFA           \cite{WadlerPLFA}


\auth{AbramskyTzevelekos}   \cite[p.15]{AbramskyTzevelekos}
\auth{AbramskyTzevelekos}   \cite{AbramskyTzevelekos}
\auth{AgdaUserManual}       \cite{AgdaUserManual}
\auth{Awodey}               \cite[lemma 8.2]{Awodey}
\auth{Awodey}               \cite{Awodey}
\auth{BadiouLoW}            \cite{BadiouLoW}
\auth{BadiouMoTT}           \cite{BadiouMoTT}
\auth{CWM2}                 \cite[Section III.2]{CWM2}
\auth{CWM2}                 \cite[p.33]{CWM2}
\auth{CWM2}                 \cite[p.55]{CWM2}
\auth{CWM2}                 \cite[p.61]{CWM2}
\auth{CWM2}                 \cite[page 83]{CWM2}
\auth{CWM2}                 \cite[section X.3]{CWM2}
\auth{CWM2}                 \cite{CWM2}
\auth{CaccamoPhD}           \cite{CaccamoPhD}
\auth{CaccamoWinskel}       \cite{CaccamoWinskel}
\auth{CarsonSappho}         \cite{CarsonSappho}
\auth{ChengMorally}         \cite{ChengMorally}
\auth{CoeckeNewStruP}       \cite{CoeckeNewStruP}
\auth{CoeckePQP}            \cite{CoeckePQP}
\auth{Corfield}             \cite{Corfield}
\auth{DSLsofMath}           \cite[sec.3.3]{DSLsofMath}
\auth{DSLsofMath}           \cite{DSLsofMath}
\auth{EilenbergSteenrod}    \cite[p.ix]{EilenbergSteenrod}
\auth{EilenbergSteenrod}    \cite{EilenbergSteenrod}
\auth{Elephant1}            \cite{Elephant1}
\auth{FongSpivak}           \cite{FongSpivak}
\auth{Freyd76}              \cite{Freyd76}
\auth{FreydScedrov}         \cite[p.28 onwards]{FreydScedrov}
\auth{FreydScedrov}         \cite{FreydScedrov}
\auth{Ganesalingam}         \cite{Ganesalingam}
\auth{Hazratpour}           \cite[section A.5]{Hazratpour}
\auth{HuCarette}            \cite{HuCarette}
\auth{IDARCT}               \cite[Section 14]{IDARCT}
\auth{IDARCT}               \cite[Section 16]{IDARCT}
\auth{IDARCT}               \cite[sec.12]{IDARCT}
\auth{IDARCT}               \cite[sec.3]{IDARCT}
\auth{IDARCT}               \cite[section 16]{IDARCT}
\auth{IDARCT}               \cite{IDARCT}
\auth{Jacobs}               \cite{Jacobs}
\auth{Jamnik}               \cite{Jamnik}
\auth{Kromer}               \cite[pp.82--83]{Kromer}
\auth{Kromer}               \cite{Kromer}
\auth{KromerSlides}         \cite{KromerSlides}
\auth{LawvereRosebrugh}     \cite[p.2 onwards]{LawvereRosebrugh}
\auth{Leinster}             \cite[p.97]{Leinster}
\auth{Leinster}             \cite[thm.4.2.1]{Leinster}
\auth{Leinster}             \cite{Leinster}
\auth{MDE}                  \cite{MDE}
\auth{MacLaneNotes}         \cite{MacLaneNotes}
\auth{MarsdenCTUSD}         \cite{MarsdenCTUSD}
\auth{MilewskiCTFPOCaml}    \cite{MilewskiCTFPOCaml}
\auth{MissingAgda}          \cite{MissingAgda}
\auth{NederpeltGeuvers}     \cite[def.9.2.1]{NederpeltGeuvers}
\auth{NederpeltGeuvers}     \cite[p.127]{NederpeltGeuvers}
\auth{NederpeltGeuvers}     \cite[p.179]{NederpeltGeuvers}
\auth{NederpeltGeuvers}     \cite[p.340]{NederpeltGeuvers}
\auth{NederpeltGeuvers}     \cite{NederpeltGeuvers}
\auth{Norell08}             \cite[section 2]{Norell08}
\auth{OchsLucatelli}        \cite{OchsLucatelli}
\auth{OchsTallinnAbs}       \cite{OchsTallinnAbs}
\auth{OchsVGMS2018}         \cite{OchsVGMS2018}
\auth{OchsWLD2019}          \cite{OchsWLD2019}
\auth{PH1}                  \cite{PH1}
\auth{PH2}                  \cite{PH2}
\auth{PenroseSIGGRAPH2020}  \cite{PenroseSIGGRAPH2020}
\auth{Perrone}              \cite{Perrone}
\auth{PowerPasting}         \cite{PowerPasting}
\auth{Riehl}                \cite[definition 6.1.1]{Riehl}
\auth{Riehl}                \cite[p.52]{Riehl}
\auth{Riehl}                \cite[p.60]{Riehl}
\auth{Riehl}                \cite[proposition 6.1.5]{Riehl}
\auth{Riehl}                \cite[section 1.7]{Riehl}
\auth{Riehl}                \cite[thm.2.2.4]{Riehl}
\auth{Riehl}                \cite{Riehl}
\auth{SICP}                 \cite{SICP}
\auth{SeelyBeck}            \cite{SeelyBeck}
\auth{SeelyDiff}            \cite{SeelyDiff}
\auth{SeelyLCCC}            \cite{SeelyLCCC}
\auth{SeelyPLC}             \cite{SeelyPLC}
\auth{SelingerLN}           \cite[p.52]{SelingerLN}
\auth{SelingerLN}           \cite{SelingerLN}
\auth{Taylor}               \cite{Taylor}
\auth{ThompsonGardner}      \cite{ThompsonGardner}
\auth{VanBenthemJutting77}  \cite{VanBenthemJutting77}
\auth{WadlerPLFA}           \cite{WadlerPLFA}

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