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2023.2} \bsk Aula 30: EDOs lineares com coeficientes constantes \bsk Eduardo Ochs - RCN/PURO/UFF \url{http://anggtwu.net/2023.2-C2.html} \end{center} \newpage % «links» (to ".links") % (c2m232edolccsp 2 "links") % (c2m232edolccsa "links") {\bf Links} \scalebox{0.5}{\def\colwidth{16cm}\firstcol{ % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stewart-pt" "1020" "17.1 Equações Lineares de Segunda Ordem") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stewart-pt" "1034" "subamortecimento") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "stewart-pt" "51" "H Números Complexos") \par \Ca{StewPtCap17p6} (p.1020) Equações diferenciais de 2ª ordem \par \Ca{StewPtCap17p20} (p.1034) Caso 3: subamortecimento \par \Ca{StewPtApendiceHp5} (p.A51) Apêndice H: Números complexos \ssk % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "leithold" "156" "3.3. Teoremas sobre derivação") \par \Ca{Leit3p22} (p.158) $D_x[c·f(x)] = c·D_xf(x)$ \par \Ca{Leit3p22} (p.158) $D_x[f(x)+g(x)] = D_xf(x)+D_xg(x)$ \ssk % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima-pt" "105" "3. Equações lineares de segunda") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima-pt" "111" "operador diferencial") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima-pt" "113" "princípio da superposição") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima-pt" "121" "3.3. Raízes complexas") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima-pt" "123" "Figura 3.3.1") \par \Ca{BoyceDip3p5} (p.105) Capítulo 3: Equações lineares de 2ª ordem \par \Ca{BoyceDip3p11} (p.111) Seção 3.2: o operador diferencial $L$ \par \Ca{BoyceDip3p13} (p.113) Teorema 3.2.2: o princípio da superposição \par \Ca{BoyceDip3p21} (p.121) 3.3. Raízes complexas da equação característica \par \Ca{BoyceDip3p23} (p.123) Figura 3.3.1 \ssk % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "zill-cullen-pt" "173" "4.3" "coeficientes constantes") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "zill-cullen-pt" "196" "Exemplo 1: ...pode ser fatorado...") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "zill-cullen" "150" "FACTORING OPERATORS") \par \Ca{ZillCullenCap4p33} (p.173) 4.3. Equações lineares homogêneas com coeficientes constantes \par \Ca{ZillCullenCap4p60} (p.196) Exemplo 1: ...pode ser fatorado... $(D+3)(D+2)$ \par \Ca{ZillCullenEngCap4p40} (p.150) Factoring operators ... $(D+3)(D+2)$ \msk % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima" "103" "3 Second-Order Linear") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima" "110" "differential operator") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima" "112" "Theorem 3.2.2" "Superposition") % (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "boyce-diprima" "120" "3.3 Complex Roots") \par \Ca{BoyceDipEng3p4} (p.103) Chapter 3: Second-order linear ODEs \par \Ca{BoyceDipEng3p11} (p.110) Section 3.2: the differential operator $L$ \par \Ca{BoyceDipEng3p13} (p.112) Theorem 3.2.2: principle of superposition \par \Ca{BoyceDipEng3p21} (p.120) 3.3 Complex Roots of the Characteristic Equation \par \Ca{BoyceDipEng3p24} (p.123) Figure 3.3.1 \ssk Quadros: % (find-angg ".emacs" "c2q232" "30,nov01: EDOLCCs") \par \Ca{2hQ61} Aula 30 de 2023.2 (01/nov/2023) \standout{Aviso:} falta digitar muita coisa! Veja os quadros! % (c2m231dicasp2p 4 "raizes-chutar-testar") % (c2m231dicasp2a "raizes-chutar-testar") % 2gT128 Raízes por chutar-e-testar \bsk \bsk Quadros antigos: % (find-angg ".emacs" "c2q231" "jun20: EDOs lineares") \par \Ca{2gQ46} Aula 23 de 2023.1 (20/junho/2023) \par \Ca{2gQ50} Aula 24 de 2023.1 (23/junho/2023) \bsk }\anothercol{ }} \newpage % (c2m231edolsp 3 "nao-usei") % (c2m231edolsa "nao-usei") \def\Mscale{0.5} \def\dqeq{\;\text{``$=$''}\;} \def\M#1{\scalebox{\Mscale}{$\pmat{#1}$}} $\M{0&1\\0&0} \M{0&0\\1&0} = \M{1&0\\0&0}$ \ssk $\M{0&0\\1&0} \M{0&1\\0&0} = \M{0&0\\0&1}$ \msk $\M{a&b} \M{c\\d} = \M{ac+bd}$ $\M{c\\d} \M{a&b} = \M{ac&bc\\ad&bd}$ \msk $S = \M{0&1 \\ &0&1 \\ &&0&1 \\ &&&0&1 \\ &&&&0} \quad 1 = \M{1 \\ &1 \\ &&1 \\ &&&1 \\ &&&&1} \quad S-1 = \M{-1&1 \\ &-1&1 \\ &&-1&1 \\ &&&-1&1 \\ &&&&-1}$ \msk $v = \M{v_1\\v_2\\v_3\\v_4\\v_5\\} \quad f = \M{f(1)\\f(2)\\f(3)\\f(4)\\f(5)\\} \quad Sf = \M{f(2)\\f(3)\\f(4)\\f(5)\\0} \quad (S-1)f = \M{f(2)-f(1)\\f(3)-f(2)\\f(4)-f(3)\\f(5)-f(4)\\0-f(5)\\} $ \bsk Obs: não usei isso aqui -- não deu tempo de \LaTeX ar tudo... \newpage % (c2m232p1p 4 "questao-5-grids") % (c2m232p1a "questao-5-grids") %L fry = FromYs.from {ys={0,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3,-3,2,-2,1,-1,0}, Y0=0} :setall() %L fry = FromYs.from {ys={0,-1,-3,3,1,0,1,2,1,0,-1,-2,-1,0}, Y0=0} :setall() %L fry = FromYs.from {ys={2,1,0,1,2,-2,1,-2,0,-2,0,1,2,1,0,-1,-2,-1,0}, Y0=-3} :setall() %L Pict { %L fry:ypict() :prethickness("1pt"):sa("fig f"), %L fry:Ypict() :prethickness("1pt"):sa("fig F"), %L fry:grid(-4,4):sa("grid F"), %L } :output() \pu \unitlength=10pt $\begin{array}{rcl} g(x) &=& \ga{fig F} \\ \\[-5pt] g'(x) &=& \ga{fig f} \\ \end{array} $ \newpage %M (%i1) f : exp( 3*x); %M (%o1) e^{3\,x} %M (%i2) f : exp(-3*x); %M (%o2) e^ {- 3\,x } %M (%i3) f : exp( 2*x); %M (%o3) e^{2\,x} %M (%i4) fp : diff(f,x); %M (%o4) 2\,e^{2\,x} %M (%i5) fpp : diff(f,x,2); %M (%o5) 4\,e^{2\,x} %M (%i6) Lf : fpp + fp - 6*f; %M (%o6) 0 %M (%i7) %L maximahead:sa("L1", "") \pu %M (%i1) D (f) := diff(f,x); %M (%o1) D\left(f\right):=\mathrm{diff}\left(f , x\right) %M (%i2) DD(f) := diff(f,x,2); %M (%o2) \mathrm{DD}\left(f\right):=\mathrm{diff}\left(f , x , 2\right) %M (%i3) L (f) := D(D(f)) + D(f) - 6*f; %M (%o3) L\left(f\right):=D\left(D\left(f\right)\right)+D\left(f\right)+\left(-6\right)\,f %M (%i4) D(x^2); %M (%o4) 2\,x %M (%i5) D(D(x^2)); %M (%o5) 2 %M (%i6) L(x^2); %M (%o6) -\left(6\,x^2\right)+2\,x+2 %M (%i7) L(exp( 3*x)); %M (%o7) 6\,e^{3\,x} %M (%i8) L(exp(-3*x)); %M (%o8) 0 %M (%i9) L(exp( 2*x)); %M (%o9) 0 %M (%i10) %L maximahead:sa("L2", "") \pu \scalebox{0.4}{\def\colwidth{9cm}\firstcol{ \ga{L1} }\anothercol{ \def\hboxthreewidth {10cm} \ga{L2} }} \newpage % «solucoes-nao-basicas» (to ".solucoes-nao-basicas") % (c2m232edolccsp 6 "solucoes-nao-basicas") % (c2m232edolccsa "solucoes-nao-basicas") {\bf Soluções não-básicas} % (find-c2q232page 64 "30,nov01: EDOLCCs") \def\und #1#2{\underbrace{#1}_{#2}} \def\uuund#1#2#3#4{\und{\und{\und{#1}{#2}}{#3}}{#4}} \scalebox{0.8}{\def\colwidth{12cm}\firstcol{ $$\begin{array}{rcl} M(αv + βw) &=& M(αv) + M(βw) \\ &=& α(Mv) + β(Mw) \\ \end{array} $$ $$\und{(D-2)(D+3)}{M} (\und{42}{α} \und{e^{2x}}{v} + \und{99}{β} \und{e^{-3x}}{w}) $$ \sa{(D-2)e^{2x}}{ \uuund{(D-2)e^{2x}} {De^{2x} -2e^{2x}} {2e^{2x} -2e^{2x}} {0} } \sa{(D+3)e^{-3x}}{ \uuund{(D+3)e^{-3x}} {De^{-3x}+3e^{-3x}} {-3e^{-3x}+3e^{-3x}} {0} } $$\begin{array}{l} (D-2)(D+3)(42e^{2x} + 99e^{-3x}) \\ = \; 42(D-2)(D+3)e^{2x} + 99(D-2)(D+3)e^{-3x} \\ = \; \und{42\und{(D+3)\ga{(D-2)e^{2x}}}{0}}{0} \,+\, \und{99\und{(D-2)\ga{(D+3)e^{-3x}}}{0}}{0} \\ \end{array} $$ }\anothercol{ }} \GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!} % Used by `M-x cv' \end{document} % ____ _ _ % | _ \(_)_ ___ _(_)_______ % | | | | \ \ / / | | | |_ / _ \ % | |_| | |\ V /| |_| | |/ / __/ % |____// | \_/ \__,_|_/___\___| % |__/ % % «djvuize» (to ".djvuize") % (find-LATEXgrep "grep --color -nH --null -e djvuize 2020-1*.tex") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "~/2023.2-C2/") # (find-fline "~/LATEX/2023-2-C2/") # (find-fline "~/bin/djvuize") cd /tmp/ for i in *.jpg; do echo f $(basename $i .jpg); done f () { rm -v $1.pdf; textcleaner -f 50 -o 5 $1.jpg $1.png; djvuize $1.pdf; xpdf $1.pdf } f () { rm -v $1.pdf; textcleaner -f 50 -o 10 $1.jpg $1.png; djvuize $1.pdf; xpdf $1.pdf } f () { rm -v $1.pdf; textcleaner -f 50 -o 20 $1.jpg $1.png; djvuize $1.pdf; xpdf $1.pdf } f () { rm -fv $1.png $1.pdf; djvuize $1.pdf } f () { rm -fv $1.png $1.pdf; 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