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RCN/PURO/UFF \url{http://anggtwu.net/eev-lean4.html} \end{center} \newpage % «links» (to ".links") % (2024tinsp 2 "links") % (2024tinsa "links") % {\bf Links} % % \scalebox{0.6}{\def\colwidth{9cm}\firstcol{ % }\anothercol{ % }} \newpage % «instance-Monad-List» (to ".instance-Monad-List") % (2024tinsp 2 "instance-Monad-List") % (2024tinsa "instance-Monad-List") % (find-es "lean" "instance-Monad-List") %L bigstr = [=[ %L bind [a1,a2] fun a => bind [b1,b2] fun b => pure (a ,b ) %L -------- --- -------- --- --- --- %L : List A : A : List B : B : A : B %L --------- %L : A×B %L -------------- %L : List A×B %L -------------------------- %L : B → List A×B %L ---------------------------------------- %L : List A×B %L --------------------------------------------------- %L : A → List A×B %L ---------------------------------------------------------------- %L : List A×B %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L -- ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex() %L print(ut) %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig1}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu $$\scalebox{0.9}{$ \ga{fig1} $} $$ \newpage % «fun-proj-eq» (to ".fun-proj-eq") % (2024tinsp 3 "fun-proj-eq") % (2024tinsa "fun-proj-eq") % (find-angg "LEAN/parsediagram1.lean") \def\Textsf#1{\mathstrut\textsf{#1}} %L textsfco = Co.new("#$", " %&<>[\\]^_{}~"):add("\n", "\\\\\n") %L textsfco = Co.new("#$", "%&<>[\\]^_{}~"):add("\n", "\\\\\n") %L %L GrUD.__index.textsfstr = function (grud,str) %L --str = str:gsub("[%{%}_%^]", "\\%1") %L str = textsfco:translate(str) %L return format("\\Textsf{%s}", str) %L --return format("\\textsf{%s}", str) %L end %L bigstr = [=[ %L fun {α β} [BEq α] (ab : α×β) => let (a,_) := ab; a==a %L ----- -------------- ---------- -------------- ---- --------------------- %L implicitBinder instBinder typeAscription "=>" let %L -------------- ---------- -------------- --------------------- %L funBinder funBinder funBinder termParser %L ------------------------------------------ ------- %L (many1 funBinder) optType %L ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %L "fun" basicFun %L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %L fun %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-fun}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu %L bigstr = [=[ %L { α β } %L --- ----------- ----------- --- %L "{" ident ident "}" %L ----------- ----------- %L binderIdent binderIdent %L ------------------------ --------- %L (many1 binderIdent) (opttype) %L ------------------------------------------ %L implicitBinder %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-implicitBinder}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu %L bigstr = [=[ %L [ BEq α ] %L --- ----- ----- --- %L "[" ident ident "]" %L ----------- %L app %L -------- ----------- %L optIdent termParser %L ---------------------------- %L instBinder %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-instBinder}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu %L bigstr = [=[ %L ( ab : α × β ) %L --- ---------- --- ----- --- ----- --- %L "(" ident ":" ident "×" ident ")" %L ---------- --------------- %L termParser term_×_ %L --------------- %L termParser %L -------------------------------------- %L typeAscription %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-typeAscription}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu %L bigstr = [=[ %L ( a , _ ) := ab %L --- ---------- --- ---------- --- ------- ---- ---------- %L "(" ident "," "_" ")" optType ":=" ident %L --- ---------- ---------- ---------- %L termParser hole termParser %L ---------- %L termParser %L --------------------------------- %L tuple %L --------------------------------- %L termParser %L ----------------------------------------------- %L letPatDecl %L ----------------------------------------------------------- %L letDecl %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-letDecl}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu %L bigstr = [=[ %L let (a,_) := ab ; a == a %L ----- ----------- ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- %L "let" letDecl ";" ident "==" ident %L ------------ ---------- ---------- %L optSemicolon termParser termParser %L -------------------------- %L term_==_ %L -------------------------- %L termParser %L ----------------------------------------------------------- %L let %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-let}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu \vspace*{-0.4cm} $$\scalebox{0.55}{$ \begin{array}{l} \ga{fig-fun} \\\\[7pt] \ga{fig-implicitBinder} \qquad \ga{fig-instBinder} \qquad \ga{fig-typeAscription} \\\\[7pt] \ga{fig-letDecl} \qquad \ga{fig-let} \end{array} $} $$ \newpage % «p123456» (to ".p123456") % (2024tinsp 4 "p123456") % (2024tinsa "p123456") % (find-luatreelean "Test1.lean") % % syntax num : catA % syntax:50 catA:50 " - " catA:51 : catA % syntax:70 catA:71 " ^ " catA:70 : catA % syntax "[: " catA " :]" : term % % #eval paren [: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 :] --> "(((1-2)-3)-(4^(5^6)))" %L bigstr = [=[ %L 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 %L ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- %L num num num num num num %L ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- %L catA catA catA catA catA catA %L ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- %L catA:50 catA:51 catA:51 catA:71 catA:71 catA:70 %L ----------------- ----------------- %L catA:50 catA:70 %L --------------------------- --------------------------- %L catA:50 catA:70 %L --------------------------- %L catA:51 %L --------------------------------------------------------- %L catA:50 %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-123456}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu \vspace*{-0.4cm} $$\scalebox{1.0}{$ \begin{array}{l} \ga{fig-123456} \end{array} $} $$ \newpage % (find-huttonbookpage 201 "Relabelling trees") % (find-huttonbooktext 201 "Relabelling trees") % «ST-S-app» (to ".ST-S-app") % (2024tinsp 5 "ST-S-app") % (2024tinsa "ST-S-app") % (find-es "pandoc" "epub-to-html") %L bigstr = [=[ %L app (S st ) x = st x %L ------------------- ------- ------------------ ------- %L ::State->(a,State) ::State ::State->(a,State) ::State %L --------------------- -------------------------- %L ::S(State->(a,State)) ::(a,State) %L --------------------- %L ::ST a %L ----------------------------------- %L ::(a,State) %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-ST-S-app}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu %L bigstr = [=[ %L fmap g st = S (\s -> let (x ,s' ) = app st s in (g x , s' )) %L ------ ------ ------- --- ------- ------ ------- ------ --- ------- %L ::a->b ::ST a ::State ::a ::State ::St a ::State ::a->b ::a ::State %L ------------------ ------------- ------------------ ---------- %L ::ST b ::(a,State) ::(a,State) ::b %L --------------------- %L ::(b,State) %L --------------------------------------------------------------- %L ::(b,State) %L -------------------------------------------------------------------------- %L ::State->(b,State) %L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %L ::ST b %L ]=] %L ut = GrUD.from(bigstr):addallbars():totex_textsf() %L ut2 = format("\\sa{fig-St-S-fmap}{%s}", ut) %L output(ut2) \pu %V newtype ST a = S (State -> (a,State)) %V app :: ST a -> State -> (a,State) %V app (S st) x = st x %L %L defvbt "ST-S" \pu %V newtype ST a = S (State -> (a,State)) %V app :: ST a -> State -> (a,State) %V app (S st) x = st x %V instance Functor ST where %V -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> ST a -> ST b %V fmap g st = S (\s -> let (x,s') = app st s in (g x, s')) %L %L defvbt "ST-S-fmap" \pu %V _________ __________ %V | | | | %V | | x :: a | g :: | g x :: b %V | | --------> | a -> b | ----------> %V | st :: | | | %V | ST a | |__________| %V | | %V | | %V --------> | | ---------------------------------> %V s :: |_________| s' :: %V State State %L %L defvbt "my-fig-00090" \pu \newpage $$\scalebox{1.25}{$ \begin{array}{l} \scalebox{1.1}{\vbt{ST-S}} \\ \\[-5pt] \ga{fig-ST-S-app} \\ \end{array} $} $$ \newpage % (find-fline "~/LATEX/2024type-inferences/" "00090.pdf") % (find-pdf-page "~/LATEX/2024type-inferences/00090.pdf") \vspace*{-0.5cm} $$\scalebox{0.7}{$ \begin{array}{l} \scalebox{1.1}{\vbt{ST-S-fmap}} \\ \\[-5pt] \myvcenter{\includegraphics[width=5cm]{2024type-inferences/00090.pdf}} \quad \myvcenter{\scalebox{0.7}{\vbt{my-fig-00090}}} \\ \\[-5pt] \ga{fig-St-S-fmap} \\ \end{array} $} $$ \GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!} % Used by `M-x cv' \end{document} % Local Variables: % coding: utf-8-unix % ee-tla: "tins" % ee-tla: "2024tins" % End: