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-- tcgs.lua: classes for two-column graphs. -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/tcgs.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/tcgs.lua.html -- (find-angg "dednat6/dednat6/tcgs.lua") -- -- This is a hack that I use in the papers of my "Planar Heyting -- Algebras for Children" series. -- -- This file supersedes the code for TCGs in: -- (find-LATEX "edrxpict.lua" "TCG") -- but it defines classes with different names so that this and the -- old version can be loaded together (and the migration can be made -- gradually). -- «.qmarks-cuts» (to "qmarks-cuts") -- «.qmarks-cuts-test» (to "qmarks-cuts-test") -- «.Line» (to "Line") -- «.Line-test» (to "Line-test") -- «.TCGSpec» (to "TCGSpec") -- «.TCGSpec-test» (to "TCGSpec-test") -- «.TCGDims» (to "TCGDims") -- «.TCGDims-test» (to "TCGDims-test") -- «.TCGQ» (to "TCGQ") -- «.TCGQ-tests» (to "TCGQ-tests") -- (find-LATEX "edrxtikz.lua" "Line") -- (find-LATEX "edrxtikz.lua" "Line-test") require "zhaspecs" -- (find-dn6 "zhaspecs.lua") require "picture" -- (find-dn6 "picture.lua") -- _ __ __ _ -- __ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __| | _____ / / \ \ ___ _ _| |_ ___ -- / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '__| |/ / __| / /_____\ \ / __| | | | __/ __| -- | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | | <\__ \ \ \_____/ / | (__| |_| | |_\__ \ -- \__, |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\___/ \_\ /_/ \___|\__,_|\__|___/ -- |_| -- -- «qmarks-cuts» (to ".qmarks-cuts") -- Convert between the formats "qmarks" and "cuts". -- For example: (".??", "..???") <-> "321/0 0|1|2345". -- See: (find-es "dednat" "qmarks-to-cuts") qmarkstocuts = function (leftqmarks, rightqmarks) local cuts = "" local add = function (s) cuts = cuts..s end local leftqm = function (y) return leftqmarks :sub(y,y) == "?" end local rightqm = function (y) return rightqmarks:sub(y,y) == "?" end for y=#leftqmarks,1,-1 do add(y) if not leftqm(y) then add("/") end end add("0 0") for y=1,#rightqmarks do if not rightqm(y) then add("|") end add(y) end return cuts end cutstoqmarks = function (cuts) local l,r = cuts:sub(1,1)+0, cuts:sub(-1,-1)+0 local lqmarks,rqmarks = "", "" lqmark = function (y) return not cuts:match(y.."/") end rqmark = function (y) return not cuts:match("|"..y) end for y=1,l do lqmarks = lqmarks .. (lqmark(y) and "?" or ".") end for y=1,r do rqmarks = rqmarks .. (rqmark(y) and "?" or ".") end return lqmarks, rqmarks end -- «qmarks-cuts-test» (to ".qmarks-cuts-test") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) require "tcgs" PP(qmarkstocuts(".??", "..???")) PP(cutstoqmarks "321/0 0|1|2345") --]] -- _ _ -- | | (_)_ __ ___ -- | | | | '_ \ / _ \ -- | |___| | | | | __/ -- |_____|_|_| |_|\___| -- -- «Line» (to ".Line") -- Parametrized lines. -- This is a copy of: -- (find-LATEX "edrxtikz.lua" "Line") -- minus MAYBE some methods for Analytic Geometry and Tikz. -- Line = Class { new = function (A, v, mint, maxt) return Line {A=A, v=v, mint=mint, maxt=maxt} end, newAB = function (A, B, mint, maxt) return Line.new(A, B-A, mint, maxt) end, type = "Line", __tostring = function (li) return li:tostring() end, __index = { t = function (li, t) return li.A + t * li.v end, draw = function (li) return formatt("%s -- %s", li:t(li.mint), li:t(li.maxt)) end, tostring = function (li) return formatt("%s + t%s", li.A, li.v) end, proj = function (li, P) return li.A + li.v:proj(P - li.A) end, sym = function (li, P) return P + 2*(li:proj(P) - P) end, -- pict = function (li) return formatt("\\Line%s%s", li:t(li.mint), li:t(li.maxt)) end, -- -- (find-LATEX "edrxpict.lua" "pict2evector") pictv = function (li) local x0,y0 = li:t(li.mint):to_x_y() local x1,y1 = li:t(li.maxt):to_x_y() return pict2evector(x0, y0, x1, y1) end, }, } -- «Line-test» (to ".Line-test") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "tcgs.lua" r = Line.new(v(0, 1), v(3, 2), -1, 2) = r = r:t(0) = r:t(0.1) = r:t(1) = r:draw() = r:pict() --]] -- _____ ____ ____ ____ -- |_ _/ ___/ ___/ ___| _ __ ___ ___ -- | || | | | _\___ \| '_ \ / _ \/ __| -- | || |__| |_| |___) | |_) | __/ (__ -- |_| \____\____|____/| .__/ \___|\___| -- |_| -- -- «TCGSpec» (to ".TCGSpec") -- Based on: -- (find-dn6 "zhaspecs.lua" "LR-fromtcgspec-tests") -- (find-dn6 "zhaspecs.lua" "LR") -- (find-dn6 "zhaspecs.lua" "LR" "fromtcgspec =") TCGSpec = Class { type = "TCGSpec", split = function (specstr) local pat = "^(%d)[ ,]*(%d);([ %d]*),([ %d]*)$" local l,r,lgens,rgens = specstr:match(pat) local l,r,lgens,rgens = l+0, r+0, split(lgens), split(rgens) return l,r,lgens,rgens end, new = function (specstr, leftqmarks, rightqmarks) local l,r,lgens,rgens = TCGSpec.split(specstr) return TCGSpec {tcgspec=specstr, maxl=l, maxr=r, leftgens=lgens, rightgens=rgens, leftqmarks=leftqmarks, rightqmarks=rightqmarks } end, -- ddtonn = function (dd) local a,b = dd:match("^(%d)(%d)$") return a+0, b+0 end, generatelrs = function (lrs) if type(lrs) == "string" then lrs = split(lrs) end return cow(function () for _,lr in ipairs(lrs) do local l,r = TCGSpec.ddtonn(lr) coy(lr, l, r) end end) end, -- __tostring = function (ts) return mytabletostring(ts) end, __index = { LRcolstrs = function (ts, Lcolstr, Rcolstr) ts.Lcolstr = Lcolstr ts.Rcolstr = Rcolstr return ts end, -- zha = function (ts) return LR.fromtcgspec(ts.tcgspec):zha() end, zhaspec = function (ts) return ts:zha().spec end, generateleftgens = function (ts) return TCGSpec.generatelrs(ts.leftgens) end, generaterightgens = function (ts) return TCGSpec.generatelrs(ts.rightgens) end, hasqmarks = function (ts) return ts.leftqmarks end, -- cuts = function (ts) return qmarkstocuts(ts.leftqmarks, ts.rightqmarks) end, mp = function (ts, opts) local mp = mpnew(opts or {}, ts:zhaspec()) if ts:hasqmarks() then mp = mp:addcuts("c "..ts:cuts()) end return mp end, -- -- See: (find-es "dednat" "lawvere-tierney") mpunder = function (ts, utop, opts, ubot) local zhaspec = ts:zhaspec() local mp = mpnew(opts, zhaspec) local cond = format("lr:below(v'%s') and lr:above(v'%s')", utop, ubot or "00") local ulrf = format("lr -> (%s) and lr:lr() or '..'", cond) mp:zhalrf0(ulrf) if ts:hasqmarks() then local uzha = ts:zha():shrinktop(v(utop)) local ucuts = "c "..ts:cuts() mp.cuts:addcuts(uzha, ucuts) end return mp end, -- ap = function (ts) local tdims = TCGDims {h=6, v=3, q=2, crh=2, crv=1, qrh=1} -- dummy return TCGQ.newdsoa(tdims, ts, {}, "lr q").ap end, -- tcgq = function (ts, opts, actions) return TCGQ.newdsoa(tdims, ts, opts, actions) -- use a global tdims end, }, } -- «TCGSpec-test» (to ".TCGSpec-test") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "tcgs.lua" spec = "46; 32, 15 26" ts = TCGSpec.new(spec) = ts = ts:zha() = ts:zha().spec = ts:zhaspec() for lr,l,r in ts:generateleftgens() do PP(lr,l,r) end for lr,l,r in ts:generaterightgens() do PP(lr,l,r) end for i,c in ("abcde"):gmatch("()(.)") do PP(i, c) end • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "tcgs.lua" ts = TCGSpec.new("46; 22 34 45, 25", ".???", "???.?.") = ts = ts:zha() = ts:zhaspec() = ts:cuts() = ts:mp() = ts:mp():addlrs() ts:mp({zdef="foo"}):lprint() = TCGSpec.new("46; 22 34 45, 25", ".???", "???.?."):mp():addlrs() = TCGSpec.new("46; 22 34 45, 25" ):mp():addlrs() -- (ph2p 24 "Q-partitions-are-slash-partitions" "side of each") -- (ph2 "Q-partitions-are-slash-partitions" "side of each") • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "tcgs.lua" = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26", "?..?","..??.."):ap() = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26" ):ap() = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26", "?..?","..??.."):mp() = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26", "?..?","..??.."):mp():addlrs() = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26" ):mp():addlrs() = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26" ):zha() --]] -- _____ ____ ____ ____ _ -- |_ _/ ___/ ___| _ \(_)_ __ ___ ___ -- | || | | | _| | | | | '_ ` _ \/ __| -- | || |__| |_| | |_| | | | | | | \__ \ -- |_| \____\____|____/|_|_| |_| |_|___/ -- -- «TCGDims» (to ".TCGDims") -- New! 2019apr28. -- A structure that holds the dimension parameters of a TCG. -- The functions L and R return the centers of the column cells. -- The functions QL and QR return the centers of the question mark cells. -- The "radius" of a node cell is (crh,crv). -- The "radius" of a question mark cell is (qrh,crv). TCGDims = Class { type = "TCGDims", __tostring = function (td) return mytabletostring(td) end, __index = { L = function (td, y) return v(0, td.v*y) end, R = function (td, y) return v(td.h, td.v*y) end, QR = function (td, y) return v(td.h+td.q, td.v*y) end, QL = function (td, y) return v( -td.q, td.v*y) end, cellradius = function (td) return v(td.crh, td.crv) end, qmarkradius = function (td) return v(td.qrh, td.crv) end, varrowts = function (td) return td.crv/td.v, 1-td.crv/td.v end, harrowts = function (td) return td.crh/td.h, 1-td.crh/td.h end, larrowparams = function (td, y0, y1) return td:L(y0), td:L(y1), td:varrowts() end, rarrowparams = function (td, y0, y1) return td:R(y0), td:R(y1), td:varrowts() end, lrarrowparams = function (td, y0, y1) return td:L(y0), td:R(y1), td:harrowts() end, rlarrowparams = function (td, y0, y1) return td:R(y0), td:L(y1), td:harrowts() end, lowerleft = function (td) return td:L(1)-td:cellradius() end, lowerleftq = function (td) return td:QL(1)-td:qmarkradius() end, upperright = function (td, y) return td:R(y)+td:cellradius() end, upperrightq = function (td, y) return td:QR(y)+td:qmarkradius() end, }, } -- «TCGDims-test» (to ".TCGDims-test") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "tcgs.lua" td = TCGDims {h=6, v=3, q=2, crh=2, crv=1, qrh=1} = td = td:lowerleft() = td:lowerleftq() = td:upperright(4) = td:upperrightq(4) = td:larrowparams(1, 0) = td:lrarrowparams(1, 0) --]] -- (find-dn6 "picture.lua" "LPicture") -- (find-LATEX "edrxtikz.lua" "Line") -- LPicture.__index.addarrow = function (lp, A, B, t0, t1) -- lp:addtex(Line.newAB(A, B, t0, t1):pictv()) -- end -- _____ ____ ____ ___ -- |_ _/ ___/ ___|/ _ \ -- | || | | | _| | | | -- | || |__| |_| | |_| | -- |_| \____\____|\__\_\ -- -- «TCGQ» (to ".TCGQ") -- A class for TCGs with optional question marks. This is a rewrite of -- the obsolete TCG class, but this uses a TCGDims object in a field -- ".td" to makes the dimensions much easier to adjust and to make the -- calculations more readable. A TCGQ object has a field ".lp" with an -- LPicture object with commands to draw all its nodes and arrows, a -- field ".ap" with an AsciiPicture object that only stores its nodes -- and qnodes (that I use to visualize in ascii how a TCGQ is converted -- to a ZHAJ), and an optional TCGSpec object in the field ".ts". -- -- It is possible to create a "low-level TCGQ" without a tcgspec for -- tests; in this case you have to specify explicitly its "l" and "r". -- In a "high-level TCGQ" the fields "l" and "r" are extracted the -- tcgspec. -- TCGQ = Class { type = "TCGQ", new = function (tdims, opts, l, r, tcgspec) local tq = TCGQ {tdims=tdims, opts=opts, l=l, r=r, ts=tcgspec, lp=LPicture.new(opts), ap=AsciiPicture.new(" "):put(v(1,1)," "), } if tcgspec then tq.l = tcgspec.maxl tq.r = tcgspec.maxr if tcgspec:hasqmarks() then tq:addqpoints() end end tq:addpoints() return tq end, newdsoa = function (tdims, tcgspec, opts, actions) return TCGQ.new(tdims, opts, nil, nil, tcgspec):act(actions or "") end, -- __index = { tolatex = function (tq) return tq.lp:tolatex() end, print = function (tq) print(tq.lp); return tq end, lprint = function (tq) print(tq.lp:tolatex()); return tq end, output = function (tq) output(tq.lp:tolatex()); return tq end, -- -- Functions to adjust the boundaries of the LPicture addpoints = function (tq) tq.lp:addpoint(tq.tdims:lowerleft()) tq.lp:addpoint(tq.tdims:upperright(max(tq.l, tq.r))) return tq end, addqpoints = function (tq) tq.lp:addpoint(tq.tdims:lowerleftq()) tq.lp:addpoint(tq.tdims:upperrightq(max(tq.l, tq.r))) return tq end, -- -- Draw boxes on cells and qmarks, for debugging drawboxes = function (tq) for y=1,tq.l do tq.lp:addrectr(tq.tdims:L(y), tq.tdims:cellradius()) end for y=1,tq.r do tq.lp:addrectr(tq.tdims:R(y), tq.tdims:cellradius()) end return tq end, drawqboxes = function (tq) for y=1,tq.l do tq.lp:addrectr(tq.tdims:QL(y), tq.tdims:qmarkradius()) end for y=1,tq.r do tq.lp:addrectr(tq.tdims:QR(y), tq.tdims:qmarkradius()) end return tq end, -- -- Draw the standard vertical arrows. varrows = function (tq) for y=tq.l,2,-1 do tq.lp:addarrow(tq.tdims:larrowparams(y, y-1)) end for y=tq.r,2,-1 do tq.lp:addarrow(tq.tdims:rarrowparams(y, y-1)) end return tq end, -- -- Put text in cells and in the qmark cells put = function (tq, v, tex) tq.lp:rawput(v, "\\cell{"..tex.."}") return tq end, aput = function (tq, x, y, tex) tex = (tex or ""):gsub("[\\_]", ""):sub(1,1) tq.ap:put(v(x,y), tex) return tq end, Lput = function (tq, y, tex) tq:put(tq.tdims:L(y), tex):aput(1, y, tex) end, Rput = function (tq, y, tex) tq:put(tq.tdims:R(y), tex):aput(2, y, tex) end, QLput = function (tq, y, tex) tq:put(tq.tdims:QL(y), tex):aput(0, y, tex) end, QRput = function (tq, y, tex) tq:put(tq.tdims:QR(y), tex):aput(3, y, tex) end, -- bullets = function (tq) for y=1,tq.l do tq:Lput(y, "\\bullet") end for y=1,tq.r do tq:Rput(y, "\\bullet") end return tq end, lrs = function (tq) for y=1,tq.l do tq:Lput(y, y.."\\_") end for y=1,tq.r do tq:Rput(y, "\\_"..y) end return tq end, -- LRputs = function (tq, left, right) left = (left or tq.ts.Lcolstr):gsub("!", "\\") right = (right or tq.ts.Rcolstr):gsub("!", "\\") for y,str in ipairs(split(left)) do tq:Lput(y, str) end for y,str in ipairs(split(right)) do tq:Rput(y, str) end return tq end, -- -- Low-level functions to put "?"s and "!"s in qmark cells QLputs = function (tq, qmarks) for y,c in qmarks:gmatch("()(.)") do if c=="?" or c=="!" then tq:QLput(y, c) end end return tq end, QRputs = function (tq, qmarks) for y,c in qmarks:gmatch("()(.)") do if c=="?" or c=="!" then tq:QRput(y, c) end end return tq end, -- -- A low-level function to put digits in cells digits = function (tq, ldigits, rdigits) for y,d in ldigits:gmatch("()(.)") do tq:Lput(y, d) end for y,d in rdigits:gmatch("()(.)") do tq:Rput(y, d) end return tq end, -- -- Functions that work only on "high-level TCGQs", that are the -- ones with a "ts" field holding a TCGSpec object. qmarks = function (tq) if tq.ts:hasqmarks() then tq:QLputs(tq.ts.leftqmarks) tq:QRputs(tq.ts.rightqmarks) end return tq end, harrows = function (tq) for lr,l,r in tq.ts:generateleftgens() do -- PP("->", l, r) tq.lp:addarrow(tq.tdims:lrarrowparams(l, r)) end for lr,l,r in tq.ts:generaterightgens() do -- PP("<-", l, r) tq.lp:addarrow(tq.tdims:rlarrowparams(r, l)) end return tq end, -- act = function (tq, actions) for i,action in ipairs(split(actions)) do if action == "b" then tq:bullets() elseif action == "lr" then tq:lrs() elseif action == "v" then tq:varrows() elseif action == "h" then tq:harrows() elseif action == "q" then tq:qmarks() elseif action == "B" then tq:drawboxes() elseif action == "QB" then tq:drawqboxes() elseif action == "p" then tq:print() elseif action == "ap" then tq.ap:print() elseif action == "LR" then tq:LRputs() elseif action == "o" then tq:output() else error("Bad action: "..action) end end return tq end, }, } -- «TCGQ-tests» (to ".TCGQ-tests") --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) require "tcgs" td = TCGDims {h=6, v=3, q=4, crh=2, crv=1, qrh=1} opts = {meta="p s", def="foo"} tq = TCGQ.new(td, opts, 3, 4):drawboxes():drawqboxes():varrows() tq:addqpoints() tq:Lput(2, "A") tq:lprint() tq = TCGQ.new(td, opts, 3, 4):act("B QB v"):addqpoints() tq:Lput(2, "A") tq:lprint() • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) require "tcgs" td = TCGDims {h=6, v=3, q=4, crh=2, crv=1, qrh=1} opts = {meta="p s", def="foo"} tq = TCGQ.new(td, opts, 3, 4) = tq.ap = tq:lrs().ap = tq:bullets().ap = tq:QLputs("?.!").ap = tq.ap = tq:lrs().ap • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "tcgs.lua" tspec = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26", "?..?", "..??..") tdims = TCGDims {h=6, v=3, q=2, crh=2, crv=1, qrh=1} tq = TCGQ.new(tdims, {tdef="foo"}, nil, nil, tspec) tq:bullets() tq:lrs() tq:varrows() tq:harrows() tq:qmarks() tq:drawboxes() tq:drawqboxes() tq:print() • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "tcgs.lua" tspec = TCGSpec.new("46; 32, 15 26", "?..?","..??..") tdims = TCGDims {h=6, v=3, q=2, crh=2, crv=1, qrh=1} tq = TCGQ.newdsoa(tdims, tspec, {tdef="foo"}, "b v h p") tq = TCGQ.newdsoa(tdims, tspec, {tdef="foo"}) tq:print() tdims = TCGDims {h=6, v=3, q=2, crh=2, crv=1, qrh=1} tq = TCGQ.newdsoa(tdims, tspec, {tdef="foo"}, "lr") tq:print() = tq.ap --]] -- Local Variables: -- coding: utf-8-unix -- End: