Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% This file: (find-LATEX "edrx17defs.tex")
%       See: (find-LATEX "edrx15defs.tex")
% Miscellaneous defs, mostly symbols.
% Contains lots of obsolete things.
% Based on:
% (find-LATEX "edrx15defs.tex")
% (find-LATEX "edrx15.sty")
% Last update: 2017jun18

% (find-doutfile "")
% (find-doutfile "defs-dnt.tex")
% (find-doutfile "defs-headfoot.tex")
% (find-doutfile "defs-sect.tex")
% (find-doutfile "defs-symbols.tex")
% (find-doutfile "defs.tex")

% Old, from edrx15defs.tex:
% «.hyp-rules»		(to "hyp-rules")
% New, from edrx15.sty:
% «.edrx15.sty»		(to "edrx15.sty")
% «.bbold»		(to "bbold")
% «.glyphs»		(to "glyphs")
% «.ttchars»		(to "ttchars")
% «.arrows»		(to "arrows")
% «.limp»		(to "limp")
% «.pbsymbol»		(to "pbsymbol")
% «.standardabbrevs»	(to "standardabbrevs")
% «.fcded»		(to "fcded")
% «.experimental.lua»	(to "experimental.lua")
% «.slides»		(to "slides")
% «.colors»		(to "colors")
% «.dags»		(to "dags")
% «.savebox»		(to "savebox")
% «.crossover»		(to "crossover")
% «.picture-cells»	(to "picture-cells")
% «.diagprep»		(to "diagprep")
% «.psm-and-pmat»	(to "psm-and-pmat")
% «.dednat6»		(to "dednat6")

%           _           _ ____      _       __      _            
%   ___  __| |_ ____  _/ | ___|  __| | ___ / _|___ | |_ _____  __
%  / _ \/ _` | '__\ \/ / |___ \ / _` |/ _ \ |_/ __|| __/ _ \ \/ /
% |  __/ (_| | |   >  <| |___) | (_| |  __/  _\__ \| ||  __/>  < 
%  \___|\__,_|_|  /_/\_\_|____/ \__,_|\___|_| |___(_)__\___/_/\_\
% Things taken from: (find-LATEX "edrx15defs.tex")
% (find-lsrcfile "base/fontdef.dtx" "rightarrow")




% Quantificadores,


% NSA e SSA,




% «greek.letters»  (to ".greek.letters")


% Set_A,
\def\SetA{{\bf Set_{\mathcal A}}}




\def\SetC{{\Set^{\bf C}}}
\def\Top{{\bf Top}}
\def\PTop{{\bf PTop}}
\def\Vect{{\bf Vect}}
\def\Grp{{\bf Grp}}
\def\Mon{{\bf Mon}}


% Coisas para o capítulo sobre análise não-standard
% (find-lsrcfile "amsmath/amsmath.dtx" "\\newcommand{\\sideset}[3]")

  \global\setbox\@ne\vbox to\ht\z@{}\dp\@ne\dp\z@
  \dimen@-\wd6 \advance\dimen@\wd4 \advance\dimen@\wd\z@
  \hbox to\dimen@{}\mathop{\kern-\dimen@\box4\box6}%
\def\interfin{\bigcap_{\rm fin}}

% Combinadores,

% Conectivos,
% (find-fline "/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/misc/program.sty" "poor man's bold")
% (find-fline "/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/amslatex/amsbsy.sty" "pmb")
% (find-fline "/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/amslatex/amstex.sty" "pmb")
% (find-fline "/usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/tools/bm.sty" "pmb")
%\def\ppmb#1{\setbox0=\hbox{\bf #1}
%            \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0
%           \kern.05em\copy0\kern-\wd0
%           \kern-.025em\raise.0433em\box0 }}


% Tipos,





\def\conetr#1#2#3{(\O_{#3},\, #3 \to #1,\, #3 \to #2)}

\def\ang#1{\langle #1 \rangle}




\def\Prfs {\operatorname{Prfs}}
\def\prf  {\operatorname{prf}}
\def\Objs {\operatorname{Objs}}

\def\comp {\operatorname{comp}}
\def\src  {\operatorname{src}}
\def\tgt  {\operatorname{tgt}}
\def\fv   {\operatorname{fv}}
\def\FV   {\operatorname{FV}}
\def\dom  {\operatorname{dom}}
\def\Cod  {\operatorname{Cod}}
\def\Sub  {\operatorname{Sub}}

% Bananas
\def\ban#1{(\mskip-1.2\thinmuskip| #1 |\mskip-1.2\thinmuskip)}


% «hyp-rules»  (to ".hyp-rules")
% Rules for hyperdoctrines (2010apr18)
\def\nat     {\natural}

\def\sen   {\operatorname{sen}}
\def\sec   {\operatorname{sec}}

% \def\cur  {\operatorname{cur}}
% \def\uncur{\operatorname{uncur}}
\def\cur  {\operatorname{\textsf{cur}}}

%           _           _ ____       _         
%   ___  __| |_ ____  _/ | ___|  ___| |_ _   _ 
%  / _ \/ _` | '__\ \/ / |___ \ / __| __| | | |
% |  __/ (_| | |   >  <| |___) |\__ \ |_| |_| |
%  \___|\__,_|_|  /_/\_\_|____(_)___/\__|\__, |
%                                        |___/ 
% «edrx15.sty» (to ".edrx15.sty")
% Things taken from: (find-LATEX "edrx15.sty")

%  _     _           _     _ 
% | |__ | |__   ___ | | __| |
% | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| |/ _` |
% | |_) | |_) | (_) | | (_| |
% |_.__/|_.__/ \___/|_|\__,_|
% «bbold»  (to ".bbold")
% Amsfonts.sty's "\mathbb" uses the "bbm10" font, that has nice
% blackboard bold letters, but only a few other characters...
% Bbold.sty redefines "\mathbb" to use the "bbold10" font, that has
% more characters, but then the letters become much uglier...
% This hack is a possible solution - it makes both fonts available at
% once, the one from amsfonts as \mathbb, the other one as \mathbbold.
% (find-fline "/usr/share/texmf-tetex/tex/latex/amsfonts/amsfonts.sty" "\\mathbb")
% (find-fline "/usr/share/texmf-tetex/tex/latex/bbold/bbold.sty" "\\mathbb")

\def\mathbblow{\mathbbold}    % lowercase letters are usually better on bbold
\def\mathbbnum{\mathbbold}    % only bbold has all digits

% To compare bbm and bbold:
% (find-angg ".emacs" "find-testfont")
% (find-testfont "\\T{bbm10}\\T{bbold10}")
% (eedn4a "$\\mathbb{ABCDEINRZ}\\mathbblow{abcdeinrz}\\mathbbnum{0123456789}$")

%        _             _         
%   __ _| |_   _ _ __ | |__  ___ 
%  / _` | | | | | '_ \| '_ \/ __|
% | (_| | | |_| | |_) | | | \__ \
%  \__, |_|\__, | .__/|_| |_|___/
%  |___/   |___/|_|              
% «glyphs»  (to ".glyphs")
% (find-eev "eev-compose.el")

%  _   _       _                    
% | |_| |_ ___| |__   __ _ _ __ ___ 
% | __| __/ __| '_ \ / _` | '__/ __|
% | |_| || (__| | | | (_| | |  \__ \
%  \__|\__\___|_| |_|\__,_|_|  |___/
% Use this macro to produce the \def_{\ttchar...} lines (below) from
% catcode/def lines (above):
% (setq last-kbd-macro (kbd "13*<delete> SPC 7*<right> \\ ttchar { $ C-e <left> $ } C-a <down>"))
% «ttchars»  (to ".ttchars")
% (find-es "tex" "leavevmode")
% (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty" "ttchars")
% (find-ist "defs.tex" "chars")

%   __ _ _ __ _ __ _____      _____ 
%  / _` | '__| '__/ _ \ \ /\ / / __|
% | (_| | |  | | | (_) \ V  V /\__ \
%  \__,_|_|  |_|  \___/ \_/\_/ |___/
% «arrows»  (to ".arrows")
% (find-symbolspage 41)




\def\mapsot{\leftarrow\mapsfromchar}   % (find-es "tex" "mapsto")

%  _ _                 
% | (_)_ __ ___  _ __  
% | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ 
% | | | | | | | | |_) |
% |_|_|_| |_| |_| .__/ 
%               |_|    
% «limp»  (to ".limp")
% Logical implication (a thin, long, vaguely arrow-like, \supset char)
% Note that this "symbol" does not change size in \scriptstyle...
% (find-es "tex" "thin_supset")
% (find-lsrcfile "amslatex/math/amsopn.dtx" "DeclareMathOperator")
% (find-lsrcfile "amslatex/math/amsopn.dtx" "DeclareRobustCommand{\\qopname}")

% \def\limpchar{{%
%   \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}%
%   \begin{picture}(6,4)
%     \put(0,2){\oval(12,4)[r]}
%   \end{picture}%
%   }}
% % \def\limp{\qopname\relax o{\limpchar}}
% \def\limp{\mathrel{\limpchar}}
% %\def\limp{\mathbin{\limpchar}}

%        _                         _           _ 
%  _ __ | |__  ___ _   _ _ __ ___ | |__   ___ | |
% | '_ \| '_ \/ __| | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \| |
% | |_) | |_) \__ \ |_| | | | | | | |_) | (_) | |
% | .__/|_.__/|___/\__, |_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___/|_|
% |_|              |___/                         
% «pbsymbol»  (to ".pbsymbol")

%           _              _       _   
%   ___  __| |_ ____  ____| |_ __ | |_ 
%  / _ \/ _` | '__\ \/ / _` | '_ \| __|
% |  __/ (_| | |   >  < (_| | | | | |_ 
%  \___|\__,_|_|  /_/\_\__,_|_| |_|\__|
%\input edrxdnt.tex              % (find-dn4ex "edrxdnt.tex")
% \input edrxdednat.tex         % (find-dn4ex "edrxdednat.tex")
                                % (find-dn4 "experimental.lua")

% «standardabbrevs»  (to ".standardabbrevs")
% «experimental.lua»  (to ".experimental.lua")
%L standardabbrevs()            -- (find-dn4 "dednat41.lua")
%L require "experimental"       -- (find-dn4 "experimental.lua")

% «fcded» (to ".fcded")
\def\ee{\varepsilon}       % (find-texbookpage (+ 12 128) "\\varepsilon")
\def\cded #1{\begin{matrix}\ded {#1}\end{matrix}}


% Todo: compare using "matrix" and "vcenter" for cded and cdiag... See:
% http://www.phil.cam.ac.uk/teaching_staff/Smith/LaTeX/ndexamples/proofsty3.html
% I have not tested the \vcenter method much - but here are the definitions,
% if they work they will be renamed \cded and \cdiag and will replace the
% current ones.
\def\vcded #1{\vcenter{\leavevmode$\ded {#1}$}}

% (find-dn4file "diagxy.tex" "\\newdir")
% \newdir^{ (}{{ }*!/-.5em/@^{(}}%
% \newdir^{) }{{ }*!/.5em/@^{)}}%

%           _              _       __     
%   ___  __| |_ ____  ____| | ___ / _|___ 
%  / _ \/ _` | '__\ \/ / _` |/ _ \ |_/ __|
% |  __/ (_| | |   >  < (_| |  __/  _\__ \
%  \___|\__,_|_|  /_/\_\__,_|\___|_| |___/
\input edrx15defs.tex         % (find-LATEX "edrx15defs.tex")

% "set of ...", and
% "set of ... such that ..."
\def\sof #1{\{\,#1\,\}}
\def\sst #1#2{\{\,#1\;|\;#2\,\}}


% (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "stmaryrd")

% Extra:
% (find-dn4ex "edrxslides.tex")
\def\myslide#1#2{{\bf #1}}
\def\tocline#1#2{\par #1 \dotfill #2}
% This is useful for slides:
% \setlength{\parindent}{0em}

%      _ _     _           
%  ___| (_) __| | ___  ___ 
% / __| | |/ _` |/ _ \/ __|
% \__ \ | | (_| |  __/\__ \
% |___/_|_|\__,_|\___||___/
% «slides»  (to ".slides")
% (find-es "tex" "mytoc")
% (find-LATEX "2005oct20-seminar.tex")
% (find-dn4ex "edrxslides.tex")
\def\addtolos#1{\addtocontents{mylos}{\protect\tocline{#1} {\thepage}}}
    {\bf #1}\label{#2}%
    % \addtocontents{mylos}{\protect\tocline {#1} {\thepage}}%
% Usage:
% % \mylosopen{\jobname.los}
% \mylosopen{tmp.los}
% \def\myslide#1#2{\myslidelos{#1}{#2}}
% %
% {\bf Index of the slides}
% \medskip
% We insert the list of slides here by hand...
% (find-fline "tmp.los")
% (insert-file "tmp.los")
% ...

% %            _                
% %   ___ ___ | | ___  _ __ ___ 
% %  / __/ _ \| |/ _ \| '__/ __|
% % | (_| (_) | | (_) | |  \__ \
% %  \___\___/|_|\___/|_|  |___/
% %                             
% % «colors»  (to ".colors")
% % (find-es "tex" "bicolorhbox")
% % (find-es "tex" "color-packages")
% % Usage:
% %
% % \edrxcolors    % (find-LATEX "edrx15.sty" "colors")
% % \def\bhbox{\bicolorhbox}
% % Foobar\bhbox{plic}ploc
% %
% \def\blue  #1{{\color{blue}#1}}
% \def\red   #1{{\color{red}#1}}
% \def\orange#1{{\color{orange}#1}}
% \def\yellow#1{{\color{yellow}#1}}
% \def\smashedvrule#1#2#3{\vrule width#1 height#2 depth#3 \kern-#1}
% \def\bicolorhbox#1{{%
%   \setbox0\hbox{#1}%
%   \yellow{\smashedvrule{\wd0}{\ht0}{0pt}}%
%   \orange{\smashedvrule{\wd0}{0pt}{\dp0}}%
%   \box0%
%   }}
% \def\bhbox{\bicolorhbox}
% % (find-es "tex" "color")
% % (find-lsrcfile "graphics/color.dtx" "\\definecolor{red}")
% % (find-es "tex" "color-packages")
% \def\edrxcolors{
%   \definecolor{orange}{rgb}{1,.64,0}
%   }

% %      _                 
% %   __| | __ _  __ _ ___ 
% %  / _` |/ _` |/ _` / __|
% % | (_| | (_| | (_| \__ \
% %  \__,_|\__,_|\__, |___/
% %              |___/     
% %
% % «dags»  (to ".dags")
% % (find-es "tex" "dags")
% % Some definitions (probably temporary) for
% % typesetting the DAGs for (pre)sheaves.
% %
% % 2011feb13:
% \newdimen\mypictureunit
% \setbox0=\hbox{\rm0}
% \mypictureunit=.085\wd0
% \mypictureunit=.084\wd0
% %
% \def\dagput(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\hbox to 0pt{\hss\scriptsize#3\hss}}}
% \def\dagpicture(#1,#2)(#3,#4)[#5]#6{{%
%   %\unitlength=.1ex%
%   %\setbox0\hbox{x}\unitlength=.1\wd0%
%   %\setbox0\hbox{x}\unitlength=.095\wd0%
%   %\setbox0\hbox{x}\unitlength=.090\wd0%
%   \unitlength=\mypictureunit
%   \lower #5\unitlength\hbox{%
%     \begin{picture}(#1,#2)(#3,#4)
%       #6
%     \end{picture}%
%   }}}
% \def\dagHouse#1#2#3#4#5{%
%   \dagpicture(20,36)(-10,-24)[12]{
%     \dagput( 0,  0){$#1$}    % top
%     \dagput(-6,-12){$#2$}    % second line, left
%     \dagput( 6,-12){$#3$}    % second line, right
%     \dagput(-6,-24){$#4$}    % third line, left
%     \dagput( 6,-24){$#5$}    % third line, right
%   }}
% \def\dagVee#1#2#3{%
%   \dagpicture(20,24)(-10,-12)[0]{
%     \dagput(-6,  0){$#1$}    % top left
%     \dagput( 6,  0){$#2$}    % top right
%     \dagput( 0,-12){$#3$}    % bottom
%   }}
% \def\dagPyr#1#2#3{%
%   \dagpicture(20,24)(-10,-12)[0]{
%     \dagput( 0,  0){$#1$}    % top
%     \dagput(-6,-12){$#2$}    % bottom left
%     \dagput( 6,-12){$#3$}    % bottom right
%   }}
% \def\dagKite#1#2#3#4#5{%
%   \dagpicture(20,48)(-10,-36)[16]{
%     \dagput( 0,  0){$#1$}    % top
%     \dagput(-6,-12){$#2$}    % second line, left
%     \dagput( 6,-12){$#3$}    % second line, right
%     \dagput( 0,-24){$#4$}    % third line
%     \dagput( 0,-36){$#5$}    % bottom
%   }}
% \def\dagSqr#1#2#3#4{%
%   \dagpicture(20,24)(-10,-12)[0]{
%     \dagput(-6,  0){$#1$}    % top left
%     \dagput( 6,  0){$#2$}    % top right
%     \dagput(-6,-12){$#3$}    % bottom left
%     \dagput( 6,-12){$#4$}    % bottom right
%   }}
% \def\dagTwo#1#2{%
%   \dagpicture(8,24)(-4,-12)[0]{
%     \dagput( 0,  0){$#1$}    % top
%     \dagput( 0,-12){$#2$}    % bottom
%   }}
% \def\dagThree#1#2#3{%
%   \dagpicture(8,36)(-4,-24)[6]{
%     \dagput( 0,  0){$#1$}    % top
%     \dagput( 0,-12){$#2$}    % middle
%     \dagput( 0,-24){$#3$}    % bottom
%   }}
% \def\dagTee#1#2#3#4{%
%   \dagpicture(32,24)(-16,-12)[0]{
%     \dagput(-12,  0){$#1$}    % top left
%     \dagput(  0,  0){$#2$}    % top middle
%     \dagput( 12,  0){$#3$}    % top right
%     \dagput(  0,-12){$#4$}    % bottom
%   }}
% \def\dagSeven#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{%
%   \dagpicture(44,36)(-22,-24)[6]{
%     \dagput(  0,  0){$#1$}    % top
%     \dagput( -9,-12){$#2$}    % middle left
%     \dagput(  9,-12){$#3$}    % middle right
%     \dagput(-18,-24){$#4$}    % bottom left
%     \dagput( -6,-24){$#5$}    % bottom middle left
%     \dagput(  6,-24){$#6$}    % bottom middle right
%     \dagput( 18,-24){$#7$}    % bottom right
%   }}
% % Reason for the name "Reh":
% % (find-einsert '(638 1360))
% %  638 is an "r with fishhook" (IPA),
% % 1360 is the "(capital) Armenian Reh".
% \def\dagReh#1#2#3#4{\dagHouse{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{}}

% For my notes on sheaves and presheaves
\def\dbul{{\bullet\bullet}}      % supersaturated cover
\def\bulm{{\bullet-}}            % minimal saturated cover
\def\bul{\bullet}                % saturated cover
\def\bol{\circ}                  % cover
\def\dtri{{\blacktriangle\blacktriangle}}  % supersaturated subcover
\def\tri{\blacktriangle}                   % saturated subcover
\def\tro{\vartriangle}                     % subcover


% «savebox»  (to ".savebox")
% These are mainly for nested diagrams
% (find-LATEX "2008graphs.tex" "ess-and-star")
% (find-LATEX "2008graphs.tex" "minimal-dag")
% (find-LATEX "2008graphs.tex" "minimal-dag" "A .tex= \\usebox{\\myboxa}")
% (find-kopkadaly4page (+ 12  87) "\\newsavebox{\\boxname}")
% (find-kopkadaly4text            "\\newsavebox{\\boxname}")

% «picture-cells» (to ".picture-cells")
% (find-es "tex" "picture-cells")
% (find-dn5 "newrect.lua" "makepicture")
% Dednat6 uses "cells" in picture mode.
%\def\cell #1{\lower\celllower\hbox to 0pt{\hss\cellfont${#1}$\hss}}
%\def\lcell#1{\lower\celllower\hbox to 0pt   {\lcellfont${#1}$\hss}}

% «diagprep»  (to ".diagprep")
% (find-dn4ex "edrxdnt.tex" "defdiag")
% Experimental, 2010mar25
%\def\defdiagprep#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname diagprep-#1\endcsname{#2}}
%\def\ifdiagprepundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname diagprep-#1\endcsname\relax}
%    \errmessage{UNDEFINED DIAGPREP: #1}
%  \else
%    \csname diagprep-#1\endcsname
%  \fi

% These are mainly for putting multi-line text in nodes in diagrams

\def\dncdisplay[#1|#2]{\begin{pmatrix} #2 \\ #1 \end{pmatrix}}


% «crossover»  (to ".crossover")
% (find-es "tex" "crossover")
  \hskip -\wd0%
  \setbox1\hbox{\vrule height#2 width\wd0 depth0pt}%


% «psm-and-pmat» (to ".psm-and-pmat")
\def\sm #1{\begin{smallmatrix}#1\end{smallmatrix}}
\def\psm#1{\left (\begin{smallmatrix}#1\end{smallmatrix}\right )}
\def\bsm#1{\left [\begin{smallmatrix}#1\end{smallmatrix}\right ]}
\def\mat #1{\begin{matrix}#1\end{matrix}}
\def\pmat#1{\left (\begin{matrix}#1\end{matrix}\right )}
\def\bmat#1{\left [\begin{matrix}#1\end{matrix}\right ]}

\def\uu{\vec u}
\def\vv{\vec v}
\def\ww{\vec w}

% «dednat6» (to ".dednat6")
% See: (find-LATEX "2017planar-has-1.tex" "dednat6")
% (find-dn6 "output.lua")
% (find-dn6 "texfile.lua" "TexFile")
% (find-dn6 "texfile.lua" "TexFile" "pu =")
% These should be deleted
%\def\Ded #1{\directlua{tf:processuntil()}\ded{#1}}
%\def\Exec#1{\directlua{tf:processuntil() #1}}
%\def\Expr#1{\directlua{tf:processuntil() output(#1)}}
%\def\Expr#1{\directlua{tf:processuntil() output(tostring(#1))}}

% Local Variables:
% coding:               utf-8-unix
% End: