Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% Usage:
% \input istanbuldefs
% Used by: (find-LATEX "2015logicandcats.tex")
%          (find-istfile "quotes.tex")
% See: (find-LATEX "edrxaccents.tex")
% «.chars»	(to "chars")
% «.ttchars»	(to "ttchars")

% «chars» (to ".chars")
% Define the behaviour of special chars in normal text.
% A macro to convert a single-char line into a catcode/def thing:
% (setq last-kbd-macro (kbd "C-SPC <right> M-w C-y C-a \\ catcode` <right> =13 SPC \\ def <right> {}\n C-a <down>"))
\catcode`°=13 \def°{^\circ}
\catcode`¹=13 \def¹{^{-1}}
\catcode`²=13 \def²{^2}
\catcode`³=13 \def³{^3}
%\catcode`¼=13 \def¼{}
%\catcode`½=13 \def½{}
%\catcode`¾=13 \def¾{}
\catcode`±=13 \def±{\pm}
\catcode`÷=13 \def÷{\div}
\catcode`·=13 \def·{\cdot}
\catcode`×=13 \def×{\times}
\catcode`¬=13 \def¬{\neg}
\catcode`§=13 \def§{\S}
\catcode`¡=13 \def¡{\text{\textexclamdown}}

\catcode`μ=13 \defμ{\mu}
\catcode`ν=13 \defν{\nu}
\catcode`ρ=13 \defρ{\rho}
\catcode`σ=13 \defσ{\sigma}
\catcode`τ=13 \defτ{\tau}

\catcode`Δ=13 \defΔ{\Delta}
\catcode`Θ=13 \defΘ{\Theta}
\catcode`Σ=13 \defΣ{\Sigma}
\catcode`Ω=13 \defΩ{\Omega}
\catcode`α=13 \defα{\alpha}
\catcode`β=13 \defβ{\beta}
\catcode`γ=13 \defγ{\gamma}
\catcode`δ=13 \defδ{\delta}
\catcode`ε=13 \defε{\epsilon}
\catcode`η=13 \defη{\eta}
\catcode`θ=13 \defθ{\theta}
\catcode`ι=13 \defι{\iota}
\catcode`λ=13 \defλ{\lambda}
\catcode`π=13 \defπ{\pi}
\catcode`ω=13 \defω{\omega}
\catcode`=13 \def{\bullet}
\catcode`←=13 \def←{\ot}
\catcode`↑=13 \def↑{\upto}
\catcode`→=13 \def→{\to}
\catcode`↓=13 \def↓{\dnto}
\catcode`↔=13 \def↔{\bij}
\catcode`↕=13 \def↕{\updownarrow}
\catcode`↖=13 \def↖{\nwarrow}
\catcode`↗=13 \def↗{\nearrow}
\catcode`↘=13 \def↘{\searrow}
\catcode`↙=13 \def↙{\swarrow}
\catcode`↣=13 \def↣{\epito}
\catcode`↣=13 \def↣{\twoheadrightarrow}
\catcode`↦=13 \def↦{\mapsto}
\catcode`⇒=13 \def⇒{\funto}
\catcode`∀=13 \def∀{\forall}
\catcode`∃=13 \def∃{\exists}
\catcode`∈=13 \def∈{\in}
\catcode`∘=13 \def∘{\circ}
\catcode`∞=13 \def∞{\infty}
\catcode`∧=13 \def∧{\&}       % override
\catcode`∧=13 \def∧{\land}
\catcode`∨=13 \def∨{\lor}
\catcode`∩=13 \def∩{\cap}
\catcode`∪=13 \def∪{\cup}
\catcode`≃=13 \def≃{\simeq}
\catcode`≅=13 \def≅{\cong}
\catcode`≠=13 \def≠{\neq}
\catcode`≤=13 \def≤{\le}
\catcode`≥=13 \def≥{\ge}
\catcode`⊂=13 \def⊂{\subset}
\catcode`⊃=13 \def⊃{\supset}
\catcode`⊆=13 \def⊆{\subseteq}
\catcode`⊇=13 \def⊇{\supseteq}
\catcode`⊢=13 \def⊢{\vdash}
\catcode`⊣=13 \def⊣{\dashv}
\catcode`⊤=13 \def⊤{\top}
\catcode`⊥=13 \def⊥{\bot}
\catcode`♭=13 \def♭{\flat}
\catcode`♯=13 \def♯{\sharp}

\catcode`∼=13 \def∼{\sim}
\catcode`≈=13 \def≈{\approx}
\catcode`≡=13 \def≡{\equiv}

\catcode`⋄=13 \def⋄{\lozenge}
\catcode`⋅=13 \def⋅{\Box}
\catcode`◻=13 \def◻{\Box}
\catcode`…=13 \def…{\ldots}
\catcode`∫=13 \def∫{\int}

%\catcode`*=13 \def*{\ensuremath{\bullet}}
%\catcode`=13 \def{\mathscr}

%\catcode`=13 \def{\mathbf}
%\catcode`=13 \def{\par\noindent}
%\catcode`=13 \def{\par}
%\catcode`=13 \def{\mathcal}
%\catcode`ö=13 \defö{o}

% «ttchars» (to ".ttchars")
% Define the behaviour of special chars in verbatim environments.
% From: (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty" "ttchars")
%       (find-LATEX "edrx15.sty" "ttchars")
% Usage: (find-LATEXgrep "grep -nH -e ttchar *.tex")
%        (find-LATEXfile "2008dnc-sets.tex" "{\\myttchars")
% Update with: (find-ist "all.lua" "ttchars")
% or with this macro, that converts a catcode/def line into a def/ttchar line:
% (setq last-kbd-macro (kbd "C-a 13*<delete> SPC 7*<right> \\ ttchar{$ C-e <left> $} C-a <down>"))
\def\ttchar#1{\setbox0=\hbox{\texttt{a}}\leavevmode\hbox to \wd0{\hss#1\hss}}
  % \def*{\ttchar{$\bullet$}}
  \def∧{\ttchar{$\&$}}         % override

\def\Ded #1{\directlua{tf:processuntil()}\ded{#1}}
\def\Exec#1{\directlua{tf:processuntil() #1}}
\def\Expr#1{\directlua{tf:processuntil() output(#1)}}
\def\Expr#1{\directlua{tf:processuntil() output(tostring(#1))}}

% Local Variables:
% coding: utf-8-unix
% ee-anchor-format: "«%s»"
% End: