Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# (find-lua50ref "Table Constructors")
# (find-angg "LFORTH/")
# (find-angg "LFORTH/README" "inner")

Primeiro: hashes. Por exemplo, se

  dncs["\\Set"]      = { hash = 1, name = "\\Set"  }
  dncs["\\catC"]     = { hash = 2, name = "\\catC" }
  dncs["a"]          = { hash = 3, name = "a",          Cat    = "\\Cat[a]"   }
  dncs["\\Cat[a]"]   = { hash = 4, name = "\\Cat[a]",   [":="] = "\\catC"     }
  dncs["x"]          = { hash = 5, name = "x",          Cat    = "\\Cat[x]"   }
  dncs["\\Cat[x]"]   = { hash = 6, name = "\\Cat[x]",   [":="] = "\\catC"     }
  dncs["a^F"]        = { hash = 7, name = "a^F",        Cat    = "\\Cat[a^F]" }
  dncs["\\Cat[a^F]"] = { hash = 8, name = "\\Cat[a^F]", [":="] = "\\Set"      }
  dncs["x^F"]        = { hash = 9, name = "x^F",        Cat    = "\\Cat[x^F]" }
  dncs["\\Cat[x^F]"] = { hash =10, name = "\\Cat[x^F]", [":="] = "\\Set"      }

  hashname["#3|->#5"] = "a|->x"
  dncs["a|->x"] = {
    hash = 11, name = "a|->x",
    left = "a", right = "x", arrow = "|->",
    E = "\\E[a|->x]" }
  dncs["\\E[a|->x]"] = {
    hash = 12, name = "\\E[a|->x]",
    E = "*"

# (find-lua50ref "sec3.7")
# (find-lua50ref "__index")
# (find-lua50ref "__newindex")
# (find-lua50file "test/")
# (find-lua50file "test/readonly.lua")
# (find-lua50file "test/trace-globals.lua")
# (find-lua50file "test/undefined.lua")
# (find-lua50ref "getglobals")

Falta mais coisa numa categoria: Objs, Hom, talvez id e comp.

dncs["C"].Objs = "Objs_C"
dncs["C"].Hom  = "Hom_C"
dncs["C"].id   = "id_C"
dncs["C"].comp = "comp_C"

dncs["a"].Cat = "Cat[a]"
dncs["Cat[a]"][":="] = "C"

dncs["x"].Cat = "Cat[x]"
dncs["Cat[x]"][":="] = "C"

dncs["O[a]"][":"] = "Objs_C"
dncs["O[x]"][":"] = "Objs_C"

dncs["E[a|->x]"][":"]  = "*"
dncs["E[a|->x]"][":="] = compile(
    "h_forth", "O[a]", "O[x]", "Hom_C" "infer2_" "exit")
dncs["a|->x"][":"] = "E[a|->x]"
dncs["a|->x"].Cat = "Set"

dncs["E[(a|->x)|->x^F]"][":"] = "*"
dncs["E[(a|->x)|->x^F]"][":="] = compile(
    "h_forth", "E[a|->x]", "E[x^F]", "Hom_Set" "infer2_" "exit")

dncs["(a|->x)|->x^F"][":"] = "E[(a|->x)|->x^F]"

a|->b  requires a, b,

[lua dncs = {}
     hashcount = 0
     newhash = function () hashcount = hashcount + 1; return hashcount end
     hashs = {}

:lua $
    local name = getword() 
    if dncs[name] then dspush(dncs[name]); return end
    local struct = { name=name, hash=newhash() }
    compile(name, "h_var", struct)

getword ds{ -- struct }

# (find-angg "LFORTH/kernel.lua" "interpret")
# (find-angg "LFORTH/kernel.lua" "getuntilluare")
# (find-angg "LFORTH/README")
cd ~/LFORTH/
# lua50 -l kernel.lua -l dbg.lua -e ...
lua50 -l kernel.lua -e 'interpret [[
  :lua dup  dspush(ds[1]) lua;
  :lua *    ds[2] = ds[2]*ds[1]; dspop() lua;
  :lua swap ds[2], ds[1] = ds[1], ds[2] lua;
  :lua drop dspop() lua;
  :lua .    print(dspop()) lua;
  :lua ..   ds[2] = ds[2]..ds[1]; dspop() lua;
  :lua # getuntilluare(nil, "^[^\n]*") lua;   # to ignore the rest of a line
  :lua $
      local w = getword()
      prim(w, function () dspush(w) end)
  :lua binop

  $ a   drop
  $ x   drop
  $ a^F drop
  $ x^F drop

  a x .. .

# (a;x=>x^F)-.>(a^F<->(x-.>((a|->x)|->x^F)))

   a x  x^F
  pp;pp         a^F    x     a   x
                              |->     x^F
