Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/ELLua1.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/ELLua1.lua
--          (find-angg "LUA/ELLua1.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- ELLua1.lua: a reimplementation on ELpeg1 of the Lua grammar in
-- lpregrex. Status: INCOMPLETE.
-- (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/ELLua1.lua"))
-- (defun b () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/ELpeg1.lua"))
-- (defun o () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/Gram3.lua"))

-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua")

-- (find-angg "LUA/ELpeg1.lua" "Keywords")

-- «.Block»		(to "Block")
-- «.Block-tests»	(to "Block-tests")
-- «.Number»		(to "Number")
-- «.Number-tests»	(to "Number-tests")
-- «.Call»		(to "Call")
-- «.Call-tests»	(to "Call-tests")
-- «.opor»		(to "opor")
-- «.opor-tests»	(to "opor-tests")
-- «.string-etc»	(to "string-etc")

require "ELpeg1"    -- (find-angg "LUA/ELpeg1.lua")

gr,V,VA,VE,PE = Gram.new()
wordpat       = Cs(R("__", "AZ", "az") *
                   R("__", "AZ", "az", "09")^0)
keywords,K,KE,KW,NKW = Keywords.from(wordpat)

V.S    = (S" \t\n")^0
  _    = V.S
--s    = V.S

V[","]        = P","
V["]"]        = P"]"
V["}"]        = P"}"
V[")"]        = P")"

-- chunk         <-- SHEBANG? SKIP Block (!.)^UnexpectedSyntax

--  ____  _            _    
-- | __ )| | ___   ___| | __
-- |  _ \| |/ _ \ / __| |/ /
-- | |_) | | (_) | (__|   < 
-- |____/|_|\___/ \___|_|\_\
-- «Block»  (to ".Block")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nBlock")
-- Block         <== ( Label / Return / Break / Goto / Do
--                   / While / Repeat / If / ForNum / ForIn
--                   / FuncDef / FuncDecl / VarDecl / Assign / call / `;`)*
-- Label         <== `::` @NAME @`::`
-- Return        <== `return` exprlist?
-- Break         <== `break`
-- Goto          <== `goto` @NAME
-- Do            <== `do` Block @`end`
-- While         <== `while` @expr @`do` Block @`end`
-- Repeat        <== `repeat` Block @`until` @expr
-- If            <== `if` @expr @`then` Block
--                    (`elseif` @expr @`then` Block)*
--                    (`else` Block)?
--                   @`end`
-- ForNum        <== `for` Id
--                   `=` @expr @`,` @expr (`,` @expr)?
--                   @`do` Block @`end`
-- ForIn         <== `for` @idlist `in` @exprlist
--                   @`do` Block @`end`
-- FuncDef       <== `function` @funcname funcbody
-- FuncDecl      <== `local` `function` @Id funcbody
-- VarDecl       <== `local` @iddecllist (`=` @exprlist)?
-- Assign        <== varlist `=` @exprlist
V.Block         = ((V.Label + V.Return + V.Break + V.Goto + V.Do
                  + V.While + V.Repeat + V.If + V.ForNum + V.ForIn
                  + V.FuncDef + V.FuncDecl + V.VarDecl + V.Assign + V.call + P";")*_)^0
VA.Label        = P"::" * VE.NAME * PE"::"
VA.Return       = K"return" *_* V.exprlist^-1
VA.Break        = K"break"
VA.Goto         = K"goto"     *_* VE.NAME
VA.Do           = K"do"       *_* V.Block *_* KE"end"
VA.While        = K"while"    *_* VE.expr *_* KE"do"    *_* V.Block *_* KE"end"
VA.Repeat       = K"repeat"   *_* V.Block *_* KE"until" *_* V.expr
VA.If           = K"if"       *_* VE.expr *_* KE"then"  *_* V.Block
                * (K"elseif"  *_* V.expr  *_* KE"then"  *_* V.Block)^0
                * (K"else"    *_* V.Block)^-1
                * KE"end"
VA.ForNum       = K"for"      *_* V.Id     *_
                * P"="        *_* VE.expr  *_* VE[","] *_* VE.expr *_* (P"," *_* VE.expr *_)^-1
                * KE"do"      *_* V.Block  *_* KE"end"
VA.ForIn        = K"for"      *_* V.idlist *_* K"in" *_* V.exprlist *_
                * KE"do"      *_* V.Block  *_* KE"end"
VA.FuncDef      = K"function" *_* VE.funcname *_* VE.funcbody
VA.FuncDecl     = K"local"    *_* K"function" *_* VE.Id  *_* VE.funcbody
VA.VarDecl      = K"local"    *_* V.iddecllist * (_* P"=" *_* V.exprlist)^-1
VA.Assign       = V.varlist   *_* P"=" *_* V.exprlist

-- «Block-tests»  (to ".Block-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "ELLua1.lua"

= keywords
= gr:cm("Block", "")
= gr:cm("Block", "a b")
= gr:cm("Block", "a=b")
= gr:cm("Block", "return")
= gr:cm("Block", "return a,b,c")
= gr:cm("Block", "break")
= gr:cm("Block", "goto foo")
= gr:cm("Block", "do a=b end")
= gr:cm("Block", "do a=b c(d) end")
= gr:cm("Block", "do a=b c(d) e end")
= gr:cm("Block", "while a do     end")
= gr:cm("Block", "while a do b=c end")
= gr:cm("Block", "repeat a=b until c")
= gr:cm("Block", "repeat a   until c")
= gr:cm("Block", "if a then b=c end")
= gr:cm("Block", "if a then b=c else d=e end")
= gr:cm("Block", "if a then b=c else d=e else f=g end")
= gr:cm("Block", "if a then b   end")
= gr:cm("Block", "if a then b=c elseif d then e=f end")
= gr:cm("Block", "for a=b     do end")
= gr:cm("Block", "for a=b,c   do end")
= gr:cm("Block", "for a=b,c,d do end")
= gr:cm("Block", "for a=b,c,d,e do end")
= gr:cm("Block", "for a,b in c,d do end")
= gr:cm("Block", "function a  (c) end")
= gr:cm("Block", "function a.b(c) end")
= gr:cm("Block", "function a      end")
= gr:cm("Block", "function    (c) end")
= gr:cm("Block", "local function a  (c) end")
= gr:cm("Block", "local function a.b(c) end")


--  _   _                 _               
-- | \ | |_   _ _ __ ___ | |__   ___ _ __ 
-- |  \| | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
-- | |\  | |_| | | | | | | |_) |  __/ |   
-- |_| \_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___|_|   
-- «Number»  (to ".Number")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nNumber")
-- Number        <== NUMBER->tonumber SKIP
-- String        <== STRING SKIP
-- Boolean       <== `false`->tofalse / `true`->totrue
-- Nil           <== `nil`
-- Varargs       <== `...`
-- Id            <== NAME
-- IdDecl        <== NAME (`<` @NAME @`>`)?
-- Function      <== `function` funcbody
-- Table         <== `{` (field (fieldsep field)* fieldsep?)? @`}`
-- Paren         <== `(` @expr @`)`
-- Pair          <== `[` @expr @`]` @`=` @expr
--                          / NAME   `=` @expr

V.Number      = Cast("N", Cs(R("09")^1))    -- integers only
V.String      = Cast("Str", Cs(V.STRING))
V.Boolean     = Cs(P"false" + P"true")
V.Nil         = Cs(P"nil")
V.Varargs     = Cs(P"...")
VA.Id         = Cs(NKW)
VA.IdDecl     = Cs(NKW)
V.fieldsep    = S",;"
V.Function    = P"notyet"
V.Table       = Cast("{}", P"{" *_* zeroormorecc(V.field, V.fieldsep) *_* P"}")
V.Paren       = P"(" *_* V.expr *_* P")"
V.Pair        = Cast("Pair", V.PairL *_*P"="*_* V.expr)
V.PairL       = P"["*_* V.expr *_*P"]" + V.NAME

-- «Number-tests»  (to ".Number-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "ELLua1.lua"


--   ____      _ _ 
--  / ___|__ _| | |
-- | |   / _` | | |
-- | |__| (_| | | |
--  \____\__,_|_|_|
-- «Call»  (to ".Call")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nCall")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nindexsuffix")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nvar ")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nfuncbody")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\ncallargs")
-- Call          <== callargs
-- CallMethod    <== `:` @NAME @callargs
-- DotIndex      <== `.` @NAME
-- ColonIndex    <== `:` @NAME
-- KeyIndex      <== `[` @expr @`]`
-- indexsuffix   <-- DotIndex / KeyIndex
-- callsuffix    <-- Call / CallMethod
-- var           <-- (exprprimary (callsuffix+ indexsuffix / indexsuffix)+)~>rfoldright / Id
-- call          <-- (exprprimary (indexsuffix+ callsuffix / callsuffix)+)~>rfoldright
-- exprsuffixed  <-- (exprprimary (indexsuffix / callsuffix)*)~>rfoldright
-- funcname      <-- (Id DotIndex* ColonIndex?)~>rfoldright
-- funcbody      <-- @`(` funcargs @`)` Block @`end`
-- field         <-- Pair / expr
-- fieldsep      <-- `,` / `;`
-- callargs      <-| `(` (expr (`,` @expr)*)? @`)` / Table / String
-- idlist        <-| Id (`,` @Id)*
-- iddecllist    <-| IdDecl (`,` @IdDecl)*
-- funcargs      <-| (Id (`,` Id)* (`,` Varargs)? / Varargs)?
-- exprlist      <-| expr (`,` @expr)*
-- varlist       <-| var (`,` @var)*

V.Call        = V.callargs
V.CallMethod  = P":"*_* V.NAME *_* V.callargs
V.DotIndex    = P"."*_* V.NAME
V.ColonIndex  = P":"*_* V.NAME
V.KeyIndex    = P"["*_* V.expr *_*P"]"

V.indexsuffix = V.DotIndex + V.KeyIndex
V.callsuffix  = V.Call + V.CallMethod

V.var          = assocpost (V.exprprimary, endingwith(V.callsuffix, V.indexsuffix)) + V.Id
V.call         = assocpostp(V.exprprimary, endingwith(V.indexsuffix, V.callsuffix))
V.exprsuffixed = assocpost (V.exprprimary, V.indexsuffix + V.callsuffix)
V.funcname     = Ct(V.Id * (_*V.DotIndex)^0 * (_*V.ColonIndex)^-1) / foldpost

V.funcbody     = P"(" *_* V.funcargs *_* P")" *_* V.Block *_* KE"end"
V.field        = V.Pair + V.expr
V.fieldsep     = P"," + P";"

V.callargs      = Cast("()", P"("*_* zeroormorec(V.expr, P",") *_*P")") + V.Table + V.String
V.idlist        = oneormorec (V.Id,     P",")
V.iddecllist    = oneormorec (V.IdDecl, P",")
V.funcargs      = oneormorec (V.Id,     P",") * (_*P","*_* V.Varargs)^-1 + V.Varargs^-1
V.exprlist      = oneormorec (V.expr,   P",")
V.varlist       = oneormorec (V.var,    P",")

-- «Call-tests»  (to ".Call-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "ELLua1.lua"

= gr:cm("var",  "a")
= gr:cm("call", "a")
= gr:cm("var",  "a.b")
= gr:cm("var",  "a.b(c)")
= gr:cm("call", "a.b(c)")
= gr:cm("var",  "a.b(c).d")
= gr:cm("var",  "a:b(c).d")
= gr:cm("var",  "a[234].d")
= gr:cm("var",  "a[234]")
= gr:cm("funcname", "a.b.c:d")

= gr:cm("callargs", "(a, bc, def)")
= gr:cm("callargs", "(a, bc, def, ...)")
= gr:cm("callargs", "(...)")
= gr:cm("callargs", "()")
= gr:cm("callargs", "'abc'")
= gr:cm("callargs", "{abc}")


--   ___  _ __   ___  _ __ 
--  / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| '__|
-- | (_) | |_) | (_) | |   
--  \___/| .__/ \___/|_|   
--       |_|               
-- «opor»  (to ".opor")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nopor ")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nexpr ")

-- opor     :BinaryOp <== `or`->'or' @exprand
-- opand    :BinaryOp <== `and`->'and' @exprcmp
-- opcmp    :BinaryOp <== (`==`->'eq' / `~=`->'ne' / `<=`->'le' /
--                         `>=`->'ge' / `<`->'lt'  / `>`->'gt') @exprbor
-- opbor    :BinaryOp <== `|`->'bor' @exprbxor
-- opbxor   :BinaryOp <== `~`->'bxor' @exprband
-- opband   :BinaryOp <== `&`->'band' @exprbshift
-- opbshift :BinaryOp <== (`<<`->'shl' / `>>`->'shr') @exprconcat
-- opconcat :BinaryOp <== `..`->'concat' @exprconcat
-- oparit   :BinaryOp <== (`+`->'add' / `-`->'sub') @exprfact
-- opfact   :BinaryOp <== (`*`->'mul' / `//`->'idiv' / `/`->'div' / `%`->'mod') @exprunary
-- oppow    :BinaryOp <== `^`->'pow' @exprunary
-- opunary  :UnaryOp  <== (`not`->'not' / `#`->'len' / `-`->'unm' / `~`->'bnot') @exprunary
-- expr          <-- expror
-- expror        <-- (exprand opor*)~>foldleft
-- exprand       <-- (exprcmp opand*)~>foldleft
-- exprcmp       <-- (exprbor opcmp*)~>foldleft
-- exprbor       <-- (exprbxor opbor*)~>foldleft
-- exprbxor      <-- (exprband opbxor*)~>foldleft
-- exprband      <-- (exprbshift opband*)~>foldleft
-- exprbshift    <-- (exprconcat opbshift*)~>foldleft
-- exprconcat    <-- (exprarit opconcat*)~>foldleft
-- exprarit      <-- (exprfact oparit*)~>foldleft
-- exprfact      <-- (exprunary opfact*)~>foldleft
-- exprunary     <-- opunary / exprpow
-- exprpow       <-- (exprsimple oppow*)~>foldleft
-- exprsimple    <-- Nil / Boolean / Number / String / Varargs / Function / Table / exprsuffixed
-- exprprimary   <-- Id / Paren

V.opor     = anyof "or"
V.opand    = anyof "and"
V.opcmp    = anyof "== ~= <= >= < >"
V.opbor    = anyof "|"
V.opbxor   = anyof "~"
V.opband   = anyof "&"
V.opbshift = anyof "<< >>"
V.opconcat = anyof ".."
V.oparit   = anyof "+ -"
V.opfact   = anyof "* // / %"
V.oppow    = anyof "^"
V.opunary  = anyof "not # - ~"

V.expr          = V.expror
V.expror        = assocl(V.exprand,    V.opor    )
V.exprand       = assocl(V.exprcmp,    V.opand   )
V.exprcmp       = assocl(V.exprbor,    V.opcmp   )
V.exprbor       = assocl(V.exprbxor,   V.opbor   )
V.exprbxor      = assocl(V.exprband,   V.opbxor  )
V.exprband      = assocl(V.exprbshift, V.opband  )
V.exprbshift    = assocl(V.exprconcat, V.opbshift)
V.exprconcat    = assocl(V.exprarit,   V.opconcat)
V.exprarit      = assocl(V.exprfact,   V.oparit  )
V.exprfact      = assocl(V.exprunary,  V.opfact  )
V.exprunary     = assocpre(V.opunary,  V.exprpow )
V.exprpow       = assocr(V.exprsimple, V.oppow   )
V.exprsimple    = V.Nil + V.Boolean + V.Number + V.String + V.Varargs
                + V.Function + V.Table + V.exprsuffixed
V.exprprimary   = V.Id + V.Paren

-- «opor-tests»  (to ".opor-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "ELLua1.lua"
= gr:cm("expr", "2 + 3 * 'a'")
= gr:cm("expr", "2^3^4 - 5*6*7 - (8 / 9)")
= gr:cm("expr", "{a=3, ['b']=4, 5}")
= gr:cm("expr", "a")
= gr:cm("expr", "a.b")


--      _        _                      _       
--  ___| |_ _ __(_)_ __   __ _      ___| |_ ___ 
-- / __| __| '__| | '_ \ / _` |    / _ \ __/ __|
-- \__ \ |_| |  | | | | | (_| |_  |  __/ || (__ 
-- |___/\__|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, ( )  \___|\__\___|
--                       |___/|/                
-- «string-etc»  (to ".string-etc")
-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "STRING_SHRT")

-- QUOTE_OPEN    <-- {:qe: ['"] :}
-- QUOTE_CLOSE   <-- =qe
-- ESCAPE_SEQ    <-- '\'->'' @ESCAPE
-- ESCAPE        <-- [\'"] /
--                   ('n' $10 / 't' $9 / 'r' $13 / 'a' $7 / 'b' $8 / 'v' $11 / 'f' $12)->tochar /
--                   ('x' {HEX_DIGIT^2} $16)->tochar /
--                   ('u' '{' {HEX_DIGIT^+1} '}' $16)->toutf8char /
--                   ('z' SPACE*)->'' /
--                   (DEC_DIGIT DEC_DIGIT^-1 !DEC_DIGIT / [012] DEC_DIGIT^2)->tochar /
--                   (LINEBREAK $10)->tochar

-- HEX_NUMBER    <-- '0' [xX] @HEX_PREFIX ([pP] @EXP_DIGITS)?
-- HEX_PREFIX    <-- HEX_DIGIT+ ('.' HEX_DIGIT*)? / '.' HEX_DIGIT+
-- DEC_PREFIX    <-- DEC_DIGIT+ ('.' DEC_DIGIT*)? / '.' DEC_DIGIT+
-- EXP_DIGITS    <-- [+-]? DEC_DIGIT+


-- LONG_OPEN     <-- '[' {:eq: '='*:} '[' LINEBREAK?
-- LONG_CLOSE    <-- ']' =eq ']'

-- NAME_PREFIX   <-- [_a-zA-Z]
-- NAME_SUFFIX   <-- [_a-zA-Z0-9]+

-- SHEBANG       <-- '#!' (!LINEBREAK .)* LINEBREAK?
-- SKIP          <-- (SPACE+ / COMMENT)*
-- LINEBREAK     <-- %cn %cr / %cr %cn / %cn / %cr
-- SPACE         <-- %sp
-- HEX_DIGIT     <-- [0-9a-fA-F]
-- DEC_DIGIT     <-- [0-9]
-- EXTRA_TOKENS  <-- `[[` `[=` `--` -- unused rule, here just to force defining these tokens

-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "\nSTRING_SHRT")
V.QUOTE_OPEN    = P"'"
V.QUOTE_CONTENT = (1-P"'")^0

-- (find-lpegrexfile "parsers/lua.lua" "NAME_PREFIX")
V.NAME_PREFIX = R("__","AZ","az")
V.NAME_SUFFIX = R("__","AZ","az","09")
-- VA.NAME    = Cs(NKW)   -- Should I use this instead?

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: