Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/SubstInSteps1.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/LUA/SubstInSteps1.lua
--          (find-angg "LUA/SubstInSteps1.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/SubstInSteps1.lua"))

-- (find-angg "LUA/Loeliger1.lua")
-- (find-es "tikz" "labels-next-to-lines")

-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 53 "3.8    Placing Nodes Using Relative Placement")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 53        "below=of")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 55        "controls +(left:5mm) and +(up:5mm)")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 57 "3.11    Adding Labels Next to Lines")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 57         "auto,bend right")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 57         "to node")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 1252 "\\node, 222")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 222      "\\node")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 222 "\\path node")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 51 "\\path node")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 1253 "\\path, 149")
-- (find-tikzsearch2-links 149 "\\path")
-- (find-es "tikz" "path-operations")

require "Tikz2"   -- (find-angg "LUA/Tikz2.lua")

usepackages.edrx21  = true
usetikzlibraries.my = [=[
  arrows, arrows.meta
  % arrows, decorations.pathmorphing,
  % backgrounds, calc, positioning, fit, petri
usetikzlibraries.positioning = "positioning"

tikzoptions.circ = [[ circ/.style={circle,   draw=black,fill=orange,thin}  ]]
tikzoptions.rect = [[ rect/.style={rectangle,draw=black,fill=yellow,thick} ]]

usetikzlibraries.here = "arrows.meta, positioning"

* (show2-use "~/LATEX/Show2.tex")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "SubstInSteps1.lua"

tikzbody = Dang.from [[
  \node[circ] (A)              {AA};
  \node[circ] (B) [below=of A] {BB};
  \node[circ] (C) [below=of B] {CC};
  \node[rect] (D) [left=of  B] {DD};
  \node[rect] (E) [right=of B] {EE};
  \draw [->] (D.east) -- (B.west);
  \draw [->] (A.west) .. controls +(left:10mm) and +(up:10mm)
                      .. (D.north);

tikzoptions.scale = [[ scale=2  ]]

tikzbody = Dang.from [[
  \node (N) at  (0,1) [rect] {NN};
  \node (W) at (-1,0) [rect] {WW};
  \node (E) at  (1,0) [rect] {EE};
  \node (S) at (0,-1) [rect] {SS};
  \draw [->] (W) -- (N);
  \draw [->] (N) to node [auto] {NE} (E);

= outertexbody.bigstr

= show00()
= show0()
= show()
* (etv)

= Show.bigstr
= Show.log


-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: