Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- This file: http://anggtwu.net/LUA/lua50init.lua.html -- http://anggtwu.net/LATEX/dednat6/edrxlib.lua.html -- http://anggtwu.net/dednat6/dednat6/edrxlib.lua.html -- http://anggtwu.net/blogme3/edrxlib.lua.html -- http://anggtwu.net/emlua/edrxlib.lua.html -- -- This is my "init file" for Lua. As I have LUA_INIT set -- to "@$HOME/LUA/lua50init.lua", the Lua interpreter loads -- this on start-up. -- See: (find-angg ".zshrc" "lua" "LUA_INIT") -- (find-lua51manual "#6" "LUA_INIT" "@filename") -- (find-es "lua5" "LUA_INIT") -- (find-es "lua5" "lua-init-from-emacs") -- -- This is _also_ the module "edrxlib.lua" in dednat6, blogme3, and emlua! -- I use these sexps to keep them in sync: -- (find-tkdiff "~/LUA/lua50init.lua" "~/LATEX/dednat6/edrxlib.lua") -- (find-tkdiff "~/LUA/lua50init.lua" "~/dednat6/dednat6/edrxlib.lua") -- (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/LUA/edrxlib.lua") -- (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/LATEX/dednat6/edrxlib.lua") -- (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/LATEX/dednat7/edrxlib.lua") -- (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/dednat6/dednat6/edrxlib.lua") -- (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/blogme3/edrxlib.lua") -- (find-sh0 "cp -v ~/LUA/lua50init.lua ~/emlua/edrxlib.lua") -- Old way (fragile): (find-es "emacs" "hard-links") -- -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- Version: 2024jan24 <- don't trust this date -- Public domain. -- -- Note: "dednat4.lua" and "dednat6.lua" try to load this at startup, -- with 'require "edrxlib"', just after setting the path; if this has -- already been loaded by LUA_INIT, then the 'require "edrxlib"' will -- be a no-op, because of this trick: -- (to "package.require") -- (to "edrxlib") -- otherwise it is loaded, usually from "~/dednat4/" or -- "~/LATEX/dednat6/". See also: -- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "edrxlib") -- (find-dn6 "dednat6.lua" "requires") -- (find-blogme3 "blogme3.lua" "edrxlib") -- -- This init file used to work both on lua-5.0 and lua-5.1... -- I have stopped using lua-5.0, but I kept the name of this file. -- This file works on Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4. -- -- This file still has _A LOT_ of cruft! -- «.compat» (to "compat") -- «.pack-and-unpack» (to "pack-and-unpack") -- «.printf» (to "printf") -- «.loadstring» (to "loadstring") -- «.table.empty» (to "table.empty") -- «.ee_expand» (to "ee_expand") -- «.ee_dofile» (to "ee_dofile") -- «.readfile» (to "readfile") -- «.writefile» (to "writefile") -- «.fileexists» (to "fileexists") -- «.trim» (to "trim") -- «.split» (to "split") -- «.splitlines» (to "splitlines") -- «.splitlines-5.3» (to "splitlines-5.3") -- «.getoutput» (to "getoutput") -- «.map» (to "map") -- «.sorted» (to "sorted") -- «.fold» (to "fold") -- «.min-and-max» (to "min-and-max") -- «.table.reverse» (to "table.reverse") -- «.table.addentries» (to "table.addentries") -- «.package.require» (to "package.require") -- «.edrxlib» (to "edrxlib") -- «.cow-and-coy» (to "cow-and-coy") -- «.eval-and-L» (to "eval-and-L") -- «.eoo» (to "eoo") -- «.Class» (to "Class") -- «.over0» (to "over0") -- «.over» (to "over") -- «.methodsover» (to "methodsover") -- «.rawtostring» (to "rawtostring") -- «.rawtostring_comp» (to "rawtostring_comp") -- «.Code» (to "Code") -- «.Tos» (to "Tos") -- «.mytostring» (to "mytostring") -- «.mytostringm» (to "mytostringm") -- «.PP» (to "PP") -- «.VerticalTable» (to "VerticalTable") -- «.HTable-and-VTable» (to "HTable-and-VTable") -- «.VList» (to "VList") -- «.Set» (to "Set") -- «.SetL» (to "SetL") -- «.Path» (to "Path") -- «.DednatRequire» (to "DednatRequire") -- «.PrintFunction» (to "PrintFunction") -- -- Deleted: -- «.DGetInfo-TODO» (to "DGetInfo-TODO") -- «.DGetInfo» (to "DGetInfo") -- «.DGetInfos» (to "DGetInfos") -- Replaced by: -- «.DGetPairs» (to "DGetPairs") -- «.DGetFrame» (to "DGetFrame") -- «.PreTraceback» (to "PreTraceback") -- -- «.Rect» (to "Rect") -- «.SynTree» (to "SynTree") -- «.DedTree» (to "DedTree") -- «.syntree» (to "syntree") -- «.re_expand_INFIX» (to "re_expand_INFIX") -- «.math-grammar» (to "math-grammar") -- «.Re» (to "Re") -- -- «.strlen8» (to "strlen8") -- «.untabify» (to "untabify") -- «.untabify8» (to "untabify8") -- «.utf8tohtml» (to "utf8tohtml") -- «.u8c_to_l1» (to "u8c_to_l1") -- «.u8_to_l1» (to "u8_to_l1") -- «.toslashhex» (to "toslashhex") -- «.divmod» (to "divmod") -- «.userocks» (to "userocks") -- «.loadblogme3» (to "loadblogme3") -- «.savevars» (to "savevars") -- «.variants-of-format» (to "variants-of-format") -- «.minus-0» (to "minus-0") -- «.trailing-zeroes» (to "trailing-zeroes") -- «.pformat» (to "pformat") -- «.dformat» (to "dformat") -- «.gformat» (to "gformat") -- -- «.loaddednat6» (to "loaddednat6") -- «.loadelpeg1» (to "loadelpeg1") -- «.loaddednatrequire» (to "loaddednatrequire") -- «.loadshow2» (to "loadshow2") -- «.loadtikz2» (to "loadtikz2") -- «.loadluarocks» (to "loadluarocks") -- «.loadfbcache2» (to "loadfbcache2") -- «.capitalize» (to "capitalize") -- «.getinscritos» (to "getinscritos") -- -- «.string-methods» (to "string-methods") -- «.otherfunctions» (to "otherfunctions") -- «.0-based» (to "0-based") -- «.P-old» (to "P-old") -- «.P-old-tests» (to "P-old-tests") -- «.PP-old» (to "PP-old") -- «.PPP-old» (to "PPP-old") -- «.follow» (to "follow") -- «.NamedFunction» (to "NamedFunction") -- «.envsubst» (to "envsubst") -- «.mytostring-old» (to "mytostring-old") -- «.ee_loadlib» (to "ee_loadlib") -- «.ee_ls» (to "ee_ls") -- «.load_dednat4» (to "load_dednat4") -- «.load_posix» (to "load_posix") -- «.load_PP» (to "load_PP") -- «.PPeval» (to "PPeval") -- «.loadlpeg» (to "loadlpeg") -- «.loadlpegrex» (to "loadlpegrex") -- «.loadpegdebug» (to "loadpegdebug") -- «.loadbitlib» (to "loadbitlib") -- «.autoload» (to "autoload") -- «.loadtcl» (to "loadtcl") -- «.loadldb» (to "loadldb") -- «.loadpeek» (to "loadpeek") -- «.loadalarm» (to "loadalarm") -- «.loadposix» (to "loadposix") -- «.curl» (to "curl") -- «.preparef2n» (to "preparef2n") -- «.each2» (to "each2") -- «.translatechars» (to "translatechars") -- «.lpeg» (to "lpeg") -- «.sbeconcat» (to "sbeconcat") -- «.concatbestrings» (to "concatbestrings") -- «.lpeg_togsub» (to "lpeg_togsub") -- «.lpeg_gsub» (to "lpeg_gsub") -- «.lpeg_gsub_» (to "lpeg_gsub_") -- «.lpeg_balanced» (to "lpeg_balanced") -- «.ee_into» (to "ee_into") -- «.chdir» (to "chdir") -- «.hms_to_s» (to "hms_to_s") -- «.s_to_hms» (to "s_to_hms") -- «.icollect» (to "icollect") -- «.Repl1.lua» (to "Repl1.lua") -- «.Repl2.lua» (to "Repl2.lua") -- «.Repl3.lua» (to "Repl3.lua") -- -- «.mytraceback» (to "mytraceback") -- «.errorfb_line» (to "errorfb_line") -- «.ee_template» (to "ee_template") -- «.interactor» (to "interactor") -- «.MyXpcall» (to "MyXpcall") -- «.Repl» (to "Repl") -- «.loadluarepl» (to "loadluarepl") -- «.replaceranges» (to "replaceranges") -- «.string.replace» (to "string.replace") -- «.anggurl-and-angg_url» (to "anggurl-and-angg_url") -- -- Moved to: -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua") -- «.EevIntro» (to "EevIntro") -- «.youtube_make_url» (to "youtube_make_url") -- «.youtube_split» (to "youtube_split") -- «.getsexp» (to "getsexp") -- «.ELispHF» (to "ELispHF") -- «.SexpSkel» (to "SexpSkel") -- «.ELispH» (to "ELispH") -- «.Sexp» (to "Sexp") -- «.to_youtube_hash» (to "to_youtube_hash") -- «.url_split» (to "url_split") -- «.Blogme» (to "Blogme") -- «.code_video» (to "code_video") -- «.ELispInfo» (to "ELispInfo") -- «.getsexpskel» (to "getsexpskel") -- «.SexpLine» (to "SexpLine") -- -- «.fsize» (to "fsize") -- -- «.findxxxpdf_parse» (to "findxxxpdf_parse") -- -- «.repltexthis» (to "repltexthis") -- «.load_sqlite» (to "load_sqlite") -- «.load_debugger» (to "load_debugger") -- «.Path.addLUAtopath» (to "Path.addLUAtopath") -- «compat» (to ".compat") -- On Lua 4.x these functions had the short names on the left; -- on Lua-5.0.x a file etc/compat.lua could be used to make the short -- names work, but on Lua-5.1.x this compat.lua has been dropped... -- I still like the short names, so: write = io.write -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-io.write") format = string.format -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.format") gsub = string.gsub -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.gsub") strfind = string.find -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.find") strlen = string.len -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.len") strsub = string.sub -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.sub") concat = table.concat -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.concat") tinsert = table.insert -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.insert") tremove = table.remove -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.remove") -- foreachi = table.foreachi -- (find-lua51manual "#7.2" "table.foreachi") -- getn = table.getn -- (find-lua51manual "#7.2" "table.getn") table.getn = function (tbl) return tbl.n or #tbl end getn = function (tbl) return tbl.n or #tbl end -- «pack-and-unpack» (to ".pack-and-unpack") -- (find-es "lua5" "pack-and-unpack") -- pack = table.pack or function (...) return arg end -- 5.1 and 5.2 pack = table.pack or function (...) return {n=select("#", ...), ...} end unpack = unpack or table.unpack myunpack = function (arg) return unpack(arg, 1, arg.n) end -- Examples: -- PP(pack(nil, 22, nil, 44, nil)) --> {2=22, 4=44, "n"=5} -- PP(unpack({nil, 22, nil, 44, nil, n=5})) --> <nil> 22 -- PP(myunpack({nil, 22, nil, 44, nil, n=5})) --> <nil> 22 <nil> 44 <nil> -- «printf» (to ".printf") printf = function (...) write(format(...)) end -- «loadstring» (to ".loadstring") -- (find-es "lua5" "loadstring") loadstring = loadstring or load -- «table.empty» (to ".table.empty") table.empty = function (T) return next(T) == nil end -- «ee_expand» (to ".ee_expand") -- (find-eev "eev.el" "ee-expand") ee_expand = function (path) path = string.gsub(path, "^~$", "$HOME/", 1) path = string.gsub(path, "^~/", "$HOME/", 1) path = string.gsub(path, "^%$(%w+)", os.getenv, 1) return path end -- «ee_dofile» (to ".ee_dofile") -- For example, -- ee_dofile("~/LUA/tikz1.lua") -- works as expected; with the standard dofile we would need this: -- dofile(os.getenv("HOME").."/LUA/tikz1.lua") ee_dofile = function (path) return dofile(ee_expand(path)) end -- «readfile» (to ".readfile") -- «writefile» (to ".writefile") -- (find-es "lua5" "readfile") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-io.open") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-file:read") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-file:write") readfile = function (fname) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) local bigstr = f:read("*a") f:close() return bigstr end writefile = function (fname, bigstr) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "w+")) f:write(bigstr) f:close() end -- «fileexists» (to ".fileexists") fileexists = function (fname) local f, err = (io.open(fname, "r")) if f then io.close(f); return true end return false end -- (find-blogme3file "youtube.lua" "ee_readfile =") ee_readfile = function (fname) return readfile(ee_expand(fname)) end ee_writefile = function (fname, str) return writefile(ee_expand(fname), str) end filecontents0 = function (fname) local ok,contents = pcall(function () return ee_readfile(fname) end) if ok then return contents end end -- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "dednat4dir") -- (find-dn6 "dednat6.lua" "package.path") fnamedirectory = function (fname) return fname:match"^(.*/)[^/]*$" end fnamenondirectory = function (fname) return fname:match "([^/]*)$" end fnamesansextension = function (fname) return fname:reverse():gsub("^[^/]*%.", ""):reverse() end fnamebase = function (fname) return fnamenondirectory(fnamesansextension(fname)) end ee_shorten = function (fname) fname = fname:gsub("^/home/edrx/", "~/") fname = fname:gsub("^~/snarf/", "$S/") return fname end -- «trim» (to ".trim") -- (to "string-methods") -- (find-lua51manual "#5.4.1" "Patterns") ltrim = function (str) return str:match"^%s*(.*)$" end rtrim = function (str) return str:reverse():ltrim():reverse() end bitrim = function (str) return str:ltrim():rtrim() end string.ltrim = ltrim string.rtrim = rtrim string.bitrim = bitrim -- «split» (to ".split") -- (find-es "lua5" "split") split = function (str, pat) local arr = {} string.gsub(str, pat or "([^%s]+)", function (word) table.insert(arr, word) end) return arr end -- «splitlines» (to ".splitlines") splitlines = function (bigstr) local arr = split(bigstr, "([^\n]*)\n?") table.remove(arr) return arr end isplitlines = function (bigstr) return ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) end -- «splitlines-5.3» (to ".splitlines-5.3") -- (find-es "lua5" "splitlines-5.3") splitlines = function (bigstr) local arr = split(bigstr, "([^\n]*)\n?") if _VERSION:sub(5) < "5.3" then table.remove(arr) end return arr end -- «getoutput» (to ".getoutput") -- (find-es "lua5" "getoutput") getoutput = function (command) local pipe = assert(io.popen(command)) local output = pipe:read("*a") pipe:close() return output end -- «map» (to ".map") --------[ keys, map, seq, nop, each2, splitlines, chartranslator ]-------- keys = function (tbl) local ks = {} for k,_ in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(ks,k) end return ks end map = function (f, arr, n) local brr = {} for i=1,(n or #arr) do table.insert(brr, (f(arr[i]))) end return brr end seq = function (a, b, c) local arr = {} for i=a,b,(c or 1) do table.insert(arr, i) end return arr end seqn = function (a, b, n) local f = function (k) return a + (b-a)*(k/n) end return map(f, seq(0, n)) end nop = function () end id = function (...) return ... end copy = function (A) local B = {} for k,v in pairs(A) do B[k] = v end setmetatable(B, getmetatable(A)) return B end shallowcopy = function (A, B) B = B or {} for k,v in pairs(A) do B[k] = v end setmetatable(B, getmetatable(A)) return B end deepcopy = function (A) if type(A) ~= "table" then return A end local B = {} for k,v in pairs(A) do B[k] = deepcopy(v) end setmetatable(B, getmetatable(A)) return B end deepcopymt = function (A, mt) if type(A) ~= "table" then return A end local B = {} for k,v in pairs(A) do B[k] = deepcopymt(v, mt) end setmetatable(B, mt) -- use mt return B end uniq = function (A) local B = {} for i=1,#A do if A[i] ~= A[i-1] then table.insert(B, A[i]) end end return B end -- (find-efunctiondescr 'mapconcat) -- (find-elnode "Index" "* mapconcat:") -- (find-es "lua5" "table.concat") mapconcat = function (f, tbl, sep, n) return table.concat(map(f, tbl, n), sep) end maplines = function (f, bigstr) return mapconcat(f, splitlines(bigstr), "\n") end transpose = function (A) local TA = {} for k,v in pairs(A) do TA[v] = k end return TA end -- «sorted» (to ".sorted") -- (find-es "lua5" "sorted") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-table.sort") -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-04/msg00406.html sorted = function (tbl, lt) table.sort(tbl, lt); return tbl end -- «fold» (to ".fold") -- (find-es "lua5" "fold") -- (find-es "haskell" "foldr") -- (find-hugsbasefile "Prelude.hs" "\nfoldl ") -- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a foldl = function (f, a, B, i, j) for k=(i or 1),(j or #B) do a = f(a, B[k]) end return a end foldl1 = function (f, A) local o = A[1] for i=2,#A do o = f(o, A[i]) end return o end foldr1 = function (f, A) local o = A[#A] for i=#A-1,1,-1 do o = f(A[i], o) end return o end -- «min-and-max» (to ".min-and-max") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-math.min") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-math.max") -- PP(math.min("22", "200")) --> 22 -- PP(min("22", "200")) --> "200" min = function (a, b) if a < b then return a else return b end end max = function (a, b) if a < b then return b else return a end end Min = function (a, b) return (a and b and min(a, b)) or a or b end Max = function (a, b) return (a and b and max(a, b)) or a or b end minmax = function (a, b, c) return Min(a, b), Max(b, c) end -- «table.reverse» (to ".table.reverse") -- «table.addentries» (to ".table.addentries") table.reverse = function (A) local B = {} setmetatable(B, getmetatable(A)) for i=1,#A do B[#A-i+1] = A[i] end return B end table.addentries = function (A, B) for k,v in pairs(B) do A[k] = v end return A end -- «package.require» (to ".package.require") -- «edrxlib» (to ".edrxlib") -- Make package.require consider that this file has been loaded when -- it was loaded by LUA_INIT=@.../LUA/lua50init.lua (see the comments -- at the top of this file) so that we can do 'require "lua50init"' or -- 'require "edrxlib"'... -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-require") -- (find-lua51file "") -- (find-lua51file "src/loadlib.c" "static int ll_require ") package.loaded.lua50init = package.loaded.lua50init or "(loaded by LUA_INIT=@...)" package.loaded.edrxlib = package.loaded.edrxlib or "(loaded by LUA_INIT=@...)" -- «cow-and-coy» (to ".cow-and-coy") -- (find-es "lua5" "cow-and-coy") coy = coroutine.yield cow = coroutine.wrap -- «eval-and-L» (to ".eval-and-L") -- (find-es "lua5" "lambda-with-L") -- (find-es "lua5" "lambda-with-Code") -- (find-LATEX "2014-1-GA-P2-gab.lua") eval = function (str) return assert(loadstring(str))() end expr = function (str) return eval("return "..str) end L00 = function (args, body) return string.format("function (%s) return %s end", args, body) end L0 = function (str) str = str:gsub("^%s*(%S+)%s+->", "%1 ") local args, body = str:match("^%s*(%S+)%s+(.*)$") return L00(args, body) end L = function (str) return expr(L0(str)) end -- -- An alternative definition - better, but uses a class: -- L = Code.L -- See: (to "Code") -- «eoo» (to ".eoo") -- «Class» (to ".Class") -- For a documented version, see: -- (find-angg "LUA/eoo.lua") -- Class = { type = "Class", __call = function (class, o) return setmetatable(o, class) end, } setmetatable(Class, Class) otype_metatables = {} otype = function (o) -- works like type, except on my "objects" local mt = getmetatable(o) return mt and (otype_metatables[mt] or mt.type) or type(o) end -- «over0» (to ".over0") -- Example: -- A = {a=22} -- B = over(A, {b=33}) -- PP(B, A, B.b, B.a) -- --> {"b"=33} {"a"=22} 33 22 --[[ over = function (bottomtable, toptable) return setmetatable(toptable or {}, {__index = bottomtable}) end --]] -- «over» (to ".over") -- (find-es "lua5" "over") -- over(B)(A) creates this: A --> mt --> B over = function (B) return function (A) return setmetatable(A, {__index=B}) end end Over = function (class) return over(class.__index) end -- «methodsover» (to ".methodsover") -- (find-es "lua5" "methodsover") methodsover = function (class1index) return function (class2index) local class2indexmetatable = { __index = class1index } setmetatable(class2index, class2indexmetatable) return class2index end end -- «rawtostring» (to ".rawtostring") -- (find-es "lua5" "rawtostring") rawtostring = function (o) if type(o) == "table" then local mt = getmetatable(o); setmetatable(o, nil) local rawtos = tostring(o); setmetatable(o, mt) return rawtos end return tostring(o) end -- «rawtostring_comp» (to ".rawtostring_comp") -- Based on: (to "Tos" "comparekvs =") rawtostring_comp = function (o1, o2) local t1, t2 = type(o1), type(o2) if t1 == t2 then if t1 == "number" then return o1 < o2 end if t1 == "string" then return o1 < o2 end return rawtostring(o1) < rawtostring(o2) -- fast else return t1 < t2 -- numbers before strings before tables, etc end end sortedkeys = function (A) return sorted(keys(A), rawtostring_comp) end -- «Code» (to ".Code") -- The class Code "converts strings to executable code" in nice ways. -- Commented version: (find-angg "LUA/Code2.lua") -- See: (to "eval-and-L") -- Code = Class { type = "Code", from = function (src) return Code{src=src}:parse() end, expr = function (src) return Code{src=src}:mkbody("_expr") end, eval = function (src) return Code{src=src}:mkbody("_eval") end, ve = function (src) return Code.from(src):mkbody("_ve") end, vc = function (src) return Code.from(src):mkbody("_vc") end, L = function (src) return Code.ve(src):f() end, __tostring = function (c) return c:tostring() end, __call = function (c,...) return c:f()(...) end, __index = { tostring = function (c) local f = function (k) return format("%8s: %s", k, c[k]) end return mapconcat(f, sortedkeys(c), "\n") end, -- srcpat = "^%s*([%w_,]+)%s*[%-=]>%s*(.*)$", parse = function (c) local srcvars,srcbody = c.src:match(c.srcpat) if not srcvars then error("Code.parse can't parse: "..c.src) end c.srcvars,c.srcbody = srcvars,srcbody return c end, -- _ve = "local <srcvars> = ...; return <srcbody>", _vc = "local <srcvars> = ...; <srcbody>", _expr = "return <src>", _eval = "<src>", mkbody = function (c,k) return c:mkbody0(c[k]) end, mkbody0 = function (c,fmt) local f = function (s) return c[s] end c.body = fmt:gsub("<(.-)>", f) return c end, f = function (c) return assert(loadstring(c.body)) end, }, } -- «Tos» (to ".Tos") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/Tos.lua") -- Tos = Class { type = "Tos", __index = { -- -- Basic methods: -- o: object (of any type) to string -- ov: like o, but vertical in a simplistic way -- t: table to string -- t0: table to string, low level -- kvs: listofkeyvaluepairs to string -- kv: keyvaluepair to string -- k: key to string -- o = function (tos, o, a,sep,b,emp) local ty = type(o) if ty=="number" then return tostring(o) end if ty=="string" then return format("%q", o) end if ty=="table" then return tos:t(o, a,sep,b,emp) end return "<"..tostring(o)..">" end, ov = function (tos, o, a,sep,b,emp) return tos:o(o, "{ ", ",\n ", "\n}", "{}") end, t = function (tos, T, a,sep,b,emp) return tos:t0(T, a,sep,b,emp) end, t0 = function (tos, T, a,sep,b,emp) local tableisempty = (next(T) == nil) if tableisempty and emp then return emp end local body = tos:kvs(tos:getsortedkvs(T), sep) return (a or "{")..body..(b or "}") end, -- kvs = function (tos, ps, sep) local tos_p = function (p) return tos:kv(p) end return mapconcat(tos_p, ps, sep or ", ") end, kv = function (tos, p) return tos:k(p.key).."="..tos:o(p.val) end, k = function (tos, k) return tos:o(k) end, -- -- t0 uses this to sort the key-value pairs of a table. getsortedkvs = function (tos, T) return sorted(tos:getkvs(T), tos.comparekvs) end, getkvs = function (tos, T) local kvs = {} for k,v in pairs(T) do table.insert(kvs, {key=k, val=v}) end return kvs end, comparekvs = function (kv1, kv2) -- not a method! local k1, k2 = kv1.key, kv2.key return rawtostring_comp(k1, k2) end, -- -- return a tostring-like function f = function (tos, a,sep,b,emp) return function (o) return tos:o(o, a,sep,b,emp) end end, -- -- An alternative to t. See the object "tosp" below. tp = function (tos, T, a,sep,b,emp) -- experimental local mt = getmetatable(T) local typename = mt and mt.type local prefix = typename and (typename..":") or "" return prefix..tos:t0(T, a,sep,b,emp) end, }, } -- Two global objects of the class Tos. -- To change how mytostring and PP work, replace them. tos0 = Tos({}) tosp = Tos({t = Tos.__index.tp}) -- «mytostring» (to ".mytostring") -- Basic tostring-ish functions. -- To override them, redefine these functions. mytostring = function (o) return tos0:o(o) end mytostringv = function (o) return tos0:ov(o) end mytabletostring = function (o) return tos0:ov(o) end -- old name -- mytostringp = function (o) return tosp:o(o) end mytostringvp = function (o) return tosp:ov(o) end mytostringpv = function (o) return tosp:ov(o) end -- «mytostringm» (to ".mytostringm") mytostringm = function (o) local mt = getmetatable(o) if mt and mt.__tostring then return tostring(o) end return mytostring(o) end -- «PP» (to ".PP") -- Basic pretty-printing functions. -- PPV = function (o) print(mytabletostring(o)); return o end PPPV = function (o) print(mytostringpv(o)); return o end PPP = function (o) print(mytostringp (o)); return o end PPV = function (o) print(mytostringv (o)); return o end PP = function (...) return PP_(mytostring, ...) end PP_ = function (tos, ...) local args = pack(...) for i=1,args.n do printf(" %s", tos(args[i])) end print() return ... end -- «VerticalTable» (to ".VerticalTable") -- Tests: (find-es "lua5" "VerticalTable") -- Note: this is an obsolete name, use VTable instead VerticalTable = Class { type = "VerticalTable", __tostring = function (vt) return mytabletostring(vt) end, __index = { }, } -- «HTable-and-VTable» (to ".HTable-and-VTable") -- (find-es "lua5" "Tos-2021") -- tos_HTable = Tos({}):f() -- tos_VTable = Tos({}):f("{ ", ",\n ", "\n}", "{}") HTable = Class { type = "HTable", __tostring = mytostring, __index = { }, } HTableP = Class { type = "HTableP", __tostring = mytostringp, __index = { }, } VTable = Class { type = "VTable", __tostring = mytostringv, __index = { }, } VTableP = Class { type = "VTableP", __tostring = mytostringvp, __index = { }, } -- «VList» (to ".VList") -- Commented version: (find-angg "LUA/LsQuadros1.lua" "VList") VList = Class { type = "VList", __tostring = function (vl) return vl:tostring() end, __index = { tostring0 = function (vl) return mapconcat(mytostringm, vl, ',\n ') end, tostring = function (vl) return "VList{\n "..vl:tostring0().."\n}" end, }, } -- «Set» (to ".Set") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/Set.lua" "Set") -- Set = Class { type = "Set", new = function () return Set {_={}} end, from = function (L) return Set.fromarray(L) end, fromarray = function (L) local C = Set.new() for i,v in ipairs(L) do C._[v]=v end return C end, __add = function (A, B) -- union local C = Set.new() for k,v in pairs(A._) do C._[k]=v end for k,v in pairs(B._) do C._[k]=v end return C end, __sub = function (A, B) -- difference local C = Set.new() for k,v in pairs(A._) do C._[k]=v end for k,v in pairs(B._) do C._[k]=nil end return C end, __mul = function (A, B) -- intersection local C = Set.new() for k,v in pairs(A._) do if B._[k] then C._[k]=v end end return C end, __len = function (A) print"!" return #(keys(A._)) end, -- number of elements __tostring = function (A) return "(Set with "..A:n().." elements)" end, -- -- Methods __index = { get = function (A, k) return A._[k] end, has = function (A, k) return A._[k] end, n = function (A) return #keys(A._) end, k = function (A) return keys(A._) end, ks = function (A) return sorted(keys(A._)) end, ksc = function (A, sep) return table.concat(A:ks(), sep or "\n") end, gen = function (A) return cow(function () for i,v in ipairs(A:ks()) do coy(v, A:get(v)) end end) end, add = function (A, key, val) A._[key] = val or key return A end, del = function (A, key) A._[key] = nil return A end, }, } -- «SetL» (to ".SetL") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/SetL.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/SetL.lua" "SetL") -- SetL = Class { type = "SetL", new = function () return SetL {keys={}, list={}} end, from = function (L) return Set.fromarray(L) end, fromarray = function (L) local C = Set.new() for i,k in ipairs(L) do C:add(k) end return C end, __len = function (setl) return setl:n() end, __tostring = function (setl) return format("(SetL with %d elements)", setl:n()) end, __add = function (A, B) -- union local C = SetL:new() for k,v in A:gen() do C:add(k, v) end for k,v in B:gen() do C:add(k, v) end return C end, __mul = function (A, B) -- intersection local C = SetL:new() for k,v in A:gen() do if B:has(k) then C:add(k, v) end end return C end, __sub = function (A, B) -- difference local C = SetL.new() for k,v in A:gen() do if not B:has(k) then C:add(k, v) end end return C end, -- -- Methods __index = { get = function (setl, key) return setl.keys[key] end, val = function (setl, key) return setl.keys[key] end, has = function (setl, key) return setl.keys[key] end, n = function (setl) return #setl.list end, k = function (setl) return setl.list end, ks = function (setl) return sorted(keys(setl.keys)) end, ksc = function (setl, sep) return table.concat(setl:ks(), sep or "\n") end, gen = function (setl) return cow(function () for i,k in ipairs(setl.list) do coy(k, setl:val(k)) end end) end, add = function (setl, key, val) if not setl:has(key) then setl.keys[key] = val or key table.insert(setl.list, key) end return setl end, }, } -- «Path» (to ".Path") -- Commented version: (find-angg "LUA/Path.lua") -- Typical usage: Path.prepend("path", "~/LUA/?.lua") -- or: Path.prependtopath "~/LUA/?.lua" -- Path = Class { type = "Path", from = function (field) return Path {field = field} end, prepend = function (field, fname) return Path.from(field):prepend(fname) end, prependtopath = function (fname) return Path.prepend("path", fname) end, prependtocpath = function (fname) return Path.prepend("cpath", fname) end, addLUAtopath = function () return Path.prepend("path", "~/LUA/?.lua") end, find = function (field, modulename) local modulepath = modulename:gsub("%.", "/") for pathentry in package[field]:gmatch("([^;]+)") do local filename = pathentry:gsub("%?", modulepath) local file = io.open(filename, "rb") if file then file:close() return filename end end end, __tostring = function (p) return p:tostring() end, __index = { get = function (p) return package[p.field] end, set = function (p, newvalue) package[p.field] = newvalue end, tostring = function (p, sep) return format("package.%s = %s", p.field, p:tostring0(sep)) end, tostring0 = function (p, sep) return (p:get():gsub(";", sep or "\n ;")) end, toset = function (p) return Set.from(split(p:get(), "([^;]+)")) end, has = function (p, fname) return p:toset():has(fname) end, prepend0 = function (p, fname) p:set(ee_expand(fname)..";"..p:get()) end, prepend = function (p, fname) if not p:has(ee_expand(fname)) then p:prepend0(fname) end return p end }, } -- «DednatRequire» (to ".DednatRequire") -- Commented version: (find-angg "LUA/DednatRequire1.lua") -- Used by: (to "loaddednatrequire") -- Usage: require = DednatRequire.newrequire -- or: require = DednatRequire_oldrequire -- DednatRequire = { alreadyloaded = function (modulename) if package.loaded[modulename] then return package.loaded[modulename] end end, findandload = function (modulename) local filename = DednatRequire.find(modulename) if not filename then return nil end return DednatRequire.loadfile(modulename, filename) end, find = function (modulename) local modulepath = string.gsub(modulename, "%.", "/") for path in string.gmatch(package.path, "([^;]+)") do local filename = string.gsub(path, "%?", modulepath) local file = io.open(filename, "rb") if file then file:close() return filename end end end, loadfile = function (modulename, filename) printf("%% DednatRequire.loadfile(%q, %q)\n", modulename, filename) local runcode = assert(loadfile(filename)) -- the file must exist local retval = runcode() -- and this must succeed package.loaded[modulename] = retval or _G -- mark as loaded return package.loaded[modulename] end, oldrequire = function (modulename) printf("%% DednatRequire.oldrequire(%q)\n", modulename) DednatRequire_oldrequire(modulename) end, -- newrequire = function (modulename) return DednatRequire.alreadyloaded(modulename) -- try the method 0 or DednatRequire.findandload(modulename) -- try the method 1 or DednatRequire_oldrequire(modulename) -- try the oldrequire end, } DednatRequire_oldrequire = DednatRequire_oldrequire or require -- backup -- «PrintFunction» (to ".PrintFunction") -- Commented version: (find-angg "LUA/PrintFunction1.lua") -- PrintFunction = Class { type = "PrintFunction", from = function (f) return PrintFunction(debug.getinfo(f, "nSluf")) end, fromts = function (o) return PrintFunction.from(getmetatable(o).__tostring) end, tostring = function (f) return tostring(PrintFunction.from(f)) end, __tostring = function (pf) return pf:tostring() end, __index = { v = function (pf) return VTable(copy(pf)) end, tostring = function (pf) return pf:_any() end, _shortsrc0 = function (pf) return ee_shorten(pf.short_src) end, _shortsrc0 = function (pf) return ee_shorten(pf.source:sub(2)) end, _shortsrc = function (pf) return pf.short_src and pf:_shortsrc0() end, _name0 = function (pf) return pf.name and format("%q", pf.name) end, _name = function (pf) return pf:_name0() or "(unknown name)" end, _linedef = function (pf) return pf.linedefined end, _linelast = function (pf) return pf.lastlinedefined end, _linecurr0 = function (pf) return pf.currentline end, _linecurr = function (pf) return pf:_linecurr0()~=-1 and pf:_linecurr0() end, _line1 = function (pf) return pf:_linedef() end, _line2 = function (pf) return pf:_linecurr() or pf:_linelast() end, _tailcall0 = function (pf) return "[Lua] tail call" end, _main0 = function (pf) return "[Lua] "..pf:_shortsrc() .." line "..pf:_linecurr() end, _C0 = function (pf) return "[ C ] "..pf.namewhat .." C function "..pf:_name() end, _tbbody0 = function (pf) return (pf:_shortsrc() or "") .." "..(pf:_line1() or "") .." "..(pf:_line2() or "") .." "..(pf.namewhat or "") .." "..(pf.name or "") end, _tbbody = function (pf) return rtrim(pf:_tbbody0()) end, _findluatb = function (pf) return format('(find-luatb \"%s\")', pf:_tbbody()) end, _any = function (pf) if pf.short_src == "[C]" then return pf:_C0() end if pf.what == "main" then return pf:_main0() end if pf.short_src == "(tail call)" then return pf:_tailcall0() end return pf:_findluatb() end, }, } -- «DGetInfo-TODO» (to ".DGetInfo-TODO") -- NOTE: the classes DGetInfo and DGetInfos were superseded by the -- classes DGetPairs, DGetFrame and PreTraceback, defined below. -- -- «DGetInfo» (to ".DGetInfo") -- Commented version: (find-angg "LUA/DGetInfo1.lua") -- -- «DGetInfos» (to ".DGetInfos") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/DGetInfo1.lua" "DGetInfos") -- (find-angg "LUA/DGetInfo1.lua" "DGetInfos-tests") -- «DGetPairs» (to ".DGetPairs") -- See: (to "DGetFrame") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/PreTraceback1.lua" "DGetPairs") -- DGetPairs = Class { type = "DGetPairs", new = function (storevalues) return DGetPairs {names={}, values=(storevalues and {})} end, __tostring = function (dg) return dg:tostring() end, __index = { n = function (dgp) return #dgp.names end, seq = function (dgp) return HTable(seq(1,dgp:n())) end, set = function (dgp,i,name,value) if not name then return end dgp.names[i] = name if dgp.values then dgp.values[i] = value end return dgp end, iname = function (dgp,i) return pformat("%d:%s", i, dgp.names[i]) end, inamevalue = function (dgp,i) return pformat("%d:%s:%s", i, dgp.names[i], dgp.values[i]) end, inames = function (dgp, sep) local f = function (i) return dgp:iname(i) end return mapconcat(f, dgp:seq(), sep or " ") end, inamesvalues = function (dgp, sep) if not dgp.values then return dgp:inames(sep) end local f = function (i) return dgp:inamevalue(i) end return mapconcat(f, dgp:seq(), sep or "\n") end, ins = function (dgp, sep) return dgp:inames(sep) end, invs = function (dgp, sep) return dgp:inamesvalues(sep) end, tostring = function (dgp, sep) return dgp:ins(sep) end, }, } -- «DGetFrame» (to ".DGetFrame") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/PreTraceback1.lua" "DGetFrame") -- Idea: running something like -- -- dgf = DGetFrame.atlevel(99, true, true) -- -- calls debug.getinfo, debug.getlocal and debug.getupvalue to get a -- lot of information about the stack frame at level 99, and puts that -- information in a static object that is easy to inspect. This class -- is used by the class PreTraceback, defined below, and it stores the -- locals and upvalues in objects of the class DGetPairs, defined -- above. -- DGetFrame = Class { type = "DGetFrame", atlevel = function (lvl, storevalues, storeupvalues) local dg = debug.getinfo(lvl, "nSluf") if not dg then return end dg.locals = DGetPairs.new(storevalues) dg.upvalues = DGetPairs.new(storeupvalues) for i=1,1000 do local name,value = debug.getlocal(lvl, i) if not dg.locals:set(i,name,value) then break end end return DGetFrame(dg):getupvalues() end, fromfunction = function (f, storevalues, storeupvalues) local dg = debug.getinfo(f, "nSluf") dg.locals = DGetPairs.new(storevalues) -- dummy dg.upvalues = DGetPairs.new(storeupvalues) return DGetFrame(dg):getupvalues() end, getframes = function (storevalues, storeupvalues) local A = {} for i=0,1000 do A[i] = DGetFrame.atlevel(i, storevalues, storeupvalues) if not A[i] then return A end end end, __tostring = function (dgf) return dgf:tostring() end, __index = { getupvalues = function (dgf,n) for i=1,(n or dgf.nups) do local name,value = debug.getupvalue(dgf.func, i) if not dgf.upvalues:set(i,name,value) then break end end return dgf end, delpairs = function (dgf) dgf = copy(dgf) dgf.locals = nil dgf.upvalues = nil return dgf end, toprintfunction = function (dgf) return PrintFunction(dgf:delpairs()) end, tostring = function (dgf) return tostring(dgf:toprintfunction()) end, pf = function (dgf) return dgf:toprintfunction() end, v = function (dgf) return dgf:toprintfunction():v() end, }, } -- «PreTraceback» (to ".PreTraceback") -- A pretraceback is like a debug.traceback() before it is converted -- to a string. Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/PreTraceback1.lua" "PreTraceback") -- PreTraceback = Class { type = "PreTraceback", new = function (getvalues, getupvalues) local frames = DGetFrame.getframes(getvalues, getupvalues) return PreTraceback(frames) end, __tostring = function (pt) return pt:tostring() end, __index = { seq = function (pt, a, b, dir) a,b = (a or #pt),(b or 0) dir = dir or (a <= b and 1 or -1) return seq(a, b, dir) end, tostring = function (pt, a, b, dir) local f = function (i) return pformat("%s -> %s", i, pt[i]) end return mapconcat(f, pt:seq(a, b, dir), "\n") end, }, } -- «Rect» (to ".Rect") -- Commented version: (find-angg "LUA/Rect.lua") -- Old notes: (find-es "lua5" "Rect") -- An old version: (find-es "lua5" "Rect-2019") -- torect = function (o) if otype(o) == "Rect" then return o end if type(o) == "string" then return Rect.new(o) end error() end -- Rect = Class { type = "Rect", new = function (str) return Rect(splitlines(str)) end, rep = function (str, n) local r=Rect{}; for i=1,n do r[i]=str end; return r end, from = function (o) if type(o) == "string" then return Rect.new(o) end if type(o) == "number" then return Rect.new(tostring(o)) end return o -- missing: test otypeness end, -- -- A hack to let us build syntax trees very quickly: syntree = function (op, a1, ...) if not a1 then return Rect.from(op) end local r = Rect.from(a1):syn1(op) for _,an in ipairs({...}) do r = r:synconcat(Rect.from(an)) end return r end, -- __tostring = function (rect) return rect:tostring() end, __concat = function (r1, r2) return torect(r1):concat(torect(r2)) end, __index = { tostring = function (rect) return table.concat(rect, "\n") end, copy = function (rect) return copy(rect) end, width = function (rect) return rect.w or foldl(max, 0, map(string.len, rect)) end, push1 = function (rect, str) table.insert(rect, 1, str); return rect end, push2 = function (rect, str1, str2) return rect:push1(str2):push1(str1) end, pad0 = function (rect, y, w, c, rstr) rect[y] = ((rect[y] or "")..(c or " "):rep(w)):sub(1, w)..(rstr or "") return rect end, lower = function (rect, n, str) for i=1,n do rect:push1(str or "") end return rect end, concat = function (r1, r2, w, dy) r1 = r1:copy() w = w or r1:width() dy = dy or 0 for y=#r1+1,#r2+dy do r1[y] = "" end for y=1,#r2 do r1:pad0(y+dy, w, nil, r2[y]) end return r1 end, prepend = function (rect, str) return Rect.rep(str, #rect)..rect end, -- -- Low-level methods for building syntax trees: -- syn1 draws a "|" above a rect and draws the opname above it, -- synconcat draws two syntax trees side by side and joins them with "_"s. syn1 = function (r1, opname) return r1:copy():push2(opname or ".", "|") end, synconcat = function (r1, r2) return r1:copy():pad0(1, r1:width()+2, "_")..r2:copy():push2(".", "|") end, -- -- Low-level methods for building deduction trees: -- dedconcat draws two deduction trees side by side, -- dedsetbar draws or redraws the bar above the conclusion, -- dedaddroot adds a bar and a conclusion below some trees drawn -- side by side. dedconcat = function (r1, r2) local w = r1:width() + 2 if #r1 < #r2 then return r1:copy():lower(#r2-#r1):concat(r2, w) end if #r1 == #r2 then return r1:copy():concat(r2, w) end if #r1 > #r2 then return r1:copy():concat(r2, w, #r1-#r2) end end, dedsetbar = function (r, barchar, barname) if #r == 1 then table.insert(r, 1, "") end local trim = function (str) return (str:match("^(.-) *$")) end local strover = trim(r[#r-2] or "") -- the hypotheses above the bar local strunder = trim(r[#r]) -- the conclusion below the bar local len = max(#strover, #strunder) local bar = (barchar or "-"):rep(len) r[#r-1] = bar..(barname or "") return r end, dedaddroot = function (r, rootstr, barchar, barname) table.insert(r, "") -- The bar will be here. table.insert(r, rootstr) -- Draw the conclusion, return r:dedsetbar(barchar, barname) -- and then set the bar. end, }, } -- «SynTree» (to ".SynTree") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/Rect.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/Rect.lua" "SynTree") -- SynTree = Class { type = "SynTree", from = function (A) return deepcopymt(A, SynTree) end, torect = function (o) if type(o) == "number" then return Rect.new(tostring(o)) end if type(o) == "string" then return Rect.new(o) end if type(o) == "table" then local op = o[0] if type(op) == "number" then op = tostring(op) end if #o == 0 then return Rect.new(op or ".") end local r = SynTree.torect(o[1]):syn1(op) for i=2,#o do r = r:synconcat(SynTree.torect(o[i])) end return r end end, __tostring = function (o) return o:torect():tostring() end, __index = { torect = function (o) return SynTree.torect(o) end, }, } -- «DedTree» (to ".DedTree") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/Rect.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/Rect.lua" "DedTree") -- DedTree = Class { type = "DedTree", from = function (A) return deepcopymt(A, DedTree) end, torect = function (o) if type(o) == "number" then return Rect.new(tostring(o)) end if type(o) == "string" then return Rect.new(o) end if type(o) == "table" then if #o == 0 then local r = DedTree.torect(o[0] or "?") r:dedsetbar(o.bar, o.label) return r else r = DedTree.torect(o[1]) for i=2,#o do r = r:dedconcat(dedtorect(o[i])) end return r:dedaddroot(o[0] or "?", o.bar, o.label) end end error() end, __tostring = function (o) return o:torect():tostring() end, __index = { torect = function (o) return DedTree.torect(o) end, }, } -- «re_expand_INFIX» (to ".re_expand_INFIX") -- (find-es "lua-intro" "lpeg-re-infix-2") -- (find-angg "LUA/Re-infix.lua" "preproc_infix") re_expand_INFIX_0 = function (parenstr) local components = split(parenstr:sub(2, -2)) local e = table.remove(components, 1) local sep = table.remove(components, 1) local ops = components local quote = function (str) return '"'..str..'"' end local oneop = function (ops) return mapconcat(quote, ops, " / ") end local tbl = {E=e, SEP=sep, OP=oneop(ops)} local re = string.gsub("(E s ({OP} SEP E)*)", "[A-Z]+", tbl) return re end re_expand_INFIX = function (gram) return (string.gsub(gram, "INFIX(%b())", re_expand_INFIX_0)) end -- «math-grammar» (to ".math-grammar") -- (find-gab "gab.lua" "lpeg-parser") -- (find-gabfile "gab.lua" "Expr.__index.infix =") -- Missing: _, __, (), {|,,}, {,,}, Fa/Ex/Lambda, :, not, unary- math_grammar_0 = [[ e75 <- INFIX( e70 s | ) -> f_nonassoc e70 <- INFIX( e65 s , ) -> f_nary e65 <- INFIX( e60 s <- ) -> f_nonassoc e60 <- INFIX( e55 s -> ) -> f_nonassoc e55 <- INFIX( e50 s or ) -> f_left e50 <- INFIX( e45 s & ) -> f_left e45 <- INFIX( e40 s not ) -> f_OOOOOOOOOOOOPS e40 <- INFIX( e35 s in ) -> f_nonassoc e35 <- INFIX( e30 s <= < == != >= > ) -> f_nary e30 <- INFIX( e25 s + - ) -> f_left e25 <- INFIX( e20 s // / * ) -> f_left e20 <- INFIX( e15 s ^ ) -> f_right ]] -- «Re» (to ".Re") -- Commented version: -- (find-angg "LUA/Re.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/Re.lua" "Re-tests") -- Re = Class { type = "Re", __tostring = function (r) return mytostringv(r) end, __call = function (r, subj, init) return r:test(subj, init) end, -- __index = { grammar = "", defs = {}, preproc = function (res0) return res0 end, -- -- Every call to r:compile(str) overwrites -- the fields r.res0, r.res, and r.rec of r. compile = function (r, res0) local res = r.preproc(res0) .. r.grammar r.res0 = res0 r.res = res if res == res0 then r.res0 = nil end r.rec = re.compile(r.res, r.defs) return r end, match = function (r, subj, init) return r.rec:match(subj, init) end, test = function (r, subj, init) if r.print then (r.print)(r:match(subj, init)) else return r:match(subj, init) end end, -- p = function (r, ...) print(r.res) end, c = function (r, ...) return r:compile(...) end, cc = function (r, ...) return copy(r):compile(...) end, }, } -- «strlen8» (to ".strlen8") -- (find-es "lua5" "utf8") -- (find-angg "LUA/Und2D1.lua" "u8split") string.len8 = function (str) return str:gsub("[\128-\191]+", ""):len() end strlen8 = string.len8 -- «untabify» (to ".untabify") -- Note: to untabify strings in encodings where chars can be more than -- 1-byte long, change the "strlen" below... (I never had to do that, -- though). untabify_table = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "} --{"--------", "-------", "------", "-----", "----", "---", "--", "-"} untabify_strtab = function (strbeforetab) return strbeforetab .. untabify_table[math.fmod(strlen(strbeforetab), 8) + 1] end untabify = function (str) return (gsub(str, "([^\t\r\n]*)\t", untabify_strtab)) end -- «untabify8» (to ".untabify8") untabify8_strtab = function (strbeforetab) return strbeforetab .. untabify_table[math.fmod(strlen(strbeforetab), 8) + 1] end untabify8 = function (str) return (gsub(str, "([^\t\r\n]*)\t", untabify_strtab)) end -- «utf8tohtml» (to ".utf8tohtml") -- (find-es "lua5" "utf8-to-html") utf8pat = "[\192-\253][\128-\191]+" utf8ctohtml = function (u) local a, b = u:byte(1, 2) local code = (a-192)*64+(b-128) return format("&#x%X;", code) end utf8tohtml0 = function (str) return (str:gsub(utf8pat, utf8ctohtml)) end utf8tohtml = function (str) local str2 = str:gsub("[&<>]", {["&"]="&", ["<"]="<", [">"]=">"}) return utf8tohtml0(str2) end -- «u8c_to_l1» (to ".u8c_to_l1") -- (find-es "charsets" "l1_to_u8") u8c_l1_pat = "[\194-\195][\128-\191]" u8c_to_code = function (u) local a, b = u:byte(1, 2) return (a-192)*64+(b-128) end u8c_to_l1 = function (u) return string.char(u8c_to_code(u)) end measure_utf8_ness = function (bigstr) local bigstr_, n_u8_l1_pairs = bigstr:gsub(u8c_l1_pat, "") local bigstr__, n_other_l1s = bigstr_:gsub("[\128-\255]", "") return n_u8_l1_pairs, n_other_l1s end -- «u8_to_l1» (to ".u8_to_l1") -- (find-es "charsets" "u8_to_l1") -- (ee-insert '(128 255)) -- (find-einsert '((128 255))) -- (find-einsert '((128 191))) -- (find-einsert '((196 255))) -- u8_to_l1 = function (str) -- local f = function (cc) return string.char(cc:byte(2)+64) end -- return (str:gsub("\195[\128-\191]", f)) -- end u8_to_l1 = function (bigstr) return (bigstr:gsub(u8c_l1_pat, u8c_to_l1)) end u8_to_l1_maybe = function (bigstr) local ngoodpairs, nbadchars = measure_utf8_ness(bigstr) if ngoodpairs > 0 and nbadchars == 0 then return u8_to_l1(bigstr) end return bigstr end -- «toslashhex» (to ".toslashhex") toslashhex1 = function (c) return format("\\%d", string.byte(c)) end toslashhex = function (str) return (str:gsub("[\128-\255]", toslashhex1)) end -- «divmod» (to ".divmod") -- http://lars.nocrew.org/forth2012/core/DivMOD.html -- (find-es "lua5" "math.fmod") divmod = function (a, b) return (a-(a%b))/b, a%b end -- «loadblogme3» (to ".loadblogme3") -- (find-es "blogme" "interactive") -- (find-angg ".emacs" "blogme3") loadblogme3 = function (msg) blogmedir = ee_expand "~/blogme3/" ee_dofile "~/blogme3/blogme3.lua" -- not a "require"! Fix this? b = doblogme if msg then print 'See: (find-es "blogme" "interactive")' end end loadblogme3rest = function () pathtoroot = getpathtoroot("") eevarticle = pathto("eev-article.html") eepitchreadme = pathto("eev-current/eepitch.readme.html") eepitch_el = pathto("eev-current/eepitch.el.html") eevintrosdir = pathto("eev-intros/") require "angglisp" end loadblogme3all = function (msg) loadblogme3(msg) loadblogme3rest() end -- «savevars» (to ".savevars") -- (find-es "lua5" "savevars") savevars = function (restorefromargs, ...) local values = pack(...) local restorevars = function () restorefromargs(unpack(values)) end return restorevars end -- __ _ -- / _| ___ _ __ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ -- | |_ / _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| -- | _| (_) | | | | | | | | (_| | |_ -- |_| \___/|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__| -- -- «variants-of-format» (to ".variants-of-format") -- See also: (find-es "lua5" "formatt-and-printt") -- (find-dn6 "output.lua" "formatt") -- «minus-0» (to ".minus-0") -- (find-es "lua5" "minus-0-email") -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2022-05/msg00082.html -- truncn = function (n) return trunc0(string.format("%.3f", n)) end -- truncn = function (n) return trunc0(string.format("%.3f", fix0(n))) end fix0 = function (x) if (x == 0) then return 0 else return x end end -- «trailing-zeroes» (to ".trailing-zeroes") -- «pformat» (to ".pformat") -- (find-es "lua5" "string.format") -- (find-es "lua5" "pformat") trunc0 = function (str) return str:reverse():gsub("^0*%.?", ""):reverse() end truncn = function (n) return trunc0(string.format("%.3f", n)) end myntos = function (n) return trunc0(string.format("%.3f", n)) end pformat1 = function (o) if type(o) == "number" then return truncn(o) end return tostring(o) end pformatargs = function (...) local n = select("#", ...) return myunpack(map(pformat1, {...}, n), 1, n) end pformat = function (fmt, ...) return format(fmt, pformatargs(...)) end pformatexpr = function (exprstr) return table.concat(map(pformat1, {expr(exprstr)})) end -- «dformat» (to ".dformat") -- (find-es "lua5" "dformat") -- In Lua5.3 this yields an error instead of truncating the 2.3 to an integer: -- string.format("foo %d bar", 2.3) -- This quick hack lets my use -- string.dformat("foo %d bar", 2.3) -- or: -- dformat("foo %d bar", 2.3) -- to get the old behavior in any (?) version of Lua. -- if _VERSION:sub(5) < "5.3" then dformat_fmt = function (fmt) return fmt end string.dformat = string.format dformat = string.format else dformat_fmt = function (fmt) return (fmt:gsub("%%d", "%%.0f")) end string.dformat = function (fmt, ...) return string.format(dformat_fmt(fmt), ...) end dformat = string.dformat end -- (find-lua53manual "#8" "integer subtype") toint = math.floor -- for 5.3 -- «string-methods» (to ".string-methods") -- A note about "string methods": if s is a string, then a piece of -- code like "s:rep(2)" works like "string.rep(s, 2)"; this is a -- Lua-5.1-ism that is not described in the first edition of PiL - the -- one that is online, that covers only Lua 5.0. When we do -- -- s = "foo" -- print(s:rep(2)) -- -- then the "s:rep(2)" is syntax sugar for 's["rep"](s,2)'. At first -- sight, the table access s["rep"] should fail, but in 5.1 strings -- have a metatable like this: -- -- setmetatable("str", {__index = string}) -- -- and so instead of failing Lua does something else... the s["rep"] -- becomes getmetatable(s).__index["rep"], and that is just -- string["rep"], i.e., string.rep; so, s:rep(2) works like -- string.rep(s, 2). -- -- See: -- (find-lua51manual "#2.2" "a.name as syntactic sugar") -- (find-lua51manual "#2.5.8" "v:name(args)" "v.name(v,args)") -- (find-lua51manual "#2.8" "Tables and userdata have individual metatables") -- (find-lua51manual "#2.8" "table[key]" "h = metatable(table).__index") -- (find-lua51manual "#5.4" "object-oriented style" "s:byte(i)") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-string.rep") -- (find-pilw3m "13.4.1.html" "The __index Metamethod") -- «otherfunctions» (to ".otherfunctions") -- «0-based» (to ".0-based") -- (find-es "lua5" "0-based") -- 0-based string functions. -- (To do: remove this! I think I only use 0-based string functions at -- dednat4 - and now I'm almost getting used to the 1-based -- conventions...) -- (find-sh "lua -e \"print(substr0('abcdef', 2, 3)) --> cde\"") substr0 = function (str, start0, len) return string.sub(str, start0 + 1, len and start0 + len) end -- «P-old» (to ".P-old") -- Like "print", but distinguishing strings from numbers, and using "<>"s. -- See: (find-lua51manual "#pdf-type") -- Examples: -- print(nil, 22, "33", {}, false, print) --> nil 22 33 table: 0x806da60 false function: 0x806b388 -- P(nil, 22, "33", {}, false, print) --> <nil> 22 "33" <table> <boolean> <function> -- P = function (...) local arg = arg or pack(...) -- for Lua 5.2 for i=1,arg.n do local v = arg[i] if type(v)=="number" then printf(" %d", v) elseif type(v)=="string" then printf(" %q", v) else printf(" <%s>", type(v)) end end print() end -- «P-old-tests» (to ".P-old-tests") -- P(string.find("0123456789", "3(45)(67)", 4)) --> 4 8 "45" "67" -- P(string.find("0123456789", "3(45)(67)", 5)) --> <nil> -- Note: in Lua5.0 "table.foreach(t, print)" could be used to inspect tables. -- Ref: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-02/msg00932.html -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2008-02/msg00944.html -- «PP-old» (to ".PP-old") -- 2015aug20: oveeriden by: (to "Tos") -- (to "mytostring") -- My favourite function for inspecting data! -- This is like "print" too, but it uses "mytostring" to print the -- contents of tables recursively. The output format is compact, -- human-friendly, and simple to understand and to implement. Note: on -- cyclic structures "mytostring" will loop and break; and metatables -- are ignored (I use them very rarely, btw). -- Examples: -- PP(nil, true, false, 22, "22", "a\nb", print, nil) --> <nil> <true> <false> 22 "22" "a\ -- b" <function: 0x806b388> <nil> -- -- PP({44, 55, nil, 77, [{a=11}]={[22]="b"}, [{}]={}, [{}]={}}) --> {1=44, 2=55, 4=77, {"a"=11}={22="b"}, {}={}, {}={}} -- -- PP = function (...) -- -- local arg = arg or pack(...) -- for Lua 5.2 -- local arg = pack(...) -- for i=1,arg.n do printf(" %s", mytostring(arg[i])) end -- printf("\n") -- return myunpack(arg) -- todo: change to "..." (a 5.1-ism) -- end -- «PPP-old» (to ".PPP-old") -- Useful for debugging sometimes. -- I haven't used this in ages. -- I reused the name for something else. -- PP(string.rep("ab", 4)) --> "abababab" -- PP(string.rep(PPP("rep:")("ab", 4))) --> (rep: "ab" 4)"abababab" -- -- PPP = function (idstr) -- return function (...) -- printf("(%s", idstr) -- for i=1,arg.n do printf(" %s", mytostring(arg[i])) end -- printf(")") -- return unpack(arg) -- end -- end -- «follow» (to ".follow") follow = function (o, str) local w, rest = str:match("(%S+)%s*(.*)") if not w then return o end if w == "()" then return follow(o(), rest) end if w == "{}" then return follow(o{}, rest) end if w == "mt" then return follow(getmetatable(o), rest) end return follow(o[w], rest) end -- «NamedFunction» (to ".NamedFunction") -- (find-es "lua5" "NamedFunction") -- Obsolete, superseded by: (to "Code") -- (find-angg "LUA/Code.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/Code.lua" "Code-tests") -- NamedFunction = Class { type = "NamedFunction", __tostring = function (o) return o.name end, __call = function (o, ...) return o.f(...) end, __index = { }, } lambda = function (str) local vars,rest = str:match "^ *([%w_,]*)[ .:]*(.-) *$" local body = rest:gsub("=>", " return ") local code = "return function ("..vars..")\n"..body.."\nend" local name = "("..vars..": "..rest..")" local f = assert(loadstring(code))() -- return NamedFunction {name=name, f=f} return NamedFunction {name=name, code=code, f=f} end -- «envsubst» (to ".envsubst") -- (find-es "lua5" "envsubst") -- Obsolete? setenv_ = {} setenv = function (varname, value) setenv_[varname] = value end getenv = function (varname) return setenv_[varname] or os.getenv(varname) end envsubst = function (str) return string.gsub(str, "%$([%a_][%w_]*)", function (e) return getenv(e) or "" end) end -- «mytostring-old» (to ".mytostring-old") -- My old versions of "mystotring", that didn't use metatables, are here: -- (find-angg "LUA/tos.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/tos2.lua") -- The current version of mystotring is implemented using the class Tos. -- These functions are used by: (to "PP") -- Possible replacements: -- (find-dn5 "tos.lua") -- «ee_loadlib» (to ".ee_loadlib") ee_loadlib = function (libname, funcname) return assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand(libname), funcname))() end -- «ee_ls» (to ".ee_ls") -- (find-es "lua5" "posix-ls") ee_ls = function (dir) userocks() require "posix" return (posix.dir(ee_expand(dir))) end -- «load_dednat4» (to ".load_dednat4") -- See: (to "loaddednat6") -- (find-angg ".emacs" "eepitch-dednat4") -- (find-es "xypic" "eepitch-dednat4") -- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "diag-head") -- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "abbrev-head") -- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "tree-head" "treeheadcode1") -- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "processfile") -- (defun eepitch-dednat4 () (interactive) (eepitch-comint "dednat4" "lua51 -e load_dednat4() -i")) -- (eepitch-kill) -- (eepitch-dednat4) load_dednat4 = function () dednat4dir = dednat4dir or ee_expand("~/dednat4/") print("Loading: " .. dednat4dir .. "dednat4.lua") dofile(dednat4dir .. "dednat4.lua") A = function (abbrev, expansion) addabbrev(abbrev, expansion) end D = function (linestr) dofs(untabify(linestr)) end DX = function (linestr) dxy2Dx(untabify(linestr)) end D2 = function (linestr) dxy2D(untabify(linestr)) end end -- «load_posix» (to ".load_posix") -- This is for lua-5.0, for 5.1 see: (to "loadposix") -- (find-es "lua5" "load_posix") -- (find-es "lua5" "posix-install") load_posix = function () userocks(); require "posix" -- assert(loadlib(getenv("HOME").."/.lua50/lposix.so", "luaopen_posix"))() end -- «load_PP» (to ".load_PP") -- Load PP.so, that defines a C function called PP for inspecting the stack. -- Old version, for lua-5.0: -- -- (find-angg ".lua50/PP.c") -- load_PP = function () -- assert(loadlib(getenv("HOME").."/.lua50/PP.so", "PP_init"))() -- end -- New version, for lua-5.1: load_PP = function () assert(package.loadlib(getenv("HOME").."/.lua51/PP.so", "PP_init"))() end -- 2008dec01: load_PP is not needed for debugging anymore!... -- The user-defined GDB command `PP' used to call the C function `PP', -- that was defined in PP.c/PP.so - but I changed the GDB `PP' to make -- it run directly all the calls to Lua that the C `PP' used to make. -- See: (find-angg ".lua51/PP.c") -- (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb") -- «PPeval» (to ".PPeval") -- (find-angg ".lua51/PP.gdb" "PPeval") -- (find-lua51file "src/lua.c" "first line starts with `=' ?") PPeval = function (str) local e, code = string.match(str, "^(=?=?)(.*)$") local eval = function (str) return assert(loadstring(str))() end if e == "==" then PP(eval("return "..code)) elseif e == "=" then print(eval("return "..code)) else return eval(code) end end -- «loadlpeg» (to ".loadlpeg") -- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.7") -- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.8.1") -- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-0.9") -- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg") loadlpeg = function () local oldcpath = package.cpath package.cpath = ee_expand("~/usrc/lpeg-0.9/?.so")..";"..oldcpath require "lpeg" package.cpath = oldcpath lpeg.test = function (pat, str) PP(pat:C():match(str)) end lpeg.testt = function (pat, str) PP(pat:Ct():match(str)) end lpeg.togsub = lpeg_togsub -- (to "lpeg_togsub") lpeg.gsub = lpeg_gsub -- (to "lpeg_gsub") lpeg.gsub_ = lpeg_gsub_ -- (to "lpeg_gsub_") lpeg.Balanced = lpeg_balanced -- (to "lpeg_balanced") end -- «loadlpegrex» (to ".loadlpegrex") -- (find-es "lpeg" "lpegrex") loadlpegrex = function (dir) dir = dir or "~/usrc" Path.prepend("path", dir.."/lpeglabel/?.lua") Path.prepend("cpath", dir.."/lpeglabel/?.so") Path.prepend("path", dir.."/lpegrex/?.lua") lpegrex = require 'lpegrex' end -- «loadpegdebug» (to ".loadpegdebug") -- (find-es "lpeg" "pegdebug") loadpegdebug = function () Path.prepend("path", "~/usrc/PegDebug/src/?.lua") lpeg = require "lpeg" pegdebug = require "pegdebug" end -- «loadbitlib» (to ".loadbitlib") -- Obsolete. See: (find-es "lua5" "bitlib-51") -- «autoload» (to ".autoload") -- Obsolete. -- «loadtcl» (to ".loadtcl") -- Obsolete. -- -- (find-es "lua5" "luatclbridge") -- -- (find-angg "LUA/luatclbridge.c") -- -- loadtcl = function () -- -- local filename = ee_expand("~/LUA/tlbridge.so") -- -- local initname = "luaopen_tlbridge" -- -- tcl = tcl or assert(package.loadlib(filename, initname))() -- -- end -- loadtcl = function () -- -- local filename = ee_expand("~/LUA/luatclbridge.so") -- local filename = ee_expand("~/.lua51/luatclbridge.so") -- local initname = "luaopen_luatclbridge" -- if not tcl then -- tcl, tclfindexecutable = assert(package.loadlib(filename, initname))() -- tclfindexecutable("/home/edrx/usrc/tk8.4/tk8.4-8.4.12/unix/wish") -- test -- end -- end -- loadtk = function () loadtcl(); return tcl("package require Tk") end -- loadexpect = function () loadtcl(); return tcl("package require Expect") end -- loadsnack = function () loadtcl(); return tcl("package require sound") end -- -- (find-es "tcl" "snack") -- -- (find-anggfile "TCL/piano.tcl") -- «loadldb» (to ".loadldb") -- Obsolete. -- -- (find-es "lua5" "ldb-from-tgz") -- -- (find-es "lua5" "ldb") -- loadldb = function () -- local oldpath = package.path -- -- package.path = ee_expand("$S/http/primero.ricilake.net/lua/?.lua") -- -- package.path = ee_expand("~/LUA/?.lua") -- package.path = ee_expand("~/usrc/ldb/?.lua") -- ldb = require "ldb" -- package.path = oldpath -- end -- «loadpeek» (to ".loadpeek") -- Obsolete. -- -- (find-angg "DAVINCI/peek.c") -- -- (find-angg "DAVINCI/peek.lua") -- loadpeek = function () -- if not peek then -- assert(package.loadlib(ee_expand("~/DAVINCI/peek.so"), "peek_init"))() -- end -- end -- getaddr = function (obj) -- return tonumber(string.match(tostring(obj), " 0x([0-9A-Za-z]+)"), 16) -- end -- «loadalarm» (to ".loadalarm") -- Obsolete. See: (find-es "lua5" "signal") -- «loadposix» (to ".loadposix") -- New way (active below): (find-es "lua5" "luaposix") -- old way (deleted): (find-es "lua5" "posix-lua51") loadposix = function () userocks(); require "posix" end -- «curl» (to ".curl") -- (find-man "1 curl" "-s, --silent") curl = function (url) local cmd = format("curl -s '%s'", url) return getoutput(cmd) end -- «preparef2n» (to ".preparef2n") -- Supersed by: (find-angg "LUA/DFS.lua") -- Very old notes: (find-es "lua5" "functionnames") -- «each2» (to ".each2") -- (find-es "lua5" "each2") -- (find-pilw3m "7.1.html" "Iterators and Closures") each2 = function (tbl) local i = 1 return function () if i <= table.getn(tbl) then i = i + 2 return tbl[i - 2], tbl[i - 1] end end end -- «translatechars» (to ".translatechars") -- (find-node "(coreutils)Translating") translatechars = function (str, re, tbl) return (gsub(str, re, function (c) return tbl[c] or c end)) end -- chartranslator = function (re, tbl) -- return function (str) -- return gsub(str, re, function (c) return tbl[c] or c end) -- end -- end -- -- sgmlify = chartranslator(sgmlify_re, sgmlify_table) -- _ -- | | _ __ ___ __ _ -- | | | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | -- | |___| |_) | __/ (_| | -- |_____| .__/ \___|\__, | -- |_| |___/ -- -- «lpeg» (to ".lpeg") -- «sbeconcat» (to ".sbeconcat") -- Concatenate a table with strings and with begin/end pairs -- Example: -- sbeconcat("abfoocd"){1, 3, "FOO", 6, 8} --> "abFOOcd" -- This is ugly! concatbestrings, below, is much clearer. -- sbeconcat = function (subj, f) f = f or function (str) return str end return function (table1) local table2, i, n = {}, 1, table.getn(table1) while i <= n do local obj = table1[i] if type(obj) == "string" then tinsert(table2, obj) i = i + 1 else local str = string.sub(subj, obj, table1[i+1] - 1) tinsert(table2, f(str)) --< sgmlify? i = i + 2 end end return table.concat(table2) end end -- «concatbestrings» (to ".concatbestrings") -- A "table of bestrings" is a table containing pairs of numbers -- (begin/end pairs) and strings. Example: -- concatbestrings("abfoocd", nil, {1, 3, "FOO", 6, 8}) --> "abFOOcd" -- (a table of bestrings) -> \-----------------/ -- concatbestrings = function (subj, f, bestrings) f = f or function (s) return s end local table2, i = {}, 1 while i <= #bestrings do local obj = bestrings[i] if type(obj) == "string" then table.insert(table2, obj) i = i + 1 else local str = string.sub(subj, obj, bestrings[i+1] - 1) table.insert(table2, f(str)) i = i + 2 end end return table.concat(table2) end curriedconcatbestrings = function (subj, f) return function (bestrings) return concatbestrings(subj, f, bestrings) end end -- «lpeg_togsub» (to ".lpeg_togsub") -- «lpeg_gsub» (to ".lpeg_gsub") -- A pattern that returns a string can be "Kleene-starred with -- the least possible filling" to create a pattern that works -- somewhat like a gsub, but that returns a table of bestrings... -- Roughly, that would be like converting "(pat)" into -- "\\(().-()(pat)\\)*().-()", where the "\\(...\\)" is a "shy -- group" - i.e., its parentheses do not return a capture. -- -- Actually this returns a sequence of captures, not a table; use Ct() -- to pack them in to a table, and then a concatbestrings. -- -- The logic: the pattern PosPosWord, below, works like this: -- -- -> Pos -----+1--> Pos --> Word --> -- ^ 2 -- | \---> Anychar ->\ -- | | -- \------------------/ -- -- where each "Pos" returns a number, and "Word" returns a string. -- The "1" and the "2" indicate the order in which the branches are -- tried (at the "+"). The rest of the function shouldn't be hard to -- understand. -- -- (find-es "lua5" "lpeg-quickref") lpeg_togsub = function (Word) local Pos = lpeg.Cp() local AnyChar = lpeg.P(1) local BeRest = Pos * AnyChar^0 * Pos local PosPosWord = Pos * lpeg.P { Pos * Word + AnyChar * lpeg.V(1) } return PosPosWord^0 * BeRest end lpeg_gsub = function (Word, subj, f) f = f or function (...) return ... end return concatbestrings(subj, f, Word:togsub():Ct():match(subj)) end -- Example: -- loadlpeg() -- Word = lpeg.R("AZ")^1 / function (s) return "<"..s..">" end -- = Word:gsub("abFOOcdBAR", function (s) return "_"..s.."_" end) -- --> "_ab_<FOO>_cd_<BAR>__" -- «lpeg_gsub_» (to ".lpeg_gsub_") -- An alternative (faster but more complex): -- With gsub_ we can reuse a prebuilt :togsub():Ct() pattern, -- without having to build it anew each time. -- loadlpeg() -- WordTogsubCt = Word:togsub():Ct() -- = WordTogsubCt:gsub_("abFOOcdBAR", function (s) return "_"..s.."_" end) -- --> "_ab_<FOO>_cd_<BAR>__" -- lpeg_gsub_ = function (WordTogsubCt, subj, f) f = f or function (...) return ... end return concatbestrings(subj, f, WordTogsubCt:match(subj)) end -- «lpeg_balanced» (to ".lpeg_balanced") -- (find-angg "LUA/preproc.lua") lpeg_balanced = function (Open, MidChars, Close) local Middle Open = lpeg.P(Open) Close = lpeg.P(Close) MidChars = MidChars or (1 - (Open + Close))^1 Middle = lpeg.P { (MidChars + Open * lpeg.V(1) * Close)^0 } return Open * Middle:C() * Close, Middle end -- «ee_template» (to ".ee_template") -- (find-eev "eev-template0.el") -- ee_template({a="<AA>", b="<BB>"}, "foo{a}bar{c}plic") -- --> "foo<AA>bar{c}plic" ee_template = function (pairs, templatestr) return (string.gsub(templatestr, "{([^{}]+)}", pairs)) end -- «ee_into» (to ".ee_into") -- ee_into("a b c", "<AA> <BB>") -- --> {"a"="<AA>", "b"="<BB>"} ee_into = function (fieldnames, data) if type(fieldnames) == "string" then fieldnames = split(fieldnames) end if type(data) == "string" then data = split(data) end local o = {} for i=1,#fieldnames do o[fieldnames[i]] = data[i] end return o end -- «chdir» (to ".chdir") -- 2008may23 / 2020jan17 -- See: (find-es "lua5" "luaposix-git") chdir = function (dir) loadposix() if not posix.chdir then posix.chdir = posix.unistd.chdir end return assert(posix.chdir(ee_expand(dir))) end -- «userocks» (to ".userocks") -- (find-es "luarocks" "path") -- (find-angg ".emacs" "luarocks") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-require") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.path") -- (find-lua51manual "#pdf-package.cpath") -- (find-fline "~/usrc/luarocks/share/lua/5.1/") -- (find-fline "~/usrc/luarocks/lib/lua/5.1/") userocks = function () local luarocksdir = ee_expand "~/usrc/luarocks" local HOME = ee_expand "~/" package.path = package.path ..";"..luarocksdir.."/share/lua/5.1/?.lua" package.cpath = package.cpath..";"..luarocksdir.."/lib/lua/5.1/?.so" package.path = package.path ..";"..HOME..".luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua" local req = function (pkgname) return function () require(pkgname) end end loadposix = req "posix" load_posix = req "posix" end -- «hms_to_s» (to ".hms_to_s") -- «s_to_hms» (to ".s_to_hms") hms_to_s = function (hms) local zeros = "00:00:00" hms = zeros:sub(1, #zeros-#hms)..hms return hms:sub(1, 2)*3600 + hms:sub(4, 5)*60 + hms:sub(7, 8) end s_to_hms = function (s) local f = function (n) local a = math.fmod(n, 60); return a, (n-a)/60 end local s,m = f(s) local m,h = f(m) if h > 0 then return format("%d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s) else return format( "%d:%02d", m, s) end end -- «icollect» (to ".icollect") -- (find-es "lua5" "icollect") -- «Repl1.lua» (to ".Repl1.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/Repl1.lua") run_my_repl_now = function () ee_dofile "~/LUA/Repl1.lua" r = EdrxRepl.new() r:repl() end stop_my_repl_now = function () dg = dgis r.STOP = "plz" end -- «Repl2.lua» (to ".Repl2.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/Repl2.lua" "Repl2") -- (find-angg "LUA/Repl2.lua" "Repl2" "while not r.STOP do") run_repl2_now = function () ee_dofile "~/LUA/Repl2.lua" r = Repl2.new() r:repl() end stop_repl2_now = function () r.STOP = "plz" end -- «Repl3.lua» (to ".Repl3.lua") -- (find-angg "LUA/Repl3.lua") run_repl3_now = function () Path.addLUAtopath() require "Repl3" r = Repl.new() r:repl() end stop_repl3_now = function () r.STOP = "plz" end -- «mytraceback» (to ".mytraceback") -- «errorfb_line» (to ".errorfb_line") -- Obsolete. -- See: (find-angg "LUA/Repl1.lua") -- and: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "DGetInfos") -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "DGetInfos" "tb =") -- «interactor» (to ".interactor") -- Obsolete (from 2007). Deleted. -- (find-es "lua5" "interactor") -- (find-TH "repl") -- «MyXpcall» (to ".MyXpcall") -- Obsolete! Moved to: (find-angg "LUA/myxpcall.lua" "MyXpcall") -- Superseded by: (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxpcall.lua") -- -- «Repl» (to ".Repl") -- Obsolete. See: (find-es "lua5" "Repl") -- Superseded by: (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua") -- (find-angg "edrxrepl/edrxrepl.lua" "Repl") -- (find-angg "LUA/Repl1.lua") -- «loadluarepl» (to ".loadluarepl") -- Obsolete. -- See: (find-es "lua5" "lua-repl-0.8") -- And: (find-dednat6 "dednat6/luarepl.lua") -- TODO: replace all uses of this by the Repl class defined above. -- «replaceranges» (to ".replaceranges") -- str = "(foo bar)" -- ranges = {{6,9,"BAR"}, {2,5, string.upper}} -- = replaceranges(str, ranges) replaceranges_ = function (str, ranges, spos, rpos, f) local range = ranges[rpos] if not range then return str:sub(spos) end local a, b, s_or_f = range[1], range[2], range[3] local s = (type(s_or_f) == "string") and s_or_f or s_or_f(str:sub(a, b-1)) return f(str:sub(spos, a-1)) .. s .. replaceranges_(str, ranges, b, rpos+1, f) end replaceranges = function (str, ranges, f) table.sort(ranges, function (a, b) return a[1]<b[1] end) return replaceranges_(str, ranges, 1, 1, f or id) end -- «string.replace» (to ".string.replace") -- a = "abcdefg" -- a:replace(2, "CDE") --> "abCDEfg" -- a:replace(2, "CDE", 4) --> "abCDE g" -- string.leftof = function (s, w) if #s > w then return s:sub(1, w) elseif #s == w then return s else return s..string.rep(" ", w - #s) end end string.rightof = function (s, w) if #s <= w then return "" else return s:sub(w+1) end end string.replace = function (s, x, r, w) w = w or #r r = r:leftof(w) return s:leftof(x)..r..s:rightof(x + #r) end -- «anggurl-and-angg_url» (to ".anggurl-and-angg_url") -- Obsolete! TODO: replace this by a class that shortens -- local filenames correctly. string.revgsub = function (str, ...) return str:reverse():gsub(...):reverse() end underlinify = function (s) return s:sub(1, 1)..string.rep("_", #s-2)..s:sub(#s) end intro_url = function (stem) return anggurl("eev-intros/find-"..stem.."-intro.html") end angg_url = function (fname) return "../"..fname end intro_url = function (stem) return string.upper(stem) end isdir = function (fname) return fname=="" or fname:sub(-1)=="/" end suffixing = function (fname, suffix, anchor) return (isdir(fname) and fname or fname..suffix) .. (anchor and "#"..anchor or "") end meta_find_angg = function (anggdir, suffix, intro_stem) return function (fname, tag) local target = fname and angg_url(anggdir)..suffixing(fname, suffix or ".html") if target and tag then target = target.."#"..tag end return target, intro_url(intro_stem or "code-c-d") end end -- «EevIntro» (to ".EevIntro") -- «youtube_make_url» (to ".youtube_make_url") -- «youtube_split» (to ".youtube_split") -- «getsexp» (to ".getsexp") -- «ELispHF» (to ".ELispHF") -- «SexpSkel» (to ".SexpSkel") -- «ELispH» (to ".ELispH") -- «Sexp» (to ".Sexp") -- «to_youtube_hash» (to ".to_youtube_hash") -- «url_split» (to ".url_split") -- «Blogme» (to ".Blogme") -- «code_video» (to ".code_video") -- «ELispInfo» (to ".ELispInfo") -- «getsexpskel» (to ".getsexpskel") -- «SexpLine» (to ".SexpLine") -- Moved to: -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "EevIntro") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "youtube_make_url") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "youtube_split") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "getsexp") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "ELispHF") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "SexpSkel") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "ELispH") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "Sexp") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "to_youtube_hash") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "url_split") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "Blogme") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "code_video") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "ELispInfo") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "getsexpskel") -- (find-blogme3 "cruft-jan2024.lua" "SexpLine") -- «fsize» (to ".fsize") -- (find-es "lua5" "lua-posix-wheezy") -- require "posix" readlink = function (fname) while posix.readlink(fname) do fname = posix.readlink(fname) end return fname end fsize = function (fname) return posix.stat(fname).size end roundblock = function (size, blocksize) local m = math.fmod(size, blocksize) if m ~= 0 then size = size - m + blocksize end return size end fsizeb = function (fname, blocksize) return roundblock(fsize(readlink(fname)), blocksize or 8192) end ydb_sort = function (bigstr) local lines = splitlines(bigstr) local ord = {} local lt = function (li1, li2) return ord[li1] < ord[li2] end for _,li in ipairs(lines) do ord[li] = li:gsub("http://www.youtube.com/watch[^ ]+", "") end return table.concat(sorted(lines, lt), "\n") end ydb_sort1 = function () print(ydb_sort(io.read("*a"))) end -- «loaddednat6» (to ".loaddednat6") -- loaddednat6 = function () -- -- dednat6dir = "/home/edrx/dednat6/" -- (find-dn6 "") -- dednat6dir = os.getenv"HOME".."/dednat6/" -- (find-dn6 "") -- dofile(dednat6dir.."dednat6.lua") -- (find-dn6 "dednat6.lua") -- end loaddednat6 = function (dir) dednat6dir = ee_expand(dir or "~/LATEX/dednat6/") -- (find-dn6 "") dofile(dednat6dir.."dednat6.lua") -- (find-dn6 "dednat6.lua") end -- «loadelpeg1» (to ".loadelpeg1") -- (find-angg "LUA/ELpeg1.lua") loadelpeg1 = function () -- Path.prependtopath "~/LUA/?.lua" Path.addLUAtopath() require "ELpeg1" end -- «loaddednatrequire» (to ".loaddednatrequire") -- Uses: (to "DednatRequire") -- Used by: (find-angg "LUA/Show2.lua" "defs_repl") loaddednatrequire = function () -- oldrequire = oldrequire or require -- dednatrequire = DednatRequire.newrequire -- require = dednatrequire require = DednatRequire.newrequire end -- «loadshow2» (to ".loadshow2") -- (find-angg "LUA/Show2.lua") loadshow2 = function () -- Path.prependtopath "~/LUA/?.lua" Path.addLUAtopath() require "Show2" show0 = show0 or function () return tostring(outertexbody) end show = show or function () return Show.try(tostring(outertexbody)) end end -- «loadtikz2» (to ".loadtikz2") -- (find-angg "LUA/Tikz2.lua") loadtikz2 = function () -- Path.prependtopath "~/LUA/?.lua" Path.addLUAtopath() require "Tikz2" end -- «loadfbcache2» (to ".loadfbcache2") loadfbcache2 = function () chdir "~/fbcache/" -- (find-fbcache "") dofile "fbcache2.lua" -- (find-fbcache "fbcache2.lua") end -- «loadluarocks» (to ".loadluarocks") -- (find-es "lua5" "luarocks.loader") -- (find-es "lua5" "luarocks-interactively") -- (find-fline "/usr/bin/luarocks") loadluarocks = function () package.path = "/usr/share/lua/5.1//?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.1//?/init.lua;"..package.path command_line = require("luarocks.command_line") program_name = "luarocks" program_description = "LuaRocks main command-line interface" commands = {} commands.help = require("luarocks.help") commands.pack = require("luarocks.pack") commands.unpack = require("luarocks.unpack") commands.build = require("luarocks.build") commands.install = require("luarocks.install") commands.search = require("luarocks.search") commands.list = require("luarocks.list") commands.remove = require("luarocks.remove") commands.make = require("luarocks.make") commands.download = require("luarocks.download") commands.path = require("luarocks.path") commands.show = require("luarocks.show") commands.new_version = require("luarocks.new_version") end -- «capitalize» (to ".capitalize") -- Capitalize Brazilian names. capitalize = function (text, smallwords) smallwords = smallwords or Set.fromarray(split("de da do das dos e")) local capitalize1 = function (word) word = word:lower() if smallwords:has(word) then return word end return word:sub(1,1):upper()..word:sub(2):lower() end return (text:gsub("%a+", capitalize1)) end -- «getinscritos» (to ".getinscritos") -- (find-angg ".emacs" "getinscritos") getinscrito = function (li) local mat,cpf,nome,email = li:match("^%s*(%d+)%s+(%d+)%s+(.-)%s%s+(%S+)") if not mat then return end local Nome = capitalize(nome) local dest = format("%-60s <%s>,", '"'..Nome..'"', email) local inscrito = {li=li, mat=mat, cpf=cpf, nome=nome, email=email, Nome=Nome, dest=dest} return inscrito end getinscritos = function () for li in io.lines() do if getinscrito(li) then print(getinscrito(li).dest) end end end -- «findxxxpdf_parse» (to ".findxxxpdf_parse") -- (find-angg "LUA/book-index.lua") -- (find-angg ".emacs" "book-index") -- findxxxpdf_parse = function (li, stem, adj) li = untabify(li) li = li:gsub(" [ .]* ", " ") li = li:match("^ *(.-) *$") local str,p = li:match("^(.*) ([0-9]+)$") if str then if stem and adj then printf(";; (find-%spage (+ %d %d) \"%s\")\n", stem, adj, p, str) elseif str and (not adj) then printf(";; (find-%spage %d \"%s\")\n", stem, p, str) end end return str,p end findxxxpdf_parse_file = function (fname, stem, adj) for _,li in ipairs(splitlines(ee_readfile(fname))) do findxxxpdf_parse(li, stem, adj) end end -- «repltexthis» (to ".repltexthis") -- This function has been put here temporarily. -- It will change. repltexthis = function (mathmodetexstuff) ee_writefile("~/LATEX/o.tex", "$"..mathmodetexstuff.."$") print("Wrote ~/LATEX/o.tex.") print('See: (find-LATEX "2021repl-pict.tex")') end -- «load_sqlite» (to ".load_sqlite") -- (find-angg "LUA/SQLite1.lua" "load_sqlite") load_sqlite = function () Path.addLUAtopath() print('See: (find-angg "LUA/SQLite1.lua")') print(' (find-es "sqlite" "lua-wiki"")') require "SQLite1" end -- «load_debugger» (to ".load_debugger") -- (find-es "lua5" "debugger.lua-tutorial") load_debugger = function () Path.prependtopath "~/usrc/debugger.lua/?.lua" dbg = require "debugger" end unixnewlines = function (bigstr) return (bigstr:gsub("\r\n", "\n"):gsub("\r", "\n")) end -- «Path.addLUAtopath» (to ".Path.addLUAtopath") -- Notes about redefining Path.addLUAtopath: -- 1) its default is here: -- (to "Path") -- (to "Path" "addLUAtopath =") -- 2) in my machine ~/LUA/ is not in the Lua path -- 3) most of the Lua libraries that I wrote are in ~/LUA/ -- 4) _usually_ things like 'require "Tos2"' only work after Path.addLUAtopath() -- 5) _usually_ running Path.addLUAtopath() adds ~/LUA/ to the Lua path -- 6) in some tests I need to make Path.addLUAtopath() a no-op -- 7) in show2-elpeg1 Path.addLUAtopath() needs to be a no-op -- 8) in show2-elpeg1 the redefinition below should be uncommented --Path.addLUAtopath = function () end -- Local Variables: -- coding: utf-8-unix -- End: