Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2021-workshop-6.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/2021-workshop-6.lua
--          (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2021-workshop-6.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun st () (interactive) (find-angg "SUBTITLES/2021-workshop-6.lua"))
-- Skel: (find-editeevsubtitles-links-1 "2021workshop6")
--       (find-efunction 'find-editeevsubtitles-links-1)
-- Yttr: (find-yttranscript-links       "2021workshop6" "-gi15-liGaU")
-- Info: (find-1stclassvideo-links      "2021workshop6")
-- Play: (find-2021workshop6video "0:00")
-- I use the code below to generate the subtitles in .vtt.

ee_dofile "~/LUA/Subtitles.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

-- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

** Run the .lua and tell it to
** write the .vtt - by default in /tmp/
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "2021-workshop-6.lua"
sts = Subtitles.fromsexps(subs_bigstr):addtime("10:08")
-- sts.lang = "pt-BR"
= sts
outfname = "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-6.vtt"
outfname =                           "/tmp/2021-workshop-6.vtt"
out = sts:vtt().."\n\n"
ee_writefile(outfname, out)
-- (find-fline                       "/tmp/2021-workshop-6.vtt")

** Test the .vtt
** (find-2021workshop6video "0:00")

** Select /tmp/ or ee-eevvideosdir
** (find-eevvideosfile "")
** (find-eevvideosfile ""   "2021-workshop-6.mp4")
** (find-eevvideossh0 "cp -v 2021-workshop-6.mp4 /tmp/")
** (code-video "2021workshop6video"                           "/tmp/2021-workshop-6.mp4")
** (code-video "2021workshop6video" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/2021-workshop-6.mp4")
** (find-2021workshop6video "0:00")

** Upload the 2021-workshop-6.vtt
** to http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/
* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd /tmp/
Scp-np 2021-workshop-6.vtt $TWUP/eev-videos/
Scp-np 2021-workshop-6.vtt $TWUS/eev-videos/

** Upload the subtitles to youtube
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gi15-liGaU

** Check that the "psne subtitles" thing works
** (find-1stclassvideo-links "2021workshop6")


subs_bigstr = [==[

  See: (find-saving-links-intro "4. `find-extra-file-links'")

% (find-2021workshop6video "00:00" "Hi! My name is Eduardo Ochs, and this is")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:02" "another very short video that I'm")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:04" "recording for the workshop that is going")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:06" "to happen in a few hours.")

% (find-2021workshop6video "00:08" "The title of this video is")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:11" "`find-extra-file-links'.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:14" "In this video I'm going to suppose that")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:16" "people have")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:19" "followed all the instructions and")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:21" "exercises and ideas in these")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:25" "sections of the main tutorial here - this")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:27" "one and this one,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:29" "and also that they've understood")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:31" "what `find-extra-file-links' does")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:33" "by reading this section here.")

% (find-2021workshop6video "00:37" "And by the way,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:39" "the key that's associated to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:41" "`find-extra-file-links' is this one,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:44" "`M-h M-e' - `e' for \"extra\".")

% (find-2021workshop6video "00:49" "The diagram of this exercise is going to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:51" "be this one, where [D] is a dired buffer...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:56" "remember that a dired buffer is")
% (find-2021workshop6video "00:58" "something like this...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:04" "and here I say \"do this twice\",")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:07" "but let me first explain what people")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:10" "have to do in the first time.")

% (find-2021workshop6video "01:17" "We have to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:19" "open this thing here in a dired buffer...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:22" "note that this link opens a subdirectory")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:26" "of Emacs, and it finds a certain")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:30" "subdirectory,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:32" "and a file in that subdirectory...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:36" "so that link goes to that directory,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:39" "called \"play/\",")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:41" "and locates the first occurrence of")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:44" "this string there...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:46" "and we are going to create links to that")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:48" "file, but let me follow")

% (find-2021workshop6video "01:50" "the instructions here...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:51" "the instructions say that we start")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:53" "in a situation in which we only have")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:56" "this buffer here,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "01:58" "*(find-eev-exercises-intro)*,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:00" "then we go to the dired buffer...")

% (find-2021workshop6video "02:03" "this thing takes us to dired...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:08" "and then we are going to type `M-h M-e'")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:12" "to go to a buffer with elisp hyperlinks")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:14" "and then this thing here to show")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:16" "our notes at the right...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:18" "and I'm going to use the same trick")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:20" "as always, which is that i'm going to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:23" "copy this thing to my notes...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:28" "that's it - let me go back...")

% (find-2021workshop6video "02:32" "so I'll have to reproduce all these")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:35" "first commands here by memory,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:38" "until we get to this situation here,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:41" "in which our notes appear.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:47" "So... i have to follow this thing,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:52" "and then type `M-h M-e',")
% (find-2021workshop6video "02:58" "and then type `M-2 M-1 M-j'...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:01" "and here are the notes. So I have a")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:04" "buffer with elisp hyperlinks here at")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:05" "the left, generated by")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:08" "`find-extra-file-links'...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:10" "and my notes buffer here at the right.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:13" "And this thing here explains")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:15" "very briefly that we have to run")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:18" "`M-w'... it doesn't say what")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:20" "is the selected region, but `M-w'")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:24" "copies the selected region to the top of")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:27" "the kill ring, and `C-y' copies")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:31" "the contents of the top of the")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:33" "kill ring to the current buffer.")

% (find-2021workshop6video "03:36" "So these instructions are to copy")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:38" "something from the left to the right,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:40" "and the novelty here is...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:43" "well, there are several. First one is")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:45" "that I want to create a way")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:49" "to create short links to files in this")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:53" "directory...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:55" "so I'm going to use a string here -")
% (find-2021workshop6video "03:59" "\"eplay\", for \"emacs play\"...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:01" "I'm going to execute this line again...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:05" "the tutorials explain what this means...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:09" "and now I'm going to cherry pick the")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:11" "lines that I think that are important...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:15" "and the lines that I want are...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:20" "this one... let me see -")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:23" "ok, all these ones -")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:27" "no, these ones -")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:29" "and now I have to copy them to my")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:32" "notes. And note that")

% (find-2021workshop6video "04:38" "if I just execute this expression here")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:41" "it yields an error, because")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:43" "`find-eplayfile' has not been defined,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:45" "but if I run this expression here")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:50" "this thing becomes defined.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "04:59" "No, I'm not going to explain.... No, I'm")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:01" "going to explain very briefly what")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:03" "this thing does. If we add a \"find-\" to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:06" "the the beginning of this `code-c-d' and")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:08" "we execute this we see the code that the")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:11" "`code-c-d' would execute.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:14" "Let's go back.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:18" "so")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:19" "now we have to do something here to go")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:21" "back to... to the exercises...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:29" "and let's reread the instructions. The")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:31" "instructions say that in the first time")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:34" "we should create elisp hyperlinks")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:37" "pointing to this directory, and to this")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:39" "file... and let's see. Here")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:42" "we have a link that points to that")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:44" "directory, here we have two links")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:47" "that point to that file in that")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:49" "directory... this one opens")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:51" "that directory and searches for the")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:53" "first occurrence of this string,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "05:56" "and the second one opens that file...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:01" "and these links here")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:05" "are short hyperlinks to that directory,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:09" "and I'm going to modify this one here...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:13" "ah, no, I'm going to do this: I'm going")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:15" "to open this directory again,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:18" "open this, and now I'm going to type")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:22" "`M-h M-h', and choose this thing here")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:27" "and copy it to my notes...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:31" "but I'm not going to explain exactly")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:33" "what this means, people will have to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:35" "figure out. =)")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:39" "So, let's go back to the exercises...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:45" "the exercise says that in the second")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:47" "time \"you should create")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:49" "elisp hyperlinks to a directory")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:51" "and a file that you find interesting\".")
% (find-2021workshop6video "06:55" "Let me choose something in my directory")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:00" "of things that I've compiled from the")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:01" "source code... uh, say, here...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:12" "no, this one is too weird.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:15" "agda-categories/ here,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:18" "then src/Categories/Comonad.agda,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:24" "I want a link to this file here...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:26" "sorry for the weirdness -")

% (find-2021workshop6video "07:32" "so here I have to type... sorry -")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:38" "here I'm in dired mode,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:41" "and I want links to this file here...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:44" "and the trick is that I have to type")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:47" "`M-h M-e' to get to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:50" "this temporary buffer with the")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:53" "\"extra file links\"...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:55" "and this is the part that")
% (find-2021workshop6video "07:59" "that I want to copy to my notes, but I")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:01" "want to choose a shorthand")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:04" "for this directory...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:08" "and let me choose \"agdac\", for")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:13" "\"agda categories\"...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:16" "So I'll execute this again, the buffer")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:19" "is going to be regenerated with this")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:22" "\"{c}\"s between curly braces being")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:25" "replaced by something else...")

% (find-2021workshop6video "08:28" "and now I'm going to copy this thing")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:31" "to my notes.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:37" "Here are my notes...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:46" "and here are all the links that I want,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:49" "that I've created right now...")

% (find-2021workshop6video "08:52" "a link to the to this file in this")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:54" "directory, a link that opens that file,")
% (find-2021workshop6video "08:59" "a link to the directory...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:03" "and this thing here, that creates an")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:05" "abbreviation to that directory, that lets")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:07" "me create short links to files")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:10" "in that directory, and this link here")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:11" "to... to... to this.")

% (find-2021workshop6video "09:17" "Uh, and by the way that let me do")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:20" "something that I'm not going to")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:22" "explain in all detail, people will")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:24" "have to think about it...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:27" "I'm going to open this, and now type")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:31" "`M-h M-h', and now I'm going to use")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:34" "this link, that uses the short name...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:39" "and I'll copy it to my notes.")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:41" "So this link opens this file...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:45" "this is a short link to a file in a")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:46" "certain directory... and that's it -")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:48" "now the instructions say that I need")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:51" "to type `C-x 1', and then a series")
% (find-2021workshop6video "09:54" "of `M-K's...")
% (find-2021workshop6video "10:00" "a series of `M-K's until we get")
% (find-2021workshop6video "10:02" "to the buffer with the exercises, which")
% (find-2021workshop6video "10:04" "is this one. So: that's it!")

unrevised_bigstr = [==[

(find-2021workshop6video "00:00" " ")

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: