Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/emacsconf2021-dednat6.lua.html
--   http://anggtwu.net/SUBTITLES/emacsconf2021-dednat6.lua
--          (find-angg "SUBTITLES/emacsconf2021-dednat6.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun st () (interactive) (find-angg "SUBTITLES/emacsconf2021-dednat6.lua"))
-- Skel: (find-editeevsubtitles-links-1 "eev2021b")
--       (find-efunction 'find-editeevsubtitles-links-1)
-- Yttr: (find-yttranscript-links       "eev2021b" "QUMo7vgkHJI")
-- Info: (find-1stclassvideo-links      "eev2021b")
-- Play: (find-eev2021bvideo "0:00")
--   «.subtitles»	(to "subtitles")
-- I use the code below to generate the subtitles in .vtt.

ee_dofile "~/LUA/Subtitles.lua" -- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

-- (find-angg "LUA/Subtitles.lua")

** Run the .lua and tell it to
** write the .vtt - by default in /tmp/
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "emacsconf2021-dednat6.lua"
sts = Subtitles.fromsexps(subs_bigstr):addtime("8:11")
-- sts.lang = "pt-BR"
= sts
outfname = "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2021-dednat6.vtt"
outfname =                           "/tmp/emacsconf2021-dednat6.vtt"
out = sts:vtt().."\n\n"
ee_writefile(outfname, out)
-- (find-fline                       "/tmp/emacsconf2021-dednat6.vtt")

** Test the .vtt
** (find-eev2021bvideo "0:00")

** Select /tmp/ or ee-eevvideosdir
** (find-eevvideosfile "")
** (find-eevvideosfile ""   "emacsconf2021-dednat6.mp4")
** (find-eevvideossh0 "cp -v emacsconf2021-dednat6.mp4 /tmp/")
** (code-video "eev2021bvideo"                           "/tmp/emacsconf2021-dednat6.mp4")
** (code-video "eev2021bvideo" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2021-dednat6.mp4")
** (find-eev2021bvideo "0:00")

** Upload the emacsconf2021-dednat6.vtt
** to http://anggtwu.net/eev-videos/
* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd /tmp/
Scp-np emacsconf2021-dednat6.vtt $TWUP/eev-videos/
Scp-np emacsconf2021-dednat6.vtt $TWUS/eev-videos/

** Upload the subtitles to youtube
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUMo7vgkHJI

** Check that the "psne subtitles" thing works
** (find-1stclassvideo-links "eev2021b")


-- «subtitles»  (to ".subtitles")

subs_bigstr = [==[
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:00" "Hi! My name is Eduardo Ochs, and I just")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:02" "gave a talk at the EmacsConf 2021")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:06" "about a new feature of eev called")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:10" "\"test blocks\"...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:14" "my talk was just five minutes long so I")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:17" "couldn't give examples of how I use")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:19" "test blocks in real life...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:21" "so I decided to make this video to")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:24" "complement my talk on the conference,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:26" "and to show how I'm using test blocks")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:29" "to document some of my programs.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:33" "What I'm going to show is how I'm")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:35" "using test blocks to document a package")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:38" "for LaTeX that I have that is called")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:40" "Dednat6. Dednat6 is...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:44" "let me go to the first page here...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:46" "Dednat6 is an extensible")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:49" "(semi-)preprocessor for LaTeX that")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:52" "understands diagrams in ascii art.")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:55" "Let's see what that means.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "00:58" "Sometimes we want to to draw diagrams")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:01" "like this, and it's very boring to")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:05" "generate LaTeX code like this by hand...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:08" "so I developed a program that would")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:14" "understand some specifications of")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:16" "diagrams in comments, for example")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:19" "this one... and it would generate")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:21" "the LaTeX code corresponding to these")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:23" "things... so this is a representation")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:26" "in ascii art of this tree here...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:30" "and my program generates the...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:34" "it does the boring part: it generates the")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:36" "LaTeX code corresponding to this. And it")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:38" "also supports diagrams for")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:40" "Category Theory, for example this one...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:44" "that would be a nightmare to typeset by")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:46" "hand... and this one, that is not so")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:49" "horrible, but we can see that the source")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:52" "code is quite manageable, here...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "01:57" "So: LaTeX interprets these things as")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:00" "comments, and my program, Dednat6,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:03" "understands these things...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:06" "this block here as a specification of")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:08" "a diagram, and generate the LaTeX")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:10" "code for it.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:12" "And LaTeX code is very extensible, so")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:15" "from time to time I create more")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:17" "extensions to it...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:19" "and sometimes I have to draw new")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:24" "kinds of diagrams, they're very boring")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:28" "to draw by hand, so I create new")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:30" "extensions to draw them...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:33" "And i'm going to show how i use eev")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:35" "to document these extensions.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:40" "Just let me explain something first,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:42" "which is that... in the beginning,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:44" "when I was starting to put test blocks")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:47" "in the source code of Dednat6, I was")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:50" "very shy about it... I thought that")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:53" "that by using test blocks in the")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:55" "documentation people would be")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:57" "scared, they would feel that that was")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "02:59" "super weird... but then")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:02" "I reminded myself that very few people")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:04" "use Dednat6, and that now we have")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:07" "packages like this one, Quiver...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:11" "Let me show it here in a new window...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:14" "And everybody is using this instead of")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:17" "text-based tools...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:20" "so most people prefer to edit diagrams")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:22" "in this way...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:24" "here we have an animation of how people")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:26" "can edit diagrams interactively,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:30" "\"in the modern way\", let's say...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:36" "so this gives me much more freedom")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:39" "with Dednat6. I could make a")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:41" "a big mess with it, especially in the")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:43" "parts of it that nobody else is using")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:46" "as far as i know...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:50" "And then at some point I showed that to")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:52" "some friends, and they were able to")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:54" "understand the test blocks immediately...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "03:57" "and they could run the test blocks")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:00" "without any hesitation, and they")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:01" "liked them very much.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:04" "So, well... let me show how these")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:07" "test blocks work, and how you can test")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:10" "these test blocks...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:13" "how you can run them yourself.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:16" "Let me take this block here,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:19" "and copy it to an Emacs")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:21" "that has eev loaded...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:26" "note that these things are not red stars,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:28" "they are not even red...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:30" "but this first expression here will make")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:34" "them behave as red stars.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:38" "I'm going to use a smaller font here...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:40" "I'm going to type f8 four times. The first")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:42" "one will make them behave as red stars...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:45" "and the other three ones will create a")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:48" "target buffer here")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:50" "running a shell (bash)...and now I'm")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:54" "going to send these commands.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:56" "The first one will make sure that")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "04:59" "lua5.1 is installed...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:01" "this block of four lines here")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:03" "download a copy of Dednat6")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:05" "to a subdirectory of /tmp/...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:11" "these lines here are comments that are")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:13" "ignored by the shell...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:16" "these two lines here are things that I")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:18" "do not want to explain now.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:22" "So I'm not going to explain them, I'm")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:24" "going to just execute them... and skip")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:27" "to this one. This one is easy to")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:29" "understand because it's a hyperlink - ")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:31" "an elisp hyperlink that opens this file")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:34" "and searches for this anchor in this")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:36" "file... and this anchor is in the middle")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:40" "of a very big test block.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:42" "So if we execute it with f8")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:45" "we go to this position here...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:48" "we can see that this test block starts")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "05:54" "here... but the part that I want to show")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:02" "is here.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:07" "Ok, so let me execute these tests.")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:10" "If I type f8 three times here they")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:13" "set up a target buffer running Lua...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:17" "if I type f8 here this Lua REPL")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:19" "loads this file...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:22" "and if i type f8 in these lines they")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:25" "create a certain object and display it")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:27" "in ascii art.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:29" "Same thing here,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:31" "same thing here,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:32" "and same thing here,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:34" "and same thing here...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:36" "note that I can also change these")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:41" "tests... for example, I can do this,")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:48" "and then instead of")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:50" "showing the representation in ascii art")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:52" "of these objects my program shows")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "06:57" "the LaTeX code that it will generate...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:04" "let me run some undos here...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:09" "these objects here correspond to these")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:14" "diagrams here, that I had to use in a")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:17" "paper...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:19" "especially this one that is a bit")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:22" "harder to draw...")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:24" "and I'm also going to show another test")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:27" "block: this one here...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:34" "it's the same thing, it shows some")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:37" "objects using ascii art but I could")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:39" "also show the LaTeX code")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:41" "corresponding to them...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:45" "they correspond to these diagrams here")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:47" "that I had to use in another part")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:49" "of the same paper.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:52" "And that's it.")

% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:54" "This demo here can be executed by just")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:57" "typing f8s in the right places - if")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "07:59" "you understand what you are doing...")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "08:01" "and that's it. So I just showed")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "08:05" "two test blocks, and the source code of")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "08:07" "Dednat6, and that's what I wanted to")
% (find-eev2021bvideo "08:09" "show. That's it! =)")

(find-eev2021bvideo "00:00" " ")

unrevised_bigstr = [==[

(find-eev2021bvideo "00:00" " ")

-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: