Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/ && find * | sort") ;; (find-sh "cd ~/books/__comp/ && find * | sort") ;; «.abel» (to "abel") ;; «.abelson-sussman» (to "abelson-sussman") ;; «.aho» (to "aho") ;; «.allen» (to "allen") ;; «.ataz-lopez» (to "ataz-lopez") ;; «.augustsson» (to "augustsson") ;; «.baker» (to "baker") ;; «.barras» (to "barras") ;; «.barski» (to "barski") ;; «.bentley» (to "bentley") ;; «.bentley-pp» (to "bentley-pp") ;; «.bentley-morepp» (to "bentley-morepp") ;; «.bernardy-jansson-paterson» (to "bernardy-jansson-paterson") ;; «.bernardy-lasson» (to "bernardy-lasson") ;; «.blauth» (to "blauth") ;; «.bournez» (to "bournez") ;; «.brady» (to "brady") ;; «.brooks» (to "brooks") ;; «.buzzard-wp» (to "buzzard-wp") ;; «.buzzard-eq» (to "buzzard-eq") ;; «.chan-windmill» (to "chan-windmill") ;; «.chapman» (to "chapman") ;; «.chapman-systemF» (to "chapman-systemF") ;; «.chlipala» (to "chlipala") ;; «.choudhury-krishnaswami» (to "choudhury-krishnaswami") ;; «.colton» (to "colton") ;; «.coquand» (to "coquand") ;; «.crockford» (to "crockford") ;; «.dershowitz-gurevich» (to "dershowitz-gurevich") ;; «.dijkstra» (to "dijkstra") ;; «.dreyer» (to "dreyer") ;; «.dsls-of-math» (to "dsls-of-math") ;; «.dybjer» (to "dybjer") ;; «.dybjer-dtaw» (to "dybjer-dtaw") ;; «.dybjer-if» (to "dybjer-if") ;; «.dybjer-paulin» (to "dybjer-paulin") ;; «.eisenberg» (to "eisenberg") ;; «.ellis-ritchie» (to "ellis-ritchie") ;; «.escardo» (to "escardo") ;; «.fleuriot» (to "fleuriot") ;; «.gavranovic» (to "gavranovic") ;; «.gersting» (to "gersting") ;; «.graham» (to "graham") ;; «.graham-common-lisp» (to "graham-common-lisp") ;; «.graham-on-lisp» (to "graham-on-lisp") ;; «.graham-roots-of-lisp» (to "graham-roots-of-lisp") ;; «.grune-jacobs» (to "grune-jacobs") ;; «.harper» (to "harper") ;; «.hopcroft» (to "hopcroft") ;; «.hui-kromberg» (to "hui-kromberg") ;; «.icon-book» (to "icon-book") ;; «.ierusalimschy» (to "ierusalimschy") ;; «.impagliazzo» (to "impagliazzo") ;; «.kavvos» (to "kavvos") ;; «.kernighan-plauger» (to "kernighan-plauger") ;; «.kernighan-ritchie» (to "kernighan-ritchie") ;; «.knuth» (to "knuth") ;; «.kruskal-landwehr» (to "kruskal-landwehr") ;; «.kurt» (to "kurt") ;; «.lamkins» (to "lamkins") ;; «.levy» (to "levy") ;; «.levy-slides2018» (to "levy-slides2018") ;; «.levy-thpartsets» (to "levy-thpartsets") ;; «.levy-lambdanotes» (to "levy-lambdanotes") ;; «.libes» (to "libes") ;; «.loeliger» (to "loeliger") ;; «.marlow-peyton-jones» (to "marlow-peyton-jones") ;; «.martin» (to "martin") ;; «.massot-why» (to "massot-why") ;; «.mcbride» (to "mcbride") ;; «.mcbride-pivotal» (to "mcbride-pivotal") ;; «.mccarthy58» (to "mccarthy58") ;; «.meyer» (to "meyer") ;; «.milner» (to "milner") ;; «.monnier» (to "monnier") ;; «.monnier-ocl» (to "monnier-ocl") ;; «.monnier-typer» (to "monnier-typer") ;; «.monnier-cuc» (to "monnier-cuc") ;; «.monnier-smie» (to "monnier-smie") ;; «.monnier-evol» (to "monnier-evol") ;; «.nalon-machine-or» (to "nalon-machine-or") ;; «.nanevski» (to "nanevski") ;; «.norell» (to "norell") ;; «.norell-chapman» (to "norell-chapman") ;; «.norell-bo» (to "norell-bo") ;; «.nystrom» (to "nystrom") ;; «.orchard» (to "orchard") ;; «.orchard-codo» (to "orchard-codo") ;; «.orchard-rice» (to "orchard-rice") ;; «.ousterhout» (to "ousterhout") ;; «.o_keefe» (to "o_keefe") ;; «.oliveira» (to "oliveira") ;; «.paulson» (to "paulson") ;; «.perrone» (to "perrone") ;; «.petersen» (to "petersen") ;; «.peyton-jones» (to "peyton-jones") ;; «.pierce» (to "pierce") ;; «.pierce-atitapl» (to "pierce-atitapl") ;; «.plotkin» (to "plotkin") ;; «.plotkin-partdiff» (to "plotkin-partdiff") ;; «.pratt-tdop» (to "pratt-tdop") ;; «.raymond» (to "raymond") ;; «.reynolds» (to "reynolds") ;; «.rutten» (to "rutten") ;; «.queinnec» (to "queinnec") ;; «.salus» (to "salus") ;; «.scheinerman» (to "scheinerman") ;; «.sedgewick» (to "sedgewick") ;; «.seibel» (to "seibel") ;; «.steele-common-lisp» (to "steele-common-lisp") ;; «.steele-gabriel» (to "steele-gabriel") ;; «.stevenson» (to "stevenson") ;; «.stroustrup» (to "stroustrup") ;; «.sussman-wisdom» (to "sussman-wisdom") ;; «.thain» (to "thain") ;; «.touretzky» (to "touretzky") ;; «.wilkinson» (to "wilkinson") ;; «.yanofsky-mannucci» (to "yanofsky-mannucci") ;; «.zeilberger» (to "zeilberger") ;; «.free-as-in-freedom» (to "free-as-in-freedom") ;; «.levy-hackers» (to "levy-hackers") ;; «.stallman» (to "stallman") ;; «.kelty» (to "kelty") ;; «.agda» (to "agda") ;; «.agda-dtp» (to "agda-dtp") ;; «.agda-verified» (to "agda-verified") ;; «.awk» (to "awk") ;; «.bsd-toolbox» (to "bsd-toolbox") ;; «.clcrit» (to "clcrit") ;; «.cli-coreutils» (to "cli-coreutils") ;; «.clojure» (to "clojure") ;; «.coq» (to "coq") ;; «.csound» (to "csound") ;; «.css» (to "css") ;; «.epigram-ppdt» (to "epigram-ppdt") ;; «.git» (to "git") ;; «.git-internals» (to "git-internals") ;; «.git-progit» (to "git-progit") ;; «.git-progit2» (to "git-progit2") ;; «.git-fbu» (to "git-fbu") ;; «.haskell» (to "haskell") ;; «.haskell-hutton» (to "haskell-hutton") ;; «.haskell-hudak» (to "haskell-hudak") ;; «.haskell-rw» (to "haskell-rw") ;; «.haskell-2010» (to "haskell-2010") ;; «.html-1998» (to "html-1998") ;; «.javascript» (to "javascript") ;; «.latex» (to "latex") ;; «.lpeg-fromre» (to "lpeg-fromre") ;; «.lpeg-pmp» (to "lpeg-pmp") ;; «.lpeg-redz» (to "lpeg-redz") ;; «.lpeg-rel» (to "lpeg-rel") ;; «.lpeg-medeirosphd» (to "lpeg-medeirosphd") ;; «.lilypond» (to "lilypond") ;; «.lisp-1.5» (to "lisp-1.5") ;; «.lua-gems» (to "lua-gems") ;; «.lua-in-tex» (to "lua-in-tex") ;; «.make» (to "make") ;; «.maxima» (to "maxima") ;; «.maximabook» (to "maximabook") ;; «.maxima-chamberlin» (to "maxima-chamberlin") ;; «.maxima-urroz» (to "maxima-urroz") ;; «.maxima-hannan1» (to "maxima-hannan1") ;; «.maxima-hannan2» (to "maxima-hannan2") ;; «.maxima-fatemanphd» (to "maxima-fatemanphd") ;; «.maxima-fatemansimp» (to "maxima-fatemansimp") ;; «.maxima-minimal» (to "maxima-minimal") ;; «.maxima-workbook» (to "maxima-workbook") ;; «.maxima-advfree» (to "maxima-advfree") ;; «.maxima-diffeqs» (to "maxima-diffeqs") ;; «.maxima-vallejomor» (to "maxima-vallejomor") ;; «.maxima-by-example» (to "maxima-by-example") ;; «.prog-1» (to "prog-1") ;; «.ocaml» (to "ocaml") ;; «.penrose» (to "penrose") ;; «.python» (to "python") ;; «.python-downey» (to "python-downey") ;; «.python-goalkicker» (to "python-goalkicker") ;; «.python-serghei» (to "python-serghei") ;; «.R» (to "R") ;; «.ruby» (to "ruby") ;; «.rubyforrails» (to "rubyforrails") ;; «.rubynutshell» (to "rubynutshell") ;; «.pragmaticruby» (to "pragmaticruby") ;; «.scala» (to "scala") ;; «.scheme» (to "scheme") ;; «.little-schemer» (to "little-schemer") ;; «.shell» (to "shell") ;; «.smalltalk» (to "smalltalk") ;; «.squeak-by-example» (to "squeak-by-example") ;; «.squeak-robots» (to "squeak-robots") ;; «.pharo-by-example» (to "pharo-by-example") ;; «.ingalls-miranda» (to "ingalls-miranda") ;; «.st-by-ex» (to "st-by-ex") ;; «.byte-smalltalk» (to "byte-smalltalk") ;; «.sqlite» (to "sqlite") ;; «.ssh» (to "ssh") ;; «.unixtools» (to "unixtools") ;; «.unix-haters» (to "unix-haters") ;; «.unusual-effectiveness» (to "unusual-effectiveness") ;; «abel» (to ".abel") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "abel") ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~abela/ ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~abela/foetus/ (code-pdf-page "abelfoetus" "~/books/__comp/abel__foetus_termination_checker_for_simple_functional_programs.pdf") (code-pdf-text "abelfoetus" "~/books/__comp/abel__foetus_termination_checker_for_simple_functional_programs.pdf" 1) ;; (find-abelfoetuspage) ;; (find-abelfoetuspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-abelfoetuspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-abelfoetustext "") ;; «abelson-sussman» (to ".abelson-sussman") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "abelson-sussman") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "sussman-wisdom") ;; (find-LATEXfile "catsem-slides.bib" "SICP") ;; (find-es "scheme" "sicp-pdf") ;; https://web.mit.edu/alexmv/6.037/ ;; https://web.mit.edu/alexmv/6.037/sicp.pdf ;; https://github.com/sarabander/sicp-pdf (code-pdf-page "sicp" "~/books/__comp/abelson_sussman__structure_and_interpretation_of_computer_programs.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sicp" "~/books/__comp/abelson_sussman__structure_and_interpretation_of_computer_programs.pdf" 21) ;; (find-sicppage) ;; (find-sicptext "") ;; (find-sicppage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-sicptext 3 "Contents") ;; (find-sicppage 9 "Unofficial Texinfo Format") ;; (find-sicppage 12 "Dedication") ;; (find-sicppage 13 "Foreword") ;; (find-sicppage 19 "Preface to the Second Edition") ;; (find-sicppage 21 "Preface to the First Edition") ;; (find-sicppage 25 "Acknowledgments") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 1) "1 Building Abstractions with Procedures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 6) "1.1 The Elements of Programming") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 7) "1.1.1 Expressions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 10) "1.1.2 Naming and the Environment") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 12) "1.1.3 Evaluating Combinations") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 15) "1.1.4 Compound Procedures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 18) "1.1.5 The Substitution Model for Procedure Application") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 22) "1.1.6 Conditional Expressions and Predicates") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 28) "1.1.7 Example: Square Roots by Newton's Method") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 33) "1.1.8 Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 40) "1.2 Procedures and the Processes ey Generate") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 41) "1.2.1 Linear Recursion and Iteration") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 42) "Figure 1.3: A linear recursive process for computing 6!") ;; (find-sicptext (+ 28 42) "Figure 1.3: A linear recursive process for computing 6!") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 47) "1.2.2 Tree Recursion") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 54) "1.2.3 Orders of Growth") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 57) "1.2.4 Exponentiation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 62) "1.2.5 Greatest Common Divisors") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 65) "1.2.6 Example: Testing for Primality") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 74) "1.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 76) "1.3.1 Procedures as Arguments") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 83) "1.3.2 Constructing Procedures Using lambda") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 89) "1.3.3 Procedures as General Methods") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 97) "1.3.4 Procedures as Returned Values") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 107) "2 Building Abstractions with Data") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 112) "2.1 Introduction to Data Abstraction") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 113) "2.1.1 Example: Arithmetic Operations for Rational Numbers") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 118) "2.1.2 Abstraction Barriers") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 122) "2.1.3 What Is Meant by Data?") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 126) "2.1.4 Extended Exercise: Interval Arithmetic") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 132) "2.2 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 134) "2.2.1 Representing Sequences") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 147) "2.2.2 Hierarchical Structures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 154) "2.2.3 Sequences as Conventional Interfaces") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 172) "2.2.4 Example: A Picture Language") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 192) "2.3 Symbolic Data") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 192) "2.3.1 Quotation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 197) "2.3.2 Example: Symbolic Differentiation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 205) "2.3.3 Example: Representing Sets") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 218) "2.3.4 Example: Huffman Encoding Trees") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 229) "2.4 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 232) "2.4.1 Representations for Complex Numbers") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 237) "2.4.2 Tagged data") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 242) "2.4.3 Data-Directed Programming and Additivity") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 254) "2.5 Systems with Generic Operations") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 255) "2.5.1 Generic Arithmetic Operations") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 262) "2.5.2 Combining Data of Different Types") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 274) "2.5.3 Example: Symbolic Algebra") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 294) "3 Modularity, Objects, and State") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 296) "3.1 Assignment and Local State") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 297) "3.1.1 Local State Variables") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 305) "3.1.2 The Benefits of Introducing Assignment") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 311) "3.1.3 The Costs of Introducing Assignment") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 320) "3.2 The Environment Model of Evaluation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 322) "3.2.1 The Rules for Evaluation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 327) "3.2.2 Applying Simple Procedures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 330) "3.2.3 Frames as the Repository of Local State") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 337) "3.2.4 Internal Definitions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 341) "3.3 Modeling with Mutable Data") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 342) "3.3.1 Mutable List Structure") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 353) "3.3.2 Representing eues") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 360) "3.3.3 Representing Tables") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 369) "3.3.4 A Simulator for Digital Circuits") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 386) "3.3.5 Propagation of Constraints") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 401) "3.4 Concurrency: Time Is of the Essence") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 403) "3.4.1 The Nature of Time in Concurrent Systems") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 410) "3.4.2 Mechanisms for Controlling Concurrency") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 428) "3.5 Streams") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 430) "3.5.1 Streams Are Delayed Lists") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 441) "3.5.2 Infinite Streams") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 453) "3.5.3 Exploiting the Stream Paradigm") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 470) "3.5.4 Streams and Delayed Evaluation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 479) "3.5.5 Modularity of Functional Programs and Modularity of Objects") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 487) "4 Metalinguistic Abstraction") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 492) "4.1 The Metacircular Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 495) "4.1.1 The Core of the Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 501) "4.1.2 Representing Expressions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 512) "4.1.3 Evaluator Data Structures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 518) "4.1.4 Running the Evaluator as a Program") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 522) "4.1.5 Data as Programs") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 526) "4.1.6 Internal Definitions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 534) "4.1.7 Separating Syntactic Analysis from Execution") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 541) "4.2 Variations on a Scheme -- Lazy Evaluation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 542) "4.2.1 Normal Order and Applicative Order") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 544) "4.2.2 An Interpreter with Lazy Evaluation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 555) "4.2.3 Streams as Lazy Lists") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 559) "4.3 Variations on a Scheme -- Nondeterministic Computing") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 561) "4.3.1 Amb and Search") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 567) "4.3.2 Examples of Nondeterministic Programs") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 578) "4.3.3 Implementing the amb Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 594) "4.4 Logic Programming") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 599) "4.4.1 Deductive Information Retrieval") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 615) "4.4.2 How the Query System Works") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 627) "4.4.3 Is Logic Programming Mathematical Logic?") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 635) "4.4.4 Implementing the ery System") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 636) " The Driver Loop and Instantiation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 638) " The Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 642) " Find Assertions by Pattern Matching") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 645) " Rules and Unification") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 651) " Maintaining the Data Base") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 654) " Stream Operations") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 656) " Query Syntax Procedures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 659) " Frames and Bindings") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 666) "5 Computing with Register Maines") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 668) "5.1 Designing Register Machines") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 672) "5.1.1 A Language for Describing Register Machines") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 678) "5.1.2 Abstraction in Machine Design") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 681) "5.1.3 Subroutines") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 686) "5.1.4 Using a Stack to Implement Recursion") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 695) "5.1.5 Instruction Summary") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 696) "5.2 A Register-Machine Simulator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 698) "5.2.1 The Machine Model") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 704) "5.2.2 The Assembler") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 708) "5.2.3 Generating Execution Procedures for Instructions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 718) "5.2.4 Monitoring Machine Performance") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 723) "5.3 Storage Allocation and Garbage Collection") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 724) "5.3.1 Memory as Vectors") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 731) "5.3.2 Maintaining the Illusion of Infinite Memory") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 741) "5.4 The Explicit-Control Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 743) "5.4.1 The Core of the Explicit-Control Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 751) "5.4.2 Sequence Evaluation and Tail Recursion") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 756) "5.4.3 Conditionals, Assignments, and Definitions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 759) "5.4.4 Running the Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 767) "5.5 Compilation") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 772) "5.5.1 Structure of the Compiler") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 779) "5.5.2 Compiling Expressions") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 788) "5.5.3 Compiling Combinations") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 797) "5.5.4 Combining Instruction Sequences") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 802) "5.5.5 An Example of Compiled Code") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 817) "5.5.6 Lexical Addressing") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 823) "5.5.7 Interfacing Compiled Code to the Evaluator") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 834) "References") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 844) "List of Exercises") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 846) "List of Figures") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 848) "Index") ;; (find-sicppage (+ 28 855) "Colophon") ;; «aho» (to ".aho") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "aho") (code-pdf-page "dragonbook" "~/books/__comp/aho_lam_sethi_ullman__compilers_principles_techniques_and_tools__2nd_ed__6mb.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dragonbook" "~/books/__comp/aho_lam_sethi_ullman__compilers_principles_techniques_and_tools__2nd_ed__6mb.pdf" 25) (code-pdf-page "dragonbook" "~/books/__comp/aho_lam_sethi_ullman__compilers_principles_techniques_and_tools__2nd_ed__7mb.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dragonbook" "~/books/__comp/aho_lam_sethi_ullman__compilers_principles_techniques_and_tools__2nd_ed__7mb.pdf") ;; (find-dragonbookpage) ;; (find-dragonbookpage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-dragonbooktext 10 "Contents") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 7) "Figure 1.7: Translation of an assignment statement") ;; (find-dragonbooktext (+ 25 7) "Figure 1.7: Translation of an assignment statement") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 30) "Figure 1.10: Blocks in a C++ program") ;; (find-dragonbooktext (+ 25 30) "Figure 1.10: Blocks in a C++ program") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 41) "Figure 2.4: Intermediate code for") ;; (find-dragonbooktext (+ 25 41) "Figure 2.4: Intermediate code for") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 47) "Figure 2.5: Parse tree for 9-5+2") ;; (find-dragonbooktext (+ 25 47) "Figure 2.5: Parse tree for 9-5+2") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 48) "Figure 2.6: Two parse trees for 9-5+2") ;; (find-dragonbooktext (+ 25 48) "Figure 2.6: Two parse trees for 9-5+2") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 993) "Index") ;; (find-dragonbooktext (+ 23 993) "Index") ;; (find-dragonbooktext "") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 42) "2.2 Syntax Definition") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 42) "2.2.1 Definition of Grammars") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 44) "2.2.2 Derivations") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 45) "2.2.3 Parse Trees") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 47) "2.2.4 Ambiguity") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 48) "2.2.5 Associativity of Operators") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 48) "subtraction is left-associative") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 48) "2.2.6 Precedence of Operators") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 48) "* has higher precedence than +") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 51) "2.2.7 Exercises for Section 2.2") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 279) "4.8.1 Precedence and Associativity to Resolve Conflicts") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 217) "4.4 Top-Down Parsing") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 219) "4.4.1 Recursive-Descent Parsing") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 220) "4.4.2 FIRST and FOLLOW") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 222) "4.4.3 LL(1) Grammars") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 226) "4.4.4 Nonrecursive Predictive Parsing") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 228) "4.4.5 Error Recovery in Predictive Parsing") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 231) "4.4.6 Exercises for Section 4.4") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 233) "4.5 Bottom-Up Parsing") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 234) "4.5.1 Reductions") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 235) "4.5.2 Handle Pruning") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 236) "4.5.3 Shift-Reduce Parsing") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 238) "4.5.4 Conflicts During Shift-Reduce Parsing") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 240) "4.5.5 Exercises for Section 4.5") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 241) "4.6 Introduction to LR Parsing: Simple LR") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 241) "4.6.1 Why LR Parsers?") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 242) "4.6.2 Items and the LR(0) Automaton") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 248) "4.6.3 The LR-Parsing Algorithm") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 252) "4.6.4 Constructing SLR-Parsing Tables") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 256) "4.6.5 Viable Prefixes") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 257) "4.6.6 Exercises for Section 4.6") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 259) "4.7 More Powerful LR Parsers") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 260) "4.7.1 Canonical LR(1) Items") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 261) "4.7.2 Constructing LR(1) Sets of Items") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 265) "4.7.3 Canonical LR(1) Parsing Tables") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 266) "4.7.4 Constructing LALR Parsing Tables") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 270) "4.7.5 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 275) "4.7.6 Compaction of LR Parsing Tables") ;; (find-dragonbookpage (+ 25 277) "4.7.7 Exercises for Section 4.7") ;; «allen» (to ".allen") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/302606/anatomy-of-lisp--mcgraw-hill-computer-science-series- (code-djvu "anatomyoflisp" "~/books/__comp/allen__anatomy_of_lisp.djvu") ;; (find-anatomyoflisppage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-anatomyoflisppage (+ 17 443) "Index") ;; «ataz-lopez» (to ".ataz-lopez") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ataz-lopez") ;; (find-es "context" "ataz-lopez") (code-pdf-page "atazlopez" "~/books/__comp/ataz-lopez__a_not_so_short_introduction_to_context_mark_iv.pdf") (code-pdf-text "atazlopez" "~/books/__comp/ataz-lopez__a_not_so_short_introduction_to_context_mark_iv.pdf" 1) ;; (find-atazlopezpage) ;; (find-atazlopeztext "") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-atazlopeztext 3 "Contents") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 6 "Preface") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 14 "I What is ConTEXt and how do we work with it") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 15 "1 ConTEXt: a general overview") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 15 "1.1 What is ConTEXt then?") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 16 "1.2 Typesetting texts") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 18 "1.3 Markup languages") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 19 "1.4 TEX and its derivatives") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 22 "1.5 ConTEXt") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 30 "2 Our first source file") ;; (find-atazlopeztext 30 "Our first source file") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 30 "2.1 Preparing the experiment: essential tools") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 32 "2.2 The experiment itself") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 36 "2.3 The structure of our example file") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 38 "2.4 Some additional details on how to run "context"") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 39 "2.5 Managing errors") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 42 "3 Commands and other fundamental concepts of ConTEXt") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 43 "3.1 ConTEXt's reserved characters") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 46 "3.2 Commands themselves") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 49 "3.3 Scope of the commands") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 52 "3.4 Command operation options") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 55 "3.5 Summary of command syntax and options, and on the use of square and curly brackets when calling them") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 57 "3.6 The official list of ConTEXt commands") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 58 "3.7 Defining new commands") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 62 "3.8 Other fundamental concepts") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 66 "3.9 Self-learning method for ConTEXt") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 68 "4 Source files and projects") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 68 "4.1 Encoding source files") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 71 "4.2 Characters in the source file(s) that ConTEXt treats in a special way") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 74 "4.3 Simple and multifile projects") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 75 "4.4 Structure of the source file in simple projects") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 76 "4.5 Multifile management in TEX style") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 79 "4.6 ConTEXt projects as such") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 85 "II Global aspects of the document") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 86 "5 Pages and document pagination") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 86 "5.1 Page size") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 90 "5.2 Elements on the page") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 93 "5.3 Page layout (\setuplayout)") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 98 "5.4 Page numbering") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 100 "5.5 Forced or suggested page breaks") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 102 "5.6 Headers and footers") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 106 "5.7 Inserting text elements in page edges and margins") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 108 "6 Fonts and colours in ConTEXt") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 108 "6.1 Typographical fonts included in "ConTEXt Standalone"") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 109 "6.2 Font features") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 112 "6.3 Setting the document's main font") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 114 "6.4 Changing font or some font features") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 120 "6.5 Other matters relating to the use of some alternatives") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 121 "6.6 Use and configuration of colours") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 127 "7 Document structure") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 127 "7.1 Structural divisions in documents") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 128 "7.2 Section types and their hierarchy") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 130 "7.3 Syntax common to section commands") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 132 "7.4 Format and configuration of sections and their titles") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 142 "7.5 Defining new section commands") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 143 "7.6 The document's macrostructure") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 145 "8 Table of contents, indexes, lists") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 145 "8.1 Table of contents") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 156 "8.2 Lists, combined lists and table of contents based on a list") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 160 "8.3 Index") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 165 "9 References and hyperlinks") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 165 "9.1 Reference types") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 166 "9.2 Internal references") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 173 "9.3 Interactive electronic documents") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 175 "9.4 Hyperlinks to external documents") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 179 "9.5 Creating bookmarks in the final PDF") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 181 "III Particular issues") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 182 "10 Characters, words, text and horizontal space") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 182 "10.1 Getting characters not normally accessible from the keyboard") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 191 "10.2 Special character formats") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 195 "10.3 Character and word spacing") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 199 "10.4 Compound words") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 200 "10.5 The language of the text") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 208 "11 Paragraphs, lines and vertical space") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 208 "11.1 Paragraphs and their characteristics") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 211 "11.2 Vertical space between paragraphs") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 215 "11.3 How ConTEXt builds lines that form paragraphs") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 220 "11.4 Interline space") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 221 "11.5 Other matters relating to lines") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 224 "11.6 Horizontal and vertical alignment") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 228 "12 Special constructions and paragraphs") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 228 "12.1 Footnotes and endnotes") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 237 "12.2 Paragraphs with multiple columns") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 242 "12.3 Structured lists") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 249 "12.4 Descriptions and enumerations") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 252 "12.5 Lines and frames") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 256 "12.6 Other environments and constructions of interest") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 259 "13 Images, tables and other floating objects") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 259 "13.1 What are floating objects and what do they do?") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 261 "13.2 External images") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 268 "13.3 Tables") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 275 "13.4 Aspects common to images, tables and other floating objects") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 281 "13.5 Defining additional floating objects") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 284 "Appendices") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 285 "A Installing, configuring and updating ConTEXt") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 286 "1 Installing and configuring "ConTEXt Standalone"") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 290 "2 Installing LMTX") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 294 "3 Using several versions of ConTEXt on the same system (only for Unix-type systems)") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 295 "B Commands for generating maths and non-maths symbols") ;; (find-atazlopezpage 299 "C Index of commands") ;; «augustsson» (to ".augustsson") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "augustsson") ;; Lennart Augustsson: "Equality proofs in Cayenne" ;; https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= (code-pdf-page "aepic" "~/books/__comp/augustsson__equality_proofs_in_cayenne.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aepic" "~/books/__comp/augustsson__equality_proofs_in_cayenne.pdf" 1) ;; (find-aepicpage) ;; (find-aepictext "") ;; (find-aepicpage 2 "={ DEF }=") ;; (find-aepictext 2 "={ DEF }=") ;; «baker» (to ".baker") ;; "Linear Logic and Permutation Stacks - The Forth Shall Be First" ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/181993.181999 ;; http://home.pipeline.com/~hbaker1/ForthStack.html ;; «barras» (to ".barras") ;; http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Bruno.Barras/publis.html ;; http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Bruno.Barras/publi/these_barras.pdf (code-pdf-page "barras" "$S/http/www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Bruno.Barras/publi/these_barras.pdf") (code-pdf-text "barras" "$S/http/www.lix.polytechnique.fr/Labo/Bruno.Barras/publi/these_barras.pdf") ;; (find-barraspage) ;; (find-barrastext) ;; (find-barraspage 5 "Table des matières") ;; (find-barrastext 5 "Table des matières") ;; (find-barraspage 116 "4.5 Les PTS Cumulatifs (CTS)") ;; (find-barrastext 116 "4.5 Les PTS Cumulatifs (CTS)") ;; «barski» (to ".barski") (code-xpdf "barski" "~/books/__comp/barski__land_of_lisp.pdf") (code-pdftotext "barski" "~/books/__comp/barski__land_of_lisp.pdf") ;; (find-barskipage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-barskipage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-barskitext "") ;; «bentley» (to ".bentley") ;; «bentley-pp» (to ".bentley-pp") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "bentley-pp") (code-pdf-page "bentleypp" "~/books/__comp/bentley__programming_pearls.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bentleypp" "~/books/__comp/bentley__programming_pearls.pdf" 1) ;; (find-bentleypppage) ;; (find-bentleypppage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 8 1) "Part I: Preliminaries") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 7 3) "1.") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 7 11) "2. Aha") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 6 23) "3. Data structures programs") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 6 35) "4. Writing correct programs") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 6 49) "Part II: Performance") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 6 51) "5. Perspective on performance") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 5 59) "6. The back") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 5 69) "7. Algorithm design techniques") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 5 81) "8. Code tuning") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 5 93) "9. Squeezing space") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 5 105) "Part III: The product") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 4 107) "10. Sorting") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 4 117) "11. Searching") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 4 125) "12. Heaps") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 3 139) "13: A Spelling Checker" "translit A-Z a-z |") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 3 151) "Epilog") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 2 155) "Catalog of algorithms") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 2 159) "Hints for selected problems") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 2 163) "Solutions to selected problems") ;; (find-bentleypppage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-bentleypptext "") ;; «bentley-morepp» (to ".bentley-morepp") (code-djvu "bentleympp" "~/books/__comp/bentley__more_programming_pearls__confessions_of_a_coder.djvu") (code-djvutotext "bentleympp" "~/books/__comp/bentley__more_programming_pearls__confessions_of_a_coder.djvu" 2) (code-pdf-page "bentleympp" "~/books/__comp/bentley__more_programming_pearls__confessions_of_a_coder.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bentleympp" "~/books/__comp/bentley__more_programming_pearls__confessions_of_a_coder.pdf" 2) ;; (find-bentleympppage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-bentleympppage (+ 0 83) "9. Little Languages") ;; (find-bentleympppage (+ 0 92) "Lynn Jelinski") ;; (find-bentleympptext "Lynn Jelinski") ;; (find-bentleympppage (+ -1 203) "Index") ;; (find-bentleympptext "") ;; «bernardy-lasson» (to ".bernardy-lasson") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "bernardy-lasson") ;; Bernardy/Lasson: "Realizability and Parametricity in Pure Type Systems" ;; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-19805-2_8 (code-pdf-page "blrapipts" "~/books/__comp/bernardy_lasson__realizability_and_parametricity_in_pure_type_systems.pdf") (code-pdf-text "blrapipts" "~/books/__comp/bernardy_lasson__realizability_and_parametricity_in_pure_type_systems.pdf" 1) ;; (find-blrapiptspage) ;; (find-blrapiptspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-blrapiptspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-blrapiptstext "") ;; «bernardy-jansson-paterson» (to ".bernardy-jansson-paterson") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "bernardy-jansson-paterson") ;; Bernardy/Jansson/Paterson: "Proofs for free: Parametricity for dependent types" (2012) ;; https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956796812000056 (code-pdf-page "bjpproofsforfree" "~/books/__comp/bernardy_jansson_paterson__proofs_for_free_parametricity_for_dependent_types.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bjpproofsforfree" "~/books/__comp/bernardy_jansson_paterson__proofs_for_free_parametricity_for_dependent_types.pdf" 1) ;; (find-bjpproofsforfreepage) ;; (find-bjpproofsforfreepage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-bjpproofsforfreepage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-bjpproofsforfreetext "") ;; «blauth» (to ".blauth") (code-xpdf "blauthmd" "~/books/__comp/menezes__matematica_discreta_para_computacao_e_informatica.pdf") ;; (find-blauthmdpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-blauthmdpage (+ -117 251) "Index") ;; «bournez» (to ".bournez") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "bournez") ;; https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-complexity/vol/23/issue/3 ;; https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0885064X07000246 (code-pdf-page "bournezpdec" "~/books/__comp/bournez_et_al__polynomial_differential_equations_compute_all_real_computable_functions_on_computable_compact_intervals.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bournezpdec" "~/books/__comp/bournez_et_al__polynomial_differential_equations_compute_all_real_computable_functions_on_computable_compact_intervals.pdf" 1) ;; (find-bournezpdecpage) ;; (find-bournezpdecpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-bournezpdecpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-bournezpdectext "") ;; «brady» (to ".brady") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "brady") ;; (find-angg ".emacs" "idris-bradytdd") (code-pdf-page "bradytdd" "~/books/__comp/brady__type-driven_development_with_idris.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bradytdd" "~/books/__comp/brady__type-driven_development_with_idris.pdf" 26) ;; (find-bradytddpage) ;; (find-bradytddpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-bradytddtext 7 "Contents") ;; (find-bradytddpage 23 "https://github.com/edwinb/") ;; (find-bradytddtext 23 "https://github.com/edwinb/") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 1) "PART 1: INTRODUCTION") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 3) "1 Overview") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 11) "AnyList") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 11) "AnyList") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 17) "1.4.1 The interactive environment") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 17) "1.4.1 The interactive environment") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 18) "Type : Type 1") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 18) "Type : Type 1") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 19) "1.4.3 Compiling and running Idris programs") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 19) "1.4.3 Compiling and running Idris programs") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 20) "idris Hello.idr -o Hello") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 20) "idris Hello.idr -o Hello") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 20) "1.4.4 Incomplete definitions: working with holes") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 20) "1.4.4 Incomplete definitions: working with holes") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 21) "reload Hello.idr with the :r") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 21) "reload Hello.idr with the :r") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 22) "Calculating a type") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 22) "Calculating a type") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 25) "2 Getting started with Idris") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 45) "Modules and namespaces") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 45) "Modules and namespaces") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 53) "PART 2: CORE IDRIS") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 55) "3 Interactive development with types") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 87) "4 User-defined data types") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 123) "5 Interactive programs: input and output processing") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 147) "6 Programming with first-class types") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 182) "7 Interfaces: using constrained generic types") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 208) "8 Equality: expressing relationships between data") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 236) "9 Predicates: expressing assumptions and contracts in types") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 258) "10 Views: extending pattern matching") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 289) "PART 3: IDRIS AND THE REAL WORLD") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 291) "11 Streams and processes: working with infinite data") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 324) "12 Writing programs with state") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 344) "12.3.3 Updating record field values") ;; (find-bradytddtext (+ 26 344) "12.3.3 Updating record field values") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 352) "13 State machines: verifying protocols in types") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 373) "14 Dependent state machines: handling feedback and errors") ;; (find-bradytddpage (+ 26 403) "15 Type-safe concurrent programming") ;; (find-bradytddtext "") ;; «brooks» (to ".brooks") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "brooks") ;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month ;; https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~weimerw/2018-481/readings/mythical-man-month.pdf (code-pdf-page "mythicalmm75" "$S/https/web.eecs.umich.edu/~weimerw/2018-481/readings/mythical-man-month.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mythicalmm75" "$S/https/web.eecs.umich.edu/~weimerw/2018-481/readings/mythical-man-month.pdf") (code-pdf-page "mythicalmm" "~/books/__comp/brooks__the_mythical_man-month__end_2d.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mythicalmm" "~/books/__comp/brooks__the_mythical_man-month__end_2d.pdf" 1) ;; (find-mythicalmm75page) ;; (find-mythicalmm75page 13 "Contents") ;; (find-mythicalmm75page (+ 14 115) "11. Plan to throw one away") ;; (find-mythicalmm75text) ;; (find-mythicalmmpage) ;; (find-mythicalmmpage 16 "Contents") ;; (find-mythicalmmpage (+ 1 133) "Plan to throw one away") ;; (find-mythicalmmtext (+ 1 133) "Plan to throw one away") ;; (find-mythicalmmtext "") ;; «buzzard-wp» (to ".buzzard-wp") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "buzzard-wp") ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11598 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.11598.pdf ;; https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/k.buzzard ;; http://wwwf.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/ ;; "What is the point of computers? A question for pure mathematicians" (2020) (code-pdf-page "buzzardwp" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2112.11598.pdf") (code-pdf-text "buzzardwp" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2112.11598.pdf") ;; (find-buzzardwppage) ;; (find-buzzardwptext) ;; (find-buzzardwppage 9 "De Bruijn factor") ;; (find-buzzardwptext 9 "De Bruijn factor") ;; https://www.ma.ic.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/pdfs/grothendieck_equality.pdf ;; «buzzard-eq» (to ".buzzard-eq") ;; Kevin Buzzard: "Grothendieck's Use of Equality" ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.10387 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.10387 (code-pdf-page "buzzardeq" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2405.10387") (code-pdf-text "buzzardeq" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2405.10387") ;; (find-buzzardeqpage) ;; (find-buzzardeqtext) ;; «chan-windmill» (to ".chan-windmill") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "chan-windmill") ;; (find-es "tikz" "chan-windmill") ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.02556 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.02556.pdf ;; Windmills of the Minds: An Algorithm for Fermat's Two Squares Theorem (code-pdf-page "chanwindmill" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2112.02556.pdf") (code-pdf-text "chanwindmill" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2112.02556.pdf") ;; (find-chanwindmillpage) ;; (find-chanwindmilltext) ;; «chapman» (to ".chapman") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "chapman") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "norell") ;; https://jmchapman.io/papers/funandprofit.pdf ;; https://jmchapman.io/papers/lfmtp08_jmc.pdf ;; «chapman-systemF» (to ".chapman-systemF") ;; (find-es "agda" "system-F-in-agda") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "chapman-systemF") ;; https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/mpc-2019/system-f-in-agda.pdf (code-pdf-page "systemFinagda" "$S/https/homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/mpc-2019/system-f-in-agda.pdf") (code-pdf-text "systemFinagda" "$S/https/homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/mpc-2019/system-f-in-agda.pdf") ;; (find-systemFinagdapage) ;; (find-systemFinagdatext) ;; «chlipala» (to ".chlipala") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "chlipala") ;; (find-LATEX "catsem-u.bib" "bib-Chlipala") ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1401.7694.pdf ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1401.7694 ;; Gross, Chlipala and Spivak: "Experience Implementing a Performant Category-Theory Library in Coq" (code-pdf "perfctcoq" "~/books/__comp/gross_chlipala_spivak__experience_implementing_a_performant_category-theory_library_in_coq.pdf") (code-pdftotext "perfctcoq" "~/books/__comp/gross_chlipala_spivak__experience_implementing_a_performant_category-theory_library_in_coq.pdf" 1) ;; (find-perfctcoqpage) ;; (find-perfctcoqpage 4 "Record Category") ;; (find-perfctcoqtext 4 "Record Category") ;; (find-perfctcoqpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-perfctcoqtext "") ;; Parameterized Higher Order Abstract Syntax ;; https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/45924/phoas-with-extrinsic-typing ;; http://adam.chlipala.net/papers/PhoasICFP08/ ;; http://adam.chlipala.net/papers/PhoasICFP08/PhoasICFP08.pdf ;; http://adam.chlipala.net/papers/ImpurePOPL10/ ;; «choudhury-krishnaswami» (to ".choudhury-krishnaswami") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "choudhury-krishnaswami") ;; https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwHNCspzbpqktBfnCdvvfkGZwXx ;; Choudhury/Krishnaswami: ;; "Recovering Purity with Comonads and Capabilities: The marriage of purity and comonads" ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.07283 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.07283.pdf (code-pdf-page "recopucoca" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1907.07283.pdf") (code-pdf-text "recopucoca" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1907.07283.pdf") ;; (find-recopucocapage) ;; (find-recopucocatext) ;; «colton» (to ".colton") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "colton") ;; https://axon.cs.byu.edu/~dan/673/papers/colton.math.pdf (code-pdf-page "colton" "$S/https/axon.cs.byu.edu/~dan/673/papers/colton.math.pdf") (code-pdf-text "colton" "$S/https/axon.cs.byu.edu/~dan/673/papers/colton.math.pdf") ;; (find-coltonpage) ;; (find-coltontext) ;; (find-coltonpage 11 "Principia Mathematica") ;; (find-coltontext 11 "Principia Mathematica") ;; «coquand» (to ".coquand") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "coquand") ;; Thierry Coquand 1992: "Pattern Matching with Dependent Types" ;; https://wonks.github.io/type-theory-reading-group/ ;; https://wonks.github.io/type-theory-reading-group/papers/proc92-coquand.pdf (code-pdf-page "coquandpmdt" "$S/https/wonks.github.io/type-theory-reading-group/papers/proc92-coquand.pdf") (code-pdf-text "coquandpmdt" "$S/https/wonks.github.io/type-theory-reading-group/papers/proc92-coquand.pdf") ;; (find-coquandpmdtpage) ;; (find-coquandpmdttext) ;; «crockford» (to ".crockford") ;; (to "javascript") ;; «dershowitz-gurevich» (to ".dershowitz-gurevich") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dershowitz-gurevich") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "gurevich") ;; Dershowitz/Gurevich: "A natural axiomatization of computability and proof of Church's thesis" ;; http://www.jstor.org/stable/20059987 ;; https://matklad.github.io/2024/08/01/primitive-recursive-functions.html ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41146278 Primitive Recursive Functions for a Working Programmer (matklad.github.io) (code-pdf "gurevchurch" "~/books/__comp/dershowitz_gurevich__proof_of_curch_s_thesis.pdf") (code-pdftotext "gurevchurch" "~/books/__comp/dershowitz_gurevich__proof_of_curch_s_thesis.pdf" 1) ;; (find-gurevchurchpage) ;; (find-gurevchurchpage 2 "Contents") ;; (find-gurevchurchpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-gurevchurchtext "") ;; «dijkstra» (to ".dijkstra") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dijkstra") (code-pdf-page "dijkstradip" "~/books/__comp/dijkstra__a_discipline_of_programming.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dijkstradip" "~/books/__comp/dijkstra__a_discipline_of_programming.pdf" 1) ;; (find-dijkstradippage) ;; (find-dijkstradippage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-dijkstradippage (+ 15 111) "14. The problem of the Dutch national flag") ;; (find-dijkstradiptext "") ;; «dreyer» (to ".dreyer") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dreyer") ;; https://people.mpi-sws.org/~dreyer/ ;; https://people.mpi-sws.org/~dreyer/teaching.html ;; https://courses.ps.uni-saarland.de/sem_ws1920/ Semantics ;; https://courses.ps.uni-saarland.de/sem_ws1920/3/Resources ;; Parametricity and Modular Reasoning (course - lots of material): ;; https://wiki.mpi-sws.org/star/paramore ;; «dsls-of-math» (to ".dsls-of-math") ;; (find-es "math" "dslsofmath") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dsls-of-math") (code-pdf-page "dslsofmath" "$S/https/github.com/DSLsofMath/DSLsofMath/raw/master/L/snapshots/DSLsofMathBook_snapshot_2022-01-06.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dslsofmath" "$S/https/github.com/DSLsofMath/DSLsofMath/raw/master/L/snapshots/DSLsofMathBook_snapshot_2022-01-06.pdf" 6) ;; (find-dslsofmathpage) ;; (find-dslsofmathtext) ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 1) "About this book") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 1) "0.1 Origins") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 4) "0.2 Who should read this book?") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 5) "0.3 Notation and code convention") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 6) "0.4 Acknowledgments") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 7) "1 Types, Functions, and DSLs for Expressions") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 8) "1.1 Types of data and functions") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 14) "1.2 Types in Haskell: type, newtype, and data") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 16) "1.3 Notation and abstract syntax for sequences") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 18) "1.4 A DSL of complex numbers") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 24) "1.5 A syntax for (complex) arithmetical expressions") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 26) "1.6 Laws, properties and testing") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 29) "1.7 Types of functions, expressions and operators") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 37) "1.8 Exercises: Haskell, DSLs and expressions") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 43) "2 DSLs for logic and proofs") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 43) "2.1 Propositional Calculus") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 57) "2.2 First Order Logic") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 64) "2.3 An aside: Pure set theory") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 66) "2.4 Example proofs: contradiction, cases, primes") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 69) "2.5 Basic concepts of calculus") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 75) "2.6 Exercises") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 81) "3 Types in Mathematics") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 81) "3.1 Typing Mathematics: derivative of a function") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 82) "3.2 Typing Mathematics: partial derivative") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 84) "hard to rename variables") ;; (find-dslsofmathtext (+ 6 84) "hard to rename variables") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 85) "3.3 Typing Mathematics: Lagrangian case study") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 88) "3.4 Incremental analysis with types") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 90) "3.5 Type classes") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 95) "3.6 Computing derivatives") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 98) "3.7 Exercises") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 101) "4 Compositionality and Algebras") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 102) "4.1 Algebraic Structures") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 105) "4.2 Homomorphisms") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 109) "4.3 Compositional semantics") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 111) "4.4 Folds") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 116) "4.5 Initial and Free Structures") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 122) "4.6 Computing derivatives, reprise") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 126) "4.7 Summary") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 128) "4.8 Beyond Algebras: Co-algebra and the Stream calculus") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 129) "4.9 A solved exercise") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 134) "4.10 Exercises") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 141) "5 Polynomials and Power Series") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 141) "5.1 Polynomials") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 147) "5.2 Division and the degree of the zero polynomial") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 148) "5.3 Polynomial degree as a homomorphism") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 149) "5.4 Power Series") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 152) "5.5 Operations on power series") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 153) "5.6 Formal derivative") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 155) "5.7 Exercises") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 158) "6 Taylor and Maclaurin series") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 161) "6.1 Taylor series") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 164) "6.2 Derivatives and Integrals for Maclaurin series") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 164) "6.3 Integral for Formal Power series") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 165) "6.4 Simple differential equations") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 168) "6.5 Exponentials and trigonometric functions") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 170) "6.6 Associated code") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 172) "6.7 Exercises") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 175) "7 Elements of Linear Algebra") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 178) "7.1 Representing vectors as functions") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 181) "7.2 Linear transformations") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 184) "7.3 Inner products") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 186) "7.4 Examples of matrix algebra") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 197) "7.5 *Monadic dynamical systems") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 200) "7.6 Associated code") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 202) "7.7 Exercises") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 204) "8 Exponentials and Laplace") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 204) "8.1 The Exponential Function") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 209) "8.2 The Laplace transform") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 216) "8.3 Laplace and other transforms") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 217) "8.4 Exercises") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 219) "9 Probability Theory") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 220) "9.1 Sample spaces") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 223) "9.2 *Monad Interface") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 223) "9.3 Distributions") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 225) "9.4 Semantics of spaces") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 228) "9.5 Random Variables") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 230) "9.6 Events and probability") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 234) "9.7 Examples: Dice, Drugs, Monty Hall") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 237) "9.8 *Solving a problem with equational reasoning") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 242) "A The course "DSLs of Mathematics"") ;; (find-dslsofmathpage (+ 6 245) "B Parameterised Complex Numbers") ;; «dybjer» (to ".dybjer") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dybjer") ;; (find-es "coq" "CIC") ;; https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Peter+Dybjer ;; https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/type-theory-intuitionistic/ ;; https://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/ ;; https://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Inductive_Families.pdf ;; https://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/inductive.html ;; ;; «dybjer-dtaw» (to ".dybjer-dtaw") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dybjer-dtaw") ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/DependentTypesAtWork.pdf (code-pdf-page "dybjerdtaw" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/DependentTypesAtWork.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dybjerdtaw" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/DependentTypesAtWork.pdf") ;; (find-dybjerdtawpage) ;; (find-dybjerdtawtext) ;; (find-dybjerdtawpage 8 "id : (A : Set) -> A -> A") ;; (find-dybjerdtawtext 8 "id : (A : Set) -> A -> A") ;; ;; «dybjer-if» (to ".dybjer-if") ;; "Inductive familes" (1997) ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Inductive_Families.pdf (code-pdf-page "dybjerindfams" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Inductive_Families.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dybjerindfams" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Inductive_Families.pdf") (code-pdf-page "dybjerindfamsp" "~/books/__comp/dybjer__inductive_families_FAoC.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "dybjerindfamsp" "~/books/__comp/dybjer__inductive_families_FAoC.pdf" -439) ;; (find-dybjerindfamspage) ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage) ;; (find-dybjerindfamsptext) ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 440) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 441) "H, Z, +, I, N,, N, W") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsptext (+ -439 441) "H, Z, +, I, N,, N, W") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 444) "2. The Theory of Logical Types") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 445) "3. A Scheme for Inductive Definitions") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 446) "3.1. Formation Rule") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 446) "3.1.1. Scheme") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 446) "3.1.2. Examples") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 447) "3.2. Introduction Rules") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 447) "3.2.1. Scheme") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 447) "3.2.2. Examples") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 448) "3.3. Elimination Rule") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 448) "3.3.1. Scheme") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 449) "3.3.2. Examples") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 449) "3.4. Equality Rules") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 449) "3.4.1. Scheme") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 450) "3.4.2. Examples") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 452) "4. A Scheme for Recursive Definitions") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 452) "4.1. Schematic Elimination Rule") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 453) "4.2. Schematic Equality Rules") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 453) "5. More Examples") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 453) "5.1. Predicate Logic") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 453) "5.1.1. Implication") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 454) "5.1.2. Equality h la Martin-L6f") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 454) "5.1.3. Equality d la Paulin") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 455) "5.2. Generalised Induction") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 455) "5.2.1. Well-Orderings") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 456) "5.2.2. The Well-Founded Part of a Relation") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 457) "5.3. Finite Sets and n-Tuples") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 458) "5.4. The Untyped A-Calculus") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 459) "6. Simultaneous Induction") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 460) "6.1. Formation Rules") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 460) "6.1.1. Scheme") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 460) "6.1.2. Example: even and odd numbers") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 460) "6.2. Introduction Rules") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 460) "6.2.1. Scheme") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 461) "6.2.2. Example") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 461) "6.3. Elimination Rules") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 461) "6.3.1. Scheme") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 461) "6.3.2. Example") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 462) "6.4. Equality Rules") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 462) "6.5. Scheme for Recursive Definitions") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 462) "6.6. More Examples") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsppage (+ -439 462) "7. Further References") ;; (find-dybjerindfamsptext "") ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/MartinLofFestschrift.pdf (code-pdf-page "dybjermlfest" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/MartinLofFestschrift.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dybjermlfest" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/MartinLofFestschrift.pdf") ;; (find-dybjermlfestpage) ;; (find-dybjermlfesttext) ;; ;; "Representing inductively defined sets by wellorderings in Martin-Löf's Type Theory" ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Wellorderings.pdf (code-pdf-page "dybjerwo" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Wellorderings.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dybjerwo" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Wellorderings.pdf") ;; (find-dybjerwopage) ;; (find-dybjerwotext) ;; ;; "A Finite Axiomatization of Inductive-Recursive Definitions" (1999) ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Finite_IR.pdf (code-pdf-page "dybjerfir" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Finite_IR.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dybjerfir" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/papers/Finite_IR.pdf") ;; (find-dybjerfirpage) ;; (find-dybjerfirtext) ;; ;; «dybjer-paulin» (to ".dybjer-paulin") ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/slides/PaulinHonorary2011.pdf (slides, 2011) (code-pdf-page "dybjerpaulinh" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/slides/PaulinHonorary2011.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dybjerpaulinh" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~peterd/slides/PaulinHonorary2011.pdf") ;; (find-dybjerpaulinhpage) ;; (find-dybjerpaulinhtext) ;; «eisenberg» (to ".eisenberg") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "eisenberg") ;; https://wonks.github.io/type-theory-reading-group/ ;; https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~sweirich/papers/eisenberg-thesis.pdf ;; Richard A. Eisenberg: "Dependent Types in Haskell: Theory and Practice" (PhD Thesis) (code-pdf-page "eisenbergphd" "$S/https/www.cis.upenn.edu/~sweirich/papers/eisenberg-thesis.pdf") (code-pdf-text "eisenbergphd" "$S/https/www.cis.upenn.edu/~sweirich/papers/eisenberg-thesis.pdf" 15) ;; (find-eisenbergphdpage) ;; (find-eisenbergphdtext) ;; (find-eisenbergphdpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-eisenbergphdtext 7 "Contents") ;; (find-eisenbergphdpage (+ 15 51) "Chapter 4" "Dependent Haskell") ;; (find-eisenbergphdtext (+ 15 51) "Chapter 4" "Dependent Haskell") ;; «ellis-ritchie» (to ".ellis-ritchie") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ellis-ritchie") ;; https://web.mit.edu/ellisk/www/ ;; https://people.csail.mit.edu/asolar/ ;; ;; Ellis/Ritchie/Solar-Lezama/Tenenbaum: "Learning to Infer Graphics Programs from Hand-Drawn Images" ;; https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7845-learning-to-infer-graphics-programs-from-hand-drawn-images ;; https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7845-learning-to-infer-graphics-programs-from-hand-drawn-images.pdf ;; https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7845-learning-to-infer-graphics-programs-from-hand-drawn-images-supplemental.zip ;; (find-fline "$S/https/papers.nips.cc/paper/") ;; (find-sh0 "cd $S/https/papers.nips.cc/paper/ && unzip -o 7845-*.zip") ;; https://papers.nips.cc/paper/supplement.pdf ;; https://media.nips.cc/nipsbooks/nipspapers/paper_files/nips31/reviews/2974.html (code-pdf-page "ligpfromhand" "$S/https/papers.nips.cc/paper/7845-learning-to-infer-graphics-programs-from-hand-drawn-images.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ligpfromhand" "$S/https/papers.nips.cc/paper/7845-learning-to-infer-graphics-programs-from-hand-drawn-images.pdf") (code-pdf-page "ligpfromhandsup" "$S/https/papers.nips.cc/paper/supplement.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ligpfromhandsup" "$S/https/papers.nips.cc/paper/supplement.pdf") ;; (find-ligpfromhandpage) ;; (find-ligpfromhandtext) ;; (find-ligpfromhandsuppage) ;; (find-ligpfromhandsuptext) ;; «escardo» (to ".escardo") ;; https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/ ;; https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/.talks/types2011/omniscient.pdf ;; «fleuriot» (to ".fleuriot") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "fleuriot") ;; https://lawrencecpaulson.github.io/2023/11/01/Foundations.html ;; https://lawrencecpaulson.github.io/2022/08/10/Nonstandard_Analysis.html ;; https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jdf/ (code-pdf-page "fleuriot" "~/books/__comp/fleuriot__a_combination_of_geometry_theorem_proving_and_nonstandard_analysis_with_application_to_newton_s_principia.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fleuriot" "~/books/__comp/fleuriot__a_combination_of_geometry_theorem_proving_and_nonstandard_analysis_with_application_to_newton_s_principia.pdf" 1) ;; (find-fleuriotpage) ;; (find-fleuriotpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-fleuriotpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-fleuriottext "") ;; «gavranovic» (to ".gavranovic") ;; https://www.brunogavranovic.com/ ;; https://www.brunogavranovic.com/papers.html ;; «gersting» (to ".gersting") ;; (find-angg ".emacs" "quadro") (code-xpdf "gersting" "~/books/__comp/gersting__fundamentos_matematicos_para_a_ciencia_da_computacao_3a_ed.pdf") (code-pdftotext "gersting" "~/books/__comp/gersting__fundamentos_matematicos_para_a_ciencia_da_computacao_3a_ed.pdf") ;; (find-gerstingpage 13 "Sumário") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 1) "1 Lógica Formal") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 2) "1.1 Sentenças, Representação Simbólica e Tautologias") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 12) "1.2 Quantficadores, Predicados e Validade") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 20) "1.3 Lógica Proposicional") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 27) "1.4 Lógica de Predicados") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 33) "1.5 Programação Lógica e Prova de Correção") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 49) "2 Demonstrações, Recursão e Análise de Algoritmo") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 50) "2.1 Técnicas de Demonstração") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 56) "2.2 Indução") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 64) "exercícios de indução") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 56) "2.3 Recursão e relação de recorrência") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 83) "2.4 análise de algoritmos") ;; (find-gerstingpage (+ 20 513) "Indice alfabetico") ;; (find-gerstingtext "") ;; «graham» (to ".graham") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "graham") ;; http://paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html ;; http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/paulgraham/jmc.ps ;; (find-fline "$S/http/lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/paulgraham/") (code-xpdf "rootsoflisp" "$S/http/lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/paulgraham/jmc.pdf") (code-pdf-text "rootsoflisp" "$S/http/lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/paulgraham/jmc.pdf") ;; (find-rootsoflisppage) ;; (find-rootsoflisptext) ;; http://paulgraham.com/articles.html ;; http://paulgraham.com/ds.html Do things that don't scale ;; http://paulgraham.com/artistsship.html The other half of "Artists ship" - every check has a cost ;; http://paulgraham.com/lies.html Lies we tell kids ;; http://paulgraham.com/goodart.html How art can be good ;; http://paulgraham.com/pypar.html The Python paradox ;; http://paulgraham.com/icad.html Revenge of the nerds ;; http://paulgraham.com/gh.html Great hackers ;; http://paulgraham.com/gba.html The word "Hacker" ;; http://paulgraham.com/hp.html Hackers and painters ;; http://paulgraham.com/iflisp.html If Lisp is so great ;; http://paulgraham.com/nerds.html Why nerds are unpopular ;; http://paulgraham.com/hundred.html The hundred-year language ;; http://paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html The roots of Lisp ;; «graham-common-lisp» (to ".graham-common-lisp") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "graham-common-lisp") (code-pdf-page "ansicl" "~/books/__comp/graham__ansi_common_lisp.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ansicl" "~/books/__comp/graham__ansi_common_lisp.pdf" 17) ;; (find-ansiclpage) ;; (find-ansiclpage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-ansicltext "") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 1) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 1) "1.1. New Tools") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 3) "1.2. New Techniques") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 4) "1.3. A New Approach") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 7) "2. Welcome to Lisp") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 7) "2.1. Form") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 9) "2.2. Evaluation") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 10) "2.3. Data") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 12) "2.4. List Operations") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 13) "2.5. Truth") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 14) "2.6. Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 16) "2.7. Recursion") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 17) "2.8. Reading Lisp") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 18) "2.9. Input and Output") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 19) "2.10. Variables") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 21) "2.11. Assignment") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 22) "2.12. Functional Programming") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 23) "2.13. Iteration") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 25) "2.14. Functions as Objects") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 27) "2.15. Types") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 27) "2.16. Looking Forward") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 31) "3. Lists") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 31) "3.1. Conses") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 34) "3.2. Equality") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 34) "3.3. Why Lisp Has No Pointers") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 36) "3.4. Building Lists") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 36) "3.5. Example: Compression") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 39) "3.6. Access") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 40) "3.7. Mapping Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 40) "3.8. Trees") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 42) "3.9. Understanding Recursion") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 43) "3.10. Sets") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 45) "3.11. Sequences") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 47) "3.12. Stacks") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 49) "3.13. Dotted Lists") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 51) "3.14. Assoc-lists") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 51) "3.15. Example: Shortest Path") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 54) "3.16. Garbage") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 58) "Structures") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 58) "4.1. Arrays") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 60) "4.2. Example: Binary Search") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 61) "4.3. Strings and Characters") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 63) "4.4. Sequences") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 66) "4.5. Example: Parsing Dates") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 69) "4.6. Structures") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 71) "Trees") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 76) "4.8. Hash Tables") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 81) "5. Control") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 81) "5.1. Blocks") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 83) "5.2. Context") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 85) "5.3. Conditionals") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 87) "5.4. Iteration") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 89) "5.5. Multiple Values") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 91) "5.6. Aborts") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 92) "5.7. Example: Date Arithmetic") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 99) "6. Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 99) "6.1. Global Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 101) "6.2. Local Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 102) "6.3. Parameter Lists") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 104) "6.4. Example: Utilities") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 107) "6.5. Closures") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 109) "Builders") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 112) "6.7. Dynamic Scope") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 113) "6.8. Compilation") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 114) "6.9. Using Recursion") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 119) "7. Input and Output") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 119) "7.1. Streams") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 121) "7.2. Input") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 123) "7.3. Output") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 125) "Substitution") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 130) "7.5. Macro Characters") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 133) "8. Symbols") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 133) "8.1. Symbol Names") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 134) "8.2. Property Lists") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 135) "8.3. Symbols Are Big") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 136) "8.4. Creating Symbols") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 136) "8.5. Multiple Packages") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 137) "8.6. Keywords") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 138) "8.7. Symbols and Variables") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 138) "8.8. Example: Random Text") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 143) "9. Numbers") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 143) "9.1. Types") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 144) "Extraction") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 146) "9.3. Comparison") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 147) "9.4. Arithmetic") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 148) "9.5. Exponentiation") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 149) "9.6. Trigonometric Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 150) "9.7. Representation") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 151) "9.8. Example: Ray-Tracing") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 160) "10. Macros") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 160) "10.1. Eval") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 162) "10.2. Macros") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 163) "10.3. Backquote") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 164) "10.4. Example: Quicksort") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 165) "10.5. Macro Design") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 168) "10.6. Generalized Reference") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 169) "Utilities") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 173) "10.8. On Lisp") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 176) "11. CLOS") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 176) "Programming") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 179) "11.2. Classes and Instances") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 179) "11.3. Slot Properties") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 181) "11.4. Superclasses") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 182) "11.5. Precedence") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 184) "11.6. Generic Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 187) "11.7. Auxiliary Methods") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 189) "11.8. Method Combination") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 190) "11.9. Encapsulation") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 192) "11.10. Two Models") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 195) "12. Structure") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 195) "12.1. Shared Structure") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 198) "12.2. Modification") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 200) "12.3. Example: Queues") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 201) "12.4. Destructive Functions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 203) "Trees") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 204) "Lists") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 208) "12.7. Circular Structure") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 210) "12.8. Constant Structure") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 213) "13. Speed") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 213) "13.1. The Bottleneck Rule") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 214) "13.2. Compilation") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 217) "13.3. Type Declarations") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 222) "13.4. Garbage Avoidance") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 226) "13.5. Example: Pools") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 228) "13.6. Fast Operators") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 229) "13.7. Two-Phase Development") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 232) "14. Advanced Topics") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 232) "14.1. Type Specifiers") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 234) "14.2. Binary Streams") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 235) "14.3. Read-Macros") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 236) "14.4. Packages") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 239) "14.5. The Loop Facility") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 244) "14.6. Conditions") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 247) "15. Example: Inference") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 247) "15.1. The Aim") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 248) "15.2. Matching") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 251) "15.3. Answering Queries") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 255) "15.4. Analysis") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 257) "HTML") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 257) "16.1. HTML") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 259) "16.2. HTML Utilities") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 262) "16.3. An Iteration Utility") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 264) "16.4. Generating Pages") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 269) "17. Example: Objects") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 269) "17.1. Inheritance") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 271) "17.2. Multiple Inheritance") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 273) "17.3. Defining Objects") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 274) "17.4. Functional Syntax") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 275) "17.5. Defining Methods") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 277) "17.6. Instances") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 277) "17.7. New Implementation") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 284) "17.8. Analysis") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 287) "A. Debugging") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 295) "B. Lisp in Lisp") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 304) "Lisp") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 310) "D. Language Reference") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 401) "Notes") ;; (find-ansiclpage (+ 17 415) "Index") ;; «graham-on-lisp» (to ".graham-on-lisp") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "graham-on-lisp") (code-pdf-page "grahamonlisp" "~/books/__comp/graham__on_lisp_advanced_techniques_for_common_lisp.pdf") (code-pdf-text "grahamonlisp" "~/books/__comp/graham__on_lisp_advanced_techniques_for_common_lisp.pdf" 1) ;; (find-grahamonlisppage) ;; (find-grahamonlisppage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-grahamonlisppage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-grahamonlisptext "") ;; «graham-roots-of-lisp» (to ".graham-roots-of-lisp") ;; http://angg.twu.net/2016-optativa/graham__the_roots_of_lisp.pdf (code-pdf-page "rootoflisp" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/2016-optativa/graham__the_roots_of_lisp.pdf") (code-pdf-text "rootoflisp" "$S/http/angg.twu.net/2016-optativa/graham__the_roots_of_lisp.pdf") ;; (find-rootoflisppage) ;; (find-rootoflisptext) ;; «grune-jacobs» (to ".grune-jacobs") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "grune-jacobs") (code-pdf-page "grunejacobs" "~/books/__comp/grune_jacobs__parsing_techniques_a_practical_guide_2007.pdf") (code-pdf-text "grunejacobs" "~/books/__comp/grune_jacobs__parsing_techniques_a_practical_guide_2007.pdf" 1) ;; (find-grunejacobspage) ;; (find-grunejacobspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-grunejacobspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-grunejacobstext "") ;; «harper» (to ".harper") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "harper") ;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/pfpl/ ;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/pfpl/2nded.pdf (code-pdf-page "harper" "~/books/__comp/harper__practical_foundations_for_programming_languages.pdf") (code-pdf-text "harper" "~/books/__comp/harper__practical_foundations_for_programming_languages.pdf" 20) ;; (find-harperpage) ;; (find-harpertext) ;; (find-harperpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 3) "1 Abstract Syntax") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 3) "1.1 Abstract Syntax Trees") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 4) "The concept of a variable is central") ;; (find-harpertext (+ 20 4) "The concept of a variable is central") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 6) "1.2 Abstract Binding Trees") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 6) "Variables are given meaning by substitution") ;; (find-harpertext (+ 20 6) "Variables are given meaning by substitution") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 9) "One trouble spot for substitution") ;; (find-harpertext (+ 20 9) "One trouble spot for substitution") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 10) "1.3 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 12) "2 Inductive Definitions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 12) "2.1 Judgments") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 12) "2.2 Inference Rules") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 14) "2.3 Derivations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 15) "2.4 Rule Induction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 17) "2.5 Iterated and Simultaneous Inductive Definitions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 18) "2.6 Defining Functions by Rules") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 19) "2.7 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 21) "3 Hypothetical and General Judgments") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 21) "3.1 Hypothetical Judgments") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 24) "3.2 Hypothetical Inductive Definitions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 26) "3.3 General Judgments") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 27) "3.4 Generic Inductive Definitions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 28) "3.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 33) "4 Statics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 33) "4.1 Syntax") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 34) "4.2 Type System") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 35) "4.3 Structural Properties") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 37) "4.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 39) "5 Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 39) "5.1 Transition Systems") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 40) "5.2 Structural Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 42) "5.3 Contextual Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 44) "5.4 Equational Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 46) "5.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 48) "6 Type Safety") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 48) "6.1 Preservation") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 49) "6.2 Progress") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 50) "6.3 Run-Time Errors") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 52) "6.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 53) "7 Evaluation Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 53) "7.1 Evaluation Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 54) "7.2 Relating Structural and Evaluation Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 55) "7.3 Type Safety, Revisited") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 56) "7.4 Cost Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 57) "7.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 61) "8 Function Definitions and Values") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 61) "8.1 First-Order Functions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 62) "8.2 Higher-Order Functions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 65) "8.3 Evaluation Dynamics and Definitional Equality") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 66) "8.4 Dynamic Scope") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 67) "8.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 69) "9 System T of Higher-Order Recursion") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 69) "9.1 Statics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 70) "9.2 Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 71) "9.3 Definability") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 73) "9.4 Undefinability") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 75) "9.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 79) "10 Product Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 79) "10.1 Nullary and Binary Products") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 81) "10.2 Finite Products") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 82) "10.3 Primitive Mutual Recursion") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 83) "10.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 85) "11 Sum Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 85) "11.1 Nullary and Binary Sums") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 86) "11.2 Finite Sums") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 88) "11.3 Applications of Sum Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 91) "11.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 95) "12 Constructive Logic") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 95) "12.1 Constructive Semantics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 96) "12.2 Constructive Logic") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 100) "12.3 Proof Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 101) "12.4 Propositions as Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 101) "12.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 104) "13 Classical Logic") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 105) "13.1 Classical Logic") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 109) "13.2 Deriving Elimination Forms") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 110) "13.3 Proof Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 111) "13.4 Law of the Excluded Middle") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 113) "13.5 The Double-Negation Translation") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 114) "13.6 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 119) "14 Generic Programming") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 119) "14.1 Introduction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 119) "14.2 Polynomial Type Operators") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 122) "14.3 Positive Type Operators") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 123) "14.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 125) "15 Inductive and Coinductive Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 125) "15.1 Motivating Examples") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 128) "15.2 Statics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 130) "15.3 Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 131) "15.4 Solving Type Equations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 132) "15.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 137) "16 System F of Polymorphic Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 137) "16.1 Polymorphic Abstraction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 140) "16.2 Polymorphic Definability") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 142) "16.3 Parametricity Overview") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 144) "16.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 146) "17 Abstract Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 146) "17.1 Existential Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 149) "17.2 Data Abstraction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 150) "17.3 Definability of Existential Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 151) "17.4 Representation Independence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 153) "17.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 154) "18 Higher Kinds") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 155) "18.1 Constructors and Kinds") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 156) "18.2 Constructor Equality") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 157) "18.3 Expressions and Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 158) "18.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 161) "19 System PCF of Recursive Functions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 162) "19.1 Statics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 163) "19.2 Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 165) "19.3 Definability") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 167) "19.4 Finite and Infinite Data Structures") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 167) "19.5 Totality and Partiality") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 169) "19.6 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 171) "20 System FPC of Recursive Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 171) "20.1 Solving Type Equations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 172) "20.2 Inductive and Coinductive Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 174) "20.3 Self-Reference") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 176) "20.4 The Origin of State") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 177) "20.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 181) "21 The Untyped -Calculus") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 181) "21.1 The -Calculus") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 182) "21.2 Definability") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 184) "21.3 Scott's Theorem") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 186) "21.4 Untyped Means Uni-Typed") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 187) "21.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 189) "22 Dynamic Typing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 189) "22.1 Dynamically Typed PCF") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 192) "22.2 Variations and Extensions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 194) "22.3 Critique of Dynamic Typing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 195) "22.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 198) "23 Hybrid Typing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 198) "23.1 A Hybrid Language") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 200) "23.2 Dynamic as Static Typing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 201) "23.3 Optimization of Dynamic Typing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 203) "23.4 Static versus Dynamic Typing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 204) "23.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 207) "24 Structural Subtyping") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 207) "24.1 Subsumption") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 208) "24.2 Varieties of Subtyping") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 211) "24.3 Variance") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 215) "24.4 Dynamics and Safety") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 216) "24.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 219) "25 Behavioral Typing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 220) "25.1 Statics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 226) "25.2 Boolean Blindness") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 228) "25.3 Refinement Safety") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 229) "25.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 235) "26 Classes and Methods") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 235) "26.1 The Dispatch Matrix") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 238) "26.2 Class-Based Organization") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 239) "26.3 Method-Based Organization") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 240) "26.4 Self-Reference") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 242) "26.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 245) "27 Inheritance") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 245) "27.1 Class and Method Extension") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 246) "27.2 Class-Based Inheritance") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 248) "27.3 Method-Based Inheritance") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 249) "27.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 253) "28 Control Stacks") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 253) "28.1 Machine Definition") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 255) "28.2 Safety") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 256) "28.3 Correctness of the K Machine") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 259) "28.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 260) "29 Exceptions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 260) "29.1 Failures") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 262) "29.2 Exceptions") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 263) "29.3 Exception Values") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 264) "29.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 266) "30 Continuations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 266) "30.1 Overview") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 268) "30.2 Continuation Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 269) "30.3 Coroutines from Continuations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 272) "30.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 277) "31 Symbols") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 277) "31.1 Symbol Declaration") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 280) "31.2 Symbol References") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 282) "31.3 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 284) "32 Fluid Binding") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 284) "32.1 Statics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 285) "32.2 Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 286) "32.3 Type Safety") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 287) "32.4 Some Subtleties") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 288) "32.5 Fluid References") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 289) "32.6 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 291) "33 Dynamic Classification") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 291) "33.1 Dynamic Classes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 293) "33.2 Class References") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 294) "33.3 Definability of Dynamic Classes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 295) "33.4 Applications of Dynamic Classification") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 296) "33.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 301) "34 Modernized Algol") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 301) "34.1 Basic Commands") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 306) "34.2 Some Programming Idioms") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 307) "34.3 Typed Commands and Typed Assignables") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 310) "34.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 313) "35 Assignable References") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 313) "35.1 Capabilities") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 314) "35.2 Scoped Assignables") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 316) "35.3 Free Assignables") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 318) "35.4 Safety") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 320) "35.5 Benign Effects") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 321) "35.6 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 323) "36 Lazy Evaluation") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 323) "36.1 PCF By-Need") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 326) "36.2 Safety of PCF By-Need") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 328) "36.3 FPC By-Need") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 329) "36.4 Suspension Types") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 331) "36.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 335) "37 Nested Parallelism") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 335) "37.1 Binary Fork-Join") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 338) "37.2 Cost Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 341) "37.3 Multiple Fork-Join") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 342) "37.4 Bounded Implementations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 346) "37.5 Scheduling") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 348) "37.6 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 350) "38 Futures and Speculations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 350) "38.1 Futures") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 351) "38.2 Speculations") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 352) "38.3 Parallel Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 354) "38.4 Pipelining with Futures") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 356) "38.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 359) "39 Process Calculus") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 359) "39.1 Actions and Events") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 361) "39.2 Interaction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 363) "39.3 Replication") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 364) "39.4 Allocating Channels") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 366) "39.5 Communication") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 369) "39.6 Channel Passing") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 371) "39.7 Universality") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 372) "39.8 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 375) "40 Concurrent Algol") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 375) "40.1 Concurrent Algol") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 378) "40.2 Broadcast Communication") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 380) "40.3 Selective Communication") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 382) "40.4 Free Assignables as Processes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 383) "40.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 385) "41 Distributed Algol") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 385) "41.1 Statics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 388) "41.2 Dynamics") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 390) "41.3 Safety") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 391) "41.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 395) "42 Modularity and Linking") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 395) "42.1 Simple Units and Linking") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 396) "42.2 Initialization and Effects") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 398) "42.3 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 399) "43 Singleton Kinds and Subkinding") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 399) "43.1 Overview") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 400) "43.2 Singletons") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 402) "43.3 Dependent Kinds") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 405) "43.4 Higher Singletons") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 407) "43.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 409) "44 Type Abstractions and Type Classes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 410) "44.1 Type Abstraction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 412) "44.2 Type Classes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 414) "44.3 A Module Language") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 418) "44.4 First- and Second-Class") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 419) "44.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 422) "45 Hierarchy and Parameterization") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 422) "45.1 Hierarchy") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 425) "45.2 Abstraction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 427) "45.3 Hierarchy and Abstraction") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 429) "45.4 Applicative Functors") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 431) "45.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 435) "46 Equality for System T") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 435) "46.1 Observational Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 439) "46.2 Logical Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 440) "46.3 Logical and Observational Equivalence Coincide") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 443) "46.4 Some Laws of Equality") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 444) "46.5 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 445) "47 Equality for System PCF") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 445) "47.1 Observational Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 446) "47.2 Logical Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 446) "47.3 Logical and Observational Equivalence Coincide") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 449) "47.4 Compactness") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 452) "47.5 Lazy Natural Numbers") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 453) "47.6 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 454) "48 Parametricity") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 454) "48.1 Overview") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 455) "48.2 Observational Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 456) "48.3 Logical Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 461) "48.4 Parametricity Properties") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 464) "48.5 Representation Independence, Revisited") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 465) "48.6 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 467) "49 Process Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 467) "49.1 Process Calculus") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 469) "49.2 Strong Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 472) "49.3 Weak Equivalence") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 473) "49.4 Notes") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 477) "A Background on Finite Sets") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 479) "Bibliography") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 487) "Index") ;; (find-harperpage (+ 20 4) "Index") ;; (find-harpertext "") ;; «hopcroft» (to ".hopcroft") (code-djvu "hopcroftmu" "~/books/__comp/hopcroft_motwani_ullman__introduction_to_automata_and_algorithms.djvu") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 1) "1. Automata: The Methods and the Madness") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 2) "1.1. Why study automata theory?") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 2) "1.1.1. Introduction to Finite Automata") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 4) "1.1.2. Structural Representations") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 5) "1.1.3. Automata and Complexity") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 5) "1.2. Introduction to Formal Proof") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 6) "1.2.1. Deductive Proofs") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 8) "1.2.2. Reduction to Definitions") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 10) "1.2.3. Other Theorem Forms") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 12) "How Formal Do Proofs Have to Be?") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 13) "1.2.4. Theorems That Appear Not to Be If-Then Statements") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 13) "1.3. Additional Forms of Proof") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 14) "1.3.1. Proving Equivalences About Sets") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 14) "1.3.2. The Contrapositive") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 16) "1.3.3. Proof by Contradiction") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 17) "1.3.4. Counterexamples") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 19) "1.4. Inductive Proofs") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 19) "1.4.1. Inductions on Integers") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 22) "1.4.2. More General Forms of Integer Inductions") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 23) "1.4.3. Structural Inductions") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 26) "1.4.4. Mutual Inductions") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 28) "1.5. The Central Concepts of Automata Theory") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 28) "1.5.1. Alphabets") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 29) "1.5.2. Strings") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 30) "1.5.3. Languages") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 31) "1.5.4. Problems") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 34) "1.6. Summary of Chapter 1") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 35) "1.7. References for Chapter 1") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 171) "5.1.2. Definition of Context-Free Grammars") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 181) "5.2. Parse Trees") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 194) "5.3.2. The YACC Parser-Generator") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 195) "5.3.2." "An example of a grammar in the YACC notation") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 205) "5.4.1. Ambiguous Grammars") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 368) "9.1. A Language That Is Not Recursively Enumerable") ;; (find-hopcroftmupage (+ 16 513) "Index") ;; «hui-kromberg» (to ".hui-kromberg") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "hui-kromberg") ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3386319 (code-pdf-page "aplsince1978" "~/books/__comp/hui_kromberg__apl_since_1978.pdf") (code-pdf-text "aplsince1978" "~/books/__comp/hui_kromberg__apl_since_1978.pdf" 1) ;; (find-aplsince1978page) ;; (find-aplsince1978page 1 "Contents") ;; (find-aplsince1978page (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-aplsince1978text "") ;; (find-aplsince1978page 91 "C A PARSER MODEL") ;; (find-aplsince1978text 91 "C A PARSER MODEL") ;; «icon-book» (to ".icon-book") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "icon-book") ;; https://www2.cs.arizona.edu/icon/ftp/doc/lb1up.pdf (code-pdf-page "iconbook" "$S/https/www2.cs.arizona.edu/icon/ftp/doc/lb1up.pdf") (code-pdf-text "iconbook" "$S/https/www2.cs.arizona.edu/icon/ftp/doc/lb1up.pdf" 22) ;; (find-iconbookpage) ;; (find-iconbooktext) ;; (find-iconbookpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-iconbooktext 5 "Contents") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 2 11) "FOREWORD") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 2 15) "INTRODUCTION") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 2 19) "ACKNOWLEDGMENTS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 1) "1 GETTING STARTED") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 1) "Program Structure") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 4) "Success and Failure") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 6) "Control Structures") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 7) "Procedures") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 9) "Expression Syntax") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 11) "Preprocessing") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 12) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 17) "2 EXPRESSIONS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 17) "Sequential Evaluation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 18) "Goal-Directed Evaluation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 20) "Iteration") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 20) "Integer Sequences") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 21) "Alternation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 22) "Conjunction") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 23) "Loops") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 25) "Selection Expressions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 28) "Comparison Operations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 28) "Assignment") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 30) "Values, Variables, and Results") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 30) "Argument Evaluation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 31) "Procedure Returns") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 32) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 37) "3 STRING SCANNING") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 37) "The Concept of Scanning") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 38) "String Positions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 39) "String Analysis") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 40) "Csets") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 41) "String-Analysis Functions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 43) "Scanning Environments") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 44) "Scanning Keywords") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 44) "Augmented String Scanning") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 45) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 47) "4 CHARACTERS, CSETS, AND STRINGS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 47) "Characters") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 48) "Strings") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 50) "Lexical Comparison") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 51) "String Construction") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 52) "String-Valued Functions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 56) "Substrings") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 60) "Csets") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 61) "String Analysis") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 61) "Conversion between Csets and Strings") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 62) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 63) "5 NUMERICAL COMPUTATION AND BIT OPERATIONS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 63) "Numeric Literals") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 64) "Arithmetic") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 65) "Numerical Comparison") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 65) "Mathematical Computations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 66) "Random Numbers") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 66) "Bit Operations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 67) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 71) "6 STRUCTURES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 71) "Records") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 73) "The tree corresponding to expression") ;; (find-iconbooktext (+ 22 73) "The tree corresponding to expression") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 72) "Lists") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 79) "Sets") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 81) "Tables") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 83) "Properties of Structures") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 84) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 87) "7 EXPRESSION EVALUATION") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 87) "Backtracking") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 90) "Bounded Expressions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 92) "Mutual Evaluation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 93) "Limiting Generation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 94) "Repeated Alternation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 95) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 97) "8 PROCEDURES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 97) "Procedure Declarations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 99) "Scope") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 101) "Procedure Invocation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 103) "Variables and Dereferencing") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 105) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 109) "9 CO-EXPRESSIONS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 109) "Co-Expression Operations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 113) "Using Co-Expressions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 115) "Programmer-Defined Control Structures") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 118) "Other Features of Co-Expressions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 122) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 123) "10 DATA TYPES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 123) "Type Determination") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 124) "Type Conversion") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 127) "The Null Value") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 128) "Comparing Values") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 130) "Copying Values") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 131) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 133) "11 INPUT AND OUTPUT") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 133) "Files") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 135) "Input") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 136) "Output") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 138) "Text Files and Binary Files") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 140) "Pipes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 141) "Keyboard Functions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 141) "Random-Access Input and Output") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 141) "Operations on Files") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 142) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 143) "12 AN OVERVIEW OF GRAPHICS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 143) "Window Operations and Attributes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 145) "Drawing") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 149) "Text") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 151) "Color") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 153) "Images") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 155) "Events") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 157) "Dialogs") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 158) "Visual Interfaces") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 159) "Other Features") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 160) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 161) "13 OTHER FEATURES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 161) "Sorting Structures") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 163) "String Names") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 164) "String Invocation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 166) "Dynamic Loading") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 166) "Storage Management") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 169) "Miscellaneous Facilities") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 171) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 173) "14 RUNNING AN ICON PROGRAM") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 173) "Basics") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 174) "Input and Output Redirection") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 175) "Command-Line Arguments") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 175) "Environment Variables") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 176) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 177) "15 LIBRARIES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 177) "Using Procedure Libraries") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 178) "The Icon Program Library") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 184) "Creating New Library Modules") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 185) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 187) "16 ERRORS AND DIAGNOSTIC FACILITIES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 187) "Errors") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 189) "Error Conversion") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 190) "String Images") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 192) "Program Information") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 192) "Tracing") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 193) "The resulting trace output is") ;; (find-iconbooktext (+ 22 193) "The resulting trace output is") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 195) "The Values of Variables") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 197) "Variables and Names") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 198) "Notes") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 201) "17 PROGRAMMING WITH GENERATORS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 201) "Nested Iteration") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 203) "Goal-Directed Evaluation and Searching") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 210) "Recursive Generators") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 211) "18 STRING SCANNING AND PATTERN MATCHING") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 211) "Arithmetic Expressions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 216) "Pattern Matching") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 220) "Grammars and Languages") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 227) "19 USING STRUCTURES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 227) "Trees") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 231) "Dags") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 231) "DAGS") ;; (find-iconbooktext (+ 22 231) "DAGS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 233) "Graphs") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 235) "Two-Way Tables") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 237) "20 MAPPINGS AND LABELINGS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 237) "Mapping Techniques") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 242) "Labelings") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 247) "A SYNTAX") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 248) "Programs") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 252) "Language Elements") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 255) "Program Layout") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 257) "Precedence and Associativity") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 261) "B CHARACTERS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 261) "Glyphs") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 268) "ASCII Control Characters") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 269) "C PREPROCESSING") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 269) "Include Directives") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 270) "Line Directives") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 270) "Define Directives") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 271) "Undefine Directives") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 271) "Predefined Symbols") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 271) "Substitution") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 272) "Conditional Compilation") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 272) "Error Directives") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 273) "D LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 275) "Functions") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 295) "Prefix Operations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 298) "Infix Operations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 303) "Other Operations") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 306) "Keywords") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 311) "Control Structures") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 314) "Generators") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 315) "E COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 317) "F ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 319) "G ERROR MESSAGES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 319) "Preprocessor Errors") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 320) "Syntax Errors") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 321) "Linking Error") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 321) "Run-Time Errors") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 323) "H PLATFORM-SPECIFIC DIFFERENCES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 324) "Character Sets") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 325) "Language Features") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 326) "Other Issues") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 329) "I SAMPLE PROGRAMS") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 329) "Command-Line Options") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 331) "Structure Images") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 334) "Concordances") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 337) "Animal Game") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 341) "Randomly Generated Sentences") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 348) "N Queens") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 350) "N Queens Displayed Graphically") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 355) "J ICON RESOURCES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 357) "GLOSSARY") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 369) "REFERENCES") ;; (find-iconbookpage (+ 22 373) "INDEX") ;; «ierusalimschy» (to ".ierusalimschy") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ierusalimschy") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "lua") (code-pdf-page "pil2" "~/books/__comp/ierusalimschy__programming_in_lua_2nd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pil2" "~/books/__comp/ierusalimschy__programming_in_lua_2nd_ed.pdf" 19) (code-pdf-page "pil3" "~/books/__comp/ierusalimschy__programming_in_lua_3rd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pil3" "~/books/__comp/ierusalimschy__programming_in_lua_3rd_ed.pdf" 19) ;; (find-pil3page) ;; (find-pil3page 8 "Contents") ;; (find-pil3text 8 "Contents") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 1) "I. The Language") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 339) "Index") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 1) "I The Language") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 3) "1 Getting Started") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 4) "1.1 Chunks") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 5) "1.2 Some Lexical Conventions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 6) "1.3 Global Variables") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 6) "1.4 The Stand-Alone Interpreter") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 8) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 9) "2 Types and Values") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 10) "2.1 Nil") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 10) "2.2 Booleans") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 10) "2.3 Numbers") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 11) "2.4 Strings") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 15) "2.5 Tables") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 18) "2.6 Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 18) "2.7 Userdata and Threads") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 18) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 21) "3 Expressions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 21) "3.1 Arithmetic Operators") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 22) "3.2 Relational Operators") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 23) "3.3 Logical Operators") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 23) "3.4 Concatenation") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 24) "3.5 The Length Operator") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 25) "3.6 Precedence") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 26) "3.7 Table Constructors") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 28) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 29) "4 Statements") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 29) "4.1 Assignment") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 30) "4.2 Local Variables and Blocks") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 32) "4.3 Control Structures") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 36) "4.4 break, return, and goto") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 38) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 41) "5 Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 42) "5.1 Multiple Results") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 46) "5.2 Variadic Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 48) "5.3 Named Arguments") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 49) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 51) "6 More about Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 53) "6.1 Closures") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 56) "6.2 Non-Global Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 58) "6.3 Proper Tail Calls") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 59) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 61) "7 Iterators and the Generic for") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 61) "7.1 Iterators and Closures") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 63) "7.2 The Semantics of the Generic for") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 64) "7.3 Stateless Iterators") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 66) "7.4 Iterators with Complex State") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 67) "7.5 True Iterators") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 68) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 71) "8 Compilation, Execution, and Errors") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 71) "8.1 Compilation") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 75) "8.2 Precompiled Code") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 76) "8.3 C Code") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 77) "8.4 Errors") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.5 Error Handling and Exceptions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 79) "8.6 Error Messages and Tracebacks") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 81) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 83) "9 Coroutines") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 83) "9.1 Coroutine Basics") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 86) "9.2 Pipes and Filters") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 89) "9.3 Coroutines as Iterators") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 91) "9.4 Non-Preemptive Multithreading") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 95) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 97) "10 Complete Examples") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 97) "10.1 The Eight-Queen Puzzle") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 99) "10.2 Most Frequent Words") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 101) "10.3 Markov Chain Algorithm") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 102) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 105) "II Tables and Objects") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 107) "11 Data Structures") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 107) "11.1 Arrays") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 108) "11.2 Matrices and Multi-Dimensional Arrays") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 110) "11.3 Linked Lists") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 110) "11.4 Queues and Double Queues") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 111) "11.5 Sets and Bags") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 113) "11.6 String Buffers") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 114) "11.7 Graphs") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 116) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 117) "12 Data Files and Persistence") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 117) "12.1 Data Files") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 119) "12.2 Serialization") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 125) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 127) "13 Metatables and Metamethods") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 128) "13.1 Arithmetic Metamethods") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 131) "13.2 Relational Metamethods") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 132) "13.3 Library-Defined Metamethods") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 133) "13.4 Table-Access Metamethods") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 138) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 139) "14 The Environment") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 139) "14.1 Global Variables with Dynamic Names") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 141) "14.2 Global-Variable Declarations") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 142) "14.3 Non-Global Environments") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 144) "14.4 Using") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 147) "14.5 and") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 148) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 151) "15 Modules and Packages") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 153) "15.1 The require Function") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 156) "15.2 The Basic Approach for Writing Modules in Lua") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 158) "15.3 Using Environments") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 159) "15.4 Submodules and Packages") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 161) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 163) "16 Object-Oriented Programming") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 165) "16.1 Classes") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 166) "16.2 Inheritance") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 168) "16.3 Multiple Inheritance") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 170) "16.4 Privacy") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 172) "16.5 The Single-Method Approach") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 173) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 175) "17 Weak Tables and Finalizers") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 175) "17.1 Weak Tables") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 177) "17.2 Memoize Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 179) "17.3 Object Attributes") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 179) "17.4 Revisiting Tables with Default Values") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 180) "17.5 Ephemeron Tables") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 181) "17.6 Finalizers") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 185) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 187) "III The Standard Libraries") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 189) "18 The Mathematical Library") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 190) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 191) "19 The Bitwise Library") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 194) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 195) "20 The Table Library") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 195) "20.1 Insert and Remove") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 196) "20.2 Sort") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 197) "20.3 Concatenation") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 198) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 199) "21 The String Library") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 199) "21.1 Basic String Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 201) "21.2 Pattern-Matching Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 204) "21.3 Patterns") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 208) "21.4 Captures") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 209) "21.5 Replacements") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 213) "21.6 Tricks of the Trade") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 216) "21.7 Unicode") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 218) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 221) "22 The I/O Library") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 221) "22.1 The Simple I/O Model") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 224) "22.2 The Complete I/O Model") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 228) "22.3 Other Operations on Files") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 229) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 231) "23 The Operating System Library") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 231) "23.1 Date and Time") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 233) "23.2 Other System Calls") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 235) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 237) "24 The Debug Library") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 237) "24.1 Introspective Facilities") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 242) "24.2 Hooks") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 243) "24.3 Profiles") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 245) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 247) "IV The C API") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 249) "25 An Overview of the C API") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 250) "25.1 A First Example") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 253) "25.2 The Stack") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 258) "25.3 Error Handling with the C API") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 260) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 261) "26 Extending Your Application") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 261) "26.1 The Basics") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 263) "26.2 Table Manipulation") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 267) "26.3 Calling Lua Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 269) "26.4 A Generic Call Function") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 270) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 273) "27 Calling C from Lua") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 273) "27.1 C Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 275) "27.2 Continuations") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 278) "27.3 C Modules") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 280) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 281) "28 Techniques for Writing C Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 281) "28.1 Array Manipulation") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 283) "28.2 String Manipulation") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 286) "28.3 Storing State in C Functions") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 292) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 293) "29 User-Defined Types in C") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 294) "29.1 Userdata") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 296) "29.2 Metatables") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 299) "29.3 Object-Oriented Access") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 300) "29.4 Array Access") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 301) "29.5 Light Userdata") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 302) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 305) "30 Managing Resources") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 305) "30.1 A Directory Iterator") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 307) "30.2 An XML Parser") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 316) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 319) "31 Threads and States") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 319) "31.1 Multiple Threads") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 323) "31.2 Lua States") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 331) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 333) "32 Memory Management") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 333) "32.1 The Allocation Function") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 335) "32.2 The Garbage Collector") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 338) "Exercises") ;; (find-pil3page (+ 19 339) "Index") ;; (find-pil3text "") ;; (find-pil2page 8 "Contents") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 1) "I. The Language") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 3) "1. Getting Started") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 9) "2. Types and Values") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 19) "3. Expressions") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 27) "4. Statements") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 35) "5. Functions") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 41) "Lua 5.0" "..." "arg" "n field") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 45) "6. More About Functions") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 55) "7. Iterators and the Generic for") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 63) "8. Compilation, Execution, and Errors") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 70) "8.5 Error Messages and Tracebacks") ;; (find-pil2text (+ 19 70) "8.5 Error Messages and Tracebacks") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 73) "9. Coroutines") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 87) "10. Complete Examples") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 95) "II. Tables and Objects") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 97) "11. Data Structures") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 107) "12. Data Files and Persistence") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 117) "13. Metatables and Metamethods") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 129) "14. The Environment") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 137) "15. Modules and Packages") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") ;; (find-pil2text (+ 19 138) "15.1 The require Function") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 149) "16. Object-Oriented Programming") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 161) "17. Weak Tables") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 167) "III. The Standard Libraries") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 169) "18. The Mathematical Library") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 171) "19. The Table Library") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 175) "20. The String Library") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 193) "21. The I/O Library") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 201) "22. The Operating System Library") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 205) "23. The Debug Library") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 215) "IV. The C API") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 217) "24. An Overview of the C API") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 223) "lua_type") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 229) "25. Extending Your Application") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 241) "26. Calling C from Lua") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 244) "26.1. C Functions") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 244) "26.2. C Modules") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 247) "27. Techniques for Writing C Functions") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 259) "28. User-Defined Types in C") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 269) "29. Managing Resources") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 281) "30. Threads and States") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 293) "31. Memory Management") ;; (find-pil2page (+ 19 299) "Index") ;; (find-pil2text "") ;; «impagliazzo» (to ".impagliazzo") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "impagliazzo") (code-pdf-page "fiveworlds" "~/books/__comp/impagliazzo__a_personal_view_of_average-case_complexity.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fiveworlds" "~/books/__comp/impagliazzo__a_personal_view_of_average-case_complexity.pdf" 1) ;; (find-fiveworldspage) ;; (find-fiveworldstext "") ;; (find-fiveworldspage 3 "2.1 Algorithmica") ;; (find-fiveworldstext 3 "2.1 Algorithmica") ;; (find-fiveworldspage 5 "2.2 Heuristica") ;; (find-fiveworldstext 5 "2.2 Heuristica") ;; (find-fiveworldspage 6 "2.3 Pessiland") ;; (find-fiveworldstext 6 "2.3 Pessiland") ;; (find-fiveworldspage 7 "2.4 Minicrypt") ;; (find-fiveworldstext 7 "2.4 Minicrypt") ;; (find-fiveworldspage 8 "2.5 Cryptomania") ;; (find-fiveworldstext 8 "2.5 Cryptomania") ;; «kavvos» (to ".kavvos") ;; G. A. Kavvos: Intensionality, Intensional Recursion, and the Gödel-Löb axiom ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.01288 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.01288.pdf (code-pdf-page "kavvos" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1703.01288.pdf") (code-pdf-text "kavvos" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1703.01288.pdf") ;; (find-kavvospage) ;; (find-kavvostext) ;; «kernighan-plauger» (to ".kernighan-plauger") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "kernighan-plauger") ;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elements_of_Programming_Style (code-pdf-page "kernighanp" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_plauger__the_elements_of_programming_style.pdf") (code-pdf-text "kernighanp" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_plauger__the_elements_of_programming_style.pdf" 13) ;; (find-kernighanppage) ;; (find-kernighanppage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 1) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 2) "Write clearly") ;; (find-kernighanptext (+ 13 2) "Write clearly") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 9) "2. Expression") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 31) "3. Control structure") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 52) "Choose a data representation" "that makes the program simple") ;; (find-kernighanptext (+ 13 52) "Choose a data representation" "that makes the program simple") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 59) "4. Program structure") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 83) "5. Input and output") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 101) "6. Common blunders") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 123) "7. Efficiency and instrumentation") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 141) "8. Documentation") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 155) "Epilogue") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 157) "Supplementary Reading") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 159) "Summary of rules") ;; (find-kernighanppage (+ 13 163) "Index") ;; (find-kernighanptext "") (code-pdf-page "kernighanpst" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_plauger__software_tools.pdf") (code-pdf-text "kernighanpst" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_plauger__software_tools.pdf" 1) ;; (find-kernighanpstpage) ;; (find-kernighanpstpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-kernighanpstpage (+ 7 1) "Introduction") ;; (find-kernighanpstpage (+ 7 7) "1. Getting started") ;; (find-kernighanpsttext "") (code-pdf-page "kernighanpstpas" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_plauger__software_tools_in_pascal.pdf") (code-pdf-text "kernighanpstpas" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_plauger__software_tools_in_pascal.pdf" 1) ;; (find-kernighanpstpaspage) ;; (find-kernighanpstpaspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-kernighanpstpaspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-kernighanpstpastext "") ;; «kernighan-ritchie» (to ".kernighan-ritchie") ;; (find-es "anatocc" "K-and-R") (code-pdf-page "kandr" "~/usrc/the-c-programming-language/all.pdf") (code-pdf-text "kandr" "~/usrc/the-c-programming-language/all.pdf") ;; (find-kandrpage) ;; (find-kandrtext) ;; (find-kandrpage 133 "5.11 Pointers to Functions") ;; (find-kandrtext 133 "5.11 Pointers to Functions") ;; (find-kandrpage 214 "A.5 Objects and Lvalues") ;; (find-kandrtext 214 "A.5 Objects and Lvalues") ;; (find-kandrpage 260 "A.13 Grammar") ;; (find-kandrtext 260 "A.13 Grammar") ;; (find-kandrpage 265 "additive-expression:") ;; (find-kandrtext 265 "additive-expression:") ;; «knuth» (to ".knuth") (code-djvu "knuthlitprog" "~/books/__comp/knuth__literate_programming.djvu") (code-djvutotext "knuthlitprog" "~/books/__comp/knuth__literate_programming.djvu") ;; (find-knuthlitprogpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-knuthlitprogpage (+ 0 359) "Index") ;; (find-knuthlitprogtext "") ;; «kruskal-landwehr» (to ".kruskal-landwehr") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "kruskal-landwehr") ;; https://www.jstor.org/stable/2685881 (code-pdf-page "icicleplots" "~/books/__comp/kruskal_landwehr__icicle_plots_better_displays_for_hierarchical_clustering.pdf") (code-pdf-text "icicleplots" "~/books/__comp/kruskal_landwehr__icicle_plots_better_displays_for_hierarchical_clustering.pdf" 1) ;; (find-icicleplotspage) ;; (find-icicleplotspage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-icicleplotspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-icicleplotstext "") ;; «kurt» (to ".kurt") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "kurt") (code-pdf-page "gethaskell" "~/books/__comp/kurt__get_programming_with_haskell.pdf") (code-pdf-text "gethaskell" "~/books/__comp/kurt__get_programming_with_haskell.pdf" 1) ;; (find-gethaskellpage) ;; (find-gethaskellpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-gethaskellpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-gethaskelltext "") ;; «lamkins» (to ".lamkins") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "lamkins") ;; https://doc.lagout.org/programmation/Lisp/Successful%20Lisp%20How%20to%20Understand%20and%20Use%20Common%20Lisp%20-%20David%20B.%20Lamkins.pdf (code-pdf-page "lamkins" "~/books/__comp/lamkins__successful_lisp.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lamkins" "~/books/__comp/lamkins__successful_lisp.pdf" 1) ;; (find-lamkinspage) ;; (find-lamkinstext) ;; (find-lamkinspage 1 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-lamkinstext 1 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-lamkinspage 23 "1 - Why Bother? Or: Objections" "Answered") ;; (find-lamkinstext 23 "1 - Why Bother? Or: Objections" "Answered") ;; (find-lamkinspage 30 "2 - Is this Book for Me?") ;; (find-lamkinstext 30 "2 - Is this Book for Me?") ;; (find-lamkinspage 34 "3 - Essential Lisp in Twelve Lessons") ;; (find-lamkinstext 34 "3 - Essential Lisp in Twelve Lessons") ;; (find-lamkinspage 100 "4 - Mastering the Essentials") ;; (find-lamkinstext 100 "4 - Mastering the Essentials") ;; (find-lamkinspage 125 "5 - Introducing Iteration") ;; (find-lamkinstext 125 "5 - Introducing Iteration") ;; (find-lamkinspage 129 "6 - Deeper into Structures") ;; (find-lamkinstext 129 "6 - Deeper into Structures") ;; (find-lamkinspage 134 "7 - A First Look at Objects as Fancy" "Structures") ;; (find-lamkinstext 134 "7 - A First Look at Objects as Fancy" "Structures") ;; (find-lamkinspage 181 "14 - Can Objects Really Behave" "Themselves?") ;; (find-lamkinstext 181 "14 - Can Objects Really Behave" "Themselves?") ;; «levy» (to ".levy") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "levy") (code-pdf "CBPV" "~/books/__comp/levy__call-by-push-value.pdf") (code-pdftotext "CBPV" "~/books/__comp/levy__call-by-push-value.pdf" 37) ;; (find-CBPVpage) ;; (find-CBPVpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-CBPVtext 6 "Contents") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 37 3) "1. Call-by-Value and Call-by-Name") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 37 8) "1.5 The Principles Of Call-By-Value and Call-By-Name") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 37 10) "1.6 Call-By-Value") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 37 18) "1.7 Call-By-Name") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 37 20) "1.7.3 CBN vs. Lazy") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 37 27) "2. Call-By-Push-Value: A Subsuming Paradigm") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 37 32) "2.3.2 CK-Machine") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 29 337) "References") ;; (find-CBPVtext (+ 29 337) "References") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 28 345) "Index") ;; (find-CBPVpage (+ 28 347) "Index" "dismantling") ;; (find-CBPVtext "") ;; "What is a monoid? How I learnt to stop worrying and love skewness": ;; http://conferences.inf.ed.ac.uk/ct2019/slides/83.pdf ;; «levy-slides2018» (to ".levy-slides2018") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "levy-slides2018") ;; https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/ ;; https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/mgsfastlam.pdf ;; "lambda-calculus, effects and call-by-push-value" (slides, 2018) (code-pdf-page "pbl2018" "$S/https/www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/mgsfastlam.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pbl2018" "$S/https/www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/mgsfastlam.pdf") ;; (find-pbl2018page) ;; (find-pbl2018text) ;; (find-pbl2018page 8 "Typing rules for bool") ;; (find-pbl2018text 8 "Typing rules for bool") ;; (find-pbl2018page 72 "Evaluation order for let") ;; (find-pbl2018text 72 "Evaluation order for let") ;; (find-pbl2018page 85 "Where this story comes from") ;; (find-pbl2018text 85 "Where this story comes from") ;; (find-pbl2018page 86 "Let E = {CRASH, BANG} be a set of \"errors\"") ;; (find-pbl2018text 86 "Let E = {CRASH, BANG} be a set of \"errors\"") ;; (find-pbl2018page 109 "Fine-Grain Call-By-Value") ;; (find-pbl2018text 109 "Fine-Grain Call-By-Value") ;; (find-pbl2018page 118 "Nullary functions" "thunks") ;; (find-pbl2018text 118 "Nullary functions" "thunks") ;; (find-pbl2018page 124 "Solution: E-pointed sets") ;; (find-pbl2018text 124 "Solution: E-pointed sets") ;; (find-pbl2018page 129 "Notation for E-pointed sets") ;; (find-pbl2018text 129 "Notation for E-pointed sets") ;; (find-pbl2018page 130 "Summary of call-by-name semantics") ;; (find-pbl2018text 130 "Summary of call-by-name semantics") ;; (find-pbl2018page 131 "Summary of call-by-value semantics") ;; (find-pbl2018text 131 "Summary of call-by-value semantics") ;; (find-pbl2018page 134 "Call-By-Push-Value Types") ;; (find-pbl2018text 134 "Call-By-Push-Value Types") ;; (find-pbl2018page 139 "The type F A") ;; (find-pbl2018text 139 "The type F A") ;; (find-pbl2018page 141 "The type U B") ;; (find-pbl2018text 141 "The type U B") ;; (find-pbl2018page 152 "Decomposing CBV into CBPV") ;; (find-pbl2018text 152 "Decomposing CBV into CBPV") ;; (find-pbl2018page 154 "Decomposing CBN into CBPV") ;; (find-pbl2018text 154 "Decomposing CBN into CBPV") ;; (find-pbl2018page 188 "Adjunction between values and stacks") ;; (find-pbl2018text 188 "Adjunction between values and stacks") ;; (find-pbl2018page 224 "Summary: adjunctions between values and stacks") ;; (find-pbl2018text 224 "Summary: adjunctions between values and stacks") ;; «levy-thpartsets» (to ".levy-thpartsets") ;; "A Theory of Particular Sets" (2019): ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.02718 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.02718.pdf (code-pdf-page "levytpartsets" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1905.02718.pdf") (code-pdf-text "levytpartsets" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1905.02718.pdf") ;; (find-levytpartsetspage) ;; (find-levytpartsetstext) ;; «levy-lambdanotes» (to ".levy-lambdanotes") ;; Paul Blain Levy: "Typed lambda-calculus: course notes" ;; https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/mgsall.pdf (code-pdf-page "pbllambdanotes" "$S/https/www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/mgsall.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pbllambdanotes" "$S/https/www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/mgsall.pdf") ;; (find-pbllambdanotespage) ;; (find-pbllambdanotestext) ;; «libes» (to ".libes") (code-xpdf "eexpect" "~/books/__comp/libes__exploring_expect.pdf") (code-pdf-text "eexpect" "~/books/__comp/libes__exploring_expect.pdf") ;; (find-eexpectpage) ;; (find-eexpectpage 2) ;; (find-eexpectpage 9 "Chapters") ;; (find-eexpecttext) ;; «loeliger» (to ".loeliger") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "loeliger") ;; https://archive.org/stream/R.G.LoeligerThreadedInterpretiveLanguagesTheirDesignAndImplementationByteBooks1981 (code-pdf-page "loeligertils" "~/books/__comp/loeliger__threaded_interpretive_languages_their_design_and_implementation.pdf") (code-pdf-text "loeligertils" "~/books/__comp/loeliger__threaded_interpretive_languages_their_design_and_implementation.pdf" 1) ;; (find-loeligertilspage) ;; (find-loeligertilspage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 1) "1. OVERVIEW") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 1) "1.1 Introduction") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 2) "1.2 What is a TIL?") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 3) "1.3 The Elements") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 6) "1.4 The Attributes") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 7) "1.5 Implementation Notes") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 9) "2. HOW A TIL WORKS") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 9) "2.1 Operator's View") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 12) "2.2 Dictionary Format") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 14) "2.3 Outer Interpreter") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 18) "2.4 Inner Interpreter") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 21) "2.5 Defining Words and the Compiler Mode") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 25) "2.6 Vocabularies") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 26) "2.7 Synthesis") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 28) "3. HUP, TWO, THREE, FOUR") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 28) "3.1 An Inner Interpreter for a Generic Computer") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 32) "3.2 An Inner Interpreter for the Z80") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 38) "3.3 Double Time") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 39) "4. THE TOWER OF BABEL REVISITED") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 39) "4.1 Naming Conventions") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 40) "4.2 Data Types") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 48) "4.3 Operator Keywords") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 72) "4.6 Vocabulary Keywords") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 73) "4.7 Babblings") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 74) "ROUTINES, ROUTINES, ROUTINES") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 74) "5.1 Core TIL Design Notes") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 77) "5.2 Outer Interpreter Design") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 87) "5.3 Routine Routines") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 99) "5.4 Doing It") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 100) "5.5 Arithmetic Routines") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 103) "WORDS, WORDS, AND MORE WORDS") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 103) "6.1 The Word") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 174) "6.2 A Classy Cross Reference") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 179) "6.3 Sum Total") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 180) "7. EXTENSION PLEASE") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 180) "7.1 Introductions") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 182) "7.2 Assemblers") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 210) "7.3 Virtual Memory") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 220) "7.4 Editor") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 224) "7.5 Cross Compilation") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 226) "7.6 Widget Sorters") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 228) "7.7 Floatingpoint") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 233) "7.8 Extension Summary") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 234) "LIFE WITH A TIL") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 234) "8.1 Starting Out") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 235) "8.2 Program Structure") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 239) "8.3 Program Design") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 241) "8.4 Entry and Test") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 243) "8.5 Tricks of the Trade") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 244) "Bibliography and Notes") ;; (find-loeligertilspage (+ 15 248) "Index") ;; (find-loeligertilstext "") ;; «marlow-peyton-jones» (to ".marlow-peyton-jones") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "marlow-peyton-jones") ;; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4471-3215-8_6 (code-pdf-page "mpjretrosp" "~/books/__comp/marlow_peyton-jones__the_glasgow_haskell_compiler_a_retrospective.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mpjretrosp" "~/books/__comp/marlow_peyton-jones__the_glasgow_haskell_compiler_a_retrospective.pdf" 1) ;; (find-mpjretrosppage) ;; (find-mpjretrosppage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-mpjretrosppage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-mpjretrosptext "") ;; (find-mpjretrosppage 9 "2.3.4 Desugaring, and the Core language") ;; (find-mpjretrosptext 9 "2.3.4 Desugaring, and the Core language") ;; (find-mpjretrosppage 11 "3.1 The intermediate language") ;; (find-mpjretrosptext 11 "3.1 The intermediate language") ;; «martin» (to ".martin") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "martin") (code-pdf-page "cleancode" "~/books/__comp/martin__clean_code_a_handbook_of_agile_software_craftsmanship.pdf") (code-pdf-text "cleancode" "~/books/__comp/martin__clean_code_a_handbook_of_agile_software_craftsmanship.pdf" 1) ;; (find-cleancodepage) ;; (find-cleancodepage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-cleancodepage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-cleancodetext "") ;; «massot-why» (to ".massot-why") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "massot-why") ;; https://www.imo.universite-paris-saclay.fr/~pmassot/files/exposition/why_formalize.pdf (code-pdf-page "massotwhy" "$S/https/www.imo.universite-paris-saclay.fr/~pmassot/files/exposition/why_formalize.pdf") (code-pdf-text "massotwhy" "$S/https/www.imo.universite-paris-saclay.fr/~pmassot/files/exposition/why_formalize.pdf") ;; (find-massotwhypage) ;; (find-massotwhytext) ;; (find-massotwhypage 6 "sequence_tendsto") ;; (find-massotwhytext 6 "sequence_tendsto") ;; «mcbride» (to ".mcbride") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "mcbride") ;; http://strictlypositive.org/ ;; http://strictlypositive.org/calculus/ ;; http://strictlypositive.org/vfl.pdf (code-pdf-page "viewfromtheleft" "$S/http/strictlypositive.org/vfl.pdf") (code-pdf-text "viewfromtheleft" "$S/http/strictlypositive.org/vfl.pdf") ;; (find-viewfromtheleftpage) ;; (find-viewfromtheleftpage 44 "References") ;; (find-viewfromthelefttext) ;; «mcbride-pivotal» (to ".mcbride-pivotal") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "mcbride-pivotal") ;; (find-es "agda" "pivotal") ;; https://personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/conor.mcbride/Pivotal.pdf (code-pdf-page "mcbride-pivotal" "$S/https/personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/conor.mcbride/Pivotal.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mcbride-pivotal" "$S/https/personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/conor.mcbride/Pivotal.pdf") ;; (find-mcbride-pivotalpage) ;; (find-mcbride-pivotaltext) ;; «mccarthy58» (to ".mccarthy58") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "mccarthy58") ;; http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/MIT/AIM-001.pdf ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14885779 An Algebraic Language for the Manipulation of Symbolic Expressions (1958) (code-pdf-page "mccarthy58" "$S/http/www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/MIT/AIM-001.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mccarthy58" "$S/http/www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/MIT/AIM-001.pdf") ;; (find-mccarthy58page) ;; (find-mccarthy58text) ;; «meyer» (to ".meyer") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "meyer") ;; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0019-9958(82)80087-9 (code-pdf-page "wiamolc" "~/books/__comp/meyer__what_is_a_model_of_the_lambda_calculus.pdf") (code-pdf-text "wiamolc" "~/books/__comp/meyer__what_is_a_model_of_the_lambda_calculus.pdf" -86) ;; (find-wiamolcpage) ;; (find-wiamolcpage (+ -86 87) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-wiamolctext (+ -86 87) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-wiamolcpage (+ -86 88) "can quickly lead to contradiction") ;; (find-wiamolctext (+ -86 88) "can quickly lead to contradiction") ;; (find-wiamolctext "") ;; «milner» (to ".milner") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "milner") ;; (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "logic-and-alg-spec") ;; Robin Milner: "The Polyadic pi-Calculus: a Tutorial" ;; https://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/91/ECS-LFCS-91-180/ ;; https://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/91/ECS-LFCS-91-180/ECS-LFCS-91-180.ps ;; https://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/91/ECS-LFCS-91-180/ECS-LFCS-91-180.pdf ;; (find-sh "cd $S/https/www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/91/ECS-LFCS-91-180/ && ps2pdf ECS-LFCS-91-180.ps") (code-pdf-page "polypiput" "$S/https/www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/91/ECS-LFCS-91-180/ECS-LFCS-91-180.pdf") (code-pdf-text "polypiput" "$S/https/www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/91/ECS-LFCS-91-180/ECS-LFCS-91-180.pdf") ;; (find-polypiputpage) ;; (find-polypiputtext) ;; «monnier» (to ".monnier") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "monnier") (code-pdf-page "typintla" "~/books/__comp/shao_league_monnier__implementing_typed_intermediate_languages.pdf") (code-pdf-text "typintla" "~/books/__comp/shao_league_monnier__implementing_typed_intermediate_languages.pdf" 1) ;; (find-typintlapage) ;; (find-typintlapage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-typintlapage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-typintlatext "") ;; «monnier-ocl» (to ".monnier-ocl") ;; https://zenodo.org/records/6228797 ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "monnier-ocl") (code-pdf-page "openclosures" "~/books/__comp/monnier__open_closures.pdf") (code-pdf-text "openclosures" "~/books/__comp/monnier__open_closures.pdf" 1) ;; (find-openclosurespage) ;; (find-openclosurestext "") ;; (find-openclosurespage 4 "4.1 OClosure types") ;; (find-openclosurestext 4 "4.1 OClosure types") ;; «monnier-typer» (to ".monnier-typer") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "monnier-typer") ;; (find-es "ocaml" "typer") ;; http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/typer-jfla2019.pdf (code-pdf-page "monniertyper" "$S/http/www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/typer-jfla2019.pdf") (code-pdf-text "monniertyper" "$S/http/www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/typer-jfla2019.pdf") ;; (find-monniertyperpage) ;; (find-monniertypertext) ;; (find-monniertyperpage 15 "References") ;; (find-monniertypertext 15 "References") ;; (find-monniertyperpage 16 "[Flo63]" "operator precedence") ;; (find-monniertypertext 16 "[Flo63]" "operator precedence") ;; ;; «monnier-cuc» (to ".monnier-cuc") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "monnier-cuc") ;; "Inductive Types Deconstructed: The Calculus of United Constructions" (2019) ;; http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/itd-tyde-2019.pdf (code-pdf-page "monniercuc" "$S/http/www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/itd-tyde-2019.pdf") (code-pdf-text "monniercuc" "$S/http/www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/itd-tyde-2019.pdf" -51) ;; (find-monniercucpage) ;; (find-monniercuctext) ;; (find-monniercucpage (+ -51 61) "Figure 12. Mapping CUC to CIC") ;; (find-monniercuctext (+ -51 61) "Figure 12. Mapping CUC to CIC") ;; ;; «monnier-smie» (to ".monnier-smie") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "monnier-smie") ;; http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/smie.pdf (code-pdf-page "monniersmie" "$S/http/www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/smie.pdf") (code-pdf-text "monniersmie" "$S/http/www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/smie.pdf") ;; (find-monniersmiepage) ;; (find-monniersmietext) ;; «monnier-evol» (to ".monnier-evol") ;; Monnier/Sperber: "Evolution of Emacs Lisp" ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3386324 ;; (find-fline "$S/https/dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/") (code-pdf-page "monnierevol" "$S/https/dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3386324") (code-pdf-text "monnierevol" "$S/https/dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3386324") ;; (find-monnierevolpage) ;; (find-monnierevoltext) ;; «nalon-machine-or» (to ".nalon-machine-or") ;; Cláudia Nalon: "Machine-Oriented Reasoning" (slides, CADE 27, 2019) ;; https://www.mat.ufrn.br/cade-27/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2019CN-CADE.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.mat.ufrn.br/cade-27/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/") (code-pdf-page "nalonmor" "$S/https/www.mat.ufrn.br/cade-27/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2019CN-CADE.pdf") (code-pdf-text "nalonmor" "$S/https/www.mat.ufrn.br/cade-27/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2019CN-CADE.pdf") ;; (find-nalonmorpage) ;; (find-nalonmortext) ;; (find-nalonmorpage 126 "[Rob65b] John A. Robinson") ;; (find-nalonmortext 126 "[Rob65b] John A. Robinson") ;; «nanevski» (to ".nanevski") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "nanevski") ;; https://software.imdea.org/~aleks/ ;; https://software.imdea.org/~aleks/thesis/CMU-CS-04-151.pdf ;; Aleksandar Nanevski: "Functional Programming with Names and Necessity" (PhD thesis, 2004) (code-pdf-page "nanevskiphd" "$S/https/software.imdea.org/~aleks/thesis/CMU-CS-04-151.pdf") (code-pdf-text "nanevskiphd" "$S/https/software.imdea.org/~aleks/thesis/CMU-CS-04-151.pdf") ;; (find-nanevskiphdpage) ;; (find-nanevskiphdtext) ;; ;; Aleksandar Nanevski: "A Modal Calculus for Effect Handling" (2003) ;; https://software.imdea.org/~aleks/papers/effects/CMU-CS-03-149.pdf (code-pdf-page "nanevskimceh" "$S/https/software.imdea.org/~aleks/papers/effects/CMU-CS-03-149.pdf") (code-pdf-text "nanevskimceh" "$S/https/software.imdea.org/~aleks/papers/effects/CMU-CS-03-149.pdf") ;; (find-nanevskimcehpage) ;; (find-nanevskimcehtext) ;; ;; Nanevski/Morrisett/Birkedal: "Polymorphism and Separation in Hoare Type Theory" (2006) ;; https://software.imdea.org/~aleks/papers/hoarelogic/icfp06.pdf (code-pdf-page "nanevskipshtt" "$S/https/software.imdea.org/~aleks/papers/hoarelogic/icfp06.pdf") (code-pdf-text "nanevskipshtt" "$S/https/software.imdea.org/~aleks/papers/hoarelogic/icfp06.pdf") ;; (find-nanevskipshttpage) ;; (find-nanevskipshtttext) ;; «norell» (to ".norell") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "norell") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "chapman") ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/ ;; https://twitter.com/ulfnorell?lang=en ;; http://doi.org/10.1145/2500365.2500609 ;; ;; Ulf Norell: "Towards a practical programming language based on ;; dependent type theory" (PhD Thesis, 2007, about Agda) ;; https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Functional_Programming/UTT-%CE%A3 ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/thesis.html ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/thesis.pdf (code-pdf-page "norellphd" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/thesis.pdf") (code-pdf-text "norellphd" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/thesis.pdf") ;; (find-norellphdpage) ;; (find-norellphdtext) ;; (find-norellphdpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-norellphdtext 7 "Contents") ;; (find-norellphdpage 15 "Figure 1.1: The syntax of UTT_Sigma") ;; (find-norellphdtext 15 "Figure 1.1: The syntax of UTT") ;; (find-norellphdpage 32 "2.1.4 Unification") ;; (find-norellphdtext 32 "2.1.4 Unification") ;; «norell-chapman» (to ".norell-chapman") ;; Norell/Chapman: "Dependently Typed Programming in Agda" (41 pages) ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/afp08/tutorial.pdf (code-pdf-page "norellch" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/afp08/tutorial.pdf") (code-pdf-text "norellch" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/afp08/tutorial.pdf") ;; (find-norellchpage) ;; (find-norellchtext) ;; (find-norellchpage 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-norellchtext 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-norellchpage 1 "2 Agda Basics") ;; (find-norellchtext 1 "2 Agda Basics") ;; (find-norellchpage 2 "2.1 Datatypes and pattern matching") ;; (find-norellchtext 2 "2.1 Datatypes and pattern matching") ;; (find-norellchpage 4 "2.2 Dependent functions") ;; (find-norellchtext 4 "2.2 Dependent functions") ;; (find-norellchpage 5 "2.3 Implicit arguments") ;; (find-norellchtext 5 "2.3 Implicit arguments") ;; (find-norellchpage 7 "2.4 Datatype families") ;; (find-norellchtext 7 "2.4 Datatype families") ;; (find-norellchpage 11 "2.5 Programs as proofs") ;; (find-norellchtext 11 "2.5 Programs as proofs") ;; (find-norellchpage 12 "2.6 More on pattern matching") ;; (find-norellchtext 12 "2.6 More on pattern matching") ;; (find-norellchpage 15 "2.7 Modules") ;; (find-norellchtext 15 "2.7 Modules") ;; (find-norellchpage 18 "2.8 Records") ;; (find-norellchtext 18 "2.8 Records") ;; (find-norellchpage 19 "2.9 Exercises") ;; (find-norellchtext 19 "2.9 Exercises") ;; (find-norellchpage 21 "3 Programming Techniques") ;; (find-norellchtext 21 "3 Programming Techniques") ;; (find-norellchpage 21 "3.1 Views") ;; (find-norellchtext 21 "3.1 Views") ;; (find-norellchpage 29 "3.2 Universes") ;; (find-norellchtext 29 "3.2 Universes") ;; (find-norellchpage 34 "3.3 Exercises") ;; (find-norellchtext 34 "3.3 Exercises") ;; (find-norellchpage 38 "4 Compiling Agda programs") ;; (find-norellchtext 38 "4 Compiling Agda programs") ;; (find-norellchpage 38 "4.1 Relating Agda types to Haskell types") ;; (find-norellchtext 38 "4.1 Relating Agda types to Haskell types") ;; (find-norellchpage 39 "4.2 Importing Haskell functions") ;; (find-norellchtext 39 "4.2 Importing Haskell functions") ;; (find-norellchpage 39 "4.3 Our first program") ;; (find-norellchtext 39 "4.3 Our first program") ;; (find-norellchpage 39 "4.4 Haskell module imports") ;; (find-norellchtext 39 "4.4 Haskell module imports") ;; (find-norellchpage 40 "4.5 Importing polymorphic functions") ;; (find-norellchtext 40 "4.5 Importing polymorphic functions") ;; (find-norellchpage 40 "4.6 Exercises") ;; (find-norellchtext 40 "4.6 Exercises") ;; (find-norellchpage 40 "5 Further reading") ;; (find-norellchtext 40 "5 Further reading") ;; «norell-bo» (to ".norell-bo") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "norell-bo") ;; (find-LATEX "catsem-ab.bib" "bib-Norell09") ;; Bove/Dybjer/Norell: "A Brief Overview of Agda - A Functional Language with Dependent Types" (2009) ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/tphols09/tutorial.pdf (code-pdf-page "agdatut09" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/tphols09/tutorial.pdf") (code-pdf-text "agdatut09" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/tphols09/tutorial.pdf") ;; (find-agdatut09page) ;; (find-agdatut09text) ;; (find-agdatut09page 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-agdatut09text 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-agdatut09page 2 "2 Agda Features") ;; (find-agdatut09text 2 "2 Agda Features") ;; (find-agdatut09page 3 "3 Agda and some Related Languages") ;; (find-agdatut09text 3 "3 Agda and some Related Languages") ;; (find-agdatut09page 3 "4 Example: Equational Proofs in Commutative Monoids") ;; (find-agdatut09text 3 "4 Example: Equational Proofs in Commutative Monoids") ;; (find-agdatut09page 6 "References") ;; (find-agdatut09text 6 "References") ;; "Type checking in the presence of meta-variables": ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/meta-variables.pdf ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "norell") ;; https://doi.org/10.1145/2500365.2500610 (one page long) (code-pdf-page "norellipdt" "~/books/__comp/norell__interactive_programming_with_dependent_types.pdf") (code-pdf-text "norellipdt" "~/books/__comp/norell__interactive_programming_with_dependent_types.pdf" 1) ;; (find-norellipdtpage) ;; (find-norellipdtpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-norellipdtpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-norellipdttext "") ;; "Dependently Typed Programming in Agda" ;; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-04652-0_5 ;; «nystrom» (to ".nystrom") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "nystrom") (code-pdf-page "crafting" "~/books/__comp/nystrom__crafting_interpreters.pdf") (code-pdf-text "crafting" "~/books/__comp/nystrom__crafting_interpreters.pdf" 1) ;; (find-craftingpage) ;; (find-craftingpage 2 "Contents") ;; (find-craftingpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-craftingtext "") ;; «orchard» (to ".orchard") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "orchard") ;; https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/ ;; Orchard/Mycroft: "Categorical Programming for Data Types with Restricted Parametricity" ;; https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dorchard/drafts/tfp-structures-orchard12.pdf (code-pdf-page "orchardcprp" "$S/https/www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dorchard/drafts/tfp-structures-orchard12.pdf") (code-pdf-text "orchardcprp" "$S/https/www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dorchard/drafts/tfp-structures-orchard12.pdf") ;; (find-orchardcprppage) ;; (find-orchardcprptext) ;; «orchard-rice» (to ".orchard-rice") ;; Orchard/Rice: "A computational science agenda for programming language research" (2014) ;; https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/iccs14-orchard-rice.pdf ;; See also: ;; https://philbull.wordpress.com/2020/05/10/why-you-can-ignore-reviews-of-scientific-code-by-commercial-software-developers/ ;; https://www.akitaonrails.com/2020/05/07/o-modelo-do-imperial-college-sobre-a-covid-19-pode-estar-errado (code-pdf-page "orchardrice" "$S/https/www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/iccs14-orchard-rice.pdf") (code-pdf-text "orchardrice" "$S/https/www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/iccs14-orchard-rice.pdf") ;; (find-orchardricepage) ;; (find-orchardricetext) ;; «orchard-codo» (to ".orchard-codo") ;; Orchard/Mycroft: "A Notation for Comonads" ;; https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/codo-notation-orchard-ifl12.pdf (code-pdf-page "orchardcodo" "$S/https/www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/codo-notation-orchard-ifl12.pdf") (code-pdf-text "orchardcodo" "$S/https/www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/codo-notation-orchard-ifl12.pdf") ;; (find-orchardcodopage) ;; (find-orchardcodotext) ;; <orchard-four-Rs> ;; https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/onwards-essay-orchard11.pdf (code-pdf-page "orchard4rs" "$S/https/www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/onwards-essay-orchard11.pdf") (code-pdf-text "orchard4rs" "$S/https/www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dao7/publ/onwards-essay-orchard11.pdf") ;; (find-orchard4rspage) ;; (find-orchard4rstext) ;; «ousterhout» (to ".ousterhout") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ousterhout") (code-pdf-page "tcltk" "~/books/__comp/ousterhout__tcl_and_the_tk_toolkit.pdf") (code-pdf-text "tcltk" "~/books/__comp/ousterhout__tcl_and_the_tk_toolkit.pdf" 8) (code-pdf-text "tcltk" "~/books/__comp/ousterhout__tcl_and_the_tk_toolkit.pdf" 16) (code-pdf-text "tcltk" "~/books/__comp/ousterhout__tcl_and_the_tk_toolkit.pdf" 20) ;; (ee-page-parameters "tcltk" 8) ;; (ee-page-parameters "tcltk" 16) ;; (find-tcltktext "") ;; (find-tcltkpage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-tcltkpage 143 "Contents") ;; (find-tcltkpage 271 "Contents") ;; (find-tcltkpage 341 "Contents") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 1) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 1) "1.1 Introduction") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 3) "1.2 Organization of the book") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 4) "1.3 Notation") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 5) "2. An Overview of Tcl and Tk") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 5) "2.1 Getting started") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 7) "2.2 Hello world with Tk") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 9) "2.3 Script files") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 10) "2.4 Variables and substitutions") ;; (find-tcltktext (+ 8 10) "2.4 Variables and substitutions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 11) "2.5 Control structures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 13) "2.6 Event bindings") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 15) "2.7 Subprocesses") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 18) "2.8 Additional features of Tcl and Tk") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 18) "2.9 Extensions and applications") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 19) "2.9.1 Expect") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 19) "2.9.2 Extended Tcl") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 20) "2.9.3 XF") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 20) "2.9.4 Distributed programming") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 22) "2.9.5 Ak") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 25) "3. Tcl Language Syntax") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 25) "3.1 Scripts, commands, and words") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 26) "3.2 Evaluating a command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 28) "3.3 Variable substitution") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 29) "3.4 Command substitution") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 30) "3.5 Backslash substitution") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 30) "3.6 Quoting with double-quotes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 32) "3.7 Quoting with braces") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 33) "3.8 Comments") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 33) "3.9 Normal and exceptional returns") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 34) "3.10 More on substitutions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 37) "4. Variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 37) "4.1 Simple variables and the set command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 38) "4.2 Arrays") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 39) "4.3 Variable substitution") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 40) "4.4 Removing variables: unset") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 41) "4.5 Multi-dimensional arrays") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 41) "4.6 The incr and append commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 42) "4.7 Preview of other variable facilities") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 43) "5. Expressions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 43) "5.1 Numeric operands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 44) "5.2 Operators and precedence") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 44) "5.2.1 Arithmetic operators") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 46) "5.2.2 Relational operators") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 46) "5.2.3 Logical operators") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 46) "5.2.4 Bitwise operators") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 46) "5.2.5 Choice operator") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 47) "5.3 Math functions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 47) "5.4 Substitutions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 49) "5.5 String manipulation") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 49) "5.6 Types and conversions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 50) "5.7 Precision") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 51) "6. Lists") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 51) "6.1 Basic list structure and the lindex command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 53) "6.2 Creating lists: concat, list, and llength") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 54) "6.3 Modifying lists: linsert, lreplace, lrange, and lappend") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 56) "6.4 Searching lists: lsearch") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 56) "6.5 Sorting lists: lsort") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 57) "6.6 Converting between strings and lists: split and join") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 58) "6.7 Lists and commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 61) "7. Control Flow") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 61) "7.1 The if command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 63) "7.2 Looping commands: while, for, and foreach") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 65) "7.3 Loop control: break and continue") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 65) "7.4 The switch command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 67) "7.5 Eval") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 68) "7.6 Executing from files: source") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 69) "8. Procedures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 69) "8.1 Procedure basics: proc and return") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 71) "8.2 Local and global variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 72) "8.3 Defaults and variable numbers of arguments") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 73) "8.4 Call by reference: upvar") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 74) "8.5 Creating new control structures: uplevel") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 77) "9. Errors and Exceptions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 77) "9.1 What happens after an error?") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 79) "9.2 Generating errors from Tcl scripts") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 80) "9.3 Trapping errors with catch") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 81) "9.4 Exceptions in general") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 85) "10. String Manipulation") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 85) "10.1 Glob-style pattern matching") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 88) "10.2 Pattern matching with regular expressions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 90) "10.3 Using regular expressions for substitutions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 91) "10.4 Generating strings with format") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 93) "10.5 Parsing strings with scan") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 94) "10.6 Extracting characters: string index and string range") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 94) "10.7 Searching and comparison") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 95) "10.8 Length, case conversion, and trimming") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 97) "11. Accessing Files") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 97) "11.1 File names") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 99) "11.2 Basic file I/O") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 101) "11.3 Output buffering") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 101) "11.4 Random access to files") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 102) "11.5 The current working directory") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 102) "11.6 Manipulating file names: glob and file") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 105) "11.7 File information commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 107) "11.8 Errors in system calls") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 109) "12. Processes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 109) "12.1 Invoking subprocesses with exec") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 112) "12.2 I/O to and from a command pipeline") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 113) "12.3 Process ids") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 113) "12.4 Environment variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 113) "12.5 Terminating the Tcl process with exit") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 115) "13. Managing Tcl Internals") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 115) "13.1 Querying the elements of an array") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 117) "13.2 The info command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 117) "13.2.1 Information about variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 120) "13.2.2 Information about procedures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 121) "13.2.3 Information about commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 122) "13.2.4 Tclversion and library") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 122) "13.3 Timing command execution") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 123) "13.4 Tracing operations on variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 125) "13.5 Renaming and deleting commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 126) "13.6 Unknown commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 128) "13.7 Auto-loading") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 131) "14. History") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 131) "14.1 The history list") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 133) "14.2 Specifying events") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 133) "14.3 Re-executing commands from the history list") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 134) "14.4 Shortcuts implemented by unknown") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 8 134) "14.5 Current event number: history nextid") ;; (find-tcltkpage 147 "PART II: WRITING SCRIPTS FOR TK") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 133) "14. An Introduction to Tk") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 134) "14.1 Widgets and windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 136) "14.2 Screens, decorations, and toplevel windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 137) "14.3 Applications and processes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 138) "14.4 Scripts and events") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 138) "14.5 Wish: a windowing shell") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 139) "14.6 Widget creation commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 140) "14.7 Geometry managers") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 141) "14.8 Widget commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 142) "14.9 Commands for interconnection") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 145) "15. Tour Of The Tk Widgets") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 145) "15.1 Frames and toplevels") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 146) "15.2 Labels, buttons, checkbuttons, and radiobuttons") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 148) "15.3 Menus and menubuttons") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 150) "15.3.1 Pull-down menus") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 150) "15.3.2 Pop-up menus") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 150) "15.3.3 Cascaded menus") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 151) "15.3.4 Keyboard traversal and accelerators") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 151) "15.4 Listboxes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 152) "15.5 Entries") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 153) "15.6 Scrollbars") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 154) "15.7 Text") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 155) "15.8 Canvases") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 157) "15.9 Scales") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 157) "15.10 Messages") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 159) "16. Configuration Options") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 159) "16.1 How options are set") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 161) "16.2 Colors") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 163) "16.3 Screen distances") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 164) "16.4 Reliefs") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 164) "16.5 Fonts") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 166) "16.6 Bitmaps") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 166) "16.7 Cursors") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 167) "16.8 Anchors") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 169) "16.9 Script options and scrolling") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 171) "16.10 Variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 171) "16.11 Time intervals") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 171) "16.12 The configure widget command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 173) "16.13 The option database") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 173) "16.13.1 Patterns") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 175) "16.13.2 RESOURCE_MANAGER property and .Xdefaults file") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 175) "16.13.3 Priorities") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 176) "16.13.4 The option command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 179) "17. Geometry Managers: The Placer") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 179) "17.1 An overview of geometry management") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 182) "17.2 Controlling positions with the placer") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 185) "17.3 Controlling the size of a slave") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 185) "17.4 Selecting the master window") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 186) "17.5 Border modes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 186) "17.6 More on the place command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 187) "17.7 Controlling the size of the master") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 189) "18. The Packer") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 189) "18.1 Packer basics") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 193) "18.2 Packer configuration options") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 196) "18.3 Hierarchical packing") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 197) "18.4 Other options to the pack command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 199) "19. Bindings") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 199) "19.1 An overview of the bind command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 201) "19.2 Event patterns") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 203) "19.3 Sequences of events") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 203) "19.4 Conflict resolution") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 204) "19.5 Substitutions in scripts") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 205) "19.6 When are events processed?") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 205) "19.7 Background errors: tkerror") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 206) "19.8 Other uses of bindings") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 207) "20. The Selection") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 207) "20.1 Selections, retrievals, and targets") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 209) "20.2 Locating and clearing the selection") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 210) "20.3 Supplying the selection with Tcl scripts") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 213) "21. The Input Focus") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 213) "21.1 Focus model: explicit vs. implicit") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 214) "21.2 Setting the input focus") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 215) "21.3 Clearing the focus") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 215) "21.4 The default focus") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 216) "21.5 Keyboard accelerators") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 217) "22. Window Managers") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 219) "22.1 Window sizes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 220) "22.2 Gridded windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 222) "22.3 Window positions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 222) "22.4 Window states") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 223) "22.5 Decorations") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 223) "22.6 Window manager protocols") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 224) "22.7 Special handling: transients, groups, and override-redirect") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 225) "22.8 Session management") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 225) "22.9 A warning about window managers") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 227) "23. The Send Command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 227) "23.1 Basics") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 228) "23.2 Hypertools") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 229) "23.3 Application names") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 229) "23.4 Security issues") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 231) "24. Modal Interactions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 231) "24.1 Grabs") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 233) "24.2 Keyboard handling during grabs") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 233) "24.3 Waiting: the tkwait command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 237) "25. Odds and Ends") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 237) "25.1 Destroying windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 238) "25.2 Time delays") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 239) "25.3 The update command") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 240) "25.4 Information about windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 240) "25.5 The tk command: color models") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 241) "25.6 Variables managed by Tk") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 243) "26. Examples") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 243) "26.1 A procedure that generates dialog boxes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 16 247) "26.2 A remote-control application") ;; (find-tcltkpage 275 "PART III: WRITING TCL APPLICATIONS IN C") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 257) "27. Philosophy") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 257) "27.1 C vs. Tcl: primitives") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 259) "27.2 Object names") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 260) "27.3 Commands: action-oriented vs. object-oriented") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 261) "27.4 Application prefixes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 262) "27.5 Representing information") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 263) "28. Interpreters and Script Evaluation") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 263) "28.1 Interpreters") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 263) "28.2 A simple Tcl application") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 266) "28.3 Other evaluation procedures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 266) "28.4 Deleting interpreters") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 269) "29. Creating New Tcl Commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 269) "29.1 Command procedures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 271) "29.2 Registering commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 272) "29.3 The result protocol") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 273) "29.4 Procedures for managing the result") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 275) "29.5 ClientData and deletion callbacks") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 278) "29.6 Deleting commands") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 279) "30. Parsing") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 279) "30.1 Numbers and booleans") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 282) "30.2 Expression evaluation") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 283) "30.3 Manipulating lists") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 285) "31. Exceptions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 285) "31.1 Completion codes.") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 288) "31.2 Augmenting the stack trace in errorInfo") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 290) "31.3 Setting errorCode") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 291) "32. Accessing Tcl Variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 291) "32.1 Naming variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 293) "32.2 Setting variable values") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 295) "32.3 Reading variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 296) "32.4 Unsetting variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 296) "32.5 Setting and unsetting variable traces") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 297) "32.6 Trace callbacks") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 299) "32.7 Whole-array traces") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 299) "32.8 Multiple traces") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 299) "32.9 Unset callbacks") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 300) "32.10 Non-existent variables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 300) "32.11 Querying trace information") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 301) "33. Hash Tables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 303) "33.1 Keys and values") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 303) "33.2 Creating and deleting hash tables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 304) "33.3 Creating entries") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 305) "33.4 Finding existing entries") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 306) "33.5 Searching") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 307) "33.6 Deleting entries") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 307) "33.7 Statistics") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 309) "34. String Utilities") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 309) "34.1 Dynamic strings") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 312) "34.2 Command completeness") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 313) "34.3 String matching") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 315) "35. POSIX Utilities") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 315) "35.1 Tilde expansion") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 317) "35.2 Generating messages") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 318) "35.3 Creating subprocesses") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 20 319) "35.4 Background processes") ;; (find-tcltkpage 343 "PART IV: TK'S C INTERFACES") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 323) "36. Introduction") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 324) "36.1 What's in a widget?") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 325) "36.2 Widgets are event-driven") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 325) "36.3 Tk vs. Xlib") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 326) "36.4 Square: an example widget") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 328) "36.5 Design for re-usability") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 329) "37. Creating Windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 329) "37.1 Tk_Window structures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 329) "37.2 Creating Tk_Windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 331) "37.3 Setting a window's class") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 332) "37.4 Deleting windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 332) "37.5 Basic operations on Tk_Windows") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 333) "37.6 Create procedures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 336) "37.7 Delayed window creation") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 337) "38. Configuring Widgets") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 337) "38.1 Tk_ConfigureWidget") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 339) "38.1.1 Tk_ConfigSpec tables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 341) "38.1.2 Invoking Tk_ConfigureWidget") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 342) "38.1.3 Errors") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 342) "38.1.4 Reconfiguring") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 342) "38.1.5 Tk_ConfigureInfo") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 343) "38.1.6 Tk_FreeOptions") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 343) "38.1.7 Other uses for configuration tables") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 343) "38.2 Resource caches") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 344) "38.2.1 Graphics contexts") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 345) "38.2.2 Other resources") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 346) "38.3 Tk_Uids") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 346) "38.4 Other translators") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 347) "38.5 Changing window attributes") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 348) "38.6 The square configure procedure") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 349) "38.7 The square widget command procedure") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 353) "39. Events") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 353) "39.1 X events") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 357) "39.2 File events") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 359) "39.3 Timer events") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 360) "39.4 Idle callbacks") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 361) "39.5 Generic event handlers") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 362) "39.6 Invoking the event dispatcher") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 365) "40. Displaying Widgets") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 365) "40.1 Delayed redisplay") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 367) "40.2 Double-buffering with pixmaps") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 367) "40.3 Drawing procedures") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 371) "41. Destroying Widgets") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 371) "41.1 Basics") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 372) "41.2 Delayed cleanup") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 377) "42. Managing the Selection") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 377) "42.1 Selection handlers") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 380) "42.2 Claiming the selection") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 381) "42.3 Retrieving the selection") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 383) "43. Geometry Management") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 383) "43.1 Requesting a size for a widget") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 385) "43.2 Internal borders") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 386) "43.3 Grids") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 387) "43.4 Geometry managers") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 388) "43.5 Claiming ownership") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 388) "43.6 Retrieving geometry information") ;; (find-tcltkpage (+ 22 389) "43.7 Mapping and setting geometry") ;; (find-tcltktext "") ;; (find-tcltktext "") ;; «o_keefe» (to ".o_keefe") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "o_keefe") ;; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.entcs.2003.12.014 ;; Greg O'Keefe: "Towards a Readable Formalisation of Category Theory" (2004) (code-pdf "okeefereadable" "~/books/__comp/o_keefe__towards_a_readable_formalisation_of_category_theory.pdf") (code-pdftotext "okeefereadable" "~/books/__comp/o_keefe__towards_a_readable_formalisation_of_category_theory.pdf" 212) ;; (find-okeefereadablepage) ;; (find-okeefereadablepage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-okeefereadablepage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-okeefereadabletext "") ;; «oliveira» (to ".oliveira") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "oliveira") ;; https://fabianooliveira.ime.uerj.br/lecture-notes (code-pdf-page "oliveiradpcc" "~/books/__comp/oliveira_2021_desenvolvendo_programas_com_correcao.pdf") (code-pdf-text "oliveiradpcc" "~/books/__comp/oliveira_2021_desenvolvendo_programas_com_correcao.pdf" 1) ;; (find-oliveiradpccpage) ;; (find-oliveiradpccpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-oliveiradpccpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-oliveiradpcctext "") ;; (find-fline "~/fsoliveira/README") ;; http://anggtwu.net/fsoliveira/ ;; http://anggtwu.net/fsoliveira/README.html ;; http://anggtwu.net/fsoliveira/dpcc.pdf (code-pdf-page "fsodpcc" "~/fsoliveira/dpcc.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fsodpcc" "~/fsoliveira/dpcc.pdf") ;; (find-fsodpccpage) ;; (find-fsodpcctext) ;; «paulson» (to ".paulson") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/28928/ml-for-the-working-programmer (code-djvu "mlwp" "~/books/__comp/paulson__ml_for_the_working_programmer.djvu") ;; (find-mlwppage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-mlwppage (+ 15 469) "Index") ;; «perrone» (to ".perrone") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "perrone") ;; http://paoloperrone.org/phdthesis.pdf (code-pdf-page "perronephd" "$S/http/paoloperrone.org/phdthesis.pdf") (code-pdf-text "perronephd" "$S/http/paoloperrone.org/phdthesis.pdf") ;; (find-perronephdpage) ;; (find-perronephdtext) ;; (find-perronephdpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-perronephdtext 9 "Contents") ;; «petersen» (to ".petersen") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "petersen") (code-pdf-page "masteringemacs" "~/books/__comp/petersen__mastering_emacs_2022.pdf") (code-pdf-text "masteringemacs" "~/books/__comp/petersen__mastering_emacs_2022.pdf" 2) ;; (find-masteringemacspage) ;; (find-masteringemacspage 2 "Contents") ;; (find-masteringemacspage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-masteringemacstext "") ;; «peyton-jones» (to ".peyton-jones") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "peyton-jones") ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/simonpj/ ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/the-implementation-of-functional-programming-languages/ ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/1987/01/slpj-book-1987-small.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/1987/01/") (code-xpdf "impfpl" "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/1987/01/slpj-book-1987-small.pdf") ;; (find-impfplpage) ;; (find-impfplpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-impfplpage (+ 13 1) "1. Introduction") ;; (find-impfplpage (+ 13 439) "Index") ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/a-quick-look-at-impredicativity/ ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2020/01/quick-look-icfp20.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2020/01/") (code-pdf-page "spjquicklooki" "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2020/01/quick-look-icfp20.pdf") (code-pdf-text "spjquicklooki" "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2020/01/quick-look-icfp20.pdf") ;; (find-spjquicklookipage) ;; (find-spjquicklookitext) ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/academic-program/write-great-research-paper/ ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/academic-program/write-great-research-paper/#!other-resources ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/How-to-write-a-great-research-paper.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/") ;; (find-pdf-page "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/How-to-write-a-great-research-paper.pdf") ;; (find-pdf-text "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/How-to-write-a-great-research-paper.pdf") ;; «pierce» (to ".pierce") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "pierce") ;; https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/tapl/ (code-pdf-page "tapl" "~/books/__comp/pierce__types_and_programming_languages.pdf") (code-pdf-text "tapl" "~/books/__comp/pierce__types_and_programming_languages.pdf" 22) ;; (find-taplpage) ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 1) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 1) "1.1 Types in Computer Science") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 4) "1.2 What Type Systems Are Good For") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 9) "1.3 Type Systems and Language Design") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 10) "1.4 Capsule History") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 12) "1.5 Related Reading") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 15) "2 Mathematical Preliminaries") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 15) "2.1 Sets, Relations, and Functions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 16) "2.2 Ordered Sets") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 18) "2.3 Sequences") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 19) "2.4 Induction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 20) "2.5 Background Reading") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 21) "I Untyped Systems") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 23) "3 Untyped Arithmetic Expressions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 23) "3.1 Introduction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 26) "3.2 Syntax") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 29) "3.3 Induction on Terms") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 32) "3.4 Semantic Styles") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 34) "3.5 Evaluation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 43) "3.6 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 45) "4 An ML Implementation of Arithmetic Expressions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 46) "4.1 Syntax") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 47) "4.2 Evaluation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 49) "4.3 The Rest of the Story") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 51) "5 The Untyped Lambda-Calculus") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 52) "5.1 Basics") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 58) "5.2 Programming in the Lambda-Calculus") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 68) "5.3 Formalities") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 73) "5.4 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 75) "6 Nameless Representation of Terms") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 76) "6.1 Terms and Contexts") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 78) "6.2 Shifting and Substitution") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 80) "6.3 Evaluation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 83) "7 An ML Implementation of the Lambda-Calculus") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 83) "7.1 Terms and Contexts") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 85) "7.2 Shifting and Substitution") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 87) "7.3 Evaluation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 88) "7.4 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 89) "II Simple Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 91) "8 Typed Arithmetic Expressions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 91) "8.1 Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 92) "8.2 The Typing Relation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 95) "8.3 Safety = Progress + Preservation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 99) "9 Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 99) "9.1 Function Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 100) "9.2 The Typing Relation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 104) "9.3 Properties of Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 108) "9.4 The Curry-Howard Correspondence") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 109) "9.5 Erasure and Typability") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 111) "9.6 Curry-Style vs. Church-Style") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 111) "9.7 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 113) "10 An ML Implementation of Simple Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 113) "10.1 Contexts") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 115) "10.2 Terms and Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 115) "10.3 Typechecking") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 117) "11 Simple Extensions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 117) "11.1 Base Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 118) "11.2 The Unit Type") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 119) "11.3 Derived Forms: Sequencing and Wildcards") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 121) "11.4 Ascription") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 124) "11.5 Let Bindings") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 126) "11.6 Pairs") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 128) "11.7 Tuples") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 129) "11.8 Records") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 132) "11.9 Sums") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 136) "11.10 Variants") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 142) "11.11 General Recursion") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 146) "11.12 Lists") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 149) "12 Normalization") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 149) "12.1 Normalization for Simple Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 152) "12.2 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 153) "13 References") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 153) "13.1 Introduction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 159) "13.2 Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 159) "13.3 Evaluation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 162) "13.4 Store Typings") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 165) "13.5 Safety") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 170) "13.6 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 171) "14 Exceptions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 172) "14.1 Raising Exceptions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 173) "14.2 Handling Exceptions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 175) "14.3 Exceptions Carrying Values") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 179) "III Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 181) "15 Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 181) "15.1 Subsumption") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 182) "15.2 The Subtype Relation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 188) "15.3 Properties of Subtyping and Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 191) "15.4 The Top and Bottom Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 193) "15.5 Subtyping and Other Features") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 200) "15.6 Coercion Semantics for Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 206) "15.7 Intersection and Union Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 207) "15.8 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 209) "16 Metatheory of Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 210) "16.1 Algorithmic Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 213) "16.2 Algorithmic Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 218) "16.3 Joins and Meets") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 220) "16.4 Algorithmic Typing and the Bottom Type") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 221) "17 An ML Implementation of Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 221) "17.1 Syntax") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 221) "17.2 Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 222) "17.3 Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 225) "18 Case Study: Imperative Objects") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 225) "18.1 What Is Object-Oriented Programming?") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 228) "18.2 Objects") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 229) "18.3 Object Generators") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 229) "18.4 Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 230) "18.5 Grouping Instance Variables") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 231) "18.6 Simple Classes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 233) "18.7 Adding Instance Variables") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 234) "18.8 Calling Superclass Methods") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 234) "18.9 Classes with Self") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 235) "18.10 Open Recursion through Self") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 237) "18.11 Open Recursion and Evaluation Order") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 241) "18.12 A More Efficient Implementation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 244) "18.13 Recap") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 245) "18.14 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 247) "19 Case Study: Featherweight Java") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 247) "19.1 Introduction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 249) "19.2 Overview") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 251) "19.3 Nominal and Structural Type Systems") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 254) "19.4 Definitions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 261) "19.5 Properties") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 262) "19.6 Encodings vs. Primitive Objects") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 263) "19.7 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 265) "IV Recursive Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 267) "20 Recursive Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 268) "20.1 Examples") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 275) "20.2 Formalities") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 279) "20.3 Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 279) "20.4 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 281) "21 Metatheory of Recursive Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 282) "21.1 Induction and Coinduction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 284) "21.2 Finite and Infinite Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 286) "21.3 Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 288) "21.4 A Digression on Transitivity") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 290) "21.5 Membership Checking") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 295) "21.6 More Efficient Algorithms") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 298) "21.7 Regular Trees") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 299) "21.8 µ-Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 304) "21.9 Counting Subexpressions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 309) "21.10 Digression: An Exponential Algorithm") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 311) "21.11 Subtyping Iso-Recursive Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 312) "21.12 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 315) "V Polymorphism") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 317) "22 Type Reconstruction") ;; (find-tapltext (+ 22 317) "22 Type Reconstruction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 317) "22.1 Type Variables and Substitutions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 319) "22.2 Two Views of Type Variables") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 321) "22.3 Constraint-Based Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 326) "22.4 Unification") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 329) "22.5 Principal Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 330) "22.6 Implicit Type Annotations") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 331) "22.7 Let-Polymorphism") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 336) "22.8 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 339) "23 Universal Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 339) "23.1 Motivation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 340) "23.2 Varieties of Polymorphism") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 341) "23.3 System F") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 344) "23.4 Examples") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 353) "23.5 Basic Properties") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 354) "23.6 Erasure, Typability, and Type Reconstruction") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 357) "23.7 Erasure and Evaluation Order") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 358) "23.8 Fragments of System F") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 359) "23.9 Parametricity") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 360) "23.10 Impredicativity") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 361) "23.11 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 363) "24 Existential Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 363) "24.1 Motivation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 368) "24.2 Data Abstraction with Existentials") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 377) "24.3 Encoding Existentials") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 379) "24.4 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 381) "25 An ML Implementation of System F") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 381) "25.1 Nameless Representation of Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 382) "25.2 Type Shifting and Substitution") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 383) "25.3 Terms") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 385) "25.4 Evaluation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 386) "25.5 Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 389) "26 Bounded Quantification") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 389) "26.1 Motivation") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 391) "26.2 Definitions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 396) "26.3 Examples") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 400) "26.4 Safety") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 406) "26.5 Bounded Existential Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 408) "26.6 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 411) "27 Case Study: Imperative Objects, Redux") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 417) "28 Metatheory of Bounded Quantification") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 417) "28.1 Exposure") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 418) "28.2 Minimal Typing") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 421) "28.3 Subtyping in Kernel F<:") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 424) "28.4 Subtyping in Full F<:") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 427) "28.5 Undecidability of Full F<:") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 432) "28.6 Joins and Meets") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 435) "28.7 Bounded Existentials") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 436) "28.8 Bounded Quantification and the Bottom Type") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 437) "VI Higher-Order Systems") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 439) "29 Type Operators and Kinding") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 440) "29.1 Intuitions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 445) "29.2 Definitions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 449) "30 Higher-Order Polymorphism") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 449) "30.1 Definitions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 450) "30.2 Example") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 453) "30.3 Properties") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 461) "30.4 Fragments of F") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 462) "30.5 Going Further: Dependent Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 467) "31 Higher-Order Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 467) "31.1 Intuitions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 469) "31.2 Definitions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 472) "31.3 Properties") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 472) "31.4 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 475) "32 Case Study: Purely Functional Objects") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 475) "32.1 Simple Objects") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 476) "32.2 Subtyping") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 477) "32.3 Bounded Quantification") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 479) "32.4 Interface Types") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 480) "32.5 Sending Messages to Objects") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 481) "32.6 Simple Classes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 482) "32.7 Polymorphic Update") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 485) "32.8 Adding Instance Variables") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 486) "32.9 Classes with "Self"") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 488) "32.10 Notes") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 491) "Appendices") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 493) "A Solutions to Selected Exercises") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 565) "B Notational Conventions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 565) "B.1 Metavariable Names") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 565) "B.2 Rule Naming Conventions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 566) "B.3 Naming and Subscripting Conventions") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 567) "References") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 605) "Index") ;; (find-tapltext (+ 22 605) "Index") ;; (find-taplpage (+ 22 621) " type reconstruction") ;; (find-tapltext (+ 22 621) " type reconstruction") ;; (find-tapltext "") ;; «pierce-atitapl» (to ".pierce-atitapl") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "pierce-atitapl") (code-pdf-page "atitapl" "~/books/__comp/pierce__advanced_topics_in_types_and_programming_languages.pdf") (code-pdf-text "atitapl" "~/books/__comp/pierce__advanced_topics_in_types_and_programming_languages.pdf" 15) ;; (find-atitaplpage) ;; (find-atitaplpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-atitapltext 6 "Contents") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 1) "I Precise Type Analyses") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 3) "1 Substructural Type Systems") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 4) "1.1 Structural Properties") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 6) "1.2 A Linear Type System") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 17) "1.3 Extensions and Variations") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 30) "1.4 An Ordered Type System") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 36) "1.5 Further Applications") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 40) "1.6 Notes") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 45) "2 Dependent Types") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 45) "2.1 Motivations") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 50) "2.2 Pure First-Order Dependent Types") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 54) "2.3 Properties") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 56) "2.4 Algorithmic Typing and Equality") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 61) "2.5 Dependent Sum Types") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 64) "2.6 The Calculus of Constructions") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 71) "2.7 Relating Abstractions: Pure Type Systems") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 74) "2.8 Programming with Dependent Types") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 83) "2.9 Implementation of Dependent Types") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 86) "2.10 Further Reading") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 87) "3 Effect Types and Region-Based Memory Management") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 141) "4 Typed Assembly Language") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 177) "5 Proof-Carrying Code") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 223) "6 Logical Relations and a Case Study in Equivalence Checking") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 245) "7 Typed Operational Reasoning") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 293) "8 Design Considerations for ML-Style Module Systems") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 347) "9 Type Definitions") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 351) "9.1 Definitions in the Typing Context") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 358) "9.2 Definitions in Module Interfaces") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 367) "9.3 Singleton Kinds") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 384) "9.4 Notes") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 389) "10 The Essence of ML Type Inference") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 389) "10.1 What Is ML?") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 407) "10.2 Constraints") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 422) "10.3 HM(X)") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 429) "10.4 Constraint Generation") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 434) "10.5 Type Soundness") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 438) "10.6 Constraint Solving") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 451) "10.7 From ML-the-Calculus to ML-the-Language") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 460) "10.8 Rows") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 491) "A Solutions to Selected Exercises") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 535) "References") ;; (find-atitaplpage (+ 15 567) "Index") ;; (find-atitapltext "") ;; «plotkin» (to ".plotkin") ;; http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/ ;; http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/ ;; http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/Framework_Def_Log.pdf (code-pdf-page "plotkinLF" "$S/http/homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/Framework_Def_Log.pdf") (code-pdf-text "plotkinLF" "$S/http/homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/Framework_Def_Log.pdf") ;; (find-plotkinLFpage) ;; (find-plotkinLFtext) ;; «plotkin-partdiff» (to ".plotkin-partdiff") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "plotkin-partdiff") ;; Gordon Plotkin: A complete axiomatisation of partial differentiation ;; http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/ACT@UCR/index.html#plotkin ;; http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/mathematical/ACTUCR/Plotkin_Partial_Differentiation.pdf ;; http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/mathematical/ACTUCR/Plotkin_Partial_Differentiation.mp4 ;; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_w6GNUIQDo&w=560&h=315 (code-pdf-page "plotkincapd" "$S/http/math.ucr.edu/home/baez/mathematical/ACTUCR/Plotkin_Partial_Differentiation.pdf") (code-pdf-text "plotkincapd" "$S/http/math.ucr.edu/home/baez/mathematical/ACTUCR/Plotkin_Partial_Differentiation.pdf") ;; (find-plotkincapdpage) ;; (find-plotkincapdtext) ;; ;; Fiore-Plotkin-Turi: Abstract Syntax and Variable Binding ;; http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/Abstract_Syn.pdf ;; ;; Mitchell/Plotkin: "Abstract Types Have Existential Type" (1988) ;; http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/Abstract_existential.pdf (code-pdf-page "plotkinathet" "$S/http/homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/Abstract_existential.pdf") (code-pdf-text "plotkinathet" "$S/http/homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/gdp/publications/Abstract_existential.pdf") ;; (find-plotkinathetpage) ;; (find-plotkinathettext) ;; «pratt-tdop» (to ".pratt-tdop") ;; https://tdop.github.io/ ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/512927.512931 (code-pdf-page "pratt73" "~/books/__comp/pratt__top-down_operator_precedence.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pratt73" "~/books/__comp/pratt__top-down_operator_precedence.pdf" 1) ;; (find-pratt73page) ;; (find-pratt73page 1 "Contents") ;; (find-pratt73page (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-pratt73text "") ;; «raymond» (to ".raymond") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "raymond") (code-pdf-page "artofunixp" "~/books/__comp/raymond__the_art_of_unix_programming.pdf") (code-pdf-text "artofunixp" "~/books/__comp/raymond__the_art_of_unix_programming.pdf" 33) ;; (find-artofunixppage) ;; (find-artofunixppage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-artofunixptext 10 "Contents") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 11) "a sign of peak efficiency") ;; (find-artofunixptext (+ 33 11) "a sign of peak efficiency") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 183) "8 Minilanguages: Finding a Notation That Sings") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 185) "8.1 Understanding the Taxonomy of Languages") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 187) "8.2 Applying Minilanguages") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 187) "8.2.1 Case Study: sng") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 188) "8.2.2 Case Study: Regular Expressions") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 191) "8.2.3 Case Study: Glade") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 193) "8.2.4 Case Study: m4") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 194) "8.2.5 Case Study: XSLT") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 195) "8.2.6 Case Study: The Documenter's Workbench Tools") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 199) "8.2.7 Case Study: fetchmail Run-Control Syntax") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 200) "8.2.8 Case Study: awk") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 202) "8.2.9 Case Study: PostScript") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 203) "8.2.10 Case Study: bc and dc") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 205) "8.2.11 Case Study: Emacs Lisp") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 205) "8.2.12 Case Study: JavaScript") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 206) "8.3 Designing Minilanguages") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 207) "8.3.1 Choosing the Right Complexity Level") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 209) "8.3.2 Extending and Embedding Languages") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 210) "8.3.3 Writing a Custom Grammar") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 210) "8.3.4 Macros--Beware!") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 212) "8.3.5 Language or Application Protocol?") ;; (find-artofunixppage (+ 33 3) "Index") ;; (find-artofunixptext "") ;; «reynolds» (to ".reynolds") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "reynolds") (code-pdf-page "reynoldstpl" "~/books/__comp/reynolds__theories_of_programming_languages.pdf") (code-pdf-text "reynoldstpl" "~/books/__comp/reynolds__theories_of_programming_languages.pdf" 13) ;; (find-reynoldstplpage) ;; (find-reynoldstplpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-reynoldstpltext "") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "Preface") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "1 Predicate Logic") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "1.1 Abstract Syntax") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "1.2 Denotational Semantics of Predicate Logic") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "1.3 Validity and Inference") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "1.4 Binding and Substitution") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2 The Simple Imperative Language") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.1 Syntax") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.2 Denotational Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.3 Domains and Continuous Functions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.4 The Least Fixed-Point Theorem") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.5 Variable Declarations and Substitution") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.6 Syntactic Sugar: The for Command") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.7 Arithmetic Errors") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "2.8 Soundness and Full Abstraction") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3 Program Specifications and Their Proofs") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.1 Syntax and Semantics of Specifications") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.2 Inference Rules") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.3 Rules for Assignment and Sequential Composition") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.4 Rules for while Commands") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.5 Further Rules") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.6 Computing Fibonacci Numbers") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.7 Fast Exponentiation") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "3.8 Complications and Limitations") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "4 Arrays") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "4.1 Abstract Syntax") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "4.2 Denotational Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "4.3 Binary Search") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 0) "4.4 Inference Rules for Arrays") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 93) "4.5 Higher-Order Assertions About Arrays") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 97) "5 Failure, Input-Output, and Continuations") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 97) "5.1 The fail Command") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 101) "5.2 Intermediate Output and a Domain of Sequences") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 107) "5.3 The Physical Argument for Continuity") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 109) "5.4 Products and Disjoint Unions of Predomains") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 111) "5.5 Recursive Domain Isomorphisms") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 113) "5.6 Intermediate Input and a Domain of Resumptions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 115) "5.7 Continuation Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 118) "5.8 Continuation Semantics of Extensions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 126) "6 Transition Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 126) "6.1 Configurations and the Transition Relation") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 127) "6.2 Inference Rules for the Simple Language") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 131) "6.3 Transition Semantics of fail") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 132) "6.4 Input and Output") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 136) "7 Nondeterminism and Guarded Commands") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 137) "7.1 Syntax and Transition Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 139) "7.2 Bounded Nondeterminism and Powerdomains") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 144) "7.3 Semantic Equations") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 147) "7.4 Program Specification and Proof") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 149) "7.5 Weakest Preconditions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 155) "8 Shared-Variable Concurrency") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 155) "8.1 Concurrent Composition") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 157) "8.2 Critical Regions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 159) "8.3 Mutual Exclusion and Conditional Critical Regions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 161) "8.4 Deadlock") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 162) "8.5 Fairness") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 164) "8.6 Resumption Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 165) "8.7 Transition Traces") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 171) "8.8 Stuttering and Mumbling") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 181) "9 Communicating Sequential Processes") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 181) "9.1 Syntax") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 183) "9.2 Transition Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 187) "9.3 Possible Restrictions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 188) "9.4 Examples") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 189) "9.5 Deadlock") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 189) "9.6 Fairness") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 194) "10 The Lambda Calculus") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 196) "10.1 Syntax") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 197) "10.2 Reduction") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 201) "10.3 Normal-Order Evaluation") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 206) "10.4 Eager Evaluation") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 208) "10.5 Denotational Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 216) "10.6 Programming in the Lambda Calculus") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 222) "11 An Eager Functional Language") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 222) "11.1 Concrete Syntax") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 223) "11.2 Evaluation Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 228) "11.3 Definitions, Patterns, and Recursion") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 231) "11.4 Lists") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 232) "11.5 Examples") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 235) "11.6 Direct Denotational Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 242) "11.7 Dynamic Binding") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 251) "12 Continuations in a Functional Language") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 251) "12.1 Continuation Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 255) "12.2 Continuations as Values") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 257) "12.3 Continuations as a Programming Technique") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 258) "12.4 Deriving a First-Order Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 264) "12.5 First-Order Semantics Summarized") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 269) "12.6 Relating First-Order and Continuation Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 273) "13 Iswim-like Languages") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 273) "13.1 Aliasing, References, and States") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 276) "13.2 Evaluation Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 278) "13.3 Continuation Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 282) "13.4 Some Syntactic Sugar") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 282) "13.5 First-Order Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 284) "13.6 Examples") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 287) "13.7 Exceptions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 289) "13.8 Backtracking") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 291) "13.9 Input and Output") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 293) "13.10 Some Complications") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 298) "14 A Normal-Order Language") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 298) "14.1 Evaluation Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 301) "14.2 Syntactic Sugar") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 302) "14.3 Examples") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 304) "14.4 Direct Denotational Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 306) "14.5 Reduction Revisited") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 307) "14.6 Lazy Evaluation") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 315) "15 The Simple Type System") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 316) "15.1 Types, Contexts, and Judgements") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 318) "15.2 Inference Rules") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 324) "15.3 Explicit Typing") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 327) "15.4 The Extrinsic Meaning of Types") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 334) "15.5 The Intrinsic View") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 339) "15.6 Set-Theoretic Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 341) "15.7 Recursive Types") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 349) "16 Subtypes and Intersection Types") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 349) "16.1 Inference Rules for Subtyping") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 352) "16.2 Named Products and Sums") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 354) "16.3 Intersection Types") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 358) "16.4 Extrinsic Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 362) "16.5 Generic Operators") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 365) "16.6 Intrinsic Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 379) "17 Polymorphism") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 380) "17.1 Syntax and Inference Rules") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 383) "17.2 Polymorphic Programming") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 390) "17.3 Extrinsic Semantics") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 398) "18 Module Specification") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 398) "18.1 Type Definitions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 401) "18.2 Existential Quantification and Modules") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 406) "18.3 Implementing One Abstraction in Terms of Another") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 415) "19 Algol-like Languages") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 416) "19.1 Data Types and Phrase Types") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 419) "19.2 Phrases and Type Inference Rules") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 423) "19.3 Examples") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 426) "19.4 Arrays and Declarators") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 428) "19.5 A Semantics Embodying the Stack Discipline") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 434) "19.6 The Semantics of Variables") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 436) "19.7 The Semantics of Procedures") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 439) "19.8 Some Extensions and Simplifications") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 447) "Appendix: Mathematical Background") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 448) "A.1 Sets") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 450) "A.2 Relations") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 452) "A.3 Functions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 456) "A.4 Relations and Functions Between Sets") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 459) "A.5 More About Products and Disjoint Unions") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 462) "A.6 More About Relations") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 467) "Bibliography") ;; (find-reynoldstplpage (+ 13 483) "Index") ;; «rutten» (to ".rutten") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "rutten") ;; "Behavioural differential equations: a coinductive calculus of streams, automata, and power series" ;; https://homepages.cwi.nl/~janr/ ;; https://homepages.cwi.nl/~janr/papers/ ;; https://homepages.cwi.nl/~janr/papers/files-of-papers/tcs308.pdf (code-pdf-page "rutten" "$S/https/homepages.cwi.nl/~janr/papers/files-of-papers/tcs308.pdf") (code-pdf-text "rutten" "$S/https/homepages.cwi.nl/~janr/papers/files-of-papers/tcs308.pdf") ;; (find-ruttenpage) ;; (find-ruttentext) ;; «queinnec» (to ".queinnec") ;; http://pagesperso-systeme.lip6.fr/Christian.Queinnec/WWW/LiSP.html (code-djvu "queinnec" "~/books/__comp/queinnec__lisp_in_small_pieces.djvu") (code-djvutotext "queinnec" "~/books/__comp/queinnec__lisp_in_small_pieces.djvu") ;; (find-queinnecpage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-queinnecpage (+ 18 495) "Index") ;; (find-queinnectext "") ;; «salus» (to ".salus") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "salus") (code-pdf-page "salus" "~/books/__comp/salus__a_quarter_century_of_UNIX.pdf") (code-pdf-text "salus" "~/books/__comp/salus__a_quarter_century_of_UNIX.pdf" 13) ;; (find-saluspage) ;; (find-saluspage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 1) "Introduction") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 3) "Genesis") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 5) "0. Prelude to space") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 7) "1. Summer 1969-") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 12) "2. Calculating and computing") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 22) "3. Opearting systems") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 25) "4. Project MAC:") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 31) "Part 2: Birth of a system") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 33) "5. The PDP-11") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 38) "6. First edition") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 44) "7. C and pipes") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 54) "8. The first paper") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 56) "9. The law - part I") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 63) "Part 3: What makes UNIX Unix?") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 65) "10. The users") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 73) "11. Why Unix?") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 78) "12. Style and tools") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 92) "13. PWB and MERT") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 95) "14. Utilities") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 117) "Part 4: Unix spreads and blossoms") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 13 119) "15. The users - part II") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 137) "16. Berkeley Unix - part I") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 146) "17. Version 7") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 153) "18. Berkeley Unix - part II") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 173) "19. Commercial Unix") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 181) "20. DEC") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 189) "21. The law - part 2") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 191) "Part 5: The Unix industry") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 193) "22. /usr/group") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 198) "23. Sun and JAWS") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 202) "24. Standards") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 207) "Part 6: The currents of change") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 209) "25. Duelling Unixes") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 213) "26. Offspring systems") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 216) "27. OSF and UI") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 219) "28. Berkeley Unix: after the VAX") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 222) "29. The law: part III") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 227) "Finale") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 229) "Finale: what made it work?") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 235) "Further reading") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 239) "Who's who and what's what") ;; (find-saluspage (+ 21 249) "Index") ;; (find-salustext "") ;; «scheinerman» (to ".scheinerman") (code-xpdf "scheinerman" "~/books/__comp/scheinerman__matematica_discreta_uma_introducao.pdf") (code-djvu "scheinerman" "~/books/__comp/scheinerman__matematica_discreta_uma_introducao.djvu") (code-djvu "scheinerman" "~/books/__comp/scheinerman__matematica_discreta_uma_introducao__bw.djvu") ;; (find-scheinermanpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-scheinermantext "") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 8 1) "Capítulo 1. Fundamentos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 8 1) "Seção 1. Definição") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 7 7) "Seção 2. Teorema") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 6 16) "Seção 3. Prova") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 6 20) "Esquema de prova 1" "se-então") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 6 22) "Omitindo passos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 4 25) "Seção 4. Contra-exemplo") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 4 27) "Seção 5. Álgebra de Boole") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 4 29) "Equivalência lógica") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 0 33) "(exercícios)") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 0 35) "Capítulo 2. Coleções") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ 0 35) "Seção 6. Listas") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -6 44) "Seção 7. Fatorial") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -6 49) "Seção 8. Conjuntos I: Introdução, Subconjuntos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -7 56) "Seção 9. Quantificadores") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -10 62) "Seção 10. Conjuntos II: Operações") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -10 77) "Capítulo 3. Contagem e Relações") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -10 77) "Seção 11. Relações") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -10 83) "Ilustração de relações") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -10 84) "Seção 12. Relações de Equivalência") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -10 93) "Seção 13. Partições") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -15 100) "Seção 14. Coeficientes Binomiais") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -23 116) "Seção 15. Contagem de Multiconjuntos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -23 124) "Seção 16. Inclusão-Exclusão") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -25 135) "Capítulo 4. Mais Provas") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -25 135) "Seção 17. Contradição") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -25 143) "Seção 18. Contra-exemplo Mínimo") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -27 155) "(indução - exercícios preliminares)") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -27 156) "Seção 19. Indução") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -27 165) "(indução - exercícios mais sérios)") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -27 169) "Capítulo 5. Funções") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -27 170) "Seção 20. Funções") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -29 184) "Seção 21. O Princípio da Casa do Pombo") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -31 191) "Seção 22. Composição") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -31 197) "Seção 23. Permutações") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -31 212) "Seção 24. Simetria") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -31 219) "Seção 25. Tipos de Notação") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -38 227) "Capítulo 6. Probabilidade") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -38 228) "Seção 26. Espaço Amostral") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -38 232) "Seção 27. Eventos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -41 241) "Seção 28. Probabilidade Condicional e Independência") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -41 252) "Seção 29. Variáveis Aleatórias") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -55 258) "Seção 30. Esperança") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -55 279) "Capítulo 7. Teoria dos Números") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -55 279) "Seção 31. Divisão") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -55 285) "Seção 32. Máximo Divisor Comum") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -64 296) "Seção 33. Aritmética Modular") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -64 308) "Seção 34. O Teorema do Resto Chinês") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -64 314) "Seção 35. Fatoração") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -69 325) "Capítulo 8. Álgebra") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -69 325) "Seção 36. Grupos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -69 336) "Seção 37. Isomorfismo de Grupos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -69 343) "Seção 38. Subgrupos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -78 352) "Seção 39. O Pequeno Teorema de Fermat") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -78 361) "Seção 40. Criptografia de Chave Pública I: Introdução") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -78 366) "Seção 41. Criptografia de Chave Pública II: O Método de Rabin") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -78 373) "Seção 42. Criptografia de Chave Pública III: RSA") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -90 381) "Capítulo 9. Grafos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -93 381) "Seção 43. Fundamentos da Teoria dos Grafos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -95 394) "Seção 44. Subgrafos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -100 402) "Seção 45. Conexão") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -102 411) "Seção 46. Árvores") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -105 422) "Seção 47. Grafos Eulerianos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -107 428) "Seção 48. Coloração") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -109 439) "Seção 49. Grafos Planares") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -115 453) "Capítulo 10. Conjuntos Parcialmente Ordenados") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -115 453) "Seção 50. Fundamentos dos Conjuntos Parcialmente Ordenados") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -115 454) "diagrama de Hasse") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -119 461) "Seção 51. Max e Min") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -119 464) "Seção 52. Ordens Lineares") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -121 468) "Seção 53. Extensões Lineares") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -125 477) "Seção 54. Dimensão") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -129 485) "Seção 55. Reticulados") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -129 493) "Apêndices") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -132 493) "Apêndice A. Muitas Sugestões e Comentários, Algumas Respostas") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -116 515) "Apêndice B. Glossário") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -117 522) "Apêndice C. Fundamentos") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -118 525) "Esquemas de prova") ;; (find-scheinermanpage (+ -118 527) "Índice remissivo") ;; «sedgewick» (to ".sedgewick") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "sedgewick") (code-pdf-page "sedgewickC" "~/books/__comp/sedgewick__algorithms_in_C.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sedgewickC" "~/books/__comp/sedgewick__algorithms_in_C.pdf" 1) ;; (find-sedgewickCpage) ;; (find-sedgewickCpage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-sedgewickCpage (+ 15 3) "1.") ;; (find-sedgewickCpage (+ 15 19) "Figure 3.3. Rearranging a linked list") ;; (find-sedgewickCpage (+ 15 643) "Program Index") ;; (find-sedgewickCpage (+ 15 647) "Index") ;; (find-sedgewickCtext "") (code-pdf-page "sedgewickw4" "~/books/__comp/sedgewick_wayne__algorithms_4th_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sedgewickw4" "~/books/__comp/sedgewick_wayne__algorithms_4th_ed.pdf" 1) ;; (find-sedgewickw4page) ;; (find-sedgewickw4page 1 "Contents") ;; (find-sedgewickw4page (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-sedgewickw4text "") (code-xpdf "sedgewick" "~/books/__comp/sedgewick__algorithms_in_c.pdf") (code-djvu "sedgewick" "~/books/__comp/sedgewick__algorithms_in_c.djvu") ;; (find-sedgewickpage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-sedgewickpage (+ 15 647) "Index") ;; 1st edition, 1983: ;; http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/4870389/Algorithms_-_Robert_Sedgewick ;; (find-xpdfpage "sedgewick" "~/books/__comp/sedgewick__algorithms.pdf") ;; «seibel» (to ".seibel") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "seibel") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "seibel") ;; (find-es "lisp" "practical-common-lisp.pdf") (code-pdf-page "practicl" "~/books/__comp/seibel__practical_common_lisp.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "practicl" "~/books/__comp/seibel__practical_common_lisp.pdf" 1) ;; (find-practiclpage) ;; (find-practiclpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-practiclpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-practicltext "") ;; (find-practiclpage 3 "1. Introduction: Why Lisp?") ;; (find-practicltext 3 "1. Introduction: Why Lisp?") ;; (find-practiclpage 115 "7. Macros: Standard Control") ;; (find-practicltext 115 "7. Macros: Standard Control") ;; (find-practiclpage 125 "The Mighty LOOP") ;; (find-practicltext 125 "The Mighty LOOP") ;; (find-practiclpage 256 "#+ and #-") ;; (find-practicltext 256 "#+ and #-") ;; (find-practiclpage 254 "15. Practical: A Portable Pathname" "Library") ;; (find-practicltext 254 "15. Practical: A Portable Pathname" "Library") ;; (find-practiclpage 266 "16. Object Reorientation: Generic" "Functions") ;; (find-practicltext 266 "16. Object Reorientation: Generic" "Functions") ;; (find-practiclpage 310 "18. A Few FORMAT Recipes") ;; (find-practicltext 310 "18. A Few FORMAT Recipes") ;; (find-practiclpage 344 "if the parameter is never used") ;; (find-practicltext 344 "if the parameter is never used") ;; (find-practiclpage 359 "Multiple Values") ;; (find-practicltext 359 "Multiple Values") ;; (find-practiclpage 370 "21. Programming in the Large:" "Packages and Symbols") ;; (find-practicltext 370 "21. Programming in the Large:" "Packages and Symbols") ;; (find-practiclpage 375 "Three Standard Packages") ;; (find-practicltext 375 "Three Standard Packages") ;; (find-practiclpage 390 "22. LOOP for Black Belts") ;; (find-practicltext 390 "22. LOOP for Black Belts") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/374054/coders-at-work---reflections-on-the-craft-of-programming (code-pdf-page "codersatwork" "~/books/__comp/seibel__coders_at_work.pdf") (code-pdf-text "codersatwork" "~/books/__comp/seibel__coders_at_work.pdf") ;; (find-codersatworkpage 8 "Contents") ;; (find-codersatworkpage (+ 16 449) "Ken Thompson") ;; (find-codersatworkpage (+ 16 607) "Index") ;; (find-codersatworktext "") ;; (find-codersatworktext 13 "believe that they know what they were talking about") ;; (find-codersatworktext 16 "Fuck off!") ;; (find-codersatworktext 20 "which ten percent of the language is safe to use") ;; (find-codersatworktext 45 "three orders of magnitude wrong") ;; (find-codersatworktext 47 "There are no user-serviceable parts anymore") ;; (find-codersatworktext 71 "And then they reply.") ;; (find-codersatworktext 88 "same people writing the air-traffic-control system") ;; (find-codersatworktext 124 "write in your native language") ;; (find-codersatworktext 130 "Windows programmers") ;; (find-codersatworktext 292 "Getting along with people") ;; (find-codersatworktext 332 "It was possible to do a core dump and inspect every word") ;; (find-codersatworktext 366 "ha ha, this proof has a bug in it") ;; (find-codersatworktext 378 "so good they eat their children") ;; (find-codersatworktext 379 "their role is to prepare people to work in an industry") ;; (find-codersatworktext 494 "not thinking at all before you start") ;; (find-codersatworktext 502 "So that was the excuse for C") ;; (find-codersatworktext 507 "an awful lot of them come from farm kids") ;; (find-codersatworktext 510 "it was a profession") ;; «steele-common-lisp» (to ".steele-common-lisp") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "steele-common-lisp") (code-pdf-page "steelecommonlisp" "~/books/__comp/steele__common_lisp_the_language_2nd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "steelecommonlisp" "~/books/__comp/steele__common_lisp_the_language_2nd_ed.pdf" 1) ;; (find-steelecommonlisppage) ;; (find-steelecommonlisppage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-steelecommonlisppage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-steelecommonlisptext "") ;; «steele-gabriel» (to ".steele-gabriel") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "steele-gabriel") ;; Steele/Gabriel: "The Evolution of Lisp" ;; https://www.dreamsongs.com/Files/HOPL2-Uncut.pdf ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/155360.155373 (code-pdf-page "evolisp" "$S/https/www.dreamsongs.com/Files/HOPL2-Uncut.pdf") (code-pdf-text "evolisp" "$S/https/www.dreamsongs.com/Files/HOPL2-Uncut.pdf") ;; (find-evolisppage) ;; (find-evolisptext) 1 ;; «stevenson» (to ".stevenson") ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12469797 In the Beginning Was the Command Line (1999) (inria.fr) ;; There's another essay on interfaces, which I cannot presently ;; place, that describes the situation in another way -- that the GUI ;; folder, and colour, and listing, and columns, aren't themselves ;; representative of how the OS sees or organises its content, nor do ;; the actions a user practices on the desktop correspond in large ;; part to what's happening at the underlying level. ;; "emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the ;; same way that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger ;; and brighter; it simply makes everything else vanish" ;; http://garote.bdmonkeys.net/commandline/index.html ;; «stroustrup» (to ".stroustrup") (code-djvu "stroustrupdaecpp" "~/books/__comp/stroustrup__the_design_and_evolution_of_C++.djvu") (code-djvutotext "stroustrupdaecpp" "~/books/__comp/stroustrup__the_design_and_evolution_of_C++.djvu") ;; (find-stroustrupdaecpppage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-stroustrupdaecpppage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-stroustrupdaecpptext "") ;; «sussman-wisdom» (to ".sussman-wisdom") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "sussman-wisdom") ;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structure_and_Interpretation_of_Classical_Mechanics ;; https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/gjs/6946/ (code-pdf-page "sicm" "~/books/__comp/sussman_wisdom__structure_and_interpretation_of_classical_mechanics.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sicm" "~/books/__comp/sussman_wisdom__structure_and_interpretation_of_classical_mechanics.pdf" 20) ;; (find-sicmpage) ;; (find-sicmpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-sicmtext 6 "Contents") ;; (find-sicmpage 12 "mathematical pedagogy") ;; (find-sicmtext 12 "mathematical pedagogy") ;; (find-sicmpage 13 "functional notation") ;; (find-sicmtext 13 "functional notation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 1) "1 Lagrangian Mechanics") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 4) "1.1 Configuration Spaces") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 6) "1.2 Generalized Coordinates") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 8) "1.3 The Principle of Stationary Action") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 14) "1.4 Computing Actions") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 14) "as a procedure") ;; (find-sicmtext (+ 20 14) "as a procedure") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 23) "1.5 The Euler-Lagrange Equations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 25) "1.5.1 Derivation of the Lagrange Equations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 25) "correct use of the traditional notation") ;; (find-sicmtext (+ 20 25) "correct use of the traditional notation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 33) "1.5.2 Computing Lagrange's Equations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 36) "1.6 How to Find Lagrangians") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 44) "1.6.1 Coordinate Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 49) "1.6.2 Systems with Rigid Constraints") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 59) "1.6.3 Constraints as Coordinate Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 63) "1.6.4 The Lagrangian Is Not Unique") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 68) "1.7 Evolution of Dynamical State") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 78) "1.8 Conserved Quantities") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 79) "1.8.1 Conserved Momenta") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 81) "1.8.2 Energy Conservation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 84) "1.8.3 Central Forces in Three Dimensions") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 86) "1.8.4 The Restricted Three-Body Problem") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 90) "1.8.5 Noether's Theorem") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 94) "1.9 Abstraction of Path Functions") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 99) "1.10 Constrained Motion") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 101) "1.10.1 Coordinate Constraints") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 108) "1.10.2 Derivative Constraints") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 112) "1.10.3 Nonholonomic Systems") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 115) "1.11 Summary") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 116) "1.12 Projects") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 119) "2 Rigid Bodies") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 120) "2.1 Rotational Kinetic Energy") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 122) "2.2 Kinematics of Rotation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 126) "2.3 Moments of Inertia") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 130) "2.4 Inertia Tensor") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 132) "2.5 Principal Moments of Inertia") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 135) "2.6 Vector Angular Momentum") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 137) "2.7 Euler Angles") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 141) "2.8 Motion of a Free Rigid Body") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 143) "2.8.1 Computing the Motion of Free Rigid Bodies") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 146) "2.8.2 Qualitative Features") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 151) "2.9 Euler's Equations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 157) "2.10 Axisymmetric Tops") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 165) "2.11 Spin-Orbit Coupling") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 165) "2.11.1 Development of the Potential Energy") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 170) "2.11.2 Rotation of the Moon and Hyperion") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 177) "2.11.3 Spin-Orbit Resonances") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 181) "2.12 Nonsingular Coordinates and Quaternions") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 188) "2.12.1 Motion in Terms of Quaternions") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 191) "2.13 Summary") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 20 193) "2.14 Projects") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 195) "3 Hamiltonian Mechanics") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 197) "3.1 Hamilton's Equations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 205) "3.1.1 The Legendre Transformation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 215) "3.1.2 Hamilton's Equations from the Action Principle") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 217) "3.1.3 A Wiring Diagram") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 218) "3.2 Poisson Brackets") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 222) "3.3 One Degree of Freedom") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 224) "3.4 Phase Space Reduction") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 233) "3.4.1 Lagrangian Reduction") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 236) "3.5 Phase Space Evolution") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 238) "3.5.1 Phase-Space Description Is Not Unique") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 239) "3.6 Surfaces of Section") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 241) "3.6.1 Periodically Driven Systems") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 246) "3.6.2 Computing Stroboscopic Surfaces of Section") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 248) "3.6.3 Autonomous Systems") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 261) "3.6.4 Computing Henon-Heiles Surfaces of Section") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 263) "3.6.5 Non-Axisymmetric Top") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 263) "3.7 Exponential Divergence") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 268) "3.8 Liouville's Theorem") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 277) "3.9 Standard Map") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 281) "3.10 Summary") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 19 282) "3.11 Projects") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 285) "4 Phase Space Structure") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 286) "4.1 Emergence of the Divided Phase Space") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 290) "4.2 Linear Stability") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 291) "4.2.1 Equilibria of Differential Equations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 295) "4.2.2 Fixed Points of Maps") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 297) "4.2.3 Relations Among Exponents") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 302) "4.3 Homoclinic Tangle") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 307) "4.3.1 Computation of Stable and Unstable Manifolds") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 309) "4.4 Integrable Systems") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 316) "4.5 Poincare-Birkhoff Theorem") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 321) "4.5.1 Computing the Poincare-Birkhoff Construction") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 322) "4.6 Invariant Curves") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 326) "4.6.1 Finding Invariant Curves") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 329) "4.6.2 Dissolution of Invariant Curves") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 330) "4.7 Summary") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 18 333) "4.8 Projects") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 335) "5 Canonical Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 336) "5.1 Point Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 342) "5.2 General Canonical Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 347) "5.2.1 Time-Dependent Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 350) "5.2.2 Abstracting the Canonical Condition") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 357) "5.3 Invariants of Canonical Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 364) "5.4 Generating Functions") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 366) "5.4.1 F1 Generates Canonical Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 368) "5.4.2 Generating Functions and Integral Invariants") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 373) "5.4.3 Types of Generating Functions") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 375) "5.4.4 Point Transformations") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 390) "5.4.5 Total Time Derivatives") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 394) "5.5 Extended Phase Space") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 402) "5.5.1 Poincare-Cartan Integral Invariant") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 402) "5.6 Reduced Phase Space") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 408) "5.7 Summary") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 408) "5.8 Projects") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 411) "6 Canonical Evolution") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 411) "6.1 Hamilton-Jacobi Equation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 413) "6.1.1 Harmonic Oscillator") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 417) "6.1.2 Hamilton-Jacobi Solution of the Kepler Problem") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 421) "6.1.3 F2 and the Lagrangian") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 423) "6.1.4 The Action Generates Time Evolution") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 426) "6.2 Time Evolution is Canonical") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 431) "6.2.1 Another View of Time Evolution") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 435) "6.2.2 Yet Another View of Time Evolution") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 437) "6.3 Lie Transforms") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 443) "6.4 Lie Series") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 451) "6.5 Exponential Identities") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 453) "6.6 Summary") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 453) "6.7 Projects") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 457) "7 Canonical Perturbation Theory") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 458) "7.1 Perturbation Theory with Lie Series") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 460) "7.2 Pendulum as a Perturbed Rotor") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 468) "7.2.1 Higher Order") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 471) "7.2.2 Eliminating Secular Terms") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 473) "7.3 Many Degrees of Freedom") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 476) "7.3.1 Driven Pendulum as a Perturbed Rotor") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 478) "7.4 Nonlinear Resonance") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 480) "7.4.1 Pendulum Approximation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 488) "7.4.2 Reading the Hamiltonian") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 488) "7.4.3 Resonance-Overlap Criterion") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 489) "7.4.4 Higher-Order Perturbation Theory") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 491) "7.4.5 Stability of the Inverted Vertical Equilibrium") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 494) "7.5 Summary") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 496) "7.6 Projects") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 497) "8 Appendix: Scheme") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 17 509) "9 Appendix: Our Notation") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 16 525) "References") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 15 529) "List of Exercises") ;; (find-sicmpage (+ 14 531) "Index") ;; (find-sicmtext "") ;; «thain» (to ".thain") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "thain") ;; Douglas Thain: "Introduction to Compilers and Language Design" (2nd ed) ;; https://www3.nd.edu/~dthain/compilerbook/ ;; https://www3.nd.edu/~dthain/compilerbook/compilerbook.pdf ;; https://github.com/dthain/compilerbook-examples ;; https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/3tgryd/recommendations_for_books_on_compilers/ (code-pdf-page "thain" "$S/https/www3.nd.edu/~dthain/compilerbook/compilerbook.pdf") (code-pdf-text "thain" "$S/https/www3.nd.edu/~dthain/compilerbook/compilerbook.pdf" 14) ;; (find-thainpage) ;; (find-thaintext) ;; (find-thainpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-thaintext 7 "Contents") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 1) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 1) "1.1 What is a compiler?") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 2) "1.2 Why should you study compilers?") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 2) "1.3 What's the best way to learn about compilers?") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 2) "1.4 What language should I use?") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 3) "1.5 How is this book different from others?") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 4) "1.6 What other books should I read?") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 5) "2 A Quick Tour") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 5) "2.1 The Compiler Toolchain") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 6) "2.2 Stages Within a Compiler") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 7) "2.3 Example Compilation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 10) "2.4 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 11) "3 Scanning") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 11) "3.1 Kinds of Tokens") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 12) "3.2 A Hand-Made Scanner") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 13) "3.3 Regular Expressions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 15) "3.4 Finite Automata") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 16) "3.4.1 Deterministic Finite Automata") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 17) "3.4.2 Nondeterministic Finite Automata") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 19) "3.5 Conversion Algorithms") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 19) "3.5.1 Converting REs to NFAs") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 22) "3.5.2 Converting NFAs to DFAs") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 24) "3.5.3 Minimizing DFAs") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 26) "3.6 Limits of Finite Automata") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 26) "3.7 Using a Scanner Generator") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 28) "3.8 Practical Considerations") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 31) "3.9 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 33) "3.10 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 35) "4 Parsing") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 35) "4.1 Overview") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 36) "4.2 Context Free Grammars") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 37) "4.2.1 Deriving Sentences") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 38) "4.2.2 Ambiguous Grammars") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 40) "4.3 LL Grammars") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 41) "4.3.1 Eliminating Left Recursion") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 42) "4.3.2 Eliminating Common Left Prefixes") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 43) "4.3.3 First and Follow Sets") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 45) "4.3.4 Recursive Descent Parsing") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 47) "4.3.5 Table Driven Parsing") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 49) "4.4 LR Grammars") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 50) "4.4.1 Shift-Reduce Parsing") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 51) "4.4.2 The LR(0) Automaton") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 55) "4.4.3 SLR Parsing") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 59) "4.4.4 LR(1) Parsing") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 62) "4.4.5 LALR Parsing") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 62) "4.5 Grammar Classes Revisited") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 63) "4.6 The Chomsky Hierarchy") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 65) "4.7 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 67) "4.8 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 69) "5 Parsing in Practice") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 70) "5.1 The Bison Parser Generator") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 73) "5.2 Expression Validator") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 74) "5.3 Expression Interpreter") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 75) "5.4 Expression Trees") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 81) "5.5 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 83) "5.6 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 85) "6 The Abstract Syntax Tree") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 85) "6.1 Overview") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 86) "6.2 Declarations") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 88) "6.3 Statements") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 90) "6.4 Expressions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 92) "6.5 Types") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 95) "6.6 Putting it All Together") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 96) "6.7 Building the AST") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 98) "6.8 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 99) "7 Semantic Analysis") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 100) "7.1 Overview of Type Systems") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 103) "7.2 Designing a Type System") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 106) "7.3 The B-Minor Type System") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 107) "7.4 The Symbol Table") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 111) "7.5 Name Resolution") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 113) "7.6 Implementing Type Checking") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 117) "7.7 Error Messages") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 118) "7.8 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 118) "7.9 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 119) "8 Intermediate Representations") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 119) "8.1 Introduction") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 119) "8.2 Abstract Syntax Tree") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 120) "8.3 Directed Acyclic Graph") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 125) "8.4 Control Flow Graph") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 127) "8.5 Static Single Assignment Form") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 128) "8.6 Linear IR") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 129) "8.7 Stack Machine IR") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 130) "8.8 Examples") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 130) "8.8.1 GIMPLE - GNU Simple Representation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 131) "8.8.2 LLVM - Low Level Virtual Machine") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 132) "8.8.3 JVM - Java Virtual Machine") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 133) "8.9 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 134) "8.10 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 135) "9 Memory Organization") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 135) "9.1 Introduction") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 135) "9.2 Logical Segmentation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 138) "9.3 Heap Management") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 140) "9.4 Stack Management") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 141) "9.4.1 Stack Calling Convention") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 142) "9.4.2 Register Calling Convention") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 143) "9.5 Locating Data") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 146) "9.6 Program Loading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 148) "9.7 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 149) "10 Assembly Language") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 149) "10.1 Introduction") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 150) "10.2 Open Source Assembler Tools") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 152) "10.3 X86 Assembly Language") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 152) "10.3.1 Registers and Data Types") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 154) "10.3.2 Addressing Modes") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 156) "10.3.3 Basic Arithmetic") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 158) "10.3.4 Comparisons and Jumps") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 159) "10.3.5 The Stack") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 160) "10.3.6 Calling a Function") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 162) "10.3.7 Defining a Leaf Function") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 163) "10.3.8 Defining a Complex Function") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 167) "10.4 ARM Assembly") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 167) "10.4.1 Registers and Data Types") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 168) "10.4.2 Addressing Modes") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 170) "10.4.3 Basic Arithmetic") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 171) "10.4.4 Comparisons and Branches") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 173) "10.4.5 The Stack") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 174) "10.4.6 Calling a Function") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 175) "10.4.7 Defining a Leaf Function") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 176) "10.4.8 Defining a Complex Function") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 179) "10.4.9 64-bit Differences") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 180) "10.5 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 181) "11 Code Generation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 181) "11.1 Introduction") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 181) "11.2 Supporting Functions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 183) "11.3 Generating Expressions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 188) "11.4 Generating Statements") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 192) "11.5 Conditional Expressions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 193) "11.6 Generating Declarations") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 194) "11.7 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 195) "12 Optimization") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 195) "12.1 Overview") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 196) "12.2 Optimization in Perspective") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 197) "12.3 High Level Optimizations") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 197) "12.3.1 Constant Folding") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 199) "12.3.2 Strength Reduction") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 199) "12.3.3 Loop Unrolling") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 200) "12.3.4 Code Hoisting") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 201) "12.3.5 Function Inlining") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 202) "12.3.6 Dead Code Detection and Elimination") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 204) "12.4 Low-Level Optimizations") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 204) "12.4.1 Peephole Optimizations") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 204) "12.4.2 Instruction Selection") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 207) "12.5 Register Allocation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 208) "12.5.1 Safety of Register Allocation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 208) "12.5.2 Priority of Register Allocation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 209) "12.5.3 Conflicts Between Variables") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 210) "12.5.4 Global Register Allocation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 211) "12.6 Optimization Pitfalls") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 212) "12.7 Optimization Interactions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 214) "12.8 Exercises") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 215) "12.9 Further Reading") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 217) "A Sample Course Project") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 217) "A.1 Scanner Assignment") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 217) "A.2 Parser Assignment") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 218) "A.3 Pretty-Printer Assignment") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 218) "A.4 Typechecker Assignment") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 218) "A.5 Optional: Intermediate Representation") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 218) "A.6 Code Generator Assignment") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 219) "A.7 Optional: Extend the Language") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 221) "B The B-Minor Language") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 221) "B.1 Overview") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 222) "B.2 Tokens") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 222) "B.3 Types") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 223) "B.4 Expressions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 224) "B.5 Declarations and Statements") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 224) "B.6 Functions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 225) "B.7 Optional Elements") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 227) "C Coding Conventions") ;; (find-thainpage (+ 14 229) "Index") ;; «touretzky» (to ".touretzky") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "touretzky") ;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/index.html ;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/book.pdf (code-pdf-page "touretzky" "$S/https/www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/book.pdf") (code-pdf-text "touretzky" "$S/https/www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/book.pdf" 12) ;; (find-touretzkypage) ;; (find-touretzkytext) ;; (find-touretzkypage 579 "Contents") ;; (find-touretzkytext 579 "Contents") ;; (find-touretzkypage (+ 12 160) "6.2 PARENTHESIS NOTATION VS. CONS CELL NOTATION") ;; (find-touretzkytext (+ 12 160) "6.2 PARENTHESIS NOTATION VS. CONS CELL NOTATION") ;; (find-touretzkypage (+ 12 186) "Lisp Toolkit: SDRAW") ;; (find-touretzkytext (+ 12 186) "Lisp Toolkit: SDRAW") ;; (find-touretzkypage (+ 12 443) "The SDRAW Tool") ;; (find-touretzkytext (+ 12 443) "The SDRAW Tool") ;; (find-touretzkypage 569 "Index") ;; (find-touretzkytext 569 "Index") ;; «wilkinson» (to ".wilkinson") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/50977/the-grammar-of-graphics--second-edition (code-xpdf "grammarofgraphics" "~/books/__comp/wilkinson__the_grammar_of_graphics.pdf") (code-pdftotext "grammarofgraphics" "~/books/__comp/wilkinson__the_grammar_of_graphics.pdf") ;; (find-grammarofgraphicspage 12 "Contents") ;; (find-grammarofgraphicspage (+ 2 681) "Index") ;; (find-grammarofgraphicstext "") ;; «yanofsky-mannucci» (to ".yanofsky-mannucci") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "yanofsky-mannucci") (code-pdf-page "quantumccs" "~/books/__comp/yanofsky_mannucci__quantum_computing_for_computer_scientists.pdf") (code-pdf-text "quantumccs" "~/books/__comp/yanofsky_mannucci__quantum_computing_for_computer_scientists.pdf" 1) ;; (find-quantumccspage) ;; (find-quantumccspage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-quantumccspage (+ 18 381) "Index") ;; (find-quantumccstext "") ;; «zeilberger» (to ".zeilberger") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "zeilberger") ;; Noam Zeilberger: "The Logical Basis of Evaluation Order and Pattern-Matching" ;; http://noamz.org/thesis.pdf (code-pdf-page "zeilbergerthesis" "$S/http/noamz.org/thesis.pdf") (code-pdf-text "zeilbergerthesis" "$S/http/noamz.org/thesis.pdf") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage) ;; (find-zeilbergerthesistext) ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 1) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 7) "2 Canonical derivations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 8) "2.1 A proof-biased logic") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 8) "2.1.1 Refutation frames, proof patterns, connectives") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 9) "2.1.2 The definition ordering") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 10) "2.1.3 Proofs and refutations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 12) "2.1.4 Identity and composition") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 14) "2.1.5 Complex frames") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 16) "2.2 A refutation-biased logic") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 16) "2.2.1 Proof frames, refutation patterns, definition ordering") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 17) "2.2.2 Proofs and refutations, identity and composition, complex hypotheses") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 20) "2.3 Propositional polarized logic") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 20) "2.3.1 A unified view") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 22) "2.3.2 Atomic propositions") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 23) "2.3.3 The entailment relation(s)") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 26) "2.4 Linear and affine canonical derivations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 29) "2.5 Related Work") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 33) "3 Focusing proofs and double-negation translations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 34) "3.1 Focusing proof search for linear logic") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 34) "3.1.1 Naive proof search for linear logic") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 36) "3.1.2 Observation #1: Invertibility and the Inversion Phase") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 37) "3.1.3 Observation #2: Focalization and the Focus Phase") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 38) "3.2 Relating focusing proofs to canonical derivations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 38) "3.2.1 Polarity, invertibility, and focalization") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 40) "3.2.2 Focusing proofs, through a microscope") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 43) "3.2.3 Focusing proofs, standing back and squinting") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 47) "3.2.4 Focusing proofs are canonical derivations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 49) "3.2.5 Complex hypotheses and weak focalization") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 49) "3.3 Completeness of focusing proofs") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 51) "3.4 Unrestricted derivations and classical sequent calculus") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 51) "3.4.1 Polarizations of classical logic") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 52) "3.4.2 Focusing proofs for classical sequent calculus") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 55) "3.4.3 Classical focusing proofs are unrestricted canonical derivations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 56) "3.4.4 The completeness theorem") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 57) "3.5 Relating focusing and double-negation translations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 61) "3.6 Related Work") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 63) "4 Proofs as programs") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 64) "4.1 Type-free notations for typeful derivations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 66) "4.2 L+ : A call-by-value language") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 66) "4.2.1 Continuation frames and value patterns") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 67) "4.2.2 Annotated frames, contexts and binding") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 68) "4.2.3 Values, continuations, substitutions, expressions") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 74) "4.2.4 Is this really syntax?") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 75) "4.2.5 Equality, operational semantics, and effects: overview") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 76) "4.2.6 Definitional equality") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 77) "4.2.7 Identity") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 78) "4.2.8 Composition") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 78) "4.2.9 Properties of composition") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 80) "4.2.10 Complex variables") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 81) "4.2.11 Type isomorphisms") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 83) "4.2.12 Environment semantics") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 85) "4.2.13 Observational equivalence") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 86) "4.2.14 Immediate failure, and the chronicle representation") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 92) "4.2.15 Ground state, and the separation theorem") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 94) "4.3 L: A language with mixed evaluation order") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 94) "4.3.1 Continuation patterns and value frames") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 95) "4.3.2 Terms") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 96) "4.3.3 Mixed polarity types") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 99) "4.3.4 Untyped, or "uni-typed"? Better: bi-typed!") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 100) "4.3.5 L equality, semantics and effects: overview") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 100) "4.3.6 Definitional equality") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 101) "4.3.7 Identity") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 101) "4.3.8 Composition") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 101) "4.3.9 Properties of composition") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 102) "4.3.10 Type isomorphisms") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 102) "4.3.11 Environment semantics") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 103) "4.3.12 Observational equivalence and the separation theorems") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 103) "4.4 Polarization and CPS translations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 104) "4.4.1 From -calculus to L+ and back") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 107) "4.4.2 Reconstructing call-by-value and call-by-name") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 111) "4.4.3 Polarization for fun and profit") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 112) "4.5 Related Work") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 115) "5 Concrete notations for abstract derivations") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 116) "5.1 An embedding of L in Agda") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 124) "5.2 An embedding of L+ in Twelf") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 134) "5.3 Related work") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 135) "6 Refinement types and completeness of subtyping") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 135) "6.1 Introduction") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 138) "6.2 Refining L+0") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 138) "6.2.1 A refinement "restriction"?") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 139) "6.2.2 Refining types") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 142) "6.2.3 Refining terms") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 146) "6.2.4 Refining equality, identity and composition") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 146) "6.2.5 Refining complex hypotheses") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 147) "6.2.6 Subtyping: the identity coercion interpretation") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 149) "6.2.7 Subtyping: axiomatization") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 150) "6.2.8 Reconstructing the value/evaluation context restrictions") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 151) "6.2.9 The environment semantics and type safety") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 152) "6.2.10 Subtyping: the no-counterexamples interpretation") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 154) "6.2.11 Some counterexample examples (and counterexamples)") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 157) "6.2.12 The (conditional) completeness of the identity coercion interpretation") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 160) "6.3 Refining full L") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 160) "6.4 Related Work") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 163) "7 Conclusion") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 165) "Bibliography") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 177) "A Agda embedding of L+") ;; (find-zeilbergerthesispage (+ 12 185) "B Twelf embedding of L+") ;; «free-as-in-freedom» (to ".free-as-in-freedom") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "free-as-in-freedom") ;; Free as in Freedom (2.0): Richard Stallman and the Free Software Revolution ;; https://www.fsf.org/faif ;; https://static.fsf.org/nosvn/faif-2.0.pdf (code-pdf-page "faif" "$S/https/static.fsf.org/nosvn/faif-2.0.pdf") (code-pdf-text "faif" "$S/https/static.fsf.org/nosvn/faif-2.0.pdf" 16) ;; (find-faifpage) ;; (find-faifpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-faiftext 5 "Contents") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 1) "1 For Want of a Printer") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 13) "2 2001: A Hacker's Odyssey") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 25) "3 A Portrait of the Hacker as a Young Man") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 37) "4 Impeach God") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 59) "5 Puddle of Freedom") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 77) "6 The Emacs Commune") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 82) "full-screen" "as opposed to line-by-line") ;; (find-faiftext (+ 16 82) "full-screen" "as opposed to line-by-line") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 89) "7 A Stark Moral Choice") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 109) "8 St. Ignucius") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 123) "9 The GNU General Public License") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 145) "10 GNU/Linux") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 159) "11 Open Source") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 175) "12 A Brief Journey through Hacker Hell") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 181) "13 Continuing the Fight") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 193) "Epilogue from Sam Williams: Crushing Loneliness") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 209) "Appendix A - Hack, Hackers, and Hacking") ;; (find-faifpage (+ 16 217) "Appendix B - GNU Free Documentation License") ;; (find-faiftext) ;; «levy-hackers» (to ".levy-hackers") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "levy-hackers") (code-pdf-page "hackers" "~/books/__comp/levy__hackers_heroes_of_the_computer_revolution.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hackers" "~/books/__comp/levy__hackers_heroes_of_the_computer_revolution.pdf" 17) ;; (find-hackerspage) ;; (find-hackerspage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-hackerspage 10 "Preface") ;; (find-hackerspage 12 "Who's Who") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 1) "CAMBRIDGE: The Fifties and Sixties") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 3) "Part One. TRUE HACKERS") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 3) "1. The Tech Model Railroad Club") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 27) "2. The Hacker Ethic") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 39) "3. Spacewar") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 61) "4. Greenblatt and Gosper") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 83) "5. The Midnight Computer Wiring Society") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 101) "6. Winners and Losers") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 123) "7. Life") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 149) "Part Two. HARDWARE HACKERS - NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: The Seventies") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 151) "8. Revolt in 2100") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 179) "9. Every Man a God") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 201) "10. The Homebrew Computer Club") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 227) "11. Tiny BASIC") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 249) "12. Woz") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 275) "13. Secrets") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 287) "Part Three. GAME HACKERS - THE SIERRAS: The Eighties") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 289) "14. The Wizard and the Princess") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 313) "15. The Brotherhood") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 325) "16. The Third Generation") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 345) "17. Summer Camp") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 365) "18. Frogger") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 389) "19. Applefest") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 413) "20. Wizard vs. Wizards") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 435) "Part Four. THE LAST OF THE TRUE HACKERS - Cambridge 1983") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 437) "The Last of the True Hackers") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 455) "Afterword: Ten Years After") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 463) "Afterword: 2010") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 479) "Notes") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 485) "Acknowledgments") ;; (find-hackerspage (+ 17 489) "Index") ;; (find-hackerstext "") ;; «stallman» (to ".stallman") ;; Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman ;; https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/fsfs/rms-essays.pdf (code-pdf-page "rmsessays" "$S/https/www.gnu.org/philosophy/fsfs/rms-essays.pdf") (code-pdf-text "rmsessays" "$S/https/www.gnu.org/philosophy/fsfs/rms-essays.pdf" 6) ;; (find-rmsessayspage) ;; (find-rmsessayspage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 1) "Editor's Note") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 3) "A Note on Software") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 7) "Topic Guide") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 11) "Introduction") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 15) "Section One") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 17) "1 The GNU Project") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 33) "2 The GNU Manifesto") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 43) "3 Free Software Definition") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 43) "The freedom to study how the program works") ;; (find-rmsessaystext (+ 6 43) "The freedom to study how the program works") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 47) "4 Why Software Should Not Have Owners") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 53) "5 What's in a Name?") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 57) "6 Why "Free Software" is Better than "Open Source"") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 63) "7 Releasing Free Software if You Work at a University") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 65) "8 Selling Free Software") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 69) "9 Free Software Needs Free Documentation") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 71) "10 Free Software Song") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 73) "Section Two") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 75) "11 The Right to Read") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 79) "12 Misinterpreting Copyright--A Series of Errors") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 89) "13 Science Must `Push' Copyright Aside") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 91) "14 What is Copyleft?") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 93) "15 Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 97) "16 The Danger of Software Patents") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 115) "Section Three") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 117) "17 Can You Trust Your Computer?") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 121) "18 Why Software Should Be Free") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 128) "Japanese oceanographers") ;; (find-rmsessaystext (+ 6 128) "Japanese oceanographers") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 135) "19 Copyright and Globalization in the Age of Computer Networks") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 157) "20 Free Software: Freedom and Cooperation") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 191) "21 Words to Avoid") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 197) "Section Four") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 199) "GNU General Public License") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 207) "GNU Lesser General Public License") ;; (find-rmsessayspage (+ 6 217) "GNU Free Documentation License") ;; (find-rmsessaystext) ;; «kelty» (to ".kelty") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "kelty") ;; EMACS, grep, and UNIX: authorship, invention and translation in software ;; Christopher Kelty, Rice University - March 20, 2006 (code-pdf-page "contextkelty" "~/books/__comp/ConText-Kelty.pdf") (code-pdf-text "contextkelty" "~/books/__comp/ConText-Kelty.pdf" 1) ;; (find-contextkeltypage) ;; (find-contextkeltypage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 10) "was an expression of the way Stallman expected" "others to behave") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 10) "was an expression of the way Stallman expected" "others to behave") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 14) "emerged from a communal sharing") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 14) "emerged from a communal sharing") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 25) "If TECO is a programming language") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 25) "If TECO is a programming language") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 28) "buying software was a less risky option") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 28) "buying software was a less risky option") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 32) "Part II" "Grep") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 32) "Part II" "Grep") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 39) "Steven C. Kleene") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 39) "Steven C. Kleene") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 46) "fixity of printed texts") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 46) "fixity of printed texts") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 46) "memorized compositions and as spoken") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 46) "memorized compositions and as spoken") ;; (find-contextkeltypage (+ 1 48) "transformed") ;; (find-contextkeltytext (+ 1 48) "transformed") ;; (find-contextkeltytext "") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "lamportlatex") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "kopkadaly") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/2926/digital-typography-using-latex ;; Syropoulos/Tsolomitis/Sofroniou: "Digital Typography Using LaTeX" (code-xpdf "syropoulos" "~/books/__comp/syropoulos__digital_typography_using_latex.pdf") (code-pdftotext "syropoulos" "~/books/__comp/syropoulos__digital_typography_using_latex.pdf" 16) ;; (ee-page-parameters "syropoulos" 16) ;; (find-syropoulospage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-syropoulospage (+ 16 475) "Index") ;; (find-syropoulostext "\\newenvironment{fminipage}") ;; (find-syropoulostext "") ;; «agda» (to ".agda") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "agda") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "agda") ;; (find-es "agda" "agda-user-manual") (code-pdf-page "agdausermanual" "~/usrc/agda/doc/user-manual.pdf") (code-pdf-text "agdausermanual" "~/usrc/agda/doc/user-manual.pdf") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage) ;; (find-agdausermanualtext) ;; (find-agdausermanualpage 3 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-agdausermanualtext 3 "CONTENTS") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 3) "1 Overview") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 5) "2 Getting Started") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 5) "2.1 What is Agda?") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 7) "2.2 Prerequisites") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 7) "2.3 Installation") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 11) "2.4 `Hello world' in Agda") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 12) "2.5 Quick Guide to Editing, Type Checking and Compiling Agda Code") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 14) "2.6 A List of Tutorials") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 17) "3 Language Reference") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 17) "3.1 Abstract definitions") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 20) "3.2 Built-ins") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 32) "3.3 Coinduction") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 34) "3.4 Copatterns") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 38) "3.5 Core language") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 38) "3.6 Cubical") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 51) "3.7 Cumulativity") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 53) "3.8 Data Types") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 56) "3.9 Flat Modality") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 57) "3.10 Foreign Function Interface") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 62) "3.11 Function Definitions") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 66) "3.12 Function Types") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 67) "3.13 Generalization of Declared Variables") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 71) "3.14 Implicit Arguments") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 74) "3.15 Instance Arguments") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 80) "3.16 Irrelevance") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 85) "3.17 Lambda Abstraction") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 86) "3.18 Local Definitions: let and where") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 92) "3.19 Lexical Structure") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 95) "3.20 Literal Overloading") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 97) "3.21 Mixfix Operators") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 100) "3.22 Module System") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 105) "3.23 Mutual Recursion") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 107) "3.24 Pattern Synonyms") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 108) "3.25 Positivity Checking") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 110) "3.26 Postulates") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 111) "3.27 Pragmas") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 114) "3.28 Prop") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 116) "3.29 Record Types") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 124) "3.30 Reflection") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 135) "3.31 Rewriting") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 137) "3.32 Run-time Irrelevance") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 139) "3.33 Safe Agda") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 140) "3.34 Sized Types") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 143) "3.35 Syntactic Sugar") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 148) "3.36 Syntax Declarations") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 148) "3.37 Telescopes") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 149) "3.38 Termination Checking") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 151) "3.39 Universe Levels") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 155) "3.40 With-Abstraction") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 168) "3.41 Without K") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 171) "4 Tools") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 171) "4.1 Automatic Proof Search (Auto)") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 174) "4.2 Command-line options") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 184) "4.3 Compilers") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 186) "4.4 Emacs Mode") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 192) "4.5 Literate Programming") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 194) "4.6 Generating HTML") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 195) "4.7 Generating LaTeX") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 212) "4.8 Library Management") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 215) "4.9 Performance debugging") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 216) "4.10 Search Definitions in Scope") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 217) "5 Contribute") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 217) "5.1 Documentation") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 223) "6 The Agda Team and License") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 225) "7 Indices and tables") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 227) "Bibliography") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 229) "Index") ;; (find-agdausermanualpage (+ 4 13) "To compile a module") ;; (find-agdausermanualtext (+ 4 13) "To compile a module") ;; «agda-dtp» (to ".agda-dtp") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "agda-dtp") ;; (find-LATEX "catsem-ab.bib" "bib-Norell08") ;; Norell/Chapman: "Dependently Typed Programming in Agda" (2008) ;; http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/afp08/tutorial.pdf (code-pdf-page "agdadtp" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/afp08/tutorial.pdf") (code-pdf-text "agdadtp" "$S/http/www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/papers/afp08/tutorial.pdf") ;; (find-agdadtppage) ;; (find-agdadtptext) ;; (find-agdadtppage 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-agdadtptext 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-agdadtppage 1 "2 Agda Basics") ;; (find-agdadtptext 1 "2 Agda Basics") ;; (find-agdadtppage 21 "3 Programming Techniques") ;; (find-agdadtptext 21 "3 Programming Techniques") ;; (find-agdadtppage 38 "4.1 Relating Agda types to Haskell types") ;; (find-agdadtptext 38 "4.1 Relating Agda types to Haskell types") ;; «agda-verified» (to ".agda-verified") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "agda-verified") ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.1145/2841316 ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/2841316 (code-pdf-page "agdaverified" "~/books/__comp/stump__verified_functional_programming_in_agda.pdf") (code-pdf-text "agdaverified" "~/books/__comp/stump__verified_functional_programming_in_agda.pdf" 25) ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage) ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-agdaverifiedtext 10 "Contents") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 1) "1 Functional Programming with the Booleans") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 1) "1.1 Declaring the Datatype of Booleans") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 4) "1.2 First Steps Interacting with Agda") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 4) "1.3 Syntax Declarations") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 6) "1.4 Defining Boolean Operations by Pattern Matching: Negation") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 9) "1.5 Defining Boolean Operations by Pattern Matching: And, Or") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 11) "1.6 The if-then-else Operation") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 14) "1.7 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 14) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 17) "2 Introduction to Constructive Proof") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 17) "2.1 A First Theorem about the Booleans") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 20) "2.2 Universal Theorems") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 25) "2.3 Another Example, and More On Implicit Arguments") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 28) "2.4 Theorems with Hypotheses") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 35) "2.5 Going Deeper: Curry-Howard and Constructivity") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 38) "2.6 Further Examples") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 40) "2.7 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 41) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 43) "3 Natural Numbers") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 44) "3.1 Peano Natural Numbers") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 45) "3.2 Addition") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 50) "(x : N) x + 0 x") ;; (find-agdaverifiedtext (+ 25 50) "(x : N) x + 0 x") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 57) "3.3 Multiplication") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 63) "3.4 Arithmetic Comparison") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 69) "3.5 Even/Odd and Mutually Recursive Definitions") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 70) "3.6 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 70) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 73) "4 Lists") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 73) "4.1 The List Datatype and Type Parameters") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 75) "4.2 Basic Operations on Lists") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 83) "4.3 Reasoning about List Operations") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 95) "4.4 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 96) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 99) "5 Internal Verification") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 100) "5.1 Vectors") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 107) "5.2 Binary Search Trees") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 115) "5.3 Sigma Types") ;; (find-agdaverifiedtext (+ 25 115) "Sigma Types\n5.3") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 117) "5.3.1 Why Sigma and Pi?") ;; (find-agdaverifiedtext (+ 25 117) "5.3.1 Why Sigma and Pi?") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 118) "5.4 Braun Trees") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 127) "5.5 Discussion: Internal vs. External Verification") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 129) "5.6 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 129) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 131) "6 Type-Level Computation") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 131) "6.1 Integers") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 136) "6.2 Formatted Printing") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 141) "6.3 Proof by Reflection") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 148) "6.4 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 149) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 151) "7 Generating Agda Parsers with gratr") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 152) "7.1 A Primer on Grammars") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 158) "7.2 Generating Parsers with gratr") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 165) "7.3 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 166) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 169) "8 A Case Study: Huffman Encoding and Decoding") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 170) "8.1 The Files") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 171) "8.2 The Input Formats") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 171) "8.3 Encoding Textual Input") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 181) "8.4 Decoding Encoded Text") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 184) "8.5 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 185) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 187) "9 Reasoning About Termination") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 187) "9.1 Termination Proofs") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 197) "9.2 Operational Semantics for SK Combinators") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 213) "9.3 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 214) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 215) "10 Intuitionistic Logic and Kripke Semantics") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 216) "10.1 Positive Propositional Intuitionistic Logic (PPIL)") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 220) "10.2 Kripke Structures") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 224) "10.3 Kripke Semantics for PPIL") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 227) "10.4 Soundness of PPIL") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 232) "10.5 Completeness") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 245) "10.6 Conclusion") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 246) "Exercises") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 247) "Appendix A Quick Guide to Symbols") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 249) "Appendix B Commonly Used Emacs Control Commands") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 251) "Appendix C Some Extra Emacs Definitions") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 253) "References") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 257) "Index") ;; (find-agdaverifiedpage (+ 25 259) "Author's Biography") ;; (find-agdaverifiedtext "") ;; «awk» (to ".awk") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "awk") (code-pdf-page "awkbook" "~/books/__comp/aho_kernighan_weinberger__the_awk_programming_language.pdf") (code-pdf-text "awkbook" "~/books/__comp/aho_kernighan_weinberger__the_awk_programming_language.pdf" 12) ;; (find-awkbookpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-awkbooktext 9 "Contents") ;; (find-awkbookpage (+ 12 147) "6.6 Recursive-Descent Parsing") ;; (find-awkbooktext (+ 12 147) "6.6 Recursive-Descent Parsing") ;; (find-awkbookpage (+ 12 205) "INDEX") ;; (find-awkbooktext (+ 12 205) "INDEX") ;; (find-awkbooktext "") ;; «bsd-toolbox» (to ".bsd-toolbox") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "bsd-toolbox") (code-pdf-page "bsdtoolbox" "~/books/__comp/bsd_unix_toolbox.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bsdtoolbox" "~/books/__comp/bsd_unix_toolbox.pdf" 1) ;; (find-bsdtoolboxpage) ;; (find-bsdtoolboxpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-bsdtoolboxpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-bsdtoolboxtext "") ;; «clcrit» (to ".clcrit") ;; Brooks/Gabriel: "A Critique of Common Lisp" ;; https://dreamsongs.com/Files/clcrit.pdf (code-pdf-page "clcrit" "$S/https/dreamsongs.com/Files/clcrit.pdf") (code-pdf-text "clcrit" "$S/https/dreamsongs.com/Files/clcrit.pdf") ;; (find-clcritpage) ;; (find-clcrittext) ;; «cli-coreutils» (to ".cli-coreutils") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "cli-coreutils") ;; (find-es "unix" "cli-coreutils") ;; https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGlkPTtRrqdQmgFVKwGjCTsfHhT ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28798095 Show HN: “Command line text processing with GNU Coreutils” eBook (learnbyexample.github.io) (code-pdf-page "clicoreutils" "~/books/__comp/cli_text_processing_coreutils_v1p0.pdf") (code-pdf-text "clicoreutils" "~/books/__comp/cli_text_processing_coreutils_v1p0.pdf") ;; (find-clicoreutilspage) ;; (find-clicoreutilstext) ;; «clojure» (to ".clojure") ;; (find-es "clojure" "simple-graphics") (code-xpdf "practclojure" "~/books/__comp/vanderhart_sierra__practical_clojure.pdf") (code-pdftotext "practclojure" "~/books/__comp/vanderhart_sierra__practical_clojure.pdf") ;; (find-practclojurepage 6 "Contents at a Glance") ;; (find-practclojurepage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-practclojurepage (+ 18 199) "Index") ;; (find-practclojuretext "") (code-xpdf "progclojure" "~/books/__comp/halloway__programming_clojure.pdf") (code-pdftotext "progclojure" "~/books/__comp/halloway__programming_clojure.pdf") ;; (find-progclojurepage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-progclojurepage 286 "Index") ;; (find-progclojuretext "") (code-xpdf "joyofclojure" "~/books/__comp/fogus_houser__the_joy_of_clojure.pdf") (code-pdftotext "joyofclojure" "~/books/__comp/fogus_houser__the_joy_of_clojure.pdf") ;; (find-joyofclojurepage 8 "Brief Contents") ;; (find-joyofclojurepage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-joyofclojurepage (+ 33 52) "(def frame (java.awt.Frame.))") ;; (find-joyofclojuretext "(def frame (java.awt.Frame.))") ;; (find-joyofclojurepage (+ 33 118) "lazy") ;; (find-joyofclojurepage (+ 33 319) "Index") ;; (find-joyofclojuretext "") ;; «coq» (to ".coq") ;; (find-LATEX "catsem.bib" "bib-Coq") ;; (find-es "coq" "bertot-casteran") ;; http://books.google.com/books?id=m5w5PRj5Nj4C ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/123523/interactive-theorem-proving-and-program-development (code-djvu "bertotcasteran" "~/books/__comp/bertot_casteran__interactive_theorem_proving_and_program_development.djvu") (code-djvutotext "bertotcasteran" "~/books/__comp/bertot_casteran__interactive_theorem_proving_and_program_development.djvu") ;; (find-bertotcasteranpage 17 "Contents") ;; (find-bertotcasteranpage 15 "certification of Java applets") ;; (find-bertotcasteranpage (+ 26 1) "1. A Brief Overview") ;; (find-bertotcasteranpage (+ 26 460) "Index") ;; (find-bertotcasterantext) ;; «csound» (to ".csound") (code-djvu "csoundbook" "~/books/__comp/boulanger__the_csound_book.djvu") (code-djvutotext "csoundbook" "~/books/__comp/boulanger__the_csound_book.djvu") ;; (find-csoundbookpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 6 727) "Index") ;; (find-csoundbooktext "") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 34 5) "1. Introduction to Sound Design in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 34 65) "2. Understanding and Using Csound's GEN Routines") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 33 99) "3. What Happens When You Run Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 32 123) "4. Optimizing Your Csound Instruments") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 31 137) "5. Using Csound's Macro Language Extensions") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 29 155) "6. Designing Acoustically Viable Instruments in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 29 171) "7. Designing Legato Instruments in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 28 187) "8. Contiguous-Group Wavetable Synthesis of the French Horn in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 27 197) "9. FM Synthesis and Morphing in Csound: from Percussion to Brass") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 27 207) "10. Modeling \"Classic\" Electronic Keyboards in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 25 223) "11. A Survey of Classic Synthesis Techniques in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 25 261) "12. FM Synthesis in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 24 281) "13. Granular Synthesis in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 24 293) "14. FOF and FOG Synthesis in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 24 307) "15. Processing Samples with Csound's FOF Opcode") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 23 321) "16. A Look at Random Numbers, Noise, and Chaos with") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 23 339) "17. Constrained Random Event Generation and Retriggering in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 23 339) "18. Using Global Csound Instruments for Meta-Parameter") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 23 369) "19. Mathematical Modeling with Csound: From Waveguides to Chaos") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 23 389) "20. An Introduction to Signal Processing with Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 20 437) "21. Understanding Csound's Spectral Data Types") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 18 451) "22. Using Csound to Understand Delay Lines and Their Applications") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 18 467) "23. An Introduction to Reverberation Design with Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 17 483) "24. Implementing the Gardner Reverbs in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 17 493) "25. Csound-based Auditory Localization") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 15 507) "26. Convolution in Csound: Traditional and Novel Applications") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 15 521) "27. Working with Csound's ADSYN, LPREAD, and LPRESON Opcodes") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 14 541) "28. Csound's Phase Vocoder and Extensions") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 13 563) "29. Efficient Implementation of Analog Waveshaping in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 12 575) "30. Modeling a Multieffects Processor in Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 10 599) "31. Extending Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 10 613) "32. Adding New Unit Generators to Csound") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 8 637) "1. List of the Csound Book Chapter Instruments") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 8 645) "2. Recommended Reading") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 8 647) "3. Recommended Listening") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 7 653) "4. Sound Intensity and Formants") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 7 657) "5. Pitch Conversion") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 6 663) "6. Csound's Error Messages") ;; (find-csoundbookpage (+ 6 701) "7. Csound Quick Reference") ;; «css» (to ".css") (code-pdf-page "csscookbook" "~/books/__comp/schmitt__css_cookbook_3rd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "csscookbook" "~/books/__comp/schmitt__css_cookbook_3rd_ed.pdf" 26) ;; (find-csscookbooktext 9 "Contents") ;; (find-csscookbookpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 1) "1. Using HTML Basics") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 33) "2. CSS Basics") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 35) "2.1 Applying CSS Rules to a Web Page") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 38) "2.2 Using Basic Selectors to Apply Styles") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 47) "2.3 Applying Child Selectors") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 49) "2.4 Applying Adjacent Selectors") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 51) "2.5 Applying Attribute Selectors") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 53) "2.6 Using Pseudo-Classes") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 54) "2.7 Using Pseudo-Elements") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 56) "2.8 Determining When to Use Class and ID Selectors") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 61) "2.9 Understanding CSS Properties") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 62) "2.10 Understanding the Box Model") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 70) "2.11 Associating Styles to a Web Page") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 73) "2.12 Understanding the Origin") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 73) "2.13 Understanding the Sort Order Within CSS") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 76) "2.14 Using !important to Override Certain CSS Rules") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 77) "2.15 Clarifying Specificity") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 79) "2.16 Setting Up Different Types of Stylesheets") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 83) "2.17 Adding Comments Within Stylesheets") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 84) "2.18 Organizing the Contents of a Stylesheet") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 86) "2.19 Working with Shorthand Properties") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 88) "2.20 Setting Up an Alternate Stylesheet") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 89) "2.21 Using Floats") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 92) "2.22 Using Self-Clearing Floated Elements") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 95) "2.23 Using Absolute Positioning") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 98) "2.24 Using Relative Positioning") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 99) "2.25 Using Shackling Positioning") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 101) "2.26 Stacking Elements with z-index") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 102) "2.27 Validating CSS Rules") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 105) "3. Web Typography") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 106) "3.1 Specifying Fonts") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 109) "3.2 Using Web-Safe Fonts") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 112) "3.3 Setting an Ampersand Flourish") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 114) "3.4 Embedding Font Files") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 118) "3.5 Forcing a Break on Really Long Words") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 119) "3.6 Specifying Font Measurements and Sizes") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 121) "3.7 Gaining More Cross-Browser Consistency with Font Sizes") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 125) "3.8 Setting Hyphens, Em Dashes, and En Dashes") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 126) "3.9 Centering Text") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 126) "3.10 Setting Text to Be Justified") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 128) "3.11 Indicating an Overflow of Text with an Ellipsis") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 129) "3.12 Removing Space Between Headings and Paragraphs") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 130) "3.13 Setting a Simple Initial Cap") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 131) "3.14 Setting a Larger, Centered Initial Cap") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 133) "3.15 Setting an Initial Cap with Decoration (Imagery)") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 135) "3.16 Creating a Heading with Stylized Text") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 137) "3.17 Creating a Heading with Stylized Text and Borders") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 139) "3.18 Stylizing a Heading with Text and an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 141) "3.19 Creating a Pull Quote with HTML Text") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 143) "3.20 Placing a Pull Quote to the Side of a Column") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 145) "3.21 Creating a Pull Quote with Borders") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 146) "3.22 Creating a Pull Quote with Images") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 149) "3.23 Setting the Indent in the First Line of a Paragraph") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 150) "3.24 Setting the Indent of Entire Paragraphs") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 153) "3.25 Creating a Hanging Indent") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 156) "3.26 Styling the First Line of a Paragraph") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 158) "3.27 Styling the First Line of a Paragraph with an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 159) "3.28 Creating a Highlighted Text Effect") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 160) "3.29 Changing the Text Selection Color") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 161) "3.30 Changing Line Spacing") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 163) "3.31 Adding a Graphic Treatment to HTML Text") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 165) "3.32 Placing a Shadow Behind Text") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 168) "3.33 Adjusting the Space Between Letters and Words") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 171) "3.34 Applying Baseline Rhythm on Web Typography") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 173) "3.35 Styling Superscripts and Subscripts Without Messing the Text Baseline") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 175) "3.36 Setting Up Multiple Columns of Text") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 179) "4. Images") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 179) "4.1 Transforming Color Images to Black and White in IE with CSS") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 180) "4.2 Setting a Border Around an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 182) "4.3 Setting a Rounded Border Around an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 184) "4.4 Removing Borders Set on Images by Default in Some Browsers") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 186) "4.5 Setting a Background Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 187) "4.6 Creating a Line of Background Images") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 188) "4.7 Positioning a Background Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 191) "4.8 Using Multiple Background Images on One HTML Element") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 194) "4.9 Setting Images on a Border") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 197) "4.10 Creating a Stationary Background Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 199) "4.11 Stretching Images As the Browser Resizes") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 202) "4.12 Stretching an Image Across the Entire Browser Window") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 203) "4.13 Making Images Scalable") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 205) "4.14 Setting How a Browser Renders an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 206) "4.15 Rotating Images with CSS") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 208) "4.16 Setting Gradients with CSS") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 211) "4.17 Creating Transparent PNG Images for IE6 and Later") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 212) "4.18 Using Transparent PNG Images with JavaScript") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 215) "4.19 Overlaying HTML Text on an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 217) "4.20 Replacing HTML Text with an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 220) "4.21 Building a Panoramic Image Presentation") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 222) "4.22 Combining Different Image Formats") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 227) "4.23 Rounding Corners with Fixed-Width Columns") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 230) "4.24 Rounding Corners (Sliding Doors Technique)") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 235) "4.25 Rounding Corners (Mountaintop Technique)") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 239) "4.26 Rounding Corners with JavaScript") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 242) "4.27 Setting a Shadow on an Element with CSS") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 244) "4.28 Placing a Drop Shadow Behind an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 247) "4.29 Placing a Smooth Drop Shadow Behind an Image") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 251) "4.30 Making Word Balloons") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 254) "4.31 Hindering People from Stealing Your Images") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 256) "4.32 Inserting Reflections on Images Automatically") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 258) "4.33 Using Image Sprites") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 260) "4.34 Clipping Background Images") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 262) "4.35 Applying Masks to Images and Borders") ;; (find-csscookbookpage (+ 26 845) "Index") ;; (find-csscookbooktext "") ;; «epigram-ppdt» (to ".epigram-ppdt") ;; https://cs.ru.nl/~freek/courses/tt-2010/tvftl/epigram-notes.pdf (code-pdf-page "epigramppdt" "$S/https/cs.ru.nl/~freek/courses/tt-2010/tvftl/epigram-notes.pdf") (code-pdf-text "epigramppdt" "$S/https/cs.ru.nl/~freek/courses/tt-2010/tvftl/epigram-notes.pdf") ;; (find-epigramppdtpage) ;; (find-epigramppdttext) ;; «git» (to ".git") ;; (find-es "git" "books") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "git") ;; (find-angg ".emacs" "git-internals") ;; (find-es "cvs" "git") ;; (find-es "git") ;; http://peepcode.com/products/git-internals-pdf ;; (code-xpdf "gitinternals" "~/books/__comp/chacon__git_internals.pdf") ;; (code-pdftotext "gitinternals" "~/books/__comp/chacon__git_internals.pdf" 0) ;; «git-internals» (to ".git-internals") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "git-internals") ;; (find-es "git" "git-internals") ;; https://github.com/pluralsight/git-internals-pdf/releases/download/v2.0/peepcode-git.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/github.com/pluralsight/git-internals-pdf/releases/download/v2.0/") (code-pdf-page "gitinternals" "$S/https/github.com/pluralsight/git-internals-pdf/releases/download/v2.0/peepcode-git.pdf") (code-pdf-text "gitinternals" "$S/https/github.com/pluralsight/git-internals-pdf/releases/download/v2.0/peepcode-git.pdf") (code-c-d "gitinternals" "~/usrc/git-internals-pdf-2.0/") ;; (find-gitinternalsfile "") ;; (find-gitinternalspage) ;; (find-gitinternalstext) ;; (find-gitinternalspage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 3 "Contents") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 15 "The Blob") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 15 "The Blob") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 16 "blob : a906cb") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 16 "blob : a906cb") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 16 "blob : a906cb" "\f\f") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 17 "The Tree") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 17 "The Tree") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 22 "The Git Data Model") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 22 "The Git Data Model") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 23 "The Model") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 23 "The Model") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 28 "Branching and Merging") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 28 "Branching and Merging") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 30 "called master") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 30 "called master") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 32 "Remotes") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 34 "Rebasing") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 36 "master") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 36 "master") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 39 "cheap branches") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 39 "cheap branches") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 41 "The Treeish") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 42 "Ordinal spec") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 44 "The Git directory") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 48 "Working directory") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 49 "Non-SCM Uses of Git") ;; (find-gitinternalstext 49 "Non-SCM Uses of Git") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 54 "Setting Up Your Profile") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 57 "git status") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 68 "gitk") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 75 "Branching") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 77 "Simple Merging") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 80 "Rebasing") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 86 "Stashing") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 89 "Tagging") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 91 "Exporting Git") ;; (find-gitinternalspage 111 "Commands Overview") ;; (find-gitinternalstext "") ;; «git-progit» (to ".git-progit") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "git-progit") ;; (find-angg ".emacs" "pro-git") (code-pdf "progit" "~/books/__comp/chacon__pro_git.pdf") (code-pdftotext "progit" "~/books/__comp/chacon__pro_git.pdf" 24) (code-pdf "progit2" "~/books/__comp/chacon_straub__pro_git.pdf") (code-pdftotext "progit2" "~/books/__comp/chacon_straub__pro_git.pdf" 1) ;; (find-progitpage) ;; (find-progitpage 7 "Contents at a Glance") ;; (find-progittext 7 "Contents at a Glance") ;; (find-progitpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-progittext 9 "Contents") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 1) "1 Getting Started") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 12) "Your Diff Tool") ;; (find-progittext (+ 24 12) "Your Diff Tool") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 15) "2 Git Basics") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 35) "Working with Remotes") ;; (find-progittext (+ 24 35) "Working with Remotes") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 36) "Adding Remote Repositories") ;; (find-progittext (+ 24 36) "Adding Remote Repositories") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 38) "Tagging") ;; (find-progittext (+ 24 38) "Tagging") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 47) "3 Git Branching") ;; (find-progittext (+ 24 47) "Git Branching") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 53) "Basic Branching\n") ;; (find-progittext (+ 24 53) "Basic Branching\n") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 69) "Tracking Branches") ;; (find-progittext (+ 24 69) "Tracking Branches") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 79) "4 Git on the Server") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 107) "5 Distributed Git") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 143) "6 Git Tools") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 175) "7 Customizing Git") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 203) "8 Git and Other Systems") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 223) "9 Git Internals.") ;; (find-progitpage (+ 24 259) "Index") ;; (find-progittext "") ;; «git-progit2» (to ".git-progit2") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "git-progit2") ;; https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2 ;; https://github.com/progit/progit2 ;; https://github.com/progit/progit2/releases ;; https://github.com/progit/progit2/releases/download/2.1.277/progit.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/github.com/progit/progit2/releases/download/2.1.109/") (code-pdf-page "progit2" "$S/https/github.com/progit/progit2/releases/download/2.1.277/progit.pdf") (code-pdf-text "progit2" "$S/https/github.com/progit/progit2/releases/download/2.1.277/progit.pdf" 6) ;; (find-progit2page) ;; (find-progit2text) ;; (find-progit2page 3 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-progit2text 3 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 1) "Licence") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 2) "Preface by Scott Chacon") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 3) "Preface by Ben Straub") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 4) "Dedications.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 5) "Contributors.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 7) "Introduction") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 9) "Getting Started.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 9) "About Version Control.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 13) "A Short History of Git") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 13) "What is Git?") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 17) "The Command Line") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 17) "Installing Git") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 20) "First-Time Git Setup.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 23) "Getting Help.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 24) "Summary") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 25) "Git Basics.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 25) "Getting a Git Repository") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 27) "Recording Changes to the Repository") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 39) "Viewing the Commit History") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 46) "Undoing Things.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 50) "Working with Remotes") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 56) "Tagging") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 62) "Git Aliases") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 63) "Summary") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 64) "Git Branching.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 64) "Branches in a Nutshell") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 71) "Basic Branching and Merging") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 74) "Fast-forward") ;; (find-progit2text (+ 6 74) "Fast-forward") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 80) "Branch Management") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 83) "Branching Workflows") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 87) "Remote Branches") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 96) "Rebasing") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 105) "Summary") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 221) "Git Tools") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 221) "Revision Selection") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 230) "Interactive Staging.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 234) "Stashing and Cleaning") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 240) "Signing Your Work.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 244) "Searching") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 248) "Rewriting History.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 256) "Reset Demystified") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 276) "Advanced Merging.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 295) "Rerere") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 301) "Debugging with Git") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 304) "Submodules.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 326) "Bundling.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 330) "Replace") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 338) "Credential Storage") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 343) "Summary") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 344) "Customizing Git.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 344) "Git Configuration") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 354) "Git Attributes.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 362) "Git Hooks") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 365) "An Example Git-Enforced Policy") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 375) "Summary") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 376) "Git and Other Systems") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 376) "Git as a Client") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 413) "Migrating to Git") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 431) "Summary") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 432) "Git Internals.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 432) "Plumbing and Porcelain.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 433) "Git Objects") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 443) "Git References.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 447) "Packfiles") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 450) "The Refspec") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 453) "Transfer Protocols") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 458) "Maintenance and Data Recovery") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 465) "Environment Variables") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 471) "Summary") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 498) "Appendix C: Git Commands") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 498) "Setup and Config") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 500) "Getting and Creating Projects") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 501) "Basic Snapshotting.") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 503) "Branching and Merging") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 505) "Sharing and Updating Projects") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 507) "Inspection and Comparison") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 508) "Debugging") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 509) "Patching") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 509) "Email") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 511) "External Systems") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 511) "Administration") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 512) "Plumbing Commands") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 6 513) "Index") ;; «git-fbu» (to ".git-fbu") ;; http://ftp.newartisans.com/pub/git.from.bottom.up.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/http/ftp.newartisans.com/pub/") (code-pdf-page "gitfbu" "$S/http/ftp.newartisans.com/pub/git.from.bottom.up.pdf") (code-pdf-text "gitfbu" "$S/http/ftp.newartisans.com/pub/git.from.bottom.up.pdf") ;; (find-gitfbupage) ;; (find-gitfbutext) ;; (find-gitfbupage 2 "1. License") ;; (find-gitfbupage 3 "2. Introduction") ;; (find-gitfbupage 5 "3. Repository: Directory content tracking") ;; (find-gitfbupage 6 "Introducing the blob") ;; (find-gitfbupage 7 "Blobs are stored in trees") ;; (find-gitfbupage 8 "How trees are made") ;; (find-gitfbupage 10 "e beauty of commits") ;; (find-gitfbupage 12 "A commit by any other name...") ;; (find-gitfbupage 15 "Branching and the power of rebase") ;; (find-gitfbupage 15 "show-branch") ;; (find-gitfbutext 15 "show-branch") ;; (find-gitfbupage 20 "4. The Index: Meet the middle man") ;; (find-gitfbupage 22 "Taking the index farther") ;; (find-gitfbupage 24 "5. To reset, or not to reset") ;; (find-gitfbupage 24 "Doing a mixed reset") ;; (find-gitfbupage 24 "Doing a soft reset") ;; (find-gitfbupage 25 "Doing a hard reset") ;; (find-gitfbupage 27 "6. Last links in the chain: Stashing and the reflog") ;; (find-gitfbupage 30 "7. Conclusion") ;; (find-gitfbupage 31 "8. Further reading") ;; (find-progit2page) ;; (find-progit2page 3 "Contents") ;; (find-progit2page (+ 4 421) "Contents") ;; (find-progit2text "") ;; «haskell» (to ".haskell") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell") ;; «haskell-hutton» (to ".haskell-hutton") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton") ;; (find-es "haskell" "hutton-book") ;; http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/ ;; http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/pih.html ;; http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/Code.zip (code-pdf-page "huttonbook" "~/books/__comp/hutton__programming_in_haskell.pdf") (code-pdf-text "huttonbook" "~/books/__comp/hutton__programming_in_haskell.pdf" 1) ;; (find-huttonbookpage) ;; (find-huttonbookpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 6 "Contents") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 27 "Num a => [a] -> a") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 27 "Num a => [a] -> a") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 32 "2.3 Standard prelude") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 32 "2.3 Standard prelude") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 37 "The layout rule" "where") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 37 "The layout rule" "where") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 44 "3.4 Tuple types") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 44 "3.4 Tuple types") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 49 "3.9 Basic classes") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 49 "3.9 Basic classes") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 52 "Read" "readable types") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 52 "Read" "readable types") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 57 "4.2 Conditional expressions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 57 "4.2 Conditional expressions") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 58 "4.3 Guarded equations") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 58 "4.3 Guarded equations") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 58 "4.3 Guarded equations") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 58 "4.3 Guarded equations") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 59 "4.4 Pattern matching") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 59 "4.4 Pattern matching") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 63 "4.6 Operator sections") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 63 "4.6 Operator sections") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 67 "5" "List comprehensions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 67 "5" "List comprehensions") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 68 "5.2 Guards") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 68 "5.2 Guards") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 71 "5.4 String comprehensions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 71 "5.4 String comprehensions") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 72 "5.5 The Caesar cipher") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 72 "5.5 The Caesar cipher") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "cipher.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 96 "7" "Higher-order functions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 96 "7" "Higher-order functions") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 106 "7.6 Binary string transmitter") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 106 "7.6 Binary string transmitter") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "transmit.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 110 "7.7 Voting algorithms") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 110 "7.7 Voting algorithms") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "voting.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 116 "8" "Declaring types and classes") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 116 "8" "Declaring types and classes") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 116 "8.1 Type declarations") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 116 "8.1 Type declarations") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 117 "8.2 Data declarations") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 117 "8.2 Data declarations") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 119 "fully evaluated") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 119 "fully evaluated") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 119 "8.3 Newtype declarations") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 119 "8.3 Newtype declarations") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 120 "8.4 Recursive types") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 120 "8.4 Recursive types") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 124 "8.5 Class and instance declarations") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 124 "8.5 Class and instance declarations") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 125 "Derived instances") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 125 "Derived instances") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 126 "8.6 Tautology checker") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 126 "8.6 Tautology checker") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "tautology.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 131 "8.7 Abstract machine") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 131 "8.7 Abstract machine") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "machine.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 136 "9" "The countdown problem") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 136 "9" "The countdown problem") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "countdown.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "countdown2.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 148 "10" "Interactive programming") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "10" "Interactive programming") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 148 "10.1 The problem") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "10.1 The problem") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 149 "10.2 The solution") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 149 "10.2 The solution") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 150 "10.3 Basic actions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 150 "10.3 Basic actions") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 151 "10.4 Sequencing") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 151 "10.4 Sequencing") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 151 "do notation") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 151 "do notation") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 152 "10.5 Derived primitives") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 152 "10.5 Derived primitives") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 153 "10.6 Hangman") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 153 "10.6 Hangman") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "hangman.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 155 "10.7 Nim") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 155 "10.7 Nim") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "nim.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 159 "10.8 Life") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 159 "10.8 Life") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "life.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 163 "10.9 Chapter remarks") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 163 "10.9 Chapter remarks") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 164 "10.10 Exercises") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 164 "10.10 Exercises") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 166 "11" "Unbeatable tic-tac-toe") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "11" "Unbeatable tic-tac-toe") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 166 "11.1 Introduction") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 166 "11.1 Introduction") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 167 "11.2 Basic declarations") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 167 "11.2 Basic declarations") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 168 "11.3 Grid utilities") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 168 "11.3 Grid utilities") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 169 "11.4 Displaying a grid") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 169 "11.4 Displaying a grid") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 171 "11.5 Making a move") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 171 "11.5 Making a move") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 172 "11.6 Reading a number") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 172 "11.6 Reading a number") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 172 "11.7 Human vs human") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 172 "11.7 Human vs human") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 173 "11.8 Game trees") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 173 "11.8 Game trees") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 175 "11.9 Pruning the tree") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 175 "11.9 Pruning the tree") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 176 "11.10 Minimax algorithm") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 176 "11.10 Minimax algorithm") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 176 "11.10 Minimax algorithm") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 176 "11.10 Minimax algorithm") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 178 "11.11 Human vs computer") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 178 "11.11 Human vs computer") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "tictactoe.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 180 "11.12 Chapter remarks") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 180 "11.12 Chapter remarks") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 180 "11.13 Exercises") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 180 "11.13 Exercises") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 182 "12" "Monads and more") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 182 "12" "Monads and more") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 182 "12.1 Functors") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 182 "12.1 Functors") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 187 "12.2 Applicatives") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 187 "12.2 Applicatives") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 193 "12.3 Monads") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 193 "12.3 Monads") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 196 "m1 >>= \\x1 ->") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 196 "m1 >>= \\x1 ->") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 198 "The state monad") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 198 "The state monad") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 199 "newtype ST a = S (State -> (a,State))") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 199 "newtype ST a = S (State -> (a,State))") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 200 "app :: ST a -> State -> (a,State)") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 200 "app :: ST a -> State -> (a,State)") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 200 "fmap g st =") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 200 "fmap g st =") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 200 "The let mechanism of Haskell") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 200 "The let mechanism of Haskell") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 201 "Relabelling trees") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 201 "Relabelling trees") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "relabel.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 205 "12.4 Chapter remarks") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 205 "12.4 Chapter remarks") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 205 "12.5 Exercises") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 205 "12.5 Exercises") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 208 "13" "Monadic parsing") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 208 "13" "Monadic parsing") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "Parsing.hs") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.1" "What is a parser?") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.2" "Parsers as functions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.3" "Basic definitions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.4" "Sequencing parsers") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.5" "Making choices") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.6" "Derived primitives") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.7" "Handling spacing") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 218 "13.8 Arithmetic expressions") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 218 "13.8 Arithmetic expressions") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "expression.hs") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 223 "13.9 Calculator") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 223 "13.9 Calculator") ;; (find-huttonbookfile "calculator.hs") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.10" "Chapter remarks") ;; (find-huttonbooktext 148 "13.11" "Exercises") ;; (find-huttonbookpage 340 "Index") ;; (find-huttonbooktext "") ;; «haskell-hudak» (to ".haskell-hudak") ;; https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/ ;; https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial.pdf (code-pdf-page "hudak" "$S/https/www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hudak" "$S/https/www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial.pdf") (code-c-d "hudak" "~/usrc/haskell-98-tutorial-sources/") ;; (find-hudakfile "") ;; (find-hudakpage) ;; (find-hudaktext) ;; (find-hudakpage 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-hudaktext 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-hudakpage 2 "2 Values, Types, and Other Goodies") ;; (find-hudaktext 2 "2 Values, Types, and Other Goodies") ;; (find-hudakpage 3 "2.1 Polymorphic Types") ;; (find-hudaktext 3 "2.1 Polymorphic Types") ;; (find-hudakpage 5 "2.2 User-Defined Types") ;; (find-hudaktext 5 "2.2 User-De ned Types") ;; (find-hudakpage 21 "5 Type Classes and Overloading") ;; (find-hudaktext 21 "5 Type Classes and Overloading") ;; (find-hudakpage 46 "9.3 Using Monads") ;; (find-hudaktext 46 "9.3 Using Monads") ;; «haskell-rw» (to ".haskell-rw") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-rw") (code-pdf-page "rwhaskell" "~/books/__comp/osullivan_goerzen_stewart__real_world_haskell.pdf") (code-pdf-text "rwhaskell" "~/books/__comp/osullivan_goerzen_stewart__real_world_haskell.pdf" 40) ;; (find-rwhaskellpage) ;; (find-rwhaskelltext "") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 655) "Index") ;; (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 655) "Index") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage 9 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-rwhaskelltext 9 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 1) "1. Getting Started") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 1) "Your Haskell Environment") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 2) "Getting Started with ghci, the Interpreter") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 3) "Basic Interaction: Using ghci as a Calculator") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 3) "Simple Arithmetic") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 4) "An Arithmetic Quirk: Writing Negative Numbers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 5) "Boolean Logic, Operators, and Value Comparisons") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 7) "Operator Precedence and Associativity") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 8) "Undefined Values, and Introducing Variables") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 8) "Dealing with Precedence and Associativity Rules") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 9) "Command-Line Editing in ghci") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 9) "Lists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 11) "Operators on Lists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 11) "Strings and Characters") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 12) "First Steps with Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 15) "A Simple Program") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 17) "2. Types and Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 17) "Why Care About Types?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 18) "Haskell's Type System") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 18) "Strong Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 19) "Static Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 20) "Type Inference") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 20) "What to Expect from the Type System") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 21) "Some Common Basic Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 22) "Function Application") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 23) "Useful Composite Data Types: Lists and Tuples") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 25) "Functions over Lists and Tuples") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 26) "Passing an Expression to a Function") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 27) "Function Types and Purity") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 27) "Haskell Source Files, and Writing Simple Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 28) "Just What Is a Variable, Anyway?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 29) "Conditional Evaluation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 32) "Understanding Evaluation by Example") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 32) "Lazy Evaluation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 33) "A More Involved Example") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 34) "Recursion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 35) "Ending the Recursion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 35) "Returning from the Recursion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 36) "What Have We Learned?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 36) "Polymorphism in Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 38) "Reasoning About Polymorphic Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 38) "Further Reading") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 38) "The Type of a Function of More Than One Argument") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 39) "Why the Fuss over Purity?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 40) "Conclusion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 41) "3. Defining Types, Streamlining Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 41) "Defining a New Data Type") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 43) "Naming Types and Values") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 43) "Type Synonyms") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 44) "Algebraic Data Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 45) "Tuples, Algebraic Data Types, and When to Use Each") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 47) "Analogues to Algebraic Data Types in Other Languages") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 50) "Pattern Matching") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 51) "Construction and Deconstruction") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 52) "Further Adventures") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 53) "Variable Naming in Patterns") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 53) "The Wild Card Pattern") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 54) "Exhaustive Patterns and Wild Cards") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 55) "Record Syntax") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 57) "Parameterized Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 58) "Recursive Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 60) "Reporting Errors") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 61) "A More Controlled Approach") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 61) "Introducing Local Variables") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 62) "Shadowing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 63) "The where Clause") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 63) "Local Functions, Global Variables") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 64) "The Offside Rule and Whitespace in an Expression") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 66) "A Note About Tabs Versus Spaces") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 66) "The Offside Rule Is Not Mandatory") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 66) "The case Expression") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 67) "Common Beginner Mistakes with Patterns") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 67) "Incorrectly Matching Against a Variable") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 68) "Incorrectly Trying to Compare for Equality") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 68) "Conditional Evaluation with Guards") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 71) "4. Functional Programming") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 71) "Thinking in Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 71) "A Simple Command-Line Framework") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 72) "Warming Up: Portably Splitting Lines of Text") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 75) "A Line-Ending Conversion Program") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 76) "Infix Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 77) "Working with Lists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 78) "Basic List Manipulation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 79) "Safely and Sanely Working with Crashy Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 79) "Partial and Total Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 80) "More Simple List Manipulations") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 81) "Working with Sublists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 82) "Searching Lists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 83) "Working with Several Lists at Once") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 84) "Special String-Handling Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 84) "How to Think About Loops") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 85) "Explicit Recursion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 87) "Transforming Every Piece of Input") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 88) "Mapping over a List") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 90) "Selecting Pieces of Input") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 90) "Computing One Answer over a Collection") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 92) "The Left Fold") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 93) "Why Use Folds, Maps, and Filters?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 94) "Folding from the Right") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 96) "Left Folds, Laziness, and Space Leaks") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 99) "Further Reading") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 99) "Anonymous (lambda) Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 100) "Partial Function Application and Currying") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 102) "Sections") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 103) "As-patterns") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 104) "Code Reuse Through Composition") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 107) "Use Your Head Wisely") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 107) "Tips for Writing Readable Code") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 108) "Space Leaks and Strict Evaluation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 108) "Avoiding Space Leaks with seq") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 109) "Learning to Use seq") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 111) "5. Writing a Library: Working with JSON Data") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 111) "A Whirlwind Tour of JSON") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 111) "Representing JSON Data in Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 113) "The Anatomy of a Haskell Module") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 114) "Compiling Haskell Source") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 114) "Generating a Haskell Program and Importing Modules") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 115) "Printing JSON Data") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 117) "Type Inference Is a Double-Edged Sword") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 118) "A More General Look at Rendering") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 119) "Developing Haskell Code Without Going Nuts") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 120) "Pretty Printing a String") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 122) "Arrays and Objects, and the Module Header") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 123) "Writing a Module Header") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 124) "Fleshing Out the Pretty-Printing Library") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 127) "Compact Rendering") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 128) "True Pretty Printing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 129) "Following the Pretty Printer") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 131) "Creating a Package") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 131) "Writing a Package Description") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 133) "GHC's Package Manager") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 133) "Setting Up, Building, and Installing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 134) "Practical Pointers and Further Reading") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 135) "6. Using Typeclasses") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 135) "The Need for Typeclasses") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 136) "What Are Typeclasses?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 139) "Declaring Typeclass Instances") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 139) "Important Built-in Typeclasses") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 139) "Show") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 141) "Read") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 143) "Serialization with read and show") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 144) "Numeric Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 148) "Equality, Ordering, and Comparisons") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 148) "Automatic Derivation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 149) "Typeclasses at Work: Making JSON Easier to Use") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 151) "More Helpful Errors") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 151) "Making an Instance with a Type Synonym") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 152) "Living in an Open World") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 153) "When Do Overlapping Instances Cause Problems?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 154) "Relaxing Some Restrictions on Typeclasses") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 155) "How Does Show Work for Strings?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 155) "How to Give a Type a New Identity") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 157) "Differences Between Data and Newtype Declarations") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 158) "Summary: The Three Ways of Naming Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 159) "JSON Typeclasses Without Overlapping Instances") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 162) "The Dreaded Monomorphism Restriction") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 163) "Conclusion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 165) "7. I/O") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 165) "Classic I/O in Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 168) "Pure Versus I/O") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 169) "Why Purity Matters") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 169) "Working with Files and Handles") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 171) "More on openFile") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 172) "Closing Handles") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 172) "Seek and Tell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 173) "Standard Input, Output, and Error") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 174) "Deleting and Renaming Files") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 174) "Temporary Files") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 175) "Extended Example: Functional I/O and Temporary Files") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 178) "Lazy I/O") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 178) "hGetContents") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 180) "readFile and writeFile") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 181) "A Word on Lazy Output") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 181) "interact") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 183) "The IO Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 183) "Actions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 186) "Sequencing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 187) "The True Nature of Return") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 188) "Is Haskell Really Imperative?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 188) "Side Effects with Lazy I/O") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 189) "Buffering") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 189) "Buffering Modes") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 190) "Flushing The Buffer") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 190) "Reading Command-Line Arguments") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 191) "Environment Variables") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 193) "8. Efficient File Processing, Regular Expressions, and Filename Matching") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 193) "Efficient File Processing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 194) "Binary I/O and Qualified Imports") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 195) "Text I/O") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 197) "Filename Matching") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 198) "Regular Expressions in Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 198) "The Many Types of Result") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 200) "More About Regular Expressions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 200) "Mixing and Matching String Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 201) "Other Things You Should Know") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 202) "Translating a glob Pattern into a Regular Expression") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 205) "An important Aside: Writing Lazy Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 206) "Making Use of Our Pattern Matcher") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 210) "Handling Errors Through API Design") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 211) "Putting Our Code to Work") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 213) "9. I/O Case Study: A Library for Searching the Filesystem") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 213) "The find Command") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 213) "Starting Simple: Recursively Listing a Directory") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 214) "Revisiting Anonymous and Named Functions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 215) "Why Provide Both mapM and forM?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 215) "A Naive Finding Function") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 217) "Predicates: From Poverty to Riches, While Remaining Pure") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 219) "Sizing a File Safely") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 221) "The Acquire-Use-Release Cycle") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 221) "A Domain-Specific Language for Predicates") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 223) "Avoiding Boilerplate with Lifting") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 224) "Gluing Predicates Together") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 225) "Defining and Using New Operators") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 226) "Controlling Traversal") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 228) "Density, Readability, and the Learning Process") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 229) "Another Way of Looking at Traversal") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 232) "Useful Coding Guidelines") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 233) "Common Layout Styles") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 235) "10. Code Case Study: Parsing a Binary Data Format") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 235) "Grayscale Files") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 236) "Parsing a Raw PGM File") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 238) "Getting Rid of Boilerplate Code") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 239) "Implicit State") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 240) "The Identity Parser") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 241) "Record Syntax, Updates, and Pattern Matching") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 242) "A More Interesting Parser") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 242) "Obtaining and Modifying the Parse State") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 243) "Reporting Parse Errors") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 243) "Chaining Parsers Together") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 244) "Introducing Functors") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 247) "Constraints on Type Definitions Are Bad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 248) "Infix Use of fmap") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 248) "Flexible Instances") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 249) "Thinking More About Functors") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 250) "Writing a Functor Instance for Parse") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 251) "Using Functors for Parsing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 252) "Rewriting Our PGM Parser") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 254) "Future Directions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 255) "11. Testing and Quality Assurance") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 256) "QuickCheck: Type-Based Testing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 257) "Testing for Properties") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 259) "Testing Against a Model") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 259) "Testing Case Study: Specifying a Pretty Printer") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 259) "Generating Test Data") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 262) "Testing Document Construction") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 263) "Using Lists as a Model") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 264) "Putting It All Together") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 265) "Measuring Test Coverage with HPC") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 269) "12. Barcode Recognition") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 269) "A Little Bit About Barcodes") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 270) "EAN-13 Encoding") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 270) "Introducing Arrays") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 273) "Arrays and Laziness") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 273) "Folding over Arrays") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 274) "Modifying Array Elements") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 275) "Encoding an EAN-13 Barcode") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 275) "Constraints on Our Decoder") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 276) "Divide and Conquer") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 278) "Turning a Color Image into Something Tractable") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 278) "Parsing a Color Image") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 279) "Grayscale Conversion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 279) "Grayscale to Binary and Type Safety") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 280) "What Have We Done to Our Image?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 282) "Finding Matching Digits") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 282) "Run Length Encoding") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 283) "Scaling Run Lengths, and Finding Approximate Matches") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 284) "List Comprehensions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 285) "Remembering a Match's Parity") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 287) "Chunking a List") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 287) "Generating a List of Candidate Digits") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 288) "Life Without Arrays or Hash Tables") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 288) "A Forest of Solutions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 289) "A Brief Introduction to Maps") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 292) "Further Reading") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 292) "Turning Digit Soup into an Answer") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 292) "Solving for Check Digits in Parallel") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 294) "Completing the Solution Map with the First Digit") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 295) "Finding the Correct Sequence") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 295) "Working with Row Data") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 296) "Pulling It All Together") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 297) "A Few Comments on Development Style") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 299) "13. Data Structures") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 299) "Association Lists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 301) "Maps") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 303) "Functions Are Data, Too") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 304) "Extended Example: /etc/passwd") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 307) "Extended Example: Numeric Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 309) "First Steps") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 311) "Completed Code") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 317) "Taking Advantage of Functions as Data") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 318) "Turning Difference Lists into a Proper Library") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 320) "Lists, Difference Lists, and Monoids") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 322) "General-Purpose Sequences") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 325) "14. Monads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 325) "Revisiting Earlier Code Examples") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 325) "Maybe Chaining") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 326) "Implicit State") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 327) "Looking for Shared Patterns") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 329) "The Monad Typeclass") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 330) "And Now, a Jargon Moment") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 331) "Using a New Monad: Show Your Work!") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 331) "Information Hiding") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 332) "Controlled Escape") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 332) "Leaving a Trace") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 333) "Using the Logger Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 334) "Mixing Pure and Monadic Code") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 336) "Putting a Few Misconceptions to Rest") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 336) "Building the Logger Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 337) "Sequential Logging, Not Sequential Evaluation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 337) "The Writer Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 338) "The Maybe Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 338) "Executing the Maybe Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 338) "Maybe at Work, and Good API Design") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 340) "The List Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 342) "Understanding the List Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 343) "Putting the List Monad to Work") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 344) "Desugaring of do Blocks") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 345) "Monads as a Programmable Semicolon") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 346) "Why Go Sugar-Free?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 346) "The State Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 347) "Almost a State Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 348) "Reading and Modifying the State") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 348) "Will the Real State Monad Please Stand Up?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 349) "Using the State Monad: Generating Random Values") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 350) "A First Attempt at Purity") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 351) "Random Values in the State Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 352) "Running the State Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 352) "What About a Bit More State?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 354) "Monads and Functors") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 354) "Another Way of Looking at Monads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 355) "The Monad Laws and Good Coding Style") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 359) "15. Programming with Monads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 359) "Golfing Practice: Association Lists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 360) "Generalized Lifting") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 362) "Looking for Alternatives") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 364) "The Name mplus Does Not Imply Addition") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 364) "Rules for Working with MonadPlus") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 364) "Failing Safely with MonadPlus") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 365) "Adventures in Hiding the Plumbing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 368) "Supplying Random Numbers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 369) "Another Round of Golf") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 369) "Separating Interface from Implementation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 370) "Multiparameter Typeclasses") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 370) "Functional Dependencies") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 371) "Rounding Out Our Module") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 372) "Programming to a Monad's Interface") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 373) "The Reader Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 374) "A Return to Automated Deriving") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 375) "Hiding the IO Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 376) "Using a newtype") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 377) "Designing for Unexpected Uses") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 378) "Using Typeclasses") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 379) "Isolation and Testing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 380) "The Writer Monad and Lists") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 381) "Arbitrary I/O Revisited") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 383) "16. Using Parsec") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 383) "First Steps with Parsec: Simple CSV Parsing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 386) "The sepBy and endBy Combinators") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 387) "Choices and Errors") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 389) "Lookahead") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 390) "Error Handling") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 391) "Extended Example: Full CSV Parser") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 393) "Parsec and MonadPlus") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 393) "Parsing a URL-Encoded Query String") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 395) "Supplanting Regular Expressions for Casual Parsing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 395) "Parsing Without Variables") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 395) "Applicative Functors for Parsing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 396) "Applicative Parsing by Example") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 398) "Parsing JSON Data") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 401) "Parsing a HTTP Request") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 402) "Backtracking and Its Discontents") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 402) "Parsing Headers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 405) "17. Interfacing with C: The FFI") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 406) "Foreign Language Bindings: The Basics") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 407) "Be Careful of Side Effects") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 408) "A High-Level Wrapper") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 409) "Regular Expressions for Haskell: A Binding for PCRE") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 410) "Simple Tasks: Using the C Preprocessor") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 411) "Binding Haskell to C with hsc2hs") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 411) "Adding Type Safety to PCRE") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 412) "Binding to Constants") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 413) "Automating the Binding") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 414) "Passing String Data Between Haskell and C") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 416) "Typed Pointers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 417) "Memory Management: Let the Garbage Collector Do the Work") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 418) "A High-Level Interface: Marshaling Data") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 419) "Marshaling ByteStrings") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 419) "Allocating Local C Data: The Storable Class") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 420) "Putting It All Together") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 422) "Matching on Strings") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 423) "Extracting Information About the Pattern") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 424) "Pattern Matching with Substrings") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 426) "The Real Deal: Compiling and Matching Regular Expressions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 429) "18. Monad Transformers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 429) "Motivation: Boilerplate Avoidance") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 430) "A Simple Monad Transformer Example") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 431) "Common Patterns in Monads and Monad Transformers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 433) "Stacking Multiple Monad Transformers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 435) "Hiding Our Work") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 436) "Moving Down the Stack") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 437) "When Explicit Lifting Is Necessary") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 438) "Understanding Monad Transformers by Building One") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 439) "Creating a Monad Transformer") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 440) "More Typeclass Instances") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 440) "Replacing the Parse Type with a Monad Stack") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 441) "Transformer Stacking Order Is Important") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 443) "Putting Monads and Monad Transformers into Perspective") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 443) "Interference with Pure Code") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 444) "Overdetermined Ordering") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 444) "Runtime Overhead") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 444) "Unwieldy Interfaces") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 445) "Pulling It All Together") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 447) "19. Error Handling") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 447) "Error Handling with Data Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 448) "Use of Maybe") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 452) "Use of Either") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 454) "Exceptions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 454) "First Steps with Exceptions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 455) "Laziness and Exception Handling") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 456) "Using handle") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 456) "Selective Handling of Exceptions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 457) "I/O Exceptions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 459) "Throwing Exceptions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 459) "Dynamic Exceptions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 462) "Error Handling in Monads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 463) "A Tiny Parsing Framework") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 467) "20. Systems Programming in Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 467) "Running External Programs") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 468) "Directory and File Information") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 469) "Program Termination") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 470) "Dates and Times") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 470) "ClockTime and CalendarTime") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 475) "File Modification Times") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 476) "Extended Example: Piping") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 477) "Using Pipes for Redirection") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 483) "Better Piping") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 491) "Final Words on Pipes") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 493) "21. Using Databases") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 493) "Overview of HDBC") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 494) "Installing HDBC and Drivers") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 495) "Connecting to Databases") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 495) "Transactions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 496) "Simple Queries") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 497) "SqlValue") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 497) "Query Parameters") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 498) "Prepared Statements") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 499) "Reading Results") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 501) "Reading with Statements") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 501) "Lazy Reading") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 502) "Database Metadata") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 503) "Error Handling") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 505) "22. Extended Example: Web Client Programming") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 506) "Basic Types") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 506) "The Database") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 510) "The Parser") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 513) "Downloading") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 515) "Main Program") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 517) "23. GUI Programming with gtk2hs") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 517) "Installing gtk2hs") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 517) "Overview of the GTK+ Stack") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 518) "User Interface Design with Glade") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 518) "Glade Concepts") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 519) "Event-Driven Programming") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 520) "Initializing the GUI") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 524) "The Add Podcast Window") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 525) "Long-Running Tasks") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 528) "Using Cabal") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 531) "24. Concurrent and Multicore Programming") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 531) "Defining Concurrency and Parallelism") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 532) "Concurrent Programming with Threads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 532) "Threads Are Nondeterministic") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 532) "Hiding Latency") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 533) "Simple Communication Between Threads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 534) "The Main Thread and Waiting for Other Threads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 536) "Safely Modifying an MVar") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 536) "Safe Resource Management: A Good Idea, and Easy Besides") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 537) "Finding the Status of a Thread") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 538) "Writing Tighter Code") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 539) "Communicating over Channels") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 539) "Useful Things to Know About") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 539) "MVar and Chan Are Nonstrict") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 540) "Chan Is Unbounded") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 540) "Shared-State Concurrency Is Still Hard") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 541) "Deadlock") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 541) "Starvation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 542) "Is There Any Hope?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 542) "Using Multiple Cores with GHC") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 543) "Runtime Options") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 543) "Finding the Number of Available Cores from Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 544) "Choosing the Right Runtime") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 544) "Parallel Programming in Haskell") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 545) "Normal Form and Head Normal Form") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 545) "Sequential Sorting") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 545) "Transforming Our Code into Parallel Code") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 546) "Knowing What to Evaluate in Parallel") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 547) "What Promises Does par Make?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 547) "Running Our Code and Measuring Performance") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 550) "Tuning for Performance") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 551) "Parallel Strategies and MapReduce") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 552) "Separating Algorithm from Evaluation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 554) "Separating Algorithm from Strategy") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 554) "Writing a Simple MapReduce Definition") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 555) "MapReduce and Strategies") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 555) "Sizing Work Appropriately") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 557) "Efficiently Finding Line-Aligned Chunks") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 558) "Counting Lines") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 559) "Finding the Most Popular URLs") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 560) "Conclusions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 561) "25. Profiling and Optimization") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 561) "Profiling Haskell Programs") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 562) "Collecting Runtime Statistics") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 563) "Time Profiling") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 566) "Space Profiling") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 570) "Controlling Evaluation") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 571) "Strictness and Tail Recursion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 572) "Adding Strictness") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 575) "Understanding Core") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 578) "Advanced Techniques: Fusion") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 579) "Tuning the Generated Assembly") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 580) "Conclusions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 581) "26. Advanced Library Design: Building a Bloom Filter") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 581) "Introducing the Bloom Filter") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 582) "Use Cases and Package Layout") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 583) "Basic Design") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 583) "Unboxing, Lifting, and Bottom") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 584) "The ST Monad") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 585) "Designing an API for Qualified Import") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 586) "Creating a Mutable Bloom Filter") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 587) "The Immutable API") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 588) "Creating a Friendly Interface") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 589) "Re-Exporting Names for Convenience") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 589) "Hashing Values") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 593) "Turning Two Hashes into Many") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 593) "Implementing the Easy Creation Function") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 595) "Creating a Cabal Package") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 596) "Dealing with Different Build Setups") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 598) "Compilation Options and Interfacing to C") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 599) "Testing with QuickCheck") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 600) "Polymorphic Testing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 601) "Writing Arbitrary Instances for ByteStrings") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 602) "Are Suggested Sizes Correct?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 604) "Performance Analysis and Tuning") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 605) "Profile-Driven Performance Tuning") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 611) "27. Sockets and Syslog") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 611) "Basic Networking") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 611) "Communicating with UDP") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 612) "UDP Client Example: syslog") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 615) "UDP Syslog Server") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 616) "Communicating with TCP") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 616) "Handling Multiple TCP Streams") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 617) "TCP Syslog Server") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 619) "TCP Syslog Client") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 623) "28. Software Transactional Memory") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 623) "The Basics") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 624) "Some Simple Examples") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 626) "STM and Safety") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 626) "Retrying a Transaction") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 628) "What Happens When We Retry?") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 628) "Choosing Between Alternatives") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 628) "Using Higher Order Code with Transactions") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 629) "I/O and STM") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 630) "Communication Between Threads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 631) "A Concurrent Web Link Checker") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 633) "Checking a Link") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 634) "Worker Threads") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 635) "Finding Links") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 636) "Command-Line Parsing") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 637) "Pattern Guards") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 638) "Practical Aspects of STM") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 638) "Getting Comfortable with Giving Up Control") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 639) "Using Invariants") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 641) "A. Installing GHC and Haskell Libraries") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 649) "B. Characters, Strings, and Escaping Rules") ;; (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 655) "Index") ;; «haskell-2010» (to ".haskell-2010") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-2010") ;; https://www.haskell.org/definition/haskell2010.pdf (code-pdf-page "haskell2010" "$S/https/www.haskell.org/definition/haskell2010.pdf") (code-pdf-text "haskell2010" "$S/https/www.haskell.org/definition/haskell2010.pdf" 20) ;; (find-haskell2010page) ;; (find-haskell2010text) ;; (find-haskell2010page (+ 20 22) "Translation: List comprehensions") ;; (find-haskell2010text (+ 20 22) "Translation: List comprehensions") ;; (find-haskell2010page (+ 20 25) "Translation: Do expressions") ;; (find-haskell2010text (+ 20 25) "Translation: Do expressions") ;; (find-haskell2010page (+ 20 25) "3.15 Datatypes with Field Labels") ;; (find-haskell2010text (+ 20 25) "3.15 Datatypes with Field Labels") ;; (find-haskell2010page (+ 20 26) "3.15.2 Construction Using Field Labels") ;; (find-haskell2010text (+ 20 26) "3.15.2 Construction Using Field Labels") ;; (find-haskell2010text (+ 20 26) "3.15.2 Construction Using Field Labels" "record") ;; (find-haskell2010page (+ 20 45) "4.3.2 Instance Declarations") ;; (find-haskell2010text (+ 20 45) "4.3.2 Instance Declarations") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/28927/haskell--the-craft-of-functional-programming--2nd-edition- (code-djvu "haskellcraft" "~/books/__comp/thompson__haskell_the_craft_of_functional_programming.djvu") ;; (find-haskellcraftpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-haskellcraftpage (+ 17 472) "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/216374/real-world-haskell ;; (find-unpack-chm-links "~/books/__comp/o_sullivan_stewart_goerzen__real_world_haskell.chm" "~/usrc/rwhaskell/" "rwhaskell") (code-c-d "rwhaskell" "~/usrc/rwhaskell/") ;; (find-rwhaskellfile "") ;; (find-rwhaskellw3m "Toc.html") ;; «html-1998» (to ".html-1998") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "html-1998") (code-pdf-page "musciano98" "~/books/__comp/musciano_kennedy__html_the_definitive_guide_1998.pdf") (code-pdf-text "musciano98" "~/books/__comp/musciano_kennedy__html_the_definitive_guide_1998.pdf" 1) ;; (find-musciano98page) ;; (find-musciano98text "") ;; (find-musciano98page 1 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-musciano98page 3 "Preface") ;; (find-musciano98page 11 "Chapter 1: HTML and the World Wide Web") ;; (find-musciano98page 27 "Chapter 2: HTML Quick Start") ;; (find-musciano98page 56 "Chapter 3: Anatomy of an HTML Document") ;; (find-musciano98page 80 "Chapter 4: Text Basics") ;; (find-musciano98page 138 "Chapter 5: Rules, Images, and Multimedia") ;; (find-musciano98page 183 "Chapter 6: Document Layout") ;; (find-musciano98page 207 "Chapter 7: Links and Webs") ;; (find-musciano98page 262 "Chapter 8: Formatted Lists") ;; (find-musciano98page 287 "Chapter 9: Cascading Style Sheets") ;; (find-musciano98page 330 "Chapter 10: Forms") ;; (find-musciano98page 379 "Chapter 11: Tables") ;; (find-musciano98page 413 "Chapter 12: Frames") ;; (find-musciano98page 436 "Chapter 13: Executable Content") ;; (find-musciano98page 470 "Chapter 14: Dynamic Documents") ;; (find-musciano98page 481 "Chapter 15: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks") ;; (find-musciano98page 499 "Appendix A: HTML Grammar") ;; (find-musciano98page 513 "Appendix B: HTML Tag Quick Reference") ;; (find-musciano98page 555 "Appendix C: Cascading Style Sheet Properties Quick Reference") ;; (find-musciano98page 562 "Appendix D: The HTML 4.0 DTD") ;; (find-musciano98page 578 "Appendix E: Character Entities") ;; (find-musciano98page 584 "Appendix F: Color Names and Values") ;; «javascript» (to ".javascript") ;; (to "crockford") ;; (find-es "javascript" "crockford") ;; (find-fline "~/books/__comp/") (code-xpdf "crockford" "~/books/__comp/crockford__javascript_the_good_parts.pdf") (code-pdf-text "crockford" "~/books/__comp/crockford__javascript_the_good_parts.pdf" 16) ;; (find-crockfordpage) ;; (find-crockfordpage 9 "Contents") ;; (find-crockfordtext 9 "Contents") ;; (find-crockfordtext) ;; (find-crockfordpage (+ 16 65) "Regular Expressions") ;; (find-crockfordtext (+ 16 65) "Regular Expressions") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/115692/javascript--the-good-parts ;; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQVTIJBZook ;; http://video.yahoo.com/watch/630959/2974197 ;; (find-unpack-chm-links "~/books/__comp/crockford__javascript_the_good_parts.chm" "~/usrc/crockford/" "crockford") (code-c-d "crockford" "~/usrc/crockford/final/") ;; (find-crockfordw3m "toc.html") ;; (find-crockfordw3m "a_simple_testing_ground.html" "1.3. A Simple Testing Ground") ;; (find-crockfordw3m "exceptions.html" "4.6. Exceptions") ;; http://javascript.crockford.com/javascript.html ;; (find-unpack-chm-links "~/books/__comp/flanagan__javascript_the_definitive_guide_5th_ed.chm" "~/usrc/flanagan-jsdg5/" "flanaganjsdg5") (code-c-d "flanaganjsdg5" "~/usrc/flanagan-jsdg5/0596101996/") ;; (find-flanaganjsdg5file "") ;; (find-flanaganjsdg5w3m "toc.html") ;; (find-flanaganjsdg5w3m "jscript5-CHP-6-SECT-16.html" "6.16. throw") ;; (find-flanaganjsdg5w3m "jscript5-CHP-6-SECT-17.html" "6.17. try/catch/finally") ;; (find-unpack-chm-links "/home/edrx/books/__comp/flanagan__javascript_pocket_reference_2nd_ed.chm" "~/usrc/flanagan-jspr2/" "flanaganjspr2") (code-c-d "flanaganjspr2" "~/usrc/flanagan-jspr2/") ;; (find-flanaganjspr2file "") ;; (find-flanaganjspr2w3m "toc.html") ;; (find-flanaganjspr2w3m "jscriptpr2-CHP-1-SECT-2.2.html" "2.2 The Window Object") ;; (find-flanaganjspr2w3m "jscriptpr2-CHP-1-SECT-2.4.html" "2.4 The Legacy DOM") ;; (find-flanaganjspr2w3m "jscriptpr2-CHP-1-SECT-2.5.html" "2.5 The W3C DOM") ;; «latex» (to ".latex") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "kopkadaly") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/125839/guide-to-latex--4th-edition---tools-and-techniques-for-computer-typesetting- (code-xpdf "kopkadaly" "~/books/__comp/kopka_daly__a_guide_to_latex_4th_ed.pdf") ;; (find-kopkadalypage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-kopkadalypage (+ 12 607) "Index") ;; https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-47831-9 ;; https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-319-47831-9.pdf (code-pdf-page "dattalatex" "~/books/__comp/datta__latex_in_24_hours.pdf") (code-pdf-text "dattalatex" "~/books/__comp/datta__latex_in_24_hours.pdf") ;; (find-dattalatexpage) ;; (find-dattalatextext) ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/28942/latex--a-document-preparation-system--second-edition (code-djvu "lamportlatex" "~/books/__comp/lamport__latex_document_preparation_system.djvu") ;; (find-lamportlatexpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-lamportlatexpage (+ 17 237) "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/130856/lamstex--the-synthesis (code-djvu "lamstex" "~/books/__comp/spivak__lamstex_the_synthesis.djvu") ;; (find-lamstexpage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-lamstexpage (+ 5 263) "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/104326/the-joy-of-tex--a-gourmet-guide-to-typesetting-with-the-ams-tex-macro-package (code-djvu "joyoftex" "~/books/__comp/spivak__the_joy_of_tex.djvu") ;; (find-joyoftexpage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-joyoftexpage (+ 9 283) "Index") ;; «lpeg-fromre» (to ".lpeg-fromre") ;; Sergio Medeiros, Fabio Mascarenhas, Roberto Ierusalimschy: ;; "From Regular Expressions to Parsing Expression Grammars" ;; http://www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/publications/medeiros11regular.pdf (code-pdf-page "lpegfromre" "$S/http/www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/publications/medeiros11regular.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lpegfromre" "$S/http/www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/publications/medeiros11regular.pdf") ;; (find-lpegfromrepage) ;; (find-lpegfromretext) ;; «lpeg-pmp» (to ".lpeg-pmp") ;; http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/docs/ry08-4.pdf ;; Sérgio Medeiros, Roberto Ierusalimschy: "A Parsing Machine for PEGs" ;; (find-fline "$S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/docs/") (code-pdf-page "lpegpmp" "$S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/docs/ry08-4.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lpegpmp" "$S/http/www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/docs/ry08-4.pdf") ;; (find-lpegpmppage) ;; (find-lpegpmptext) ;; «lpeg-redz» (to ".lpeg-redz") ;; http://www.romanredz.se/papers/FI2017.pdf (code-pdf-page "redzipeg" "$S/http/www.romanredz.se/papers/FI2017.pdf") (code-pdf-text "redzipeg" "$S/http/www.romanredz.se/papers/FI2017.pdf") ;; (find-redzipegpage) ;; (find-redzipegtext) ;; (find-redzipegpage 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-redzipegtext 1 "1 Introduction") ;; (find-redzipegpage 2 "2 The grammar") ;; (find-redzipegtext 2 "2 The grammar") ;; (find-redzipegpage 4 "3 Disjoint choice and efficient backtracking") ;; (find-redzipegtext 4 "3 Disjoint choice and efficient backtracking") ;; (find-redzipegpage 5 "4 PEG Explorer") ;; (find-redzipegtext 5 "4 PEG Explorer") ;; (find-redzipegpage 7 "5 Final remarks") ;; (find-redzipegtext 7 "5 Final remarks") ;; «lpeg-rel» (to ".lpeg-rel") ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1304.3177 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1304.3177.pdf ;; Fabio Mascarenhas, Sergio Medeiros, Roberto Ierusalimschy: ;; "On the Relation between Context-Free Grammars and Parsing Expression Grammars" (code-pdf-page "lpegrel" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1304.3177.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lpegrel" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1304.3177.pdf") ;; (find-lpegrelpage) ;; (find-lpegreltext) ;; «lpeg-medeirosphd» (to ".lpeg-medeirosphd") ;; http://www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/publications/2010-SergioMedeiros-phd-thesis.pdf (code-pdf-page "medeirosphd" "$S/http/www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/publications/2010-SergioMedeiros-phd-thesis.pdf") (code-pdf-text "medeirosphd" "$S/http/www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/publications/2010-SergioMedeiros-phd-thesis.pdf") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage) ;; (find-medeirosphdtext) ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 7 "Sumario") ;; (find-medeirosphdtext 7 "Sumario") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 11 "1 Introducao") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 13 "1.1 Visao Geral de PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 19 "1.2 Organizacao da Tese") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 20 "2 Gramaticas de Expressoes de Parsing") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 20 "2.1 Definicao de PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 21 "2.2 Interpretacao de PEGs Usando a Relacao G") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 23 "2.3 Formalizacao de PEGs Usando Semantica Natural") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 32 "3 Expressoes Regulares e PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 32 "3.1 Expressoes Regulares") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 33 "3.2 Definicao de Expressoes Regulares Usando Semantica Natural") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 37 "3.3 Equivalencia Entre Expressoes Regulares e PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 39 "3.4 Transformacao de uma Expressao Regular em uma PEG Equivalente") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 42 "3.5 Transformacao de Repeticoes e1 onde e1 Casa a Cadeia Vazia") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 46 "3.6 Corretude da Transformacao") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 52 "4 Gramaticas Livres de Contexto e PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 52 "4.1 Definicao Usual de CFGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 53 "4.2 Uma Nova Formalizacao de Linguagens Livres de Contexto usando Semantica Natural") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 59 "4.3 Correspondencia entre !CFG e !PEG") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 61 "4.4 Correspondencia entre CFGs Lineares a Direita e PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 63 "4.5 Correspondencia entre CFGs LL(1) e PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 72 "4.6 Correspondencia entre CFGs LL(k)-Forte e PEGs") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 80 "5 Conclusao") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 80 "5.1 Trabalhos Relacionados") ;; (find-medeirosphdpage 82 "5.2 Contribuicoes") ;; «lilypond» (to ".lilypond") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "lilypond") ;; (find-es "lilypond" "lilypond-2020") ;; (find-angg ".emacs" "lilypond") (progn (code-c-d "lilydoc" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/") (code-pdf-page "lilyessay" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/essay.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lilyessay" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/essay.pdf") (code-pdf-page "lilylearn" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/learning.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lilylearn" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/learning.pdf" 5) (code-pdf-page "lilysnipp" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/snippets.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lilysnipp" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/snippets.pdf") (code-pdf-page "lilynotat" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/notation.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lilynotat" "/usr/share/doc/lilypond/html/Documentation/notation.pdf") ) ;; (find-lilydocfile "") ;; (find-lilynotatpage) ;; (find-lilynotattext) ;; (find-lilysnipppage) ;; (find-lilysnipptext) ;; (find-lilyessaypage) ;; (find-lilyessaytext) ;; (find-lilylearnpage) ;; (find-lilylearntext) ;; (find-lilylearnpage 2 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-lilylearntext 2 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 1) "1 Tutorial") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 1) "1.1 Compiling a file") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 1) "1.1.1 Entering input") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 1) "Producing output") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 2) "1.1.2 MacOS X.") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 6) "1.1.3 Windows") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 11) "1.1.4 Command-line") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 12) "1.2 How to write input files") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 12) "1.2.1 Simple notation") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 12) "Pitches") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 14) "Durations (rhythms)") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 15) "Rests") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 15) "Time signature") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 15) "Tempo marks") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 16) "Clef") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 16) "All together") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 16) "1.2.2 Working on input files") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 18) "1.3 Dealing with errors") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 18) "1.3.1 General troubleshooting tips") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 18) "1.3.2 Some common errors") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 18) "1.4 How to read the manuals") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 18) "1.4.1 Omitted material") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 18) "1.4.2 Clickable examples") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 19) "1.4.3 Overview of manuals") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 20) "2 Common notation") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 20) "2.1 Single staff notation") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 20) "2.1.1 Bar lines and bar checks") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 20) "Bar lines") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 20) "Bar checks") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 20) "2.1.2 Accidentals and key signatures") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 20) "Accidentals.") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 21) "Key signatures") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 21) "Warning: key signatures and pitches") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 22) "2.1.3 Ties and slurs") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 22) "Ties") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 22) "Slurs") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 22) "Phrasing slurs") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 23) "Warnings: slurs vs. ties.") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 23) "2.1.4 Articulation and dynamics") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 23) "Articulations") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 23) "Fingerings.") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 24) "Dynamics") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 24) "2.1.5 Adding text") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 25) "2.1.6 Automatic and manual beams") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 25) "2.1.7 Advanced rhythmic commands") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 25) "Partial measure") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 26) "Tuplets") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 26) "Grace notes") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 26) "2.2 Multiple notes at once") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 26) "2.2.1 Music expressions explained") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 27) "Analogy: mathematical expressions") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 27) "Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 28) "Simultaneous music expressions: single staff") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 28) "2.2.2 Multiple staves") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 29) "2.2.3 Staff groups") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 30) "2.2.4 Combining notes into chords") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 30) "2.2.5 Single staff polyphony") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 31) "2.3 Songs") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 31) "2.3.1 Setting simple songs") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 31) "2.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 35) "2.3.3 Lyrics to multiple staves") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 36) "2.4 Final touches") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 36) "2.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 37) "2.4.2 Adding titles") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 37) "2.4.3 Absolute note names") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 39) "2.4.4 After the tutorial") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 40) "3 Fundamental concepts") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 40) "3.1 How LilyPond input files work") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 40) "3.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 42) "3.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 44) "3.1.3 Nesting music expressions") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 45) "3.1.4 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 46) "3.2 Voices contain music") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 47) "3.2.1 I'm hearing Voices") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 51) "3.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 55) "3.2.3 Voices and vocals") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 57) "3.3 Contexts and engravers") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 58) "3.3.1 Contexts explained") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 59) "3.3.2 Creating contexts") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 60) "3.3.3 Engravers explained") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 61) "3.3.4 Modifying context properties") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 66) "3.3.5 Adding and removing engravers") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 69) "3.4 Extending the templates") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 69) "3.4.1 Soprano and cello") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 72) "3.4.2 Four-part SATB vocal score") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 77) "3.4.3 Building a score from scratch") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 82) "3.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions") ;; (find-lilylearnpage (+ 5 84) "3.4.5 Scores and parts") ;; «lisp-1.5» (to ".lisp-1.5") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "lisp-1.5") ;; https://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/book/ ;; https://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/book/LISP%201.5%20Programmers%20Manual.pdf (code-pdf-page "lisp15" "$S/https/www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/book/LISP%201.5%20Programmers%20Manual.pdf") (code-pdf-text "lisp15" "$S/https/www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/book/LISP%201.5%20Programmers%20Manual.pdf" 8) ;; (find-lisp15page) ;; (find-lisp15text) ;; (find-lisp15page (+ 8 36) "convenient to indicate NIL by") ;; (find-lisp15text (+ 8 36) "convenient to indicate NIL by") ;; «lua-gems» (to ".lua-gems") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "lua-gems") ;; http://www.lua.org/gems/ ;; (find-TH "miniforth-article") (code-pdf-page "luagems" "~/books/__comp/lhf_celes_ierusalimschy__lua_programming_gems.pdf") (code-pdf-text "luagems" "~/books/__comp/lhf_celes_ierusalimschy__lua_programming_gems.pdf" 1) ;; (find-luagemspage) ;; (find-luagemstext "") ;; (find-luagemspage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-luagemstext 3 "Contents") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 12 3) "1 Lua Per-Thread Library Context") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 12 15) "2 Lua Performance Tips") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 12 29) "3 Vardump: The Power of Seeing What's Behind") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 12 33) "4 Serialization with Pluto") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 11 43) "5 Abstractions for LuaSQL") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 10 57) "6 Boostrapping a Forth in 40 Lines of Lua Code") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 10 71) "7 Effecting Large-Scale Change (with little trauma) using Metatables") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 8 85) "8 MVC Web Development with Kepler") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 8 97) "9 Filters, Sources, Sinks, and Pumps") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 7 109) "10 Lua as a Protocol Language") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 6 119) "11 Lua Script Packaging") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 5 129) "12 Objects, Lua-style") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 4 135) "13 Exceptions in Lua") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 2 149) "14 Word Ladders") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 2 155) "15 Building Data Structures and Iterators in Lua") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 1 173) "16 A Primer of Scientific Computing in Lua") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 1 201) "17 Complex Structured Data Input") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 1 211) "18 Lua Implementations of Common Data Structures") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ 1 239) "19 Tic-Tac-Toe and the Minimax Decision Algorithm") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -1 249) "20 Using Lua in Game and Tool Creation") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -1 259) "21 A Dynamic and Flexible Event System for Script-Driven Games") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -2 269) "22 Lua for Game Programming") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -3 281) "23 Designing an Efficient Lua Driven Game Scripting Engine") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -5 291) "24 Enhanced Coroutines in Lua") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -6 301) "25 Using Lua in Pascal") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -7 313) "26 Porting Lua to a Microcontroller") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -7 325) "27 Writing C/C++ Modules for Lua") ;; (find-luagemspage (+ -7 337) "28 Interpreted C Modules") ;; «lua-in-tex» (to ".lua-in-tex") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "lua-in-tex") (code-pdf-page "luaintex" "~/books/__comp/lua_in_tex__reviewer_copy.pdf") (code-pdf-text "luaintex" "~/books/__comp/lua_in_tex__reviewer_copy.pdf" 1) ;; (find-luaintexpage) ;; (find-luaintextext "") ;; (find-luaintexpage 2 "xml or markdown") ;; (find-luaintextext 2 "xml or markdown") ;; (find-luaintexpage 2 "pdf") ;; (find-luaintextext 2 "pdf") ;; (find-luaintexpage 3 "web Pascal") ;; (find-luaintextext 3 "web Pascal") ;; (find-luaintexpage 3 "The TEXbook") ;; (find-luaintextext 3 "The TEXbook") ;; (find-luaintexpage 3 "Latin Modern") ;; (find-luaintextext 3 "Latin Modern") ;; (find-luaintexpage 4 "text in from") ;; (find-luaintextext 4 "text in from") ;; (find-luaintexpage 4 "so called nodes") ;; (find-luaintextext 4 "so called nodes") ;; (find-luaintexpage 5 "dvi format") ;; (find-luaintextext 5 "dvi format") ;; (find-luaintexpage 5 "adaptive") ;; (find-luaintextext 5 "adaptive") ;; (find-luaintexpage 5 "sub engine") ;; (find-luaintextext 5 "sub engine") ;; (find-luaintexpage 6 "on ctan") ;; (find-luaintextext 6 "on ctan") ;; (find-luaintexpage 7 "and nts") ;; (find-luaintextext 7 "and nts") ;; (find-luaintexpage 9 "xml parser") ;; (find-luaintextext 9 "xml parser") ;; (find-luaintexpage 10 "uses 5.3") ;; (find-luaintextext 10 "uses 5.3") ;; (find-luaintexpage 11 "1.9 Coding documents") ;; (find-luaintextext 11 "1.9 Coding documents") ;; (find-luaintexpage 14 "added ffi") ;; (find-luaintextext 14 "added ffi") ;; (find-luaintexpage 18 "1.14 Further reading") ;; (find-luaintextext 18 "1.14 Further reading") ;; (find-luaintexpage 20 "To the poin,t") ;; (find-luaintextext 20 "To the poin,t") ;; (find-luaintexpage 20 "visualize all typographical elements") ;; (find-luaintextext 20 "visualize all typographical elements") ;; «make» (to ".make") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "make") (code-pdf-page "mpwmake" "~/books/__comp/mecklenburg__managing_projects_with_gnu_make_3rd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "mpwmake" "~/books/__comp/mecklenburg__managing_projects_with_gnu_make_3rd_ed.pdf" 7) ;; (find-mpwmakepage) ;; (find-mpwmakepage 3 "Contents") ;; (find-mpwmakepage (+ 7 1) "1. Basic Concepts") ;; (find-mpwmakepage (+ 3 271) "Index") ;; (find-mpwmaketext "") ;; «maxima» (to ".maxima") ;; (find-es "maxima" "books") ;; «maximabook» (to ".maximabook") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "maximabook") ;; https://maxima.sourceforge.io/docs/maximabook/maximabook-19-Sept-2004.pdf ;; Paulo Ney de Souza, Richard J. Fateman, Joel Moses, Cliff Yapp: "The Maxima Book" ;; pdftotext doesn't work here: (find-fline "/usr/share/doc/maxima-doc/" "maximabook-19-Sept-2004.pdf.gz") (code-pdf-page "maximabook" "$S/https/maxima.sourceforge.io/docs/maximabook/maximabook-19-Sept-2004.pdf") (code-pdf-text "maximabook" "$S/https/maxima.sourceforge.io/docs/maximabook/maximabook-19-Sept-2004.pdf" 1) ;; (find-maximabookpage) ;; (find-maximabooktext) ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 5) "Preface") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 6) "I The Maxima Program and Standard Packages") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 7) "1 Introduction") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 7) "1.1 What is Maxima?") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 8) "1.2 A Brief History of Macsyma") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 10) "2 Available Interfaces to Maxima") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 10) "2.1 The Terminal Interface") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 11) "2.2 The Emacs Interface") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 11) "2.2.1 Installing the Maxima Emacs Mode") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 12) "2.2.2 Maxima-mode") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 14) "2.2.3 Enhanced Terminal Mode") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 14) "2.2.4 Emaxima Mode") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 26) "2.3 Xmaxima") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 27) "2.4 TEXmacs") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 27) "2.5 Other Interfaces") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 29) "3 The Basics - What you need to know to operate in Maxima") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 29) "3.1 The Very Beginning") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 29) "3.1.1 Our first Maxima Session") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 33) "3.1.2 To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 33) "3.1.3 The Concept of Environment - The ev Command") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 38) "3.1.4 Clearing values from the system - the kill command") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 38) "3.2 Common Operators in Maxima") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 38) "3.2.1 Assignment Operators") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 42) "4 Trig through Calculus") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 42) "4.1 Trigonometric Functions") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 43) "4.2 Differentiation") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 45) "4.3 Integration") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 46) "4.3.1 The assume Command") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 47) "4.3.2 Definite Integrals") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 48) "4.3.3 changevar") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 48) "4.3.4 Behind the Black Box - Using Specific Approaches") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 48) "4.3.5 Other Examples") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 50) "5 Advanced Mathematics - ODEs and Beyond") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 50) "5.1 Ordinary Differential Equations") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 50) "5.1.1 Defining Ordinary Differential Equations") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 51) "5.1.2 Solving Ordinary Differential Equations: ode2") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 57) "5.1.3 Solving Ordinary Differential Equations: desolve") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 60) "6 Matrix Operations and Vectors") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 61) "7 Introduction to Maxima's Programming Language") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 61) "7.1 Some Examples") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 62) "7.2 Unconventional Conditionals") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 62) "7.3 Assumptions") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 63) "7.4 Arbitrary Numbers of Parameters") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 63) "7.5 Arrays") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 64) "7.6 Iteration") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 64) "7.7 Serious Business") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 65) "7.8 Hardcopy") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 65) "7.9 Return to Arrays and Functions") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 65) "7.10 More Useful Examples") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 67) "7.11 Part Hacking") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 68) "7.12 User Representation of Data") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 70) "8 Graphics and Forms of Output") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 70) "8.1 Options on the Command Line") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 70) "8.1.1 1D vs. 2D") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 70) "8.1.2 TeX Strings as Output") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 71) "8.1.3 Writing a Session to a File") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 73) "8.2 Graphics") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 73) "8.2.1 2D function plotting") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 73) "8.2.2 3D Function Plotting") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 74) "8.3 Plot Options") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 80) "9 Maxims for the Maxima User") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 82) "10 Help Systems and Debugging") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 83) "11 Troubleshooting") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 84) "12 Advanced Examples") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 87) "II External, Additional, and Contributed Packages") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 88) "13 The Concept of Packages - Expanding Maxima's Abilities") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 89) "14 Algebra") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 90) "15 Calculus") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 90) "15.1 asympa") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 91) "15.2 pdiff - Positional Derivatives") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 100) "15.3 qual") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 101) "16 Combinatorics") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 102) "17 Differential Equations") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 103) "18 Graphics") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 104) "19 Integequations") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 105) "20 Integration") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 106) "21 Macro") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 107) "22 Matrix") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 108) "23 Numeric") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 109) "24 Physics") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 109) "24.1 dimen") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 110) "24.2 dimension - Advanced Dimensional Analysis") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 118) "24.3 physconst - Definitions for Physical Constants") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 119) "25 Simplification") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 120) "26 Special Functions") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 121) "27 Sym") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 122) "28 Tensor") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 123) "29 Trigonometry") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 124) "30 Utils") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 125) "31 Vector") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 126) "III Installing, Resources, Misc.") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 127) "32 Installing Maxima") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 127) "32.1 Requirements") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 127) "32.2 Source Based Installation on Linux") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 127) "32.2.1 Configure") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 128) "32.2.2 Make") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 129) "32.3 Source Based Installation on Windows") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 129) "32.4 Source Based Installation on MacOSX") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 129) "List of Figures") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 130) "Index") ;; (find-maximabookpage (+ 1 132) "Bibliography") ;; «maxima-chamberlin» (to ".maxima-chamberlin") ;; https://www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/ ;; https://www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/trigonometry.htm ;; https://www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/Math%20205%20pages/calculus%20III.htm ;; https://www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/Math%20205%20pages/lecture_notes_spring_2015.html ;; https://www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/Math%20205%20pages/Maxima/MaximaBook.pdf ;; «maxima-urroz» (to ".maxima-urroz") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "maxima-urroz") ;; https://www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/Math%20205%20pages/Maxima/MaximaBook.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/Math%20205%20pages/Maxima/") (code-pdf-page "urroz" "$S/https/www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/Math%20205%20pages/Maxima/MaximaBook.pdf") (code-pdf-text "urroz" "$S/https/www2.palomar.edu/users/cchamberlin/Math%20205%20pages/Maxima/MaximaBook.pdf") ;; (find-urrozpage) ;; (find-urroztext) ;; (find-urrozpage 34 "Force floating-point") ;; (find-urroztext 34 "Force floating-point") ;; «maxima-hannan1» (to ".maxima-hannan1") ;; https://wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/ ;; https://wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/wxmaxima_for_calculus_i_cq.pdf (code-pdf-page "hannan1" "$S/https/wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/wxmaxima_for_calculus_i_cq.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hannan1" "$S/https/wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/wxmaxima_for_calculus_i_cq.pdf" 7) ;; (find-hannan1page) ;; (find-hannan1text) ;; (find-hannan1page 3 "Contents") ;; (find-hannan1text 3 "Contents") ;; (find-hannan1page (+ 7 1) "Introduction to wxMaxima") ;; (find-hannan1text (+ 7 1) "Introduction to wxMaxima") ;; «maxima-hannan2» (to ".maxima-hannan2") ;; https://wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/ ;; https://wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/wxmaxima_for_calculus_ii_cq.pdf (code-pdf-page "hannan2" "$S/https/wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/wxmaxima_for_calculus_ii_cq.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hannan2" "$S/https/wxmaximafor.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/wxmaxima_for_calculus_ii_cq.pdf") ;; (find-hannan2page) ;; (find-hannan2text) ;; (find-hannan2page 3 "Contents") ;; (find-hannan2text 3 "Contents") ;; (find-hannan2page (+ 8 1) "Introduction to wxMaxima") ;; (find-hannan2text (+ 8 1) "Introduction to wxMaxima") ;; «maxima-fatemanphd» (to ".maxima-fatemanphd") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "maxima-fatemanphd") ;; https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0740132.pdf (code-pdf-page "fatemanphd" "$S/https/apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0740132.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fatemanphd" "$S/https/apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD0740132.pdf") ;; (find-fatemanphdpage) ;; (find-fatemanphdtext) ;; (find-fatemanphdpage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-fatemanphdtext 10 "Contents") ;; «maxima-fatemansimp» (to ".maxima-fatemansimp") ;; https://maxima.sourceforge.io/documentation.html ;; https://maxima.sourceforge.io/misc/Fateman-Salz_Simplifier_Paper.pdf (code-pdf-page "fatemansimp" "$S/https/maxima.sourceforge.io/misc/Fateman-Salz_Simplifier_Paper.pdf") (code-pdf-text "fatemansimp" "$S/https/maxima.sourceforge.io/misc/Fateman-Salz_Simplifier_Paper.pdf") ;; (find-fatemansimppage) ;; (find-fatemansimptext) ;; «maxima-minimal» (to ".maxima-minimal") ;; (find-es "maxima" "minimal-maxima") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "maxima-minimal") ;; Robert Dodier: "Minimal Maxima" ;; https://maxima.sourceforge.io/docs/tutorial/en/minimal-maxima.pdf (code-pdf-page "minimaxima" "$S/https/maxima.sourceforge.io/docs/tutorial/en/minimal-maxima.pdf") (code-pdf-text "minimaxima" "$S/https/maxima.sourceforge.io/docs/tutorial/en/minimal-maxima.pdf") ;; (find-minimaximapage) ;; (find-minimaximatext) ;; «maxima-workbook» (to ".maxima-workbook") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "maxima-workbook") ;; (find-es "maxima" "maxima-workbook") ;; http://roland-salz.de/html/maxima.html ;; http://roland-salz.de/Maxima_Workbook.pdf (code-pdf-page "maximawb" "$S/http/roland-salz.de/Maxima_Workbook.pdf") (code-pdf-text "maximawb" "$S/http/roland-salz.de/Maxima_Workbook.pdf" 20) ;; (find-maximawbpage) ;; (find-maximawbpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-maximawbtext 5 "Contents") ;; (find-maximawbtext) ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 32) "5 Graphical representation of functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 32) "5.1 Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 32) "5.2 Plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 32) "5.2.1 General") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 32) "options") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 33) " Options for both 2D and 3D plots") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 35) " Zooming the plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 35) "5.2.2 2D") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 35) " plot2d") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 35) " Explicit plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 36) " Parametric plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 37) " Discrete plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 38) " Implicit plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 39) " Contour plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 39) " Options for 2D") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 40) "5.2.3 3D") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 40) " plot3d") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 40) " Explicit plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 42) " Parametric plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 42) " Coordinate transformations for 3D") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 43) " Standard coordinate transformations") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 43) " User-defined coordinate transformations") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 44) " Options for 3D") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 44) "5.3 Draw") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 44) "5.3.1 Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 45) "5.3.2 General structure") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 45) " Using options") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 45) " General syntax") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 45) " Setting defaults for multiple scenes") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 45) " Predefined personal sets of options") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 46) " User_preamble") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 46) " Predefined personal user_preambles") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 46) "5.3.3 2D") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 46) " Explicit plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 46) " Piecewise defined function") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 47) " Implicit plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 47) " Polar plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 47) "5.3.4 3D") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 48) " Explicit plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 48) " Implicit plot") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 49) "5.3.5 List of available options") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 50) "6 Batch Processing") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 51) "III Concepts of Symbolic Computation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 52) "7 Data types and structures") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 52) "7.1 Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 52) "7.2 Numbers") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 52) "7.2.1 Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 52) " Types") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 52) " Predicate functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 53) "7.2.2 Integer and rational numbers") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 53) " Representation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 53) " External") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 53) " Internal") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 53) " Canonical rational expression (CRE)") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 53) " Predicate functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 54) " Type conversion") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 54) " Automatic") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 54) " Manual") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 55) "7.2.3 Floating point numbers") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 55) " Ordinary floating point numbers") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 56) " Big floating point numbers") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 56) "7.2.4 Complex numbers") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 56) " Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 56) " Imaginary unit") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 57) " Internal representation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 57) " Canonical order") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 57) " Simplification") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 58) " Properties") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 58) " Code") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 58) " Generic complex data type") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 58) " Standard (rectangular) and polar form") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 58) " Standard (rectangular) form") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 59) " Polar coordinate form") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 59) " Complex conjugate") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 60) " Internal representation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 60) " Predicate function") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 61) "7.3 Boolean values") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 61) "7.4 Constant") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 61) "7.5 Sharing of data") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 62) "8 List, matrix, structure") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 62) "8.1 List") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 62) "8.1.1 makelist") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 62) "8.1.2 create_list") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 62) "8.2 Matrix") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 62) "8.3 Structure") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 63) "9 Expression") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 63) "9.1 General definitions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 63) "9.2 Forms of representation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 63) "9.2.1 User visible form (UVF)") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 64) "9.2.2 General internal form (GIF)") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 65) "9.2.3 Canonical rational expression (CRE)") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 65) "9.3 Canonical order") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 66) "9.4 Noun and verb") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 66) "9.5 Equation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 66) "9.6 Reference to subexpression") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 66) "9.6.1 Identify and pick out subexpression") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 67) "9.6.2 Substitute subexpression") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 67) "9.7 Manipulate expression") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 67) "9.7.1 Substitute pattern") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 67) " subst: substitute explicite pattern") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 69) " ratsubst: substitute implicit mathematical pattern") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 69) "9.7.2 Box and rembox") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 71) "10 Operators") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 71) "10.1 Defining and using operators") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 71) "10.1.1 Function notation of an operator") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 71) "10.1.2 Miscellaneous") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 71) "10.2 System defined operators") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 71) "10.2.1 Identity operators and functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 71) " Equation operator") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 72) " Inequation operator") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 72) " equal, notequal") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 74) " is, is(a=b), is(equal(a,b))") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 74) "10.2.2 Relational operators") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 75) "10.2.3 Logical (Boolean) operators") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 76) "11 Evaluation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 76) "11.1 Introduction to evaluation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 76) "11.1.1 Stavros' warning note about ev and quote-quote") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 77) "11.2 Function ev") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 79) "11.3 Quote-quote operator 0 0") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 79) "11.4 Substitution") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 80) "11.4.1 Substituting values for variables") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 81) "12 Simplification") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 81) "12.1 Properties for simplification") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 81) "12.2 General simplification") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 81) "12.2.1 Conversion between (complex) exponentials and circular/hyperbolic functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 82) "12.3 Trigonometric simplification") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 82) "12.4 Own simplification functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 82) "12.4.1 Apply2Part") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 83) "12.4.2 ChangeSign") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 83) "12.4.3 FactorTerms") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 84) "12.4.4 PullFactorOut") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 86) "13 Knowledge database system") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 86) "13.1 Facts and contexts: The general system") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 86) "13.1.1 User interface") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 86) " Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 88) " Functions and system variables") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 89) "13.1.2 Implementation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 89) " Internal data structure") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 89) " Notes on the program code") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 89) "13.2 Values, properties and assumptions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 90) "13.3 MaximaL Properties") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 90) "13.3.1 Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 90) "13.3.2 System-declared properties") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 91) "13.3.3 User-declared properties") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 91) " Declaration, information, removal") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 91) " Properties of variables") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 93) " Properties of functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 94) "13.3.4 User-defined properties") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 95) "13.3.5 Implementation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 95) "13.4 Assumptions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 95) "13.4.1 User interface") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 95) " Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 96) " Functions and system variables for assumptions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 98) "13.4.2 Implementation") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 99) "14 Patterns and rules") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 99) "14.1 Introduction") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 99) "14.1.1 What pattern matching is and how it works in Maxima") ;; ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 116) "16 Roots, exponential and logarithmic functions") ;; (find-maximawbpage (+ 20 116) "rootscontract (expr)") ;; (find-maximawbtext (+ 20 116) "rootscontract (expr)") ;; «maxima-advfree» (to ".maxima-advfree") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "maxima-advfree") ;; (find-es "maxima" "advfree") ;; http://www.five-dimensions.org/Textbooks/ ;; http://www.five-dimensions.org/Textbooks/adventures.pdf ;; Justin R. Smith: "Adventures with free Mathematical Software" (code-pdf-page "advfree" "$S/http/www.five-dimensions.org/Textbooks/adventures.pdf") (code-pdf-text "advfree" "$S/http/www.five-dimensions.org/Textbooks/adventures.pdf" 18) ;; (find-advfreepage) ;; (find-advfreetext) ;; (find-advfreepage (+ 16 16) "we need if-statements") ;; (find-advfreetext (+ 16 16) "we need if-statements") ;; (find-advfreepage (+ 18 30) "we need if-statements") ;; (find-advfreetext (+ 18 30) "we need if-statements") ;; (find-advfreepage (+ 16 41) "plotdf") ;; (find-advfreetext (+ 16 41) "plotdf") ;; (find-advfreepage (+ 18 39) "plotdf") ;; (find-advfreetext (+ 18 39) "plotdf") ;; «maxima-diffeqs» (to ".maxima-diffeqs") ;; (find-es "maxima" "diffeqs-maxima") ;; https://lindnerdrwg.github.io/DifferentialEquationsMaxima.pdf (code-pdf-page "diffeqsmaxima" "$S/https/lindnerdrwg.github.io/DifferentialEquationsMaxima.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "diffeqsmaxima" "$S/https/lindnerdrwg.github.io/DifferentialEquationsMaxima.pdf") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage) ;; (find-diffeqsmaximatext) ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 4) "1 What is an Ordinary Differential Equation?") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 4) "1.1 Definition of ODE") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 8) "1.2 Existence-Uniqueness Theorem - Picard iteration") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 13) "2 Analytical Solution Methods") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 13) "2.1 the case y 0 = f (x) : direct integration of ODE") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 17) "2.2 the case y 0 = f (y)") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 20) "2.3 the case y 0 = f (x) · g(y) : Separation of Variables") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximatext (+ 1 20) "odefxgy") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 24) "2.4 the case y 0 = f (x) · y + g(x) : linear ODE") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 28) "2.5 the case fx + fy · y 0 = 0 : exact ODE") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 33) "2.6 the case y 0 = f ( xy ) : substitutions") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 36) "3 Intermezzo: iterate") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 36) "3.1 iterate by hand") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 37) "3.2 iterate by iterate") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 40) "3.3 First Applications of iterate") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 45) "3.4 Implict differentation and the Taylor method for ODE's") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 51) "4 Numerical Solution Methods for IVP") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 52) "4.1 RK1 alias the Euler Method") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 59) "4.2 RK2h alias Heun's Method") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 61) "4.3 RK2m alias the Midpoint Method") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 63) "4.4 RK4 alias the classic Runge-Kutta method") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 68) "5 Systems of IVP's") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 69) "5.1 Solving IVP systems") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 73) "5.2 IVP of 2nd Order") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 81) "6 Boundary Value Problems - Numerical Methods") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 81) "6.1 Shooting Method") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 91) "6.2 Finite Difference Method") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 98) "7 Appendix: Collection of Source Code") ;; (find-diffeqsmaximapage (+ 1 104) "8 Bibliography") ;; «maxima-vallejomor» (to ".maxima-vallejomor") ;; José A Vallejo, Antonio Morante: "Matemáticas Básicas (con Software Libre)" ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.11280 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.11280.pdf (code-pdf-page "vallejomor" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2002.11280.pdf") (code-pdf-text "vallejomor" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2002.11280.pdf") ;; (find-vallejomorpage) ;; (find-vallejomortext) ;; «maxima-by-example» (to ".maxima-by-example") ;; (find-es "maxima" "maxima-by-example") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "maxima-by-example") ;; «prog-1» (to ".prog-1") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "prog-1") ;; <prog1-lago> ;; https://www.ime.usp.br/~slago/slago-C.pdf (code-pdf-page "prog1lago" "$S/https/www.ime.usp.br/~slago/slago-C.pdf") (code-pdf-text "prog1lago" "$S/https/www.ime.usp.br/~slago/slago-C.pdf" 6) ;; (find-prog1lagopage) ;; (find-prog1lagotext) ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 1) "1. INTRODUÇÃO") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 1) "1.1. A Origem da Linguagem C") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 1) "1.2. O Ambiente Turbo C") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 2) "1.3. A Estrutura Básica dos Programas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 4) "1.4. Tipos de Dados") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 5) "1.4.1. Tipos de Dados Modificados") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 6) "1.5. Entrada e Saída de Dados Formatada") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 7) "1.5.1. Formatação de Campos de Exibição") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 8) "1.6. Operadores Aritméticos") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 9) "2. COMANDOS DE DECISÃO") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 9) "2.1. Expressões Lógicas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 10) "2.2. Decisão Simples") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 13) "2.2.1. Operador condicional") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 14) "2.2.2. Condicionais Aninhados e Encadeados") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 15) "2.3. Decisão Múltipla") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 18) "3. COMANDOS DE REPETIÇÃO") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 18) "3.1. Expressões Compactas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 18) "3.1.1. Operadores Aritméticos de Atribuição") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 19) "3.1.2. Incremento e Decremento") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 20) "3.2. Repetição com Contador") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 23) "3.3. Repetição com Precondição") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 25) "3.3.1. Deixando rastros na Tela") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 26) "3.4. Repetição com Poscondição") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 29) "3.5. Interrompendo uma Repetição") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 31) "4. MACROS E FUNÇÕES") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 31) "4.1. Preprocessamento") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 31) "4.1.1. A diretiva #define") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 33) "4.1.2. A diretiva #include") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 34) " 4.2. Definição e Uso de Funções") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 35) "4.2.1. Funções que não Devolvem Resposta") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 38) "4.2.2. Funções que Devolvem Resposta") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 40) "4.3. Classes de Armazenamento") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 42) "4.4. Recursividade") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 44) "4.4.1. Funções Recursivas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 46) "4.4.2. Procedimentos Recursivos") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 48) "5. VETORES, STRINGS E MATRIZES") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 48) "5.1. Vetores") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 50) "5.1.1. Inicialização de Vetores") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 52) "5.1.2. Parâmetros do Tipo Vetor") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 55) "5.2. Strings") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 56) "5.2.1. Inicialização de Strings") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 57) "5.2.2. Manipulação de Strings") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 60) "5.3. Matrizes") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 62) "5.3.1. Inicialização de Matrizes") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 63) "5.3.2. Passando Matrizes a Funções") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 65) "5.4. Métodos de Busca") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 65) "5.4.1. Busca Linear") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 67) "5.4.2. Busca Binária") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 71) "5.5. Métodos de Ordenação") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 71) "5.5.1. Ordenação por Trocas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 73) "5.5.2. Ordenação por Seleção") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 75) "5.5.3. Ordenação por Inserção") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 77) "6. ESTRUTURAS E UNIÕES") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 77) "6.1. Estruturas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 79) "6.1.1. Inicialização e Aninhamento") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 81) "6.1.2. Vetores de Estruturas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 82) "6.1.3. Ordenação e Busca em Tabelas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 84) "6.2. Uniões") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 84) "6.2.1. Uniões Etiquetadas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 86) "6.3. Campos de Bits") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 87) "6.3.1. Acessando um Dispositivo de Hardware") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 89) "6.3.2. Economizando Espaço de Armazenamento") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 92) "7. PONTEIROS") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 92) "7.1. Definição e Uso") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 94) "7.1.1. Passagem por Referência") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 96) "7.1.2. Ponteiros para Ponteiros") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 97) "7.1.3. Aritmética de ponteiros") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 99) "7.2. Ponteiros e Vetores") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 100) "7.2.1. Vetores de Strings") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 101) "7.2.2. Argumentos da Linha de Comando") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 103) "7.3. Ponteiros e Funções") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 103) "7.3.1. Funções que Devolvem Ponteiros") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 104) "7.3.2. Ponteiros para Funções") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 107) "7.4. Ponteiros e Estruturas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 109) "7.4.1. Alocação Dinâmica de Memória") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 112) "7.4.2. Listas Encadeadas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 115) "7.4.3. Tratamento Recursivo de Listas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 119) "8. ARQUIVOS") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 119) "8.1. Ponteiros de Arquivo") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 120) "8.2. Arquivos-Padrão") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 121) "8.2.1. Redirecionamento de E/S padrão") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 122) "8.3. Operações Básicas") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 122) "8.3.1. Abertura de Arquivo") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 123) "8.3.2. Fechamento de Arquivo") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 124) "8.3.3. Verificação de Final de Arquivo") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 125) "8.4. Modo Texto versus Modo Binário") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 125) "8.4.1. E/S caracter") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 127) "8.4.2. E/S Formatada") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 128) "8.4.3. E/S Binária") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 130) "TABELA ASCII") ;; (find-prog1lagopage (+ 6 131) "BIBLIOGRAFIA") ;; <prog1-martinez> ;; https://www.facom.ufms.br/~montera/progiv2.pdf (code-pdf-page "prog1martinez" "$S/https/www.facom.ufms.br/~montera/progiv2.pdf") (code-pdf-text "prog1martinez" "$S/https/www.facom.ufms.br/~montera/progiv2.pdf" 7) ;; (find-prog1martinezpage) ;; (find-prog1martineztext) ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 1) "1 Breve história da computação") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 1) "1.1 Pré-história") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 5) "1.2 Século XX") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 5) "1.2.1 Computadores Eletromecânicos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 7) "1.2.2 Computadores Eletrônicos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 21) "2 Introdução à computação") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 21) "2.1 Contextualização") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 22) "2.2 Arquitetura de von Neumann") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 24) "2.3 Algoritmos e programas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 26) "2.3.1 Algoritmos e resolução de problemas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 27) "2.3.2 Resolução de problemas e abstração") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 28) "2.3.3 Algoritmos e computadores") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 31) "3 Dicas iniciais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 31) "3.1 Interface do sistema operacional") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 36) "3.2 Compilador") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 37) "3.3 Emacs") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 41) "4 Primeiros programas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 41) "4.1 Digitando") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 41) "4.2 Compilando e executando") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 42) "4.3 Olhando o primeiro programa mais de perto") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 43) "4.4 Próximo programa") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 44) "4.5 Documentação") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 45) "4.6 Entrada e saída") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 49) "5 Estruturas condicionais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 49) " 5.1 Estrutura condicional simples") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 50) "5.2 Estrutura condicional composta") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 51) "5.2.1 Aplicação: troca de conteúdos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 52) "5.3 Revisão de números inteiros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 56) "5.3.1 Representação de números inteiros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 59) "6 Estrutura de repetição while") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 59) "6.1 Motivação") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 60) "6.2 Estrutura de repetição while") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 63) "7 Expressões com inteiros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 63) "7.1 Expressões aritméticas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 64) "7.2 Expressões relacionais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 65) "7.3 Expressões lógicas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 73) "8 Outras estruturas de repetição") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 73) "8.1 Estrutura de repetição for") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 75) "8.2 Estrutura de repetição do-while") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 79) "9 Números com ponto flutuante") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 79) "9.1 Constantes e variáveis do tipo ponto flutuante") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 81) "9.2 Expressões aritméticas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 89) "10 Caracteres") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 89) "10.1 Representação gráfica") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 91) "10.2 Constantes e variáveis") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 93) "10.3 Expressões com caracteres") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 95) "11 Tipos primitivos de dados") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 95) "11.1 Tipos inteiros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 101) "11.2 Números com ponto flutuante") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 102) "11.3 Caracteres") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 106) "11.4 Conversão de tipos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 108) "11.5 Tipos de dados definidos pelo programador") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 109) "11.6 Operador sizeof") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 110) "11.7 Exercícios") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 113) "12 Vetores") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 113) "12.1 Motivação") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 115) "12.2 Definição") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 116) "12.3 Declaração com inicialização") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 117) "12.4 Exemplo com vetores") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 118) "12.5 Macros para constantes") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 125) "13 Cadeias de caracteres") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 125) "13.1 Literais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 126) "13.2 Vetores de caracteres") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 127) "13.3 Cadeias de caracteres") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 133) "14 Matrizes") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 133) "14.1 Definição, declaração e uso") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 135) "14.2 Declaração e inicialização simultâneas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 136) "14.3 Exemplo") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 143) "15 Registros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 143) "15.1 Definição") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 146) "15.2 Declaração e inicialização simultâneas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 147) "15.3 Operações sobre registros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 148) "15.4 Exemplo") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 151) "16 Vetores, matrizes e registros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 151) "16.1 Variáveis compostas homogêneas de registros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 155) "16.2 Registros contendo variáveis compostas homogêneas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 157) "16.3 Registros contendo registros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 163) "17 Introdução às funções") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 163) "17.1 Noções iniciais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 168) "17.2 Definição e chamada de funções") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 171) "17.3 Finalização de programas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 172) "17.4 Exemplo") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 174) "17.5 Declaração de funções") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 181) "18 Argumentos e parâmetros de funções") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 181) " 18.1 Argumentos e parâmetros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 183) "18.2 Escopo de dados e de funções") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 187) "19 Funções e vetores") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 187) "19.1 Vetores como argumentos de funções") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 188) "19.2 Vetores são parâmetros passados por referência") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 189) "19.3 Vetores como parâmetros com dimensões omitidas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 193) "20 Funções e matrizes") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 193) "20.1 Matrizes") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 194) "20.2 Matrizes como parâmetros com uma dimensão omitida") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 199) "21 Funções e registros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 199) "21.1 Tipo registro") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 201) "21.2 Registros e passagem por cópia") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 203) "21.3 Registros e passagem por referência") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 205) "21.4 Funções que devolvem registros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 209) "22 Biblioteca padrão") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 209) "22.1 Qualificadores de tipos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 210) "22.2 Arquivo-cabeçalho") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 213) "22.3 Arquivos-cabeçalhos da biblioteca padrão") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 213) "22.3.1 Diagnósticos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 214) "22.3.2 Manipulação, teste e conversão de caracteres") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 215) "22.3.3 Erros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 216) "22.3.4 Características dos tipos com ponto flutuante") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 216) "22.3.5 Localização") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 217) "22.3.6 Matemática") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 220) "22.3.7 Saltos não-locais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 221) "22.3.8 Manipulação de sinais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 222) "22.3.9 Número variável de argumentos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 222) "22.3.10 Definições comuns") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 222) "22.3.11 Entrada e saída") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 223) "22.3.12 Utilitários gerais") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 225) "22.3.13 Manipulação de cadeias") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 227) "22.3.14 Data e hora") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 229) "23 Depuração de programas") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 229) "23.1 Depurador GDB") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 230) "23.2 Primeiro contato") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 231) "23.3 Sintaxe dos comandos do GDB") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 232) "23.4 Pontos de parada") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 234) "23.5 Programa fonte") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 235) "23.6 Verificação de dados") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 236) "23.7 Alteração de dados durante a execução") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 236) "23.8 Resumo dos comandos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 237) "23.9 Exemplos de execução") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 249) "24 Pré-processador") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 249) "24.1 Funcionamento") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 250) "24.2 Diretivas de pré-processamento") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 251) "24.3 Definições de macros") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 252) "24.4 Inclusão de arquivos-cabeçalhos") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 254) "24.5 Compilação condicional") ;; (find-prog1martinezpage (+ 7 256) "24.6 Outras diretivas") ;; <prog1-ciferri> ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "prog1-ciferri") (code-pdf-page "prog1ciferri" "~/books/__comp/ciferri__programacao_de_computadores.pdf") (code-pdf-text "prog1ciferri" "~/books/__comp/ciferri__programacao_de_computadores.pdf" 1) ;; (find-prog1ciferripage) ;; (find-prog1ciferripage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-prog1ciferripage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-prog1ciferritext "") ;; <prog1-feofiloff> ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "prog1-feofiloff") (code-pdf-page "prog1feofiloff" "~/books/__comp/feofiloff__algoritmos_em_linguagem_C.pdf") (code-pdf-text "prog1feofiloff" "~/books/__comp/feofiloff__algoritmos_em_linguagem_C.pdf" 1) ;; (find-prog1feofiloffpage) ;; (find-prog1feofiloffpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-prog1feofiloffpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-prog1feofilofftext "") ;; <prog1-schildt> ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "prog1-schildt") (code-pdf-page "prog1schildt" "~/books/__comp/schildt__C_the_complete_reference.pdf") (code-pdf-text "prog1schildt" "~/books/__comp/schildt__C_the_complete_reference.pdf" 1) ;; (find-prog1schildtpage) ;; (find-prog1schildtpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-prog1schildtpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-prog1schildttext "") ;; <prog1-szwarcfiter> ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "prog1-szwarcfiter") (code-pdf-page "prog1szwarcfiter" "~/books/__comp/szwarcfiter__estruturas_de_dados_e_seus_algoritmos.pdf") (code-pdf-text "prog1szwarcfiter" "~/books/__comp/szwarcfiter__estruturas_de_dados_e_seus_algoritmos.pdf" 1) ;; (find-prog1szwarcfiterpage) ;; (find-prog1szwarcfiterpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-prog1szwarcfiterpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-prog1szwarcfitertext "") ;; «ocaml» (to ".ocaml") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ocaml") ;; https://ocaml.org/learn/books.html ;; https://stackoverflow.com/tags/ocaml/info ;; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7582388/looking-for-ocaml-ide (code-pdf-page "realworldocaml" "~/books/__comp/minsky_madhavapeddy_hickey__real_world_ocaml.pdf") (code-pdf-text "realworldocaml" "~/books/__comp/minsky_madhavapeddy_hickey__real_world_ocaml.pdf" 24) ;; (find-realworldocamlpage) ;; (find-realworldocamlpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-realworldocamltext 7 "Contents") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 1) "Language concepts") ;; (find-realworldocamltext (+ 24 1) "Language concepts") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 271) "14. Command-Line Parsing.") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 272) "Basic Command-Line Parsing") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 272) "Anonymous Arguments") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 273) "Defining Basic Commands") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 273) "Running Basic Commands") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 275) "Argument Types") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 276) "Defining Custom Argument Types") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 277) "Optional and Default Arguments") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 279) "Sequences of Arguments") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 280) "Adding Labeled Flags to the Command Line") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 282) "Grouping Subcommands Together") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 284) "Advanced Control over Parsing") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 285) "The Types Behind Command.Spec") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 286) "Composing Specification Fragments Together") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 287) "Prompting for Interactive Input") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 289) "Adding Labeled Arguments to Callbacks") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 290) "Command-Line Autocompletion with bash") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 290) "Generating Completion Fragments from Command") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 291) "Installing the Completion Fragment") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 292) "Alternative Command-Line Parsers") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 341) "18. Concurrent Programming with Async.") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 342) "Async Basics") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 345) "Ivars and Upon") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 347) "Examples: An Echo Server") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 350) "Improving the Echo Server") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 352) "Pipe.transfer") ;; (find-realworldocamltext (+ 24 352) "Pipe.transfer") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 353) "Example: Searching Definitions with DuckDuckGo") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 353) "URI Handling") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 354) "Parsing JSON Strings") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 354) "Executing an HTTP Client Query") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 357) "Exception Handling") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 358) "Monitors") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 361) "Example: Handling Exceptions with DuckDuckGo") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 363) "Timeouts, Cancellation, and Choices") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 366) "Working with System Threads") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 369) "Thread-Safety and Locking") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage (+ 24 471) "Index") ;; (find-realworldocamltext "") ;; Real World OCaml: Version 2, PDF edition (WIP) ;; http://dev.realworldocaml.org/ ;; http://dev.realworldocaml.org/toc.html ;; http://dev.realworldocaml.org/book.pdf ;; http://dev.realworldocaml.org/install.html (code-pdf-page "realworldocaml" "$S/http/dev.realworldocaml.org/book.pdf") (code-pdf-text "realworldocaml" "$S/http/dev.realworldocaml.org/book.pdf") ;; (find-realworldocamlpage) ;; (find-realworldocamltext) ;; «penrose» (to ".penrose") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "penrose") ;; http://penrose.ink/media/Penrose_SIGGRAPH2020.pdf ;; (find-es "penrose" "penrose-git") (code-pdf-page "penrosesigg2020" "$S/http/penrose.ink/media/Penrose_SIGGRAPH2020.pdf") (code-pdf-text "penrosesigg2020" "$S/http/penrose.ink/media/Penrose_SIGGRAPH2020.pdf") ;; (find-penrosesigg2020page) ;; (find-penrosesigg2020text) ;; (find-penrosesigg2020page 12 "into pieces or stages") ;; (find-penrosesigg2020text 12 "into pieces or stages") ;; (find-penrosesigg2020page 16 "REFERENCES") ;; (find-penrosesigg2020text 16 "REFERENCES") ;; «python» (to ".python") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "python") ;; (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "python") ;; (find-es "python" "books") ;; «python-downey» (to ".python-downey") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "python-downey") (code-pdf-page "downeytp" "~/books/__comp/downey__think_python_2nd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "downeytp" "~/books/__comp/downey__think_python_2nd_ed.pdf" 22) ;; (find-downeytppage) ;; (find-downeytppage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-downeytptext "") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 1) "1. The Way of the Program.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 1) "What Is a Program?") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 2) "Running Python") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 3) "The First Program") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 3) "Arithmetic Operators") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 4) "Values and Types") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 5) "Formal and Natural Languages") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 7) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 8) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 9) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 11) "2. Variables, Expressions and Statements.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 11) "Assignment Statements") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 12) "Variable Names") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 12) "Expressions and Statements") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 13) "Script Mode") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 14) "Order of Operations") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 15) "String Operations") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 15) "Comments") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 16) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 17) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 18) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 21) "3. Functions.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 21) "Function Calls") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 22) "Math Functions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 23) "Composition") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 23) "Adding New Functions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 25) "Definitions and Uses") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 25) "Flow of Execution") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 26) "Parameters and Arguments") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 27) "Variables and Parameters Are Local") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 28) "Stack Diagrams") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 29) "Fruitful Functions and Void Functions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 30) "Why Functions?") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 30) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 31) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 32) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 35) "4. Case Study: Interface Design.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 35) "The turtle Module") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 37) "Simple Repetition") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 38) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 38) "Encapsulation") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 39) "Generalization") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 40) "Interface Design") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 41) "Refactoring") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 42) "A Development Plan") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 43) "docstring") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 43) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 44) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 44) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 47) "5. Conditionals and Recursion.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 47) "Floor Division and Modulus") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 48) "Boolean Expressions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 49) "Logical Operators") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 49) "Conditional Execution") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 49) "Alternative Execution") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 50) "Chained Conditionals") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 50) "Nested Conditionals") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 51) "Recursion") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 53) "Stack Diagrams for Recursive Functions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 53) "Infinite Recursion") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 54) "Keyboard Input") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 55) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 56) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 57) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 61) "6. Fruitful Functions.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 61) "Return Values") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 62) "Incremental Development") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 64) "Composition") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 65) "Boolean Functions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 66) "More Recursion") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 68) "Leap of Faith") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 68) "One More Example") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 69) "Checking Types") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 70) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 71) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 72) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 75) "7. Iteration.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 75) "Reassignment") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 75) "equality is a symmetric relationship") ;; (find-downeytptext (+ 22 75) "equality is a symmetric relationship") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 76) "Updating Variables") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 77) "The while Statement") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 78) "break") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 79) "Square Roots") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 81) "Algorithms") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 81) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 82) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 82) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 85) "8. Strings.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 85) "A String Is a Sequence") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 86) "len") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 86) "Traversal with a for Loop") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 87) "String Slices") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 88) "Strings Are Immutable") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 89) "Searching") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 89) "Looping and Counting") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 90) "String Methods") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 91) "The in Operator") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 92) "String Comparison") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 92) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 94) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 95) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 99) "9. Case Study: Word Play.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 99) "Reading Word Lists") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 100) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 101) "Search") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 103) "Looping with Indices") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 104) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 105) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 105) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 107) "10. Lists.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 107) "A List Is a Sequence") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 108) "Lists Are Mutable") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 109) "Traversing a List") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 110) "List Operations") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 110) "List Slices") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 111) "List Methods") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 111) "Map, Filter and Reduce") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 113) "Deleting Elements") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 113) "Lists and Strings") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 114) "Objects and Values") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 115) "Aliasing") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 116) "List Arguments") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 118) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 119) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 120) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 125) "11. Dictionaries.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 125) "A Dictionary Is a Mapping") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 127) "Dictionary as a Collection of Counters") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 128) "Looping and Dictionaries") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 129) "Reverse Lookup") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 130) "Dictionaries and Lists") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 131) "Memos") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 133) "Global Variables") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 134) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 135) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 137) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 139) "12. Tuples.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 139) "Tuples Are Immutable") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 141) "Tuple Assignment") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 141) "Tuples as Return Values") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 142) "Variable-Length Argument Tuples") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 143) "Lists and Tuples") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 144) "Dictionaries and Tuples") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 146) "Sequences of Sequences") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 147) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 148) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 148) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 151) "13. Case Study: Data Structure Selection.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 151) "Word Frequency Analysis") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 152) "Random Numbers") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 153) "Word Histogram") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 155) "Most Common Words") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 155) "Optional Parameters") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 156) "Dictionary Subtraction") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 157) "Random Words") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 158) "Markov Analysis") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 159) "Data Structures") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 161) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 162) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 163) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 165) "14. Files.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 165) "Persistence") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 166) "Reading and Writing") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 166) "Format Operator") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 167) "Filenames and Paths") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 169) "Catching Exceptions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 169) "Databases") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 170) "Pickling") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 171) "Pipes") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 172) "Writing Modules") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 173) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 174) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 175) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 177) "15. Classes and Objects.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 177) "Programmer-Defined Types") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 178) "Attributes") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 179) "Rectangles") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 181) "Instances as Return Values") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 181) "Objects Are Mutable") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 182) "Copying") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 183) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 184) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 185) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 187) "16. Classes and Functions.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 187) "Time") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 188) "Pure Functions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 189) "Modifiers") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 190) "Prototyping versus Planning") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 192) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 192) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 193) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 195) "17. Classes and Methods.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 195) "Object-Oriented Features") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 196) "Printing Objects") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 198) "Another Example") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 198) "A More Complicated Example") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 199) "The init Method") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 200) "The __str__ Method") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 200) "Operator Overloading") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 201) "Type-Based Dispatch") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 202) "Polymorphism") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 203) "Interface and Implementation") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 204) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 204) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 205) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 207) "18. Inheritance.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 207) "Card Objects") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 208) "Class Attributes") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 210) "Comparing Cards") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 211) "Decks") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 211) "Printing the Deck") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 212) "Add, Remove, Shuffle and Sort") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 213) "Inheritance") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 214) "Class Diagrams") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 215) "Data Encapsulation") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 217) "Debugging") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 218) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 219) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 223) "19. The Goodies.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 223) "Conditional Expressions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 224) "List Comprehensions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 225) "Generator Expressions") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 226) "any and all") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 226) "Sets") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 228) "Counters") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 229) "defaultdict") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 230) "Named Tuples") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 232) "Gathering Keyword Args") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 233) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 233) "Exercises") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 235) "20. Debugging.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 235) "Syntax Errors") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 237) "I keep making changes and it makes no difference.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 237) "Runtime Errors") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 237) "My program does absolutely nothing.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 238) "My program hangs.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 239) "When I run the program I get an exception.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 240) "I added so many print statements I get inundated with output.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 241) "Semantic Errors") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 241) "My program doesn't work.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 242) "I've got a big hairy expression and it doesn't do what I expect.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 243) "I've got a function that doesn't return what I expect.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 243) "I'm really, really stuck and I need help.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 243) "No, I really need help.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 245) "21. Analysis of Algorithms.") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 246) "Order of Growth") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 248) "Analysis of Basic Python Operations") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 250) "Analysis of Search Algorithms") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 251) "Hashtables") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 255) "Glossary") ;; (find-downeytppage (+ 22 257) "Index.") ;; «python-goalkicker» (to ".python-goalkicker") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "python-goalkicker") ;; https://books.goalkicker.com/PythonBook/ ;; (find-telegachat "-1002074960141#2384" "Esse é o de python") (code-pdf-page "pythongk" "~/books/__comp/PythonNotesForProfessionals.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pythongk" "~/books/__comp/PythonNotesForProfessionals.pdf" 1) ;; (find-pythongkpage) ;; (find-pythongktext "") ;; (find-pythongkpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-pythongkpage 60 "3.2: How Indentation is Parsed") ;; (find-pythongktext 60 "3.2: How Indentation is Parsed") ;; «python-serghei» (to ".python-serghei") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "python-serghei") ;; (find-es "python" "serghei") ;; https://blog.serghei.pl/posts/emacs-python-ide/index.html ;; (find-htmlpdf-links "sergp" "https://blog.serghei.pl/posts/emacs-python-ide/index.html") (code-pdf-page "sergp" "$S/https/blog.serghei.pl/posts/emacs-python-ide/index.html.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "sergp" "$S/https/blog.serghei.pl/posts/emacs-python-ide/index.html.pdf") ;; (find-sergppage) ;; (find-sergptext) ;; (find-sergppage 6 "lsp-pyright") ;; (find-sergptext 6 "lsp-pyright") ;; (find-sergppage 13 "/usr/bin/npm -g" "install pyright") ;; (find-sergptext 13 "/usr/bin/npm -g" "install pyright") ;; (find-sergppage 17 "envrc-global-mode") ;; (find-sergptext 17 "envrc-global-mode") ;; (find-sergppage 18 "flymake and flycheck") ;; (find-sergptext 18 "flymake and flycheck") ;; (find-sergppage 20 "yasnippet") ;; (find-sergptext 20 "yasnippet") ;; (find-sergppage 22 "~/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/") ;; (find-sergptext 22 "~/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/") ;; (find-sergppage 44 "complete setup") ;; (find-sergptext 44 "complete setup") (code-xpdf "corepython" "~/books/__comp/chun__core_python_programmingr_2nd_ed.pdf") (code-pdftotext "corepython" "~/books/__comp/chun__core_python_programmingr_2nd_ed.pdf" 0) ;; (ee-page-parameters "corepython" 0) ;; (find-corepythonpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-corepythonpage 57 "Chapter 2. Getting Started") ;; (find-corepythontext 57 "Chapter 2. Getting Started") ;; (find-corepythonpage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-corepythontext "") (code-xpdf "pypocketref" "~/books/__comp/lutz__python_pocket_reference_4th_ed.pdf") (code-pdftotext "pypocketref" "~/books/__comp/lutz__python_pocket_reference_4th_ed.pdf" 12) ;; (ee-page-parameters "pypocketref" 12) ;; (find-pypocketrefpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-pypocketrefpage (+ 12 189) "Index") ;; (find-pypocketreftext "") (code-xpdf "pycookbook" "~/books/__comp/martelli_ascher__python_cookbook.pdf") (code-pdftotext "pycookbook" "~/books/__comp/martelli_ascher__python_cookbook.pdf") ;; (find-pycookbookpage 2 "Contents") ;; (find-pycookbookpage 33 "1") ;; (find-pycookbookpage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-pycookbooktext "") ;; «R» (to ".R") ;; (find-es "r") ;; (find-fline "~/books/__comp/") (code-xpdf "teetor" "~/books/__comp/teetor__25_recipes_for_getting_started_with_R.pdf") (code-pdf-text "teetor" "~/books/__comp/teetor__25_recipes_for_getting_started_with_R.pdf") ;; (find-teetorpage) ;; (find-teetortext) ;; «ruby» (to ".ruby") ;; «rubyforrails» (to ".rubyforrails") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "rubyforrails") (code-pdf-page "rubyforrails" "~/books/__comp/black__ruby_for_rails.pdf") (code-pdf-text "rubyforrails" "~/books/__comp/black__ruby_for_rails.pdf" 35) ;; (find-rubyforrailspage) ;; (find-rubyforrailspage 8 "Brief Contents") ;; (find-rubyforrailspage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-rubyforrailspage (+ 35 477) "Index") ;; (find-rubyforrailstext "") ;; (find-unpack-chm-links "~/books/__comp/fulton__the_ruby_way.chm" "/tmp/rubyway/" "rubyway") (code-c-d "rubyway" "/tmp/rubyway/0768667208/") ;; (find-rubywayfile "") ;; (find-rubywayw3m "toc.html") ;; (find-rubywayw3m "index.html") ;; «rubynutshell» (to ".rubynutshell") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "rubynutshell") (code-pdf-page "rubynutshell" "~/books/__comp/matz__ruby_in_a_nutshell.pdf") (code-pdf-text "rubynutshell" "~/books/__comp/matz__ruby_in_a_nutshell.pdf") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 2 "Contents") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 10 "1. Introduction") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 11 "1.1. Ruby's Elegance") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 14 "1.2. Ruby in Action") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 16 "2. Language Basics") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 17 "2.1. Command-Line Options") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 20 "2.2. Environment Variables") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 22 "2.3. Lexical Conventions") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 24 "2.4. Literals") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 31 "2.5. Variables") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 34 "2.6. Operators") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 37 "2.7. Methods") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 41 "2.8. Control Structures") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 45 "2.9. Object-Oriented Programming") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 49 "2.10. Security") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 53 "3. Built-in Library Reference") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 54 "3.1. Predefined Variables") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 57 "3.2. Predefined Global Constants") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 59 "3.3. Built-in Functions") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 68 "3.4. Built-in Library") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 136 "4. Standard Library Reference") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 137 "4.1. Standard Library") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 184 "5. Ruby Tools") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 185 "5.1. Standard Tools") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 192 "5.2. Additional Tools") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 194 "5.3. Ruby Application Archive") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 195 "6. Ruby Updates") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 196 "6.1. Summary of Changes") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 197 "6.2. Changes from 1.6.5 to 1.7.1") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 199 "6.3. The Future of Ruby") ;; (find-rubynutshellpage 200 "6.4. Participate in Ruby") ;; (find-rubynutshelltext "") ;; «pragmaticruby» (to ".pragmaticruby") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "pragmaticruby") (code-pdf-page "pragmaticruby" "~/books/__comp/thomas__programming_ruby_the_pragmatic_programmers_guide.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pragmaticruby" "~/books/__comp/thomas__programming_ruby_the_pragmatic_programmers_guide.pdf" 28) ;; (find-pragmaticrubypage) ;; (find-pragmaticrubypage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-pragmaticrubytext 6 "Contents") ;; (find-pragmaticrubypage (+ 28 762) "Index") ;; (find-pragmaticrubypage (+ 28 797) "Template characters") ;; (find-pragmaticrubytext "") ;; «scala» (to ".scala") (code-xpdf "progscala" "~/books/__comp/odersky_spoon_venners__programming_in_scala_2nd_ed.pdf") (code-pdftotext "progscala" "~/books/__comp/odersky_spoon_venners__programming_in_scala_2nd_ed.pdf") ;; (find-progscalapage 10 "Contents") ;; (find-progscalapage 11 "Contents") ;; (find-progscalapage (+ 0 846) "Index") ;; (find-progscalatext "") ;; «scheme» (to ".scheme") ;; «little-schemer» (to ".little-schemer") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "little-schemer") (code-pdf-page "littleschemer" "~/books/__comp/friedman_felleisen__the_little_schemer_4th_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "littleschemer" "~/books/__comp/friedman_felleisen__the_little_schemer_4th_ed.pdf" 1) ;; (find-littleschemerpage) ;; (find-littleschemerpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-littleschemerpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-littleschemertext "") ;; «shell» (to ".shell") (code-xpdf "classicshell" "~/books/__comp/robbins_beebe__classic_shell_scripting.pdf") (code-pdf-text "classicshell" "~/books/__comp/robbins_beebe__classic_shell_scripting.pdf" 24) ;; (find-classicshellpage (+ 24 1)) ;; (find-classicshelltext (+ 24 1)) ;; «smalltalk» (to ".smalltalk") ;; SmallTalk books: ;; http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/64 ;; http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/FreeBooks/BlueBook/ ;; http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/65 ;; http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/66 ;; http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/576 ;; http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1600 ;; http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/920 ;; ;; http://library.nu/search?q=smalltalk ;; http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1859 ;; http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~black/OOP/Tutorial/SqueakLanguageRef.html ;; http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~black/OOP/Tutorial/Squeak%20Classes%20Ref.html (code-xpdf "goldbergbluebook" "~/books/__comp/goldberg_robson__smalltalk-80_the_language_and_its_implementation.pdf") (code-pdftotext "goldbergbluebook" "~/books/__comp/goldberg_robson__smalltalk-80_the_language_and_its_implementation.pdf" 22) ;; (ee-page-parameters "goldbergbluebook" 22) ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage 17 "Contents") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 32) "An Example" "Application") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 691) "Subject Index") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 699) "System Index") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 703) "Example Class Index") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 707) "Implementation Index") ;; (find-goldbergbluebooktext "") ;; PART ONE ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 5) "1. Objects and Messages") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 8) "Classes and Instances") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 10) "An Example Application") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 13) "System Classes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 16) "Summary of Terminology") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 17) "2. Expression Syntax") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 19) "Literals") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 21) "Variables") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 24) "Messages") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 31) "Blocks") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 37) "Summary of Terminology") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 39) "3. Classes and Instances") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 41) "Protocol Descriptions") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 43) "Implementation Descriptions") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 44) "Variable Declarations") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 46) "Methods") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 52) "Primitive Methods") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 53) "Summary of Terminology") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 55) "4. Subclasses") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 58) "Subclass Descriptions") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 59) "An Example Subclass") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 61) "Method Determination") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 66) "Abstract Superclasses") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 72) "Subclass Framework Messages") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 73) "Summary of Terminology") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 75) "5. Metaclasses") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 77) "Initialization of Instances") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 78) "An Example Metaclass") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 81) "Metaclass Inheritance") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 84) "Initialization of Class Variables") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 88) "Summary of Method Determination") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 89) "Summary of Terminology") ;; ;; PART TWO ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 93) "6. Protocol for all Objects") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 95) "Testing the Functionality of an Object") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 96) "Comparing Objects") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 97) "Copying Objects") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 99) "Accessing the Parts of an Object") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 100) "Printing and Storing Objects") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 102) "Error Handling") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 105) "7 Linear Measures") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 107) "Class Magnitude") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 108) "Class Date") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 111) "Class Time") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 114) "Class Character") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 117) "8 Numerical Classes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 120) "Protocol of the Number Classes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 126) "Classes Float and Fraction") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 127) "Integer Classes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 129) "Class Random: A Random Number Generator") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 131) "9 Protocol for All Collection Classes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 134) "Adding, Removing, and Testing Elements") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 136) "Enumerating Elements") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 139) "Instance Creation") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 140) "Conversion Among Collection Classes") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 143) "10 Hierarchy of the Collection Classes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 147) "Class Bag") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 148) "Class Set") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 148) "Classes Dictionary and IdentityDictionary") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 153) "Class SequenceableCollection") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 157) "Subclasses of SequenceableCollection") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 165) "Class ArrayedCollection") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 168) "Class MappedCollection") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 169) "Summary of Conversions Among Collections") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 171) "11 Three Examples that Use Collections") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 172) "Random Selection and Playing Cards") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 181) "The Drunken Cockroach Problem") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 185) "Traversing Binary Trees") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 193) "12 Protocol for Streams") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 195) "Class Stream") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 198) "Positionable Streams") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 204) "Streams of Generated Elements") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 205) "Streams for Collections Without External Keys") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 208) "External Streams and File Streams") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 211) "13 Implementations of the Basic Collection Protocol") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 212) "Class Collection") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 219) "Subclasses of Collection") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 235) "14 Kernel Support") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 237) "Class UndefinedObject") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 237) "Classes Boolean, True, and False") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 239) "Additional Protocol for Class Object") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 249) "15 Multiple Independent Processes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 251) "Processes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 257) "Semaphores") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 265) "Class SharedQueue") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 266) "Class Delay") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 267) "16 Protocol for Classes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 272) "Class Behavior") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 284) "Class ClassDescription") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 287) "Class Metaclass") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 288) "Class Class") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 291) "17 The Programming Interface") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 292) "Views") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 297) "Browsers") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 308) "Testing") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 314) "Error Reporting") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 329) "18 Graphics Kernel") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 331) "Graphical Representation") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 331) "Graphical Storage") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 333) "Graphical Manipulation") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 338) "Classes Form and Bitmap") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 340) "Spatial Reference") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 349) "Class BitBIt") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 351) "Line Drawing") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 354) "Text Display") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 355) "Simulation of BitBIt") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 364) "19 Pens") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 365) "Class Pen") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 370) "Geometric Designs") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 375) "Commander Pen") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 381) "20 Display Objects") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 383) "Class DisplayObject") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 390) "Class DisplayMedium") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 396) "Forms") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 400) "Display Text") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 400) "Paths") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 405) "Image Manipulation with Forms") ;; ;; PART THREE ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 417) "21 Probability Distributions") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 418) "Probability Distribution Framework") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 423) "Discrete Probability Distributions") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 432) "Continuous Probability Distributions") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 439) "22 Event-Driven Simulations") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 442) "A Framework for Simulation") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 452) "Implementation of the Simulation Classes") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 465) "23 Statistics Gathering in Event - Driven Simulations") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 466) "Duration Statistics") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 469) "Throughput Histograms") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 474) "Tallying Events") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 476) "Event Monitoring") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 483) "24 The Use of Resources in Event - Driven Simulations") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 484) "Implementing ResourceProvider and StaticResource") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 489) "Consumable Resources") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 492) "Nonconsumable Resources") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 503) "Renewable Resources") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 515) "25 Coordinated Resources for Event-Driven Simulations") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 516) "The Implementation of Class ResourceCoordinator") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 518) "Example: A Car Wash Simulation") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 521) "Example: A Ferry Service for a Special Truck") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 526) "Example: A Bank") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 533) "Example: An Information System") ;; ;; PART FOUR ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 541) "26 The Implementation") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 542) "The Compiler") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 550) "The Interpreter") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 564) "The Object Memory") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 566) "The Hardware") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 567) "27 Specification of the Virtual Machine") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 568) "Form of the Specification") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 570) "Object Memory Interface") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 575) "Objects Used by the Interpreter") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 593) "28 Formal Specification of the Interpreter") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 597) "Stack Bytecodes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 601) "Jump Bytecodes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 603) "Send Bytecodes") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 608) "Return Bytecodes") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 611) "29 Formal Specification of the Primitive Methods") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 621) "Arithmetic Primitives") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 627) "Array and Stream Primitives") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 633) "Storage Management Primitives") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 637) "Control Primitives") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 647) "Input/Output Primitives") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 652) "System Primitives") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 655) "30 Formal Specification of the Object Memory") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 657) "Heap Storage") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 659) "The Object Table") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 667) "Allocation and Deallocation") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 674) "Garbage Collection") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 684) "Nonpointer Objects") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 686) "Interface to the Bytecode Interpreter") ;; ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 691) "Subject Index") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 699) "System Index") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 703) "Example Class Index") ;; (find-goldbergbluebookpage (+ 22 707) "Implementation Index") (code-xpdf "goldbergredbook" "~/books/__comp/goldberg__smalltalk-80_the_interactive_programming_environment.pdf") (code-pdftotext "goldbergredbook" "~/books/__comp/goldberg__smalltalk-80_the_interactive_programming_environment.pdf") ;; (find-goldbergredbookpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-goldbergredbookpage (+ 9 503) "System Workspace Index") ;; (find-goldbergredbookpage (+ 9 510) "Menu Command Index") ;; (find-goldbergredbookpage (+ 9 512) "Subject Index") ;; (find-goldbergredbooktext "") (code-xpdf "insidesmalltalk1" "~/books/__comp/lalonde_pugh__inside_smalltalk_vol_1.pdf") (code-pdftotext "insidesmalltalk1" "~/books/__comp/lalonde_pugh__inside_smalltalk_vol_1.pdf") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk1page 3 "Contents") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk1page (+ 16 506) "Class Index") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk1page (+ 16 508) "Index") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk1text "") (code-xpdf "insidesmalltalk2" "~/books/__comp/lalonde_pugh__inside_smalltalk_vol_2.pdf") (code-pdftotext "insidesmalltalk2" "~/books/__comp/lalonde_pugh__inside_smalltalk_vol_2.pdf") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk2page 5 "Contents") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk2page (+ 20 545) "Class Index") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk2page (+ 20 549) "Index") ;; (find-insidesmalltalk2text "") (code-xpdf "smalltalkbyex" "~/books/__comp/sharp__smalltalk_by_example.pdf") (code-pdftotext "smalltalkbyex" "~/books/__comp/sharp__smalltalk_by_example.pdf") ;; (find-smalltalkbyexpage (+ 1 9) "1. Basic Concepts") ;; (find-smalltalkbyexpage (+ 1 16) "2. Messages") ;; (find-smalltalkbyextext "") ;; «squeak-by-example» (to ".squeak-by-example") ;; (find-es "squeak" "squeak-by-example") ;; (find-angg "SQUEAK/README") ;; https://github.com/hpi-swa-lab/SqueakByExample-english/releases/download/5.3.1/SBE-5.3.pdf ;; http://anggtwu.net/SQUEAK/squeak-by-example-5.3.pdf ;; (code-pdf-page "squeakbyex" "$S/https/github.com/hpi-swa-lab/SqueakByExample-english/releases/download/5.3.1/SBE-5.3.pdf") ;; (code-pdf-text8 "squeakbyex" "$S/https/github.com/hpi-swa-lab/SqueakByExample-english/releases/download/5.3.1/SBE-5.3.pdf" 16) (code-pdf-page "squeakbyex" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/SQUEAK/squeak-by-example-5.3.pdf") (code-pdf-text "squeakbyex" "$S/http/anggtwu.net/SQUEAK/squeak-by-example-5.3.pdf" 16) ;; (find-squeakbyexpage) ;; (find-squeakbyextext) ;; (find-squeakbyexpage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-squeakbyextext 7 "Contents") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 3) "1 A quick tour of Squeak") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 3) "1.1 Getting started") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 8) "1.2 The world menu") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 9) "1.3 Saving, quitting, and restarting a Squeak session") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 10) "1.4 Workspaces and transcripts") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 12) "1.5 Keyboard shortcuts") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 14) "1.6 The system browser") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 16) "1.7 Finding classes") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 17) "1.8 Finding methods") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 19) "1.9 Defining a new method") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 24) "1.10 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 27) "2 Your first interactive object: the Quinto game") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 27) "2.1 The Quinto game") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 28) "2.2 Creating a new class category") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 28) "2.3 Defining the class SBECell") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 31) "2.4 Adding methods to a class.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 33) "2.5 Inspecting an object") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 34) "2.6 Defining the class SBEGame") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 37) "2.7 Organizing methods into protocols") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 41) "2.8 Let's try our code") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 43) "change the code" "while it is being debugged") ;; (find-squeakbyextext (+ 16 43) "change the code" "while it is being debugged") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 44) "2.9 Saving and sharing Smalltalk code.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 47) "2.10 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 49) "3 Syntax in a nutshell") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 49) "3.1 Syntactic elements") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 53) "3.2 Pseudo-variables") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 53) "3.3 Message sends") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 55) "3.4 Method syntax") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 56) "3.5 Block syntax") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 57) "3.6 Conditionals and loops in a nutshell") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 59) "3.7 Primitives and pragmas") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 60) "3.8 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 61) "4 Understanding message syntax") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 61) "4.1 Identifying messages") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 63) "4.2 Three kinds of messages") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 65) "4.3 Message composition") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 71) "4.4 Hints for identifying keyword messages") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 73) "4.5 Expression sequences") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 73) "4.6 Cascaded messages") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 74) "4.7 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 77) "5 The Smalltalk object model") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 77) "5.1 The rules of the model") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 77) "5.2 Everything is an object") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 78) "5.3 Every object is an instance of a class") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 86) "5.4 Every class has a superclass") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 89) "5.5 Everything happens by sending messages") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 90) "5.6 Method lookup follows the inheritance chain") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 97) "5.7 Shared variables") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 102) "5.8 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 105) "6 The Squeak programming environment") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 106) "6.1 Overview") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 107) "6.2 The system browser") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 112) "Figure 6.6: A Class Browser") ;; (find-squeakbyextext (+ 16 112) "Figure 6.6: A Class Browser") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 115) "Method overridings") ;; (find-squeakbyextext (+ 16 115) "Method overridings") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 117) "prettyPrint ed source code") ;; (find-squeakbyextext (+ 16 117) "prettyPrint ed source code") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 120) "6.3 Monticello") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 127) "6.4 The inspector and the explorer") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 130) "6.5 The debugger") ;; (find-squeakbyextext (+ 16 130) "The debugger") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 138) "6.6 The process browser") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 139) "6.7 Finding methods") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 140) "6.8 Change sets and the change sorter") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 143) "6.9 The file list browser") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 145) "6.10 In Smalltalk, you can't lose code") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 146) "6.11 Other interesting tools") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 147) "6.12 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 149) "7 SUnit") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 149) "7.1 Introduction") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 150) "7.2 Why testing is important") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 151) "7.3 What makes a good test?") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 152) "7.4 SUnit by example") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 156) "7.5 The SUnit cook book") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 158) "7.6 The SUnit framework") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 160) "7.7 Advanced features of SUnit") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 162) "7.8 The implementation of SUnit.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 165) "7.9 Some advice on testing") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 166) "7.10 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 169) "8 Basic Classes") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 169) "8.1 Object") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 179) "8.2 Numbers") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 183) "8.3 Characters") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 183) "8.4 Strings") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 185) "8.5 Booleans") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 187) "8.6 Exceptions") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 188) "8.7 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 191) "9 Collections") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 191) "9.1 Introduction") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 195) "9.2 Implementations of collections") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 196) "9.3 Examples of key classes.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 207) "9.4 Collection iterators") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 211) "9.5 Some hints for using collections") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 212) "9.6 Sorting collections.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 214) "9.7 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 217) "10 Streams") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 217) "10.1 Two sequences of elements") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 218) "10.2 Streams vs. collections") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 219) "10.3 Streaming over collections.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 227) "10.4 Using streams for file access") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 230) "10.5 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 233) "11 Morphic") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 233) "11.1 The history of Morphic") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 235) "11.2 Manipulating morphs") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 236) "11.3 Composing morphs") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 237) "11.4 Creating and drawing your own morphs") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 241) "11.5 Interaction and animation") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 246) "11.6 Dialog windows") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 247) "11.7 Drag-and-drop") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 249) "11.8 A complete example") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 253) "11.9 More about the canvas") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 255) "11.10 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 259) "12 Classes and metaclasses") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 259) "12.1 Rules for classes and metaclasses") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 260) "12.2 Revisiting the Smalltalk object model") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 262) "12.3 Every class is an instance of a metaclass") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 263) "12.4 The metaclass hierarchy parallels the class hierarchy") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 266) "12.5 Every metaclass inherits from Class and Behavior") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 268) "12.6 Every metaclass is an instance of Metaclass") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 269) "12.7 The metaclass of Metaclass is an instance of Metaclass") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 270) "12.8 Chapter summary.") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 275) "A Frequently asked questions") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 275) "A.1 Getting started") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 276) "A.2 Collections") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 277) "A.3 Browsing the system") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 279) "A.4 Morphic") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 280) "A.5 System") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 280) "A.6 Using Monticello and SqueakSource") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 282) "A.7 Tools") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 283) "A.8 Regular expressions and parsing") ;; (find-squeakbyexpage (+ 16 285) "Bibliography") ;; «squeak-robots» (to ".squeak-robots") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "squeak-robots") (code-pdf-page "sqrobots" "~/books/__comp/ducasse__squeak_learning_programming_with_robots.pdf") (code-pdf-text "sqrobots" "~/books/__comp/ducasse__squeak_learning_programming_with_robots.pdf" 25) ;; (find-sqrobotspage) ;; (find-sqrobotspage 4 "Contents") ;; (find-sqrobotstext 4 "Contents") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 25 3) "1. Installation and Creating a Robot") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 25 13) "2. A First Script and Its Implications") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 25 29) "3. Of Robots and Men") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 24 37) "4. Directions and Angles.") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 23 51) "5. Pica's Environment") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 23 61) "6. Fun with Robots") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 21 77) "7. Looping") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 21 87) "8. Variables") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 20 101) "9. Digging Deeper into Variables") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 20 109) "10. Loops and Variables") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 20 119) "11. Composing Messages") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 19 135) "12. Methods: Named Message Sequences") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 18 149) "13. Combining Methods") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 18 155) "14. Parameters and Arguments") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 18 167) "15. Errors and Debugging") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 17 183) "16. Decomposing to Recompose") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 16 197) "17. Strings, and Tools for Understanding Programs") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 15 209) "18. Conditions") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 15 221) "19. Conditional Loops") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 14 233) "20. Boolean and Boolean Expressions") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 14 243) "21. Coordinates, Points, and Absolute Moves") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 14 261) "22. Advanced Robot Behavior") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 13 269) "23. Simulating Animal Behavior") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 12 289) "24. A Tour of eToy") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 12 315) "25. A Tour of Alice") ;; (find-sqrobotspage (+ 12 337) "Index") ;; (find-sqrobotstext "") ;; «pharo-by-example» (to ".pharo-by-example") ;; (find-es "pharo" "pharo-by-example") (code-pdf-page "pharobyex" "$S/https/github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoByExample9/releases/download/latest/PBE9-wip.pdf") (code-pdf-text "pharobyex" "$S/https/github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/PharoByExample9/releases/download/latest/PBE9-wip.pdf" 18) ;; (find-pharobyexpage) ;; (find-pharobyextext) ;; (find-pharobyexpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-pharobyextext 5 "Contents") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 1) "1 About this book") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 2) "1.1 What is Pharo?") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 3) "1.2 Who should read this book?") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 4) "1.3 A word of advice") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 4) "1.4 An open book") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 5) "1.5 The Pharo community") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 5) "1.6 Examples and exercises") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 6) "1.7 Typographic conventions") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 6) "1.8 Acknowledgments") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 7) "1.9 Hyper special acknowledgments") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 9) "2 Getting Started with Pharo") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 9) "2.1 Installing Pharo") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 10) "2.2 File components") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 11) "2.3 Launching Pharo with the Pharo Launcher") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 12) "2.4 Launching Pharo via the command line") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 14) "2.5 Saving, quitting and restarting a Pharo session") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 15) "2.6 For the fast and furious") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 16) "2.7 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 17) "3 A quick tour of Pharo") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 17) "3.1 The World Menu") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 18) "3.2 Interacting with Pharo") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 20) "3.3 Playgrounds and Transcripts") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 21) "3.4 Keyboard shortcuts") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 21) "3.5 Doing vs. printing") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 22) "3.6 Inspect") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 23) "3.7 Other operations") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 24) "3.8 Calypso: the System Browser") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 26) "3.9 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 27) "4 Finding information in Pharo") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 27) "4.1 Navigating using the System Browser") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 28) "4.2 Finding classes") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 30) "4.3 Finding methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 32) "4.4 Finding Methods using Examples") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 33) "4.5 Conclusion") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 35) "5 A first tutorial: Developing a simple counter") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 36) "5.1 Our use case") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 36) "5.2 Create a package and class") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 38) "5.3 Defining protocols and methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 39) "5.4 Create a method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 41) "5.5 Adding a setter method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 41) "5.6 Define a Test Class") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 43) "5.7 Saving your code as a git repository with Iceberg") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 47) "5.8 Adding more messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 47) "5.9 Instance initialization method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 48) "5.10 Define an initialize method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 49) "5.11 Define a new instance creation method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 50) "5.12 Better object description") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 51) "5.13 Saving your code on a remote server") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 53) "5.14 Conclusion") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 55) "6 Building a little game") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 56) "6.1 The Lights Out game") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 56) "6.2 Creating a new package") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 56) "6.3 Defining the class LOCell") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 57) "6.4 Creating a new class") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 58) "6.5 About comments") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 59) "6.6 Adding methods to a class") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 61) "6.7 Inspecting an object") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 64) "6.8 Defining the class LOGame") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 64) "6.9 Initializing our game") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 65) "6.10 Taking advantage of the Debugger") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 67) "6.11 Studying the initialize method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 69) "6.12 Organizing methods into protocols") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 69) "6.13 Finishing the game") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 71) "6.14 Final LOCell methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 72) "6.15 Using the Debugger") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 74) "6.16 And if all else fails...") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 75) "6.17 Saving and sharing Pharo code") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 75) "6.18 Writing code to files") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 75) "6.19 Accessor conventions") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 77) "6.20 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 79) "7 Publishing and packaging your first Pharo project") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 79) "7.1 For the impatient") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 80) "7.2 Basic architecture") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 82) "7.3 Iceberg repositories browser") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 83) "7.4 Add a new project to Iceberg") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 87) "7.5 Add and commit your package using the 'Working copy' browser") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 90) "7.6 What if I did not create a remote repository?") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 92) "7.7 Configuring your project") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 93) "7.8 Loading from an existing repository") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 94) "7.9 Stepping back...") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 95) "7.10 Conclusion") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 97) "8 Syntax in a nutshell") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 97) "8.1 Syntactic elements") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 101) "8.2 Pseudo-variables") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 101) "8.3 Messages and message sends") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 102) "8.4 Sequences and cascades") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 103) "8.5 Method syntax") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 104) "8.6 Block syntax") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 105) "8.7 Conditionals and loops") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 107) "8.8 Method annotations: Primitives and pragmas") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 108) "8.9 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 111) "9 Understanding message syntax") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 111) "9.1 Identifying messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 113) "9.2 Three kinds of messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 116) "9.3 Message composition") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 122) "9.4 Hints for identifying keyword messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 124) "9.5 Expression sequences") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 124) "9.6 Cascaded messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 125) "9.7 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 127) "10 The Pharo object model") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 127) "10.1 The rules of the core model") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 128) "10.2 Everything is an Object") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 129) "10.3 Every object is an instance of a class") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 129) "10.4 Instance structure and behavior") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 131) "10.5 Every class has a superclass") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 132) "10.6 Everything happens by sending messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 134) "10.7 Sending a message: a two-step process") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 135) "10.8 Method lookup follows the inheritance chain") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 135) "10.9 Method execution") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 137) "10.10 Message not understood") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 138) "10.11 About returning self") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 138) "10.12 Overriding and extension") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 139) "10.13 Self and super sends") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 141) "10.14 Stepping back") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 142) "10.15 The instance and class sides") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 144) "10.16 Class methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 145) "10.17 Class instance variables") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 145) "10.18 Example: Class instance variables and subclasses") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 147) "10.19 Stepping back") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 147) "10.20 Example: Defining a Singleton") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 149) "10.21 A note on lazy initialization") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 149) "10.22 Shared variables") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 151) "10.23 Class variables: Shared variables") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 153) "10.24 Pool variables") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 154) "10.25 Abstract methods and abstract classes") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 154) "10.26 Example: the abstract class Magnitude") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 155) "10.27 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 157) "11 Traits: reusable class fragments") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 157) "11.1 A simple trait") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 158) "11.2 Using a required method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 159) "11.3 Self in a trait is the message receiver") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 159) "11.4 Trait state") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 160) "11.5 A class can use two traits") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 161) "11.6 Overriding method takes precedence over trait methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 162) "11.7 Accessing overridden trait methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 162) "11.8 Handling conflict") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 163) "11.9 Conflict resolution: excluding a method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 164) "11.10 Conflict resolution: redefining the method") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 164) "11.11 Conclusion") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 165) "12 SUnit: Tests in Pharo") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 165) "12.1 Introduction") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 166) "12.2 Why testing is important") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 167) "12.3 What makes a good test?") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 167) "12.4 SUnit step by step") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 168) "12.5 Step 1: Create the test class") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 168) "12.6 Step 2: Initialize the test context") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 168) "12.7 Step 3: Write some test methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 169) "12.8 Step 4: Run the tests") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 170) "12.9 Step 5: Interpret the results") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 171) "12.10 Using assert:equals:") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 171) "12.11 Skipping a test") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 172) "12.12 Asserting exceptions") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 172) "12.13 Programmatically running tests") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 173) "12.14 Conclusion") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 175) "13 Basic classes") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 175) "13.1 Object") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 176) "13.2 Object printing") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 177) "13.3 Representation and self-evaluating representation") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 179) "13.4 Identity and equality") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 180) "13.5 Class membership") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 181) "13.6 About isKindOf: and respondTo:") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 181) "13.7 Shallow copying objects") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 181) "13.8 Deep copying objects") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 182) "13.9 Debugging") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 183) "13.10 Error handling") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 185) "13.11 Testing") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 185) "13.12 Initialize") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 186) "13.13 Numbers") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 187) "13.14 Magnitude") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 187) "13.15 Numbers") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 188) "13.16 Floats") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 189) "13.17 Fractions") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 189) "13.18 Integers") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 190) "13.19 Characters") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 191) "13.20 Strings") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 193) "13.21 Booleans") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 194) "13.22 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 197) "14 Collections") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 198) "14.1 High-order functions") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 199) "14.2 The varieties of collections") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 200) "14.3 Collection implementations") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 201) "14.4 Examples of key classes") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 202) "14.5 Common creation protocol") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 203) "14.6 Array") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 205) "14.7 OrderedCollection") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 206) "14.8 Interval") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 206) "14.9 Dictionary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 207) "14.10 IdentityDictionary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 208) "14.11 Set") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 209) "14.12 SortedCollection") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 210) "14.13 Strings") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 215) "14.14 Collection iterators") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 216) "14.15 Collecting results (collect:)") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 218) "14.16 Selecting and rejecting elements") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 219) "14.17 Other high-order messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 219) "14.18 A common mistake: using add: result") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 220) "14.19 A common mistake: Removing an element while iterating") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 220) "14.20 A common mitaske: Redefining = but not hash") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 221) "14.21 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 223) "15 Streams") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 223) "15.1 Two sequences of elements") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 224) "15.2 Streams vs. collections") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 225) "15.3 Reading collections") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 226) "15.4 Peek") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 227) "15.5 Positioning to an index") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 227) "15.6 Skipping elements") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 228) "15.7 Predicates") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 229) "15.8 Writing to collections") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 230) "15.9 About string concatenation") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 231) "15.10 About printString") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 233) "15.11 Reading and writing at the same time") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 236) "15.12 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 237) "16 Morphic") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 237) "16.1 The history of Morphic") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 238) "16.2 Morphs") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 240) "16.3 Manipulating morphs") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 241) "16.4 Composing morphs") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 242) "16.5 Creating and drawing your own morphs") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 246) "16.6 Mouse events for interaction") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 247) "16.7 Keyboard events") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 248) "16.8 Morphic animations") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 249) "16.9 Interactors") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 250) "16.10 Drag-and-drop") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 253) "16.11 A complete example") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 257) "16.12 More about the canvas") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 258) "16.13 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 259) "17 Classes and metaclasses") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 259) "17.1 Rules for classes") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 260) "17.2 Metaclasses") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 260) "17.3 Revisiting the Pharo object model") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 261) "17.4 Every class is an instance of a metaclass") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 263) "17.5 Querying Metaclasses") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 263) "17.6 The metaclass hierarchy parallels the class hierarchy") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 264) "17.7 Uniformity between Classes and Objects") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 266) "17.8 Inspecting objects and classes") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 266) "17.9 Every metaclass inherits from Class and Behavior") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 268) "17.10 Responsibilities of Behavior, ClassDescription, and Class") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 269) "17.11 Every metaclass is an instance of Metaclass") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 269) "17.12 The metaclass of Metaclass is an instance of Metaclass") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 271) "17.13 Chapter summary") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 273) "18 Reflection") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 273) "18.1 Reflection in a nutshell") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 274) "18.2 Introspection") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 275) "18.3 Accessing instance variables") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 276) "18.4 About reflective behavior") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 277) "18.5 About primitives") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 277) "18.6 Querying classes and interfaces") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 278) "18.7 Simple code metrics") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 279) "18.8 Browsing instances") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 280) "18.9 From methods to instance variables") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 281) "18.10 About SystemNavigation") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 282) "18.11 Classes, method dictionaries, and methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 285) "18.12 Browsing environments") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 286) "18.13 Pragmas: method annotation") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 288) "18.14 Accessing the run-time context") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 289) "18.15 Intelligent contextual breakpoints") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 291) "18.16 Intercepting not understood messages") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 291) "18.17 Lightweight proxies") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 294) "18.18 Generating missing methods") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 296) "18.19 Objects as method wrappers") ;; (find-pharobyexpage (+ 18 297) "18.20 Chapter summary") ;; «ingalls-miranda» (to ".ingalls-miranda") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "ingalls-miranda") (code-pdf-page "tdlc" "~/books/__comp/ingalls_miranda__two_decades_of_live_coding_and_debugging_of_vms_through_simulation.pdf") (code-pdf-text "tdlc" "~/books/__comp/ingalls_miranda__two_decades_of_live_coding_and_debugging_of_vms_through_simulation.pdf" 1) (code-pdf-page "tdsvd" "~/books/__comp/ingalls_miranda__two_decades_of_smalltalk_vm_development.pdf") (code-pdf-text "tdsvd" "~/books/__comp/ingalls_miranda__two_decades_of_smalltalk_vm_development.pdf" 1) ;; (find-tdlcpage) ;; (find-tdlcpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-tdlcpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-tdlctext "") ;; (find-tdsvdpage) ;; (find-tdsvdpage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-tdsvdpage (+ 1 189) "Index") ;; (find-tdsvdtext "") ;; «st-by-ex» (to ".st-by-ex") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "st-by-ex") ;; https://rmod-files.lille.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/ ;; https://rmod-files.lille.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/SmalltalkByExampleON2.pdf ;; https://rmod-files.lille.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/SmalltalkByExampleNewRelease.pdf (code-pdf-page "stbyex" "$S/https/rmod-files.lille.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/SmalltalkByExampleON2.pdf") (code-pdf-text "stbyex" "$S/https/rmod-files.lille.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/SmalltalkByExampleON2.pdf") (code-pdf-page "stbyex" "$S/https/rmod-files.lille.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/SmalltalkByExampleNewRelease.pdf") (code-pdf-text "stbyex" "$S/https/rmod-files.lille.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/SmalltalkByExampleNewRelease.pdf") ;; (find-stbyexpage) ;; (find-stbyextext) ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 3 1) "Introduction") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 3 1) "Introduction") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 9 1) "1" "Basic Concepts") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 9 1) "1" "Basic Concepts") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 16 1) "2" "Messages") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 16 1) "2" "Messages") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 22 1) "3" "Methods") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 22 1) "3" "Methods") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 29 1) "4" "Variables") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 29 1) "4" "Variables") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 43 1) "5" "Instance Creation") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 43 1) "5" "Instance Creation") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 48 1) "6" "Special Variables, Characters, and" "Symbols") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 48 1) "6" "Special Variables, Characters, and" "Symbols") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 55 1) "7" "Global Variables") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 55 1) "7" "Global Variables") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 60 1) "8" "Control Structures") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 60 1) "8" "Control Structures") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 64 1) "9" "Object-Oriented Thinking") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 64 1) "9" "Object-Oriented Thinking") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 70 1) "10" "Object") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 70 1) "10" "Object") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 75 1) "11" "Collections") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 75 1) "11" "Collections") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 89 1) "12" "Strings") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 89 1) "12" "Strings") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 96 1) "13" "Streams") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 96 1) "13" "Streams") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 102 1) "14" "Files") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 102 1) "14" "Files") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 109 1) "15" "Printing Objects") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 109 1) "15" "Printing Objects") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 113 1) "16" "Processes") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 113 1) "16" "Processes") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 122 1) "17" "Coordinating and Sequencing events") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 122 1) "17" "Coordinating and Sequencing events") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 127 1) "18" "Cleaning up at Termination") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 127 1) "18" "Cleaning up at Termination") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 130 1) "19" "The Dependency Mechanism") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 130 1) "19" "The Dependency Mechanism") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 141 1) "20" "Error Handling") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 141 1) "20" "Error Handling") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 156 1) "21" "Debugging") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 156 1) "21" "Debugging") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 168 1) "22" "Common Errors") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 168 1) "22" "Common Errors") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 175 1) "23" "Model-View-Controller") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 175 1) "23" "Model-View-Controller") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 182 1) "24" "MVC Dependencies") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 182 1) "24" "MVC Dependencies") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 196 1) "25" "Hooks into the System") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 196 1) "25" "Hooks into the System") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 203 1) "26" "Changing Widgets at Runtime") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 203 1) "26" "Changing Widgets at Runtime") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 214 1) "27" "Extending the Application Framework") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 214 1) "27" "Extending the Application Framework") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 218 1) "28" "Eliminating Procedural Code") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 218 1) "28" "Eliminating Procedural Code") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 223 1) "29" "Meta-Programming") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 223 1) "29" "Meta-Programming") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 230 1) "30" "Testing") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 230 1) "30" "Testing") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 242 1) "31" "Customizing your Environment") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 242 1) "31" "Customizing your Environment") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 253 1) "32" "Changes to System Classes") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 253 1) "32" "Changes to System Classes") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 257 1) "33" "Managing Source Code") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 257 1) "33" "Managing Source Code") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 269 1) "34" "ENVY") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 269 1) "34" "ENVY") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 277 1) "35" "Public Domain Code and" "Information") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 277 1) "35" "Public Domain Code and" "Information") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 280 1) "A" "Source Files") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 280 1) "A" "Source Files") ;; (find-stbyexpage (+ 283 1) "B" "Source Code for" "Chapter 24") ;; (find-stbyextext (+ 283 1) "B" "Source Code for" "Chapter 24") ;; «byte-smalltalk» (to ".byte-smalltalk") ;; https://ia802700.us.archive.org/8/items/byte-magazine-1981-08/1981_08_BYTE_06-08_Smalltalk.pdf (code-pdf-page "byte81st" "$S/https/ia802700.us.archive.org/8/items/byte-magazine-1981-08/1981_08_BYTE_06-08_Smalltalk.pdf") (code-pdf-text "byte81st" "$S/https/ia802700.us.archive.org/8/items/byte-magazine-1981-08/1981_08_BYTE_06-08_Smalltalk.pdf") ;; (find-byte81stpage) ;; (find-byte81stpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-byte81stpage (+ 2 14) "Introducing") ;; (find-byte81stpage (+ 2 36) "The SmallTalk-80 System") ;; (find-byte81sttext) ;; (find-byte81sttext 16) ;; «sqlite» (to ".sqlite") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "sqlite") (code-pdf-page "allenowens" "~/books/__comp/allen_owens__the_definitive_guide_to_sqlite_2nd_ed.pdf") (code-pdf-text "allenowens" "~/books/__comp/allen_owens__the_definitive_guide_to_sqlite_2nd_ed.pdf" 22) ;; (find-allenowenspage) ;; (find-allenowenspage 6 "Contents at a Glance") ;; (find-allenowenspage 7 "Contents") ;; (find-allenowenspage (+ 22 323) "Index") ;; (find-allenowenstext "") ;; «ssh» (to ".ssh") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/4269/ssh--the-secure-shell---the-definitive-guide--2nd-edition--2005-01 (code-xpdf "snailbook" "~/books/__comp/barrett_silverman__ssh_the_secure_shell_2ed.pdf") (code-pdftotext "snailbook" "~/books/__comp/barrett_silverman__ssh_the_secure_shell_2ed.pdf" 16) ;; (ee-page-parameters "snailbook" 16) ;; (find-snailbookpage 5 "Contents") ;; (find-snailbookpage (+ 16 26) "2.4. Authentication by Cryptographic Key") ;; (find-snailbooktext (+ 16 26) "2.4. Authentication by Cryptographic Key") ;; (find-snailbookpage (+ 16 32) "2.5. The SSH Agent") ;; (find-snailbooktext (+ 16 32) "2.5. The SSH Agent") ;; (find-snailbookpage (+ 16 37) "2.6. Connecting Without a Password") ;; (find-snailbooktext "2.6. Connecting Without a Password") ;; (find-snailbookpage (+ 16 60) " Trusted-host authentication") ;; (find-snailbooktext " Trusted-host authentication") ;; (find-snailbookpage (+ 16 521) "Index") ;; (find-snailbooktext "Index") ;; «unixtools» (to ".unixtools") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "unixtools") ;; Markus Kuhn: "Unix Tools" (course at the Cambridge Computer Lab) ;; https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1516/UnixTools/ ;; https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1516/UnixTools/unixtools-slides.pdf ;; https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1516/UnixTools/notes.pdf (code-pdf-page "unixtoolss" "$S/https/www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1516/UnixTools/unixtools-slides.pdf") (code-pdf-text "unixtoolss" "$S/https/www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1516/UnixTools/unixtools-slides.pdf") (code-pdf-page "unixtoolsn" "$S/https/www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1516/UnixTools/notes.pdf") (code-pdf-text "unixtoolsn" "$S/https/www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1516/UnixTools/notes.pdf") ;; (find-unixtoolsspage) ;; (find-unixtoolsstext) ;; (find-unixtoolsnpage) ;; (find-unixtoolsntext) ;; «unix-haters» (to ".unix-haters") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "unix-haters") ;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_UNIX-HATERS_Handbook ;; https://web.mit.edu/~simsong/www/ugh.pdf ;; https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/74cws/the_unix_haters_handbook_reconsidered/ ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19416485 The Unix-Haters Handbook (1994) [pdf] (web.mit.edu) ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13781815 The Unix-Haters Handbook (1994) [pdf] (web.mit.edu) ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7726115 The Unix Haters Handbook (1994) [pdf] (web.mit.edu) (code-pdf-page "unixhaters" "$S/https/web.mit.edu/~simsong/www/ugh.pdf") (code-pdf-text "unixhaters" "$S/https/web.mit.edu/~simsong/www/ugh.pdf" 40) ;; (find-unixhaterspage) ;; (find-unixhaterstext) ;; (find-unixhaterspage 11 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-unixhaterstext 11 "Table of Contents") ;; (find-unixhaterspage (+ 38 148) "The Shell Game") ;; (find-unixhaterstext (+ 38 148) "The Shell Game") ;; «unusual-effectiveness» (to ".unusual-effectiveness") ;; (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "unusual-effectiveness") ;; https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/papers/unreasonable/basl.pdf ;; Halpern/Harper/Immerman/Kolaitis/Vardi/Vian: ;; "On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science" (code-pdf-page "unusualeff" "$S/https/www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/papers/unreasonable/basl.pdf") (code-pdf-text "unusualeff" "$S/https/www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/papers/unreasonable/basl.pdf") ;; (find-unusualeffpage) ;; (find-unusualefftext) ;; ;; [Wig60] E.P. 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A word about using this text") ;; (find-stevensonplfpage (+ 16 37) "Milestone I\n" "LEARNING A NEW" "LANGUAGE, Gforth") ;; (find-stevensonplftext "Milestone I\n" "LEARNING A NEW" "LANGUAGE, Gforth") ;; (find-stevensonplftext "") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/194905/design-concepts-in-programming-languages (code-xpdf "turbakgifford" "~/books/__comp/turbak_gifford__design_concepts_in_programming_languages.pdf") (code-pdftotext "turbakgifford" "~/books/__comp/turbak_gifford__design_concepts_in_programming_languages.pdf") ;; (find-turbakgiffordpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-turbakgiffordpage (+ 25 1227) "Index") ;; (find-turbakgiffordtext "") ;; ~/books/__comp/gang_of_four__design_patterns.chm ;; (find-unpack-chm-links "~/books/__comp/gang_of_four__design_patterns.chm" "/tmp/designpats/" "designpats") (code-c-d "designpats" "/tmp/designpats/") ;; (find-designpatsfile "") ;; (find-designpatsw3m "00.htm") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/17653/concepts--techniques--and-models-of-computer-programming (code-xpdf "vanroyharidi" "~/books/__comp/van_roy_haridi__concepts_techniques_and_models_of_computer_programming.pdf") ;; 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(find-tcs375page (+ 5 3) "A fibrational framework...") ;; (find-tcs375page (+ 5 20) "Combining algebraic effects with continuations") ;; (find-tcs375page (+ 5 42) "On the relations between monadic semantics") ;; (find-tcs375page (+ 5 76) "A syntactic correspondence...") ;; (find-tcs375page (+ 5 193) "Core algebra revisited") ;; (find-tcs375page (+ 5 201) "The Girard-Reynolds isomorphism") ;; (find-tcs375page (+ 5 335) "A few exercises in theorem processing") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/335399/theoretical-computer-science--volume-316--issues-1-3--pages-1-323--28-may-2004---recent-developments-in-domain-theory--a-collection-of-papers-in-honour-of-dana-s--scott (code-xpdf "tcs316" "~/books/__comp/tcs_316__in_honour_of_dana_scott.pdf") ;; (find-tcs316page 1 "Contents") ;; (find-tcs316page (+ 1 105) "Lawvere" "Left and right adjoint operations on spaces and data types") ;; (find-tcs316page (+ 1 112) "Gentzen") ;; (find-tcs316page (+ 1 189) "Streicher") ;; (find-tcs316page 320 "Author index") ;; 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http://gigapedia.com/items/66716/beautiful-code--leading-programmers-explain-how-they-think--theory-in-practice--o--039-reilly-- ;; (find-unpack-chm-links "~/books/__comp/oram_wilson__beautiful_code.chm" "/tmp/beautifulcode/" "beautifulcode") (code-c-d "beautifulcode" "/tmp/beautifulcode/") ;; (find-beautifulcodefile "") ;; (find-beautifulcodew3m "000.toc.html") ;; (find-beautifulcodew3m "246.index.html") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/111804/the-little-lisper---3rd-edition (code-djvu "littlelisper" "~/books/__comp/friedman_felleisen__the_little_lisper.djvu") ;; (find-littlelisperpage 4 "vii" "Contents") ;; (find-littlelisperpage 108 "205" "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/137595/the-art-of-the-metaobject-protocol (code-djvu "taotmp" "~/books/__comp/kiczales__the_art_of_the_metaobject_protocol.djvu") ;; (find-taotmppage 2 "Contents") ;; (find-taotmppage (+ -5 327) "Index") ;; http://gigapedia.com/items/360364/masterminds-of-programming--conversations-with-the-creators-of-major-programming-languages--theory-in-practice--o--039-reilly-- (code-xpdf "masterminds" "~/books/__comp/biancuzzi_warden__masterminds_of_programming.pdf") (code-pdftotext "masterminds" "~/books/__comp/biancuzzi_warden__masterminds_of_programming.pdf") ;; 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Ruby") ;; (find-tate7langspage 60 "3. Io") ;; (find-tate7langspage 95 "4. Prolog") ;; (find-tate7langspage 135 "5. Scala") ;; (find-tate7langspage 181 "6. Erlang") ;; (find-tate7langspage 323 "Index") ;; (find-tate7langstext "") ;; Programming pearls 1, chap 13: "a spelling checker" - pipeline ;; (find-sh "grep gigapedia /tmp/pen/todo-persephone") ;; (find-sh "grep gigapedia /tmp/pen/notes-horses") (code-xpdf "pliemilner" "~/books/__comp/plotkin_stirling_tofte__proof_language_and_interaction_essays_in_honor_of_robin_milner.pdf") (code-pdftotext "pliemilner" "~/books/__comp/plotkin_stirling_tofte__proof_language_and_interaction_essays_in_honor_of_robin_milner.pdf") ;; (find-pliemilnerpage 6 "Contents") ;; (find-pliemilnerpage (+ 15 239) "Huet" "Saibi" "Constructive Category Theory") ;; (find-pliemilnertext "") (code-djvu "kernighanpike" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_pike__the_unix_programming_environment.djvu") (code-djvutotext "kernighanpike" "~/books/__comp/kernighan_pike__the_unix_programming_environment.djvu") ;; (find-kernighanpikepage 1 "Contents") ;; (find-kernighanpikepage (+ 1 1) "Index") ;; (find-kernighanpiketext "") (code-xpdf "steele" "~/books/__comp/steele__common_lisp_the_language.pdf") (code-pdftotext "steele" "~/books/__comp/steele__common_lisp_the_language.pdf") ;; (find-steelepage 2 "Contents") ;; (find-steelepage (+ 25 504) "19. 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