Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% Extra dednat4 functions, beyond the ones defined in:
% (find-dn4file "experimental.lua")
% Edrx, 2005jul07

%% (find-doutfile "defs-dnt.tex" "sl_")
%L forths["sl_"] = macro(".slide= -2.5pt")
%L forths["sl^"] = macro(".slide= 2.5pt")
%L forths["sl__"] = macro(".slide= -5pt")
%L forths["sl^^"] = macro(".slide= 5pt")

%% (find-doutfile "defs-dnt.tex" "pbsymbol")
%L emitTeX = function (arrow)
%L     return arrow.TeX
%L   end
%L forths["relplace"] = function ()
%L     local x, y = ds[1].x, ds[1].y
%L     local dx, dy = getwordasluaexpr(), getwordasluaexpr()
%L     local TeX = getword()
%L     storearrow {special=emitTeX, TeX = format(
%L         "\\place(%d,%d)[{%s}]", realx(x+dx), realy(y+dy), TeX
%L       )}
%L   end
%L forths["_|"] = macro "relplace 7 7 \\pbsymbol{7}"

% New stuff, not in the dout files:

%L forths["x+="] = function () ds[1].x = ds[1].x + getwordasluaexpr() end