Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;;; eev-lean4.el -- ???.  -*- lexical-binding: nil; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU eev.
;; GNU eev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU eev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; Author:     Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
;; Maintainer: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
;; Version:    20240619
;; Keywords:   e-scripts
;; Latest version: <http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-lean4.el>
;;       htmlized: <http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-lean4.el.html>
;;       See also: <http://anggtwu.net/eev-current/eev-beginner.el.html>
;;                 <http://anggtwu.net/eev-intros/find-lean4-intro.html>
;;                                               (find-lean4-intro)

;;; Comment:


;; Index:
;; «.ee-let*-macro-leandoc»	(to "ee-let*-macro-leandoc")
;; «.code-leandocpdf»		(to "code-leandocpdf")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:fplean4»	(to "ee-leandoc-:fplean4")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:lean4»		(to "ee-leandoc-:lean4")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:leanmeta»	(to "ee-leandoc-:leanmeta")
;; «.ee-leandoc-:tpil4»		(to "ee-leandoc-:tpil4")

;; «ee-let*-macro-leandoc»  (to ".ee-let*-macro-leandoc")
;; See: (find-templates-intro "7. let* macros")
;; Skel: (find-let*-macro-links "leandoc" "plist" "g kw kill baseweb gitrepo gitname")
;; Test: (ee-let*-macro-leandoc '(:usrc "~/bigsrc/") usrc)
(defmacro ee-let*-macro-leandoc (pl &rest code)
  "An internal function used by `find-leandoc-links'."
       ((pl        ,pl)
	(plist     (if (symbolp pl) (symbol-value pl) pl))
	((symbol-function 'g) (lambda (field) (plist-get plist field)))
	(kw        (or (g :kw)       "{kw}"))
	(kill      (or (g :kill)     "{kill}"))
	(base      (or (g :base)     "{base}"))
	(baseweb   (or (g :base-web) "{baseweb}"))
	(rst       (or (g :rst)      ".rst"))
	(usrc      (or (g :usrc)     "~/usrc/"))
	(gitrepo   (or (g :git-repo) "{gitrepo}"))
	(gitsubdir (or (g :git-subdir) ""))
	(basewebl  (ee-url-to-fname0 baseweb))
	(baseweblu (format "file://%s" (ee-url-to-fname  baseweb)))
	(baseweb-  (replace-regexp-in-string "https://" "" baseweb))
	(gitname   (replace-regexp-in-string "^.*/\\([^/]*\\)/?$" "\\1" gitrepo))
        (gitdir    (or (g :git-dir) (format "%s%s/" usrc gitname)))
	(baserst   (cond ((g :base-rst) (g :base-rst))
		 	 ((g :git-repo) (format "%s%s" gitdir gitsubdir))
			 (t             "/BASE-RST/")))
	(baserst-  (replace-regexp-in-string "~/" "" baserst))

;; «code-leandocpdf»  (to ".code-leandocpdf")
;; Skel: (find-code-xxx-links "leandocpdf" "pl" "")
;; Test: (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:lean4)
(defun      code-leandocpdf (pl)
  (eval (ee-read      (ee-code-leandocpdf pl))))
(defun find-code-leandocpdf (pl)
  (let ((ee-buffer-name
	 (or ee-buffer-name "*find-code-leandocpdf*")))
    (find-estring-elisp (ee-code-leandocpdf pl))))
(defun   ee-code-leandocpdf (pl)
   (ee-template0 "\
;; (find-code-leandocpdf '{(ee-S pl)})
;;      (code-leandocpdf '{(ee-S pl)})

;; Try: (find-{kw}doc  \"{base}\")
;;      (find-{kw}docw \"{base}\")
;;      (find-{kw}docr \"{base}\")
;;      (find-{kw}docrfile \"\")
;;      (find-rstdoc-links :{kw})
(setq ee-rstdoc-:{kw}
      '(:base      \"{base}\"
        :base-web  \"{baseweb}\"
        :base-html \"file:///home/edrx/snarf/https/{baseweb-}\"
        :base-rst  \"{baserst}\"
        :rst       \"{rst}\"
        :res       (\"#.*$\" \"\\\\?.*$\"
                    \"\\\\.html$\" \"\\\\.txt$\" \"\\\\.rst$\" \"\\\\.md$\" \"\\\\.lean$\"
                    \"^file://+\" \"^/\" \"^home/edrx/\" \"^~/\" \"^snarf/\" \"^https:?/+\"
        :kill      {kill}

;; Try: (find-code-rstdoc :{kw})
             (code-rstdoc :{kw})

;; Try: (find-{kw}page)
;;      (find-{kw}text)
(code-pdf-page  \"{kw}\" \"{basewebl}print.pdf\")
(code-pdf-text8 \"{kw}\" \"{basewebl}print.pdf\")

;; Try: (find-{kw}doc  \"{base}\")
;;      (find-{kw}docw \"{base}\")
;;      (find-{kw}docr \"{base}\")
;;      (find-{kw}docrfile \"\")
;;      (find-rstdoc-links :{kw})
;;      (find-code-rstdoc :{kw})
;;      (find-{kw}page)
;;      (find-{kw}text)


;; «ee-leandoc-:fplean4»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:fplean4")
;; Try: (find-fplean4doc  "introduction")
;;      (find-fplean4docw "introduction")
;;      (find-fplean4docr "introduction")
;;      (find-fplean4docrfile "")
;;      (find-rstdoc-links :fplean4)
;;      (find-code-rstdoc :fplean4)
;;      (find-fplean4page)
;;      (find-fplean4text)
(setq ee-leandoc-:fplean4
 '(:kw         "fplean4"
   :kill       "fpk"
   :rst        ".md"
   :base-web   "https://lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover/fp-lean"
   :git-subdir "functional-programming-lean/src/"
   :base       "introduction"
;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:fplean4)
        (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:fplean4)

;; «ee-leandoc-:lean4»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:lean4")
;; Try: (find-lean4doc  "whatIsLean")
;;      (find-lean4docw "whatIsLean")
;;      (find-lean4docr "whatIsLean.md")
;;      (find-lean4docrfile "")
;;      (find-rstdoc-links :lean4)
;;      (find-code-rstdoc :lean4)
;;      (find-lean4page)
;;      (find-lean4text)
(setq ee-leandoc-:lean4
 '(:kw         "lean4"
   :kill       "ldk"
   :base-web   "https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover/lean4"
   :usrc       "~/bigsrc/"
   :base-rst   "~/bigsrc/lean4/doc/"
   :base       "whatIsLean"
   :rst        ""
;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:lean4)
        (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:lean4)

;; «ee-leandoc-:leanmeta»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:leanmeta")
;; Try: (find-leanmetadoc  "main/01_intro")
;;      (find-leanmetadocw "main/01_intro")
;;      (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro")
;;      (find-leanmetadocrfile "")
;;      (find-rstdoc-links :leanmeta)
;;      (find-code-rstdoc :leanmeta)
;;      (find-leanmetapage)
;;      (find-leanmetatext)
(setq ee-leandoc-:leanmeta
 '(:kw         "leanmeta"
   :kill       "lmk"
   :rst        ".lean"
   :base-web   "https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book"
   :git-subdir "lean/"
   :base       "main/01_intro"
;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta)
        (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta)

;; «ee-leandoc-:tpil4»  (to ".ee-leandoc-:tpil4")
;; Try: (find-tpil4doc  "introduction")
;;      (find-tpil4docw "introduction")
;;      (find-tpil4docr "introduction")
;;      (find-tpil4docrfile "")
;;      (find-rstdoc-links :tpil4)
;;      (find-code-rstdoc :tpil4)
;;      (find-tpil4page)
;;      (find-tpil4text)
(setq ee-leandoc-:tpil4
 '(:kw         "tpil4"
   :kill       "tpk"
   :rst        ".md"
   :base-web   "https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/"
   :git-repo   "https://github.com/leanprover/theorem_proving_in_lean4"
   :git-subdir ""
   :base       "introduction"
;; (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tpil4)
        (code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tpil4)

(provide 'eev-lean4)

;; Local Variables:
;; coding:            utf-8-unix
;; no-byte-compile:   t
;; End: