Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# -*- mode: sh -*-
# This is the `rcfiles/.bashrc-psne' file of GNU eev.
# This file is in the Public Domain.
# Author and version: Eduardo Ochs, 2005jan07

# The installation scripts of eev add a few lines to your .zshrc to
# make zsh read this file on startup.
# (find-eevrc "change" "eev_chunk_for_dotbashrc")
# This is a simple implementation of `psne' for zsh.
# Example: "psne http://www.foo.bar/mm" will run this:
#   mkdir -p $S/http/www.foo.bar/ && \
#   cd       $S/http/www.foo.bar/ && \
#   wget http://www.foo.bar/mm
# Note that after running that "psne" we are left at the directory
# "~/snarf/http/www.foo.bar/".

export S;: ${S:=~/snarf}

function psne-sh-sed-snarfize () { sed 's,^\([a-z]*\)://,$S/\1/,' }
function psne-sh-urlp () { echo $1 | egrep -q '^(http|ftp)://' }
function psne-sh-meta () {(
  SURL=$(echo $1 | psne-sh-sed-snarfize)
  DIR=$(dirname $SURL)
  echo "mkdir -p $DIR/ && \\"
  echo "cd       $DIR/ && \\"
  echo "wget $URL"
function psne-sh () {
  if psne-sh-urlp $1; then
    eval "$(psne-sh-meta $1)"
    echo $1 >> ~/.psne.log
    echo "Not an url: $1"
alias psne=psne-sh

# (eev ". $EEVRCDIR/.bashrc-psne; psne-sh-meta http://www.foo.bar/mm")
# (find-node "(bashref)The Set Builtin" "`e'")