Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;   Copyright (c) 2004-2007 by Keith M. Knowles.
;   Confidential, unpublished property of Keith M. Knowles.
;   All rights reserved.
;   Program:		Mini-Menu.
;   Module:		menu.el -- mini-menu facility.
;   Version:		1
;   Author:		Keith M. Knowles.
;   Date:		Dec 2004
;   Changes:
;   07/07/28 kmk	Changed option letter format to [x] from x:.  Also,
;			return an ordinal, rather than the member.
;   06/04/27 kmk	Fixed the menu overflow case by truncation.
;   04/12/28 kmk	Initial version.
;   Notes:
;   Description:
;   Pop up a "mini-menu" in the mini-buffer and return the user selection.

( defun mini-menu ( list )
  "Pop-up mini-menu"
  ( interactive )

  ; Assemble a menu.
  ( let
      ( ( menu nil )
	( letter "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" ) )
    ( dolist ( menu-item list nil )
      ( if ( = ( string-to-char menu-item ) ?\" )
	( setq menu-item ( substring menu-item 1 -1 ) )
      ( if ( not ( string-equal letter "" ) )
	( progn
	  ( setq menu ( concat menu "[" ( substring letter 0 1 ) "] " menu-item " " ) )
	  ( setq letter ( substring letter 1 -1 ) )
    ( setq menu ( concat menu "? " ) )
    ( setq answer ( read-char menu ) )
    ( setq
      ( cond
	( ( and ( >= answer ?a ) ( <= answer ?z ) )
	  ;( elt list ( - answer ?a ) )
	  ( - answer ?a )
	( ( and ( >= answer ?A ) ( <= answer ?Z ) )
	  ;( elt list ( + ( - answer ?A ) 26 ) )
	  ( + ( - answer ?A ) 26 )
	( ( and ( >= answer ?0 ) ( <= answer ?9 ) )
	  ;( elt list ( + ( - answer ?0 ) 52 ) )
	  ( + ( - answer ?0 ) 52 )
	( t nil )