Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
Other ways to compile and install this package

(Preliminary notes; tested on Debian and RedHat,
as an unpriviledged user; Edrx, 2001sep25)

# (find-fline "~/public_html/lua-4.0/")
# (find-fline "~/public_html/lua-4.0/README.yada")
# (find-es "lua" "any_distro")
cd ~/tmp/
rm -Rv lua-4.0 lua_4.0*

cd ~/tmp/
wget http://angg.twu.net/debian/dists/potato/local/source/lua_4.0-0.3.diff.gz
wget http://angg.twu.net/debian/dists/potato/local/source/lua_4.0-0.3.dsc
wget http://angg.twu.net/debian/dists/potato/local/source/lua_4.0.orig.tar.gz

cd ~/tmp/
rm -Rv lua-4.0.orig/ lua-4.0/
tar -xvzf lua_4.0.orig.tar.gz
mv lua-4.0.orig/ lua-4.0/
cd lua-4.0/
zcat ../lua_4.0-0.3.diff.gz | patch -p1

# An alternative to the previous block: if we are in a copy of my home
# dir (made using the tourism package) the we can use the newest
# versions of my patches and extras files instead of the .diff.gz...
# (find-es "lua" "lua_4.0-0.3")

cd ~/tmp/
rm -Rv lua-4.0.orig/ lua-4.0/
tar -xvzf lua_4.0.orig.tar.gz
mv lua-4.0.orig/ lua-4.0/
cd lua-4.0/

(cd ~/lua-4.0/; for i in $(<_NEWFILES); do cp -Piav $i ~/tmp/lua-4.0/; done)
(cd ~/lua-4.0/; for i in $(<_PATCHES); do patch -p0 ~/tmp/lua-4.0/$i < $i.patch; done)
(cd src/libdllua/; mv -v lrexlib.c lrexlib-orig.c; mv -v lrexlib-new.c lrexlib.c)

# (find-fline "~/tmp/lua-4.0/")
# (find-fline "~/tmp/lua-4.0/debian/packages" "Build: sh")
cd ~/tmp/lua-4.0/

find * | sort > .files
make all so sobin
mkdir inst
make INSTALL_ROOT=$PWD/inst install
rm                  inst/lib/liblua.so
ln -s liblua.so.4.0 inst/lib/liblua.so
rm                     inst/lib/liblualib.so
ln -s liblualib.so.4.0 inst/lib/liblualib.so
rm                    inst/lib/libdllua.so
ln -s libdllua.so.4.0 inst/lib/libdllua.so
(cd doc; makeinfo lua.texi; gzip -9 lua.info*)

cd ~/tmp/lua-4.0/inst/
cp -afv lib/* ~/lib/
cp -afv bin/* ~/bin/
cp -afv include/* ~/include/

# (find-fline "~/.zshrc.local.puc" "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORIGLIBPATH:$HOME/lib")
