Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# This file:
#   http://angg.twu.net/.fvwm/doc_Makefile.html
#   http://angg.twu.net/.fvwm/doc_Makefile
#           (find-angg ".fvwm/doc_Makefile")
# Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
# Complements: (find-fvwm3file "doc/Makefile")
# See: (find-es "fvwm" "asciidoctor")
#      (find-es "asciidoc")
#      (find-angg ".emacs.fvwm")
# (setq eepitch-preprocess-regexp "^")
# (setq eepitch-preprocess-regexp "^#T ")
#T * (eepitch-shell)
#T * (eepitch-kill)
#T * (eepitch-shell)
#T cd ~/usrc/fvwm3/doc/
#T make -f ~/.fvwm/doc_Makefile man1_PDFS.showvar
#T make -f ~/.fvwm/doc_Makefile man1_TXTS.showvar
#T make -f ~/.fvwm/doc_Makefile pdfs
#T make -f ~/.fvwm/doc_Makefile txts
#T make -f ~/.fvwm/doc_Makefile clean
#T make -f ~/.fvwm/doc_Makefile

	fvwm3.adoc \
	fvwm3all.adoc \
	fvwm3commands.adoc \
	fvwm3menus.adoc \
	fvwm3styles.adoc \
	$(wildcard Fvwm*.adoc) \
	$(wildcard fvwm-*.adoc)

man1_PDFS := $(patsubst %.adoc,%.pdf, $(MODULE_ADOC))
man1_TXTS := $(patsubst %.adoc,%.txt, $(MODULE_ADOC))

all: pdfs txts

	@echo $(value $*) | tr ' ' '\n'

%.pdf: %.adoc
	asciidoctor-pdf -a "$(patsubst %.1,%,$@)" "$<" -o "$@"
pdfs: $(man1_PDFS)

# (find-es "make" "variables")
%.txt: %.pdf
	pdftotext -layout -enc Latin1 $< - > $@
txts: $(man1_TXTS)

	rm -fv $(man1_TXTS)
	rm -fv $(man1_PDFS)

clean: cleanpdfs cleantxts

#T * (eepitch-shell)
#T * (eepitch-kill)
#T * (eepitch-shell)
#T cd ~/usrc/fvwm3/doc/

# (find-man "pdftotext")

# Local Variables:
# coding:  utf-8-unix
# End: