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What is the correct level of detail? Which entities should we introduce first? Well, this depends on our target audience; if we are speaking to a Category Theorist then we may start by saying just, for example, ``let $f$ be a morphism'', and it will be understood that we have two objects, $\Dom f$ and $\Cod f$, belonging to the same category --- at this point unnamed --- and that $f$ goes from $\Dom f$ to $\Cod f$; if later we say $f: A \to B$ or $A \ton{f} B$ then we will be giving better (and shorter) names for $\Dom f$ and $\Cod f$, but the category where $A$ and $B$ live may remain unnamed for a while more... % rather than to a human % (find-es "coq" "email-about-7-uples") If we are talking to a proof assistant --- Coq, say --- instead of to a human then we are forced to declare our entities in a certain order, and to name all of them. For example: % {% \myttchars % \footnotesize \begin{verbatim} Variable CatC : Categories. let (C_0, Hom_C, id_C, o_C, idL_C, idR_C, assoc_C) := CatC in Variable A B : C_0, f : Hom_C A B. ... end. \end{verbatim} } In this note we will show how to formalize some constructions and proofs in a proof assistant in a way that: \msk 1) lets us choose just a very few names, 2) lets us use names that are very close to a certain graphical notation, 3) lets us split our constructions and proofs in two layers, or parts: a ``syntactical'' part, that must necessarily come first, and a ``logical'' part, 4) lets us build easily dictionaries between several standard notations. \msk We will say that a construction (or proof) that has both its syntactical part and its logical part is happening in the ``real world''; by dropping its logical part and keeping just its syntactical part we obtain a corresponding construction in the ``syntactical world''. We will call this passage from the real world to the syntactical world a ``projection'' --- as projections discard some information (intuitively coordinates, or components) and forget some distinctions. The opposite operation is a ``lifting'': we may start with a syntactical construction or proof, and then try to lift that to the real world. The ``projection'' direction is easy, and we can always be done (section \ref{abcats}; explain abelian categories, and which ``always'' is that); the ``lifting'' direction is hard, and I don't even know how to characterize when a given lifting can be done; see the list of problems in section \ref{future}. The plan of this paper is as follows. In section \ref{cats-in-coq} we define ``category'', ``protocategory'', ``isomorphism'', ``proto-isomorphism'', etc, in the right way (for our purposes!). In section \ref{dnc-in-coq} we explain a trick to make Coq accept our notation; in section \ref{yoneda} we present an example: a syntactical proof of the Yoneda Lemma. In section \ref{nd-for-cats}. we present a system of Natural Deduction for (proto-)categories, and in section \ref{nd-for-dt} we sketch how it can be extended to a system of Natural Deduction for dependent types. Section \ref{future} discusses open problems and directions for future work. \section{Downcasing Functors} \label{downcasing-functors} \begin{quote} {\sl Fix an object $A$ of $\Set$. Let $(A×)$ be the functor that takes each object $B$ to $A×B$.} \end{quote} Why do we say ``{\sl the}'' functor in the sentence above? A functor, $F$, is composed of an action on objects, $F_0$, and an action on morphisms, $F_1$ --- plus some ``assertions'', that we will discuss soon (section \ref{downcasing-assertions}) ---; the description above says only that $F_0$ is $B \mto A×B$, i.e., $ðB¨\Sets.A×B$. In a first moment we only know that $F_1$ is ``obvious''. How do we deduce it? Let's draw a diagram. For a morphism $f:B \to C$ in $\Set$ we have % %D diagram dncf1 %D 2Dx 100 +30 +25 +30 +25 +30 %D 2D F_0 %D 2D 100 B |-----> F_0B {B} |---> A×B b ====> a,b %D 2D | - | | - - %D 2D | |--> | | |--> | | |-> | %D 2D v v v v v v %D 2D +30 C |-----> F_0C {C} |---> A×C c ====> a,c %D 2D %D (( B F_0B C F_0C %D @ 0 @ 1 |-> .plabel= a F_0 %D @ 0 @ 2 -> .plabel= l f %D @ 1 @ 3 -> .plabel= r F_0f %D @ 2 @ 3 |-> .plabel= b F_0 %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D )) %D (( {B} A×B {C} A×C %D @ 0 @ 1 |-> .plabel= a (A×)_0 %D @ 0 @ 2 -> .plabel= l f %D @ 1 @ 3 -> .plabel= r A×f %D @ 2 @ 3 |-> .plabel= b (A×)_0 %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D )) %D (( b a,b c a,c %D @ 0 @ 1 => %D @ 0 @ 2 |-> %D @ 1 @ 3 |-> %D @ 2 @ 3 => %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\diag{dncf1}$$ The square at the right is the downcased version of the middle square. The morphism $f$, a function, takes each point of $B$, $b$, to a point of $C$, $c := f(b)$. The notation $b \mto c$ --- instead of $b \mto f(b)$ --- is an extrapolation of the the convention used by physicists. Given a trajectory, $q(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t))$, and two instants, $t_0$ and $t_1$, physicists define by default that $x_0 = x(t_0)$, $q_0 = (x_0, y_0, z_0)$, and so on, and sometimes $x=x(t)$, $y=y(t)$, $z=z(t)$, $q=(x,y,z)$. Instead of defining lots of rules for default meanings we will do domething else. Our input to Coq will be filtered through a simple preprocessor that allows ``long names'' --- downcasings, plus much more (maybe {\sl too much} more). Let's see an example: % (find-es "tex" "verbatimbox") % (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty" "ttchars") % (find-gregsymbolspage 1) % (find-texbookpage 1) % (find-texbookpage (+ 11 469) "\\langle") % (find-texbookpage (+ 11 146) "\\langle") \bsk {\myttchars \begin{verbbox} a := proj1 «a,b» b := proj2 «a,b» c := «b|->c» b «a,c» := (a, c) ... \end{verbbox} % $\begin{array}{ccc} \theverbbox[c] & \squigto & \mathtt{foo.v} \\ \dnto \\ \mathtt{foo.dnc} \\ \text{in ascii} \\ \end{array} $ } \bsk The preprocessor first builds a listing of all the long names (the $\angg{\ldots}$ things) that appear in a set of \texttt{.dnc} files, then associates a Coq-friendly identifier of the form \texttt{dnc}{\sl nnn} to each of them, then translates all the \texttt{.dnc} files to \texttt{.v} files. A modification of that idea allows one to use Coq interactively from Emacs with a similar kind of long name translation; but this is not relevant here (see dnc-0.el for details). For typesetting \texttt{.dnc} files, like in the lower rectangle above, we use a different kind of translation. We borrow the idea of ``abbreviations'' from Dednat4. In the default abbrev table for Dednat4, ``\texttt{|->}'' becomes ``\verb|\tnto |'', and ``\verb|\tnto |'' is \verb|\def|'d in the default \LaTeX\ preamble for Dednat4 as \begin{center} \verb.\def\tnto{\overset{\bullet}{\to}}. \end{center} The expansion process considers the longest matching abbrev at any point. So, as ``\verb.|-.'' expands to ``\verb|\vdash |'', ``\verb.P,Q,R|-S.'' expands to ``\verb.P,Q,R\vdash S.'', which typesets as $P,Q,R\vdash S$; ``\verb.b|->c.'' typesets as $b \mto c$. % (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "lawvere") % (find-lawverecmpage (+ 15 13) "internal diagram of a set") A remark: downcasings correspond, {\sl very} loosely, to the ``internal view'' of a function (see LawCM, p.14). For example, %D diagram internal-view %D 2Dx 100 +50 %D 2D 100 \N -----> \R %D 2D %D 2D +15 %D 2D +8 0 |----> 0{} %D 2D +8 1 |----> 1{} %D 2D +8 2 |----> \sqrt{2} %D 2D +10 \vdots \vdots{} %D 2D +10 49 |---> 7 %D 2D +12 n |---> \sqrt{n} %D 2D %D (( \N \R -> .plabel= a Ð{sqrt} %D 0 0{} |-> %D 1 1{} |-> %D 2 \sqrt{2} |-> %D \vdots place \vdots{} place %D 49 7 |-> %D n \sqrt{n} |-> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\diag{internal-view}$$ We are free to use long names as we please. Coherence is desirable but not mandatory, and we may leave to define what is coherent naming afterwards --- or never. This, for me, is a charming way to state that $ýn¨\N.\sqrt{4n}=2\sqrt{n}$: %D diagram sqrt-4 %D 2Dx 100 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 %D 2D 100 25 |--> 5 \N ----> \R n |---> \sqrt{n} %D 2D - - | | - - %D 2D | | | | | | %D 2D | | | | | v %D 2D +21 v v v v v 2\sqrt{n} %D 2D +09 100 |--> 10 {}\N ----> \R{} 4n |---> \sqrt{4n} %D 2D %D (( 25 5 100 10 %D @ 0 @ 1 |-> @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |-> @ 2 @ 3 |-> %D )) %D (( \N \R {}\N \R{} %D @ 0 @ 1 -> .plabel= a \sqrt{\;} %D @ 0 @ 2 -> .plabel= l 4· %D @ 1 @ 3 -> .plabel= r 2· %D @ 2 @ 3 -> .plabel= a \sqrt{\;} %D )) %D (( n \sqrt{n} 4n 2\sqrt{n} \sqrt{4n} %D @ 0 @ 1 |-> @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |-> @ 2 @ 4 |-> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\diag{sqrt-4}$$ In some contexts 25 is so big that $25 \mto 5$ ``can only be'' the square root; similarly, $25 \to 100$ ``can only be'' multiplication by 4, and so on, and the commutativity of the square can be expressed as: {\myttchars \footnotesize \begin{verbatim} sqrt := «25|->100» : N -> N = *4 «100|->10» : N -> R = sqrt ... «\wd[25|->10]» : ... \end{verbatim} } We will say that $\angg{25 \mto 5 \mto 10}$ and $\angg{25 \mto 100 \mto 10}$ are two ``natural constructions'' for $\angg{25 \mto 10}$, and we will use the last notation above, $\angg{welld{25 \mto 10}}$ --- that we pronounce as ``$25 \mto 10$ is well defined'' --- to mean ``all the most obvious natural constructions for $25 \mto 10$ yield the same result''; these ``most obvious natural constructions'' will usually be just two, only very rarely three, four, or more; in any case, the Coq code will expand each $\angg{\welld[\ldots]}$ into an explicit equality. Note that a $\angg{\welld[\aa]}$ is (usually) much weaker than a coherence theorem (see \citation{Kromer}, p.\_\_) that states that {\sl all} possible natural constructions for terms with the same type as $\aa$ give the same result. \section{Natural Deduction} \label{natural-deduction} \def\fourdicts{ \begin{array}{rcl} a,b &:=& d \\ b \mto c &:=& f \\ \\ b &:=& '(a,b) \\ c &:=& (b \mto c)(b) \\ a,c &:=& \ang{a,c} \\ a,b \mto a,c &:=& ð(a,b).(a,c) \\ \end{array} } %:*&*\&* %:*&*∧* %:*×*{×}* %:*<*\langle * %:*>*\rangle * %: %: f¨B->C Q->R %: =============(?) ============(?) %: f^\#¨A×B->A×C (P&Q)->(P&R) %: %: ^4-functional? ^4-logical? %: %: [P&Q]^1 [d¨A×B]^1 %: ------- --------- %: [P&Q]^1 Q Q⊃R [d¨A×B]^1 'd¨B f¨B->C %: ------- ---------- --------- ---------------- %: P R d¨A f('d)¨C %: -------------- ----------------------- %: P&R <d,f('d)>¨A×C %: ----------1 ------------------------------1 %: (P&Q⊃P&R) ðd¨A×B.<d,f('d)>:A×B->A×C %: %: ^4-logical ^4-functional %: $$\ded{4-logical} \qquad \ded{4-functional}$$ %: [a,b]^1 [A×B]^1 %: ------- ------- a,b := d %: [a,b]^1 b b|->c [A×B]^1 B B->C b|->c := f %: ------- ----------- ------- ---------- %: a c A C a := (a,b) %: ------------- ------------- b := '(a,b) %: a,c A×C c := (b|->c)(b) %: --------- --------- a,c := <a,c> %: a,b|->a,c A×B->A×C a,b|->a,c := ð(a,b).(a,c) %: %: ^4-dnc ^4-sets %: $$\cded{4-dnc} \qquad \cded{4-sets}$$ $$\fourdicts$$ The squiggly arrow going downwards is evidently a projection --- it just drops the rules and the ``term:'' part of each ``term:Type'' declaration --- the upper dotted arrow is the Curry-Howard isomorphism, and the lower dotted arrow is a downcasing (to the left) and an uppercasing (to the right). Amazingly, the ``term:Type'' tree at the upper right can be reconstructed from the downcased tree at the lower left. Each bar of the downcased tree can be read as: ``if we know the values of the terms above the bar then we have a natural construction for the term below the bar''. This induces a dictionary --- of a new kind, not of abbrevs as in section \_\_ --- that defines all entries not in the ``leaves'' of the tree as terms: {\myttchars \footnotesize \begin{verbatim} «b» := proj2 «a,b» etc \end{verbatim} } If we preceed this with declarations for the left names as variables --- and if we handle the discharges correctly, and if we use uppercasings to determine the types --- then the root of the tree becomes a term, whose free variables are the names of the undischarged leaves. We will use the symbol `$\equiv$' to mean ``change of notation''. Now, if we just give the right standard names --- coming from the ``term:Type'' tree in the upper left, in diagram \_\_, --- to the [undischarged?] variables, we can reconstruct the ``term:Type'' tree, {\sl exactly}, from the downcased tree. Let's review what we have done. Natural deduction trees can be read as terms: % $$\ded{4-dnc} \quad \squigto \angg{b} := \angg{b} ...$$ % and if we add dictionary entries for the standard names for the variables in a downcased tree, % $$\angg{a,b} \equiv p ...$$ % then the downcased tree can be considered as a shorthand representation for the full, standard ``term:Type'' tree. We left a question pending in section \_\_ --- why the action of a functor $(A×)$ on morphisms, $(A×)_1$, is ``obvious'', and how do we obtain it? In the diagram %D diagram bleu %D 2Dx 100 +30 %D 2D 100 b ===> a,b %D 2D - - %D 2D | | %D 2D v v %D 2D +30 c ===> a,c %D 2D %D (( b a,b c a,c %D @ 0 @ 1 => @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |-> @ 2 @ 3 => %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\diag{bleu}$$ the problem was to obtain the middle arrow, $(b \mto c) \mto (a,b \mto a,c)$. In (``logical'') Natural Deduction it is common to abbreviate a series of steps with a double bar; we will do something similar with our ``function'' derivations, and use the trees with double bars as abbreviations for the expanded trees. So, ``take the obvious $(b \mto c) \mto (a,b \mto a,c)$'' means ``find an expansion for {\tiny $\cded{4=dnc}$}'': % % (find-kopkadaly4text "\\scriptsize, which is smaller than") %: %: b|->c %: ========= %: a,b|->a,c %: %: ^4=dnc %: $$\ded{4=dnc} \quad\squigto\quad \ded{4-dnc}$$ % and so: % $$\begin{array}{rcl} (A×)_1 &\equiv& ðB¨\Sets.ðC¨\Sets. \\ && ð\angg{b \mto c}:B×C. \\ && ð\angg{a,b}: A×B.\ang{\angg{a,b},\angg{b \mto c}('\angg{a,b})} \\ \end{array} $$ Now that we have the downcased notation and the `wd' construct we can/may express the other components of the functor $(A×)$ quite easily. One of them, $\respids_{(A×)}$, asserts that the functor $(A×)$ ``respects identities''. In our shorthand notation, this is % $$ýB¨\Sets.\welld[a,b \mto a,b]$$ % that we can expand as %: %: B B %: -----\id ---(A×)_0 %: b|->b A×B %: ---------(A×)_1 ---------\id %: a,b|->a,b a,b|->a,b %: %: ^expa1 ^expa2 %: $$ýB¨\Sets.(\pded{expa1} = \pded{expa2})$$ % which becomes, in standard notation, % $$ýB¨\Sets.(\id(A×)_0B = (A×)_1(\id B).$$ The other component, $\respcomp_{(A×)}$, asserts that $(A×)$ ``respects compositions''. This is % $$ýB,C,D¨\Sets.ý(b \mto c),(c \mto d). \welld[a,b \mto a,d]$$ % where $\welld[a,b \mto a,d]$ is: %: %: b|->c c|->d b|->c c|->d %: --------- --------- ----------------- %: a,b|->a,c a,c|->a,d b|->d %: --------------------- --------- %: a,b|->a,d a,b|->a,d %: %: ^expa3 ^expa4 %: $$\ded{expa3} \quad = \quad \ded{expa4}$$ Note that we didn't need to say $(b \mto c):B \to C$, $(c \mto d):C \to D$; the translation to Coq will need this, of course, but in the shorthand notation the typings can be reconstructed by uppercasing. [Categories, $(a \mto b) : \Hom_\catC\,A\,B$, pseudopoints] \section{Downcasing Assertions} \label{downcasing-assertions} \section{Categories and protocategories in Coq} \label{cats-in-coq} We start with some definitions. In this paper, categories, functors, etc will be dependent uples. In each of the definitions below one of the separators is `;' instead of ','; this is a trick for defining at the same time a ``category'' and a ``protocategory'', a ``functor'' and a ``proto-functor'', and so on, as we shall see soon. The typings of the components of the uples will also be discussed soon. Category $\catA$ Morphism $f$ Iso $f$ Functor $F$ Natural transformation $T$ Natural iso $T$ Preuniversal arrow Universal arrow Preuniversal element Universal element ------------ A category $\catC$ is an 8-uple, $(\catC_0, \catC_1, \Hom_\catC, \id_\catC, ¢_\catC; \idL_\catC, \idR_\catC, \assoc_\catC)$, where: $\catC_0$ is where the objects live, $\catC_1$ is where the hom-sets live, if $A, B : \catC_0$ then $\Hom_C A B : \catC_1$, if $A : \catC_0$ then $\id_C A : Hom_\catC A A$, if $A, B, C : \catC_0$, $f: \Hom_\catC A B$, $g: \Hom_\catC B C$ then $¢_\catC A B C g f : \Hom_\catC A C$, if $A, B : \catC_0$ and $f: \Hom_\catC A B$ then $\idL_\catC A B f$ asserts that $¢_\catC A A B f (\id_\catC A) = f$, and $\idR_\catC A B f$ asserts that $¢_\catC A B B (\id_\catC B) f = f$, if $A, B, C, D : \catC_0$, $f: \Hom_\catC A B$, $g: \Hom_\catC B C$, $h: \Hom_\catC C D$ then $\assoc_\catC$... The ';' separator... The superscript `$·^-$'... A protocategory $\catC^-$ is a 4-uple, $(\catC_0, \catC_1, \Hom_\catC, \id_\catC, ¢_\catC)$, \msk A category $\catC$ is an 8-uple, $(\catC_0, \catC_1, \Hom_\catC, \id_\catC, ¢_\catC; \idL_\catC, \idR_\catC, \assoc_\catC)$. A morphism $f$ is a 4-uple $(\catC, A, B, f)$. A functor $F$ is a 4-uple $(\catA, \catB, F_0, F_1; \respids_F, \respcomp_F)$. A natural $T$ transformation is a 6-uple $(\catA, \catB, F, G, T; \sqcond_T)$. An iso $f$ is a 6-uple $(\catA, A, B, f, f³; f_\supset, f_\subset)$. A split monic $f$ is a 5-uple $(\catA, A, B, f, f³; f_\supset)$. A split epi $f$ is a 5-uple $(\catA, A, B, f, f³; f_\subset)$. A natural iso $T$ is a 6-uple $(\catA, \catB, F, G, T, T³; T_\supset, T_\subset)$. An adjunction $L \dashv R$ is an 8-uple $(\catA, \catB, L, R, \flat, \sharp; \supset, \subset)$. \msk Given a morphism $f$, ``$f$ is an iso'' is a structure with the three components that we need to add to $f$ to make it an iso; ``$f$ is an iso'' is $(f³; f_\supset, f_\subset)$. \section{Categories in DNC} \label{cats-in-dnc} \section{DNC in Coq} \label{dnc-in-coq} \section{Logic in DNC} \label{logic} If $P$ is a proposition, $\Proofs[P]$ is the set of all proofs of $P$, and $\Wits[P]$ is the ``space of witnesses'' of $P$, that is a singleton when $P$ is true and an empty set when $P$ is false; intuitively, $\Wits[P]$ is $\Proofs[P]$ with all elements identified. A witness for $P$, that we write as $\wit[P]$, is an element of $\Wits[P]$. All the inference rules of logic can be regarded as operations that produce witnesses from other witnesses. For example, the inferences %: %: %: a=b a'=b' 2=3 4-4=0 %: ---------- ----------- %: a·a'=b·b' 2·(4-4)=3·0 %: %: ^mul1 ^mul2 %: $$\ded{mul1} \qquad \ded{mul2}$$ % correspond to functions $\Wits[a=b]×\Wits[a=b'] \to \Wits[a·a'=b·b']$ and $\Wits[2=3]×\Wits[4-4=0] \to \Wits[2·(4-4)=3·0]$. Rules with discharges are a bit harder; we will approach them in two ways. The derivation at left below can be regarded as a function from $\Wits[P∧Q]×\Wits[Q⊃R]$ to $\Wits[P∧Q]$: %: %: P∧Q %: --- %: P∧Q Q Q⊃R %: --- --------- %: P R P∧Q Q⊃R %: ------------- :::::::: %: P∧R P⊃R %: %: ^disch1 ^disch2 %: $$\ded{disch1} \qquad \ded{disch2}$$ The $⊃$-introduction curries that function and produces a function from $\Wits[Q⊃R]$ to $(\Wits[P∧Q] \to \Wits[P∧R]) = \Wits[P∧Q⊃P∧R]$. %: %: %: [P∧Q]^1 %: ------- %: [P∧Q]^1 Q Q⊃R %: ------- --------- %: P R [P∧Q]^1 Q⊃R %: ------------- :::::::::::: %: P∧R P⊃R Q⊃R %: -------1 -------1 ::: %: P∧Q⊃P∧R P∧Q⊃P∧R P∧Q⊃P∧R %: %: ^disch3 ^disch4 ^disch5 %: $$\ded{disch3} \qquad \ded{disch4} \qquad \ded{disch5}$$ % «convention» (to ".convention") \section{Conventions on names} \label{conventions} I tend to use some conventions for names in DNC. For example, in an adjunction $L \dashv R$ the functor $L$ is usually drawn going leftwards, and $R$ is drawn going to the right: % %D diagram conventions-1 %D 2Dx 100 +30 +30 +30 %D 2D 100 LA <---| A a^L <=== a %D 2D | | - | %D 2D | <-> | | <-> | %D 2D v v v v %D 2D +30 B |---> RB b ====> b^R %D 2D %D (( LA A B RB %D @ 0 @ 1 <-| @ 0 @ 2 -> @ 1 @ 3 -> @ 2 @ 3 |-> %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-> %D )) %D (( a^L a b b^R %D @ 0 @ 1 <= @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |-> @ 2 @ 3 => %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\diag{conventions-1}$$ The two categories are named $\catA$ and $\catB$. The natural iso % $$\begin{array}{rcl} (A^\op,B) & \mto & (\Hom_\catB(LA,B) \bij \Hom_\catA(A,RB) \\ (a^\op;b) & \tnto & ((a^L \mto b) \bij (a \mto b^R)) \\ \end{array} $$ % has two directions: one, $(a^L \mto b) \mto (a \mto b^R)$, shifts to the right the position where the functor hits the object, and I call that one `$\sharp$'; the other one, $(a^L \mto b) \mot (a \mto b^R)$, shifts to the left the position where the functor hits the object, and I call it `$\flat$'. So: % %D diagram conventions-2 %D 2Dx 100 +30 +30 +30 %D 2D 100 LA <---| A a^L <=== a %D 2D | | - | %D 2D | <-> | | <-> | %D 2D v v v v %D 2D +30 B |---> RB b ====> b^R %D 2D %D (( LA A B RB %D @ 0 @ 1 <-| @ 0 @ 2 -> @ 1 @ 3 -> @ 2 @ 3 |-> %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <- sl^ .plabel= a \flat %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil -> sl_ .plabel= b \sharp %D )) %D (( a^L a b b^R %D @ 0 @ 1 <= @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 3 |-> @ 2 @ 3 => %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| sl^ .plabel= a \flat %D @ 0 @ 3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> sl_ .plabel= b \sharp %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\diag{conventions-2}$$ Each book on Category Theory uses its own notation and naming conventions. The best way I found to show how to translate between DNC and some other more standard notation is to do the translation in two steps. For example, %D diagram transla-1 %D 2Dx 100 +15 +15 +45 +15 +15 +45 +15 +15 %D 2D 100 --| x --| A /= a{} %D 2D / - / - // - %D 2D / | / | // | %D 2D v v v v \/ v %D 2D +30 Fx |--> GFx LA |--> RLA a^L ==> a^{LR} %D 2D | | | | - | %D 2D | <-> | | <-> | | <-> | %D 2D v v v v v v %D 2D +30 a |---> Ga B |---> RB b ====> b^R %D 2D %D 2D +15 {A} {X} \catB \catA %D 2D %D 2D +15 X-`A A-`B %D 2D %D 2D +15 -` %D 2D %D (( x Fx GFx a Ga %D @ 0 @ 1 |-> %D @ 0 @ 2 -> .plabel= r \eta_x %D @ 1 @ 2 |-> %D @ 1 @ 3 -> .plabel= l f %D @ 2 @ 4 -> .plabel= r Gf %D @ 3 @ 4 |-> %D @ 0 @ 4 -> .slide= 17pt .plabel= r \sm{\phi"f\;=\\"Gf¢\eta_x} %D @ 1 @ 4 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D {A} place {X} place %D X-`A .tex= \ang{F,G,\phi}:X\rightharpoonup"A place %D )) %D (( A LA RLA B RB %D @ 0 @ 1 |-> %D @ 0 @ 2 -> .plabel= r \eta_A %D @ 1 @ 2 |-> %D @ 1 @ 3 -> .plabel= l f %D @ 2 @ 4 -> .plabel= r Rf %D @ 3 @ 4 |-> %D @ 0 @ 4 -> .slide= 17pt .plabel= r \sm{\phi"f\;=\\"Rf¢\eta_A} %D @ 1 @ 4 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D \catB place \catA place %D A-`B .tex= \ang{L,R,\phi}:\catA\rightharpoonup"\catB place %D )) %D (( a{} a^L a^{LR} b b^R %D @ 0 @ 1 => %D @ 0 @ 2 |-> %D @ 1 @ 2 => %D @ 1 @ 3 |-> %D @ 2 @ 4 |-> %D @ 3 @ 4 => %D @ 1 @ 4 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D -` .tex= \ang{L,R,(a^\op;b)-.>((a^L|->b)|->(a|->b^R))} place %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\diag{transla-1}$$ In the first step we keep the symbols --- $\ang{\_,\_,\_}$, $\rightharpoonup$, $\eta$, $\phi$, `$¢$' vs.\ `;' --- but we change the names of the objects, functors, categories, and we obtain an uppercase diagram with our favourite choices of letters, fonts, and placing of the names; in the second step we downcase that. The notation $\ang{F,G,\phi}: X\rightharpoonup A$ above is from CWM (sec.\ IV.1). Slightly later the book introduces another notation for adjunctions, $\ang{F,G,\eta,}: X\rightharpoonup A$; we downcase that to $\ang{a\funto a^L, b\funto b^R, a \tnto (a \mto a^{LR}), b \tnto (b^{RL} \mto b)}$, or simply $\ang{L, R, a \tnto (a \mto a^{LR}), b \tnto (b^{RL} \mto b)}$. % «yoneda» (to ".yoneda") \section{The Yoneda Lemma in DNC} \label{yoneda} Let's define a {\sl preuniversal} as a tuple $(\catA, \catB, R: \catB \to A, A \in \catA_0, B \in \catB_0, f:A \to RB)$. A {\sl universal} will be the same plus an extra component, that asserts the ``universality'' of $f$; but we are only going to need that later (sec.\ \_). We will represent a preuniversal in DNC like this: %D diagram pdown %D 2Dx 100 %D 2D 100 #1 %D 2D %D 2D +20 #2 %D 2D %D (( #1 #2 |-> %D )) %D enddefpdiagram 2 %D % $$\pdown ab$$ %D diagram pmetauniv %D 2Dx 100 +20 %D 2D 100 #1 %D 2D - %D 2D #4| %D 2D v %D 2D +20 #2 ==> #3 %D 2D %D (( #1 #3 |-> .plabel= l #4 %D #2 #3 => %D )) %D enddefpdiagram 4 % % $$\pmetauniv abcd$$ \def\ppreuniv#1#2#3{\pmetauniv{#1}{#2}{#3}{}} \def\puniv#1#2#3{\pmetauniv{#1}{#2}{#3}{\text{univ}}} \def\pdowneltnt#1#2#3#4{\big( #1 \tnto (\pdown{#2}{#3} \mto #4) \big) } \def\pdownnt#1#2#3#4#5{\big( #1 \tnto (\pdown{#2}{#3} \mto \pdown{#4}{#5}) \big) } $$\ppreuniv{a}{b}{b^R}$$ There is a natural construction for a bijection between preuniversals and natural transformations $T: \Hom_\catB(B,-) \to \Hom_\catA(A,-)$: % $$\ppreuniv{a}{b}{b^R} \;\bij\; \pdownnt{c}{b}{c}{a}{c^R}$$ The direction `$\mto$' of the bijection is obvious from the diagram: (...) For the other direction, we do: %: %: B B c-.>((b|->c)|->(a|->c^R)) %: -----\id -----------------------------Ð{app} %: b|->b (b|->b)|->(a|->b^R) %: ------------------------------Ð{app} %: a|->b^R %: %: ^otherdir %: $$\ded{otherdir}$$ The Yoneda Lemma: % $$\begin{array}{ccc} b^R &\diagxyto/<.>/<175>& \pdowneltnt{c}{b}{c}{\;c^R\;} \\ \\ \vbij & & \vbij \\ \\ \ppreuniv{*}{b}{b^R} &\diagxyto/<->/<175>& \pdownnt{c}{b}{c}{*}{c^R} \\ \end{array} $$ The corollary: % $$\begin{array}{ccc} \pdown{a}{b} &\diagxyto/<.>/<175>& \pdownnt{c}{b}{c}{a}{c} \\ \\ \vbij & & \vbij \\ \\ \ppreuniv{*}{b}{a \mto b} &\diagxyto/<->/<175>& \pdownnt{c}{b}{c}{*}{a \mto c} \\ \end{array} $$ % $$\ppreuniv{*}{b}{a \mto b} \;\bij\; \pdownnt{c}{b}{c}{*}{a \mto c}$$ \bsk (old stuff): A functor $F: \catA \to \catB$ takes each object $A \in \catA_0$ to an object $FA \in \catB_0$; we can write its action on objects as $A \mto FA$. Its action on morphisms takes each morphism $f: A \to A'$ to a morphism $Ff: FA \to A'$... We downcase that to $a \funto a^F$. An adjunction $L \dashv R$ between two functors, $L: \catA \to \catB$ and $R: \catB \to \catA$, gives, for any two objects $A:\catA_0$ and $B:\catB_0$, a bijection between the hom-sets $\Hom_\catB(LA,B)$ and $\Hom_\catA(A,RB)$; we will downcase this as \section{A system of Natural Deduction for (proto-)\discretionary{}{}{}categories} \label{nd-for-cats} % (find-kopkadaly4text "\\discretionary{before}{after}{without}") \section{Natural Deduction for dependent types} \label{nd-for-dt} \section{Abelian categories} \label{abcats} \section{Fibrations in DNC} \label{fibrations} %:*\s{*\pover{* \def\pover#1#2{\begin{pmatrix} #2 \\ #1 \end{pmatrix}} \def\cartmto{\mton{\Box}} \def\pdiag#1{\!\left(\!\!\diag{#1}\right)\!} \def\cartmto{\mton{\Box}} \widemtos A morphism $\pover{b}{Q} \mto \pover{c}{R}$ is {\sl cartesian} (notation: $\pover{b}{Q} \cartmto \pover{c}{R}$) when the induced natural transformation below (taking morphisms with the right codomain to ``\,`V's over commutative triangles'') is a natural iso: %D diagram cartmorph1 %D 2Dx 100 +20 +30 %D 2D 100 \s{a}{P} %D 2D +20 \s{b}{Q} \s{c}{R} %D 2D +10 a %D 2D +20 b c %D (( \s{a}{P} \s{b}{Q} \s{c}{R} %D a b c %D @ 0 @ 2 |-> @ 1 @ 2 |-> %D @ 3 @ 4 |-> @ 3 @ 5 |-> @ 4 @ 5 |-> %D )) %D enddiagram \msk $\pover{a}{P}^\op \tnto \; ((\pover{a}{P} \mto \pover{b}{Q}) \two/|->`<-|/<200>^{\natural}_{(ñ)} \pdiag{cartmorph1}) $ \section{Open problems and future work} \label{future} % http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BHK_interpretation %* \end{document} % Local Variables: % coding: raw-text-unix % ee-anchor-format: "«%s»" % End: