Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
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% (defun c () (interactive) (find-zsh "cd ~/LATEX/ && ~/dednat4/dednat41 2010rings.tex && pdflatex 2010rings.tex"))
% (eev "cd ~/LATEX/ && Scp 2010rings.{dvi,pdf} edrx@angg.twu.net:slow_html/LATEX/")
% (defun d () (interactive) (find-dvipage "~/LATEX/2010rings.dvi"))
% (find-dvipage "~/LATEX/2010rings.dvi")
% (find-pspage  "~/LATEX/2010rings.ps")
% (find-pspage  "~/LATEX/2010rings.pdf")
% (find-xpdfpage "~/LATEX/2010rings.pdf")
% (find-zsh0 "cd ~/LATEX/ && dvipdf         2010rings.pdf 2010rings.dvi")
% (find-zsh0 "cd ~/LATEX/ && dvips -D 300 -o 2010rings.ps 2010rings.dvi")
% (find-zsh0 "cd ~/LATEX/ && dvips -D 600 -P pk -o 2010rings.ps 2010rings.dvi && ps2pdf 2010rings.ps 2010rings.pdf")
% (find-zsh0 "cd ~/LATEX/ && dvips -D 300 -o tmp.ps tmp.dvi")
% (find-pspage  "~/LATEX/tmp.ps")
% (ee-cp "~/LATEX/2010rings.pdf" (ee-twupfile "LATEX/2010rings.pdf") 'over)
% (ee-cp "~/LATEX/2010rings.pdf" (ee-twusfile "LATEX/2010rings.pdf") 'over)
% (find-twusfile     "LATEX/" "2010rings")
% http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2010rings.pdf

\usepackage{edrx08}       % (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty")
%L process "edrx08.sty"  -- (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty")
\input edrxheadfoot.tex   % (find-dn4ex "edrxheadfoot.tex")

\input 2010rings.dnt

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%Index of the slides:
% To update the list of slides uncomment this line:
% then rerun LaTeX on this file, and insert the contents of "tmp.los"
% below, by hand (i.e., with "insert-file"):
% (find-fline "tmp.los")
% (insert-file "tmp.los")

            `->      `->
k `-> k[x^6]            k[x^2][x^3] `-> k[x]
            `->      `->

        <<-          <<--------------
k[x]/<x>                             k[x]/<0>
        <<-          <<-------------


   nilpots   units  irreds  composites
       ^       ^       ^        ^
       |       |       |        |
       /       /       /        /
   zerodivs    1    primes      4
       ^               ^
       |               |
       /               /
       0               2


\def\Ids {\operatorname{Idls}}



% (find-books "__alg/__alg.el" "eisenbudharris")

% (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el")
% (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "spivak")

% \vbox to 1cm{}
% {\Large \centerline{The Internal Diagram}}
% {\huge \center{The Internal Diagram}}

\par Slogan:
\par ``The syntactical action of a functor on objects
\par induces a syntactical action on morphisms''
\par To obtain the name $a,b \mto a,c$ from $b \mto c$
\par we apply \verb|\syntAtimesdnc| twice.
\par In DNC the name `$b \funto a,b$' stands for the functor $A×$.
\par (The weird arrow `$\funto$' is to remind us that
\par (1) do not expect its meaning to be trivial,
\par (2) a functor has two actions).
\par Its corresponding uppercased name, $B \mto A×B$,
\par indicates an action on objects,
\par but we will often commit an abuse of language
\par and make it stand for the whole functor.



\par Let me present an example of use of internal views:
\par a set of diagrams that ``explain''
\par what is the topology on a scheme.
\par Here's an (caricaturally short) external view of the definitions:
% \begin{quotation}
\par Let $R$ be a commutative ring.
\par We write $\Spec(R)$ for its set of prime ideals.
\par For each point $\frakp İ \Spec(R)$ we have that $R/\frakp$ is a domain,
\par and so we can form its field of fractions, $\kk(\frakp) = \Frac(R/\frakp)$.
\par For each $\frakp$ we have a natural map $R \to \kk(\frakp)$,
\par that we will write as: $f \mapsto f(\frakp)$.
\par The fields $\kk(\frakp)$ may all be different,
\par but each one of them has a point called ``0'', 
\par and for each $fİR$ we can form the set
\par $V_f = \sst{\frakp İ \Spec(R)}{f(\frakp)=0}$.
\par The family $\sst{V_f}{fİR} \subset \Pts(\Spec(R))$ is a basis
\par for a topology on $\Spec(R)$: the Zariski topology.
% \end{quotation}
\par For years this definition was totally opaque to me...
\par it only became clear very recently, when I was finally sat down
\par and drew the internal diagrams corresponding to it.
\par So now let me do something very naïve: I will take the ``problem''
\par of understanding this (which should be trivial to anyone with a
\par minimum of knowledge of Algebra!), and show how I ``solve'' it.
\par The tone will be student-like: ``look at how I solve this exercise!''...

% (find-books "__alg/__alg.el" "eisenbudharris")
% (find-eisenbudharrispage (+ 9  10) "V (S)")
% (find-eisenbudharristext           "V (S)")
% (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "royden")
% (find-roydenpage (+ 13 171) "8 Topological spaces")


%D diagram scheme-0
%D 2Dx         100      +50           +50
%D 2D  100            \Pts(R^2)
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25    R[x,y]  \Pts(R[x,y])
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25   (rings)  \Ids(R[x,y])
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25 (domains)  \Spec(R[x,y])  R^2şIrrs
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25  (fields)  \MIds(R[x,y])  R^2
%D 2D
%D (( 
%D          R[x,y]  .tex=       R
%D     \Pts(R[x,y]) .tex=  \Pts(R)
%D     \Ids(R[x,y]) .tex=  \Ids(R)
%D    \Spec(R[x,y]) .tex= \Spec(R)
%D    \MIds(R[x,y]) .tex= \MIds(R)
%D    (rings)   .tex= ¯{(rings)}
%D    (domains) .tex= ¯{(domains)}
%D    (fields)  .tex= ¯{(fields)}
%D    R^2şIrrs  .tex= R^2ş¯{Irreds}
%D  # R[x,y] \Pts(R^2)    --> .plabel= a \text{zeros}
%D    R[x,y] \Pts(R[x,y])  -> .plabel= a \{·\}
%D    R[x,y] \Ids(R[x,y]) --> .PLABEL= _(.40) \ang{·}
%D  # \Pts(R^2)     \Pts(R[x,y])  ->  sl_
%D  # \Pts(R^2)     \Pts(R[x,y])  <-  sl^
%D    \Pts(R[x,y])  \Ids(R[x,y])  ->> sl_ .plabel= l \ang{·}
%D    \Pts(R[x,y])  \Ids(R[x,y])  <-' sl^
%D    \Ids(R[x,y])  \Spec(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    \Spec(R[x,y]) \MIds(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    (rings)   (domains) <-'
%D    (domains) (fields)  <-' sl^
%D    (domains) (fields)  ->> sl_ .plabel= l ¯{Frac}
%D  # \Spec(R[x,y])  R^2şIrrs <->
%D  # \MIds(R[x,y])  R^2      <->
%D  # \Pts(R^2) there+xy: 3 0 \Pts(R^2)' .tex= {\color{red}O} .tex= \phantom{O}
%D  # \Pts(R^2)'     R^2şIrrs <-'
%D  # R^2şIrrs       R^2      <-'
%D    (rings)    \Ids(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    (domains) \Spec(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    (fields)  \MIds(R[x,y]) <-'
%D ))
%D enddiagram


\par The main recurring idea in these notes is:
\par {\sl internal diagrams are useful.}
\par In a sense internal diagrams occur everywhere...
\par when a book presents new concepts in a high-level, abstract way
\par and then gives the reader some exercises, it is saying:
\par {\sl now you do the internal diagrams yourself.}
\par When we write ``real'' mathematics we usually expect the reader
\par to construct the internal diagrams mentally as the exposition goes on.
\par The writer presents the ``external view'' of the subject ---
\par bacause that's what is non-trivial, and the mathematical formalism
\par for the external view is precise enough, and 

% (find-books "__alg/__alg.el" "eisenbudharris")
% (find-eisenbudharrispage (+ 9  10) "spectrum")

%D diagram scheme-1
%D 2Dx         100      +50           +50
%D 2D  100            \Pts(R^2)
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25    R[x,y]  \Pts(R[x,y])
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25   (rings)  \Ids(R[x,y])
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25 (domains)  \Spec(R[x,y])  R^2şIrrs
%D 2D
%D 2D  +25  (fields)  \MIds(R[x,y])  R^2
%D 2D
%D (( (rings)   .tex= ¯{(rings)}
%D    (domains) .tex= ¯{(domains)}
%D    (fields)  .tex= ¯{(fields)}
%D    R^2şIrrs  .tex= R^2ş¯{Irreds}
%D    R[x,y] \Pts(R^2)    --> .plabel= a \text{zeros}
%D    R[x,y] \Pts(R[x,y])  -> .plabel= a \{·\}
%D    R[x,y] \Ids(R[x,y]) --> .PLABEL= _(.40) \ang{·}
%D    \Pts(R^2)     \Pts(R[x,y])  ->  sl_
%D    \Pts(R^2)     \Pts(R[x,y])  <-  sl^
%D    \Pts(R[x,y])  \Ids(R[x,y])  ->> sl_ .plabel= l \ang{·}
%D    \Pts(R[x,y])  \Ids(R[x,y])  <-' sl^
%D    \Ids(R[x,y])  \Spec(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    \Spec(R[x,y]) \MIds(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    (rings)   (domains) <-'
%D    (domains) (fields)  <-' sl^
%D    (domains) (fields)  ->> sl_ .plabel= l ¯{Frac}
%D    \Spec(R[x,y])  R^2şIrrs <->
%D    \MIds(R[x,y])  R^2      <->
%D    \Pts(R^2) there+xy: 3 0 \Pts(R^2)' .tex= {\color{red}O} .tex= \phantom{O}
%D    \Pts(R^2)'     R^2şIrrs <-'
%D    R^2şIrrs       R^2      <-'
%D    (rings)    \Ids(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    (domains) \Spec(R[x,y]) <-'
%D    (fields)  \MIds(R[x,y]) <-'
%D ))
%D enddiagram


%D diagram scheme-2
%D 2Dx     100      +30        +45       +50
%D 2D  100                \Pts(R^2)                     
%D 2D                                             
%D 2D  +25        R[x,y]  \Pts(R[x,y])          
%D 2D                                             
%D 2D  +25 RI    (rings)  \Ids(R[x,y])          
%D 2D                                             
%D 2D  +25 DO  (domains)  \Spec(R[x,y])  R^2şIrrs 
%D 2D                                             
%D 2D  +25 FI   (fields)  \MIds(R[x,y])  R^2      
%D 2D
%D (( (rings)   .tex= ¯{(rings)}
%D    (domains) .tex= ¯{(domains)}
%D    (fields)  .tex= ¯{(fields)}
%D    R^2şIrrs  .tex= R^2ş¯{Irreds}
%D    R^2           .tex= (3,4)
%D    R^2şIrrs      .tex= (3,4)
%D    \MIds(R[x,y]) .tex= \ang{x-3,y-4}
%D    \Spec(R[x,y]) .tex= \ang{x-3,y-4}
%D     \Ids(R[x,y]) .tex= \ang{x-3,y-4}
%D     \Pts(R[x,y]) .tex= \ang{x-3,y-4}
%D     \Pts(R^2)    .tex= \{(3,4)\}
%D    (fields)      .tex= \frac{\R[x,y]}{\ang{x-3,y-4}}
%D    (domains)     .tex= \frac{\R[x,y]}{\ang{x-3,y-4}}
%D    (rings)       .tex= \frac{\R[x,y]}{\ang{x-3,y-4}}
%D    FI            .tex= \R
%D    DO            .tex= \R
%D    RI            .tex= \R
%D  # R[x,y] \Pts(R^2)    --> .plabel= a \text{zeros}
%D  # R[x,y] \Pts(R[x,y])  -> .plabel= a \{·\}
%D  # R[x,y] \Ids(R[x,y]) --> .PLABEL= _(.40) \ang{·}
%D    \Pts(R^2)     \Pts(R[x,y])  |->  sl_
%D    \Pts(R^2)     \Pts(R[x,y])  <.|  sl^
%D    \Pts(R[x,y])  \Ids(R[x,y])  |-> sl_ .plabel= l \ang{·}
%D    \Pts(R[x,y])  \Ids(R[x,y])  <-| sl^
%D    \Ids(R[x,y])  \Spec(R[x,y]) <-|
%D    \Spec(R[x,y]) \MIds(R[x,y]) <-|
%D    (rings)   (domains) <-|
%D    (domains) (fields)  <-| sl^
%D    (domains) (fields)  |-> sl_ .plabel= l ¯{Frac}
%D    \Spec(R[x,y])  R^2şIrrs <->
%D    \MIds(R[x,y])  R^2      <->
%D    \Pts(R^2) there+xy: 3 0 \Pts(R^2)' .tex= {\color{red}O} .tex= \phantom{O}
%D    \Pts(R^2)'     R^2şIrrs <-|
%D    R^2şIrrs       R^2      <-|
%D    (rings)    \Ids(R[x,y]) <-|
%D    (domains) \Spec(R[x,y]) <-|
%D    (fields)  \MIds(R[x,y]) <-|
%D    FI  (fields)  = .plabel= a \sim
%D    DO  (domains) = .plabel= a \sim
%D    RI  (rings)   = .plabel= a \sim
%D ))
%D enddiagram

% Imagem do <x-3,y-4>



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