Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% (find-LATEX "2023-rad2022.tex")
% (defun c () (interactive) (find-LATEXsh "lualatex -record 2023-rad2022.tex" :end))
% (defun C () (interactive) (find-LATEXSH "lualatex 2023-rad2022.tex" "Success!!!"))
% (defun D () (interactive) (find-pdf-page      "~/LATEX/2023-rad2022.pdf"))
% (defun d () (interactive) (find-pdftools-page "~/LATEX/2023-rad2022.pdf"))
% (defun e () (interactive) (find-LATEX "2023-rad2022.tex"))
% (defun o () (interactive) (find-LATEX "2022-rad2021.tex"))
% (defun u () (interactive) (find-latex-upload-links "2023-rad2022"))
% (defun v () (interactive) (find-2a '(e) '(d)))
% (defun cv () (interactive) (C) (ee-kill-this-buffer) (v) (g))
% (defun d0 () (interactive) (find-ebuffer "2023-rad2022.pdf"))
%          (code-eec-LATEX "2023-rad2022")
% (find-pdf-page   "~/LATEX/2023-rad2022.pdf")
% (find-sh0 "cp -v  ~/LATEX/2023-rad2022.pdf /tmp/")
% (find-sh0 "cp -v  ~/LATEX/2023-rad2022.pdf /tmp/pen/")
%   file:///home/edrx/LATEX/2023-rad2022.pdf
%               file:///tmp/2023-rad2022.pdf
%           file:///tmp/pen/2023-rad2022.pdf
% http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2023-rad2022.pdf
% (find-LATEX "2019.mk")
% (find-lualatex-links "2023-rad2022" "{tla}")

\usepackage[colorlinks,citecolor=DarkRed,urlcolor=DarkRed]{hyperref} % (find-es "tex" "hyperref")
\usepackage[x11names,svgnames]{xcolor} % (find-es "tex" "xcolor")
%\usepackage{colorweb}                 % (find-es "tex" "colorweb")
\usepackage{edrx21}               % (find-LATEX "edrx21.sty")
\input edrxaccents.tex            % (find-LATEX "edrxaccents.tex")
\input edrx21chars.tex            % (find-LATEX "edrx21chars.tex")
\input edrxheadfoot.tex           % (find-LATEX "edrxheadfoot.tex")
\input edrxgac2.tex               % (find-LATEX "edrxgac2.tex")
%\input 2017planar-has-defs.tex    % (find-LATEX "2017planar-has-defs.tex")
% (find-es "tex" "geometry")

% Pesquisa em Matemática:
% (find-LATEX "2022on-the-missing.tex")
% (find-LATEX "2022ebl.tex")


(+ ;;;;; Aulas
   64 128
   64 128
   64 128
   64 128
   64 128

(+ 20 ; Reuniões de departamento

(+ ;;;;; Pesquisa e eventos
       ; (find-TH "math-b" "2022-md")
   200 ; "On the missing diagrams in Category Theory": capítulo de livro. Alterações pedidas pelos editores para a versão final. http://anggtwu.net/math-b.html#2022-md
       ; (find-TH "math-b" "2022-ebl")
   40  ; "On a way to visualize some Grothendieck Topologies": trabalho apresentado no XX EBL. http://anggtwu.net/math-b.html#2022-ebl
   40  ; XX EBL: participação no evento em Salvador em set/2022. http://anggtwu.net/math-b.html#2022-ebl

(+ ;;;;; Eev
      ; (find-1stclassvideodef "2022pict2elua")
   40 ; Eev: "Pict2e-lua: a library for diagrams that is being developed with eev and test blocks" (18/abr/2022). http://anggtwu.net/pict2e-lua.html
      ; (find-1stclassvideodef "2022eevwconfigpt1")
      ; (find-1stclassvideodef "2022eevwconfigpt2")
      ; (find-1stclassvideodef "2022eevwconfig")
  120 ; Eev: "Eev-wconfig.el: a way without magic to configure eev on M$ Windows" (15/mai/2022). http://anggtwu.net/eev-wconfig.html
      ; (find-1stclassvideodef "2022yttranscript")
   12 ; Eev: "find-yttranscript-links: downloading transcripts of Youtube videos, in eev style" (20/out/2022). http://anggtwu.net/find-yttranscript-links.html
      ; (find-1stclassvideodef "2022tikz")
  120 ; Eev: "Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL" (02/nov/2022). http://anggtwu.net/eev-tikz.html
   24 ; (find-1stclassvideodef "eev2022kla")
      ; "Bidirectional links with eev (@ EmacsConf 2022)" (03/dez/2022). http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-kla.html
   24 ; (find-1stclassvideodef "eev2022py")
      ; "Short hyperlinks to Python docs (eev @ EmacsConf2022)" (04/dez/2022). http://anggtwu.net/emacsconf2022-py.html

(+ ;;;;; Vídeos PURO
   20 ; Preparação para uma apresentação que iria acontecer na reunião do Setor de Matemática em 07/jul/2022. http://anggtwu.net/2022-apresentacao-sobre-C2.html
   40 ; Três vídeos mostrando que as reclamações do CAEPRO são falsas (+ software e tabelas; vídeos gravados em 13 e 14/fev/2023 e 02/mar/2023). http://anggtwu.net/2023-caepro.html
   80 ; Um vídeo sobre didática inspirado pelas reclamações do CAEPRO (vídeo gravado em 13/mar/2023). http://anggtwu.net/2023-visual-vs-auditivo.html

(+ ;;;;; Luatree / Maxima
   ; (find-TH "eev-maxima" "luatree")

   32 ; Programas para desenhar em árvore as expressões do Maxima e do SymPy (para Cálculo 2). http://angg.twu.net/eev-maxima.html#luatree
   32 ; Um método para simplificar a instalação do Sly (pra examinar e debugar as partes em Common Lisp do Maxima). http://angg.twu.net/eev-maxima.html#sly
   20 ; Programas em Maxima e GNUPlot para desenhar certas superfícies em "low poly" (para Cálculo 3). http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2022-1-C3-tudo.pdf#page=25
   16 ; Legendas em Português para o vídeo do Mathologer sobre o "Calculus Made Easy" (para Cálculo 2). http://anggtwu.net/mathologer-calculus-easy.html



% Maxima:
% (find-fline "~/luatree/README.org")

% (find-TH "eev-haskell")
% (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-opam-links")

% http://angg.twu.net/eev-haskell.html

% Emacs:
% (find-THfile "eev-wconfig.blogme")
% (find-THfile "pict2e-lua.blogme")
% (find-TH "emacsconf2022-kla")
% (find-TH "emacsconf2022-py")
% https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/eev/2022-09/index.html
% Tutorials de eshell e python
% https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/eev/2022-04/msg00001.html
% https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/eev/2022-03/msg00004.html
% https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/eev/2022-01/msg00000.html makefiles

% Haskell: figuras para um trabalho com o Lucatelli

% Bancas da semana academica

\GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!}  % Used by `M-x cv'


%  __  __       _        
% |  \/  | __ _| | _____ 
% | |\/| |/ _` | |/ / _ \
% | |  | | (_| |   <  __/
% |_|  |_|\__,_|_|\_\___|
% <make>

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
# (find-LATEXfile "2019planar-has-1.mk")
make -f 2019.mk STEM=2023-rad2022 veryclean
make -f 2019.mk STEM=2023-rad2022 pdf

% Local Variables:
% coding: utf-8-unix
% ee-tla: "rad2022"
% End: