Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- diagtex.lua: generate TeX code from 2D diagrams.
-- This file:
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/diagtex.lua.html
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/diagtex.lua
--           (find-angg "dednat6/dednat6/diagtex.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- Version: 2020mar17
-- License: GPL3

-- This file implements the default method of generating TeX code from
-- 2D diagrams. In other terms, this file implements the "default
-- back-end for 2D diagrams" - the "diagxy back-end". Until feb/2020
-- this was the only back-end for 2D diagrams in dednat6; for
-- information on the newer back-ends see the comments at the end of
-- this section.
-- The section 2.2 of the TUGBoat article, at
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/tugboat-rev2.pdf#page=2
-- explains the diagxy back-end in detail. In short, when dednat6
-- processes this "%D"-block,
--   %D diagram T:F->G
--   %D 2Dx     100 +20 +20
--   %D 2D  100     A
--   %D 2D         /|\
--   %D 2D        v v v
--   %D 2D  +30 FA --> GA
--   %D 2D
--   %D (( A FA |-> A GA |->
--   %D    FA GA -> .plabel= b TA
--   %D    A FA GA midpoint -->
--   %D ))
--   %L print("nodes:"); print(nodes)
--   %L print("arrows:"); print(arrows)
--   %D enddiagram
-- the "print"s in the two "%L" line print to stdout the contents of
-- the tables "nodes" and "arrows", which are:
--   nodes:
--   { 1={"noden"=1, "tag"="A", "x"=120, "y"=100},
--     2={"noden"=2, "tag"="FA", "x"=100, "y"=130},
--     3={"noden"=3, "tag"="-->", "x"=120, "y"=130},
--     4={"noden"=4, "tag"="GA", "x"=140, "y"=130},
--     5={"TeX"="\\phantom{O}", "noden"=5, "x"=120.0, "y"=130.0},
--     "-->"={"noden"=3, "tag"="-->", "x"=120, "y"=130},
--     "A"={"noden"=1, "tag"="A", "x"=120, "y"=100},
--     "FA"={"noden"=2, "tag"="FA", "x"=100, "y"=130},
--     "GA"={"noden"=4, "tag"="GA", "x"=140, "y"=130}
--   }
--   arrows:
--   { 1={"arrown"=1, "from"=1, "shape"="|->", "to"=2},
--     2={"arrown"=2, "from"=1, "shape"="|->", "to"=4},
--     3={"arrown"=3, "from"=2, "label"="TA", "placement"="b", "shape"="->", "to"=4},
--     4={"arrown"=4, "from"=1, "shape"="-->", "to"=5}
--   }
-- and the "enddiagram" at the last "%D" line "outputs" this:
--   \defdiag{T:F->G}{
--     \morphism(300,0)/|->/<-300,-450>[{A}`{FA};]
--     \morphism(300,0)/|->/<300,-450>[{A}`{GA};]
--     \morphism(0,-450)|b|/->/<600,0>[{FA}`{GA};{TA}]
--     \morphism(300,0)/-->/<0,-450>[{A}`{\phantom{O}};]
--   }
-- i.e., this is sent to both stdout and the TeX interpreter. The
-- function "output" is explained the section 3.1 of the TUGBoat
-- article.
-- Other back-ends for 2D diagrams
-- ===============================
-- In feb/2020 I finally implemented another (experimental) back-end
-- for 2D diagrams - the "Tikz back-end". See:
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat6.html#other-back-ends
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/demo-tikz.pdf
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/demo-tikz.tex.html
--   http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/diagtikz.lua.html
--    (find-angg        "dednat6/dednat6/diagtikz.lua")

-- «.coords»		(to "coords")
-- «.arrow_to_TeX»	(to "arrow_to_TeX")
-- «.arrow_to_TeX-test»	(to "arrow_to_TeX-test")
-- «.DxyArrow»		(to "DxyArrow")
-- «.DxyPlace»		(to "DxyPlace")
-- «.DxyLiteral»	(to "DxyLiteral")
-- «.DxyLoop»		(to "DxyLoop")
-- «.arrows_to_defdiag»	(to "arrows_to_defdiag")
-- «.arrows-tests»	(to "arrows-tests")

require "eoo"         -- (find-dn6 "eoo.lua" "over")
-- require "prefixes" -- (find-dn6 "prefixes.lua" "unabbrev")

require "diagstacks"  -- (find-dn6 "diagstacks.lua")
require "abbrevs"     -- (find-dn6 "abbrevs.lua")

-- «coords»  (to ".coords")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "diag-out" "dxyorigx =")
dxyorigx = 100
dxyorigy = 100
dxyscale = 15
realx = function (x) return  dxyscale * (x - dxyorigx) end
realy = function (y) return -dxyscale * (y - dxyorigy) end
realxy = function (x, y) return realx(x), realy(y) end

-- «arrow_to_TeX»  (to ".arrow_to_TeX")
-- (find-diagxypage  6 "2"   "  The basic syntax")
-- (find-diagxytext    "2"   "  The basic syntax")
-- (find-diagxypage  6         "\\morphism(x,y)|p|/{sh}/<dx,dy>[N`N;L]")
-- (find-diagxytext            "\\morphism(x,y)|p|/{sh}/<dx,dy>[N`N;L]")
-- (find-diagxypage  7         "@{shape}")
-- (find-diagxytext            "@{shape}")
-- (find-diagxypage 23 "4.3" "  Empty placement and moving labels")
-- (find-diagxytext    "4.3" "  Empty placement and moving labels")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "diag-out" "arrowtoTeX =")
-- (find-dn4 "dednat4.lua" "lplacement")
node_to_TeX = function (node)
    local tex = node.tex or node.tag
    local TeX = node.TeX or (tex and unabbrev(tex))
    return (TeX and "{"..TeX.."}") or ""
arrow_to_TeX = function (arrow)
    local node1 = nodes[arrow.from]
    local node2 = nodes[arrow.to]
    local x1, y1 = realxy(node1.x, node1.y)
    local x2, y2 = realxy(node2.x, node2.y)
    local dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
    local N1 = node_to_TeX(node1)
    local N2 = node_to_TeX(node2)
    -- Calculate p, sh, L.
    -- In several complex cases the "placement" p and the "label" L
    -- are moved into the "shape" parameter sh; see:
    --   (find-es "diagxy" "shape")
    local p, sh, L = arrow_to_TeX_pshL(arrow)  -- defined below
    return dformat("\\morphism(%d,%d)%s%s<%d,%d>[%s`%s;%s]",
                  x1, y1, p, sh, dx, dy, N1, N2, L)

arrow_to_TeX_pshL = function (arrow)
    local Label = arrow.Label or (arrow.label and unabbrev(arrow.label))
    local L = Label and "{"..Label.."}" or ""
    local p = arrow.placement and "|"..arrow.placement.."|" or ""
    local lplace = arrow.lplacement and arrow.lplacement.."{"..Label.."}"
    local shape = arrow.shape or "->"
    local slide = arrow.slide and "@<"..arrow.slide..">"
    local curve = arrow.curve and "@/"..arrow.curve.."/"
    local modifier
    if slide or curve or lplace then
      modifier = (lplace or "")..(slide or "")..(curve or "")
    if arrow.modifier then modifier = arrow.modifier end -- temp hack
    if modifier then
      sh = format("/{@{%s}%s}/", shape, modifier)
      sh = "/"..shape.."/"
    if lplace then p = "||"; L = "" end
    return p, sh, L

-- «arrow_to_TeX-test» (to ".arrow_to_TeX-test")
-- (find-es "diagxy" "shape")
require "diagtex"
test = function (A) print(arrow_to_TeX(A)) end
storenode {TeX="a", tag="a", x=100, y=100}
storenode {TeX="b", tag="b", x=140, y=100}
test {from="a", to="b", shape="|->"}
test {from="a", to="b", shape="|->", label="up", placement="a"}
test {from="a", to="b", shape="|->", label="up", placement="a", slide="5pt"}
test {from="a", to="b", shape="|->", label="up", lplacement="_(0.42)"}  -- err?


-- The kinds of things that we store in the array "arrows".
-- (find-dn6 "diagstacks.lua" "arrows")
-- «DxyArrow»  (to ".DxyArrow")
DxyArrow = Class {
  type    = "DxyArrow",
  __index = {
    TeX = function (ar) return arrow_to_TeX(ar) end,
-- «DxyPlace»  (to ".DxyPlace")
DxyPlace = Class {
  type    = "DxyPlace",
  __index = {
    TeX = function (pseudoar)
        local node = pseudoar[1]
        local x, y = realxy(node.x, node.y)
        return dformat("\\place(%d,%d)[{%s}]", x, y, node_to_TeX(node))
-- «DxyLiteral»  (to ".DxyLiteral")
DxyLiteral = Class {
  type    = "DxyLiteral",
  __index = {
    TeX = function (pseudoar) return pseudoar[1] end,
-- «DxyLoop»  (to ".DxyLoop")
-- (find-es "diagxy" "loop")
DxyLoop = Class {
  type    = "DxyLoop",
  __index = {
    TeX = function (pseudoar)
        local node, dTeX = pseudoar[1], pseudoar.dTeX
        local x, y = realxy(node.x, node.y)
        return dformat("\\Loop(%d,%d){%s}%s", x, y, node_to_TeX(node), dTeX)

-- «arrows_to_defdiag»  (to ".arrows_to_defdiag")
arrows_to_TeX = function (prefix)
    local f = function (ar) return (prefix or "  ")..ar:TeX().."\n" end
    return mapconcat(f, arrows, "")
arrows_to_defdiag = function (name, hyperlink)
    return format("\\defdiag{%s}{   %% %s\n%s}",
                  name, hyperlink or "",
                  arrows_to_TeX("  "))
arrows_to_defdiagprep = function (name, prep, hyperlink)
    return format("\\defdiagprep{%s}{   %% %s\n%s}{\n%s}",
                  name, hyperlink or "",
                  arrows_to_TeX("  "))

-- «arrows-tests» (to ".arrows-tests")
require "diagtex"
storenode {TeX="a", tag="a", x=100, y=100}
storenode {TeX="b", tag="b", x=140, y=100}
= nodes
storearrow(DxyArrow {from="a", to="b", shape="|->",
                     slide="5pt", label="up", placement="a"})
storearrow(DxyArrow {from="a", to="b", shape=".>"})
storearrow(DxyPlace {nodes["a"]})
storearrow(DxyLiteral {"literal foobar"})
= arrows
print(arrows_to_defdiag("??", "  % foo"))


-- Local Variables:
-- coding:             utf-8-unix
-- End: