Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% This file:
%   http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/emaxima.sty.html
%   http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/emaxima.sty
%           (find-angg "LATEX/emaxima.sty")
% This is a copy of the file emaxima.sty from the Maxima distribution
% with these two lines commented out:
%   %\usepackage[pdftex]{color}
%   %\usepackage{pdfcolmk}

%%%% Identification

%%% Commentary
% This package can be loaded with the command
%   \usepackage[options...]{emaxima}
% The possible options (explained below) are:
%     breqn, lines, listings, preview
% The breqn option will use the LaTeX breqn package (which must be
% installed) to break long maxima lines into shorter lines
% automatically.
% The preview option will enable the Emacs preview package (which
% must be installed) to preview the maxima environments.
% The lines option will put lines before and after some of the
% environments. 
% The listings option will use the LaTeX listings package (which must
% be installed) to typeset some of the maxima code.  To use this, the
% file maxima.sty must be in the search path for TeX.
% This package provides the following environments:
%   \begin{maxima}
%   ...
%   \end{maxima}
% and
%   \begin{maximasession}
%   ...
%   \end{maximasession}
% (Both versions have starred forms: maxima* and maximasession*, which
% will be skipped when the document is typeset.)
% The maxima environments can be joined with [...] optional arguments
% (as described in the documentation).
% The maxima and maximasession environments are sometimes split into
% input and output, separated by 
%   \maximaoutput
% or (if the output is in TeX form)
%   \maximaoutput*

%%%% How to customize
% Indentation
%   \setlength{\maximaindent}{<len>} will set the indentation
%   of all the maxima code
% Colors
%   \renewcommand{\maximapromptcolor}{<color>}
%   \renewcommand{\maximainputcolor}{<color>}
%   \renewcommand{\maximaoutputcolor}{<color>}
%   will set the colors of the TeX output of the sessions.
% Cell appearance
%   The top, middle and bottom of a maxima cell are determined by the
%   commands:  \maximatop, \maximamiddle, \maximabottom
%   By default, \maximamiddle is set to \maximaoutputmarker.
%   If the lines option is used, then \maximatop and \maximabottom
%   are set to \maximaboxtop and \maximaboxbottom, respectively.
%   Otherwise, \maximatop and \maximabottom are set to do nothing.
%   The top and bottom of a maxima session are determined by
%   \maximasessiontop and \maximasessionbottom, respectively.
%   By default, they do nothing.
% Fonts
%   The verbatim output for maxima cells is inserted with
%   \maximaverbatiminput.  This will do one of two things.
%   If the listings option is used, this is defined by
%   \lstinputlisting[style=emaxima]{#1}, and so can be adjusted by
%   resetting the emaxima style.   By default, this style is given by
%      \lstdefinestyle{emaxima}
%                     {language=maxima,
%                      aboveskip=0pt,
%                      belowskip=0pt,
%                      xleftmargin=\maximaindent}
%   If the listings package is not used, then \maximaverbatiminput is 
%   defined by \VerbatimInput[xleftmargin=\maximaindent]{#1}
%   (\VerbatimInput is from the fancyvrb package.)
%   In either case, it can be adjusted by redefining
%   \maximaverbatiminput, which is expected to indent everything by
%   \maximaindent
%   The fonts used in the maximasessions is \maximafont, by default
%   \ttfamily.

%%%% Initial Code

%%%% Declaration of options





%%%% Execution of options

%%%% Package loading

%%%% Main code

%%%% Some TeX coding
% First of all, a command to deactivate everything except \
\chardef \other = 12
  \catcode`\$ = \other
  \catcode`\& = \other
  \catcode`\# = \other
  \catcode`\% = \other
  \catcode`\~ = \other
  \catcode`\^ = \other
  \catcode`\_ = \other
  \catcode`\  = \other
  \catcode`\{ = \other
  \catcode`\} = \other}

% Next, a comment environment which ends at the next \end,
% \maximaoutput or \maximasessionoutput.
% It does this by looking at the next token and seeing if it is
% one of these.  If not, it discards it; if it is, it ends the
% comment environment.
% Putting \m@ximastartcomment (even inside a command) will start this.


\def\m@ximacommenttwo#1 {%



% Also, a comment environment which only ends with \end
% Putting \m@ximastartfullcomment (even inside a command) will start this.


\def\m@ximafullcommenttwo#1 {%



% Next, a write environment which ends at the next \maximaoutput or \end.
% It does this by looking at the next token and seeing if it is
% one of these.  If not, it writes it; if it is, it ends the
% write environment.
% It can be started with \m@ximastartwrite


\def\m@ximawriteskipline#1 {%




\def\m@ximawritetwo#1 {%

  \immediate\openout \m@ximaout \m@ximatempfile

  \immediate\openout \m@ximaout \m@ximatempfile

%  \immediate\write\m@ximaout{ }

% A command to verbatim typeset the file.
% It is determined by the command \maximaverbatiminput,
% whose default value depends on the option listings.


% The \maximaverbatiminput command depends on whether the
% listings option is given.
% The command should indent the code to \maximaindent



% Now, a command to see if the argument ends in a colon or not
% \maximaendsincolon{string} will set the boolean maximaendsincolon
% to be true if string ends with a colon, false otherwise.




%% Now, set some environments

%% We need environments for maxima, maxima*, maximasession, maximasession*
%% Any environment that ends in * will be a comment environment



%% The maxima environment should write verbatim the ``top'' part 
%% (before an output marker) and the the bottom verbatim or TeXed.

%% A macro for writing Maxima in the ``proper'' font


%% The top of the box

{\vskip -1ex
 \hbox to \hsize{\vrule depth 1ex  height .3pt width .4pt
                 \vrule height .4pt depth 0pt width 1.1em 
                 \lower .4ex \hbox{\tiny ~\Maxima} 
                 \vrule depth 1ex height .3pt width .4pt}
 \vskip 1ex}

{\vskip -1ex
 \hbox to \hsize{\vrule depth 1ex  height .3pt width .4pt
                \vrule height .4pt depth 0pt width 1.1em 
                \lower .4ex \hbox{\tiny ~\Maxima} 
                \lower .4ex \hbox{\tiny~\m@ximapartname}
                \vrule depth 1ex height .3pt width .4pt}
\vskip 1ex}


%% The bottom of the box

{\hbox to \hsize{\vrule depth 0ex height 1ex width .4pt
                 \vrule depth 0ex height 1ex width .4pt}}

%% The middle of the box


% \newcommand{\maximaoutputmarker}
% {\par\noindent
%  \vskip -1ex
%   \hbox to \hsize{\hskip 1.5em
%     \vrule height .4pt depth 0pt width 3em
%     \lower .4ex \hbox{\tiny Output}
%     \hrulefill
%     \hskip 1.5em}
%   \vskip 1ex
%   \par\noindent}

%% Setting the name

%     {\renewcommand{\m@ximapartname}{Definition of #1}}
     {\renewcommand{\m@ximapartname}{Definition of \m@ximaremovecolon{#1}}}

%% Now the environments



% Default top, middle and bottom of the maxima environment


  {}                           % verbatim output
    {\par\noindent}            % TeX output
    {}}                        % no output


    \begin{em@ximam@th} ##1 \end{em@ximam@th}\endgroup}
   {(\%t##1)}\begin{em@ximam@th} ##2 \end{em@ximam@th}\endgroup}

%% Some stuff to help with lists of examples

\newcommand{\maximaexamplesname}{List of Maxima Examples}

%% Some stuff of the list of examples
   {\protect\numberline{\thechapter.\themaximaexample} {\protect\ignorespaces #1}}}}
    {\protect\ignorespaces #1}}}}

\newcommand{\l@example}[2]{\par\noindent#1 {\itshape #2}}

%% The maximasession environment should ignore the ``top'' part
%% (before an output marker) and the the bottom verbatim or TeXed.
%% If TeXed, some commands need to be set up.



  \endgroup\par\noindent}  % verbatim output
    \endgroup\par\noindent}               % TeX output









\def\m@ximauncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials}
\obeylines \m@ximauncatcodespecials \obeyspaces}
{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=12 %


   {(\%o##1)}\begin{em@ximam@th} ##2 \end{em@ximam@th}\endgroup}
   \begin{em@ximam@th} ##1 \end{em@ximam@th}\endgroup}
   {(\%t##1)}\begin{em@ximam@th} ##2 \end{em@ximam@th}\endgroup}
