Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://angg.twu.net/LUA/Lazy1.lua.html
--   http://angg.twu.net/LUA/Lazy1.lua
--           (find-angg "LUA/Lazy1.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- 2022jul16
-- (defun l () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/Lazy1.lua"))
-- Obsolete! Superseded by:  (find-angg "LUA/Lazy2.lua")

require "C2Subst1"    -- (find-angg "LUA/C2Subst1.lua")

-- (find-angg "LUA/C2Subst1.lua" "LExpr")

tolua = function (o)
    if type(o) == "number" then return tostring(o) end
    if type(o) == "string" then return format("%q", o) end
    if not o.tolua then PPP(o); error "No :tolua" end
    return o:tolua()

LazyFun = Class {
  type    = "LazyFun",
  __tostring = function (la) return la:tolua() end,
  __index = {
    tolua = function (la)
        local args = mapconcat(tolua, la, ", ")
        return format("%s(%s)", la[0], args)
    totree = function (la) return SynTree.from(la) end,

LazyVar = Class {
  type    = "LazyVar",
  __tostring = function (la) return la:tolua() end,
  __index = {
    tolua = function (la) return la[0] end,
    totree = function (la) return SynTree.from(la) end,

fun = function (name)
    _G[name] = function (...) return LazyFun {[0]=name, ...} end
var = function (name)
    _G[name] = LazyVar {[0]=name}

funs = function (bigstr)
    for _,name in ipairs(split(bigstr)) do fun(name) end
vars = function (bigstr)
    for _,name in ipairs(split(bigstr)) do var(name) end

vareq = function (o1, o2)
    return otype(o1) == "LazyVar"
       and otype(o2) == "LazyVar"
       and o1[0] == o2[0]   -- vars with the same name
funeq = function (o1, o2)
    return otype(o1) == "LazyFun"
       and otype(o2) == "LazyFun"
       and o1[0] == o2[0]   -- apps of the same function
funarg = function (o, n)
    if otype(o) ~= "LazyFun" then error "Not a function" end
    return o[n or 1]

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Lazy1.lua"
f = LazyFun {[0]="f", 22, "foo"}
= f

funs " ddx eq mul f g fp gp und "
= f(22, "foo")

vars  " x y "
RC = eq(ddx(f(g(x))), mul(fp(g(x)), gp(x)))
= RC

= vareq(x,x), vareq(x,y)
= funeq(f(22),f(33)), funeq(f(22),g(33))
= funarg(f(22))
= funarg(f(22, 33), 2)

foo = f(und(g(x)))
= foo
= PP(              foo  )
= PP(     tostring(foo) )
= PP(expr(tostring(foo)))
foo = expr(tostring(foo))
= PP(              foo  )
= PP(     tostring(foo) )
= PP(expr(tostring(foo)))
und = id
foo = expr(tostring(foo))
= PP(              foo  )
= PP(     tostring(foo) )
= PP(expr(tostring(foo)))

-- (find-angg "LUA/C2Subst1.lua" "basic-ops")


makesubst_v1 = function (S_core)
    local S
    S = function (o)
        if type(o) == "number" then return o end
        if type(o) == "string" then return o end
        local oisvar = function (v) return    vareq(o, v) end
        local oisapp = function (f) return    funeq(o, f("_")) end
        local oarg   = function (n) return   funarg(o, n)  end
        local oSarg  = function (n) return S(funarg(o, n)) end
        local Sresult = S_core(o,oisvar,oisapp,oarg,oSarg)
	if Sresult then return Sresult end
        local o2 = shallowcopy(o)
        for i=1,#o2 do
          o2[i] = S(o2[i])
        return o2
    return S

Subst = Class {
  type = "Subst",
  fmt0 = "function (o,isvar,isapp,arg,Sarg)\n%s\n  end",
  fmt1 = "makesubst_v1(%s)",
  from = function (bigstr0) return
  __call = function (s, ...) return s.S(...) end,
  __tostring = function (s) return s.bigstr end,
  __index = {
    code = function (s)
        return format(Subst.fmt1, format(Subst.fmt0, s.bigstr))
    compile = function (s) s.S = expr(s:code()); return s end,

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Lazy1.lua"

S1 = Subst.from [[
    if isapp(f)  then return sen(Sarg()) end
    if isapp(fp) then return cos(Sarg()) end
    if isapp(g)  then return mul(42,Sarg()) end
    if isapp(gp) then return 42 end
    if isvar(x)  then return t end

= S1
= S1:code()
=    RC :totree()
= S1(RC):totree()

und0 = function (o)
    if funeq(o, und("_")) then return und0(funarg(o)) end
    return o

S2unds = Subst.from [[
    if isapp(f)  then return und(f (und(Sarg()))) end
    if isapp(fp) then return und(fp(und(Sarg()))) end
    if isapp(g)  then return und(g (und(Sarg()))) end
    if isapp(gp) then return und(gp(und(Sarg()))) end
    if isvar(x)  then return und(x) end

S2und1 = Subst.from [[
    if isapp(und) then return und(und0(Sarg())) end

=               RC  :totree()
=        S2unds(RC) :totree()
= S2und1(S2unds(RC)):totree()

S3u = Subst.from [[
    return und(o)

= S3u(RC):totree()

= und0(und(und(x)))

foo = mul(und(und(x)), und(y))
= foo:totree()


funs " ddx ddvar eq mul sen cos f g fp gp und "
vars " x y t "
RC = eq(ddx  (   f(g(x))), mul(fp(g(x)), gp(x)))
RC = eq(ddvar(x, f(g(x))), mul(fp(g(x)), gp(x)))

S1_core = function (o,isvar,isapp,arg,Sarg)
    if isvar(x)  then return y end
S2_core = function (o,isvar,isapp,arg,Sarg)
    if isapp(und) then return t end
S3_core = function (o,isvar,isapp,arg,Sarg)
    if isapp(f)  then return sen(Sarg()) end
    if isapp(fp) then return cos(Sarg()) end
    if isapp(g)  then return mul(42,Sarg()) end
    if isapp(gp) then return 42 end
    if isvar(x)  then return t end

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Lazy1.lua"

S1 = makesubst_v1(
    function (o,isvar,isapp,arg,Sarg)
        if isvar(x) then return t end
= RC
= S1(RC)

S2 = makesubst_v1(function (o,isvar,isapp,arg,Sarg)
    if isapp(f)  then return sen(Sarg()) end
    if isapp(fp) then return cos(Sarg()) end
    if isapp(g)  then return mul(42,Sarg()) end
    if isapp(gp) then return 42 end
    if isvar(x)  then return t end
=    RC
= S2(RC)
=    RC :totree()
= S2(RC):totree()

funs " u "
RCU = eq(ddvar(u(x), u(f(u(g(u(x)))))), mul(fp(u(g(u(x)))), u(gp(u(x)))))

S1 = makesubst_v1(S1_core)
S3 = makesubst_v1(S3_core)
= S1("foo")
= S1(x)
= S1(RC)
= S3(RC)
= S3(f(42))

= RC
foo = x
= x

isvar = function (o, v)
  return otype 

-- (
c2m221dp1p 2 "introducao")
-- (c2m221dp1a    "introducao")

RC_example1 = applysubst(RC, S1)


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-- coding:  utf-8-unix
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