Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://angg.twu.net/LUA/Parenthesize1.lua.html
--   http://angg.twu.net/LUA/Parenthesize1.lua
--           (find-angg "LUA/Parenthesize1.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- (defun e () (interactive) (find-angg "LUA/Parenthesize1.lua"))
-- (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e Parenthesize LUA/*.lua")
-- (find-es "maxima" "operators")
-- (find-angg "LUA/Arith6.lua" "Parenthesize")
-- (find-angg "LUA/Arith6.lua" "defs_0")
-- (find-es "maxima" "operators")

-- «.Parenthesize»		(to "Parenthesize")
-- «.Parenthesize-tests»	(to "Parenthesize-tests")
-- «.tostrp»			(to "tostrp")
-- «.tostrp-tests»		(to "tostrp-tests")
-- «.Stack»			(to "Stack")
-- «.Stack-half-close-tests»	(to "Stack-half-close-tests")
-- «.Stack-reduce-tests»	(to "Stack-reduce-tests")

require "Show1"         -- (find-angg "LUA/Show1.lua" "string.show")
require "Tree1"         -- (find-angg "LUA/Tree1.lua")
require "GetInfo2"      -- (find-angg "LUA/GetInfo2.lua")

-- «Parenthesize»  (to ".Parenthesize")
Parenthesize = Class {
  type = "Parenthesize",
  new  = function () return Parenthesize {ops={}} end,
  __tostring = function (pth) return mytostringv(pth.ops) end,
  __index = {
    addinfix = function (pth, lbp, rbp, names)
        for _,name in ipairs(split(names)) do
          pth.ops[name] = HTable {fixity="infix", name=name, lbp=lbp, rbp=rbp}
        return pth
    addprefix  = function (pth, bp, names)
        for _,name in ipairs(split(names)) do
          pth.ops[name] = HTable {fixity="prefix", name=name, bp=bp}
        return pth
    addpostfix = function (pth, bp, names)
        for _,name in ipairs(split(names)) do
          pth.ops[name] = HTable {fixity="postfix", name=name, bp=bp}
        return pth
    op      = function (pth, o) return o[0] end,
    opp     = function (pth, o) return pth.ops[o[0]] end,
    bp      = function (pth, o) return pth:opp(o).bp end,
    lbp     = function (pth, o) return pth:opp(o).lbp end,
    rbp     = function (pth, o) return pth:opp(o).rbp end,
    fixity  = function (pth, o) return pth:atomp(o) or pth:opp(o).fixity end,
    bps     = function (pth, o) return pth:lbp(o)..":"..pth:rbp(o) end,
    infix   = function (pth, o) return pth:fixity(o) == "infix" end,
    prefix  = function (pth, o) return pth:fixity(o) == "prefix" end,
    postfix = function (pth, o) return pth:fixity(o) == "postfix" end,
    atomp   = function (pth, o) return type(o) ~= "table" and "atom" end,
    fixity0  = function (pth, op) return pth.ops[op] and pth.ops[op].fixity end,
    infix0   = function (pth, op) return pth:fixity0(op) == "infix" end,
    prefix0  = function (pth, op) return pth:fixity0(op) == "prefix" end,
    postfix0 = function (pth, op) return pth:fixity0(op) == "postfix" end,
    paren   = function (pth, o, i)
        local bp   = function (o) return pth:bp(o) end
        local lbp  = function (o) return pth:lbp(o) end
        local rbp  = function (o) return pth:rbp(o) end
        local bps  = function (o) return pth:bps(o) end
        local inf  = function (o) return pth:infix(o) end
        local pre  = function (o) return pth:prefix(o) end
        local post = function (o) return pth:postfix(o) end
        -- trivial cases:
        if inf(o) and i==1 and post(o[1]) then return false, "_!+_" end
        if inf(o) and i==2 and pre(o[2])  then return false, "_*-_" end
        if pre(o)  and pre(o[1])  then return false, "--_" end
        if post(o) and post(o[1]) then return false, "_!!" end
        -- cases with parentheses:
        if inf(o) and i==1 and pre(o[1]) and bp(o[1]) < lbp(o) then
          return true, "(pre_)inf_"
        if inf(o) and i==1 and inf(o[1]) and rbp(o[1]) < lbp(o) then
          return true, "(_inf_)inf_"
        if inf(o) and i==2 and post(o[2]) and rbp(o) > bp(o[2]) then
          return true, "_inf(_post)"
        if inf(o) and i==2 and inf(o[2]) and rbp(o) > lbp(o[2]) then
          return true, "_inf(_inf_)"
        if pre(o) and post(o[1]) and bp(o) > bp(o[1]) then
          return true, "pre(_post)"
        if pre(o) and inf(o[1]) and bp(o) > lbp(o[1]) then
          return true, "pre(_inf_)"
        if post(o) and pre(o[1]) and bp(o[1]) < bp(o) then
          return true, "(pre_)post"
        if post(o) and inf(o[1]) and rbp(o[1]) < bp(o) then
          return true, "(_inf_)post"
        -- cases without parentheses:
        if inf(o) and i==1 and pre(o[1]) and bp(o[1]) >= lbp(o) then
          return false, ".pre_.inf_"
        if inf(o) and i==1 and inf(o[1]) and rbp(o[1]) >= lbp(o) then
          return false, "._inf_.inf_"
        if inf(o) and i==2 and post(o[2]) and rbp(o) <= bp(o[2]) then
          return false, "_inf._post."
        if inf(o) and i==2 and inf(o[2]) and rbp(o) <= lbp(o[2]) then
          return false, "_inf._inf_."
        if pre(o) and post(o[1]) and bp(o) <= bp(o[1]) then
          return false, "pre._post."
        if pre(o) and inf(o[1]) and bp(o) <= lbp(o[1]) then
          return false, "pre._inf_."
        if post(o) and pre(o[1]) and bp(o[1]) >= bp(o) then
          return false, ".pre_.post"
        if post(o) and inf(o[1]) and rbp(o[1]) >= bp(o) then
          return false, "._inf_.post"

pth = Parenthesize.new()
pth:addinfix(10, 11, "+ -")
pth:addinfix(30, 31, "* /")
pth:addinfix(41, 40, "^")
pth:addpostfix(50, "!")
pth:addprefix (20, "u-")

bin    = function (a, op, b) return Tree {[0]=op, a, b} end
add    = function (a, b) return bin(a, "+", b) end
minus  = function (a, b) return bin(a, "-", b) end
mul    = function (a, b) return bin(a, "*", b) end
div    = function (a, b) return bin(a, "/", b) end
pow    = function (a, b) return bin(a, "^", b) end
fact   = function (a) return Tree {[0]="!", a} end
uminus = function (a) return Tree {[0]="u-", a} end

-- string.op = function (o) return pth.ops[o] end

-- «Parenthesize-tests»  (to ".Parenthesize-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Parenthesize1.lua"
test1 = function (er, o) print(trees(o, er, pth:paren(o, 1))) end
test2 = function (er, o) print(trees(o, er, pth:paren(o, 2))) end
test2(true,  mul(1, add(2, 3)))
test2(false, add(1, mul(2, 3)))
test1(true,  mul(add(1, 2), 3))
test1(false, add(mul(1, 2), 3))
test1(false, minus(minus(1, 2), minus(3, 4)))
test2(true,  minus(minus(1, 2), minus(3, 4)))
test1(true,  pow(pow(1, 2), pow(3, 4)))
test2(false, pow(pow(1, 2), pow(3, 4)))

test1(false,  add(fact(1), fact(2)))
test1(false,  add(fact(1), fact(2)))
test1(true,   pow(uminus(1), uminus(2)))
test2(false,  pow(uminus(1), uminus(2)))


-- «tostrp»  (to ".tostrp")
tostrp = function (o, addparens)
    if addparens then return "("..tostrp0(o)..")" end
    return tostrp0(o)

tostrp0 = function (o)
    local tsp = function (i, j) return tostrp(o[i], pth:paren(o,j)) end
    if pth:atomp(o)   then return tostring(o) end
    if pth:prefix(o)  then return format(   "%s %s",           o[0], tsp(1)  ) end
    if pth:postfix(o) then return format("%s %s"   , tsp(1),   o[0]          ) end
    if pth:infix(o)   then return format("%s %s %s", tsp(1,1), o[0], tsp(2,2)) end
    error "Foo!"

-- «tostrp-tests»  (to ".tostrp-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Parenthesize1.lua"
foo = minus(minus(1, 2), minus(3, 4))
foo = pow(pow(1, 2), pow(3, 4))
foo = uminus(1)
= foo
= tostrp(foo)


-- «Stack»  (to ".Stack")
Stack = Class {
  type    = "Stack",
  new     = function () return Stack {} end,
  __tostring = function (s) return mapconcat(tostring, s, " ") end,
  __tostring = function (s) return tostring(trees(unpack(s))) end,
  __index = {
    push  = function (s, o) table.insert(s, o); return s end,
    pushs = function (s, ...) for _,o in ipairs({...}) do s:push(o) end; return s end,
    check     = function (s) assert(#s>0, s.msg or "Empty stack"); return s end,
    drop      = function (s) s:check(); s[#s]=nil; return s end,
    dropn     = function (s, n) for i=1,n  do s:drop() end; return s end,
    dropuntil = function (s, n) while #s>n do s:drop() end; return s end,
    clear     = function (s)    return s:dropn(#s) end,
    pop  = function (s) return                            s[#s], s:dropn(1) end,
    pop2 = function (s) return                   s[#s-1], s[#s], s:dropn(2) end,
    pop3 = function (s) return          s[#s-2], s[#s-1], s[#s], s:dropn(3) end,
    pop4 = function (s) return s[#s-3], s[#s-2], s[#s-1], s[#s], s:dropn(4) end,
    pick = function (s, offset) return s[#s-offset] end,
    pock = function (s, offset, o)     s[#s-offset] = o; return s end,
    pf1 = function (s, fmt) return s:push(format(fmt, s:pop())) end,
    pf2 = function (s, fmt) return s:push(format(fmt, s:pop2())) end,
    pf3 = function (s, fmt) return s:push(format(fmt, s:pop3())) end,
    -- 2022sep04
    halfpre   = function (s) local op   = s:pop();  return s:push(pre(op,"?")) end,
    closepre  = function (s) local a,b  = s:pop2(); return s:push(pre(a[0],b)) end,
    halfbin   = function (s) local a,op = s:pop2(); return s:push(bin(a,op,"?")) end,
    closebin  = function (s) local a,b  = s:pop2(); return s:push(bin(a[1], a[0], b)) end,
    closepost = function (s) local a,op = s:pop2(); return s:push(post(a,op)) end,
    reduce = function (s)
        if pth:prefix(s:pick(1)) then return s:closepre() end
        if pth:infix(s:pick(1)) then return s:closebin() end
        error("bad reduce")
    half = function (s)
        if pth:infix0(s:pick(0)) then return s:halfbin() end
        if pth:prefix0(s:pick(0)) then return s:halfpre() end
        error("bad half")
    pushh = function (s, op) s:push(op); return s:half() end,

pre  = function (op, a) return Tree {[0]=op, a} end
post = function (a, op) return Tree {[0]=op, a} end
bin  = function (a, op, b) return Tree {[0]=op, a, b} end

-- «Stack-reduce-tests»  (to ".Stack-reduce-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Parenthesize1.lua"

-- Ok:
s = Stack.new()
= s:push (2)
= s:pushh("+")
= s:push (3)
= s:reduce(3)

-- Ok:
s = Stack.new()
= s:pushh("u-")
= s:push ("2")
= s:reduce()

= s:halfpre()
= s:push("2")
= s:reduce()

= s:pick(1)
= pth:prefix(s:pick(1))
= s:pick(1)

= s:reduce()
= s:closepre()

= s:reduce()
* (eek "C-x r SPC a")
= dg
= dg[7]
= dg[7]:vars()
= dg[7]:names()
= dg[7]:is()
= dg[7].v
= dg[7]:v "s"

s = Stack.new()
= s:push("3")
= s:push("/")
= s:halfbin()
= s:push("4")
= s:closebin()

s = Stack.new()
= s:push("5")
= s:push("!")
= s:closepost()

= s:reduce()
= s:push("!")
= s:reduce()
= s:push("+")
= s:reduce()
= s:push("b")
= s:reduce()

= s:push("/")
= pth:infix(s:pick(0))

= s:reduce()

= s:reduce()
* (eek "C-x r SPC a")
= dg
= dg[7]
= dg[7]:vars()
= dg[7]:vs()

= s:halfbin()
= s:push("b")
= s:closebin()
= s:push("+")
= s:halfbin("+")
= s:push("c")
= s:push("!")
= s:closepost()
= s:closebin()
= s:push("u-")
= s:push("d")
= s:closepre()
= s:pick(0)
= pth:prefix(s:pick(0))

a,op = s:pop2()
= s:push(bin(a,op,"?"))
= s:push("b")
a,b = s:pop2()
= s:push(bin(a[1], a[0], b))

r = math.random
rr = function ()
    local a = r(0,3)
    if a == 0 then return "o" end
    if a == 1 then return ":"..r(0,9) end
    if a == 2 then return r(0,9)..":" end
    if a == 3 then return r(0,9)..":"..r(0,9) end
rrs = function (n)
    local str = ""
    for i=1,n do str = str.." "..rr() end
    return str
rs = function (str)
    str = str or "+ - * / ^ u- ! o o"
    local spl = split(str)
    return spl[r(1,#spl)]
rss = function (n)
    local str = ""
    for i=1,n do str = str.." "..rs() end
    return str

s = Stack.new()
= s:push("a")
= s:push("/")
a,op = s:pop2()
= s:push(bin(a,op,"?"))
= s:push("b")
a,b = s:pop2()
= s:push(bin(a[1], a[0], b))

= s:push("/")

= rrs(20)
= rss(20)

o / o * o * o / o ! u- u- o / o / o ! o ^ -

s = Stack.new()
= s:push("o")
= s:push("3:7")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s")
= s:push("o")
= s:push("9:1")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s")
= s:push(":7")
= s:push(":5")
= s:push(":6")
= s:push(":5")
= s:push("o")
= s:push("9:6")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s")
= s:push("o")
= s:pf2("%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:push("2:")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("%s_%s)")
= s:push("0:")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")

= s:pf2("%s_%s)")

= s:pf2("%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("%s_%s)")
= s:push("1:")
= s:push("0:")
= s:push("o")

= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")
= s:pf2("(%s_%s)")

= s:pf2("(%s_%s")

= s
s:push(format("(%s %s", s:pop2()))
= s

o 3:7 o 9:1 :7 :5 :6 :5 o 9:6 o 2: 0: o 2:4 o 2:5 6:2 5: :9 :7 7:

s = Stack.new()
s:pushs("a", ">", "b", "<")
= s

= math.random(100)

r = function () return math.random(10) end


-- «Stack-half-close-tests»  (to ".Stack-half-close-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "Parenthesize1.lua"

s = Stack.new()
= s:push("u-")
= s:halfpre()
= s:push("2")
= s:closepre()

s = Stack.new()
= s:push("3")
= s:push("/")
= s:halfbin()
= s:push("4")
= s:closebin()

s = Stack.new()
= s:push("5")
= s:push("!")
= s:closepost()


-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: