Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- Superseded by: (find-angg "LUA/Calendar1.lua")

-- «.run»	(to "run")

yeardays = {}
months   = {}
addmonth = function (name, nome, ndays)
    tinsert(months, {name=name, nome=nome, dayzero=#yeardays, n=#months+1})
    months[name] = months[#months]
    for i=1,ndays do tinsert(yeardays, {m=#months, day=i}) end
addmonth("jan", "jan", 31)
addmonth("feb", "fev", 28)
addmonth("mar", "mar", 31)
addmonth("apr", "abr", 30)
addmonth("may", "mai", 31)
addmonth("jun", "jun", 30)
addmonth("jul", "jul", 31)
addmonth("aug", "ago", 31)
addmonth("sep", "set", 30)
addmonth("oct", "out", 31)
addmonth("nov", "nov", 30)
addmonth("dec", "dez", 31)
-- PP(months)
-- PP(yeardays)
md_to_nday = function (m, d) return months[m].dayzero + d end
nday_to_md = function (nday) local md = yeardays[nday]; return md.m, md.day end
nday_to_mdstr = function (nday)
    local m, d = nday_to_md(nday)
    local mnome = months[m].nome
    return format("%02d/%3s", d, mnome)
foo = function (n, nday)
    return format("%d\170 aula (%s):", n, nday_to_mdstr(nday))
nday0 = md_to_nday("aug", 9)      -- day of the first class in 2010.2
printaulas = function (offset)    -- offset=1 for consecutive days
    for i=0,17 do
      print(foo(i*2 + 1, nday0 + 7*i))
      print(foo(i*2 + 2, nday0 + 7*i + offset))

-- «run»  (to ".run")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "puro-calendario2.lua"
p1 = function (nday) print(nday_to_mdstr(nday)) end
p = function (nday, k) print(nday_to_mdstr(nday), nday_to_mdstr(nday+k)) end
p(5,          29)
p(5+30,       14)
p(5+30+15,    29)
p(5+30+15+30, 14)

p(201,        14)

p(334,        29)

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "puro-calendario2.lua"
-- nday0 = md_to_nday("aug", 9)   -- day of the first class in 2010.2
-- printaulas(2)
nday0 = md_to_nday("mar", 16)     -- day of the first class in 2011.1
printaulas(2)                     -- MD
printaulas(1)                     -- GA

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "puro-calendario2.lua"
-- nday0 = md_to_nday("aug", 9)   -- day of the first class in 2010.2
-- printaulas(2)
nday0 = md_to_nday("mar", 16)     -- day of the first class in 2011.1

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "puro-calendario2.lua"
nday0 = md_to_nday("aug", 10)   -- day of the first class in 2011.2
printaulas(2)                   -- GA
printaulas(1)                   -- MD

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "puro-calendario2.lua"
nday0 = md_to_nday("mar", 7)      -- day of the first class in 2012.1
printaulas(2)                     -- GA and MD


-- Local Variables:
-- coding:               raw-text-unix
-- ee-anchor-format:     "«%s»"
-- End: