Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# This file:
#   http://angg.twu.net/ORG/emacsconf2022-kla.org.html
#   http://angg.twu.net/ORG/emacsconf2022-kla.org
#           (find-angg "ORG/emacsconf2022-kla.org")
# Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
# (defun eklo () (interactive) (find-angg "ORG/emacsconf2022-kla.org"))
# Some eev-isms:
# (defun b  () (interactive) (find-TH "emacsconf2022-kla"))
# (defun c  () (interactive) (eek "C-c C-e h h"))
# (defun o  () (interactive) (find-angg "ORG/emacsconf2022-kla.org"))
# (defun oo () (interactive) (find-angg "emlua/README.org"))
# (defun cv () (interactive) (c) (v))
# (defun v  () (interactive) (brg     "~/ORG/emacsconf2022-kla.html"))
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

#+TITLE: Bidirectional links with eev
#+AUTHOR: Eduardo Ochs
#+EMAIL: eduardoochs@gmail.com

Consider the two sexps below:

#+begin_src elisp
(code-c-d "foobar" "/tmp/foo/bar/" :anchor)
(code-c-d "fb"     "/tmp/foo/bar/" :anchor)

Each one of them defines several "short hyperlink" functions. After
running them the three sexps below are roughly equivalent:

#+begin_src elisp
(find-file "/tmp/foo/bar/plic.txt")
(find-foobarfile "plic.txt")
(find-fbfile "plic.txt")

The "~code-c-d~"s above also define functions with even shorter names
-- ~find-foobar~ and ~find-fb~ - that point to "anchors" in files in
the directory ~/tmp/foo/bar/~. The three sexps below are roughly
equivalent -

#+begin_src elisp
(find-fline "/tmp/foo/bar/plic.txt" "«bletch»")
(find-foobar "plic.txt" "bletch")
(find-fb "plic.txt" "bletch")

Until feb/2022 the only way that I had to produce these hyperlinks to
anchors quickly required a LOT of muscle memory... I had to type this,

M-1 M-h M-w  M-h M-h  9*<down>  M-h M-2  M-h M-y  M-h M--  M-h M-w  M-k

where the number of "~<down>~"s depended on whether I preferred
~find-foobar~ of ~find-fb~ - i.e., of on what is my preferred "code"
for the "directory" ~/tmp/foo/bar/~; either "~foobar~" or "~fb~".

In this presentation I will show a much better way to generate short
hyperlinks to anchors and push these short hyperlinks to the kill
ring, and how I use that to create bidirectional hyperlinks between my
notes on a language $LANGUAGE and programs written in that language.

For more info see [[http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2022-kla.html][this page]].

# Local Variables:
# coding:  utf-8-unix
# modes:   (org-mode fundamental-mode)
# org-html-postamble:   nil
# End: