Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file:
--   http://angg.twu.net/SRF/srfa.lua.html
--   http://angg.twu.net/SRF/srfa.lua
--           (find-angg "SRF/srfa.lua")
-- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
-- [A]nother attempt to reimplement Marc's srfish.lua.
-- This is just the core of my reimplementation; only a few of Marc's
-- primitives and colon definitions were ported and tested, and I'm
-- currently rewriting the Terp class again. My code looks big, but
-- that's because it has lots of printing functions that are used in
-- the test blocks. Practically all its documentation is in test
-- blocks - see:
--   http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2021emacsconf.pdf
--   http://angg.twu.net/eev-videos/emacsconf2021.mp4
--   http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2021.html
-- Version: 2022feb09
-- (defun a () (interactive) (find-angg "SRF/srfa.lua"))
-- (defun b () (interactive) (find-angg "SRF/srfb.lua"))
-- (defun c () (interactive) (find-angg "SRF/srfc.lua"))
-- To test this, run: (find-angg "SRF/srfa.lua" "download")
-- then run its test block.

-- «.download»		(to "download")
-- «.Throw»		(to "Throw")
-- «.utils»		(to "utils")
-- «.Stack»		(to "Stack")
-- «.Stack-tests»	(to "Stack-tests")
-- «.Toknz»		(to "Toknz")
-- «.Toknz-tests»	(to "Toknz-tests")
-- «.Code»		(to "Code")
-- «.Code-tests»	(to "Code-tests")
-- «.Vocab»		(to "Vocab")
-- «.Vocab-test»	(to "Vocab-test")
-- «.marcsprims»	(to "marcsprims")
-- «.marcspreamble»	(to "marcspreamble")
-- «.aux»		(to "aux")
-- «.Terp»		(to "Terp")
-- «.Terp-tests»	(to "Terp-tests")
-- «.Terp-loop-test»	(to "Terp-loop-test")
-- «.Terp-break-test»	(to "Terp-break-test")
-- «.Terp-prim:-test»	(to "Terp-prim:-test")

-- «download»  (to ".download")
* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rv /tmp/srfa/
mkdir  /tmp/srfa/
cd     /tmp/srfa/
wget -O edrxlib.lua http://angg.twu.net/LUA/lua50init.lua
wget                http://angg.twu.net/SRF/srfa.lua

* (setenv "LUA_INIT" "@/tmp/srfa/edrxlib.lua")
* (find-anchor        "/tmp/srfa/srfa.lua" "Terp-tests")


require "edrxlib"  -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "edrxlib")

-- «Throw»  (to ".Throw")
Throw = Class {
  type    = "Throw",
  __index = {
    bool      = function(_)   error('logical value must be 0 or 1', 0) end,
    brk       = function()    error('break', 0) end, -- todo
    host      = function(err) error('host interpretation failed: ' .. err, 0) end,
    underflow = function()    error('stack underflow', 0) end,
    unknown   = function(w)   error('unknown word: ' .. w, 0) end,
    eol       = function(w)   error('eol', 0) end,
throw = Throw {}

-- «utils»  (to ".utils")
loadstr = -- load with environment
  setfenv and function(s, env)
                local fn, err = loadstring(s)
                if fn then setfenv(fn, env) end
                return fn, err
          or  function(s, env) return load(s, nil, nil, env) end

toBool = function(i)
  if     i == 0 then return false
  elseif i == 1 then return true
  else               throw.bool(i) end

fromBool = function(b) return b and 1 or 0 end

copyTable = function(tbl)
  local t = {}
  for k, v in pairs(tbl) do t[k]=v end
  return t

trim = bitrim

image = function(v)
  if     v == nil    then return '(nil)'
  elseif tonumber(v) then return v
  else                    return quote(v) end

quote = function(s)
  return "'" .. string.gsub(s, "'", "''") .. "'"

spaces = function (n) return (" "):rep(n) end

-- «Stack»  (to ".Stack")
-- Marc's version.
-- Compare with: (find-dn6 "stacks.lua" "Stack")
Stack = Class {
  type = "Stack",
  new  = function () return Stack {} end,
  __tostring = function(s) return s:image() end,  -- marc
  __tostring = function(s) return mapconcat(mytostring, s, " ") end, -- edrx
  __index = { -- s: a stack object
    depth = function(s) return #s end,
    dup   = function(s) s:push(s:peek(#s)) end,
    over  = function(s) s:push(s:peek(#s-1)) end,
    push  = table.insert,
    peek  = function(s, n)
              if n <= 0 then throw.underflow() end
              return s[n]
    pop   = function(s)
              local v = table.remove(s)
              if v == nil then throw.underflow() end
              return v
    reset = function(s) for i, v in ipairs(s) do s[i] = nil end end,
    rot   = function(s)
              if #s < 3 then throw.underflow() end
              s[#s], s[#s-1], s[#s-2] = s[#s-2], s[#s], s[#s-1]
    swap  = function(s) s[#s], s[#s-1] = s:peek(#s-1), s:peek(#s) end,
    image = function(s)
              local img = '<' .. #s .. '> '
              for _, v in ipairs(s) do img = img .. image(v) .. ' ' end
              return img

stack = Stack.new()

-- «Stack-tests»  (to ".Stack-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

s = Stack.new()
= s
s:push("a b c")
= s
= tonumber(30)
= tonumber("30")


--  _____     _              
-- |_   _|__ | | ___ __  ____
--   | |/ _ \| |/ / '_ \|_  /
--   | | (_) |   <| | | |/ / 
--   |_|\___/|_|\_\_| |_/___|
-- «Toknz»  (to ".Toknz")
-- A tokenizer class that can use both Lua patterns and Lpeg.
-- Half of its code is made of printing functions.

Toknz = Class {
  type = "Toknz",
  new  = function (line, pos)
      return Toknz {subj=line, pos=pos or 1}
  __tostring = function (tknz) return tknz:tostring() end,
  __index = {
    -- Low-level parsers.
    setlasttoken = function (tknz, o)
        tknz.lasttoken = o
        tknz.pos = o.e
        return o        
    parsepat0 = function (tknz, pat, kind)
        local b,body,e = tknz.subj:match(pat, tknz.pos)
        local o = {b=b, kind=kind, body=body, e=e}
        if b then return o end
    parsepat = function (tknz, pat, kind)
        local b,body,e = tknz.subj:match(pat, tknz.pos)
        local o = {b=b, kind=kind, body=body, e=e}
        if b then return tknz:setlasttoken(o) end
    parselpegpat = function (tknz, lpegpat)
        local o = lpegpat:match(tknz.subj, tknz.pos)
        if o then return tknz:setlasttoken(o) end
    -- Simple parsers with predefined patterns.
    -- Parsers with more complex patterns, like one that parses either
    -- a word in the vocabulary or a number, can be added later.
    word = function (tknz)
	return tknz:parsepat("^%s*()(%S+)()", "word")
    rest = function (tknz)                           -- rest of the line
	return tknz:parsepat("^%s()(.*)()$", "rest") -- note the initial "%s"!
    dqstring = function (tknz)                       -- doubly-quoted string
        return tknz:parsepat('^%s*()"([^"]*)"()', "strlit")
    sqstring = function (tknz)                       -- singly-quoted string
        return tknz:parsepat("^%s*()'([^']*)'()", "strlit")
    wordsuchthat = function (tknz, validator, kind)
        local o = tknz:parsepat0("^%s*()(%S+)()", "word")
        if o and validator(o.body) then
          o = {b=o.b, kind=kind, body=o.body, e=o.e}
          return tknz:setlasttoken(o)
    -- Several ways to convert a tknz to a string.
    tostring = function (tknz)
        local last = ""
	local bigstr = tknz.subj .. "\n" .. tknz:caretunderpos()
        if tknz.lasttoken then bigstr = bigstr.."\n"..tknz:last() end
        return bigstr
    caretunderpos = function (tknz, pos)
        pos = pos or tknz.pos
        return (" "):rep(#tknz.subj):replace(pos-1, "^")
    last = function (tknz)
        return tknz:carets("usecopy")..tknz:shortfields()
    carets = function (tknz, usecopy, b, e)
        b = b or tknz.lasttoken.b
        e = e or tknz.lasttoken.e
        local cars = usecopy and tknz.subj:sub(b, e-1) or ("^"):rep(e-b)
        return (" "):rep(#tknz.subj):replace(b-1, cars)
    shortfields = function (tknz, o)
        o = o or tknz.lasttoken
        local f = function (field, q)
            if not o[field] then return "" end
            return " "..field..":"..(q or "")..o[field]..(q or "")
        return f("kind")..f("body", '"')..f("base")
    -- Run method several times and print tknz after each one.
    test = function (tknz, verbose, method)
        method = method or "word"
        print(tknz.subj)              -- print subj only once
        local lt = tknz[method](tknz)
        while lt do
          if verbose then PP(lt); print() end
          lt = tknz[method](tknz)

-- «Toknz-tests»  (to ".Toknz-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

line = [=[ : 5* 5 * ;  'foo bar' + 0x23 ]=]
tk = Toknz.new(line)
= tk
= tk
= tk

Toknz.new(line):test(nil, "rest")
Toknz.new(line, 12):test(nil, "rest")
-- Toknz.new(line):test("verbose")

line = [=[ 'foo "" bar'  'plic bletch' "qux" ]=]
Toknz.new(line):test(nil, "sqstring")
line = [=[ "foo '' bar"  "plic bletch" 'qux' ]=]
Toknz.new(line):test(nil, "dqstring")

Toknz.__index.num = function (tknz)
    local isnum = function (str) return str:match("^[0-9]+$") end
    return tknz:wordsuchthat(isnum, "num")
Toknz.__index.complextoken = function (tknz)
    return tknz:dqstring() or tknz:sqstring() or tknz:num() or tknz:word()

line = [=[ : 5* 5 * ; "foo bar" 'plic bletch' ]=]
Toknz.new(line):test(nil, "complextoken")


--   ____          _      
--  / ___|___   __| | ___ 
-- | |   / _ \ / _` |/ _ \
-- | |__| (_) | (_| |  __/
--  \____\___/ \__,_|\___|
-- «Code»  (to ".Code")
-- See: (find-es "lua5" "lambda-with-Code")
-- An object of class Code contains source code in Lua both in an
-- abbreviated form (in the ".src" field) and as standard Lua code
-- (the ".code" field).
-- TA-DA: an object of the class Code does NOT contain a compiled
-- version of its .code field! 8-O

Code = Class {
  type   = "Code",
  parse2 = function (src)
      local vars,rest = src:match("^%s*([%w_,]+)%s*=>(.*)$")
      if not vars then error("Code.parse2 can't parse: "..src) end
      return vars, rest
  format2 = function (fmt, src)
      return format(fmt, Code.parse2(src))
  ve = function (src)                       -- src is "vars => expression"
      local fmt = "local %s=...; return %s"
      return Code {src=src, code=Code.format2(fmt, src)}
  vc = function (src)                       -- src is "vars => code"
      local fmt = "local %s=...; %s"
      return Code {src=src, code=Code.format2(fmt, src)}
  __tostring = function (c) return c.src end,
  __call = function (c, ...) return assert(loadstring(c.code))(...) end,
  __index = {

ve = Code.ve
vc = Code.vc

-- «Code-tests»  (to ".Code-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"
= ve [[ a,b => a*b ]]
= ve [[ a,b => a*b ]] .src
= ve [[ a,b => a*b ]] .code
= ve [[ a,b => a*b ]] (2, 3)
= vc [[ a,b => print(a*b)              ]] (2, 3)
= vc [[ a,b => print('hi'); return a*b ]] (2, 3)
= vc [[ a,b => print('hi'); return a*b ]] .src
= vc [[ a,b => print('hi'); return a*b ]] .code
= ve [[ a,b =>                     a*b ]] .code


-- __     __              _     
-- \ \   / /__   ___ __ _| |__  
--  \ \ / / _ \ / __/ _` | '_ \ 
--   \ V / (_) | (_| (_| | |_) |
--    \_/ \___/ \___\__,_|_.__/ 
-- «Vocab»  (to ".Vocab")
-- Both the set of primitives and the set of colon definitions are
-- implemented as objects of the class Vocab.

Vocab = Class {
  type = "Vocab",
  newprims = function (width) return Vocab {_ = {}, width = width or 11} end,
  newcolons = function (width)
      return Vocab { _ = {}, width = width or 12,
          tostring1 = function (p, name) return p:colontostring(name) end,
  __tostring = function (p) return p:tostring() end,
  __index = {
    width = 8,
    primtostring = function (p, name, src)
        return name:replace(p.width, src or p._[name].src)
    colontostring = function (p, name, def)
        return (": "..name):replace(p.width, def or p._[name])
    -- or: tostring1 = function (p, name) return p:colontostring(name) end,
    tostring1        = function (p, name) return p:primtostring(name)  end,
    tostring = function (p)
        local f = function (name) return p:tostring1(name) end
        return mapconcat(f, sorted(keys(p._)), "\n")
    toset = function (p) return Set.from(keys(p._)) end,
    add     = function (p, name, o)   p._[name] = o;       return p; end,
    addvc   = function (p, name, src) p._[name] = vc(src); return p; end,
    addtovc = function (p, name, src, prefix)
        p._[name] = vc(p._[name].src .. p:vcprefix(prefix) .. src)
        return p
    vcprefix = function (p, prefix)
        if type(prefix) == "string" then return prefix end
        if type(prefix) == "number" then return "\n"..spaces(prefix) end
        return                                  "\n"..spaces(p.vcnspaces)
    vcnspaces = 15,
    addprims = function (p, bigstr)
        for _,line in ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) do
          local name,src = line:match "^%s*(%S+)%s*(.*)$"
          if name then p:add(name, vc(src)) end
        return p
    addcolons = function (p, bigstr)
        for _,line in ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) do
          local name,def = line:match "^%s*:%s+(%S+)%s*(.*)$"
          if name then p:add(name, def) end
        return p

prims = Vocab.newprims()
vocab = Vocab.newcolons()

-- «Vocab-test»  (to ".Vocab-test")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

prims = Vocab.newprims():addprims [=[
  abc     a,b,c => return 100*a + 10*b + c
  ab      a,b   => return 10*a + b
= prims
= prims._["abc"]
= prims._["abc"] .src
= prims._["abc"] .code
= prims._["abc"] (2, 3, 4)

= prims:addvc  ("hello", "o => print 'Hello'")
= prims:addtovc("hello",     " print 'there!'")

vocab = Vocab.newcolons():addcolons [=[
  : square  dup *
  : cube    dup square *
= vocab
= vocab._["cube"]

= prims:toset()
= vocab:toset()
= (prims:toset() + vocab:toset())
= (prims:toset() + vocab:toset()):ksc(" ")


--  __  __                _                  _               
-- |  \/  | __ _ _ __ ___( )___   _ __  _ __(_)_ __ ___  ___ 
-- | |\/| |/ _` | '__/ __|// __| | '_ \| '__| | '_ ` _ \/ __|
-- | |  | | (_| | | | (__  \__ \ | |_) | |  | | | | | | \__ \
-- |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \___| |___/ | .__/|_|  |_|_| |_| |_|___/
--                               |_|                         
-- (find-angg "SRF/srfx-interpreter.lua" "interpreter_primitives")
-- «marcsprims»  (to ".marcsprims")

marcsprims = [=[
  *         o =>                 o:push(o:pop() * o:pop()) 
  **        o => o.stack:swap(); o:push(o:pop() ^ o:pop()) 
  +         o =>                 o:push(o:pop() + o:pop()) 
  -         o => o.stack:swap(); o:push(o:pop() - o:pop()) 
  /         o => o.stack:swap(); o:push(o:pop() / o:pop()) 
  //        o => o.stack:swap(); o:push(o:pop() % o:pop()) 
  .         o => print(o:pop()) 
  .s        o => print(o.stack) 
  .vocab    o => print(o.vocab)                               -- edrx
  <         o => o:push(fromBool(o:pop() >  o:pop())) 
  <=        o => o:push(fromBool(o:pop() >= o:pop())) 
  <>        o => o:push(fromBool(o:pop() ~= o:pop())) 
  =         o => o:push(fromBool(o:pop() == o:pop())) 
  >         o => o:push(fromBool(o:pop() <  o:pop())) 
  >=        o => o:push(fromBool(o:pop() <= o:pop())) 
  and       o => o:push(fromBool(toBool(o:pop()) and toBool(o:pop()))) 
  break     o => throw.brk() 
  clear     o => o.vocab._[o:pop()]=nil 
  concat    o => o.stack:swap(); o:push(o:pop() .. o:pop()) 
  defined?  o => o:push(fromBool(o.vocab._[o:pop()] ~= nil)) 
  do        o => o:dophrase(o:pop()) 
  drop      o => o.stack:pop() 
  dup       o => o.stack:dup() 
  either    o => if not toBool(o:pop()) then o.stack:swap() end; o:pop() 
  fetch     o => o:push(o.vocab._[o:pop()] or '') 
  not       o => o:push(fromBool(not toBool(o:pop()))) 
  or        o => o:push(fromBool(toBool(o:pop()) or toBool(o:pop()))) 
  over      o => o.stack:over() 
  quote     o => o:push(quote(o:pop())) 
  repeat    o => o.aux_loop(o) 
  repeat#   o => o.aux_loop(o, true) 
  reset     o => o.stack:reset()                                 -- edrx
  reverse   o => o:push(string.reverse(o:pop())) 
  rot       o => o.stack:rot() 
  sentence  o => o:push((o.  tknz:rest() or throw.eol()).body)   -- edrx
  sentencep o => o:push((o.p.tknz:rest() or throw.eol()).body)   -- edrx
  store     o => o.vocab._[o:pop()] = o:pop()                    -- edrx
  swap      o => o.stack:swap() 
  trim      o => o:push(trim(o:pop())) 
  version   o => o:push(_VERSION) 
  word      o => o:push((o.  tknz:word() or throw.eol()).body)       -- edrx?
  wordp     o => o:push((o.p.tknz:word() or throw.eol()).body)       -- edrx?
  words     o => print((o.prims:toset() + o.vocab:toset()):ksc(" ")) -- edrx
  words     o => print((  prims:toset() + o.vocab:toset()):ksc(" ")) -- edrx

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"
= prims
prims = Vocab.newprims():addprims(marcsprims)
= print((prims:toset() + vocab:toset()):ksc(" "))
= prims._["words"]
= prims._["words"]()


-- TODO: reimplement this one..
-- ['host']     =  function(o)
--                   local env = copyTable(_ENV or _G); env.self = o
--                   local fn, err = loadstr(o.stack:pop(), env)
--                   if not fn then throw.host(err) end
--                   fn()
--                 end,

--  __  __                _                                      _     _      
-- |  \/  | __ _ _ __ ___( )___   _ __  _ __ ___  __ _ _ __ ___ | |__ | | ___ 
-- | |\/| |/ _` | '__/ __|// __| | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \
-- | |  | | (_| | | | (__  \__ \ | |_) | | |  __/ (_| | | | | | | |_) | |  __/
-- |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \___| |___/ | .__/|_|  \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/|_|\___|
--                               |_|                                          
-- (find-angg "SRF/srfx-interpreter.lua" "interpreter_preamble")
-- «marcspreamble»  (to ".marcspreamble")
marcspreamble = [[
 -- 'word sentence swap store' ':' store
    : :       wordp sentencep swap store

    : if      either do
    : when    '' swap if
    : unless  not when

    : until   'break' swap when
    : while   'break' swap unless

    : nip     swap drop
    : tuck    swap over
    : shell   'os.execute(self:pop())' host
    : value   swap quote swap store

    : drops   'drop' swap repeat
    : inc     1 +
    : dec     1 -

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

vocab = Vocab.newcolons():addcolons(marcspreamble)
= vocab


--  _____               
-- |_   _|__ _ __ _ __  
--   | |/ _ \ '__| '_ \ 
--   | |  __/ |  | |_) |
--   |_|\___|_|  | .__/ 
--               |_|    
-- «Terp»  (to ".Terp")
-- A class for defining interpreters that can work like the standard
-- outer interpreter of Forth, like the interpreter of %D lines in
-- dednat6, like Marc's srf, etc etc.

Terp = Class {
  type = "Terp",
  newsrf = function (line, pos, parent)
      return Terp {tknz = Toknz.new(line or "", pos or 1),
                   stack = stack, vocab = vocab, aux = aux, p = parent}
  __index = {
    push = function (terp, o) return terp.stack:push(o) end,
    pop = function (terp) return terp.stack:pop() end,
    declit = function (terp)  -- decimal literals; no floats yet
        local pat = "^[0-9]+$"
        local v = function (str) return str:match(pat) end
        return terp.tknz:wordsuchthat(v, "declit")
    prim = function (terp)
        local v = function (str) return prims._[str] end
        return terp.tknz:wordsuchthat(v, "prim")
    nonprim = function (terp)
        local v = function (str) return vocab._[str] end
        return terp.tknz:wordsuchthat(v, "nonprim")
    unknownword = function (terp)
        local v = function (str) return true end
        return terp.tknz:wordsuchthat(v, "unknown")
    token = function (terp)
        terp.lasttoken = terp:nonprim()
          or terp:prim()
          or terp:declit()
          or terp.tknz:dqstring()
          or terp.tknz:sqstring()
          or terp:unknownword()
        return terp.lasttoken
    doprim = function (terp, primname)
    dophrase = function (terp, line)
        Terp.newsrf(line, nil, terp):dotokens()
    dononprim = function (terp, name)
    dolines = function (terp, bigstr)
        for _,line in ipairs(splitlines(bigstr)) do
    dotoken = function (terp)  -- for srf
        local t = terp.lasttoken
        local k = terp.lasttoken.kind
        if     k == "declit"  then terp:push(tonumber(t.body))
        elseif k == "strlit"  then terp:push(t.body)
        elseif k == "prim"    then terp:doprim(t.body)
        elseif k == "nonprim" then terp:dononprim(t.body)
        elseif k == "unknown" then throw.unknown(t.body)
        else PP("Error in dotoken:", t); error()
    dotokens = function (terp, verbose)
        if verbose then
        while terp:token() do
	  if verbose then
            print(terp.tknz:carets("usecopy").." stack: "..tostring(stack))
    aux_loop = function (o, dopush)
        local n,str = o:pop(), o:pop()
        for i=1,n do
          if dopush then o:push(i) end
    aux_word = function (o)
        return (o.tknz:word() or throw.eol()).body
    aux_sentence = function (o)
        return (o.tknz:rest() or throw.eol()).body

-- «Terp-tests»  (to ".Terp-tests")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

stack = Stack.new()
tp = Terp.newsrf [=[ 'boo' 42 99 'foo "" bar' "plic ' bletch" ]=]
tp = Terp.newsrf [=[ 20 50 * . ]=]    --> unknown word *
= stack
= stack

stack   = Stack.new()
prims   = Vocab.newprims():addprims(marcsprims)
vocab   = Vocab.newcolons():addcolons(marcspreamble)
dosrf_v = function (line) Terp.newsrf(line):dotokens("verbose") end
dosrf   = function (bigstr) Terp.newsrf(""):dolines(bigstr) end

stack = Stack.new()
dosrf_v [=[ 20 50 * . ]=]
dosrf   [=[ 20 50 * . ]=]
dosrf   [=[ word ploft . ]=]
dosrf   [=[ sentence foo bar ]=]
dosrf   [=[ . ]=]
dosrf   [=[ .vocab ]=]
dosrf   [=[ words ]=]

dosrf   [=[ : ab swap 10 * +
            3 4 ab .

dosrf   [=[ : :0bad word  sentence  .s reset
            : :0    wordp sentencep .s reset
            :0 foo bar plic


-- «Terp-loop-test»  (to ".Terp-loop-test")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

stack   = Stack.new()
prims   = Vocab.newprims():addprims(marcsprims)
vocab   = Vocab.newcolons():addcolons(marcspreamble)
dosrf_v = function (line) Terp.newsrf(line):dotokens("verbose") end
dosrf   = function (bigstr) Terp.newsrf(""):dolines(bigstr) end

= prims
= otype(prims)
prims:addprims [[ HELLO o => print 'hello' ]]
prims:addprims [[ HELLO o => print(otype(o)) ]]
= prims
dosrf         [=[ HELLO ]=]

prims:addprims [[ HELLO o => o:aux_loop() ]]

dosrf   [=[ '42 .' 4 HELLO   ]=]
dosrf   [=[ '42 .' 4 repeat  ]=]
dosrf   [=[    '.' 4 repeat# ]=]


-- «Terp-break-test»  (to ".Terp-break-test")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

stack   = Stack.new()
prims   = Vocab.newprims():addprims(marcsprims)
vocab   = Vocab.newcolons():addcolons(marcspreamble)
dosrf_v = function (line) Terp.newsrf(line):dotokens("verbose") end
dosrf   = function (bigstr) Terp.newsrf(""):dolines(bigstr) end

=    prims._.drop

prims:add("4times", vc [[o =>
    local str=o:pop(); for i=1,4 do o:dophrase(str) end ]])

= prims
dosrf [=[ '2 3 * .' 4times ]=]

dosrf [=[     '2 3 * .' do    ]=]
dosrf [=[ 1 . 'break'   do 2 .]=]


-- «Terp-prim:-test»  (to ".Terp-prim:-test")
* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dofile "srfa.lua"

stack   = Stack.new()
prims   = Vocab.newprims():addprims(marcsprims)
vocab   = Vocab.newcolons():addcolons(marcspreamble)
dosrf_v = function (line) Terp.newsrf(line):dotokens("verbose") end
dosrf   = function (bigstr) Terp.newsrf(""):dolines(bigstr) end

prims:add("Test0", vc [[o => PP(o:aux_word(), o:aux_sentence()) ]])
dosrf  [=[ Test0 foo bar plic ]=]

prims:addvc  ("Test1", [[o => print("Line1") ]])
prims:addtovc("Test1",     [[ print("Line2") ]])
prims:addtovc("Test1",     [[ print("Line3") ]], "")
prims:addtovc("Test1",     [[ print("Line4") ]], 10)
= prims

prims:addvc("prim:", [[o =>
             prim_name = o:aux_word()
             prim_rest = o:aux_sentence()
             prims:addvc  (prim_name, prim_rest) ]])
prims:addvc("prim\\", [[o =>
             prim_rest = o:aux_sentence()
             prims:addtovc(prim_name, prim_rest) ]])

dosrf [=[
  prim: Test2 o => print("foo")
  prim\            print("bar")
  prim\            print("plic")

= prims

dosrf [=[
  prim:  host:  o => eval(o:aux_sentence())
  prim: .prims  o => print(prims)
  host:  print("Foo")

dosrf [=[
  prim: host/  o => host_code = o:aux_sentence()
  prim: host|  o => host_code = host_code.."\n"..o:aux_sentence()
  prim: host\  o => host_code = host_code.."\n"..o:aux_sentence(); eval(host_code)
  host/ print([[ Line 1
  host|          Line 2
  host|          Line 3
  host\          Line 4 ]])


-- Local Variables:
-- coding:  utf-8-unix
-- End: