Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- heads6.lua: override the dednat5-ish heads with dednat6-ish ones. -- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/heads6.lua -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/heads6.lua.html -- (find-angg "dednat6/dednat6/heads6.lua") -- -- (find-dn6 "diagforth.lua" "diag-head") -- (find-dn6 "treehead.lua" "tree-head") -- (find-dn6 "begriff.lua" "begriff_head") -- heads = heads or {} -- heads["%"] = nil -- «.registerhead» (to "registerhead") -- «.abbrev-head» (to "abbrev-head") -- «.lua-head» (to "lua-head") -- «.luarect-head» (to "luarect-head") -- «.tree-head» (to "tree-head") -- «.diag-head» (to "diag-head") -- «.zrect-head» (to "zrect-head") -- «.heads-test» (to "heads-test") heads = {} -- «registerhead» (to ".registerhead") -- (find-dn6grep "grep -nH -e registerhead *.lua") -- (find-dn6 "texfile.lua" "Texfile") -- (find-dn6 "texfile.lua" "Texfile" "process1 =") registerhead = function (headstr) return function (head) head.headstr = headstr heads[headstr] = head end end -- registerhead "" {} -- «abbrev-head» (to ".abbrev-head") -- (find-dn6 "process6.lua" "abbrev-head") -- (find-dn6 "block.lua") registerhead "%:*" { name="abbrev", action = function () local i,j,abbrevlines = tf:getblock() for n=i,j do local abbrev, expansion = texlines:line(n):match("^%%:*(.-)*(.-)*") -- PP("New abbrev:", abbrev, expansion) assert(abbrev) addabbrev(abbrev, expansion) end end, } -- «lua-head» (to ".lua-head") -- (find-dn6 "process.lua" "lua-head") registerhead "%L" { name = "lua", action = function () local i,j,luacode = tf:getblockstr(3) local chunkname = tf.name..":%L:"..i.."-"..j -- local luacode = table.concat(lualines, "\n") assert(loadstring(luacode, chunkname))() end, } -- «zrect-head» (to ".zrect-head") -- Old, obsolete, deleted! See: -- (find-angg "dednat6/zrect.lua" "zrectdefs_get") -- (find-angg "dednat6/zrect.lua" "zrectdefs_get" "zrectdefs_get =") -- «luarect-head» (to ".luarect-head") -- See: (find-dn6 "luarects.lua" "luarecteval") registerhead "%R" { name = "luarect", action = function () print "HELLO" local i,j,luarectlines = tf:getblock() local chunkname = tf.name..":%R:"..i.."-"..j local luacode = luarectexpand(luarectlines) print(luacode) -- verbose assert(loadstring(luacode, chunkname))() end, } -- «tree-head» (to ".tree-head") -- (find-dn6 "treesegs.lua" "allsegments") -- (find-dn6 "treesegs.lua" "tosegments") -- (find-dn6 "treesegs.lua" "Segment") -- (find-dn6 "treesegs.lua" "Segment" "rootnode =") -- (find-dn6 "treesegs.lua" "Segment" "totreenode =") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode") -- (find-dn6 "treetex.lua" "TreeNode" "TeX_deftree =") -- registerhead "%:" { name = "tree", action = function () local i,j,treelines = tf:getblock() local chunkname = tf.name..":%R:"..i.."-"..j for n=i,j do allsegments[n] = tosegments(texlines:line(n), n) for _,seg in ipairs(allsegments[n]) do local name = seg.t:match("^%^(.*)") if name then output(seg:rootnode():totreenode():TeX_deftree(name)) end end end end, } -- «diag-head» (to ".diag-head") -- (find-dn6 "diagforth.lua" "dxyrun") registerhead "%D" { name = "diag", action = function () local i,j,diaglines = tf:getblock() for n=i,j do dxyrun(untabify(texlines:line(n)), 3, n) end end, } -- «heads-test» (to ".heads-test") -- See: (find-dn6 "texfile.lua" "texfiletest") --[==[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "texfile.lua" dofile "luarects.lua" texfiletest() add [[%L print(2, ]] add [[%L 22)]] pu() add [[%R a = 2/a b \ ]] add [[%R \ c d/ ]] pu() = a --]==] --[[ • (eepitch-lua51) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-lua51) dofile "heads6.lua" = mytabletostring(heads) --]] -- Local Variables: -- coding: utf-8-unix -- End: