Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/minimalcore.lua.html -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/dednat6/minimalcore.lua -- (find-dednat6 "dednat6/minimalcore.lua") -- -- The .tex file that tests this: -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/demo-core.tex.html -- http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/demo-core.tex -- (find-dednat6 "demo-core.tex") -- -- Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com> -- Version: 2020jun06 -- This is a single-file implementation of the "core" of dednat6. -- It only implements one head: "%L". -- It doesn't depend on edrxlib.lua (that has LOTS of cruft). -- It desn't change "require" to work more like standard Lua - see -- lualoader.lua. -- Some functions from edrxlib.lua. -- From: (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua") -- fnamedirectory = function (fname) return fname:match"^(.*/)[^/]*$" end fnamenondirectory = function (fname) return fname:match "([^/]*)$" end readfile = function (fname) local f = assert(io.open(fname, "r")) local bigstr = f:read("*a") f:close() return bigstr end ee_expand = function (path) path = string.gsub(path, "^~$", "$HOME/", 1) path = string.gsub(path, "^~/", "$HOME/", 1) path = string.gsub(path, "^%$(%w+)", os.getenv, 1) return path end ee_readfile = function (fname) return readfile(ee_expand(fname)) end split = function (str, pat) local arr = {} string.gsub(str, pat or "([^%s]+)", function (word) table.insert(arr, word) end) return arr end splitlines = function (bigstr) local arr = split(bigstr, "([^\n]*)\n?") if _VERSION:sub(5) < "5.3" then table.remove(arr) end return arr end string.len8 = function (str) return str:gsub("[\128-\191]+", ""):len() end strlen8 = string.len8 untabify_table = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "} --{"--------", "-------", "------", "-----", "----", "---", "--", "-"} untabify8_strtab = function (strbeforetab) return strbeforetab .. untabify_table[math.fmod(strlen8(strbeforetab), 8) + 1] end untabify8 = function (str) return (gsub(str, "([^\t\r\n]*)\t", untabify8_strtab)) end untabify = untabify8 -- From: (find-dn6file "eoo.lua") Class = { type = "Class", __call = function (class, o) return setmetatable(o, class) end, } setmetatable(Class, Class) -- From: (find-dn6file "output.lua") deletecomments1 = function (line) return line:match"^([^%%]*)" end deletecomments = function (bigstr) return (bigstr:gsub("([^\n]+)", deletecomments1)) end output = function (str) tex.print(deletecomments(str)) print(str) end -- From: (find-dn6file "heads.lua") heads = {} registerhead = function (headstr) return function (head) head.headstr = headstr heads[headstr] = head end end registerhead "%L" { name = "lua", action = function () local i,j,luacode = tf:getblockstr() local chunkname = tf.name..":%L:"..i.."-"..j assert(loadstring(luacode, chunkname))() end, } -- From: (find-dn6file "block.lua") -- TexLines = Class { type = "TexLines", new = function (name, lines) return TexLines({name=name}):setlines(lines) end, read = function (fname) return TexLines.new(fnamenondirectory(fname), ee_readfile(fname)) end, test = function (str) local tr = {["L"]="%L", ["D"]="%D", [":"]="%:", ["p"]="\\pu"} local tl = TexLines {name="(test)"} for c in str:gmatch"." do table.insert(tl, tr[c] or c) end return tl end, __tostring = function (tl) return tl:tostring() end, __index = { setlines = function (tl, lines) if type(lines) == "string" then lines = splitlines(lines) end for i=1,#lines do tl[i] = lines[i] end return tl end, nlines = function (tl) return #tl end, line = function (tl, i) return tl[i] end, -- head = function (tl, i) local li = tl:line(i) local p = function (len) local s = li:sub(1, len) return heads[s] and s end return li and (p(3) or p(2) or p(1) or p(0)) end, nohead = function (tl, i) return tl:line(i):sub(#tl:head(i) + 2) end, -- tostring1 = function (tl, i) return format("%3d: %s", i, tl:line(i)) end, tostring = function (tl, i, j) local T = {} for k=(i or 1),(j or tl:nlines()) do table.insert(T, tl:tostring1(k)) end return table.concat(T, "\n") end, -- toblock = function (tl) return Block {i=1, j=#tl, nline=1, name=tl.name} end, }, } headblocks = {} -- a "log" of all the head blocks processed so far Block = Class { type = "Block", __tostring = mytostring, __index = { firstheadblockin = function (bl, i0, j0) local i,j for i1=i0,j0 do if texlines:head(i1) then i=i1; break end end if not i then return end local head = texlines:head(i) for j1=i+1,j0 do if texlines:head(j1) ~= head then return Block {i=i, j=j1-1, head=head} end end return Block {i=i, j=bl.j, head=head} end, -- processheadblock = function (bl) lastheadblock = bl -- for ":getblock()"s table.insert(headblocks, bl) local action = heads[bl.head].action -- uses "tf:getblock()" if action then action() else print("No action for "..bl.head) end end, processarbitraryblock = function (bl) -- print("process arbitrary:", mytostring(bl)) local i0 = bl.i while true do local headbl = bl:firstheadblockin(i0, bl.j) if not headbl then return end headbl:processheadblock() i0 = headbl.j + 1 end end, process = function (bl) -- print("process:", mytostring(bl)) if bl.head then bl:processheadblock(bl) else bl:processarbitraryblock(bl) end end, -- processuntil = function (bl, puline) local publock = Block {i=bl.nline, j=puline-1} publock:process() bl.nline = puline+1 return bl end, -- getblock = function (bl) local i,j,head = lastheadblock.i, lastheadblock.j, lastheadblock.head local A = {} for k=i,j do table.insert(A, texlines:line(k):sub(#head+1)) end return i,j,A end, getblockstr = function (bl) local i,j,A = tf:getblock() return i,j,table.concat(A, "\n") end, -- hyperlink = function (bl) -- return "Line "..lastheadblock.i -- end, hyperlink = function (bl) return format("In the \"%s\"-block in lines %d--%d", lastheadblock.head, lastheadblock.i, lastheadblock.j) end, }, } texfile0 = function (fname) texlines = TexLines.read(fname) tf = texlines:toblock() end texfile = function (fname) texfile0(fname..".tex") end pu = function (puline) tf:processuntil(puline or tex.inputlineno) end