Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
####### # # E-scripts on Haskell. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/haskell.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/haskell.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.wikibook» (to "wikibook") # «.Prelude» (to "Prelude") # «.haskell-docs» (to "haskell-docs") # «.comprehension» (to "comprehension") # «.list-comprehensions» (to "list-comprehensions") # «.do-expression-translation» (to "do-expression-translation") # «.comprehension-translation» (to "comprehension-translation") # «.dump-desugar» (to "dump-desugar") # «.let-and-where» (to "let-and-where") # «.newtype» (to "newtype") # «.class-and-instance» (to "class-and-instance") # «.record-syntax» (to "record-syntax") # «.pipeThrough» (to "pipeThrough") # «.System.Process» (to "System.Process") # «.precedence» (to "precedence") # «.applicative» (to "applicative") # «.liftM2» (to "liftM2") # «.import» (to "import") # «.tutorials» (to "tutorials") # «.hudak» (to "hudak") # «.bind» (to "bind") # «.return-and-bind» (to "return-and-bind") # «.type-inference-heuristically» (to "type-inference-heuristically") # «.hugs» (to "hugs") # «.entre» (to "entre") # «.haskore» (to "haskore") # «.sum_chars» (to "sum_chars") # «.runhugs» (to "runhugs") # «.thih» (to "thih") # «.parsec» (to "parsec") # «.yarrow» (to "yarrow") # «.ghc» (to "ghc") # «.ghc-deb» (to "ghc-deb") # «.gh» (to "gh") # «.epigram» (to "epigram") # «.multi-line» (to "multi-line") # «.runhaskell» (to "runhaskell") # «.:info» (to ":info") # «.:set+t» (to ":set+t") # «.main» (to "main") # «.:main» (to ":main") # «.getArgs» (to "getArgs") # «.:def» (to ":def") # «.type-signature» (to "type-signature") # «.eepitch-hugs» (to "eepitch-hugs") # «.haskell-mode» (to "haskell-mode") # «.haskell-mode-M-e» (to "haskell-mode-M-e") # «.daume-yaht» (to "daume-yaht") # «.xmonad» (to "xmonad") # «.xmonad-rcfile» (to "xmonad-rcfile") # «.escape-from-zurg» (to "escape-from-zurg") # «.luautils» (to "luautils") # «.distributivity» (to "distributivity") # «.cabal» (to "cabal") # «.cabal-PATH» (to "cabal-PATH") # «.hackage» (to "hackage") # «.lhs2tex» (to "lhs2tex") # «.haskell-platform» (to "haskell-platform") # «.programming-cats» (to "programming-cats") # «.Hask» (to "Hask") # «.books-about-haskell» (to "books-about-haskell") # «.learn-hfm» (to "learn-hfm") # «.haskell-stack» (to "haskell-stack") # «.stridi» (to "stridi") # «.diagrams» (to "diagrams") # «.hutton-book» (to "hutton-book") # «.typing-the-composition» (to "typing-the-composition") # «.typing-do-notation» (to "typing-do-notation") # «.haskell-to-core» (to "haskell-to-core") # «.haskell-report» (to "haskell-report") # «.where» (to "where") # «.foldr» (to "foldr") # «.tuples» (to "tuples") # «.monomorphism-restriction» (to "monomorphism-restriction") # «.translating-Ax» (to "translating-Ax") # «.lawvere» (to "lawvere") # «.hoodle» (to "hoodle") # «.libtinfo-missing» (to "libtinfo-missing") # «.music» (to "music") # «.calling-lua» (to "calling-lua") # «.System.IO» (to "System.IO") # «.pipes» (to "pipes") # «.kan-extensions» (to "kan-extensions") # «.dist-install» (to "dist-install") # «.hsc2hs» (to "hsc2hs") # «.tagless» (to "tagless") # «.AD.hs» (to "AD.hs") # «.etags» (to "etags") # «.hasktags» (to "hasktags") # «.hs-tags» (to "hs-tags") # «.hoogle» (to "hoogle") # «.:def-hoogle» (to ":def-hoogle") # «.hayoo» (to "hayoo") # «.InstanceSigns» (to "InstanceSigns") # «.template-haskell» (to "template-haskell") # «.no-instance-for» (to "no-instance-for") $ «.stg» (to "stg") # «.graph-reduction» (to "graph-reduction") # «.rewrite-rules» (to "rewrite-rules") # «.ReadS» (to "ReadS") # «.prettier» (to "prettier") # «.enumFromTo» (to "enumFromTo") # «.lambdabot» (to "lambdabot") # «.explicit-foralls» (to "explicit-foralls") ##### # # wikibook # 2024jun22 # ##### # «wikibook» (to ".wikibook") # https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Understanding_monads/State ##### # # The Haskell Prelude (in GHC) # 2022sep22 # ##### # «Prelude» (to ".Prelude") # (find-sh "locate -i ghc | grep -i prelude") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep Prelude") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep Show") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep Data.Maybe") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep Applicative") # (find-ghcbasesh "find * | sort") # (find-ghcbasesh "find * | sort | grep 'hs$'") # (find-ghcbasefile "") # (find-ghcbasegrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e Kleisli *") # (find-ghcbasegrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e laws *") # (find-ghcbasegrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e RULES *") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Prelude.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Control/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Control/Applicative.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs" "{- $naming") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Either.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Functor.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/List.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Traversable.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Tuple.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Base.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Enum.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Float.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Num.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Real.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Show.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/System/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/System/IO.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/System/IO/Error.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Text/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Text/Read.hs") ##### # # Haskell docs in Debian: the Haskell98 report & tutorial # 2011nov17 / 2022oct03 # ##### # «haskell-docs» (to ".haskell-docs") # (find-angg ".emacs" "haskell") # (find-angg ".emacs" "haskell-docs") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-rstdoc-:h98") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep haskell") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep haskell") # (find-status "haskell98-report") # (find-vldifile "haskell98-report.list") # (find-udfile "haskell98-report/") # (find-status "haskell98-tutorial") # (find-vldifile "haskell98-tutorial.list") # (find-udfile "haskell98-tutorial/") # (find-sh0 "zcat /usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/haskell98-report.pdf.gz > ~/tmp/haskell98-report.pdf") # (code-pdf-page "h98" "/usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/haskell98-report.pdf.gz") # (code-pdf-text "h98" "/usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/haskell98-report.pdf.gz") https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial.pdf # file:///usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/html/index.html # file:///usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/html/haskell98-report-html/index.html # file:///usr/share/doc/haskell98-tutorial/html/index.html # file:///usr/share/doc/haskell98-tutorial/html/indextutorial.html # (find-h98doc "index") # (find-h98doc "index98") # (find-h98doc "basic#monad-class") # (find-h98doc "io-13#io") # (find-hask98reportfile "") # (find-hask98reportsw3m "index.html") # (find-hask98reportsw3m "index98.html") # (find-hask98tutfile "") # (find-hask98reportw3m "index.html") # (code-c-d "h98reph" "/usr/share/doc/haskell98-report/html/haskell98-report-html/") # (code-c-d "h98tuth" "/usr/share/doc/haskell98-tutorial/html/") # (find-h98rephfile "") # (find-h98tuthfile "") # (find-h98rephw3m "index.html") # (find-h98rephw3m "monad.html") # (find-h98tuthw3m "index.html") # (find-h98tuthw3m "indextutorial.html") ##### # # Comprehension # 2012mar30 # ##### # «comprehension» (to ".comprehension") # (find-angg "HASKELL/Comprehensions1.hs") # (find-dn5 "gabriela-app.lua" "comprehension") # (find-hask98tutw3m "goodies.html#tut-list-comps") # http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/List_comprehension # (find-hask98reportw3m "exps.html#list-comprehensions") # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_comprehension ##### # # list-comprehensions # 2021jan10 # ##### # «list-comprehensions» (to ".list-comprehensions") # (find-huttonbookpage 67 "5" "List comprehensions") # (find-huttonbooktext 67 "5" "List comprehensions") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 10) "ghci> [1..10]") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 10) "ghci> [1..10]") # (find-anggfile "HASKELL/Comprehensions1.hs") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2021jan10.haskell") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Control/Monad.hs" "guard True") # file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/base- # (find-h98tdoc "stdclasses") # (find-h98tdoc "stdclasses#tut-enum-classes") # (find-h98doc "exps#arithmetic-sequences") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) [(a,b) | a <- [0,1], b <- [a+1,a+2]] [(a,b) | a <- [0,1], b <- [a+1,a+2], a+b < 4] [(x,y) | y <- [3,2..0], x <- [0..y]] [(x,y) | y <- [3,2..0], x <- [0..y], x+y <= 4] :? :module +Control.Monad :t guard [(a,b) | a <- [0,1], b <- [a+1,a+2], a+b < 4 ] [(a,b) | a <- [0,1], b <- [a+1,a+2], _ <- guard (a+b < 4)] do a <- [0,1]; b <- [a+1,a+2]; return (a,b) do a <- [0,1]; b <- [a+1,a+2]; guard (a+b < 4); return (a,b) do a <- [0,1]; b <- [a+1,a+2]; _ <- guard (a+b < 4); return (a,b) ##### # # do-expression-translation # 2024may21 # ##### # «do-expression-translation» (to ".do-expression-translation") # «comprehension-translation» (to ".comprehension-translation") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-2010" "22" "Translation:" "List comprehensions") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-2010" "25" "Translation: Do expressions") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2024may18.haskell" "haskellch3.html#x8-470003.14") # https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch3.html#x8-470003.14 do expression transl # https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch3.html#x8-420003.11 comprehension transl ##### # # dump-desugar # 2024may21 # ##### # «dump-desugar» (to ".dump-desugar") # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8019670/desugaring-do-notation-for-monads * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/ cat > /tmp/Foo.hs <<'%%%' module Foo where a = do x <- [3..4] [1..2] return (x, 42) %%% ghc -c /tmp/Foo.hs -ddump-ds ##### # # let and where # 2022sep24 # ##### # «let-and-where» (to ".let-and-where") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton" "The layout rule" "where") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton" "The let mechanism") ##### # # newtype # 2022sep18 # ##### # «newtype» (to ".newtype") # (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e newtype HASKELL/*.hs") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton" "Newtype declarations") ##### # # class-and-instance # 2022sep18 # ##### # «class-and-instance» (to ".class-and-instance") # (find-h98doc "decls#sect4.1") # (find-h98tdoc "classes") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton" "Class and instance declarations") # (find-angggrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e hutton HASKELL/*.hs") # (find-anggfile "HASKELL/inttree.hs") # (find-anggfile "HASKELL/Classes1.hs") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#ghci-cmd-instances") # https://fare.livejournal.com/155094.html John Peterson, Mark Jones: "Implementing Type Classes" (1993) # https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= ##### # # record-syntax # 2022sep24 # ##### # «record-syntax» (to ".record-syntax") # (find-h98doc "exps#sect3.15") # (find-h98doc "exps#record-update") # (find-h98doc "exps#record-construction") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-rw") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-rw" "Record Syntax") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-2010") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-2010" "record") # (find-angg "HASKELL/Process1.hs") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022oct01.haskell" "data Driver m = Driver {") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 55) "Record Syntax") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 55) "Record Syntax") <EvanR> data Employee = Employee { name :: String, salary :: Int } <edrx> yep <EvanR> data Driver m = Driver { putChar :: Char -> m (), getChar :: m Char } ##### # # pipeThrough # 2022oct09 # ##### # «pipeThrough» (to ".pipeThrough") # (to "System.Process") # (find-angg "HASKELL/LuaTree1.hs" "pipeThrough") ##### # # System.Process # 2022oct09 # ##### # «System.Process» (to ".System.Process") # (find-angg "HASKELL/Tac1.hs") # (find-sh "locate System.Process") # (find-sh "locate System/Process") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/process/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/process/System/Process.hs" "-- createProcess") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/process/System/Process.hs" "-- > withCreateProcess") # (find-hoogle "createProcess") # https://lotz84.github.io/haskellbyexample/ex/spawning-processes *** # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21034040/haskell-createprocess-and-read-from-handle # https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/evegox/running_external_programs_with_haskell/ * # https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/1nkw1c/usage_of_package_systemprocess/ Prelude System.Process System.IO> import System.Process Prelude System.Process System.IO> import System.IO Prelude System.Process System.IO> :{ Prelude System.Process System.IO| withCreateProcess (proc "ghc" ["--help"]){ std_out = CreatePipe } (\_ (Just outputH) _ procH -> do Prelude System.Process System.IO| outputText <-hGetContents outputH Prelude System.Process System.IO| print $ take 70 outputText Prelude System.Process System.IO| ) Prelude System.Process System.IO| :} "Usage:\n\n ghc [command-line-options-and-input-files]\n\nTo compile and" *** Exception: terminateProcess: permission denied (Permission denied) ##### # # precedence # 2024aug01 # ##### # «precedence» (to ".precedence") # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3125395/haskell-operator-vs-function-precedence # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Operator_precedence # https://hackage.haskell.org/package/CheatSheet-1.7/src/CheatSheet.pdf * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) :t (<*>) :info (<*>) :help ##### # # applicative # 2022sep30 # ##### # «applicative» (to ".applicative") # (find-anggfile "HASKELL/Applicative1.hs") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton" "Applicatives") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Control/Applicative.hs") # http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/Applicative.html # https://www.staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/Applicative.pdf # (find-angg "HASKELL/State1.hs") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2024aug01.haskell") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) :t (<*>) :help ##### # # liftM2 # 2022sep30 # ##### # «liftM2» (to ".liftM2") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep30.haskell") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep30.haskell2") # (find-ghcbasegrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e liftM2 *") # (find-ghcbasefile "GHC/Base.hs" "liftM2 f m1 m2 =") liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r liftM2 f m1 m2 = do { x1 <- m1 ; x2 <- m2 ; return (f x1 x2) } ========= ==== ==== == ==== == ==== == == a1->a2->r m a1 m a2 a1 m a1 a2 m a2 a1 a2 ========================== ======= m r r ================ m r liftM2 f m1 m2 = m1 >>= \x1 -> m2 >>= \x2 -> f x1 x2 ========= ==== ==== ==== == ==== == == == a1->a2->r m a1 m a2 m a1 a1 m a2 a2 a1 a2 ================ ======= m a1->m a2->m r m r ===================== ============== m a2->m r a2->m r ========================== ======================= m r m r ============================== a1->m r ======================================= m r liftM2 ($) ($) ===================================== ============== (a1->a2->r)->m a1->m a2->m r (a->b)->a->b ===================================== ============== ((a2->r)->a2->r)->m(a2->r)->m a2->m r (a2->r)->a2->r ===================================================== m(a2->r)->m a2->m r ===================================================== m(a->b)->m a->m b * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) :module +GHC.Base :t ($) :t liftM2 :t liftM2 ($) :t liftM2 id :hoogle liftM2 :hoogle $ ##### # # import # 2022sep25 # ##### # «import» (to ".import") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-rw" "module") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 114) "Generating a Haskell Program and Importing Modules") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 123) "Writing a Module Header") # (find-ghcugdoc "index") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#what-s-really-in-scope-at-the-prompt") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#the-effect-of-load-on-what-is-in-scope") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#controlling-what-is-in-scope-with-import") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#using-do-notation-at-the-prompt") # https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/index.html # https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/modules.html # https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/syntax-iso.html # https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/lexemes.html#lexemes-layout ##### # # Recommended tutorials # 2022sep24 # ##### # «tutorials» (to ".tutorials") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep24.haskell") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep24.haskell" "@where books") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep24.haskell2") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) f () { tr ' ,<>' '\n\n\n\n' | sort | uniq | grep http; } cat ~/LOGS/2022sep24.haskell | f cat ~/LOGS/2022sep24.haskell2 | f ##### # # A Gentle Introduction to Haskell, version 1998 - Hudak, Peterson, Fasel # 2022sep24 # ##### # «hudak» (to ".hudak") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-rstdoc-:h98t") # https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/ # https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial.pdf # https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial-html.tar.gz # https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial-sources.tar.gz # https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/code.tar.gz * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv ~/usrc/haskell-98-tutorial-sources/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/https/www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial-sources.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/haskell-98-tutorial-sources/ https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis1940/spring13/ https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis1940/spring13/lectures.html https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis1940/spring13/lectures/05-type-classes.html https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis1940/spring13/lectures/05-type-classes.lhs ##### # # bind # 2022sep24 # ##### # «bind» (to ".bind") # «return-and-bind» (to ".return-and-bind") # https://el-tramo.be/blog/async-monad/ # (find-ghcbasefile "Control/Monad.hs" "(>=>) ") # (find-ghcbasefile "Control/Monad.hs" "(<=<) ") # (find-ghcbasesh "find * | sort") # (find-ghcbasegrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '>>=' *") # (find-ghcbasegrep "grep --color=auto -nRiH --null -e monad * | grep -a -i class") (>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (a -> m c) f >=> g = \x -> f x >>= g f >=> g = \ x -> f x >>= g ----------- ----------- ---- ----------- ---- ----------- :: a -> m b :: b -> m c :: a :: a -> m b :: a :: b -> m c --------------------------- ----------------- :: a -> m c :: m b ---------------------------------- :: m c -------------------------------------------- :: a -> m c * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) :t (>>=) ##### # # type-inference-heuristically # 2021jul26 # ##### # «type-inference-heuristically» (to ".type-inference-heuristically") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2021jul26.haskell" "type-inference.html") # http://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/type-inference.html # http://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/index.xhtml # (excp 30 "typing") # (exca "typing") ##### # # Hugs # 2011nov17 # ##### # «hugs» (to ".hugs") # (find-angg ".emacs" "hugs") # (find-status "hugs") # (find-vldifile "hugs.list") # (find-udfile "hugs/") # (find-udfile "hugs/examples/") # (find-hugsbasefile "../") # (find-hugsbasefile "../Paths_hugsbase.hs") # (find-hugsbasefile "../Hugs.hs") # (find-hugsbasefile "Prelude.hs") # (find-hugsbasefile "Prelude.hs" "\nmap ") # (find-hugsbasefile "Prelude.hs" "\nfoldl ") # (find-hugsbasefile "") # (find-hugsoldlibfile "") ##### # # entre ("Explicit Naive Term Rewriting Engine") # 2001feb14 # ##### # «entre» (to ".entre") # (find-shttpfile "www.cit.gu.edu.au/~arock/entre/") # (find-shttpw3 "www.cit.gu.edu.au/~arock/entre/") # (find-shttpw3 "www.cit.gu.edu.au/~arock/entre/entre.html") # (find-entrefile "") # (find-entrefile "entre.txt") #* rm -Rv $S/http/www.cit.gu.edu.au/~arock/entre/ psner http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~arock/entre/ #* cd $S/http/www.cit.gu.edu.au/~arock/entre/ tar -cvzf entre.tar.gz README Makefile *.lhs *.es *.html *.gif #* rm -Rv /usr/src/entre/ mkdir /usr/src/entre/ cd /usr/src/entre/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.cit.gu.edu.au/~arock/entre/entre.tar.gz lynx -dump entre.html > entre.txt grep '^entre\?' entre.txt > o #* cd /usr/src/entre/ cat > $EEG <<'---' entre :? 3 + 4 * 5 :s 3 + 4 * 5 :w 3 + 4 * 5 a = 3 + 4 * 5 :p 2 * a print_mode = s print_mode = full verbosity a := 3 + 4 * 5 2 * a 1 - -2 1--2 10 - 3 - 2 (10 - 3) - 2 10 - (3 - 2) (\x -> x + 1) 41 square = \x -> x * x square 3 le = \x -> \y -> x < y || x == y le 3 6 add x y = x + y :p add 3 4 -- The next line gives an error. Why? -- (find-entrefile "entre.txt" "entre? not p") not p = if p then False else True not True fact n = if n <= 1 then 1 else n * fact (n - 1) fact 3 :f fact 6 [-2..2] [1, 3 .. 10] head [1, 2, 3] tail [3, 2, 1] length xs = if xs == [] then 0 else 1 + length (tail xs) :f length [1, 3 .. 10] :f length [[], [1], [1,2]] 5 + 4 `div` 2 5 + 4 `div` 0 5 + 4 `div` 3 5 + 4 `div` (-3) 5 + 4 `div` -3 compose f g x = f (g x) a x = x * x b x = x + 2 compose a b 2 compose b a 2 :q :q --- eeg hugs entre.lhs #* # (code-c-d "entre" "/usr/src/entre/") # (find-entrefile "") # (find-entrefile "entre.txt") # (find-entrefile "entre.txt" "Then launch entre, by typing:") ##### # # easter eggs # 2000dec02 # ##### # «sum_chars» (to ".sum_chars") #* cd /tmp/ cat > hash.hs <<'---' hash :: [Char] -> Int hash = (foldl (+) 0) . (map ord) --- cat > $EEG <<'---' :load hash.hs hash "MSDOS 6.000" hash "SYSTEM 7.0" hash "HASKELL%98" hash "Haskell Ninety Eight !!" hash "Turing!" --- eeg hugs #* ##### # # Hugs June98 (1.4+) # ##### cd /usr/src/ rm -Rv hugs* tar -xvzf /snarf/ftp/haskell.org/pub/haskell/hugs/June98/hugs-June98-source.tgz cd /usr/src/hugs/ mkdir tmp cd /usr/src/hugs/src/unix # ./configure --prefix=/usr/src/hugs/tmp |& tee /usr/src/hugs/oc ./configure --prefix=/usr |& tee /usr/src/hugs/oc cd .. make install |& tee /usr/src/hugs/omi # # cgi demos: # rm -Rv /var/www/hugs mkdir /var/www/hugs cd /usr/src/hugs/demos/cgi/ cp -iv * /var/www/hugs # (find-node "(gawk)One-liners") # (find-node "(gawk)String Functions" "gsub") for i in *.cgi; do cat $i \ | awk 'NR == 1 { print "#! /usr/bin/runhugs +l" } NR > 1 { gsub(/\/homes\/systems\/hcompile\/cgi-bin\//, "/var/www/hugs/"); print }' \ > /var/www/hugs/$i done for i in *.hs; do cat $i \ | awk '{ gsub(/\/homes\/systems\/hcompile\/cgi-bin\//, "/var/www/hugs/"); gsub(/http:\/\/www.haskell.org\/cgi-bin\/counter.cgi/, "counter.cgi"); print }' \ > /var/www/hugs/$i done chmod 755 /var/www/hugs/*.cgi chown edrx:edrx /var/www/hugs/*.cgi # # etc: # cd /var/www/hugs/ lynx edrxnetscape mycat /var/www/hugs/*.cgi # (find-hugsfile "src/unix/README") # (find-hugsfile "src/unix/INSTALL" "Optional Features") # (find-hugsfile "src/unix/configure.in") # Testing ghc # cd ~/HUGS/ cat > hello.hs <<'EOF' main = putStr "Hello, fpworld!\n" EOF ghc -v -o hello hello.hs |& tee og ./hello # (find-node "(installing)Top") # (find-node "(installing)installing_4.1") # (find-node "(installing)GHC_test") # (find-node "(installing)installing_6.3" "gmake") # (find-node "(libs)Top") # (find-node "(user)Top") ##### # # Hugs: prettyprinting # ##### # (find-hugslibfile "") # (find-hugslibfile "exts/") # (find-hugslibfile "exts/Pretty.lhs") gv $S/http/www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/pretty.ps & #* cat > $EEG <<'---' t 1 <+> t 2 <+> (t 3 $$ (t 4 <+> t 5)) where t = int :q --- eeg hugs Pretty # Broken... #* # Broken links: # (find-hugsfile "lib/hugs/Pretty.lhs") # (find-hugsfile "demos/Literate.lhs") # (find-hugsfile "demos/cgi/") # (find-hugsfile "demos/cgi/Pretty.hs") # (find-hugsfile "demos/cgi/PrettyHTML.hs") # (find-fline "~/HUGS/mypretty.hs") 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ##### # # Lixos? # ##### # (find-fline "/usr/src/hugs/lib/Prelude.hs" "instance Monad IO where") lynx /usr/src/hugs/docs/report/io-13.html #* cat > $EEG <<'---' :type filter isAscii "foo" :type readFile "input-file" :type writeFile "output-file" (filter isAscii "str") :type readFile "a" >>= \s -> writeFile "b" s >> putStr "ok" :q --- eeg hugs #* readFile "a" >>= \s -> writeFile "b" s >> putStr "ok" :: IO () readFile "a" >>= \s -> writeFile "b" s :: IO () readFile "a" :: IO S readFile :: S -> IO S "a" :: S ========= === ============= = ======== === = =============== ============ === ===================== ====== ==== ====================================== == =========== ===================================================== readFile "a" >>= \s -> writeFile "b" s >> putStr "ok" ##### # # Parsers # ##### gv /snarf/http/www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/arrows.ps & gv /snarf/http/www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/pretty.ps & # (find-hugsfile "lib/Prelude.hs" "-- Monad classes") # (find-fline "~/CRIM/005ideas" "MonadPlus") # (find-hugsfile "lib/Prelude.hs" "-- Lists") # (find-hugsfile "lib/Prelude.hs" "instance Monad [ ] where") (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b p >> q = p >>= \ _ -> q instance Monad [ ] where (x:xs) >>= f = f x ++ (xs >>= f) [] >>= f = [] return x = [x] -- [a1, a2, a3] >>= f = f a1 ++ f a2 ++ f a3 -- [a1, a2] >> [b1, b2, b3] = [b1, b2, b3, b1, b2, b3] instance MonadZero [ ] where zero = [] instance MonadPlus [ ] where [] ++ ys = ys (x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) ##### # # runhugs # 2001feb14 # ##### # «runhugs» (to ".runhugs") # (find-esfile "perl1.e" "lasagna") # (find-hugsfile "demos/cgi/") # (find-hugsfile "src/") # (find-hugsfile "src/runhugs.c") #* cat > /tmp/h <<'---' main = putStr "foo\n"; --- runhugs /tmp/h #* function rhugs () { cat > ${TMPHUGSFILE:-/tmp/h} runhugs ${TMPHUGSFILE:-/tmp/h} echo } rhugs <<'---' main = putStr "foo"; --- rhugs <<'---' main = do { putStr (show "foo"); putStr (show [1, 2]); } --- #* rhugs <<'%%%' -- lmatch :: String -> String -> Bool lmatch "" s = True lmatch (c:cs) (c':cs') = if (c == c') then (lmatch cs cs') else False lmatch _ _ = False main = putStr (show (lmatch "foo" "foobar")) %%% rhugs <<'%%%' a = 2 * 3 + 4 * 5 main = putStr (show a) %%% #* ##### # # Typing Haskell in Haskell # 1999? / 2021jan18 # ##### # «thih» (to ".thih") # http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/thih/thih.pdf # https://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/thih/ # https://github.com/wh5a/thih gv $S/http/www.cse.ogi.edu/~mpj/thih/thihA4.ps #* rm -Rv /usr/src/thih/ mkdir /usr/src/thih/ cd /usr/src/thih/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.cse.ogi.edu/~mpj/thih/thih-Sep-1-1999.tar.gz mv -v thih-Sep-1-1999/* . rmdir thih-Sep-1-1999/ #* # This needs a lot of memory, takes ~90s, and its output isn't # something we can grok immediately. # (eeman "1 hugs" ":set") cd /usr/src/thih/ cat > $EEG <<'---' main --- eeg hugs -h1000000 SourcePrelude.hs #* # (code-c-d "thih" "/usr/src/thih/") # (find-thihfile "") # (find-thihfile "Readme") # (find-thihfile "Readme" "Simple example") ##### # # Parsec # 2000sep19 # ##### # «parsec» (to ".parsec") #* # Just to check that the binary files are exactly the .pdfs: unzip -Z -l $S/http/www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/download/parsec/parsec.zip \ | grep -v '/$' | l -S #* rm -Rv /usr/src/Parsec/ cd /usr/src/ unzip -a $S/http/www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/download/parsec/parsec.zip cd /usr/src/Parsec/ # Remove the redundant docs, leaving only a .html and its equivalent .ps rm -v Doc/*.pdf Doc/parsec-letter.ps #* cat > $EEG <<'---' :load Main main :q --- cd /usr/src/Parsec/Examples/Mondrian/ mv Prelude.m prelude.m eeg hugs -P:/usr/src/Parsec #* # (code-c-d "parsec" "/usr/src/Parsec/") # (find-parsecw3 "Doc/parsec.html") # (find-parsecfile "") # (find-parsecfile "Examples/") # (find-parsecfile "Examples/Mondrian/") ##### # # yarrow # 2001may06 # ##### # «yarrow» (to ".yarrow") #* rm -Rv /usr/src/yarrow/ mkdir /usr/src/yarrow/ cd /usr/src/yarrow/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.cs.kun.nl/~janz/yarrow/yarrow-src.tar.gz #* cd /usr/src/yarrow/src/ export PATH=$EDRXPATH:/usr/lib/ghc-4.08.1/bin ./ghcYar |& tee og #* # (code-c-d "yarrow" "/usr/src/yarrow/") # (find-yarrowfile "") ##### # # ghc # 2020aug29 # ##### # «ghc» (to ".ghc") # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep ghc") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep ghc") # (find-status "ghc") # (find-vldifile "ghc.list") # (find-udfile "ghc/") # (find-status "ghc-doc") # (find-vldifile "ghc-doc.list") # (find-udfile "ghc-doc/") file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/base- ##### # # Generic Haskell # 2001nov02 # ##### # «gh» (to ".gh") #* rm -Rv /usr/src/gh-0.99/ cd /usr/src/ tar -xvzf $S/http/www.cs.uu.nl/research/projects/generic-haskell/compiler/amber/gh-0.99-source.tar.gz cd /usr/src/gh-0.99/ ./configure |& tee oc # Needs ghc to compile... #* gv /usr/src/gh-0.99/doc/GHUsersGuide.pdf & #* # (code-c-d "gh" "/usr/src/gh-0.99/") # (find-ghfile "") ##### # # epigram1 # 2007nov20 # ##### # «epigram» (to ".epigram") # (find-es "agda") # http://www.e-pig.org/ # http://www.e-pig.org/epigram1.html # http://www.e-pig.org/downloads/epigram1.tar.gz # http://www.mail-archive.com/epigram@durham.ac.uk/msg00285.html #* rm -Rf ~/usrc/epigram1/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/www.e-pig.org/downloads/epigram1.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/epigram1/ cd ~/usrc/epigram1/src/ make |& tee om #* # (code-c-d "epigram" "~/usrc/epigram1/") # (find-epigramfile "") # (find-epigramfile "src/om") # (code-ps "epigramnotes" "~/usrc/epigram1/docs/epigram-notes.pdf") # (code-ps "epigramsystem" "~/usrc/epigram1/docs/epigram-system.pdf") # (find-epigramnotespage 1) # (find-epigramsystempage 1) # (find-epigramfile "src/emacs-epigram-interpreted.el") # (find-epigramfile "src/emacs-epigram.el") # (find-epigramfile "src/epigram.el") # (find-epigramfile "src/") the makefile calls this: "ghc -package lang ...", which gives this error: "ghc-6.6: unknown package: lang". ##### # # multi-line commands in GHCi # 2009jan21 # ##### # «multi-line» (to ".multi-line") # http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/interactive-evaluation.html # (find-ghcusrhw3m "ch03s04.html") # Etch's GHCi doesn't have that, it seems... To alleviate this issue, GHCi commands can be split over multiple lines, by wrapping them in :{ and :} (each on a single line of its own): Prelude> :{ Prelude| let { g op n [] = n Prelude| ; g op n (h:t) = h `op` g op n t Prelude| } Prelude| :} Prelude> g (*) 1 [1..3] 6 Such multiline commands can be used with any GHCi command, and the lines between :{ and :} are simply merged into a single line for interpretation. That implies that each such group must form a single valid command when merged, and that no layout rule is used. The main purpose of multiline commands is not to replace module loading but to make definitions in .ghci-files (see Section 3.9, "The .ghci file") more readable and maintainable. * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) ##### # # runhaskell / runghc # 2022sep20 # ##### # «runhaskell» (to ".runhaskell") # http://learnyouahaskell.com/input-and-output # (find-man "1 runhaskell") # (find-man "1 runghc") ##### # # :info # 2022oct08 # ##### # «:info» (to ".:info") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 7) "ghci> :info (+)") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 7) "ghci> :info (+)") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 43) "ghci> :info BookInfo") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 43) "ghci> :info BookInfo") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 43) "Type Synonyms") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 43) "Type Synonyms") ##### # # :set+t # 2022oct08 # ##### # «:set+t» (to ".:set+t") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 12) ":set +t") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 12) ":set +t") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 14) ":unset +t") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 14) ":unset +t") ##### # # main and :main # 2022oct08 # ##### # «main» (to ".main") # «:main» (to ".:main") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 15) "main =") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 15) "main =") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#ghci-cmd-main") # (find-ghcbasesh "find * | sort | grep 'hs$'") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) main = System.Environment.getArgs >>= print :main foo bar :t print :hoogle getArgs :info getArgs :info System.Environment.getArgs ["foo","bar"] main = interact wordCount where wordCount input = show (length (lines input)) ++ "\n" ##### # # getArgs # 2022oct08 # ##### # «getArgs» (to ".getArgs") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 71) "import System.Environment (getArgs)") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 71) "import System.Environment (getArgs)") # (find-ghcbasefile "System/Environment.hs") # (find-ghcbasefile "System/Environment.hs" "-- getArgs, getProgName, getEnv") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#ghci-cmd-main") # (find-sh "hoogle getArgs") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) main = System.Environment.getArgs >>= print :main foo bar * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) :module +System.Environment main = getArgs >>= print :main foo bar ##### # # :def # 2022oct08 # ##### # «:def» (to ".:def") # (to "hoogle-.ghci") # (find-ghcugdoc "ghci#ghci-cmd-def") ##### # # type-signature # 2022oct08 # ##### # «type-signature» (to ".type-signature") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 22) "type signature") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 22) "type signature") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 41) "value constructor") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 41) "value constructor") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 66) "explicit structuring") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 66) "explicit structuring") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 103) "As-patterns") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 103) "As-patterns") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 131) "Creating a Package") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 131) "Creating a Package") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 152) "Living in an Open World") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 152) "Living in an Open World") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 170) "main = do") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 170) "main = do") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 180) "readFile and writeFile") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 180) "readFile and writeFile") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 182) "Filters with interact") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 182) "Filters with interact") ##### # # eepitch-hugs # 2008feb18 # ##### # «eepitch-hugs» (to ".eepitch-hugs") # http://haskell.org/hugs/ # (find-status "hugs") # (find-vldifile "hugs.list") # (find-udfile "hugs/") # (find-fline "/usr/lib/hugs/libraries/Hugs/") # http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/papers/selection-monad.hs # http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mhe/papers/continuation-monad.hs # (code-c-d "libhugs" "/usr/lib/hugs/") # (code-c-d "hugsuserguide" "/usr/lib/hugs/docs/users_guide/") # (find-libhugsfile "libraries/") # (find-libhugsfile "libraries/Prelude.hs") # (find-libhugsfile "libraries/Hugs/") # (find-libhugsfile "libraries/Hugs/Prelude.hs") # (find-libhugsfile "docs/users_guide/") # (find-libhugsw3m "docs/users_guide/index.html") # (find-libhugsw3m "docs/users_guide/using-hugs.html#BASIC-COMMANDS") # (find-hugsuserguidew3m "using-hugs.html#BASIC-COMMANDS") # (find-hugsuserguidew3m "options.html#OPTION-98") # (find-libhugsfile "demos/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) hugs foldl1 max [10, 20, 30] foldl1 max [10] foldl1 max [] foldl1 max ["1", "20", "3"] :t [10, 20, 30] :t foldl1 :t foldl1 max :i foldl1 :? :quit hugs -98 :? :quit * (eepitch-hugs) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-hugs) :t snd :t \x -> \f -> f x x :t \p -> (snd p, fst p) foldl1 max [10, 20, 30] foldl1 max [10] foldl1 max [] foldl1 max ["1", "20", "3"] *;; foo # (find-hask98reportw3m "syntax-iso.html#sect9.2") # (find-hask98reportw3m "syntax-iso.html#sect9.2" "opencom") # (find-angg "HASKELL/mergesort.hs") ##### # # haskell-mode # 2020apr27 / 2008may23 # ##### # «haskell-mode» (to ".haskell-mode") # (find-angg ".emacs" "haskell-mode") # (find-epackage-links 'haskell-mode "haskellmode" t) # (find-epackage 'haskell-mode) # (code-c-d "haskellmode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20220529.1859/") # (find-haskellmodefile "") # (find-haskellmodenode "") ;; (find-es "haskell" "escape-from-zurg") ;; (find-fline "/tmp/zurg.hs") ##### # # Fixing M-e in haskell-mode # 2022sep20 # ##### # «haskell-mode-M-e» (to ".haskell-mode-M-e") # (find-efunctiondescr 'eval-last-sexp) # (find-efunction 'eval-last-sexp) # (find-haskellmodegrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e syntax *.el") # (find-haskellmodegrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e forward-sexp-function *.el") # (find-efunction 'ee-eval-last-sexp-default) # (find-efunction 'ee-last-sexp) # (find-efunction 'ee-backward-sexp) # (find-efunctiondescr 'forward-sexp) # (find-efunction 'forward-sexp) # (find-egrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e forward-sexp-function *.el */*.el") # (find-eevfile "ChangeLog" "forward-sexp-function") ##### # # Hal Daumé's "Yet Another Haskell Tutorial" # 2008may23 # ##### # «daume-yaht» (to ".daume-yaht") # http://www.cs.utah.edu/~hal/publications.html # http://www.cs.utah.edu/~hal/htut/ # http://hal3.name/docs/daume02yaht.pdf # (code-ps "daumeyaht" "$S/http/hal3.name/docs/daume02yaht.pdf") # (code-pdftotext "daumeyaht" "$S/http/hal3.name/docs/daume02yaht.pdf") # (find-daumeyahtpage 1) # (find-daumeyahttext) ##### # # xmonad # 2010aug27 # ##### # «xmonad» (to ".xmonad") # (find-status "xmonad") # (find-vldifile "xmonad.list") # (find-udfile "xmonad/") # (find-man "1 xmonad") # (find-man "1 xmonad" "~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs") # (find-status "dwm-tools") # (find-vldifile "dwm-tools.list") # (find-udfile "dwm-tools/") # http://xmonad.org/ # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xmonad # http://ubuntu-snippets.blogspot.com/2008/08/xmonad-tiling-window-manager.html # http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/xmonad/0.9/xmonad-0.9.tar.gz # http://xmonad.org/documentation.html # http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Config_archive # http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Config_archive#Minimal_xmonad_config_files #* rm -Rv ~/usrc/xmonad-0.9/ tar -C ~/usrc/ -xvzf \ $S/http/hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/xmonad/0.9/xmonad-0.9.tar.gz cd ~/usrc/xmonad-0.9/ #* # (code-c-d "xmonad" "~/usrc/xmonad-0.9/") # (find-xmonadfile "") # (find-xmonadfile "Main.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/Config.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/Core.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/Layout.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/Main.hsc") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/ManageHook.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/Operations.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "XMonad/StackSet.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "tests/") # (find-xmonadfile "tests/Properties.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "tests/loc.hs") # (find-xmonadfile "util/") # (find-xmonadfile "util/GenerateManpage.hs") # # (find-xmonadgrep "grep -nirH -e xk_n *") # (find-xmonadgrep "grep -nirH -e mymodmask *") # (find-xmonadgrep "grep -nirH -e modmask *") # (find-xmonadfile "man/") # (find-xmonadfile "man/xmonad.hs") # «xmonad-rcfile» (to ".xmonad-rcfile") # (find-es "haskell" "xmonad-rcfile") # http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Config_archive # http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Config_archive/John_Goerzen%27s_Configuration # (find-xmonadfile "man/xmonad.hs" "windows key" "mod4Mask") # (find-angg ".xmonad/xmonad.hs") # (find-man "1 xmonad") # (find-man "1 xmonad" "~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs") http://xmonad.org/community.html ##### # # Escape from Zurg # 2010oct15 # ##### # «escape-from-zurg» (to ".escape-from-zurg") # http://www.artisancoder.com/2009/08/escape-from-zurg/ # http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/papers/Zurg_JFP04.pdf (code-xpdf "escapefromzurg" "$S/http/web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/papers/Zurg_JFP04.pdf") (code-pdftotext "escapefromzurg" "$S/http/web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/papers/Zurg_JFP04.pdf") # (find-escapefromzurgpage 1 "Contents") # (find-escapefromzurgtext "") http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/links.html#located-lambda http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/links.html #* # (eev-bounded) cat > /tmp/zurg.hs <<'%%%' type Space m s = [([m],s)] class SearchProblem s m where trans :: s -> [(m,s)] isSolution :: ([m],s) -> Bool space, solutions :: s -> Space m s space s = step ++ expand step where step = [ ([m],t) | (m,t) <- trans s ] expand ss = [ (ms++ns,t) | (ms,s) <- ss, (ns,t) <- space s ] solutions = filter isSolution . space -- Fig. 2. The SearchProblem type class. data Toy = Buzz | Hamm | Rex | Woody deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) data Pos = L | R deriving (Eq,Show) type Group = [Toy] type BridgePos = (Pos,Group) type Move = Either Toy Group toys :: [Toy] toys = [Buzz,Hamm,Rex,Woody] time :: Toy -> Int time Buzz = 5 time Woody = 10 time Rex = 20 time Hamm = 25 duration :: [Move] -> Int duration = sum . map (either time (maximum.map time)) backw :: Group -> [(Move,BridgePos)] backw xs = [(Left x,(L,sort (x:(toys \\ xs)))) | x <- xs] forw :: Group -> [(Move,BridgePos)] forw xs = [(Right [x,y],(R,delete y ys)) | x <- xs,let ys=delete x xs, y <- ys, x<y] instance SearchProblem BridgePos Move where trans (L,l) = forw l trans (R,l) = backw (toys \\ l) isSolution (ms,s) = s == (R,[]) && duration ms <= 60 solution = solutions (L,toys) -- Fig. 3. Haskell solution for the Zurg riddle. %%% #* (defun eepitch-hugs () (interactive) (eepitch-comint "hugs" "hugs")) (defun eepitch-hugs98 () (interactive) (eepitch-comint "hugs" "hugs -98")) * (eepitch-hugs) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-hugs) :? :load /tmp/zurg.hs * (eepitch-hugs98) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-hugs98) :? :load /tmp/zurg.hs ##### # # Haskell <-> Lua # 2011nov21 # ##### # «luautils» (to ".luautils") # http://hackage.haskell.org/package/luautils-0.1 # http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hslua-0.3.4 2021oct26: [HsLua]: https://hslua.org [pandoc]: https://pandoc.org [Lua filters]: https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html ##### # # Proof of (Pv(Q&R))<-((PvQ)&(PvR)) # 2015jul01 # ##### # «distributivity» (to ".distributivity") # https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/0/#search/joaoraf%40gmail.com/FMfcgxmLbbKqmkBXSftpXSPJjMQtfdfn # Thx to João Rafael Nicola {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} data a * b = a :* b data a + b = InL a | InR b proof :: (p + q) * (p + r) -> p + (q * r) proof (pOrQ :* pOrR) = case pOrQ of InL p -> InL p InR q -> case pOrR of InL p -> InL p InR r -> InR (q :* r) ##### # # cabal # 2019may18 # ##### # «cabal» (to ".cabal") # (find-es "cabal" "cabal-install-2022") # (find-es "agda" "cabal-agda") # https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6.0.1/getting-started/installation.html#installation-from-hackage # https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6.0.1/getting-started/what-is-agda.html # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep cabal") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep cabal") # (find-status "cabal-install") # (find-vldifile "cabal-install.list") # (find-udfile "cabal-install/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) apti cabal-install cabal install Cabal cabal-install cabal install parsec ghc-pkg check cabal update cabal install Agda cabal install alex cabal install happy cabal install Agda # (find-sh "cabal list") # (find-fline "~/.cabal/") # (find-fline "~/.cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org/") # (find-fline "~/.cabal/logs/Agda-") # (find-fline "~/.cabal/bin/") # (find-fline "~/.cabal/bin/" "agda-mode") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin;$PATH agda-mode agda-mode locate agda-mode locate; echo # agda-mode setup # -> agda-mode: emacs: rawSystem: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does # not exist (No such file or directory) # https://github.com/agda/agda/tree/master/doc/user-manual # https://github.com/agda/agda/tree/master/doc/user-manual # (find-git-links "https://github.com/agda/agda/tree/master/doc/user-manual" "user-manual") # (find-sh "cabal --help") ##### # # Adding ~/.cabal/bin/ to the PATH (for Agda and Idris) # 2019jun06 # ##### # «cabal-PATH» (to ".cabal-PATH") # (find-angg ".emacs" "cabal-path") # (find-angg ".zshrc" "cabal") # (find-fline "~/.cabal/bin/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) which agda export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH which agda echo $HOME ##### # # hackage # 2019may18 # ##### # «hackage» (to ".hackage") # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haskell_(programming_language) # http://hackage.haskell.org/ # https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Agda # (find-zsh "installeddebs | sort | grep hackage") # (find-zsh "availabledebs | sort | grep hackage") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) hackage ##### # # lhs2tex # 2019oct23 # ##### # «lhs2tex» (to ".lhs2tex") # (find-status "lhs2tex") # (find-vldifile "lhs2tex.list") # (find-udfile "lhs2tex/") # http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lhs2tex # https://www.andres-loeh.de/lhs2tex/ # https://github.com/kosmikus/lhs2tex ##### # # haskell-platform # 2019nov15 # ##### # «haskell-platform» (to ".haskell-platform") # (find-es "idris" "idris-on-debian") # (find-status "haskell-platform") # (find-vldifile "haskell-platform.list") # (find-udfile "haskell-platform/") # http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/ ##### # # Fong, Milewski, Spivak: 18.S097: Programming with Categories # 2020jan24 # ##### # «programming-cats» (to ".programming-cats") # http://brendanfong.com/programmingcats.html # http://brendanfong.com/programmingcats_files/flyer.pdf # http://brendanfong.com/programmingcats_files/cats4progs-DRAFT.pdf ##### # # The category Hask # 2020mar28 # ##### # «Hask» (to ".Hask") # https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/4wk0gs/hask_is_not_a_category/ ##### # # books-about-haskell # 2020apr27 # ##### # «books-about-haskell» (to ".books-about-haskell") # https://bitemyapp.com/blog/functional-education/ # http://learnyouahaskell.com/ # http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters # http://learnyouahaskell.com/introduction#what-you-need # https://wiki.haskell.org/Books # https://www.manning.com/books/get-programming-with-haskell apti haskell-platform ##### # # Learning Haskell - by Gabriele Keller and Manuel M T Chakravarty # 2020aug29 # ##### # «learn-hfm» (to ".learn-hfm") # http://learn.hfm.io/ # http://learn.hfm.io/fractals.html ##### # # haskell-stack # 2020aug02 # ##### # «haskell-stack» (to ".haskell-stack") # (find-es "stack") ##### # # stridi (by Guillaume Boisseau) # 2020aug02 # ##### # «stridi» (to ".stridi") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/stridi/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/Nadrieril/stridi cd ~/usrc/stridi/ export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/stridi/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/stridi/") # (code-c-d "stridi" "~/usrc/stridi/") # (find-stridish "find * | sort") # (find-stridifile "") # (find-stridifile "test.hs") # cd ~/usrc/stridi/ # stack build cabal install singletons cabal install HaTeX cabal install extra cd ~/usrc/stridi/ git reset cabal build |& tee ocb ghci test.hs cabal run test.hs cabal update # (find-sh "cabal --help") ##### # # diagrams # 2020aug02 # ##### # «diagrams» (to ".diagrams") # https://hackage.haskell.org/package/diagrams # https://archives.haskell.org/projects.haskell.org/diagrams/gallery.html # http://ozark.hendrix.edu/~yorgey/pub/diagrams-FARM-15.pdf # https://diagrams.github.io/gallery/HexVariation.html cabal update && cabal install diagrams # (find-cabal-links "diagrams") # (find-cabal-unpack "diagrams") # (code-c-d "diagrams" "~/usrc/diagrams-") # (find-diagramsfile "") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud_xnX9uixg https://byorgey.wordpress.com/2012/08/28/creating-documents-with-embedded-diagrams/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/HASKELL/DIAGRAMS/ cabal build cabal exec diagrams-tutorial -- -o circle.svg -w 400 # (find-fline "~/HASKELL/DIAGRAMS/") ##### # # hutton-book # 2020oct11 # ##### # «hutton-book» (to ".hutton-book") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton") # http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/Code.zip * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "~/usrc/hutton-book/") rm -Rv ~/usrc/hutton-book/ mkdir ~/usrc/hutton-book/ cd ~/usrc/hutton-book/ unzip $S/http/www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pszgmh/Code.zip cd ~/usrc/hutton-book/Code/ # (code-c-d "huttonbook" "~/usrc/hutton-book/Code/") # (find-huttonbookfile "") # (find-huttonbookfile "tictactoe.hs") 5: # (find-huttonbookfile "cipher.hs") 7: # (find-huttonbookfile "transmit.hs") 7: # (find-huttonbookfile "voting.hs") 8: # (find-huttonbookfile "machine.hs") 8: # (find-huttonbookfile "tautology.hs") 9: # (find-huttonbookfile "countdown.hs") 9: # (find-huttonbookfile "countdown2.hs") 10: # (find-huttonbookfile "hangman.hs") 10: # (find-huttonbookfile "life.hs") 10: # (find-huttonbookfile "nim.hs") 11: # (find-huttonbookfile "tictactoe.hs") 12: # (find-huttonbookfile "relabel.hs") 13: # (find-huttonbookfile "Parsing.hs") 13: # (find-huttonbookfile "calculator.hs") 13: # (find-huttonbookfile "expression.hs") 16: # (find-huttonbookfile "compiler.hs") 16: # (find-huttonbookfile "primes.hs") 17: # (find-huttonbookfile "compiler2.hs") # (find-huttonbooktext 6 "Contents") ##### # # typing-the-composition # 2021jan07 # ##### # «typing-the-composition» (to ".typing-the-composition") <edrx> hi people, I have some background on type systems related to the lambda-cube and I am now trying to understand Haskell... what are your favorite presentations of the translation of the Hindley-Milner type system to systems in which the type variables are explicit? I think that I know how to do the translation "by common sense", and I have tested my ideas on a few definitions in the prelude... but I am not totally sure if it works on classes - I started to translate, or to "fully type", Functor and fmap explicitly, but my typing diagrams got quite big, and I guess that I would make better use of my time by reading what is the standard way to do that... file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/base- file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/base- file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/base- file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/ ##### # # typing-do-notation # 2021jan10 # ##### # «typing-do-notation» (to ".typing-do-notation") # (find-huttonbookpage 196 "m1 >>= \\x1 ->") # (find-huttonbooktext 196 "m1 >>= \\x1 ->") # (find-anggfile "HASKELL/DoNotation1.hs") do va <- tma vb <- tmb vc <- tmc tmd tma >>= \va -> tmb >>= \vb -> tmc >>= \vc -> tmd tma >>= \va -> tmb >>= \vb -> tmc >>= \vc -> tmd ===== === ===== === ===== ==== ===== ::m a ::a ::m b ::b ::m c :: c ::m d ============== ::c->m d ======================== ::m d ================================ ::b->m d ========================================== ::m d ================================================== ::a->m d ============================================================ ::m d return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b This: m1 >>= \ x1 -> m2 >>= \ x2 -> f x1 x2 ------ ---- ------ ---- ---------------- ---- ---- :: m a :: a :: m b :: b :: a -> b -> m c :: a :: b ---------------------- :: b -> m c --------------------------- :: m c ------------------------------------- :: b -> m c ------------------------------------------------ :: m c ---------------------------------------------------------- :: a -> m c --------------------------------------------------------------------- :: m c is the core version of this: do x1 <- m1 , x2 <- m2 , f x1 x2 ---- ------ ---- ------ ---------------- ---- ---- :: a :: m a :: b :: m b :: a -> b -> m c :: a :: b ---------------------- :: b -> m c --------------------------- :: m c -------------------------------------------------------------- :: m c if we invert the "<-"s, then the "do" above becomes this, that can be typed easily: do m1 -> x1 , m2 -> x2 , f x1 x2 ------ ---- ------ ---- ---------------- ---- ---- :: m a :: a :: m b :: b :: a -> b -> m c :: a :: b ---------------------- :: b -> m c --------------------------- :: m c --------------------------------- :: b -> m c ------------------------------------------- :: m c ------------------------------------------------- :: a -> m c ----------------------------------------------------------- :: m c -------------------------------------------------------------- :: m c ##### # # haskell-to-core # 2021jan07 # ##### # «haskell-to-core» (to ".haskell-to-core") # http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fty9QL4aSRc Vladislav Zavialov - Haskell to Core: Understanding Haskell Features Through Their Desugaring # (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" nil "fty9QL4aSRc" nil "{stem}") # (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" "Vladislav_Zavialov_-_Haskell_to_Core_-_Understanding_Haskell_Features_Through_Their_Desugaring" "fty9QL4aSRc" ".mkv" "hstocore") # (code-youtube "hstocore" "fty9QL4aSRc" "Vladislav Zavialov - Haskell to Core: Understanding Haskell Features Through Their Desugaring") # (code-video "hstocorevideo" "/sda5/videos/Vladislav_Zavialov_-_Haskell_to_Core_-_Understanding_Haskell_Features_Through_Their_Desugaring-fty9QL4aSRc.mkv") # (code-video "hstocorevideo" "/home/videos/Vladislav_Zavialov_-_Haskell_to_Core_-_Understanding_Haskell_Features_Through_Their_Desugaring-fty9QL4aSRc.mkv") # (find-hstocorevideo "0:00") # (find-hstocorevideo "1:51" "Hi everyone") # (find-hstocorevideo "2:15" "desugaring definition ***") # (find-hstocorevideo "3:12" "lexical analysis") # (find-hstocorevideo "4:40" "name resolution") # (find-hstocorevideo "5:12" "type checking") # (find-hstocorevideo "5:30" "GHC pipeline") # (find-hstocorevideo "6:14" "Haskell syntax") # (find-hstocorevideo "7:01" "Haskell syntax 2: Expr.hs") # (find-hstocorevideo "7:40" "browse the compiler GHC directory") # (find-hstocorevideo "7:45" "core") # (find-hstocorevideo "8:35" "pretend that core is a subset of Haskell") # (find-hstocorevideo "9:01" "if you want to learn more") # (find-hstocorevideo "9:14" "desugaring by example") # (find-hstocorevideo "9:30" "Type information") # (find-hstocorevideo "9:55" "function bindings") # (find-hstocorevideo "10:33" "no separate type signatures") # (find-hstocorevideo "11:13" "Multi-argument function bindings") # (find-hstocorevideo "11:20" "all lambdas are single-argument") # (find-hstocorevideo "11:56" "all lambdas are single-argument 2") # (find-hstocorevideo "12:05" "pattern bindings") # (find-hstocorevideo "13:18" "operator sections") # (find-hstocorevideo "13:35" "pattern matching") # (find-hstocorevideo "14:27" "pattern matching 2") # (find-hstocorevideo "15:19" "lambda case") # (find-hstocorevideo "15:28" "if-then-else") # (find-hstocorevideo "15:39" "multi-way if") # (find-hstocorevideo "15:44" "the seq function") # (find-hstocorevideo "16:11" "bang patterns") # (find-hstocorevideo "16:30" "parametric polymorphism") # (find-hstocorevideo "17:16" "parametric polymorphism 2") # (find-hstocorevideo "17:29" "the type argument and the value argument") # (find-hstocorevideo "17:57" "parametric polymorphism 3") # (find-hstocorevideo "18:13" "existential quantification ***") # (find-hstocorevideo "20:12" "Classes (dictionary passing)") # (find-hstocorevideo "21:00" "$dNum is a dictionaty that contains") # (find-hstocorevideo "21:45" "Classes (dictionary passing) 2") # (find-hstocorevideo "22:29" "do notation") # (find-hstocorevideo "23:07" "do notation 2") # (find-hstocorevideo "24:22" "Coercions and casts") # (find-hstocorevideo "24:47" "Coercions and casts 2") # (find-hstocorevideo "26:14" "Coercions and casts 3") # (find-hstocorevideo "27:15" "GADTs") # (find-hstocorevideo "29:37" "TypeFamilies") # (find-hstocorevideo "30:36" "Coercions") # (find-hstocorevideo "31:08" "Coercions") return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b ##### # # haskell-report # 2021jan14 # ##### # «haskell-report» (to ".haskell-report") # https://www.haskell.org/documentation/ # (find-git-links "https://github.com/haskell/haskell-report" "haskellreport") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/haskell-report/ cd ~/usrc/ # git clone -b h2010 https://github.com/haskell/haskell-report git clone https://github.com/haskell/haskell-report cd ~/usrc/haskell-report/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/usrc/") # (find-fline "~/usrc/haskell-report/") # (find-gitk "~/usrc/haskell-report/") # (code-c-d "haskellreport" "~/usrc/haskell-report/") # (find-haskellreportfile "") # (find-haskellreportfile "README") # (find-haskellreportfile "report/README") # (find-haskellreportfile "report/") # (find-haskellreportfile "report/om") # (find-haskellreportfile "report/decls.tex" "Datatype Renamings") # (find-haskellreportfile "report/decls.verb" "Datatype Renamings") cd ~/usrc/haskell-report/tools/ make |& tee om cd ~/usrc/haskell-report/report/ patch haskell.verb <<'%%%' 10c10,12 < \usepackage[bookmarks=true]{hyperref} --- > %\usepackage[bookmarks=true]{hyperref} > \usepackage[colorlinks,citecolor=DarkRed,urlcolor=DarkRed]{hyperref} % (find-es "tex" "hyperref") > \usepackage[x11names,svgnames]{xcolor} % (find-es "tex" "xcolor") %%% # (find-haskellreportfile "report/haskell.verb") cd ~/usrc/haskell-report/report/ make |& tee om # (find-fline "~/usrc/haskell-report/report/") # (find-pdf-page "~/usrc/haskell-report/report/classes.pdf") # (code-pdf-page "haskellreport" "~/usrc/haskell-report/report/haskell.pdf") # (code-pdf-text "haskellreport" "~/usrc/haskell-report/report/haskell.pdf" 20) # (find-haskellreportpage) # (find-haskellreporttext) # (find-haskellreportpage 3 "Contents") # (find-haskellreporttext 3 "Contents") # (find-haskellreportpage (+ 20 43) "4.2.3 Datatype Renamings") # (find-haskellreporttext (+ 20 43) "4.2.3 Datatype Renamings") # (find-haskellreportgrep "grep --color=auto -niHR --null -e 'translation of list comprehensions' *") ##### # # where # 2021jan18 # ##### # «where» (to ".where") # (find-huttonbookpage 37 "The layout rule" "where") # (find-huttonbooktext 37 "The layout rule" "where") ##### # # foldr # 2021jan18 # ##### # «foldr» (to ".foldr") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton") # (find-huttonbookpage 100 "7.3 The foldr function") # (find-huttonbooktext 100 "7.3 The foldr function") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/List.hs" "foldr1 f = go") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/List.hs" "foldr2 k z = go") # file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/base- # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Foldable.hs") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort") # (find-ghcfile "") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/") # (find-ghcgrep "grep --color -nRH --null -e foldr libraries/base/*") # (find-ghcgrep "grep --color -nRH --null -e 'foldr ' libraries/base/*") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) foldr (\a b -> "<"++a++b++">") "!" ["a", "b", "c", "d"] ** --> "<a<b<c<d!>>>>" foldr1 (\a b -> "<"++a++b++">") ["a", "b", "c", "d"] ** --> "<a<b<cd>>>" foldl (\a b -> "<"++a++b++">") "!" ["a", "b", "c", "d"] ** --> "<<<<!a>b>c>d>" foldl1 (\a b -> "<"++a++b++">") ["a", "b", "c", "d"] ** --> "<<<ab>c>d>" foldl1 (\a b -> "<"++a++b++">") ["a"] ** --> "a" ##### # # tuples # 2021jan25 # ##### # «tuples» (to ".tuples") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Prelude.hs" "*** Tuples" "fst, snd") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Tuple.hs" "fst (x,_)") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/Data/Tuple.hs" "snd (_,y)") ##### # # Monomorphism restriction # 2021jan26 # ##### # «monomorphism-restriction» (to ".monomorphism-restriction") # https://wiki.haskell.org/Monomorphism_restriction # https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch4.html#x10-930004.5.5 ##### # # translating the tree for (Ax)_1 # 2021jan27 # ##### # «translating-Ax» (to ".translating-Ax") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2021jan27.haskell") # http://math.andrej.com/2012/12/25/free-variables-are-not-implicitly-universally-quantified/ atimes :: (b -> c) -> ((a,b) -> (a,c)) atimes btoc = abtoac where abtoac ab = ac where a = fst ab b = snd ab c = btoc b ac = (a,c) -- [ab]^1 -- ------snd a = fst ab -- [ab]^1 b btoc b = snd ab -- ------fst -------------app c = btoc b -- a c ac = (a,c) -- ------------------(,) abtoac = \ ab -> ac -- ac atimes = \ btoc -> abtoac -- ------lambda -- abtoac -- -- ^atimes ##### # # lawvere # 2021feb17 # ##### # «lawvere» (to ".lawvere") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/jameshaydon/lawvere" "lawvere") ##### # # hoodle # 2021sep23 # ##### # «hoodle» (to ".hoodle") # https://github.com/wavewave/hoodle # (find-git-links "https://github.com/wavewave/hoodle" "hoodle") # (code-c-d "hoodle" "~/usrc/hoodle/") # (find-hoodlefile "") # (find-hoodlefile "xournal-parser/src/Text/Xournal/Parse/Conduit.hs") # (find-hoodlefile "xournal-parser/src/Text/Xournal/Parse.hs") ##### # # libtinfo-missing # 2021nov23 # ##### # «libtinfo-missing» (to ".libtinfo-missing") # /home/edrx/.ghcup/ghc/8.8.4/lib/ghc-8.8.4/bin/ghc: error while loading shared libraries: libtinfo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory # https://forum.cardano.org/t/error-127-installing-ghc-libtinfo-so-5-missing/60408 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) apti libtinfo5 ##### # # music # 2021dec20 # ##### # «music» (to ".music") # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29609395 The Haskell School of Music (2012) [pdf] (yale.edu) ##### # # calling-lua # 2022jul14 # ##### # «calling-lua» (to ".calling-lua") # (find-anggfile "HASKELL/Process1.hs") # (find-ghc-links "System.Process") # (find-ghcbasesh "find * | sort | grep 'System.Process'") # (find-ghcbasesh "find * | sort | grep 'System'") hi all! I draw most of my LaTeX diagrams using this - http://angg.twu.net/dednat6/tug-slides.pdf - that is written in Lua, and I realized that many diagrams that I need would be easier to draw by using Haskell to generate Lua code... anyway, my beginner question of the day is: how do I write a function in Haskell that runs an external program with some input? for example, myfunction "foo" would run something roughly equivalent to "echo 'foo' | luaprogram.lua" and would return the output of that... # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022jul14.haskell" "you probably need uniq") <[exa]> edrx: System.Process seems to have pretty well wrapped facilities <[exa]> edrx: here https://hackage.haskell.org/package/process- # (find-sh "locate -i haskell") # (find-sh "locate -i ghc") # (find-sh "locate -i ghc | grep -i process") # (find-sh "locate -i ghc | grep -i system") # (find-sh "locate -i ghc | grep -i system | grep IO") # (code-c-d "ghcprocess" "~/bigsrc/ghc-8.10.3/libraries/process/System/") # (find-ghcprocessfile "") ##### # # System.IO # 2022sep19 # ##### # «System.IO» (to ".System.IO") # (find-sh "locate -i ghc | grep -i system | grep IO") # (find-sh "locate -i ghc | grep -i system | grep Dire") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep System | grep IO") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep System | grep Directory") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/System/IO.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/System/IO/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/directory/System/Directory.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/directory/System/Directory/") # (find-hoogle "getCurrentDirectory") module OCHS where import System.IO import System.Directory writeFilein :: String -> IO () writeFilein xs = do curPath <- getCurrentDirectory createDirectoryIfMissing False (curPath ++ "\\temp") absPath <- makeAbsolute "\\temp" writeFile (absPath ++ "\\in.txt") xs readFileout :: IO () readFileout = do absPath <- makeAbsolute "\\temp\\out.txt" xs <- (readFile' absPath) print xs # (find-sh "hoogle createDirectoryIfMissing") # (find-sh "hoogle ++") # (find-sh "hoogle ++ --count=2000") # (find-sh "hoogle '(++)' --count=2000") ##### # # pipes # 2022sep20 # ##### # «pipes» (to ".pipes") # (find-cabal-links "pipes") # (find-cabal-unpack "pipes") # (code-c-d "pipes" "~/usrc/pipes-4.3.16/") # (find-pipesfile "") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes.hs" "for ::") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes/") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes/Prelude.hs") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes/Prelude.hs" "Use 'for' loops") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes/Prelude.hs" "'Pipe' to a bidirectional 'Proxy'") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes/Tutorial.hs") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes/Tutorial.hs" "If you want a Quick Start") # (find-pipesfile "src/Pipes/Tutorial.hs" "'Proxy' type") # (find-pipesfile "tests/") # (find-pipesfile "tests/Main.hs") https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-4.3.16/docs/Pipes-Tutorial.html https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-4.3.16/docs/Pipes-Core.html#t:Pipe https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-4.3.16/docs/Pipes-Prelude.html # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-rw") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-rw" "Extended Example: Piping") # (find-rwhaskellpage (+ 40 476) "Extended Example: Piping") # (find-rwhaskelltext (+ 40 476) "Extended Example: Piping") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep System | grep Process") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep System | grep Posix") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep System | grep -i Posix") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/process/System/Process.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/process/System/Process/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/process/System/Process/Posix.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/unix/dist-install/build/System/Posix/Process.hs") # (find-ghcsh "find * | sort | grep System | grep Pipes") https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Pipe-1.0/docs/System-Process-Pipe.html * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cabal install pipes cabal install conduit cabal install machines # (find-cabal-links "pipes") # (find-cabal-links "conduit") # (find-cabal-links "machines") # (find-sh "eev-cabal cabal_tgz_unpack pipes") # (find-sh "eev-cabal cabal_tgz_unpack conduit") # (find-sh "eev-cabal cabal_tgz_unpack machines") # (find-sh "eev-cabal cabal_tgz_unpack kan-extensions") # (find-sh "eev-cabal cabal_tgz_unpack adjunctions") # (find-sh "eev-cabal cabal_tgz_unpack profunctors") # (code-c-d "pipes" "~/usrc/pipes-4.3.16/") # (find-pipesfile "") # (code-c-d "conduit" "~/usrc/conduit-") # (find-conduitfile "") particular fits into the ecosystem, see [the conduit homepage](https://github.com/snoyberg/conduit#readme). echo a b c ddd eee | cut -d' ' -f 2-3 # (find-man "cut") ##### # # kan-extensions # 2022sep20 # ##### # «kan-extensions» (to ".kan-extensions") # (find-cabal-links "kan-extensions") # (find-cabal-unpack "kan-extensions") # (find-cabal-links "adjunctions") # (find-cabal-unpack "adjunctions") # (find-cabal-links "profunctors") # (find-cabal-unpack "profunctors") # http://github.com/ekmett/kan-extensions/ # http://github.com/ekmett/adjunctions/ # http://github.com/ekmett/profunctors/ # (code-c-d "kanextensions" "~/usrc/kan-extensions-5.2.5/") # (code-c-d "adjunctions" "~/usrc/adjunctions-4.4.2/") # (code-c-d "profunctors" "~/usrc/profunctors-5.6.2/") # (find-kanextensionsfile "") # (find-adjunctionsfile "") # (find-profunctorsfile "") # (find-kanextensionssh "find * | sort") # (find-kanextensionsfile "src/Data/Functor/Yoneda.hs") ##### # # hsc2hs # 2022sep20 # ##### # «dist-install» (to ".dist-install") # «hsc2hs» (to ".hsc2hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/unix/dist-install/build/System/Posix/IO.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/unix/System/Posix/IO.hsc") # (find-ghcfile "omh") # (find-ghcfile "omh" "libraries/unix/./System/Posix/IO.hsc") # (find-ghcfile "omh" "hsc2hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/unix/") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/unix/README.md") # (find-ghcfile "omh" "hsc2hs") # (find-sh "locate hsc2hs") # (find-ghcfile "utils/hsc2hs/") # (find-ghcfile "utils/hsc2hs/README.rst") # (find-ghcfile "utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs") ##### # # Tagless-final style # 2022sep15 # ##### # «tagless» (to ".tagless") # https://okmij.org/ftp/meta-programming/index.html # https://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/tagless-typed.html # https://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/ # https://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/course/lecture.pdf # https://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/JFP.pdf # https://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/course/index.html#lecture # https://okmij.org/ftp/typed-formatting/FPrintScan.html#DSL-In # https://okmij.org/ftp/typed-formatting/FPrintScan.html#DSL-FIn # https://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/#course-oxford # https://markkarpov.com/tutorial/generics.html ##### # # AD.hs - Automatic Differentiation in 38 lines of Haskell # 2022sep18 # ##### # «AD.hs» (to ".AD.hs") https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32879734 Automatic Differentiation in 38 lines of Haskell (gist.github.com) ****** https://gist.github.com/ttesmer/948df432cf46ec6db8c1e83ab59b1b21 https://gist.github.com/ttesmer/948df432cf46ec6db8c1e83ab59b1b21#file-example-md http://conal.net/papers/beautiful-differentiation/ http://conal.net/papers/beautiful-differentiation/beautiful-differentiation.pdf http://conal.net/papers/beautiful-differentiation/beautiful-differentiation-long.pdf http://conal.net/papers/beautiful-differentiation/beautiful-differentiation-slides.pdf http://conal.net/blog/posts/paper-beautiful-differentiation http://conal.net/talks/beautiful-differentiation.pdf (code-pdf-page "bdslides" "$S/http/conal.net/papers/beautiful-differentiation/beautiful-differentiation-slides.pdf") (code-pdf-text "bdslides" "$S/http/conal.net/papers/beautiful-differentiation/beautiful-differentiation-slides.pdf") ;; (find-bdslidespage) ;; (find-bdslidestext) ##### # # etags # 2022sep18 # ##### # «etags» (to ".etags") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep18.haskell") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep18.haskell" "haskell etags") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep18.haskell" "install ghcup, then") # (to "cabal") <sclv> https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hs-tags and https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hasktags are the two common tags generators iirc * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) sudo apt-get install cabal cabal update cabal install hs-tags cabal-install hs-tags ##### # # hasktags # 2022sep21 # ##### # «hasktags» (to ".hasktags") # (find-cabal-links "hasktags") # (find-cabal-unpack "hasktags") # http://github.com/MarcWeber/hasktags # (code-c-d "hasktags" "~/usrc/hasktags-0.72.0/") # (find-hasktagsfile "") # (find-fline "~/usrc/pipes-4.3.16/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/pipes-4.3.16/ hasktags --etags . hasktags --etags cd ~/usrc/pipes-4.3.16/src/ hasktags --etags . laf # (find-fline "~/usrc/pipes-4.3.16/src/") # https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hasktags-0.72.0/docs/Hasktags.html#v:dirToFiles # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep21.haskell" "only scans the directory") ##### # # hs-tags # 2022sep21 # ##### # «hs-tags» (to ".hs-tags") # (find-cabal-links "hs-tags") # (find-cabal-unpack "hs-tags") ##### # # hoogle # 2022sep18 # ##### # «hoogle» (to ".hoogle") # (find-angg ".emacs" "hoogle") # (find-cabal-links "hoogle") # (find-cabal-unpack "hoogle") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/ndmitchell/hoogle" "hoogle") # (code-c-d "hoogle" "~/usrc/hoogle-") # (code-c-d "hoogle" "~/usrc/hoogle/") # (find-hooglefile "") # (find-hoogle "guard") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep18.haskell" "https://hoogle.haskell.org") # (find-angg "HASKELL/readwritefile.hs") # https://hoogle.haskell.org/ # https://wiki.haskell.org/Hoogle # https://github.com/ndmitchell/hoogle # (find-hooglefile "") # (find-hooglefile "docs/") # (find-hooglefile "docs/Install.md") # (find-hooglefile "docs/Install.md" "~/.hoogle/default.hoo") # (find-hooglefile "docs/Install.md" "hoogle generate --local") # (find-hooglefile "docs/Install.md" "### Emacs Integration") # (find-hooglegrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e emacs *") (require 'haskell-mode) (define-key haskell-mode-map "\C-ch" 'haskell-hoogle) ;(setq haskell-hoogle-command "hoogle") <lambdabot> https://hoogle.haskell.org <ski> @where hayoo <lambdabot> http://hayoo.fh-wedel.de/ -- See also Hoogle: http://haskell.org/hoogle http://fpcomplete.com/hoogle * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-hooglefile "docs/Install.md" "hoogle generate --local") cabal update cabal install hoogle hoogle generate --local # (find-sh "hoogle --help") # (find-fline "~/.hoogle/") ##### # # Defining a command ":hoogle" in ~/.ghci # 2022oct08 # ##### # «:def-hoogle» (to ".:def-hoogle") # (to ":def") # (find-hooglefile "docs/Install.md" "### GHCi Integration") # (find-angg ".ghci") -- From: (find-es "haskell" ":def-hoogle") -- See: (find-es "haskell" ":def") :def hoogle \x -> return $ ":!hoogle --count=2000 " ++ x # (find-sh "hoogle map") # (find-sh "hoogle map --count=2000") # (find-sh "hoogle '(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]' --count=2000") # (find-hoogle "'(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]'") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) :hoogle map ##### # # hayoo # 2022sep20 # ##### # «hayoo» (to ".hayoo") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022sep18.haskell" "@where hayoo") # (find-cabal-links "Hayoo") # (find-cabal-links "managed") # (code-c-d "managed" "~/usrc/managed-1.0.9/") # (find-managedfile "") ##### # # InstanceSigns # 2022sep25 # ##### # «InstanceSigns» (to ".InstanceSigns") # (find-ghcugdoc "glasgow_exts#options-language") # (find-ghcugdoc "glasgow_exts#extension-InstanceSigs") # (find-ghcugdocr "glasgow_exts#extension-InstanceSigs") # (find-ghcugdocr "glasgow_exts#extension-InstanceSigs" ".. _instance-sigs:") <lambdabot> ski said 12h 20m 22s ago: if you add a pragma line `{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}' enabling that language extension, then you can write your method type signatures like `fmap :: (a -> b) -> (ST a -> <lambdabot> ST b)' in your `instance' declarations without commenting them out. (for the infix operator `<*>' case, you will have to wrap the operator in brackets like `(<*>) :: ST (a -> b) -> (ST a -> ST b)') <lambdabot> ski said 12h 15m 13s ago: it's also possible to use `fmap g (S st) = S (\s -> let .. = st s in ..)', matching on `S', rather than using `app', also for `(<*>)', and partially for `(>>=)' (unless you <lambdabot> also use a `let' (or `case') also for the `f' call -- but that might lose (?) the tail-call, which can be important) ##### # # template-haskell # 2022sep26 # ##### # «template-haskell» (to ".template-haskell") # (find-ghcugdoc "glasgow_exts#extension-TemplateHaskell") # (find-ghcugdoc "8.10.1-notes#template-haskell") https://wiki.haskell.org/Quasiquotation https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70812567/quasiquotes-escaping https://wiki.haskell.org/Template_Haskell https://wiki.haskell.org/A_practical_Template_Haskell_Tutorial https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_Haskell https://www.stackage.org/package/template-haskell https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/meta-haskell.pdf ##### # # no-instance-for # 2022oct01 # ##### # «no-instance-for» (to ".no-instance-for") # https://mgsloan.com/posts/inspecting-haskell-instance-resolution/ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53622428/a-basic-monoid-definition-gives-no-instance-for-semigroup-mymonoid-arising-fr # https://itecnote.com/tecnote/haskell-defining-a-new-monad-in-haskell-raises-no-instance-for-applicative/ # https://itecnote.com/tecnote/r-good-examples-of-not-a-functor-functor-applicative-monad/ # https://ericlippert.com/category/monads/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/04/03/monads-part-thirteen/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/04/02/monads-part-twelve/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/03/28/monads-part-eleven/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/03/25/monads-part-ten/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/03/21/monads-part-nine/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/03/18/monads-part-eight/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/03/14/monads-part-seven/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/03/11/monads-part-six/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/03/07/monads-part-five/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/02/28/monads-part-three/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/02/25/monads-part-two/ # https://ericlippert.com/2013/02/21/monads-part-one/ # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022oct01.haskell" "many programs backformed it") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022oct01.haskell" "dictionary for that type") ##### # # Graph Reduction and STG # 2022oct01 # ##### $ «stg» (to ".stg") # «graph-reduction» (to ".graph-reduction") # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_reduction # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022oct01.haskell" "graph reduction") https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11921683/understanding-stg https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Compiler/GeneratedCode https://wiki.haskell.org/Ministg https://hackage.haskell.org/package/stgi https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/commentary/compiler/generated-code http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPy7TXgrK1A Screencast: The Haskell heap and the infinite list of primes ##### # # rewrite-rules # 2022oct01 # ##### # «rewrite-rules» (to ".rewrite-rules") # https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/exts/rewrite_rules.html # (find-ghcugdoc "glasgow_exts#pragma-RULES") # (find-ghcugdocw "exts/rewrite_rules#rewrite-rules") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022oct01.haskell" "rewrite rules") ##### # # ReadS # 2022oct09 # ##### # «ReadS» (to ".ReadS") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2022oct09.haskell" "<ski> edrx : either `ReadS'") # (find-ghc-links "ReadS") # (find-ghcbasegrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e ReadS *") # (find-ghcbasefile "Text/ParserCombinators/ReadPrec.hs") # (find-ghcbasefile "Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.hs") # (find-ghcbasefile "GHC/Read.hs" "'ReadS' is mentioned") # (find-ghcbasefile "Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.hs" "type ReadS a") ##### # # prettier # 2024feb24 # ##### # «prettier» (to ".prettier") # https://mrmr.io/til/prettier # https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/prettier/prettier.pdf ##### # # enumFromTo # 2024may18 # ##### # «enumFromTo» (to ".enumFromTo") # (find-ghcbasefile "GHC/Enum.hs") # (find-ghcbasefile "GHC/Enum.hs" "translation of @[n,n'..m]@") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Enum.hs") # (find-ghcfile "libraries/base/GHC/Enum.hs" "translation of @[n,n'..m]@") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2024may18.haskell" "<mauke> > enumFromTo 2 5") # (find-es "emacs" "fsbot") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) enumFromTo 2 5 enumFromThenTo 20 30 50 [2..5] [20,30..50] ##### # # lambdabot # 2024may18 # ##### # «lambdabot» (to ".lambdabot") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2024may18.haskell" "<mauke> @undo") * (eepitch-to-buffer "#haskell@irc.libera.chat") /query lambdabot ** ** * (eepitch-to-buffer "lambdabot@irc.libera.chat") @undo do a <- [0,1]; b <- [a+1,a+2]; guard (a+b < 4); return (a,b) @. pl undo do a <- [0,1]; b <- [a+1,a+2]; guard (a+b < 4); return (a,b) ##### # # explicit-foralls # 2024jun24 # ##### # «explicit-foralls» (to ".explicit-foralls") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2024jun24.haskell") * (eepitch-ghci) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-ghci) :t \ (a,b) -> a :t pure :set -fprint-explicit-foralls :t \ (a,b) -> a :t \ (a,b) -> a == a :t pure https://www.haskellforall.com/2022/05/introductory-resources-to-type-theory.html?m=1 https://www.andres-loeh.de/LambdaPi/LambdaPi.pdf A tutorial implementation of a dependently typed LC https://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/thih/thih.pdf Typing Haskell in Haskell https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/1997/01/henk.pdf Henk: a typed intermediate language <ski> "On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism" by Luca Cardelli,Peter Wegner in 1985-12 at <http://lucacardelli.name/Papers/OnUnderstanding.A4.pdf> ; "On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited" by William R. Cook in 2009-10 at <https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Drafts/2009/essay.pdf> ;; <cardelliwegner> ;; http://lucacardelli.name/Papers/OnUnderstanding.A4.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/http/lucacardelli.name/Papers/") (code-pdf-page "cardelliwegner" "$S/http/lucacardelli.name/Papers/OnUnderstanding.A4.pdf") (code-pdf-text "cardelliwegner" "$S/http/lucacardelli.name/Papers/OnUnderstanding.A4.pdf") ;; (find-cardelliwegnerpage) ;; (find-cardelliwegnertext) ;; <cookudar> ;; https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Drafts/2009/essay.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Drafts/2009/") (code-pdf-page "cookudar" "$S/https/www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Drafts/2009/essay.pdf") (code-pdf-text "cookudar" "$S/https/www.cs.utexas.edu/~wcook/Drafts/2009/essay.pdf") ;; (find-cookudarpage) ;; (find-cookudartext) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/desugaring-haskell-haskell16.pdf ;; <desugarhask> ;; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/desugaring-haskell-haskell16.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/") (code-pdf-page "desugarhask" "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/desugaring-haskell-haskell16.pdf") (code-pdf-text "desugarhask" "$S/https/www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/desugaring-haskell-haskell16.pdf") ;; (find-desugarhaskpage) ;; (find-desugarhasktext) http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2022-1-C2-infs-e-sups.pdf#page=7 Michael I. Schwartzbach: "Polymorphic Type Inference" (1995) https://cs.au.dk/~amoeller/mis/typeinf.pdf https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= # (find-sh "locate -i prelude") # (find-sh "locate -i prelude | grep -i ghc") # (find-sh "w ghci") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) w ghci # (find-status "ghc") # (find-vldifile "ghc.list") # (find-udfile "ghc/") # (find-status "ghc-doc") # (find-vldifile "ghc-doc.list") # (find-udfile "ghc-doc/") file:///usr/share/doc/ghc-doc/html/libraries/base- http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/citations/my_most_influential_papers.htm http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/afp-arrows.pdf http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/pretty.ps http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/arrows.pdf http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/language-design.html # Category Theory and Haskell: # http://www.alpheccar.org/en/posts/show/74 # http://www.alpheccar.org/en/posts/show/76 # http://www.alpheccar.org/en/posts/show/77 # http://syntax.wikidot.com/blog:1 # http://www.cs.gunma-u.ac.jp/~hamana/Papers/cpo.pdf http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/people/chris.heunen/publications/2008/arrows/arrows.pdf http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/people/chris.heunen/publications/2006/arrows/arrows.pdf http://www.khjk.org/log/2010/jul/getflag.html http://www.haskell.org/haskell-symposium http://www.loveshack.ukfsn.org/emacs/haskell-latex.el http://blog.kfish.org/ http://blog.kfish.org/2010/05/monday-music-birk-by-kobi.html http://goto.ucsd.edu/~rjhala/liquid/haskell/blog/blog/2013/01/01/refinement-types-101.lhs/ https://bartoszmilewski.com/2014/09/22/parametricity-money-for-nothing-and-theorems-for-free/ *** http://newartisans.com/2017/05/monads-are-monoids/ https://medium.com/@krystal.maughan/breaking-the-space-time-barrier-with-haskell-time-traveling-and-debugging-in-codeworld-a-google-e87894dd43d7 http://www.philipzucker.com/a-sketch-of-gimped-interval-propagation-with-lenses/ https://github.com/philzook58/ad-lens/blob/master/src/Numeric/ADLens/Interval.hs https://haskell.foundation/ https://mitchellwrosen.github.io/haskell-papers/ https://jrsinclair.com/articles/2019/what-i-wish-someone-had-explained-about-functional-programming/ http://euterpea.com/ http://learnyouahaskell.com/ https://hackage.haskell.org/package/network- https://typeclasses.com/phrasebook <energizer> i am reading this post https://alessandrovermeulen.me/2013/07/13/the-difference-between-shallow-and-deep-embedding/ https://www.haskellforall.com/2022/05/introductory-resources-to-type-theory.html *** https://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers- foldr = foldr https://github.com/tomsmeding/ad-dualrev-th # (find-git-links "https://github.com/tomsmeding/ad-dualrev-th" "addualrevth") # (code-c-d "addualrevth" "~/usrc/ad-dualrev-th/") # (find-addualrevthfile "") https://github.com/VMatthijs/CHAD # (find-git-links "https://github.com/VMatthijs/CHAD" "CHAD") # (code-c-d "CHAD" "~/usrc/CHAD/") # (find-CHADfile "") https://wiki.haskell.org/IRC_channel @pl FUNCTION - shows a pointfree version of FUNCTION https://wiki.haskell.org/Pointfree http://learnyouahaskell.com/input-and-output pipes https://wiki.haskell.org/Introduction_to_IO https://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/IO.xhtml <Axman6> _73: https://wiki.haskell.org/Regular_expressions_for_XML_Schema <Axman6> I recently used this to implement regexes in our app, and it worked really well - it's such a beautiful implementation IMO <ski> @type uncurry curry <lambdabot> ((a, b) -> c, a) -> b -> c <c_wraith> that function looks like a prank gone wrong <ski> @type uncurry3 curry <lambdabot> ((a, b) -> t4, a, b) -> t4 <ski> heh :) <lambdabot> ski said 2d 2h 39m 55s ago: hm, i think i would either look into one of the `ListT' alternatives (including `LogicT') (possibly also using `MonadComprehensions'), see if i could insert `IO' or ` <lambdabot> StateT' or `WriterT' into that for the plotting; or try to go for `ContT' directly .. or else separate the plot stuff, doing it to the result of this comprehension <lambdabot> ski said 2d 2h 38m 48s ago: well, the various streaming packages could possibly also be worthwhile to take a look at <lambdabot> ski said 2d 2h 35m 42s ago: unrelated. you asked about `={...}=' notation for justifying equality reasoning steps earlier. i got that particular notation from (short paper, six pages) "Equality <lambdabot> proofs in Cayenne" by augustss in 1999 at <https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=> (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "augustsson" "={ DEF }=") https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33877510 Exercises for understanding Haskell Lenses (2019) (williamyaoh.com) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34904888 Squeezing a Sokoban game into 10 lines of Haskell (cole-k.com) https://www.cole-k.com/2023/02/21/tiny-games-hs/ https://github.com/haskell-game/tiny-games-hs https://github.com/haskell-game/tiny-games-hs/blob/main/prelude/call-by-push-block From delimited continuations to algebraic effects in Haskell: https://blog.poisson.chat/posts/2023-01-02-del-cont-examples.html http://blog.sigfpe.com/2008/12/mother-of-all-monads.html https://well-typed.com/blog/2016/09/sharing-conduit/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35195348 The friendship between Haskell and C (typeclasses.substack.com) https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-04/msg00272.html -> https://wiki.haskell.org/Parallelism_vs._Concurrency https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35535404 Pedagogical Downsides of Haskell (ciobaca.substack.com) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35801293 Haskell in Production: Standard Chartered (serokell.io) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36123651 Purely Functional Data Structures (1996) [pdf] (cmu.edu) https://serokell.io/blog/ghc-dependent-types-in-haskell https://hasufell.github.io/posts/2024-05-07-ultimate-string-guide.html https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/haskell/ https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/nfyvy/instance_monad_ziplist_where/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37627513/why-ziplist-is-not-the-default-applicative-instance-for-list https://www.gtf.io/musings/why-haskell https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41518600 Why Haskell? (gtf.io) https://neohaskell.org/ # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: