Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# E-scripts on installing Interbase on a Conectiva box.
# Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the
# ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file.
# Executing this file as a whole makes no sense.
# An introduction to eev can be found here:
#   (find-eev-quick-intro)
#   http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html
# Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what
# you're doing.
# Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |&
# and the for loops may not work.
# Note 4: I always run as root.
# Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some
# never worked.
# Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my
# .emacs.
# Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may
# be defined there as a function or an alias.
# Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the
# sections with dates.
# This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/interbase.e>
#           or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/interbase.e.html>.
#        See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>,
#             and <http://angg.twu.net/>.

# «.rpm»		(to "rpm")

# «.unpack_src»		(to "unpack_src")
# «.pre_recompile_src»	(to "pre_recompile_src")
# «.build_kit_logs»	(to "build_kit_logs")
# «.recompile_CLASSIC»	(to "recompile_CLASSIC")

# «.setbell»		(to "setbell")
# «.console_stuff»	(to "console_stuff")

# «.boot»		(to "boot")

# (find-fline "/home/Interbase/")
# (code-c-d "Ib" "/home/Interbase/")
# (find-Ibfile "")
# (find-Ibfile "ib_source601.tar")
# (find-Ibfile "orpmq")
# (eeman "rpm")

# «rpm»  (to ".rpm")
cd /home/biblioteca/
rpm -qipl InterBaseCS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm..rpm  |& tee ~/LOGS/orpmCSq
rpm -qipl InterBaseSS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm..rpm  |& tee ~/LOGS/orpmSSq
# (find-fline "~/LOGS/orpmCSq")
# (find-fline "~/LOGS/orpmSSq")

cd /home/biblioteca/
# rpm -iv InterBaseCS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm..rpm
rpm -iv InterBaseSS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm..rpm

kill $(pidof /opt/interbase/bin/gds_lock_mgr)
rpm -e InterBaseCS_LI-V6.0-1
find /opt/interbase
# rm -Rv /opt/interbase


cd /home/biblioteca/
rpm -qipc InterBaseCS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm..rpm


cd /home/Interbase/
rpm -iv InterBaseCS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm..rpm
# (find-fline "/opt/interbase/")


# The "SuperServer" .tar

# (code-c-d "ibss" "/usr/src/InterBaseSS/")
# (find-ibssfile "")
rm -Rv /usr/src/InterBaseSS/
cd     /usr/src/
mkdir           InterBaseSS/
cd     /usr/src/InterBaseSS/
tar -xvf /home/Interbase/InterBaseSS_LI-V6.0.1.tar
tar -xvzf InterBaseSS_LI-V6.0.tgz


# Codigo fonte
# 2001may02

# «unpack_src»  (to ".unpack_src")
rm -Rv /usr/src/InterBase/
cd /usr/src/
tar -xvf /home/Interbase/ib_source601.tar
cd /usr/src/InterBase/

# (code-c-d "ibsrc" "/usr/src/InterBase/")
# (find-ibsrcfile "")
# (find-ibsrcfile "readme.txt")
# (find-ibsrcfile "builds/original/build_unix.txt")
# (find-ibsrcfile "builds/original/build_unix.txt" "gpre")
# (find-fline "/opt/interbase/bin/")
export PATH=$EDRXPATH:/opt/interbase/bin
echo $PATH

# «pre_recompile_src»  (to ".pre_recompile_src")
# (find-ibsrcfile "builds/original/build_unix.txt" "Actions to be followed:")
cd /usr/src/InterBase/
export LOCAL_CVS_SOURCE_TREE=/usr/src/InterBase
export INTERBASE_RUNTIME=/opt/interbase

chmod +x setup_dirs
setup_dirs LINUX DEV		|& tee osd
# The 1st argument to 'setup_dirs' should be one of the 
# valid platforms supported. Just run 'setup_dirs' with
# no args. to get a list of valid platforms.

# (find-ibsrcfile "builds/original/build_unix.txt" "cd $INTERBASE_RUNTIME")
# (find-fline "/opt/interbase/")
cp -v include/iberror.h $LOCAL_CVS_SOURCE_TREE/interbase/include

cp -v bin/gpre $LOCAL_CVS_SOURCE_TREE/interbase/bin
cp -v bin/gds_lock_mgr $LOCAL_CVS_SOURCE_TREE/interbase/bin

# Aqui eu vou tentar uma roubalheira...
# cd /usr/lib/; laf *gds*
rm -v lib/gds.so
ln -s /usr/lib/libgds.so lib/gds.so
cp -v lib/gds.so $LOCAL_CVS_SOURCE_TREE/interbase/lib

find * -type f | sort > .files

cd jrd
make codes

# «build_kit_logs»  (to ".build_kit_logs")
# O build_kit tá reclamando que não encontra o bin/codes num diretório
# psicodélico; eu forço CODES=.../jrd/codes e funciona (até um certo
# ponto).

# /* This will create ibase.h and other needed include files */
# /* decide which architecture build you want */
# build_kit builds [SUPER | CLASSIC] 
# build_kit builds CLASSIC		|& tee obkbC

# bash -v build_kit builds SUPER	|& tee obkbSv
# bash -x build_kit builds SUPER	|& tee obkbSx

bash -v build_kit builds CLASSIC	|& tee obkbCv
bash -x build_kit builds CLASSIC	|& tee obkbCx

# (find-fline "~/LOGS/")
# (find-ibsrcfile "")
# (find-ibsrcfile "build_kit")
# (find-ibsrcfile "obkbCv")
# (find-ibsrcfile "obkbCx")
# (find-ibsrcfile "obkbSv")
# (find-ibsrcfile "obkbSx")

# «recompile_CLASSIC»  (to ".recompile_CLASSIC")
# (find-es "bash" "pipe_stdout_stderr")
# Recompilar o classic, com o CODES corrigido

export LOCAL_CVS_SOURCE_TREE=/usr/src/InterBase
export INTERBASE_RUNTIME=/opt/interbase
make -f ./make_kit interbase SYSTEM=builds SUPER_SERVER \
  CODES=/usr/src/InterBase/jrd/codes	\
  2>&1 | tee omfmake_kit

# (find-fline "~/LOGS/")
# (find-fline "~/LOGS/omfmake_kit" "-o check_messages")
# (find-ibsrcfile "omfmake_kit")
# (find-ibsrcfile "msgs/")
# (find-ibsrcfile "msgs/makefile")

ps ax
cd /opt/interbase/bin/
laf gds_lock_mgr


laf /opt/interbase/bin/gds_lock_mgr

GDS_SUPER="super_targets" \
  make -f ./make_kit interbase SYSTEM=builds SUPER_SERVER=super_targets	\
    CODES=/usr/src/InterBase/jrd/codes	\
  |& tee omfmake_kit2
#  |& tee omfmake_kit

# (find-ibsrcfile "")
# (find-ibsrcfile "make_kit")
# (find-ibsrcfile "make_kit" "interbase:")

# (find-es "make" "makefile_addtrace")
cat make_kit \
  | makefile_addtrace \
  > make_kit.dbg
make -f ./make_kit.dbg interbase SYSTEM=builds SUPER_SERVER=super_targets

# (find-ibsrcfile "make_kit.dbg" 793)


# setbell and other console stuff

# «setbell»  (to ".setbell")
# (find-es "console" "setbell")
function setbell () {
  echo -ne "\033[10;$1]\033[11;$2]"
setbell 100 40
echo -e '\a'

# «console_stuff»  (to ".console_stuff")
cd ~/MTA/
make pio_fontx
make psfs
pio_fontx latinmath.8.psf
loadkeys latinmath.map
kbdrate -r 30.0 -d 250

# lynx via proxy

mount /mnt/cdrom/
cd /mnt/cdrom/conectiva/RPMS/
# (eeman "lynx" "PROTOCOL_proxy")
telnet 80
http_proxy= lynx http://angg.twu.net/
rpm -ql lynx |& tee ~/o
# (find-fline "~/o")

# (code-c-d "ibsrc" "/usr/src/InterBase/")
# (find-ibsrcfile "")
# (find-ibsrcfile "example4/" "empbld.sql")

export PATH=$EDRXPATH:/opt/interbase/bin
echo $PATH
cd /usr/src/InterBase/example4/

(cat <<'---'
create database "employee.gdb";
show version;
cat empddl.sql
cat <<'---'
) > $EEG
eeg isql



cd /opt/interbase/bin/
cat > $EEG <<'---'
CREATE DATABASE "/tmp/dbfoo";

eeg isql

# iniciando no boot

# «boot»  (to ".boot")
# (find-fline "/etc/rc3.d/")
# (find-fline "/etc/rc3.d/S99local")

# Linhas inseridas por Edrx

echo "Iniciando InterBase ..."
(cd /opt/interbase/bin/; ./ibserver &)

#  Local Variables:
#  coding:               utf-8-unix
#  End: