Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
###### # # E-scripts on the Lean theorem prover / proof assistant. # # Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the # ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file. # Executing this file as a whole makes no sense. # An introduction to eev can be found here: # # (find-eev-quick-intro) # http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html # # Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what # you're doing. # # Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |& # and the for loops may not work. # # Note 4: I always run as root. # # Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some # never worked. # # Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my # .emacs. # # Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may # be defined there as a function or an alias. # # Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the # sections with dates. # # This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/lean.e> # or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/lean.e.html>. # See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>, # <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>, # and <http://angg.twu.net/>. # ####### # «.lean4-mode-melpa» (to "lean4-mode-melpa") # «.lean4-mode-vc» (to "lean4-mode-vc") # «.feb2024» (to "feb2024") # «.zulip» (to "zulip") # «.elan» (to "elan") # «.install-2024» (to "install-2024") # «.reinstall-2024» (to "reinstall-2024") # «.lean4» (to "lean4") # «.lean4-git» (to "lean4-git") # «.ee-rstdoc-:lean4» (to "ee-rstdoc-:lean4") # «.:lean4» (to ":lean4") # «.lake» (to "lake") # «.lake-new-lake-build» (to "lake-new-lake-build") # «.lake-env» (to "lake-env") # «.lake-CLI» (to "lake-CLI") # «.lake-new-greeting» (to "lake-new-greeting") # «.lake-current-directory» (to "lake-current-directory") # «.cache-mathlib» (to "cache-mathlib") # «.lean4-mode» (to "lean4-mode") # «.lean-mode» (to "lean-mode") # «.lsp-server-exited-restart» (to "lsp-server-exited-restart") # «.lsp-yasnippet» (to "lsp-yasnippet") # «.mode-line» (to "mode-line") # «.topos» (to "topos") # «.diagram-chasing» (to "diagram-chasing") # «.prelude» (to "prelude") # «.rec_on» (to "rec_on") # «.alectryon» (to "alectryon") # «.nng4» (to "nng4") # «.lean4game» (to "lean4game") # «.natural-number-game» (to "natural-number-game") # «.real-number-game» (to "real-number-game") # «.set-theory-game» (to "set-theory-game") # «.mathsinlean» (to "mathsinlean") # «.:leanmaths» (to ":leanmaths") # «.mathsinlean-build» (to "mathsinlean-build") # «.mathsinlean-source» (to "mathsinlean-source") # «.mathzoo» (to "mathzoo") # «.mathlib» (to "mathlib") # «.mathlib4» (to "mathlib4") # «.mathlib4-greeting» (to "mathlib4-greeting") # «.mathlib-calculus» (to "mathlib-calculus") # «.tactics-list» (to "tactics-list") # «.tactics-in-ND» (to "tactics-in-ND") # «.vernacular» (to "vernacular") # «.fplean4» (to "fplean4") # «.5-manuals-tgz» (to "5-manuals-tgz") # # «.3-essential» (to "3-essential") # «.3-essential-way-1» (to "3-essential-way-1") # «.3-essential-way-2» (to "3-essential-way-2") # «.3-essential-way-3» (to "3-essential-way-3") # «.abbrev» (to "abbrev") # «.addDecl» (to "addDecl") # «.animate-lean-proofs» (to "animate-lean-proofs") # «.anonymous» (to "anonymous") # «.antiquotation» (to "antiquotation") # «.Array» (to "Array") # «.assign» (to "assign") # «.attributes» (to "attributes") # «.axiom» (to "axiom") # «.backtick» (to "backtick") # «.double-backtick» (to "double-backtick") # «.backtick-syntaxcat» (to "backtick-syntaxcat") # «.Bind» (to "Bind") # «.binop» (to "binop") # «.batteries» (to "batteries") # «.builtin_initialize» (to "builtin_initialize") # # «.calc» (to "calc") # «.check» (to "check") # «.checksyntax» (to "checksyntax") # «.checksyntax-test» (to "checksyntax-test") # «.class» (to "class") # «.class-extends» (to "class-extends") # «.command» (to "command") # «.congrArg» (to "congrArg") # «.constant» (to "constant") # «.coercion» (to "coercion") # «.CommandElabM» (to "CommandElabM") # «.company» (to "company") # «.constructor» (to "constructor") # «.CoreM» (to "CoreM") # # «.dbg_trace» (to "dbg_trace") # «.declare_syntax_cat» (to "declare_syntax_cat") # «.def» (to "def") # «.denoteArith» (to "denoteArith") # «.deriving» (to "deriving") # «.discard» (to "discard") # «.doc-comments» (to "doc-comments") # «.do-iteration» (to "do-iteration") # «.do-notation» (to "do-notation") # «.dotdot» (to "dotdot") # «.eglot» (to "eglot") # «.elab» (to "elab") # «.elabIMP» (to "elabIMP") # «.elab_rules» (to "elab_rules") # «.elab-term» (to "elab-term") # «.elab-type» (to "elab-type") # «.eldoc» (to "eldoc") # «.Environment» (to "Environment") # «.Eq.subst» (to "Eq.subst") # «.exceptions» (to "exceptions") # «.explicit-arguments» (to "explicit-arguments") # «.implicit-arguments» (to "implicit-arguments") # «.exploring-data» (to "exploring-data") # «.exploring-data-2» (to "exploring-data-2") # «.export» (to "export") # «.Expr» (to "Expr") # «.extends» (to "extends") # «.extern» (to "extern") # «.extractFrom» (to "extractFrom") # «.eval» (to "eval") # «.example» (to "example") # «.feline» (to "feline") # «.Finset-comprehensions» (to "Finset-comprehensions") # «.FFI» (to "FFI") # «.FilePath» (to "FilePath") # «.FirstTokens» (to "FirstTokens") # «.fun» (to "fun") # «.Functor» (to "Functor") # «.getCurrNamespace» (to "getCurrNamespace") # «.guard_msgs» (to "guard_msgs") # «.guillemets» (to "guillemets") # «.HashMap» (to "HashMap") # «.have» (to "have") # «.heterogeneous» (to "heterogeneous") # «.Id.run» (to "Id.run") # «.iezzi-exp» (to "iezzi-exp") # «.if-let» (to "if-let") # «.import» (to "import") # «.import-problem» (to "import-problem") # «.indentation» (to "indentation") # «.inductive» (to "inductive") # «.inductive-Arith» (to "inductive-Arith") # «.inductive-Expr» (to "inductive-Expr") # «.inductive-List» (to "inductive-List") # «.inductive-N» (to "inductive-N") # «.inductive-Nat» (to "inductive-Nat") # «.inductive-myNat» (to "inductive-myNat") # «.inductive-Option» (to "inductive-Option") # «.inductive-Syntax» (to "inductive-Syntax") # «.inferInstance» (to "inferInstance") # «.inferType» (to "inferType") # «.infix» (to "infix") # «.infixl» (to "infixl") # «.infixr» (to "infixr") # «.info-scp-mainModule» (to "info-scp-mainModule") # «.Inhabited» (to "Inhabited") # «.initialize» (to "initialize") # «.instance» (to "instance") # «.instance-implicits» (to "instance-implicits") # «.instance-Monad-List» (to "instance-Monad-List") # «.intercalate» (to "intercalate") # «.interpolatedStr» (to "interpolatedStr") # «.IO» (to "IO") # «.IO.print» (to "IO.print") # «.IO.println» (to "IO.println") # «.IO.Process.output» (to "IO.Process.output") # «.Lake.Load» (to "Lake.Load") # «.latin-cross» (to "latin-cross") # «.LawfulFunctor» (to "LawfulFunctor") # «.leading-dot-notation» (to "leading-dot-notation") # «.leading_parser» (to "leading_parser") # «.Lean.Parser.Category» (to "Lean.Parser.Category") # «.lean-type-theory» (to "lean-type-theory") # «.let» (to "let") # «.let_fun» (to "let_fun") # «.let-mut» (to "let-mut") # «.letterlike» (to "letterlike") # «.Linter» (to "Linter") # «.List» (to "List") # «.logInfo» (to "logInfo") # «.macro» (to "macro") # «.map» (to "map") # «.mapAddOneNil» (to "mapAddOneNil") # «.match» (to "match") # «.match-bar» (to "match-bar") # «.mdbook» (to "mdbook") # «.mdgen» (to "mdgen") # «.meta-if» (to "meta-if") # «.minted» (to "minted") # «.mkSyntaxQuotation» (to "mkSyntaxQuotation") # «.Monad» (to "Monad") # «.Monad-map» (to "Monad-map") # «.Monad-S» (to "Monad-S") # «.modules» (to "modules") # «.mutual» (to "mutual") # «.mydef» (to "mydef") # «.mySpecialCheck» (to "mySpecialCheck") # «.Name» (to "Name") # «.namespace» (to "namespace") # «.section» (to "section") # «.open» (to "open") # «.notation» (to "notation") # «.observation-study» (to "observation-study") # «.opaque» (to "opaque") # «.open» (to "open") # «.Options» (to "Options") # «.optParam» (to "optParam") # «.orelse» (to "orelse") # «.outParam» (to "outParam") # «.p123456» (to "p123456") # «.Partax» (to "Partax") # «.Partax-match_stx2» (to "Partax-match_stx2") # «.parse_term» (to "parse_term") # «.partial» (to "partial") # «.partial-mutual» (to "partial-mutual") # «.polymorphism» (to "polymorphism") # «.posOrNegThree» (to "posOrNegThree") # «.postulate» (to "postulate") # «.pp.notation» (to "pp.notation") # «.pp.universes» (to "pp.universes") # «.pratt-parser» (to "pratt-parser") # «.precedence» (to "precedence") # «.print» (to "print") # «.print-inductive» (to "print-inductive") # «.Prod» (to "Prod") # «.project» (to "project") # «.Pure» (to "Pure") # «.Range» (to "Range") # «.ReaderT» (to "ReaderT") # «.reduce» (to "reduce") # «.repl» (to "repl") # «.Repr» (to "Repr") # «.repr-type» (to "repr-type") # «.runActions» (to "runActions") # «.runCmd» (to "runCmd") # «.run_cmd» (to "run_cmd") # «.runParserCategory» (to "runParserCategory") # «.runTermElabM» (to "runTermElabM") # «.rw» (to "rw") # «.saveState» (to "saveState") # «.scoped-syntax» (to "scoped-syntax") # «.semi-output» (to "semi-output") # «.server» (to "server") # «.show» (to "show") # «.show-from-do» (to "show-from-do") # «.sleep1» (to "sleep1") # «.specialize» (to "specialize") # «.State» (to "State") # «.Std.Format» (to "Std.Format") # «.string-interpolation» (to "string-interpolation") # «.structure» (to "structure") # «.structures» (to "structures") # «.structure-like» (to "structure-like") # «.stx» (to "stx") # «.syntax-command» (to "syntax-command") # «.syntax-parser» (to "syntax-parser") # «.syntax-name» (to "syntax-name") # «.synth» (to "synth") # «.tactic_expand1» (to "tactic_expand1") # «.tagged-subgoals» (to "tagged-subgoals") # «.telescopes» (to "telescopes") # «.termination» (to "termination") # «.termParser» (to "termParser") # «.theorem» (to "theorem") # «.toolchains» (to "toolchains") # «.ToString» (to "ToString") # «.tpil-p38» (to "tpil-p38") # «.trace.Elab.command» (to "trace.Elab.command") # «.trace.Elab.info» (to "trace.Elab.info") # «.try-catch» (to "try-catch") # «.TSyntax» (to "TSyntax") # «.typeclass-search» (to "typeclass-search") # «.typeof» (to "typeof") # «.underscore» (to "underscore") # «.Unhygienic.run» (to "Unhygienic.run") # «.variable» (to "variable") # «.W-types» (to "W-types") # «.where» (to "where") # «.whnf» (to "whnf") # # «.delaborator-diagram» (to "delaborator-diagram") # «.reference-manual» (to "reference-manual") # «.:leanref» (to ":leanref") # «.metaprogramming» (to "metaprogramming") # «.:leanmeta» (to ":leanmeta") # «.metaprogramming-book.yml» (to "metaprogramming-book.yml") # «.metaprogramming-toolchain» (to "metaprogramming-toolchain") # «.TermElabM» (to "TermElabM") # «.tpil» (to "tpil") # «.useandabuseoip» (to "useandabuseoip") # «.ullrichmp» (to "ullrichmp") # «.mechanics-of-proof» (to "mechanics-of-proof") # «.:mechprf» (to ":mechprf") # «.thesis-sebastian» (to "thesis-sebastian") # «.Colorized» (to "Colorized") # «.leandojo» (to "leandojo") # «.do-unchained» (to "do-unchained") # «.hitchhik-lv» (to "hitchhik-lv") # «.of0a1» (to "of0a1") # «.of0a2» (to "of0a2") # «.of0a2-go-to-and-go-back» (to "of0a2-go-to-and-go-back") # «.of0a2-l-a» (to "of0a2-l-a") # «.of0a2-find-esetkey-links» (to "of0a2-find-esetkey-links") # «.of0a2-cr3» (to "of0a2-cr3") # «.of0a2-list-of-errors» (to "of0a2-list-of-errors") # «.of0a2-underscore» (to "of0a2-underscore") # «.of0a2-natural-deduction» (to "of0a2-natural-deduction") https://jiggerwit.wordpress.com/2018/09/18/a-review-of-the-lean-theorem-prover/ *** https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2020/02/09/lean-is-better-for-proper-maths-than-all-the-other-theorem-provers/ https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2020/02/09/where-is-the-fashionable-mathematics/ https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2020/04/30/the-invisible-map/ https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2020/06/27/teaching-dependent-type-theory-to-4-year-olds-via-mathematics/amp/ https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2021/01/21/formalising-mathematics-an-introduction/ pictures as eefective guides *** https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2021/04/18/induction-on-equality/ ##### # # lean4-mode-melpa # 2024mar10 # ##### # «lean4-mode-melpa» (to ".lean4-mode-melpa") # (find-epackage-links 'lean4-mode "lean4mode" t) # (find-epackages 'lean4-mode) # (find-epackage 'lean4-mode) # (package-refresh-contents) # (package-install 'lean4-mode) # (find-epackage 'lean4-mode) # (package-delete (ee-package-desc 'lean4-mode)) # (code-c-d "lean4mode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/") # (find-lean4modefile "") ##### # # lean4-mode-vc # 2024mar10 # ##### # «lean4-mode-vc» (to ".lean4-mode-vc") # (find-epackage-links 'lean4-mode "lean4mode" t) # (find-epackage 'lean4-mode) # (package-vc-install "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-mode") # (code-c-d "lean4mode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/") # (find-lean4modefile "") # (find-lean4modefile "README.md" "Trying It Out") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-mode?tab=readme-ov-file#trying-it-out # (find-ekeymapdescr lean4-mode-map "C-c C-k" "quail-show-key") # (find-elocus-links "C-c C-k" 'lean4-mode-map) C-c C-k show the keystroke needed to input the symbol under the cursor C-c C-d recompile & reload imports (`lean4-refresh-file-dependencies`) C-c C-x execute Lean in stand-alone mode (`lean4-std-exe`) C-c C-p C-l builds package with lake (`lean4-lake-build`) C-c C-i toggle info view showing goals and errors at point (`lean4-toggle-info-buffer`) C-c ! n flycheck: go to next error C-c ! p flycheck: go to previous error →×αβ∧∨↔¬ ##### # # feb2024 # 2024feb22 # ##### # «feb2024» (to ".feb2024") # (find-es "emacs" "flycheck") # (find-angg "LEAN/a.lean") # (find-fline "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/") # (find-fline "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/lean4-fringe.el" "(require 'lsp-mode)") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/ git pull * (byte-recompile-directory "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/") # Source file ‘/home/edrx/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/lean4-mode.el’ newer than byte-compiled file; using older file # File mode specification error: (file-missing Cannot open load file No such file or directory ht) # (find-efunctiondescr 'byte-compile-file) # (find-efunction 'byte-compile-file) # (find-elnode "Index" "* byte-compile-file:") # (find-efunction-links 'byte-recompile-directory) # (find-epackage-links 'spinner) # (find-epackage-links 'ht) # (find-epackage 'ht) # (code-c-d "ht" "{d}") https://github.com/Wilfred/ht.el ##### # # zulip # 2023jun24 # ##### # «zulip» (to ".zulip") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/ ##### # # elan # 2023jun22 # ##### # «elan» (to ".elan") # «install-2024» (to ".install-2024") # (find-angg ".emacs" "lean4") # https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/debian.html # https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/debian_details.html # https://github.com/leanprover/elan # https://proofassistants.stackexchange.com/questions/2/how-do-i-install-lean-4 # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover/elan" "elan") # (code-c-d "elan" "~/usrc/elan/") # (find-elanfile "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/elan-install/") rm -Rv /tmp/elan-install/ mkdir /tmp/elan-install/ cd /tmp/elan-install/ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover/elan/master/elan-init.sh -sSf \ | sh -s -- --default-toolchain leanprover/lean4:stable # (find-fline "~/.profile") # (find-fline "~/.zprofile") Elan is installed now. Great! To get started you need Elan's bin directory ($HOME/.elan/bin) in your PATH environment variable. Next time you log in this will be done automatically. To configure your current shell run source $HOME/.elan/env # (code-c-d "elan4lean" "~/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---stable/src/lean/") # (find-elan4leanfile "") # (find-sh "find ~/.elan/ | sort") rm -Rfv ~/.elan/ elan elan show # elan default leanprover/lean4:stable w lake lake # (find-fline "/home/edrx/.elan/bin/") # Welcome to Lean! # # This will download and install Elan, a tool for managing different Lean # versions used in packages you create or download. It will also install a # default version of Lean and its package manager, leanpkg, for editing files not # belonging to any package. # # It will add the leanpkg, lean, and elan commands to Elan's bin directory, # located at: # # /home/edrx/.elan/bin # # This path will then be added to your PATH environment variable by modifying the # profile files located at: # # /home/edrx/.profile # /home/edrx/.zprofile # # You can uninstall at any time with elan self uninstall and these changes will # be reverted. # # Current installation options: # # default toolchain: leanprover/lean4:nightly # modify PATH variable: yes # # 1) Proceed with installation (default) # 2) Customize installation # 3) Cancel installation * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/elan/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/leanprover/elan cd ~/usrc/elan/ # (code-c-d "elan" "~/usrc/elan/") # (find-elanfile "") # (find-elanfile "elan-init.sh") # (find-fline "~/.elan/") # (find-fline "~/.profile") # (find-fline "~/.zprofile") ##### # # reinstall-2024 # 2024may16 # ##### # «reinstall-2024» (to ".reinstall-2024") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) du -ch ~/.elan/ rm -Rv ~/.elan/ ##### # # lean4 # 2023jun22 # ##### # «lean4» (to ".lean4") # «lean4-git» (to ".lean4-git") # https://github.com/leanprover/lean4 # https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/z55hha/review_of_lean_4/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/bigsrc/lean4/ cd ~/bigsrc/ git clone https://github.com/leanprover/lean4 cd ~/bigsrc/lean4/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/bigsrc/lean4/ git pull git clean -dfx git reset --hard find * | sort > .files wc .files export PAGER=cat git branch --list -a git for-each-ref git log --oneline --graph --all -20 # (find-fline "~/bigsrc/") # (find-fline "~/bigsrc/lean4/") # (find-gitk "~/bigsrc/lean4/") # (code-c-d "lean4" "~/bigsrc/lean4/") # (find-lean4sh "find * -type d | sort") # (find-lean4sh "find * | sort | grep -i check") # (find-lean4sh "find * | sort | grep -i notation") # (find-lean4sh "find * | sort | grep -i synthesize") # (find-lean4file "") # (find-lean4file ".files") # (find-lean4file "doc/") # (find-lean4file "doc/setup.md") # (find-lean4file "doc/quickstart.md") # (find-lean4file "doc/quickstart.md" "lake init foo") # (find-lean4file "doc/sections.md") # (find-lean4file "doc/dev/mdbook.md") # https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/dev/mdbook.html Quickstart: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/doc/quickstart.md Walkthrough installation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZo6k48L0VY Quick tour video: https://youtu.be/zyXtbb_eYbY Homepage: https://leanprover.github.io Theorem Proving Tutorial: https://leanprover.github.io/theorem_proving_in_lean4/ Functional Programming in Lean: https://leanprover.github.io/functional_programming_in_lean/ Manual: https://leanprover.github.io/lean4/doc/ Release notes: RELEASES.md Examples: https://leanprover.github.io/lean4/doc/examples.html FAQ: https://leanprover.github.io/lean4/doc/faq.html Setting Up Lean: https://leanprover.github.io/lean4/doc/setup.html https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/doc/setup.md#basic-setup $ elan self update # in case you haven't updated elan in a while # download & activate latest Lean 4 stable release (https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/releases) $ elan default leanprover/lean4:stable elan self update elan default leanprover/lean4:stable # download & activate latest Lean 4 stable release (https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/releases) ##### # # ee-rstdoc-:lean4 # 2024may23 # ##### # «ee-rstdoc-:lean4» (to ".ee-rstdoc-:lean4") # «:lean4» (to ".:lean4") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-rstdoc-:lean4") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "ee-rstdoc-:lean4") # (find-wgetrecursive-links "https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/") # (to "lean4-git") # (find-code-rstdoc :lean4) # (find-lean4doc "whatIsLean") # (find-lean4docw "whatIsLean") # (find-lean4docr "whatIsLean.md") ##### # # lake # 2024mar10 # ##### # «lake» (to ".lake") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4" "75" "Starting a Project") # (find-lean4doc "setup#lake") # (find-lean4docr "setup.md#lake") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project#first-steps") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/starting-a-project" "## First steps") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/starting-a-project" "`lake init` instead of `lake new`") # Deprecated, merged into Lean4: # https://github.com/leanprover/lake # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover/lake" "lake") # (code-c-d "lake" "~/usrc/lake/") # See: (to "IO.Process.output") # (find-lean4file "") # (find-lean4sh "find * | sort") # (find-lean4sh "find * | sort | grep -i lake") # (find-lean4file "src/Lean/Util/LakePath.lean") # (find-lean4file "src/lake/") # (find-lean4file "src/lake/Lake.lean") # (find-lean4file "src/lake/Lake/") # (find-lean4file "src/lake/README.md") # (find-lakefile "") # (find-lakefile "README.md") # (find-lakesh "find * | sort") ##### # # Testing lake with "lake new greeting" # 2023jun25 # ##### # «lake-new-greeting» (to ".lake-new-greeting") # (to "project") # (to "modules") # (to "mathlib4-greeting") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/starting-a-project") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/starting-a-project" "lake new greeting") # (find-fplean4page 75 "Starting a Project") # (find-fplean4text 75 "Starting a Project") # (find-fplean4page 76 "import «Greeting»") # (find-fplean4text 76 "import «Greeting»") # (code-c-d "grg" "/tmp/gr/greeting/") # (find-grgfile "") # (find-grgfile "lakefile.lean" "@[default_target]") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/DSL/Attributes.lean" "initialize defaultTargetAttr") # (to "initialize") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/gr/") rm -Rfv /tmp/greeting/ rm -Rfv /tmp/gr/ mkdir /tmp/gr/ cd /tmp/gr/ lake new greeting cd /tmp/gr/greeting/ # lean --run Main.lean # lean --run Greeting.lean find * | sort | tee of0 lake build |& tee olb find * | sort | tee of1 comm of0 of1 laf find build | sort build/bin/greeting cp -v build/bin/greeting /tmp/greeting cd /tmp/ ./greeting # (find-fline "/tmp/gr/greeting/") # (find-fline "/tmp/gr/greeting/Main.lean") # (find-fline "/tmp/gr/greeting/build/bin/") w lake ##### # # Testing lake by running "lake new foo", "cd foo", and "lake build" # 2024jun09 # ##### # «lake-new-lake-build» (to ".lake-new-lake-build") lake-build lake build * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-fline "/tmp/testlake/") rm -Rfv /tmp/testlake/ mkdir /tmp/testlake/ cd /tmp/testlake/ lake new foo find /tmp/testlake/ | sort cd /tmp/testlake/foo/ lake build |& tee olb ** (find-sh "find /tmp/testlake/ | sort") ** (find-sh "find /tmp/testlake/foo/.lake/ | sort") * (code-c-d "foo" "/tmp/testlake/foo/") * (code-c-d "foobuild" "/tmp/testlake/foo/.lake/build/") ** (find-foofile "") ** (find-foobuildfile "") ** (find-foosh "find * .lake/ | sort") ** (find-foosh "find * | sort") ** (find-foobuildsh "find * | sort") /tmp/testlake/foo/.lake/build/bin/foo cp -v /tmp/testlake/foo/.lake/build/bin/foo /tmp/testlake/foo.bin /tmp/testlake/foo.bin # (find-foofile "") # (find-foofile "Main.lean") # (find-foofile "Foo.lean") # (find-foofile "Foo/") # (find-foofile "Foo/Basic.lean") ##### # # lake-env # 2024jun10 # ##### # «lake-env» (to ".lake-env") # (to "import-problem") # (find-sh "lake --help" "env <cmd> <args>") # (find-sh "lake --help env") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/CLI/Help.lean" "env <cmd> <args>") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/CLI/Help.lean" "def helpEnv :=") ##### # # lake-CLI # 2024jun09 # ##### # «lake-CLI» (to ".lake-CLI") # (find-fplean4page 76 "@[default_target]") # (find-fplean4text 76 "@[default_target]") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/starting-a-project" "@[default_target]") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/starting-a-project" "@[default_target]" "To build a target that is not annotated with `@[default_target]`") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/CLI/Main.lean" "def lakeLongOption :") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/CLI/Main.lean" "def lakeCli :") ##### # # Making lake import files in the current directory # 2024jun07 # ##### # «lake-current-directory» (to ".lake-current-directory") # (to "import") # (to "Colorized") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Minimal.20setup.20for.20importing.20.2Elean.20files.20in.20the.20same.20director * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv /tmp/test/ mkdir /tmp/test/ cd /tmp/test/ cat > A.lean <<'%%%' def a := 42 #eval a %%% cat > B.lean <<'%%%' import A #eval a %%% cat > lakefile.lean <<'%%%' import Lake open Lake DSL package A lean_lib A %%% lean A.lean ;# 42 lean B.lean ;# error lake build find * .lake/ | sort lean B.lean ;# error # (find-fline "/tmp/test/") # (find-fline "/tmp/test/A.lean") # (find-fline "/tmp/test/B.lean") # (find-fline "/tmp/test/lakefile.lean") # (find-fline "~/LuaTreeLean/") # (find-fline "~/LuaTreeLean/lakefile.lean") cd ~/LuaTreeLean/ lean Test1.lean ##### # # cache-mathlib # 2023jun26 # ##### # «cache-mathlib» (to ".cache-mathlib") # (find-fline "~/.cache/mathlib/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) du -c ~/.cache/mathlib/ find ~/.cache/mathlib/ laf ~/.cache/mathlib/ ##### # # lean4-mode # 2023jun22 # ##### # «lean4-mode» (to ".lean4-mode") # https://github.com/leanprover/lean4-mode # (find-es "emacs" "package-vc-install") # (find-es "emacs" "lsp-mode") # (package-vc-install "https://github.com/leanprover/lean4-mode") # (find-epackage-links 'lean4-mode "lean4mode" t) # (find-epackages 'lean4-mode) # (find-epackage 'lean4-mode) # (code-c-d "lean4mode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean4-mode/") # (find-lean4modefile "") # (find-lean4modefile "README.md" "hovering") # (find-lean4modefile "README.md" "C-c C-i" "toggle info view") # (find-lean4modefile "lean4-input.el" "(defcustom lean4-input-inherit") ##### # # lean-mode # 2021jul05 # ##### # «lean-mode» (to ".lean-mode") # (find-epackages 'lean-mode) # (find-epackage-links 'lean-mode) # (find-epackage 'lean-mode) # (code-c-d "leanmode" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/lean-mode-20210502.2049/") # (find-leanmodefile "") # (find-leanmodegrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e rootdir *.el") # (find-efunction 'lean-get-rootdir) https://leanprover.github.io/documentation/ https://leanprover.github.io/presentations/20150123_lean-mode/lean-mode.pdf https://leanprover.github.io/tutorial/tutorial.pdf https://leanprover.github.io/tutorial/quickref.pdf ##### # # mode-line # 2024mar10 # ##### # «mode-line» (to ".mode-line") # find-emodeline-links ("%e" mode-line-front-space (:propertize ("" mode-line-mule-info mode-line-client mode-line-modified mode-line-remote mode-line-window-dedicated) display (min-width (6.0))) mode-line-frame-identification mode-line-buffer-identification " " mode-line-position (project-mode-line project-mode-line-format) (vc-mode vc-mode) " " mode-line-modes mode-line-misc-info mode-line-end-spaces) # (find-evardescr 'mode-line-misc-info) # (find-evariable 'mode-line-misc-info) ((which-function-mode (which-func-mode (which-func--use-mode-line ("" which-func-format " ")))) (global-mode-string ("" global-mode-string))) ##### # # topos # 2021jul05 # ##### # «topos» (to ".topos") # https://github.com/b-mehta/topos # (find-git-links "https://github.com/b-mehta/topos" "topos") # (code-c-d "topos" "~/usrc/topos/") # (find-toposfile "") # (find-toposfile "README.md") # (find-toposfile "src/") # (find-toposfile "src/applications/") # (find-toposfile "src/category/") ##### # # diagram-chasing # 2021jul05 # ##### # «diagram-chasing» (to ".diagram-chasing") # (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "himmel") # (find-himmeldiagchpage 19 "3.2. A formal proof of the four lemma") # (find-himmeldiagchtext 19 "3.2. A formal proof of the four lemma") ##### # # prelude # 2023jun29 # ##### # «prelude» (to ".prelude") # (find-tpil4file "inductive_types.md" "prelude") # (find-tpil4file "propositions_and_proofs.md" "Prelude.core") # (find-lean4prefile "") # (find-lean4prefile "") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/") ##### # # rec_on # 2023jul10 # ##### # «rec_on» (to ".rec_on") # (find-tpinleanpage 89 "nat.rec_on") # (find-tpinleantext 89 "nat.rec_on") # (find-tpinleanpage 102 "weekday.rec_on (also generated automatically)") # (find-tpinleantext 102 "weekday.rec_on (also generated automatically)") # (find-tpinleanpage 103 "renaming option") # (find-tpinleantext 103 "renaming option") https://github.com/leanprover/theorem_proving_in_lean4/blob/master/inductive_types.md inductive weekday : Type | sunday : weekday | monday : weekday | tuesday : weekday | wednesday : weekday | thursday : weekday | friday : weekday | saturday : weekday #check weekday.sunday #check weekday.monday #check weekday.rec #check weekday.casesOn weekday.casesOn.{u} {motive : weekday → Sort u} (t : weekday) (sunday : motive weekday.sunday) (monday : motive weekday.monday) (tuesday : motive weekday.tuesday) (wednesday : motive weekday.wednesday) (thursday : motive weekday.thursday) (friday : motive weekday.friday) (saturday : motive weekday.saturday) : motive t weekday.rec.{u} {motive : weekday → Sort u} (sunday : motive weekday.sunday) (monday : motive weekday.monday) (tuesday : motive weekday.tuesday) (wednesday : motive weekday.wednesday) (thursday : motive weekday.thursday) (friday : motive weekday.friday) (saturday : motive weekday.saturday) (t : weekday) : motive t @[reducible] inductive mynat : Type | zero : mynat | succ : mynat → mynat -- #check zero #check mynat.zero open mynat (renaming rec_on → rec_on) def add (m n : mynat) : mynat := mynat.rec_on n m (λ n add_m_n => succ add_m_n) #check add #check mynat #check mynat.rec #check mynat.rec_on #check succ zero #check add (succ zero) (succ (succ zero)) -- try it out #reduce add (succ zero) (succ (succ zero)) ##### # # alectryon # 2024mar24 # ##### # «alectryon» (to ".alectryon") # (to "mdbook") # https://github.com/cpitclaudel/alectryon # https://github.com/Kha/alectryon # https://proofassistants.stackexchange.com/questions/62/is-there-software-for-interfacing-lean-code-with-latex # https://leanprover-community.github.io/archive/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Literate.20programming.20in.20Lean4.20.2F.20Lean4.20.2B.20Org.20mode.html ##### # # nng4 # 2023jun27 / 2024jun03 # ##### # «nng4» (to ".nng4") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/NNG4 # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/NNG4" "NNG4") # (code-c-d "NNG4" "~/usrc/NNG4/") # (find-NNG4sh "find * | sort") # (find-NNG4file "") # (find-NNG4file "README.md") # (find-NNG4file "README.md" "https://adam.math.hhu.de") # (find-NNG4file "Game.lean") # (find-NNG4file "lakefile.lean") # Old: # https://github.com/PatrickMassot/NNG4 ##### # # lean4game # 2024jun03 # ##### # «lean4game» (to ".lean4game") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4game # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4game" "lean4game") # (code-c-d "lean4game" "~/usrc/lean4game/") # (find-lean4gamefile "") # (find-lean4gamefile "README.md") # (find-lean4gamefile "doc/") # (find-lean4gamefile "server/") # (find-lean4gamesh "find * | sort") ##### # # natural-number-game # 2021oct06 # ##### # «natural-number-game» (to ".natural-number-game") # https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game/ # https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game/FAQ.html # https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game/FAQ.html#sourcecode # https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/natural_number_game # https://github.com/mpedramfar/Lean-game-maker # (find-git-links "https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/natural_number_game" "nng") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/mpedramfar/Lean-game-maker" "lgm") # (code-c-d "nng" "~/usrc/natural_number_game/") # (code-c-d "lgm" "~/usrc/Lean-game-maker/") # (find-nngfile "") # (find-nngfile "docs/technical.md") # (find-nngfile "docs/technical.md" "tactic monad") # (find-nngfile "src/tactic/") # (find-nngfile "src/tactic/modded.lean") # (find-nngfile "src/game/") # (find-nngfile "src/game/world2/") # (find-nngfile "src/game/world2/level1.lean") # (find-lgmfile "") https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V1Xo1n_3Qw LftCM2020: Natural number game - Kevin Buzzard https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2019/10/24/chalkdust-and-the-natural-number-game/ https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2019/11/12/the-natural-number-game-an-update/ ##### # # real-number-game # 2021oct17 # ##### # «real-number-game» (to ".real-number-game") # https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/real-number-game # (find-git-links "https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/real-number-game" "rng") # (code-c-d "rng" "~/usrc/real-number-game/") # (find-rngfile "") ##### # # set-theory-game # 2024may17 # ##### # «set-theory-game» (to ".set-theory-game") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Set.20theory.20game # https://adam.math.hhu.de/ # https://adam.math.hhu.de/#/g/djvelleman/stg4 ##### # # mathsinlean # 2023jun24 # ##### # «mathsinlean» (to ".mathsinlean") # «:leanmaths» (to ".:leanmaths") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "ee-rstdoc-:leanmaths") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "mathsinlean") # https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathematics_in_lean/ # https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean # (find-wgetrecursive-links "https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathematics_in_lean/") # https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean" "mathsinlean") # (code-c-d "mathsinlean" "~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean/") # (find-mathsinleanfile "") # (find-mathsinleanfile "lake-packages/") # (find-mathsinleanfile "MIL/") # (find-mathsinleanfile "MIL/C01_Introduction/") # (find-mathsinleanfile "MIL/C01_Introduction/S02_Overview.lean") # (find-mathsinleanpage) # (find-mathsinleantext) # (find-mathsinleanpage 5 "lake exe cache get") # (find-mathsinleantext 5 "lake exe cache get") # (find-mathsinleangrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e constant *") # (find-lean4mlifile "Mathlib/Util/AssertExists.lean" "elab \"assert_not_exists \"") # file:///home/edrx/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean/html/C01_Introduction.html ##### # # mathsinlean-build # 2024may25 # ##### # «mathsinlean-build» (to ".mathsinlean-build") # https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source # (find-git-links "https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source" "mathsinleansrc") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/~.2F.2Eagda.2Fdefaults.20and.20~.2F.2Eagda.2Flibraries.2C.20but.20in.20Lean.3F # (code-c-d "mathsinleansrc" "~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean_source/") # (find-mathsinleansrcfile "") # (find-mathsinleansrcfile "README.md") # (find-mathsinleansrcfile "README.md" "lake exe cache get") # (find-mathsinleansrcfile "lakefile.lean") # (find-mathsinleansrcfile "lakefile.lean" "require mathlib from git") # (find-mathsinleansrcsh "find * | sort") * (eepitch-shell3) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell3) # (find-sh "du -ch ~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean/") du -ch ~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean_source/ rm -Rfv ~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean_source/ cd ~/bigsrc/ git clone https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source cd ~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean_source/ find * | sort | tee .files0 lake exe cache get |& tee olecg find * | sort | tee .files1 Another basic question... now I have a full copy of mathlib4 in ~/bigsrc/mathlib4/, and I tried to run this: rm -Rfv ~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean/ cd ~/bigsrc/ git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean cd ~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean/ lake exe cache get Apparently 1) this downloaded another full copy of mathlib4 in ~/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean/lake-packages/mathlib/, and 2) if I create a project and I put a like like this require mathlib from git "https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4"@"master" in its lakefile.lean it will also download another full copy of mathlib4... is there a way to make these copies be shared? # Error: LSP :: Yasnippet is not installed, but `lsp-enable-snippet' is set to `t'. You must either install yasnippet, or disable snippet support. LSP :: Connected to [lean4-lsp:187121/starting /home/edrx/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean]. [2 times] LSP :: Unable to autoconfigure company-mode. [2 times] LSP :: lean4-lsp:187121 initialized successfully in folders: (/home/edrx/bigsrc/mathematics_in_lean) LSP :: You can configure this warning with the `lsp-enable-file-watchers' and `lsp-file-watch-threshold' variables LSP :: Unable to autoconfigure company-mode. [2 times] info: [256/540] Building Aesop.Tree.UnsafeQueue info: [315/794] Building Aesop.Search.Queue info: [353/794] Building Mathlib.Data.ListM.Basic info: [538/794] Building Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.Defs error: external command `/home/edrx/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-06-20/bin/lean` exited with code 139 `/home/edrx/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-06-20/bin/lake print-paths Init Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity Mathlib.Tactic` failed: stderr: info: [155/374] Building Qq.MetaM info: [218/540] Building Std.Data.String.Lemmas info: [256/540] Building Aesop.Tree.UnsafeQueue info: [315/794] Building Aesop.Search.Queue info: [353/794] Building Mathlib.Data.ListM.Basic info: [538/794] Building Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.Defs error: > LEAN_PATH=./lake-packages/proofwidgets/build/lib:./lake-packages/mathlib/build/lib:./build/lib:./lake-packages/Qq/build/lib:./lake-packages/aesop/build/lib:./lake-packages/std/build/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lake-packages/proofwidgets/build/lib:./lake-packages/mathlib/build/lib:./build/lib:./lake-packages/Qq/build/lib:./lake-packages/aesop/build/lib:./lake-packages/std/build/lib:./lake-packages/mathlib/build/lib /home/edrx/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-06-20/bin/lean -DwarningAsError=true -Dpp.unicode.fun=true ./lake-packages/mathlib/././Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Group/Defs.lean -R ./lake-packages/mathlib/./. -o ./lake-packages/mathlib/build/lib/Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Group/Defs.olean -i ./lake-packages/mathlib/build/lib/Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Group/Defs.ilean -c ./lake-packages/mathlib/build/ir/Mathlib/Algebra/Order/Group/Defs.c error: external command `/home/edrx/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-06-20/bin/lean` exited with code 139 Mark set ##### # # mathsinlean-source # 2024apr28 # ##### # «mathsinlean-source» (to ".mathsinlean-source") # https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source # https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathematics_in_lean/ # (find-git-links "https://github.com/avigad/mathematics_in_lean_source" "mathsinleansrc") # (code-c-d "mathsinleansrc" "~/usrc/mathematics_in_lean_source/") # (find-mathsinleansrcfile "") # (find-mathsinleansrcfile "Makefile") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Recommended.20ways.20to.20convert.20Lean4.20code.20to.20LaTeX.3F/near/435827430 # (find-es "pygments" "mypygments.sh") ##### # # mathzoo # 2023jun24 # ##### # «mathzoo» (to ".mathzoo") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathzoo # (code-c-d "mathzoo" "~/usrc/mathzoo/") # (find-mathzoofile "") # (find-mathzoosh "find * | sort") ##### # # mathlib # 2023jun24 # ##### # «mathlib» (to ".mathlib") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib" "mathlib") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/bigsrc/mathlib/ cd ~/bigsrc/ git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib cd ~/bigsrc/mathlib/ # (code-c-d "mathlib" "~/bigsrc/mathlib/") # (find-mathlibfile "") # (find-mathlibfile "README.md") # https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/linux.html ##### # # mathlib4 # 2023jun24 # ##### # «mathlib4» (to ".mathlib4") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4 # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4" "mathlib4") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/bigsrc/mathlib4/ cd ~/bigsrc/ git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4 cd ~/bigsrc/mathlib4/ cd ~/bigsrc/mathlib4/ lake exe cache get cd ~/bigsrc/mathlib4/ git clean -dfx git pull elan self update lake build |& tee olb # (code-c-d "mathlib4" "~/bigsrc/mathlib4/") # (find-mathlib4file "") # (find-mathlib4sh "find * | sort") # (find-mathlib4file "README.md") # (find-mathlib4file "README.md" "lean_exe") # (find-mathlib4file "README.md" "elan self update") # (find-mathlib4file "README.md" "lake build") # (find-mathlib4file "" "lake") # (find-mathlib4file "lake-manifest.json") # (find-mathlib4file "lakefile.lean") # (find-mathlib4file "olb") # (find-mathlib4file "lakefile.lean" "package mathlib where") # (find-mathlib4file "Mathlib/Data/Set/") # (find-mathlib4file "Mathlib/Data/Set/Basic.lean") ##### # # mathlib4-greeting # 2023jun26 # ##### # «mathlib4-greeting» (to ".mathlib4-greeting") # (to "lake-new-greeting") # (find-mathlib4file "README.md" "require mathlib from git") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv /tmp/gr/ mkdir /tmp/gr/ cd /tmp/gr/ lake new greeting cd /tmp/gr/greeting/ lake build lake update lake build # (find-fline "/tmp/gr/greeting/") ##### # # mathlib-calculus # 2022jul03 # ##### # «mathlib-calculus» (to ".mathlib-calculus") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib # https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/ # https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/analysis/calculus/deriv.html # https://leanprover-community.github.io/get_started.html * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # rm -Rfv ~/usrc/mathlib/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib git clone git@github.com:leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean.git cd ~/usrc/mathlib/ cd ~/usrc/mathlib/ In a terminal, navigate to the folder where you want to put a copy of the repository, and type git clone git@github.com:leanprover-community/mathematics_in_lean.git to fetch it from github. Navigate to mathematics_in_lean, and execute lake exe cache get to fetch a compiled version of the library, mathlib. Type code . to open the folder in VS Code. Alternatively, you can run VS Code and choose Open Folder from the File menu. Be sure to open the folder mathematics_in_lean, not any other folder. ;; <leanmathlib> ;; "The Lean Mathematical Library" ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.09336 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.09336.pdf (code-pdf-page "leanmathlib" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1910.09336.pdf") (code-pdf-text "leanmathlib" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/1910.09336.pdf") ;; (find-leanmathlibpage) ;; (find-leanmathlibtext) # (find-anggsh "find . -mtime 0 | sort") # (find-fline "~/.config/Code/") # (find-fline "~/.local/pipx/logs/") # (find-fline "~/.elan/") # (find-fline "~/.local/pipx/") # (find-fline "~/.mathlib/") # (find-fline "~/.mathlib/url") # (find-fline "~/.vscode/") ##### # # Server lean4-lsp:nnnn exited (...) Do you want to restart it? # 2024may21 # ##### # «lsp-server-exited-restart» (to ".lsp-server-exited-restart") # (find-elpafile "lsp-mode/lsp-mode.el" "Server %s exited") # (find-lean4modefile "") # Server lean4-lsp:nnnn exited (check corresponding stderr # buffer for details). Do you want to restart it? (y or n) LSP :: Connected to [lean4-lsp:250842/starting /tmp]. LSP :: Connected to [lean4-lsp:250961/starting /home/edrx/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---stable/src/lean]. LSP :: lean4-lsp:250842 initialized successfully in folders: (/tmp) LSP :: lean4-lsp:250961 initialized successfully in folders: (/home/edrx/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---stable/src/lean) ##### # # lsp-yasnippet # 2024may21 # ##### # «lsp-yasnippet» (to ".lsp-yasnippet") LSP :: Yasnippet is not installed, but `lsp-enable-snippet' is set to `t'. You must either install yasnippet, or disable snippet support. LSP :: Yasnippet is not installed, but `lsp-enable-snippet' is set to `t'. You must either install yasnippet, or disable snippet support. ##### # # tactics-list # 2024may17 # ##### # «tactics-list» (to ".tactics-list") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Lean.204.20tactics.20list ##### # # tactics-in-ND # 2021oct14 # ##### # «tactics-in-ND» (to ".tactics-in-ND") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Natural.20Deduction/near/257611457 # https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/tactic/explode.html#tactic.explode ##### # # vernacular # 2021dec16 # ##### # «vernacular» (to ".vernacular") # https://mathoverflow.net/questions/376839/what-makes-dependent-type-theory-more-suitable-than-set-theory-for-proof-assista # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp-mQ3HxgDE#t=1h0m0s ##### # # fplean4 # 2023jun02 # ##### # «fplean4» (to ".fplean4") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "ee-rstdoc-:fplean4") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4") # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36107796 Functional Programming in Lean – a book on using Lean 4 to write programs (leanprover.github.io) # https://leanprover.github.io/functional_programming_in_lean/ # https://leanprover.github.io/functional_programming_in_lean/print.html # (find-fplean4page) # (find-fplean4text) https://lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/ https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/FPIL.20and.20TPIL.20with.20internal.20tables.20of.20contents.3F # (find-wgetrecursive-links "https://lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/") # (to "lean4-git") # (find-code-rstdoc :lean4) ##### # # Local copies of the main 5 manuals, in a single .tgz # 2024jul07 # ##### # «5-manuals-tgz» (to ".5-manuals-tgz") # (find-angg ".emacs.templates" "find-leanwgetr-links") # (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:fplean4) # (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:lean4) # (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta) # (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tclean4) # (find-code-leandocpdf 'ee-leandoc-:tpil4) # (find-leandocprep-links 'ee-leandoc-:fplean4) # (find-leandocprep-links 'ee-leandoc-:lean4) # (find-leandocprep-links 'ee-leandoc-:leanmeta) # (find-leandocprep-links 'ee-leandoc-:tclean4) # (find-leandocprep-links 'ee-leandoc-:tpil4) # (find-efunction 'find-wgetrecursive-links) * (setenv "TMPS" "/tmp/snarf") # (find-leanwgetr-links "lean-lang.org/functional_programming_in_lean/") # (find-leanwgetr-links "lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/") # (find-leanwgetr-links "leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/") # (find-leanwgetr-links "ammkrn.github.io/type_checking_in_lean4/") # (find-leanwgetr-links "lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/snarf/ && tar -cvzf /tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz https/ laf /tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz cd /tmp/ rm -v /tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz wget -N http://anggtwu.net/tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz # (find-fline "/tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz") echo $S • (eepitch-shell) • (eepitch-kill) • (eepitch-shell) cd /tmp/ wget -N http://anggtwu.net/tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz # (find-fline "/tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz") tar -C $S/ -xvzf /tmp/2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz # (find-cp-angg-links "2024-lean4-oficina-manuais.tgz" "/tmp/" "tmp/") ##### # # 3 essential commands and their syntax sugars # 2024jun07 # ##### # «3-essential» (to ".3-essential") # (to "elab_rules") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/02_overview#3-essential-commands-and-their-syntax-sugars") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/02_overview.lean" "## 3 essential commands and their syntax sugars") # (find-leanmetapage 9 "3 essential commands and their syntax sugars") # (find-leanmetatext 9 "3 essential commands and their syntax sugars") # (find-leanmetapage 11 "This image is not supposed") # (find-leanmetatext 11 "This image is not supposed") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command syntax (name := default_h) "#help" str : command @[command_elab default_h] def helpElab : CommandElab := fun stx => match stx with | `(#help "#explode") => logInfo "Message 1" | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax elab_rules : command | `(#help "#explode") => logInfo "Message 2" elab "#help " x:str : command => match x with | `("#explode") => logInfo "Message 3" | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax #help "#explode" syntax (name := shortcut_h) "#h" str : command @[macro shortcut_h] def helpMacro : Macro := fun stx => match stx with | `(#h $x:str) => `(#help $x) | _ => Macro.throwUnsupported macro_rules | `(#h $x:str) => `(#help $x) macro "#h" x:str : command => `(#help $x) #h "#explode" -- end ##### # # 3-essential-way-1 # 2024jun11 # ##### # «3-essential-way-1» (to ".3-essential-way-1") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command syntax (name := default_h) "#help" str : command @[command_elab default_h] def helpElab : CommandElab := fun stx => match stx with | `(#help "#explode") => logInfo "Message 1" | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax syntax (name := shortcut_h) "#h" str : command @[macro shortcut_h] def helpMacro : Macro := fun stx => match stx with | `(#h $x:str) => `(#help $x) | _ => Macro.throwUnsupported #help "#explode" #h "#explode" -- end ##### # # 3-essential-way-2 # 2024jun11 # ##### # «3-essential-way-2» (to ".3-essential-way-2") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command syntax "#help" str : command elab_rules : command | `(#help "#explode") => logInfo "Message 2" syntax "#h" str : command macro_rules | `(#h $x:str) => `(#help $x) #help "#explode" #h "#explode" -- end ##### # # 3-essential-way-3 # 2024jun11 # ##### # «3-essential-way-3» (to ".3-essential-way-3") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command elab "#help " x:str : command => match x with | `("#explode") => logInfo "Message 3" | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax macro "#h" x:str : command => `(#help $x) #help "#explode" #h "#explode" elab "#minihelp " x:str : command => logInfo x #minihelp "bla" -- end ##### # # abbrev # 2024may17 # ##### # «abbrev» (to ".abbrev") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "abbrev MacroM :=") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'abbrev' *") # (find-fplean4page 17 "using abbrev instead of def") # (find-fplean4text 17 "using abbrev instead of def") # (find-fplean4page 17 "abbrev N : Type := Nat") # (find-fplean4text 17 "abbrev N : Type := Nat") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/functions-and-definitions#messages-you-may-meet") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "def «abbrev\ » := leading_parser") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") abbrev N := Nat abbrev Ns := List Nat #check (2 : N) #check (2 : N) + (3 : Int) #eval (2 : N) + (3 : Int) #check [1,2] #check ([1,2] : List Nat) #check ([1,2] : Ns) -- ? #check Nat def Nat2 : Type := Nat def Nat3 := Nat abbrev Nat4 := Nat #check Nat2 #check Nat3 #check Nat4 #print Nat2 #print Nat3 #print Nat4 #check (42 : Nat) #check ((42 : Nat) : Nat2) #check (42 : Nat2) -- err -- end ##### # # addDecl # 2024jun23 # ##### # «addDecl» (to ".addDecl") # (to "example") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/name.20for.20syntax.20category.20of.20.60notation.60.2C.20.60namespace.60.2C.20.60def.60.2E.2E # (find-lean-links "addDecl") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'addDecl' *") Internally, def, inductive, etc elaborate the syntax tree, and then use the “addDecl” function to add the actual declaration to the Environment. And example doesn't create a declaration at all! Nonetheless, it is part of the declaration syntax. (It actually does create a declaration. It just then discards it via withoutModifyingEnv). ##### # # animate-lean-proofs # 2024jun28 # ##### # «animate-lean-proofs» (to ".animate-lean-proofs") # https://github.com/dwrensha/animate-lean-proofs # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/animating.20Lean.20proofs.20in.20Blender.3A.20a.20video.20and.20github.20repo/near/447306235 # (find-git-links "https://github.com/dwrensha/animate-lean-proofs" "alp") # (code-c-d "alp" "~/usrc/animate-lean-proofs/") # (find-alpfile "") # (find-alpfile "Chess.lean") # (find-alpfile "README.md" "ke exe Animate Input/NNG.lean") # (find-SUBS "mathologer-calculus-easy.lua") # (find-SUBSfile "mathologer-calculus-easy.lua" "17:12") # (find-telegachat "617713850#234083" "Bruno Macedo") (eepitch-vterm) cd ~/clones/ git clone https://github.com/dwrensha/animate-lean-proofs cd animate-lean-proofs (code-c-d "alp" "~/clones/animate-lean-proofs") ;; (find-alpfile "animate_proof.py") ;; (find-alpfile "animate_proof.py" 0 '(swiper "json")) ;; (find-alpgrep "grep -ne json animate_proof.py") ;; (find-alpfile "animate_proof.py" "parser.add_argument(\"file\"") ##### # # anonymous # 2024mar23 # ##### # «anonymous» (to ".anonymous") # (to "partial-mutual") # (find-tpil4page 29 "anonymous constructor") # (find-tpil4text 29 "anonymous constructor") # (find-tpil4page 33 "anonymous constructor") # (find-tpil4text 33 "anonymous constructor") # (find-fplean4page 202 "anonymous angle-bracket notation") # (find-fplean4text 202 "anonymous angle-bracket notation") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs#conjunction") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "### Conjunction") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "anonymous constructor") # (find-fplean4doc "functor-applicative-monad/inheritance") # (find-fplean4doc "functor-applicative-monad/inheritance" "anonymous angle-bracket") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") structure A where s : String deriving Repr def a1 : A := ⟨"foo"⟩ #eval a1 #eval a1.s -- end ##### # # antiquotation # 2024jun12 # ##### # «antiquotation» (to ".antiquotation") # (to "match") # (to "fun") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "an antiquotation `$id:ident`") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'antiquotation' *") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros#syntax-quotations") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros#the-basics") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/06_macros" "### The basics") # (find-leanmetapage 63 "Syntax Quotations") # (find-leanmetatext 63 "Syntax Quotations") # (find-leanmetapage 64 "If we use the antiquotation syntax") # (find-leanmetatext 64 "If we use the antiquotation syntax") ##### # # Array # 2024may31 # ##### # «Array» (to ".Array") # (find-lean4doc "array") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "structure Array (α : Type u) where") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def a := [0, 1, 2] def b := List.toArray a def c := Array.toList b #check b #check c #eval b #eval c -- end ##### # # assign # 2024may28 # ##### # «assign» (to ".assign") # (to "do-notation") # (find-lean-links "assign") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'assign' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Do.lean" "x := x + 1") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#basic-operations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "### Basic Operations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "Metavariables are initially unassigned. To assign them, use") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#mutable-variables") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Lean.Expr Lean.Meta #eval show MetaM Unit from do -- Create two fresh metavariables of type `Nat`. let mvar1 ← mkFreshExprMVar (Expr.const ``Nat []) (userName := `mvar1) let mvar2 ← mkFreshExprMVar (Expr.const ``Nat []) (userName := `mvar2) -- Create a fresh metavariable of type `Nat → Nat`. The `mkArrow` function -- creates a function type. let mvar3 ← mkFreshExprMVar (← mkArrow (.const ``Nat []) (.const ``Nat [])) (userName := `mvar3) -- Define a helper function that prints each metavariable. let printMVars : MetaM Unit := do IO.println s!" meta1: {← instantiateMVars mvar1}" IO.println s!" meta2: {← instantiateMVars mvar2}" IO.println s!" meta3: {← instantiateMVars mvar3}" IO.println "Initially, all metavariables are unassigned:" printMVars -- Assign `mvar1 : Nat := ?mvar3 ?mvar2`. mvar1.mvarId!.assign (.app mvar3 mvar2) IO.println "After assigning mvar1:" printMVars -- Assign `mvar2 : Nat := 0`. mvar2.mvarId!.assign (.const ``Nat.zero []) IO.println "After assigning mvar2:" printMVars -- Assign `mvar3 : Nat → Nat := Nat.succ`. mvar3.mvarId!.assign (.const ``Nat.succ []) IO.println "After assigning mvar3:" printMVars -- Initially, all metavariables are unassigned: -- meta1: ?_uniq.1 -- meta2: ?_uniq.2 -- meta3: ?_uniq.3 -- After assigning mvar1: -- meta1: ?_uniq.3 ?_uniq.2 -- meta2: ?_uniq.2 -- meta3: ?_uniq.3 -- After assigning mvar2: -- meta1: ?_uniq.3 Nat.zero -- meta2: Nat.zero -- meta3: ?_uniq.3 -- After assigning mvar3: -- meta1: Nat.succ Nat.zero -- meta2: Nat.zero -- meta3: Nat.succ -- end ##### # # @[...] # 2024may18 # ##### # «attributes» (to ".attributes") # (find-lean-links "attribute") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'attribute' *") # (find-tpil4grep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'attribute' *.md") # (find-tpil4file "interacting_with_lean.md" "Attributes") # (find-tpil4page 85 "6.4. Attributes") # (find-tpil4text 85 "Attributes") # (find-tpil4doc "interacting_with_lean#attributes") # (find-tpil4docr "interacting_with_lean" "Attributes") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e '\"@\\[\"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'attributes' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'attributes' * | grep -a optional") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'elabDeclAttrs' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'mkDefViewOfDef' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "`attr` is a builtin syntax category for attributes.") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "def attr : Category := {}") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Attributes.lean" "Format.bracket \"@[\"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Attributes.lean" "leading_parser \"@[\" >> sepBy1 attrInstance") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Attributes.lean" "-- leading_parser \"@[\"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DeclModifiers.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "def attributes") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «macro\ »") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «elab_rules\ »") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «elab\ »") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "def declModifiers (inline : Bool) := leading_parser") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DefView.lean" "leading_parser \"def \" >> declId >> optDeclSig") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Using.20custom.20.60Repr.60.20of.20inductive.20type/near/447554048 mini database ##### # # axiom # 2023jun24 # ##### # «axiom» (to ".axiom") # (to "postulate") # (find-lean-links "axiom") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs#propositions-as-types") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "Propositions as Types") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "An \"axiom\" would be") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'axiom' *") # (find-lean4file "doc/declarations.md" "axiom c : α") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"axiom \"' *") # (find-lean4doc "declarations") # (find-lean4docr "declarations.md") # (find-lean4doc "") # (find-es "agda" "postulates") # (find-tpil4page 26 "the axiom declaration") # (find-tpil4text 26 "the axiom declaration") ##### # # backtick # 2024mar29 # ##### # «backtick» (to ".backtick") # «double-backtick» (to ".double-backtick") # (to "exploring-data") # (find-leanmetatext 1 "Constructing Expressions") # (find-leanmetapage 18 "Constructing Expressions") # (find-leanmetatext 18 "Constructing Expressions") # (find-leanmetapage 54 "Constructing new Syntax") # (find-leanmetatext 54 "Constructing new Syntax") # (find-leanmetapage 55 "Matching on Syntax") # (find-leanmetatext 55 "Matching on Syntax") # (find-leanmetapage 69 "%$tk") # (find-leanmetatext 69 "%$tk") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions#constructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions" "## Constructing Expressions") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#constructing-new-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Constructing new `Syntax`") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax.lean" "is the syntax of `Nat.add 1 1`") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#matching-on-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Matching on `Syntax`") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "`(Nat.add $x $y)") # (find-lean-links "backtick") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"`(\"' *") # (find-angg "LEAN/syntax.lean" "mini-project") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "`Lean.Meta.whnf") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Syntax.lean" "private def declareSyntaxCatQuotParser" "`(") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "@[builtin_term_parser] def dynamicQuot" "`(") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean open Nat def z₁ := Expr.const `zero [] #eval z₁ -- Lean.Expr.const `zero [] def z₂ := Expr.const ``zero [] #eval z₂ -- Lean.Expr.const `Nat.zero [] #check zero #check `zero #check ``zero #check `(zero) -- end ##### # # backtick-syntaxcat # 2024jun08 # ##### # «backtick-syntaxcat» (to ".backtick-syntaxcat") # (to "denoteArith") # (to "info-scp-mainModule") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean declare_syntax_cat syntaxA declare_syntax_cat syntaxB syntax num : syntaxA syntax "[B: " syntaxA " :]" : syntaxB syntax "[A: " syntaxB " :]" : syntaxA #check `( 42) #check `(syntaxA| 42) #check `(syntaxB| [B: 42:]) -- end ##### # # Bind # 2024may23 # ##### # «Bind» (to ".Bind") # (to "do-notation") # (find-es "lean" "instance-Monad-List") # (find-lean-links ">>=") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '>>=' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" >>= \"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "infixl:55 \" >>= \" => Bind.bind") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Bind (m : Type u → Type v) where") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "export Bind (bind)") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def main2 : IO UInt32 := do IO.println "hello" IO.println "world" return 0 def main3 : IO UInt32 := bind (IO.println "hello") (fun _ => bind (IO.println "world") (fun _ => pure 0)) #check IO.println #check IO.println "hello" #check Bind.bind (IO.println "hello") #check Bind.bind #print main2 set_option pp.notation false in #print main2 #print bind #print pure #check (inferInstance : Bind IO) #check (inferInstance : Pure IO) -- end ##### # # binop% # 2024jun12 # ##### # «binop» (to ".binop") # (to "precedence") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "macro_rules | `($x + $y) => `(binop% HAdd.hAdd $x $y)") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Extra.lean" "`binop% f a b` elaborates `f a b` as") ##### # # batteries # 2024jun12 # ##### # «batteries» (to ".batteries") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/batteries # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/batteries" "batteries") # (code-c-d "batteries" "~/usrc/batteries/") # (find-batteriessh "find * | sort") # (find-batteriessh "find * .lake/ | sort") # (find-batteriessh "find * .lake/ | sort | grep '\\.lean$'") # (find-batteriesfile "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/batteries/ lake -R -Kdoc=on update lake -R -Kdoc=on build Batteries:docs ... > ls build/doc/index.html build/doc/index.html ##### # # builtin_initialize # 2024may18 # ##### # «builtin_initialize» (to ".builtin_initialize") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'builtin_command' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'builtin_command_elab' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'builtin_command_parser' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'builtin_initialize' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'register' * | grep -ia attribute") # (find-lean4prefile "Init.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "registerBuiltinParserAttribute `builtin_syntax_parser") # (find-lean4file "") # (find-lean4file ".files") # (find-lean4sh "du -ch") ##### # # calc # 2024apr06 # ##### # «calc» (to ".calc") # https://leanprover-community.github.io/extras/calc.html # (find-tpil4page 45 "Calculational Proofs") # (find-tpil4text 45 "Calculational Proofs") # (find-tpil4page 45 "with the keyword calc") # (find-tpil4text 45 "with the keyword calc") # (find-tpil4file "quantifiers_and_equality.md") # (find-tpil4file "quantifiers_and_equality.md" "Calculational Proofs") # (find-lean-links "calc") # (find-lean-links "Calc") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort | grep Calc") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Calc.lean" "def elabCalc :") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Tactic/Calc.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (a b c d e : Nat) variable (h1 : a = b) variable (h2 : b = c + 1) variable (h3 : c = d) variable (h4 : e = 1 + d) #check (h1 : a = b) #check (h2 : b = c + 1) #check (Eq.trans h1 h2 : a = c + 1) #check (h3 : c = d) #check (congrArg (·+1) h3 : c + 1 = d + 1) #check (h4 : e = 1 + d) #check (Eq.symm h4 : 1 + d = e) include h1 h2 h3 h4 in theorem T1 : a = e := calc a = b := h1 _ = c + 1 := h2 _ = d + 1 := congrArg Nat.succ h3 _ = 1 + d := Nat.add_comm d 1 _ = e := Eq.symm h4 include h1 h2 h3 h4 in theorem T2 : a = e := calc a = b := by rw [h1] _ = c + 1 := by rw [h2] _ = d + 1 := by rw [h3] _ = 1 + d := by rw [Nat.add_comm] _ = e := by rw [h4] include h1 h2 h3 h4 in theorem T3 : a = e := calc a = d + 1 := by rw [h1, h2, h3] _ = 1 + d := by rw [Nat.add_comm] _ = e := by rw [h4] include h1 h2 h3 h4 in theorem T4 : a = e := by rw [h1, h2, h3, Nat.add_comm, h4] include h1 h2 h3 h4 in theorem T5 : a = e := by simp [h1, h2, h3, Nat.add_comm, h4] -- end ##### # # #check # 2024may18 # ##### # «check» (to ".check") # (to "scoped-syntax") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '#check' *") # (find-fplean4page 12 "#eval (1 + 2 : Nat)") # (find-fplean4text 12 "#eval (1 + 2 : Nat)") # (find-fplean4page 13 "#check (1 - 2 : Int)") # (find-fplean4text 13 "#check (1 - 2 : Int)") # (find-fplean4page 15 "#check add1") # (find-fplean4text 15 "#check add1") # (find-fplean4page 15 "#check (add1)") # (find-fplean4text 15 "#check (add1)") # (find-fplean4page 54 "#check fun (x : Int) => x + 1") # (find-fplean4text 54 "#check fun (x : Int) => x + 1") # (find-fplean4page 55 "(· + 1)") # (find-fplean4text 55 "(· + 1)") # (find-lean4file "doc/functions.md") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check 1 #check 1 : Int -- bad #check (1 : Int) -- good #check Nat #check Nat -> Nat #check ((Nat -> Nat) : Type) #check ( Nat -> Nat : Type) #check fun x => x + 1 #check fun (x : Nat) => x + 1 #check ((fun (x : Nat) => x + 1) : (Nat -> Nat)) #check (· + 1) #check ((· + 1) : (Nat -> Nat)) -- end # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/polymorphism#checking-polymorphic-functions-types") # (find-fplean4docr "type-classes/polymorphism#checking-polymorphic-functions-types") # (find-fplean4page 111 "Checking Polymorphic Functions' Types") # (find-fplean4text 111 "Checking Polymorphic Functions' Types") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check (IO.println) #check @IO.println #check do Lean.logInfo "a" #check @(do Lean.logInfo "a") -- end # (find-lean-links "check") # (find-lean-links ">>") # (find-fplean4page 13 "use #check instead of #eval") # (find-fplean4text 13 "use #check instead of #eval") # (find-fplean4page 51 "#check 14") # (find-fplean4text 51 "#check 14") # (find-fplean4page 52 "#check (14 : Int)") # (find-fplean4text 52 "#check (14 : Int)") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'check' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '#check' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '<|>' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'namespace Command' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'builtin_command_parser' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'elaboration function for' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def check") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "\"#check \" >> termParser") ##### # # #checksyntax # 2024may15 # ##### # «checksyntax» (to ".checksyntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#free-form-syntax-declarations") # (find-leanmetadocw "main/05_syntax#free-form-syntax-declarations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Free form syntax declarations") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'elaboration function for' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Command.lean" "elaboration function for") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Term.lean" "elaboration function for") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/How.20do.20I.20write.20a.20.22.23check_syntax.22.3F/near/438919441 Hi all, I'm taking far too long to do this myself, so I decided to ask... In the section "Free form syntax declarations" of the metaprogramming book there's an example - inside "namespace Playground2" - in which the command "#check_failure ⊥ OR (⊤ AND ⊥)" fails with the error "elaboration function for 'Playground2.term_OR_' has not been implemented". I only found that error message in two places in the source: here in Lean/Elab/Command.lean, and here in Lean/Elab/Term.lean, but lots of things happen before that error message... How do I write a variant of #check or #check_failure - let me call that variant "#check_syntax" - that parses the rest of the line like #check or #check_failure, i.e., like this, @[builtin_command_parser] def check := leading_parser "#check " >> termParser but that does not try to elaborate the result of "termParser"? I would like it to just print the resulting Syntax object... --- Neat! If I run this, #check `(42 + "foo") then the output is: do let info ← Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos let scp ← Lean.getCurrMacroScope let mainModule ← Lean.getMainModule pure { raw := Lean.Syntax.node3 info `term_+_ (Lean.Syntax.node1 info `num (Lean.Syntax.atom info "42")) (Lean.Syntax.atom info "+") (Lean.Syntax.node1 info `str (Lean.Syntax.atom info "\"foo\"")) } : ?m.233 (Lean.TSyntax `term) (lsp) I would still like to learn how to write a new command that works as the first half of #check, but that helps! If anyone else is reading this, here is a version that is trivial to run: import Lean.Elab.Command namespace Playground2 scoped syntax "⊥" : term scoped syntax "⊤" : term scoped syntax:40 term " OR " term : term scoped syntax:50 term " AND " term : term elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{t}" elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{repr t.raw}" #check_syntax ⊥ OR (⊤ AND ⊥) end Playground2 The definition of "#check_syntax" that holds is the last one - to change its behavior, reorder the "elab" lines. ##### # # checksyntax-test # 2024may16 # ##### # «checksyntax-test» (to ".checksyntax-test") # (to "TSyntax") # (to "command") # (to "interpolatedStr") # (to "mkSyntaxQuotation") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean.Elab.Command elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{t}" elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{repr t.raw}" elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo (repr t.raw) #check_syntax 42 + "foo" #check `(42 + "foo") -- end ##### # # class # 2024may23 # ##### # «class» (to ".class") # (to "typeclass-search") # (to "export") # (to "extends") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#classes-and-instances") # (find-fplean4page 101 "Overloading and Type Classes") # (find-fplean4text 101 "Overloading and Type Classes") # (find-fplean4page 104 "Classes and Instances") # (find-fplean4text 104 "Classes and Instances") # (find-leanrefdoc "lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/typeclass#type-classes") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") class Foo (α : Type) where plic : α → String class Bar (α : Type) where plic : α → String instance : Foo String where plic := fun _ => "(str)" instance : Foo Bool where plic := fun _ => "(bool)" instance : Bar String where plic := fun _ => "|str|" instance : Bar Bool where plic := fun _ => "|bool|" #eval Foo.plic "a" #eval Foo.plic true #eval Bar.plic "a" #eval Bar.plic true -- export Foo (plic) export Bar (plic) #check plic #eval plic "a" #eval plic true -- end ##### # # class-extends # 2024may23 # ##### # «class-extends» (to ".class-extends") # (find-fplean4page 217 "definition of Applicative that extends Functor") # (find-fplean4text 217 "definition of Applicative that extends Functor") # (find-fplean4page 218 "EXPR1 ={ REASON }= EXPR2") # (find-fplean4text 218 "EXPR1 ={ REASON }= EXPR2") # (find-lean-links "extends") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'extends' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" extends \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'class Monad' * | grep -a extends") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Monad" "extends Applicative m, Bind m") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Applicative" "extends Functor f, Pure f, Seq f, SeqLeft f, SeqRight f") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Functor ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Pure ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Seq ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class SeqLeft ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class SeqRight ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Bind ") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") instance : Monad List where pure := List.pure bind := List.bind #check List.pure #check List.bind #check List.map #check List.seq -- err -- end ##### # # command # 2024may12 # ##### # «command» (to ".command") # (to "checksyntax-test") # (to "elab-term") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "def command : Category := {}") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetapage 3 "Building a command") # (find-leanmetatext 3 "Building a command") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean.Elab.Command elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{t}" #check_syntax 42 + "foo" -- end ##### # # congrArg # 2024sep20 # ##### # «congrArg» (to ".congrArg") # (to "iezzi-exp") # (to "Eq.subst") # (to "calc") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "theorem congrArg") # (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "martin-lof" "10" "b(a) = b(c)") # (find-martinlofittpage (+ 6 10) "b(a) = b(c)") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Translating.20Martin-L.C3.B6f's.20equality.20to.20low-level.20Lean/near/471704986 # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- From: -- (find-martinlofittpage (+ 6 10) "b(a) = b(c)") -- (find-martinlofitttext (+ 6 10) "b(a) = b(c)") -- -- / (x∈A) \ / (x∈A) \ -- | a=c∈A b(x)∈B(x) | [ A:=Nat ] | a=c∈\Nat 2-x∈\Int | -- | ---------------- | [ B(x):=Int ] = | ------------------ | -- \ b(a)=b(c)∈B(a) / [ b(x):=2-x ] \ 2-a=2-c∈\Int / variable {a c : Nat} axiom e1 : a = c def b (x : Nat) : Int := 2 - x #check congrArg #check congrArg (f:=b) #check congrArg (a₁:=a) (a₂:=c) (f:=b) #check congrArg (a₁:=a) (a₂:=c) (f:=b) (h:=e1) #check congrArg (f:=b) (h:=e1) #check (congrArg (f:=b) (h:=e1) : b a = b c) -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (a n : Nat) axiom ax0 : 1 = 0+1 axiom ax1 : 1*a = a axiom ax2 : a^0 = 1 axiom ax3 : a^(n+1) = a^n * a #check ax3 #check ax3 (a:=4) -- 4^(n+1) = 4^n * 4 #check ax3 (n:=0) -- a^(0+1) = a^0 * a theorem thm1 : a^1 = a := calc a^1 = a^(0+1) := by rw [ax0] _ = a^0 * a := by rw [ax3 (n:=0)] -- a^(0+1) = a^0 * a _ = 1 * a := by rw [ax2] _ = a := by rw [ax1] theorem thm2 : a^1 = a := calc a^1 = a^(0+1) := by rw [ax0] _ = a^0 * a := by rw [ax3] -- a^(n+1) = a^n * a _ = 1 * a := by rw [ax2] _ = a := by rw [ax1] #check congrArg (a₁:=1) (a₂:=0+1) -- 1=1+0 -> f 1 = f (1+0) #check congrArg (a₁:=1) (a₂:=0+1) (f:=(a^·)) -- 1=1+0 -> a^1 = a^(1+0) #check congrArg (h:=ax0) (f:=(a^·)) -- a^1 = a^(1+0) -- end ##### # # constant # 2023jun24 # ##### # «constant» (to ".constant") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e constant *") # (find-lean4grep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e constant doc/*") # (find-lean4file "doc/funabst.md" "constant f : Nat → Nat") # (find-lean4file "doc/typeobjs.md" "constant α : Type") # (find-lean4file "doc/") # (find-tpinleanpage 11 "constant m : nat") # (find-tpinleantext 11 "constant m : nat") # (find-tpinleanpage (+ 6 5) "2.1 Simple Type Theory") # (find-tpinleantext (+ 6 5) "2.1 Simple Type Theory") # (find-lean4file "doc/simptypes.md" "Simple Type Theory") # (find-lean4file "doc/simptypes.md" "The ``constant`` command") # (find-lean4file "doc/SUMMARY.md" "# Language Manual") # (find-lean4file "doc/SUMMARY.md" "[Theorem Proving in Lean](./tpil.md)") # (find-lean4docr "SUMMARY.md" "<!-- - [Function Abstraction and Evaluation](./funabst.md) -->") # (find-lean4file "doc/tpil.md") # (find-tpil4doc "introduction") # (find-tpil4docrfile "") # (find-tpil4docrgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e constant *") # (find-fline "~/bigsrc/lean4/doc/funabst.md") ~/bigsrc/lean4/doc/funabst.md constant f : Nat → String # (find-lean4docr "SUMMARY.md" "funabst.md") # (find-lean4docr "funabst.md") ##### # # def # 2024mar09 # ##### # «def» (to ".def") # (to "addDecl") # (find-fplean4page 15 "def maximum (n : Nat) (k : Nat) : Nat :=") # (find-fplean4text 15 "def maximum (n : Nat) (k : Nat) : Nat :=") # (find-tpil4page 11 "Definitions") # (find-tpil4text 11 "Definitions") # (find-tpil4-links "Definitions") # (find-tpil4file "dependent_type_theory.md" "## Definitions") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"def \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'mkDefViewOfDef' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'mkDefView' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DefView.lean" "def mkDefViewOfDef") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DefView.lean" "-- leading_parser \"def \" >> declId >>") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DefView.lean" "else if declKind == ``Parser.Command.def then") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DeclModifiers.lean" "structure Modifiers where") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DeclModifiers.lean" "attrs : Array Attribute := #[]") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'invalid syntax node kind' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def add0 : Nat := 4 def add1 (n : Nat) : Nat := n + 1 def add2 (n : Nat) (m : Nat) : Nat := n + m def add3 (n : Nat) (m : Nat) : Nat := #eval add0 #eval add1 7 #eval add2 3 4 #eval add3 3 4 def add4 (a b : Nat) : Nat := a+b def add5 : Nat → Nat := id def add6 : Nat → Nat → Nat := fun a b => a+b def add7 : (x : Nat) → Nat → Nat := fun a b => a+b -- end ##### # # coercion # 2024may19 # ##### # «coercion» (to ".coercion") # (to "heterogeneous") # (to "structure") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#overloaded-addition") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/coercion") # (find-lean-links "instance : Coe") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance : Coe' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '@\\[coe\\]' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Coe.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Meta/CoeAttr.lean" "to delaborate coercion functions as `↑`") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "syntax (name := Attr.coe) \"coe\" : attr") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check (2 : Nat) + (3 : Int) -- ↑2 + 3 : Int structure A where n : Nat deriving Repr structure B where n : Nat deriving Repr instance : Coe A B where coe a := ⟨a.n * 10⟩ #eval (⟨4⟩ : A) #eval (⟨5⟩ : B) #eval ((⟨6⟩ : A) : B) -- end ##### # # CommandElabM # 2024may18 # ##### # «CommandElabM» (to ".CommandElabM") # (to "run_cmd") # (find-lean-links "CommandElabM") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'CommandElabM' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'CommandElabM' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "#eval show CommandElabM Unit from do doSeq") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Command.lean" "abbrev CommandElabM := CommandElabCoreM Exception") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean.Elab.Command #check CommandElabM -- end ##### # # company # 2024may07 # ##### # «company» (to ".company") # (find-es "emacs" "company") # (find-companyfile "company-capf.el") ##### # # constructor # 2024jun30 # ##### # «constructor» (to ".constructor") # (find-lean4docgrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e 'constructor' print.txt") # (find-fplean4docgrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e 'constructor' print.txt") # (find-leanmetadocgrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e 'constructor' print.txt") # (find-tclean4docgrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e 'constructor' print.txt") # (find-tpil4docgrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e 'constructor' print.txt") # (fpl "constructor") # (ldl "constructor") # (lml "constructor") # (tcl "constructor") # (tpl "constructor") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dybjer") # (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "martin-lof") ##### # # CoreM # 2024may17 # ##### # «CoreM» (to ".CoreM") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam") # (find-leanmetadocw "main/04_metam") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "`CoreM` gives access to the *environment*") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/CoreM.lean" "structure Context where") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/CoreM.lean" "structure Context where" "currNamespace") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/CoreM.lean" "instance : MonadResolveName CoreM where") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'CoreM' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'getCurrNamespace' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "def getCurrNamespace") ##### # # dbg_trace # 2024may27 # ##### # «dbg_trace» (to ".dbg_trace") # (to "eldoc") # (find-leanmetapage 14 "Printing Messages") # (find-leanmetatext 14 "Printing Messages") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/02_overview#printing-messages") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/02_overview" "### Printing Messages") # (find-lean-links "dbg_trace") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'dbg_trace' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean elab "traces" : tactic => do let array := List.replicate 2 (List.range 3) Lean.logInfo m!"logInfo: {array}" dbg_trace f!"dbg_trace: {array}" example : True := by -- `example` is underlined in blue, outputting: -- dbg_trace: [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] traces -- now `traces` is underlined in blue, outputting -- logInfo: [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] trivial -- end ##### # # declare_syntax_cat # 2024jun08 # ##### # «declare_syntax_cat» (to ".declare_syntax_cat") # (to "Lean.Parser.Category") # (to "macro_rules") # (to "TSyntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-dsl-and-a-syntax-for-it") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a DSL and a syntax for it") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "declare_syntax_cat arith") # (find-leanmetapage 5 "declare_syntax_cat") # (find-leanmetatext 5 "declare_syntax_cat") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "you will have to use `` `(category| ...)``") # (find-lean-links "declare_syntax_cat") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'declare_syntax_cat' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- end ##### # # denoteArith # 2024jun08 # ##### # «denoteArith» (to ".denoteArith") # (to "backtick-syntaxcat") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax.lean#mini-project") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax.lean" "### Mini Project") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax.lean" "partial def denoteArith : TSyntax `arith → Nat") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean declare_syntax_cat arith syntax num : arith syntax arith "-" arith : arith syntax arith "+" arith : arith syntax "(" arith ")" : arith partial def denoteArith : TSyntax `arith → Nat | `(arith| $x:num) => x.getNat | `(arith| $x:arith + $y:arith) => denoteArith x + denoteArith y | `(arith| $x:arith - $y:arith) => denoteArith x - denoteArith y | `(arith| ($x:arith)) => denoteArith x | _ => 0 def test : Elab.TermElabM Nat := do let stx ← `(arith| (12 + 2) - 4) pure (denoteArith stx) #eval test -- 10 -- end ##### # # deriving # 2024may31 # ##### # «deriving» (to ".deriving") # (to "synth") # (find-lean-links "deriving") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'deriving' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'deriving instance' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'deriving instance Repr' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"deriving \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'optDeriving' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Deriving/Basic.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «deriving»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Deriving/Repr.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "def optDeriving := leading_parser") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «deriving»") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Meta.lean" "deriving instance Repr for Syntax") ##### # # discard # 2024may12 # ##### # «discard» (to ".discard") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a command") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Control/Basic.lean" "def Functor.discard") ##### # # doc-comments # 2024may29 # ##### # «doc-comments» (to ".doc-comments") # (to "eldoc") # (find-leanrefdoc "lexical_structure#doc-comments") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "a \"documentation comment\" like `/-- foo -/`") ##### # # do-iteration # 2024may24 # ##### # «do-iteration» (to ".do-iteration") # (to "Id.run") # (find-lean-links "range") # (find-lean4doc "do#iteration") # (find-lean4docr "do.md" "## Iteration") # (find-lean4docr "do.md" "[:x] is notation for the range [0, x)") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\\[:' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Core.lean" "inductive DoResultPRBC ") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def sum (xs : Array Nat) : IO Nat := do let mut s := 0 for x in xs do { IO.println s!"x:{x}"; s:=s+x } return s def sum' (xs : Array Nat) : Nat := Id.run <| do let mut s := 0 for x in xs do s:=s+x return s def sumEven (xs : Array Nat) : IO Nat := do let mut s := 0 for x in xs do if x%2==0 then { IO.println s!"x:{x}"; s:=s+x } return s #eval sum #[1, 2, 3] #eval sum' #[1, 2, 3] #eval sumEven #[1, 2, 3, 6] -- end ##### # # do notation # 2024mar23 # ##### # «do-notation» (to ".do-notation") # (find-es "lean" "instance-Monad-List") # (to "runActions") # (to "let-mut") # (to "Monad") # (to "Bind") # (to "sleep1") # (to "pp.notation") # (find-lean4doc "do") # (find-lean4doc "do#the-do-notation") # (find-lean4docr "do.md" "# The `do` notation") # (find-lean4docrfile "do.md") # (find-fplean4page 66 "Combining IO Actions") # (find-fplean4text 66 "Combining IO Actions") # (find-fplean4page 67 "let bindings in do use a left arrow") # (find-fplean4text 67 "let bindings in do use a left arrow") # (find-fplean4page 85 "left arrow immediately" "under parentheses") # (find-fplean4text 85 "left arrow immediately" "under parentheses") # (find-fplean4page 85 "(← IO.getStdout)") # (find-fplean4text 85 "(← IO.getStdout)") # (find-fplean4page 90 "do Notation") # (find-fplean4text 90 "do Notation") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/running-a-program#combining-io-actions") # (find-fplean4doc "monads/do") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#single-branched-if") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#early-return") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#loops") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#stopping-iteration") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#mutable-variables") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#what-counts-as-a-do-block") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/conveniences#infinite-loops") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/conveniences#while-loops") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"do \"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Do.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Do.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "the type `m Unit` represents an action") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") instance : Monad List where pure := List.pure bind := List.bind def foo := do let a ← [0, 1]; let b ← [a+1, a+2]; return (a,b) set_option pp.notation false in #print foo def main2 : IO UInt32 := do IO.println "hello" IO.println "world" return 0 def main3 : IO UInt32 := bind (IO.println "hello") (fun _ => bind (IO.println "world") (fun _ => pure 0)) #check IO.println "hello" #print main2 set_option pp.notation false in #print main2 #print bind #print pure #check (inferInstance : Bind IO) #check (inferInstance : Pure IO) #check do return 42 #check do let _ := 42 #check do let _ ← IO.getStdin #check do let _ ← IO.getStdin; let _ ← IO.getStdin #check do let a ← IO.getStdin; let b ← IO.getStdin; return [a,b] #check do let stdin <- IO.getStdin -- end ##### # # " .. " # 2024jun20 # ##### # «dotdot» (to ".dotdot") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e ' \\.\\. ' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e ' \\.\\. ' * | grep -a '{'") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Meta/InferType.lean" "| .bvar .. ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/IO.lean" "| .ok { type := .symlink, .. } =>") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/CodeActions/Attr.lean" "let { env, opts, .. } ← read") ##### # # eglot # 2024jun20 # ##### # «eglot» (to ".eglot") # https://codeberg.org/mekeor/nael # https://github.com/bustercopley/lean4-mode ##### # # elab # 2024mar30 # ##### # «elab» (to ".elab") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadocw "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "elab \"#assertType \"") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "inductive Arith : Type where") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e '^elab ' main/*") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "`f $ x` means the same as the same as `f x`") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/SyntheticMVars.lean" "def synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") elab "#assertType " termStx:term " : " typeStx:term : command => open Lean Lean.Elab Command Term in liftTermElabM try let tp ← elabType typeStx discard $ elabTermEnsuringType termStx tp synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing logInfo "success" catch | _ => throwError "failure" -- /-- info: success -/ -- #guard_msgs in --# -- #assertType 5 : Nat /-- error: failure -/ #guard_msgs in --# #assertType [] : Nat #check Lean.Elab.Command.liftTermElabM #check Lean.Elab.Term.elabType #check Lean.Elab.Term.elabTermEnsuringType #check Functor.discard -- end ‘ ’: unknown constant 'Lean.Elab.Command.CommandElab' ‘ ’: unknown constant 'Lean.Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax' Company: An error occurred in post-command Company: frontend company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend error "Company: backend company-capf error "Args out of range: #<buffer a.lean>, 754, 13" with args (match Unit)" on command post-command Making completion list... [2 times] Saving file /tmp/a.lean... Wrote /tmp/a.lean unexpected token '#assertType'; expected '#guard_msgs', 'abbrev', 'add_decl_doc', 'axiom', 'binder_predicate', 'builtin_initialize', 'builtin_simproc', 'builtin_simproc_decl', 'class', 'declare_config_elab', 'declare_simp_like_tactic', 'declare_syntax_cat', 'def', 'elab', 'elab_rules', 'example', 'inductive', 'infix', 'infixl', 'infixr', 'initialize', 'instance', 'macro', 'macro_rules', 'notation', 'opaque', 'postfix', 'prefix', 'register_builtin_option', 'register_label_attr', 'register_option', 'register_simp_attr', 'simproc', 'simproc_decl', 'structure', 'syntax', 'theorem' or 'unif_hint' synthesizeSyntheticMVarsNoPostponing ##### # # elabIMP # 2024jun19 # ##### # «elabIMP» (to ".elabIMP") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/08_dsls") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/08_dsls") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Meta inductive IMPLit | nat : Nat → IMPLit | bool : Bool → IMPLit inductive IMPUnOp | not inductive IMPBinOp | and | add | less inductive IMPExpr | lit : IMPLit → IMPExpr | var : String → IMPExpr | un : IMPUnOp → IMPExpr → IMPExpr | bin : IMPBinOp → IMPExpr → IMPExpr → IMPExpr inductive IMPProgram | Skip : IMPProgram | Assign : String → IMPExpr → IMPProgram | Seq : IMPProgram → IMPProgram → IMPProgram | If : IMPExpr → IMPProgram → IMPProgram → IMPProgram | While : IMPExpr → IMPProgram → IMPProgram declare_syntax_cat imp_lit syntax num : imp_lit syntax "true" : imp_lit syntax "false" : imp_lit def elabIMPLit : Syntax → MetaM Expr | `(imp_lit| $n:num) => mkAppM ``IMPLit.nat #[mkNatLit n.getNat] | `(imp_lit| true ) => mkAppM ``IMPLit.bool #[.const ``Bool.true []] | `(imp_lit| false ) => mkAppM ``IMPLit.bool #[.const ``Bool.false []] | _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax elab "test_elabIMPLit " l:imp_lit : term => elabIMPLit l #reduce test_elabIMPLit 4 -- IMPLit.nat 4 #reduce test_elabIMPLit true -- IMPLit.bool true #reduce test_elabIMPLit false -- IMPLit.bool true declare_syntax_cat imp_unop syntax "not" : imp_unop def elabIMPUnOp : Syntax → MetaM Expr | `(imp_unop| not) => return .const ``IMPUnOp.not [] | _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax declare_syntax_cat imp_binop syntax "+" : imp_binop syntax "and" : imp_binop syntax "<" : imp_binop def elabIMPBinOp : Syntax → MetaM Expr | `(imp_binop| +) => return .const ``IMPBinOp.add [] | `(imp_binop| and) => return .const ``IMPBinOp.and [] | `(imp_binop| <) => return .const ``IMPBinOp.less [] | _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax declare_syntax_cat imp_expr syntax imp_lit : imp_expr syntax ident : imp_expr syntax imp_unop imp_expr : imp_expr syntax imp_expr imp_binop imp_expr : imp_expr syntax "(" imp_expr ")" : imp_expr partial def elabIMPExpr : Syntax → MetaM Expr | `(imp_expr| $l:imp_lit) => do let l ← elabIMPLit l mkAppM ``IMPExpr.lit #[l] -- `mkStrLit` creates an `Expr` from a `String` | `(imp_expr| $i:ident) => mkAppM ``IMPExpr.var #[mkStrLit i.getId.toString] | `(imp_expr| $b:imp_unop $e:imp_expr) => do let b ← elabIMPUnOp b let e ← elabIMPExpr e -- recurse! mkAppM ``IMPExpr.un #[b, e] | `(imp_expr| $l:imp_expr $b:imp_binop $r:imp_expr) => do let l ← elabIMPExpr l -- recurse! let r ← elabIMPExpr r -- recurse! let b ← elabIMPBinOp b mkAppM ``IMPExpr.bin #[b, l, r] | `(imp_expr| ($e:imp_expr)) => elabIMPExpr e | _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax elab "test_elabIMPExpr " e:imp_expr : term => elabIMPExpr e #reduce test_elabIMPExpr a #reduce test_elabIMPExpr a + 5 #reduce test_elabIMPExpr 1 + true declare_syntax_cat imp_program syntax "skip" : imp_program syntax ident ":=" imp_expr : imp_program syntax imp_program ";;" imp_program : imp_program syntax "if" imp_expr "then" imp_program "else" imp_program "fi" : imp_program syntax "while" imp_expr "do" imp_program "od" : imp_program partial def elabIMPProgram : Syntax → MetaM Expr | `(imp_program| skip) => return .const ``IMPProgram.Skip [] | `(imp_program| $i:ident := $e:imp_expr) => do let i : Expr := mkStrLit i.getId.toString let e ← elabIMPExpr e mkAppM ``IMPProgram.Assign #[i, e] | `(imp_program| $p₁:imp_program ;; $p₂:imp_program) => do let p₁ ← elabIMPProgram p₁ let p₂ ← elabIMPProgram p₂ mkAppM ``IMPProgram.Seq #[p₁, p₂] | `(imp_program| if $e:imp_expr then $pT:imp_program else $pF:imp_program fi) => do let e ← elabIMPExpr e let pT ← elabIMPProgram pT let pF ← elabIMPProgram pF mkAppM ``IMPProgram.If #[e, pT, pF] | `(imp_program| while $e:imp_expr do $pT:imp_program od) => do let e ← elabIMPExpr e let pT ← elabIMPProgram pT mkAppM ``IMPProgram.While #[e, pT] | _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax elab ">>" p:imp_program "<<" : term => elabIMPProgram p #reduce >> a := 5;; if not a and 3 < 4 then c := 5 else a := a + 1 fi;; b := 10 << -- end ##### # # elab_rules # 2024jun08 # ##### # «elab_rules» (to ".elab_rules") # (to "3-essential") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'elab_rules' *") https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Widgets.20not.20displaying.20on.20some.20terms/near/434371640 # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean syntax "#help" str : command elab_rules : command | `(#help $s:str) => logInfo ("[h " ++ s ++ " h]") #help "BLAM" syntax "[: " term " :]" : term elab_rules : term | `([: $t:term :]) => do Elab.Term.elabTerm t none #eval [: 42 :] -- end ##### # # elab-term # 2024jun15 # ##### # «elab-term» (to ".elab-term") # (to "command") # (to "mapAddOneNil") # (find-leanmetapage 11 "or any other syntax category") # (find-leanmetatext 11 "or any other syntax category") # (find-leanmetapage 11 "TermElab stands for Syntax → Option Expr →") # (find-leanmetatext 11 "TermElab stands for Syntax → Option Expr →") # (find-leanmetapage 20 "def mapAddOneNil : Expr :=") # (find-leanmetatext 20 "def mapAddOneNil : Expr :=") # (find-leanmetapage 20 "we can turn our Expr into a" "Lean term") # (find-leanmetatext 20 "we can turn our Expr into a" "Lean term") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Term.lean" "abbrev TermElab := Syntax → Option Expr →") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/ElabRules.lean" "def elabElabRulesAux") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/ElabRules.lean" "def elabElabRulesAux" "if catName == `term") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/ElabRules.lean" "def elabElabRulesAux" "if catName == `command") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/ElabRules.lean" "def elabElabRulesAux" "if catName == `tactic") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/ElabRules.lean" "unsupported syntax category") # (find-lean4gitgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e command_elab *") # (find-lean4gitgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e term_elab *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean def nat1 : Expr := .const ``Nat [] -- ------ ------------ -- : Name : List Level -- --------------------------- -- : Expr elab "nat2" : term => return (.const ``Nat [] ) -- ------ ------------ -- : Name : List Level -- --------------------------- -- : Expr -- ----------------------------------- -- : m Expr -- ----------------------------------- -- : TermElabM Expr #check nat1 #check nat2 #check (3 : nat2) #check TermElab #check (.const ``Nat [] : Expr) elab "nat2" : term => return (.const ``Nat []) elab "nat2" : term => (return (.const ``Nat []) : TermElabM Expr) elab "say42" : command => logInfo "42" elab "say42" : command => (logInfo "42" : CommandElabM Unit) say42 declare_syntax_cat catB elab "foo" : catB => 42 -- unsupported syntax category 'catB' -- end ##### # # The type of the function in an elab # 2024jun12 # ##### # «elab-type» (to ".elab-type") # (to "repr-type") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command elab "#withstring " x:str : command => match x with | `("a") => logInfo x | `("b") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x) } | `("c") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x.raw) } | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax #withstring "a" #withstring "b" #withstring "c" #check fun x => match x with | `("a") => 42 | _ => 42 #check fun x => match x with | _ => 42 #check fun x => match x with | _ => logInfo x -- #check fun x => -- #check fun (x : Syntax) => #check fun (x : TSyntax `str) => match x with | `("a") => logInfo x | `("b") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x) } | `("c") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x.raw) } | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax -- end ##### # # eldoc # 2024may27 # ##### # «eldoc» (to ".eldoc") # (to "doc-comments") # (to "dbg_trace") # (find-es "emacs" "eldoc-mode") ##### # # Environment # 2024may18 # ##### # «Environment» (to ".Environment") # (find-lean-links "Environment") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/CoreM.lean" "structure State where") ##### # # Eq.subst # 2024sep20 # ##### # «Eq.subst» (to ".Eq.subst") # (to "congrArg") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "Eq.subst (motive := fun x => x < 5)") # (find-tpil4doc "quantifiers_and_equality#equality") # (find-lean-links "motive") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'motive' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check Eq -- #check Eq.subst (motive:=prop3) #check Eq.subst (motive := fun x => x < 5) -- end ##### # # exceptions # 2024may25 # ##### # «exceptions» (to ".exceptions") # (to "try-catch") # (find-lean-links "Except") # (find-fplean4page 154 "Propagating Error Messages") # (find-fplean4text 154 "Propagating Error Messages") # (find-fplean4page 254 "Failure with OptionT") # (find-fplean4text 254 "Failure with OptionT") # (find-fplean4page 258 "Exceptions") # (find-fplean4text 258 "Exceptions") # (find-fplean4page 260 "Type Classes for Exceptions") # (find-fplean4text 260 "Type Classes for Exceptions") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/transformers#failure-with-optiont") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/transformers#exceptions") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/transformers#type-classes-for-exceptions") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Except' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'MonadExcept' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\\[MonadExcept ' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'class MonadExcept' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e ' Except ' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "inductive Except") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "An implementation of Haskell's [`MonadError`] class") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class MonadExceptOf ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class MonadExcept ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Control/Except.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive Err where | divByZero | notANumber : String → Err def asNumber [Monad m] [MonadExcept Err m] (s : String) : m Int := match s.toInt? with | none => throw (.notANumber s) | some i => pure i def divBackend [Monad m] [MonadExcept Err m] (n k : Int) : m Int := if k == 0 then throw .divByZero else pure (n / k) def divFrontend [Monad m] [MonadExcept Err m] (n k : String) : m String := try pure (toString (← divBackend (← asNumber n) (← asNumber k))) catch | .divByZero => pure "Division by zero!" | .notANumber s => pure s!"Not a number: \"{s}\"" -- end ##### # # At sign # 2024mar15 # ##### # «explicit-arguments» (to ".explicit-arguments") # «implicit-arguments» (to ".implicit-arguments") # (to "optParam") # (find-lean-links "@") # (find-tpil4doc "dependent_type_theory") # (find-tpil4doc "dependent_type_theory#implicit-arguments") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "Implicit Arguments") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "@foo" "with all the arguments" "made explicit") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/polymorphism") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/polymorphism#implicit-arguments") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/conveniences#automatic-implicit-arguments") # (find-fplean4page 38 "Implicit Arguments") # (find-fplean4text 38 "Implicit Arguments") # (find-fplean4page 39 "#check List.length (α := Int)") # (find-fplean4text 39 "#check List.length (α := Int)") # (find-fplean4page 48 "Automatic Implicit Arguments") # (find-fplean4text 48 "Automatic Implicit Arguments") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e ' @' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"@\"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '@' * | grep -ai explicit") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/App.lean" "`explicit = true` when notation `@` is used") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/polymorphism#checking-polymorphic-functions-types") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check List.length #check List.length (α := Int) #check bind instance : Monad List where pure := List.pure bind := List.bind inductive A where |a1:A |a2:A deriving Repr inductive B where |b1:B |b2:B deriving Repr open A B #check Bind.bind #check bind #check bind (m := List) #check bind (m := List) (α := A) #check bind (m := List) (α := A) (β := B) #check bind (α := A) (m := List) (β := B) def myfst : {A:Type} → {B:Type} → A×B → A := fun (a,b) => a #eval myfst ("a",2) #eval myfst (A := String) (B := Nat) ("a",2) #eval myfst (A := String) ("a",2) #eval myfst (B := Nat) ("a",2) #check myfst #check myfst (A := String) #check myfst (B := Nat) #check myfst (A := String) (B := Nat) -- end ##### # # exploring-data # 2024may25 # ##### # «exploring-data» (to ".exploring-data") # (to "extractFrom") # (to "getCurrNamespace") # (to "backtick") # (to "match-bar") # (find-fline "~/TH/eev-lean4.blogme" "exploring-data") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2024may25.haskell") # (find-fline "~/LOGS/2024may25.haskell" "let (Just x) = Nothing in length [x, x, x]") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Tools.20for.20exploring.20data.20structures.3F # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") open Lean #check Syntax #check Syntax.mkNumLit #check Syntax.mkNumLit "1" #eval Syntax.mkNumLit "1" #check mkAtom #check mkAtom "+" #eval mkAtom "+" #check [] #check #[] #check `«term_+_» #check mkNode #check mkNode `«term_+_» #check mkNode `«term_+_» #[] #eval mkNode `«term_+_» #[] def my1 := Syntax.mkNumLit "1" def myadd := mkIdent `Nat.add def myplus := `«term_+_» def myadd11 := Syntax.mkApp myadd #[my1, my1] def myplus11 := mkNode myplus #[my1, mkAtom "+", my1] #eval myadd11 #eval Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[Syntax.mkNumLit "1", Syntax.mkNumLit "1"] #eval mkNode `«term_+_» #[Syntax.mkNumLit "1", mkAtom "+", Syntax.mkNumLit "1"] #eval myplus11 #check myplus11 #check myplus11.raw #eval myplus11.raw def Syntax.foo : Syntax → String | .missing => "(m)" | .node info kind args => "(n)" | .atom info val => "(a)" | .ident info rawVal val preresolved => "i" def Name.foo : Name → String | .anonymous => "(anon)" | .str pre str => str | .num pre i => "num" ++ Name.foo pre #eval myplus #eval myplus11 #eval myplus11.raw #eval Syntax.foo myplus11.raw #check Name #check myplus #check Name.foo myplus #eval Name.foo myplus #eval myplus #eval myplus.str #eval toString myplus #eval repr myplus macro "extractFrom " input:term " => " pat:term " => " result:term : term => `(match ($input) with | some ($pat) => some ($result) | _ => none) def a := some myadd11 #eval a #check a #check Syntax.node def b := extractFrom a => Syntax.node info kind args => info -- err -- end ##### # # exploring-data-2 # 2024may26 # ##### # «exploring-data-2» (to ".exploring-data-2") # (to "macro") # (to "inductive-Option") # (find-lean-links "matchAlt") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'matchAlt' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" matchAlt \"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "def matchAlt ") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "def matchAlts ") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Expr.lean" "def mvarId! : Expr → MVarId") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive N where | z : N | s (n : N) : N deriving Repr def c := N.s (N.s N.z) def b1 := match some c with | some (N.s x) => some x | _ => none macro "extractFrom " input:term " => " pat:term " => " result:term : term => `(match ($input) with | some ($pat) => some ($result) | _ => none) def b2 := extractFrom some c => N.s x => x #check b1 #eval b1 #check b2 #eval b2 #eval extractFrom some (N.s N.z) => N.s x => x #eval extractFrom some N.z => N.s x => x -- end ##### # # export # 2024may23 # ##### # «export» (to ".export") # (to "class") # (find-lean-links "export") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'export' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"export \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '«export»' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "export Decidable (isTrue isFalse decide)") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «export»] def elabExport") # (find-fplean4page 252 "doesn't need to be written with the type class name before it") # (find-fplean4text 252 "doesn't need to be written with the type class name before it") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/287929-mathlib4/topic/Naming.20convention/near/323311235 # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") class ToLuaTree (α : Type) where toLuaTree : α → String instance : ToLuaTree String where toLuaTree str := q str instance : ToLuaTree Int where toLuaTree n := toString n instance : ToLuaTree Nat where toLuaTree n := toString n #check ToLuaTree.toLuaTree #check ToLuaTree.toLuaTree ("ab" : String) #check ToLuaTree.toLuaTree "ab" export ToLuaTree (toLuaTree) #check toLuaTree "ab" #check toLuaTree 42 namespace A def x := 37 end A namespace B export A (x) end B -- #check x -- err: unknown identifier #check B.x -- A.x : Nat -- end ##### # # Expr # 2024jun02 # ##### # «Expr» (to ".Expr") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Expr.lean" "inductive Expr where") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Expr.lean" "def ctorName : Expr → String") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Expr.lean" "def ctorName : Expr → String" "| forallE .. =>") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Expr.lean" "However, expressions sent to the kernel should not") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Expr.lean" "contain metavariables.") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" \\.\\. \"' *") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean #check Expr -- end ##### # # extends # 2024jun01 # ##### # «extends» (to ".extends") # (to "class") # (to "Monad") # (find-lean-links "extends") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") class Ca (α : Type) where ma : String class Cb (α : Type) where mb : String class Cbc (α : Type) extends Cb α where mc : String inductive A where | a : A instance : Ca A where ma := "Ca.ma A" instance : Cbc A where mb := "Cb.mb A"; mc := "Cbc.mc B" #eval Ca.ma A #eval Cb.mb A #eval Cbc.mc A -- end ##### # # extern # 2024mar23 # ##### # «extern» (to ".extern") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/IO.lean" "@[extern \"lean_get_stdin\"] opaque getStdin") # (find-lean4grep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e lean_get_stdin *") # (find-lean4file "stage0/src/runtime/io.cpp" "lean_get_stdin") ##### # # extractFrom # 2024may26 # ##### # «extractFrom» (to ".extractFrom") # (to "exploring-data") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros#the-basics") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/06_macros" "### The basics") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") macro "extractFrom " input:term " => " pat:term " => " result:term : term => `(match ($input) with | some ($pat) => some ($result) | _ => none) inductive N where | z : N | s (n : N) : N deriving Repr #eval (N.s N.z) #eval some (N.s N.z) #eval extractFrom some (N.s N.z) => N.s x => x #eval extractFrom some N.z => N.s x => x #eval extractFrom none => N.s x => x -- end ##### # # #eval # 2024mar09 # ##### # «eval» (to ".eval") # (find-fplean4page 12 "#eval (1 + 2 : Nat)") # (find-fplean4text 12 "#eval (1 + 2 : Nat)") # (find-fplean4page 88 "Running IO Actions With #eval") # (find-fplean4text 88 "Running IO Actions With #eval") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'eval' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'eval' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'elabEval' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '#eval' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def eval" "\"#eval \"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «eval»,") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "unsafe def elabEvalUnsafe : CommandElab") # (find-lean4docrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '#eval' *") ##### # # example # 2024mar11 # ##### # «example» (to ".example") # (to "metaprogramming") # (to "addDecl") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "tpil4" "The example command") # (find-tpil4page 29 "The example command") # (find-tpil4text 29 "The example command") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e example *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e Parser.Command *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e Lean.Parser *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e Lean.Parser.Command *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e withoutModifyingEnv *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DefView.lean" "def | theorem | example | opaque | abbrev") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DeclarationRange.lean" "Parser.Command.«example»") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/name.20for.20syntax.20category.20of.20.60notation.60.2C.20.60namespace.60.2C.20.60def.60.2E.2E/near/446373495 # ^ "(It actually does create a declaration. It just then discards it via withoutModifyingEnv)." # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (p q : Prop) example (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q := And.intro hp hq example (_ : Int) := 42 example (_ : Int) : Int := 42 variable (P Q R : Prop) variable {P Q R : Prop} variable {p : P} variable {q : Q} example (p : P) (q : Q) : P ∧ Q := And.intro p q #check fun (p : P) (q : Q) => And.intro p q #check (fun (p : P) (q : Q) => And.intro p q : P → Q → P ∧ Q) -- end ##### # # feline # 2024jun20 # ##### # «feline» (to ".feline") # (find-fplean4page 79 "Worked Example: cat") # (find-fplean4text 79 "Worked Example: cat") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/cat") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/cat") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def bufsize : USize := 20 * 1024 partial def dump (stream : IO.FS.Stream) : IO Unit := do let buf ← stream.read bufsize if buf.isEmpty then pure () else let stdout ← IO.getStdout stdout.write buf dump stream #check Stream def fileStream (filename : System.FilePath) : IO (Option IO.FS.Stream) := do let fileExists ← filename.pathExists if not fileExists then let stderr ← IO.getStderr stderr.putStrLn s!"File not found: {filename}" pure none else let handle ← IO.FS.Handle.mk filename IO.FS.Mode.read pure (some (IO.FS.Stream.ofHandle handle)) def process (exitCode : UInt32) (args : List String) : IO UInt32 := do match args with | [] => pure exitCode | "-" :: args => let stdin ← IO.getStdin dump stdin process exitCode args | filename :: args => let stream ← fileStream ⟨filename⟩ match stream with | none => process 1 args | some stream => dump stream process exitCode args def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 := match args with | [] => process 0 ["-"] | _ => process 0 args -- end ##### # # Finset-comprehensions # 2024jun29 # ##### # «Finset-comprehensions» (to ".Finset-comprehensions") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pull/11582 # (find-sh "locate -i finset") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check Data.Finset.Basic -- end ##### # # FFI # 2024jun20 # ##### # «FFI» (to ".FFI") # (find-sh "locate -i lean4/src | grep -i ffi") # (find-lean4file "src/lake/examples/ffi/") # (find-lean4file "src/Lean/Compiler/FFI.lean") # (find-lean4page 121 "@[extern \"foreign_function\"]") # (find-lean4text 121 "@[extern \"foreign_function\"]") # (find-lean4page 153 "Foreign Function Interface") # (find-lean4text 153 "Foreign Function Interface") # (find-lean4doc "dev/ffi") ##### # # FilePath # 2024jun15 # ##### # «FilePath» (to ".FilePath") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/FilePath.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean #check System.FilePath #eval (.mk "a" / "b.lean" : System.FilePath) -- end ##### # # FirstTokens # 2024may17 # ##### # «FirstTokens» (to ".FirstTokens") # (to "leading_parser") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'firsttokens' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Types.lean" "inductive FirstTokens where") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean.Parser.Term import Lean.Parser.Types namespace Lean.Parser def foo := leading_parser "foo " #print foo #check foo #check foo.info #check foo.info.firstTokens #eval foo.info.firstTokens def a := foo.info.firstTokens def b := FirstTokens.tokens ["$", "bar"] #check a #eval a #print a #print b namespace Types #check FirstTokens #check FirstTokens.epsilon #eval FirstTokens.epsilon #check ("a" : Token) #check [("a" : Token), ("b" : Token)] #check FirstTokens.tokens [("a" : Token), ("b" : Token)] #check FirstTokens.tokens ["a", "b"] #eval foo.info.firstTokens -- end ##### # # fun # 2024mar22 # ##### # «fun» (to ".fun") # (find-lean4doc "functions") # (find-lean4docr "functions.md") # (find-tpil4doc) # (find-tpil4doc "dependent_type_theory") # (find-tpil4doc "dependent_type_theory#function-abstraction-and-evaluation") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "## Function Abstraction and Evaluation") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "`fun` (or `λ`)") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs#propositions-as-types") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "Propositions as Types") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "``(fun x => t) s`` and ``t[s/x]``") # (find-fplean4page 54 "Anonymous Functions") # (find-fplean4text 54 "Anonymous Functions") # (find-fplean4page 55 "centered dot") # (find-fplean4text 55 "centered dot") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "@[builtin_term_parser] def «fun»") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Binders.lean" "@[builtin_term_elab «fun»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Basic.lean" "def unicodeSymbol") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check fun x => x + 1 #check fun (x : Int) => x + 1 #check fun {α : Type} (x : α) => x #check fun x y => x + y #check fun (x : Int) y => x + y #check fun (x : Int) (y : Int) => x + y #check fun (x y : Int) => x + y #check (fun x y => x + y : Int → Int → Int) #check 42 #check (42 : Int) -- end ##### # # Functor # 2024jun17 # ##### # «Functor» (to ".Functor") # (to "LawfulFunctor") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Functor (f : Type u → Type v)") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "haskell-hutton" "182" "12.1 Functors") # (find-lean-links "Functor") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Functor' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Functor' * | grep -a extends") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'Functor' * | grep -a instance") class Functor (f : Type → Type) : Type where map : {α β : Type} → (α → β) → f α → f β ##### # # getCurrNamespace # 2024may18 # ##### # «getCurrNamespace» (to ".getCurrNamespace") # (to "where") # (to "run_cmd") # (to "exploring-data") # (find-lean-links "getCurrNamespace") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "def getCurrNamespace : MacroM Name := do") # (find-THfile "eev-lean4.blogme" "getCurrNamespace") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean namespace Foo run_cmd Lean.logInfo (← Lean.getCurrNamespace) -- end ##### # # #guard_msgs # 2024jun02 # ##### # «guard_msgs» (to ".guard_msgs") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/GuardMsgs.lean" "`#guard_msgs` command for testing commands") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a command" "#guard_msgs") ##### # # guillemets # 2024mar23 # ##### # «guillemets» (to ".guillemets") # (find-fplean4page 76 "guillemets around a name") # (find-fplean4text 76 "guillemets around a name") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Extra.lean" "disallowed characters in identifiers") ##### # # HashMap # 2024jun13 # ##### # «HashMap» (to ".HashMap") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort | grep -i hash") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort | grep -i hash | grep build") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort | grep -i hash | grep -v build") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Data/HashMap.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Data/HashMap.lean" "def ofList (l : List (α × β)) : HashMap α β :=") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/How.20to.20use.20a.20hashmap.3F # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean /-! A very quick tutorial for using `HashMap`s -/ open Lean /-- using `HashMap.empty` and `HashMap.insert` -/ def myHM : HashMap Nat String := HashMap.empty |>.insert 1 "one" |>.insert 2 "two" |>.insert 3 "three" -- the above is just for "clean" formatting: you could also write -- `def myHM1 : HashMap Nat String := ((HashMap.empty.insert 1 "one").insert 2 "two").insert 3 "three"` -- Now also `HashMap.find?` and `HashMap.contains` #eval myHM.find? 1 -- `some "one"` #eval myHM.find? 4 -- `none` #eval myHM.contains 1 -- `true` #eval myHM.contains 4 -- `false` -- to print a HashMap, convert it to a `List` or an `Array` #eval IO.println myHM.toArray -- #[(1, one), (2, two), (3, three)] #eval IO.println myHM.toList -- [(3, three), (2, two), (1, one)] -- end import Lean.Data.HashMap open Lean.HashMap def a := [("one", 1), ("two", 2)] #check a #eval ofList a -- err ##### # # have # 2024apr30 # ##### # «have» (to ".have") # (find-lean-links "have") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "tpil4") # (find-tpil4file "propositions_and_proofs.md" "the ``have`` construct") # (find-tpil4page 33 "3.4. Introducing Auxiliary Subgoals") # (find-tpil4text 33 "Introducing Auxiliary Subgoals") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'have' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Do.lean" "def getDoHaveVars (doHave : Syntax)") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (P Q : Prop) example (paq : P ∧ Q) : Q ∧ P := have p : P := paq.left have q : Q := paq.right show Q ∧ P from And.intro q p -- end ##### # # heterogeneous # 2024may19 # ##### # «heterogeneous» (to ".heterogeneous") # (to "coercion") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e Nat * | grep -a Int") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e Nat * | grep -a Int | grep -a Coe") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e ofNat *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" + \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'HAdd' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'hAdd' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'heterogeneous' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "@[inherit_doc] infixl:65 \" + \" => HAdd.hAdd") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "heterogeneous addition") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "instance [Add α] : HAdd α α α where") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class OfNat (α : Type u) (_ : Nat) where") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Coe.lean" "# Coercion") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Coe.lean" "instance : Coe Nat Int := ⟨Int.ofNat⟩") # (find-fplean4page 105 "Overloaded Addition") # (find-fplean4text 105 "Overloaded Addition") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#overloaded-addition") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/coercion") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check (2 : Nat) + (3 : Int) -- ↑2 + 3 : Int -- end ##### # # Id.run # 2024may21 # ##### # «Id.run» (to ".Id.run") # (to "Monad-S") # (to "run_cmd") # (to "show-from-do") # (to "do-for-in") # invalid `do` notation, expected type is not a monad application # You can use the `do` notation in pure code by writing `Id.run do` # instead of `do`, where `Id` is the identity monad. (lsp) # (find-fplean4doc "monads/class#the-identity-monad") # (find-lean-links "Id.run") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Do.lean" "`do` notation in pure code by writing `Id.run do`") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Control/Id.lean" "protected def run (x : Id α) : α := x") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Id.run' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check do return 42 #check show Nat from do return 42 -- err #check Id.run do return 42 #check show Nat from Id.run do return 42 instance : Monad List where pure := List.pure bind := List.bind #check show List Nat from [2, 3] #check show List Nat from do return [2, 3] -- err #check show List Nat from Id.run do return [2, 3] -- end ##### # # iezzi-exp # 2024sep17 # ##### # «iezzi-exp» (to ".iezzi-exp") # (to "congrArg") # (find-books "__analysis/__analysis.el" "iezzi" "a^1 = a") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- How to handle `a's and `n's in open sentences: variable (a n : Nat) axiom ax0 : 1 = 0+1 axiom ax1 : 1*a = a axiom ax2 : a^0 = 1 axiom ax3 : a^(n+1) = a^n * a #check ax3 #check ax3 (a:=4) -- 4^(n+1) = 4^n * 4 #check ax3 (n:=0) -- a^(0+1) = a^0 * a theorem thm1 : a^1 = a := calc a^1 = a^(0+1) := by rw [ax0] _ = a^0 * a := by rw [ax3 (n:=0)] -- a^(0+1) = a^0 * a _ = 1 * a := by rw [ax2] _ = a := by rw [ax1] theorem thm2 : a^1 = a := calc a^1 = a^(0+1) := by rw [ax0] _ = a^0 * a := by rw [ax3] -- a^(n+1) = a^n * a _ = 1 * a := by rw [ax2] _ = a := by rw [ax1] -- end ##### # # if-let # 2024may25 # ##### # «if-let» (to ".if-let") # (find-fplean4page 57 "if let") # (find-fplean4text 57 "if let") # (find-fplean4page 271 "Single-Branched if") # (find-fplean4text 271 "Single-Branched if") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/conveniences#if-let") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#single-branched-if") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive B where -- binary tree | n (n : Nat) : B | b (l : B) (r : B) : B def foo (b : B) : Option Nat := if let B.b bl _ := b then if let B.b _ blr := bl then if let B.n blrn := blr then some blrn else none else none else none #check B.b (.b (.n 1) (.n 2)) (.n 3) #eval foo (B.b (.b (.n 1) (.n 2)) (.n 3)) -- end ##### # # import # 2024mar31 # ##### # «import» (to ".import") # (to "lake-current-directory") # (to "namespace") # (to "modules") # (find-lean-links "import") # (find-fplean4page 76 "The import line") # (find-fplean4text 76 "The import line") # (find-fplean4page 77 "Libraries and Imports") # (find-fplean4text 77 "Libraries and Imports") # (find-fplean4page 77 "decoupled from the namespace hierarchy") # (find-fplean4text 77 "decoupled from the namespace hierarchy") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'import' *") # (find-leanrefdoc "using_lean#import-resolution") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project#first-steps") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project#lakefiles") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project#libraries-and-imports") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project#libraries-and-imports" "decoupled") ##### # # import-problem # 2024jun09 # ##### # «import-problem» (to ".import-problem") # (find-TH "eev-lean4" "import") # (to "lake-env") # (to "server") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Need.20help.20to.20debug.20an.20import.20-.20and.20maybe.20a.20lakefile * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv /tmp/import-test/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv /tmp/import-test/ mkdir /tmp/import-test/ cd /tmp/import-test/ cat > A.lean <<'%%%' def a := "42" #eval a %%% cat > B.lean <<'%%%' -- (lsp-describe-session) import A #eval a def main : IO Unit := IO.println s!"Hello {a}" %%% cat > lakefile.lean <<'%%%' import Lake open Lake DSL package A @[default_target] lean_lib A @[default_target] lean_exe b { root := `B } %%% lake build ;# ok .lake/build/bin/b ;# ok lean A.lean ;# ok lean B.lean ;# unknown package 'A' lake env lean B.lean ;# ok lake env find * .lake/ | sort # (find-fline "/tmp/import-test/") # (find-fline "/tmp/import-test/A.lean") # (find-fline "/tmp/import-test/B.lean") # (code-c-d "importtest" "/tmp/import-test/") # (find-importtestfile "") # (find-importtestfile "A.lean") # (find-importtestfile "B.lean") # (find-importtestsh "find * .lake/ | sort") ##### # # indentation # 2024mar09 # ##### # «indentation» (to ".indentation") # (to "let") # (find-fplean4-links "semicolon") # (find-fplean4page 88 "This version uses only whitespace-sensitive layout") # (find-fplean4text 88 "This version uses only whitespace-sensitive layout") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/conveniences#local-definitions") # (find-fplean4docr "getting-to-know/conveniences" "## Local Definitions") # (find-fplean4docr "getting-to-know/conveniences" "## Local Definitions" "semicolon") # (find-fplean4page 87 "Flexible Layouts for do") # (find-fplean4text 87 "Flexible Layouts for do") # (find-fplean4page 87 "all of the following programs are equivalent") # (find-fplean4text 87 "all of the following programs are equivalent") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/conveniences#flexible-layouts-for-do") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/conveniences" "## Flexible Layouts for `do`") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/conveniences" "## Flexible Layouts for `do`" "semicolon") # (find-fplean4docr "hello-world/conveniences" "all of the following programs are equivalent") # (find-fplean4file "examples/Examples/Cat.lean" "book declaration {{{ helloOne }}}") (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "def structFields " "manyIndent") ##### # # inductive # 2024mar23 # ##### # «inductive» (to ".inductive") # (to "mutual") # (to "structure") # (find-fplean4page 26 "inductive Bool where") # (find-fplean4text 26 "inductive Bool where") # (find-fplean4page 58 "Positional Structure Arguments") # (find-fplean4text 58 "Positional Structure Arguments") # (find-fplean4page 129 "inductive BinTree") # (find-fplean4text 129 "inductive BinTree") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Declaration.lean" "leading_parser \"inductive \"") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort | grep -i inductive") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- end ##### # # inductive-Arith # 2024may12 # ##### # «inductive-Arith» (to ".inductive-Arith") # (to "p123456") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-dsl-and-a-syntax-for-it") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a DSL and a syntax for it") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "declare_syntax_cat") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "def catBehavior :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «syntax»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/MacroRules.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «macro_rules»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «syntax»") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «macro_rules»") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive Arith : Type where | add : Arith → Arith → Arith -- e + f | mul : Arith → Arith → Arith -- e * f | nat : Nat → Arith -- constant | var : String → Arith -- variable declare_syntax_cat arith syntax num : arith -- nat for Arith.nat syntax str : arith -- strings for Arith.var syntax:50 arith:50 " + " arith:51 : arith -- Arith.add syntax:60 arith:60 " * " arith:61 : arith -- Arith.mul syntax " ( " arith " ) " : arith -- bracketed expressions syntax " <. " arith " .> " : term macro_rules | `(<. $s:str .>) => `(Arith.var $s) | `(<. $num:num .>) => `(Arith.nat $num) | `(<. $x:arith + $y:arith .>) => `(Arith.add <. $x .> <. $y .>) | `(<. $x:arith * $y:arith .>) => `(Arith.mul <. $x .> <. $y .>) | `(<. ( $x ) .>) => `( <. $x .> ) #check <. "x" * "y" .> #check <. "x" + "y" .> #check <. "x" + 20 .> #check <. "x" + "y" * "z" .> -- precedence #check <. "x" * "y" + "z" .> -- precedence #check <. ("x" + "y") * "z" .> -- brackets -- end #check <. ("x" + 20) * "z" .> -------- -------- -------- str num str -------- -------- arith:50 arith:51 ------------------- arith:50 --------------------- arith --------------------- -------- arith:60 arith:61 ------------------------------- arith:60 -------------------------------------- term ##### # # inductive-Expr # 2024may12 # ##### # «inductive-Expr» (to ".inductive-Expr") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Creating.20Expr.20objects ##### # # inductive-List # 2024may13 # ##### # «inductive-List» (to ".inductive-List") # (find-fplean4page 37 "inductive List") # (find-fplean4text 37 "inductive List") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "inductive List") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/List/Basic.lean" "syntax \"[\"") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "@[inherit_doc] infixr:67 \" :: \" => List.cons") ##### # # inductive-N # 2024may30 # ##### # «inductive-N» (to ".inductive-N") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive N where | z : N | s (n : N) : N deriving Repr def ssz_a := N.s (N.s N.z) #eval ssz_a open N def ssz_b := s (s z) #eval ssz_b -- end ##### # # inductive-Nat # 2024may13 # ##### # «inductive-Nat» (to ".inductive-Nat") # «inductive-myNat» (to ".inductive-myNat") # (find-fplean4page 27 "inductive Nat") # (find-fplean4text 27 "inductive Nat") # (find-fplean4page 31 "def plus") # (find-fplean4text 31 "def plus") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive myNat where | zero : myNat | succ (n : myNat) : myNat def my1 := myNat.succ myNat.zero def my23 := match my1 with | myNat.zero => 2 | myNat.succ _ => 3 def myIncomplete := match my1 with | myNat.zero => 42 -- end ##### # # inductive-Option # 2024may15 # ##### # «inductive-Option» (to ".inductive-Option") # (find-fplean4page 40 "inductive Option") # (find-fplean4text 40 "inductive Option") # (find-fplean4page 40 "def List.head?") # (find-fplean4text 40 "def List.head?") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/polymorphism#more-built-in-datatypes") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/polymorphism#option") # (find-fplean4doc "monads/arithmetic#evaluating-expressions") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "inductive Option ") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check List.head? def List.myhead? {α : Type} (xs : List α) : Option α := match xs with | [] => none | y :: _ => some y #eval [].myhead? #eval [].myhead? (α := Int) #eval ([] : List Int).myhead? -- end ##### # # inductive-Syntax # 2024may15 # ##### # «inductive-Syntax» (to ".inductive-Syntax") # (find-lean-links "Syntax") # (find-leanmetadocrfile "main/01_intro.lean" "Concrete Syntax Tree, Lean's `Syntax` type") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Syntax' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Syntax' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'Syntax' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Syntax.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "inductive Syntax where") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "inductive SourceInfo where") # (find-leanmetadoc "extra/03_pretty-printing") # (find-leanmetatext 1 "let stx : Syntax") # (find-leanmetapage 47 "let stx : Syntax") # (find-leanmetatext 47 "let stx : Syntax") # (find-leanmetapage 54 "Operating on Syntax") # (find-leanmetatext 54 "Operating on Syntax") # (find-leanmetapage 55 "Matching on Syntax") # (find-leanmetatext 55 "Matching on Syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#exercises" "let stx : Syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam#exercises" "let stx : Syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#operating-on-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "## Operating on Syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#matching-on-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Matching on `Syntax`") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- end ##### # # inferInstance # 2024may23 # ##### # «inferInstance» (to ".inferInstance") # (to "Inhabited") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "#check (inferInstance : Inhabited Nat)") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check (inferInstance : Inhabited Nat) -- Inhabited Nat def foo : Inhabited (Nat × Nat) := inferInstance example : foo.default = (default, default) := rfl -- end ##### # # inferType # 2024jun12 # ##### # «inferType» (to ".inferType") # (to "runTermElabM") # (to "repr-type") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Is.20there.20a.20variant.20of.20repr.20that.20.22prints.20the.20type.22.3F # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command Meta elab "#my_check " t:term : command => do runTermElabM fun _ => do -- go into term elaboration mode after processing any `variables` commands let e ← Term.elabTermAndSynthesize t none -- elaborate `t` and run all elaboration tasks to completion let eTy ← inferType e -- compute the type of `e` logInfo m!"{e} : {eTy}" -- log a MessageData with `e` and `eTy` embedded into it #my_check "s" -- "s" : String -- end ##### # # infix # 2024mar11 # ##### # «infix» (to ".infix") # «infixl» (to ".infixl") # «infixr» (to ".infixr") # (find-fplean4page 153 "Infix Operators") # (find-fplean4text 153 "Infix Operators") # (find-fplean4page 153 "infixl:55 \" ~~> \" => andThen") # (find-fplean4text 153 "infixl:55 \" ~~> \" => andThen") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "infixl:60 \" ⊕ \" => fun l r => (!l && r) || (l && !r)") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive myNat where | zero : myNat | succ (n : myNat) : myNat def my1 := myNat.succ myNat.zero def my23 := match my1 with | myNat.zero => 2 | myNat.succ _ => 3 def myIncomplete := match my1 with | myNat.zero => 42 -- end ##### # # info-scp-mainModule # 2024jun08 # ##### # «info-scp-mainModule» (to ".info-scp-mainModule") # (to "mkSyntaxQuotation") # (to "backtick-syntaxcat") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean #check Lean.Elab.Term.Quotation.mkSyntaxQuotation open Lean.Elab.Term.Quotation #check mkSyntaxQuotation #check mkSyntaxQuotation #check `(42 + "foo") #check (`(42 + "foo") : Lean.MacroM (Lean.TSyntax `term)) -- end ##### # # Inhabited # 2024may23 # ##### # «Inhabited» (to ".Inhabited") # (to "inferInstance") # (find-lean4page 83 "inhabited and non empty") # (find-lean4text 83 "inhabited and non empty") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Inhabited (α : Sort u) where") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Inhabited' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'inhabited and' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance : Inhabited' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'deriving Inhabited' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/MkInhabitant.lean" "inhabited and non empty") failed to compile partial definition 'toLTree_Syntax', failed to show that type is inhabited and non empty ##### # # initialize # 2024may29 # ##### # «initialize» (to ".initialize") # (to "lake-new-greeting") # (find-lean-links "initialize") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'initialize' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'initialize' * | grep -aw initialize") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Declaration.lean" "@[builtin_macro Lean.Parser.Command.«initialize»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «initialize» :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Environment.lean" "are declared using the `initialize` command") ##### # # instance # 2024mar14 # ##### # «instance» (to ".instance") # (to "class") # (to "Repr") # (to "instance-Monad-List") # (find-fplean4doc "index") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#classes-and-instances") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#classes-and-instances") # (find-fplean4page 104 "Classes and Instances") # (find-fplean4text 104 "Classes and Instances") # (find-fplean4page 104 "instance : Plus Nat where") # (find-fplean4text 104 "instance : Plus Nat where") # (find-tpil4doc "type_classes") # (find-tpil4docr "type_classes") # (find-tpil4doc "type_classes#chaining-instances") # (find-tpil4docr "type_classes" "## Chaining Instances") # (find-tpil4page 157 "Type Classes") # (find-tpil4text 157 "Type Classes") # (find-tpil4page 160 "Chaining Instances") # (find-tpil4text 160 "Chaining Instances") # (find-lean4doc "typeclass") # (find-lean4docr "typeclass.md") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance \\[' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance :' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance' * | grep -a Repr") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance' * | grep -a Command") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Command.instance' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def declaration :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "def «instance\ » := leading_parser") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- end ##### # # instance-implicits # 2024jun12 # ##### # «instance-implicits» (to ".instance-implicits") # (to "Options") # (find-fplean4page 112 "in square brackets are called instance implicits") # (find-fplean4text 112 "in square brackets are called instance implicits") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'instance' * | grep -ai implicit") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'instance \\[' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Log.lean" "variable [Monad m] [MonadLog m] [AddMessageContext m]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Options.lean" "pp.instances") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Control/State.lean" "instance [Alternative m] : Alternative (StateT σ m) wh") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "An instance binder `[A]` or `[x : A]`") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def foo1 [Monad m] [MonadState σ m] (a : Nat) : m Nat := show m Nat from do return a def foo2 [Monad m] [MonadState σ m] (a : Nat) : m Nat := do return a def foo3 [i1 : Monad m] [i2 : MonadState σ m] (a : Nat) : m Nat := do let xxxxxxxx := 42 let b ← get -- let c ← bind --return _ return a #check foo1 #check foo2 -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean #check logInfo #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.all true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.all false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.beta true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.beta false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.coercions true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.coercions false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.deepTerms true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.deepTerms false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.deepTerms.threshold true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.deepTerms.threshold false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.explicit true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.explicit false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.fullNames true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.fullNames false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.funBinderTypes true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.funBinderTypes false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.instanceTypes true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.instanceTypes false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.instances true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.instances false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.instantiateMVars true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.instantiateMVars false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.letVarTypes true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.letVarTypes false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.match true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.match false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.motives.all true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.motives.all false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.motives.nonConst true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.motives.nonConst false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.motives.pi true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.motives.pi false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.natLit true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.natLit false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.notation true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.notation false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.numericTypes true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.numericTypes false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.piBinderTypes true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.piBinderTypes false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.privateNames true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.privateNames false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.proofs true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.proofs false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.proofs.threshold true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.proofs.threshold false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.proofs.withType true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.proofs.withType false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.safeShadowing true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.safeShadowing false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.structureInstanceTypes true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.structureInstanceTypes false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.structureInstances true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.structureInstances false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.structureProjections true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.structureProjections false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.tagAppFns true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.tagAppFns false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.unicode.fun true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.unicode.fun false in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.universes true in #check logInfo "a" set_option pp.universes false in #check logInfo "a" -- end ##### # # instance : Monad List # 2024may18 # ##### # «instance-Monad-List» (to ".instance-Monad-List") # (to "instance") # (2024tinsp 2 "instance-Monad-List") # (2024tinsa "instance-Monad-List") # (find-es "haskell" "list-comprehensions") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance' * | grep -a Monad") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance' * | grep -a List") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'instance' * | grep -a Monad | grep -a List") # (find-lean4doc "monads/monads.lean#example-using-list") # (find-lean4docr "monads/monads.lean" "## Example using List") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") instance : Monad List where pure := List.pure bind := List.bind inductive A where |a1:A |a2:A deriving Repr inductive B where |b1:B |b2:B deriving Repr open A B #eval do let a←[a1,a2]; let b←[b1,b2]; return (a,b) #eval bind [a1,a2] fun a => bind [b1,b2] fun b => pure (a ,b ) -- -------- --- -------- --- --- --- -- : List A : A : List B : B : A : B -- --------- -- : A×B -- -------------- -- : List A×B -- -------------------------- -- : B → List A×B -- ---------------------------------------- -- : List A×B -- --------------------------------------------------- -- : A → List A×B -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- : List A×B def foo := do let a←[a1,a2]; let b←[b1,b2]; return (a,b) set_option pp.all true in #print foo #check Bind.bind -- end ##### # # intercalate # 2024jul12 # ##### # «intercalate» (to ".intercalate") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") open String #check intercalate #eval intercalate "," ["a", "b", "c"] -- end ##### # # interpolatedStr # 2024may16 # ##### # «interpolatedStr» (to ".interpolatedStr") # (to "string-interpolation") # (to "checksyntax-test") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 's!' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'interpolatedStr' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'syntax:max \"s!\"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'syntax:max \"m!\"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'syntax:max \"f!\"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/StrInterpolation.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/ToString/Macro.lean" "syntax:max \"s!\"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Message.lean" "syntax:max \"m!\"") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Format/Macro.lean" "syntax:max \"f!\"") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check m!"a{2+3}b" #check s!"a{2+3}b" #check f!"a{2+3}b" -- end ##### # # IO # 2024jun01 # ##### # «IO» (to ".IO") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/IO.lean" "abbrev IO : Type → Type := EIO Error") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/IO.lean" "def EIO (ε : Type) : Type → Type :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/IO.lean" "instance : Monad (EIO ε) :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/IOError.lean" "inductive IO.Error where") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "def EStateM (ε σ α : Type u) := σ → Result ε σ α") ##### # # IO.print and IO.println # 2024mar22 # ##### # «IO.print» (to ".IO.print") # «IO.println» (to ".IO.println") # (find-fplean4page 106 "IO.println") # (find-fplean4text 106 "IO.println") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #eval "foo\nbar\n" #eval IO.println "foo\nbar\n" #eval do IO.println "foo\nbar\n" #eval do IO.print "foo\nbar\n" -- end ##### # # IO.Process.output # 2024mar11 # ##### # «IO.Process.output» (to ".IO.Process.output") # (find-angg "LEAN/luatree2.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/System/IO.lean" "Run process to completion") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/Config/InstallPath.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/Config/InstallPath.lean" "let out ← IO.Process.output {") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nirH --null -e pipe *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nirH --null -e Process.Stdio.piped *") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/IO.2EProcess.2Eoutput.20with.20stdin.20being.20a.20string.3F # (find-lean4prefile "") IO.Process.output with stdin being a string? Hi all! How do I tell IO.Process.output to run with its stdin being (piped from) a string? Or, more precisely: how do I write a function "tac" that receives a string, pipes it through /usr/bin/tac, and returns the output? Apparently the "def findLeanSysroot?" in Lake/Config/InstallPath.lean is a good starting point, and I would need to use IO.Process.Stdio.piped somewhere - but I am a newbie and I'm struggling with the details... Note: I mentioned tac above just to discuss a minimal example, but my real objective is to use this thing here - luatree.lua - to draw 2D trees in ASCII art... here's a screenshot: https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/lake/Lake/Config/InstallPath.lean#L121 http://anggtwu.net/eev-maxima.html#luatree ##### # # Lake.Load # 2024jun21 # ##### # «Lake.Load» (to ".Lake.Load") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/Load/Main.lean" "no previous manifest, creating one from scratch") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/Load/Main.lean" "Load a `Workspace` for a Lake package by elaborating") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/lakefile.lean" "supportInterpreter := true") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lake import Lake.Load #check Lake.logWarning #check Lake.loadWorkspaceRoot #check Lake.loadDepsFromEnv -- end ##### # # latin-cross # 2024apr20 # ##### # «latin-cross» (to ".latin-cross") # (find-lean-links "✝") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '✝' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Meta.lean" "s.contains '✝' || s == \"_inaccessible\"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Hygiene.lean" "name.appendAfter \"✝\"") ##### # # LawfulFunctor # 2024jun01 # ##### # «LawfulFunctor» (to ".LawfulFunctor") # (to "Functor") # (find-lean-links "LawfulFunctor") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'LawfulFunctor' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "only the operations and not" "laws (see `LawfulFunctor`)") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Control/Lawful.lean" "class LawfulFunctor") # (find-lean4docr "monads/laws.lean#life-without-laws") ##### # # leading-dot-notation # 2024may23 # ##### # «leading-dot-notation» (to ".leading-dot-notation") # (find-fplean4page 194 "Leading Dot Notation") # (find-fplean4text 194 "Leading Dot Notation") # (find-fplean4doc "monads/conveniences#leading-dot-notation") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive N where | z : N | s (n : N) : N set_option trace.Elab.command true in def N.tostr : N → String | .z => "z" | .s n => "s" ++ N.tostr n #check N.s N.z #eval (N.s N.z).tostr -- end ##### # # leading_parser # 2024mar27 # ##### # «leading_parser» (to ".leading_parser") # (to "FirstTokens") # (to "synth") # (find-lean-links "leading_parser") # (find-lean4grep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e leading_parser *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'leading_parser' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinNotation.lean" "invalid `leading_parser` macros") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinNotation.lean" "@[builtin_term_elab «leading_parser»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "def «precedence\ » := leading_parser") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "def «fun» := leading_parser:maxPrec") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Leading.20parser/near/431690866 yz, 2024apr06 # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/leading_parser.3F/near/438403571 me, 2024may13 # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'firsttokens' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Types.lean" "inductive FirstTokens where") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Types.lean" "def toStr : FirstTokens → String") -- (ee-copy-rest-3 nil "-- end" "/tmp/a.lean") import Lean import Lean.Parser.Term import Lean.Parser.Command #print Lean.Parser.Command.visibility namespace Lean namespace Parser def foo := leading_parser "foo " #check foo #check foo.info #check foo.info.firstTokens #eval foo.info.firstTokens #print foo /- def Lean.Parser.foo : Parser := withCache `Lean.Parser.foo (withAntiquot (mkAntiquot "foo" `Lean.Parser.foo true) (leadingNode `Lean.Parser.foo 1024 (symbol "bar "))) -/ namespace Lean.Parser.Term #check instBinder #print instBinder #check `(command| def instBinder := ppGroup <| leading_parser "[" >> withoutPosition (optIdent >> termParser) >> "]" ) -- end Kyle Miller: Usually it's ">> becomes space and f x y z becomes f(x, y, z)" though sometimes the parser name for syntax can be a little different. There are also transformations like many p becomes p* and many1 p becomes p+, among some others. ##### # # Lean.Parser.Category # 2024jun12 # ##### # «Lean.Parser.Category» (to ".Lean.Parser.Category") # (to "declare_syntax_cat") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e ': Category := {}' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'declare_syntax_cat' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'antiquotation' *") ##### # # Mário Carneiro: The Type Theory of Lean # 2024may07 # ##### # «lean-type-theory» (to ".lean-type-theory") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "leanttmain") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "leanttslides") # https://github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory # https://github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/releases/download/v1.0/main.pdf # https://github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/releases/download/v1.0/slides.pdf # https://github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.tar.gz # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sKrSNhSxik # (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" nil "3sKrSNhSxik" nil "{stem}") # (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" "The_Type_Theory_of_Lean" "3sKrSNhSxik" ".mkv" "leantt") # (code-video "leanttvideo" "/sda5/videos/The_Type_Theory_of_Lean-3sKrSNhSxik.mkv") # (find-leanttvideo "0:00") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory" "leantt") # (code-c-d "leantt" "~/usrc/lean-type-theory/") # (find-leanttfile "") (code-pdf-page "leanttmain" "$S/https/github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/releases/download/v1.0/main.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "leanttmain" "$S/https/github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/releases/download/v1.0/main.pdf") ;; (find-leanttmainpage) ;; (find-leanttmaintext) ;; (find-leanttmainpage 8 "2.5 Definitions") ;; (find-leanttmaintext 8 "2.5 Definitions") ;; (find-leanttmainpage 9 "telescope") ;; (find-leanttmaintext 9 "telescope") (code-pdf-page "leanttslides" "$S/https/github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/releases/download/v1.0/slides.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "leanttslides" "$S/https/github.com/digama0/lean-type-theory/releases/download/v1.0/slides.pdf") ;; (find-leanttslidespage) ;; (find-leanttslidestext) https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/Lean.20in.20the.20wild/near/296059360 ##### # # let # 2024mar09 # ##### # «let» (to ".let") # (to "indentation") # (find-fplean4page 50 "let unzipped") # (find-fplean4text 50 "let unzipped") # (find-fplean4page 50 "let rec") # (find-fplean4text 50 "let rec") # (find-fplean4page 67 "definition using :=") # (find-fplean4text 67 "definition using :=") # (find-fplean4page 67 "let bindings in do use a left arrow") # (find-fplean4text 67 "let bindings in do use a left arrow") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions#expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions" "letE n t v b") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/conveniences#local-definitions") # (find-fplean4page 49 "Local Definitions") # (find-fplean4text 49 "Local Definitions") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def abc : List Nat := let a : Nat := 2 let b : Nat := 10*a let c : Nat := 10*b [a,b,c] #eval abc def de : List Nat := let d : Nat := 3; let e : Nat := 10*d; [d,e] #eval de -- end ##### # # let_fun # 2024jun02 # ##### # «let_fun» (to ".let_fun") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "@[irreducible] def letFun") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'let' * | grep -aw fun") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def sq1 (x : Nat) := x*x def sq2 := fun (x : Nat) => x*x #eval let sq3 := fun (x : Nat) => x*x; sq3 5 #eval let sq4 := fun x => x*x; sq4 5 -- end ##### # # let mut # 2024may30 # ##### # «let-mut» (to ".let-mut") # (to "do-notation") # (to "do-unchained") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#mutable-variables") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/do#what-counts-as-a-do-block") # https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/z55hha/review_of_lean_4/ # https://lean-lang.org/papers/do.pdf # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def two1 : Nat := Id.run do let mut x := 0 x := x + 1 x := x + 1 return x def two2 : Nat := let block : StateT Nat Id Nat := do modify (· + 1) modify (· + 1) return (← get) let (result, _finalState) := block 0 result -- end ##### # # letterlike # 2024apr06 # ##### # «letterlike» (to ".letterlike") # (find-lean-links "unicode") # (find-lean-links "letterlike") # (find-lean4doc) # (find-lean4doc "lexical_structure") # (find-lean4docrfile "lexical_structure.md") # (find-lean4docrfile "lexical_structure.md" "letterlike_symbols") # (find-lean4docrfile "SUMMARY.md" "<!-- - [Lexical Structure](./lexical_structure.md) -->") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Meta.lean" "def isLetterLike (c : Char) : Bool :=") # (find-lean-links "letterlike_symbols") # (find-lean-links "letterlike") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'unicode' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'letterlike' *") ##### # # Linter # 2024jun21 # ##### # «Linter» (to ".Linter") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "set_option linter.missingDocs true") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Linter/UnusedVariables.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") set_option linter.unusedVariables false def foo3 [i1 : Monad m] [i2 : MonadState σ m] (a : Nat) : m Nat := do let xxxxxxxx := 42 let b ← get return a -- end ##### # # List # 2024jun26 # ##### # «List» (to ".List") # (find-fplean4page 36 "Linked Lists") # (find-fplean4text 36 "Linked Lists") ##### # # logInfo # 2024may18 # ##### # «logInfo» (to ".logInfo") # (find-lean-links "logInfo") # (find-es "lean" "metaprogramming") # (find-leanmetadocrfile "") # (find-leanmetadocrsh "find * | sort") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'logInfo' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'logInfo' *") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a command" "`logInfo` to output \"success\"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Log.lean" "def logInfo") ##### # # Macro and macro # 2024may26 # ##### # «macro» (to ".macro") # (to "extractFrom") # (to "exploring-data-2") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#introducing-notation-defining-new-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Introducing notation (defining new syntax)") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/06_macros" "@[macro lxor] def lxorImpl2 : Macro") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros#simplifying-macro-declaration") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "namespace Macro") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "abbrev Macro := Syntax → MacroM Syntax") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/DSL/Script.lean" "@[macro scriptDecl]") # (find-lean-links "macro") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'macro' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'macro' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" macro \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'Macro' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'Macro' Init/Prelude.lean") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'macro' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean macro x:ident ":" t:term " ↦ " y:term : term => do `(fun $x : $t => $y) #eval (x : Nat ↦ x + 2) 2 -- 4 macro x:ident " ↦ " y:term : term => do `(fun $x => $y) #eval (x ↦ x + 2) 2 -- 4 -- end ##### # # map # 2024jun01 # ##### # «map» (to ".map") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Monad") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Monad" "map f x :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Applicative") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Applicative" "map :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Functor") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Functor" "map :") ##### # # mapAddOneNil # 2024may28 # ##### # «mapAddOneNil» (to ".mapAddOneNil") # (to "elab-term") # (find-leanmetapage 20 "def mapAddOneNil : Expr :=") # (find-leanmetatext 20 "def mapAddOneNil : Expr :=") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions#constructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions" "## Constructing Expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions" "mapAddOneNil") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean open Nat def nat : Expr := .const ``Nat [] def addOne : Expr := .lam `x nat (mkAppN (.const ``Nat.add []) #[.bvar 0, mkNatLit 1]) BinderInfo.default def mapAddOneNil : Expr := mkAppN (.const ``List.map [levelOne, levelOne]) #[nat, nat, addOne, .app (.const ``List.nil [levelOne]) nat] #check mapAddOneNil #check do return mapAddOneNil elab "mapAddOneNil" : term => return mapAddOneNil #check mapAddOneNil set_option pp.universes true in set_option pp.explicit true in #check mapAddOneNil #reduce mapAddOneNil -- end ##### # # match # 2024mar10 # ##### # «match» (to ".match") # (to "antiquotation") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4" "28" "Pattern Matching") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4" "57" "if let") # (find-leanmetapage 16 "what about match statements") # (find-leanmetatext 16 "what about match statements") # (find-fplean4page 28 "Pattern Matching") # (find-fplean4text 28 "Pattern Matching") # (find-fplean4page 57 "if let") # (find-fplean4text 57 "if let") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'match \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'match' * | grep -a with") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'match' * | grep -a with | grep -a pat") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Match.lean" "-- leading_parser \"match \" >>") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Match.lean" "we don't know the type of `p` yet") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "`(match $d:term with | $pat => $t | _ => $e)") #eval match 2 with | 0 => true | (n + 1) => false #eval match 2 with | 0 => true | (_ + 1) => false #eval match 2 with | 0 => true | (_ + 1) => false ##### # # Abbreviation for match/with: "a sequence of `| pat => expr`" # 2024may19 # ##### # «match-bar» (to ".match-bar") # (to "Expr") # (to "Expr" "| forallE .. =>") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "a sequence of `| pat => expr`") # (find-tpil4doc "induction_and_recursion#pattern-matching") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#matching-on-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Matching on `Syntax`") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "def isAdd11 : Syntax → Bool") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions#constructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions" "## Constructing Expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions" "| n, m =>") # (find-fplean4doc "monads/conveniences#or-patterns") # (find-fline "~/TH/eev-lean4.blogme" "match-bar") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean def isAdd11 : Syntax → Bool | `(Nat.add 1 1) => true | _ => false #eval isAdd11 (Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[Syntax.mkNumLit "1", Syntax.mkNumLit "1"]) -- true #eval isAdd11 (Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[mkIdent `foo, Syntax.mkNumLit "1"]) -- false -- end -- (ee-copy-rest-3 nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive N where | z : N | s (n : N) : N def foo1 : N → Bool | N.z => true | N.s _ => false def foo2 : N → Bool := (match · with | N.z => true | N.s _ => false) def foo3 (n : N) : Bool := match n with | N.z => true | N.s _ => false def bar1 : N → Bool | .z => true | .s _ => false def bar2 : N → Bool := (match · with | .z => true | .s _ => false) --def bar3 : N → Bool := match · with | .z => true | .s _ => false -- err def bar4 (n : N) : Bool := match n with | .z => true | .s _ => false -- end ##### # # mdbook # 2024may22 # ##### # «mdbook» (to ".mdbook") # (to "alectryon") # (find-es "nix") # https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/dev/mdbook.html # (find-lean4doc "dev/mdbook") # (find-lean4doc "dev/mdbook#using-nix") # (find-lean4docr "dev/mdbook" "### Using Nix") Type Checking in Lean 4 ----------------------- This is a book about Lean 4's kernel and implementing external type checkers; it's built with mdBook. A hosted copy can be found at https://ammkrn.github.io/type_checking_in_lean4/ Users can build and view the book locally in their browser by [installing mdbook](https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/guide/installation.html) and running: ```bash mdbook watch --open # opens the output in `out/` in your default browser ``` ##### # # mdgen # 2024may22 # ##### # «mdgen» (to ".mdgen") # (to "metaprogramming") # https://github.com/Seasawher/mdgen # (find-git-links "https://github.com/Seasawher/mdgen" "mdgen") # (code-c-d "mdgen" "~/usrc/mdgen/") # (find-mdgenfile "") # (find-mdgenfile "README.md") # (find-mdgenfile "Mdgen/") # (find-mdgenfile "Mdgen/ConvertToMd.lean") # (find-mdgenfile "Test/Src/First.lean") # (find-mdgenfile "lakefile.lean") # (find-mdgenfile "lakefile.lean" "/-- run test by `lake test` -/") # (find-mdgengrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e html *") # (find-mdgengrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e minted *") # (find-mdgengrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e pygments *") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/mdgen/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/Seasawher/mdgen cd ~/usrc/mdgen/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/mdgen/ git clean -dfx touch .timestamp sleep 1 lake test |& tee olt # (find-mdgensh "find . -newer .timestamp | sort") # (find-mdgenfile "Test/Out/") # (find-mdgenfile "Test/Out/First.md") # (find-mdgenfile "Test/Out/Second/") # (find-mdgenfile "Test/Out/Second/Second.md") ##### # # meta if # 2024jun21 # ##### # «meta-if» (to ".meta-if") # (find-lean4prefile "lake/Lake/DSL/Meta.lean" "meta if <c:term> then <a:command> else <b:command>") # (find-lean-links "meta if") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'meta if' *") ##### # # minted # 2024apr28 # ##### # «minted» (to ".minted") # https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/syntax_highlight_in_latex.html # (find-lean4doc "syntax_highlight_in_latex") # (find-esgrep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e minted *.e") ##### # # mkSyntaxQuotation # 2024jun02 # ##### # «mkSyntaxQuotation» (to ".mkSyntaxQuotation") # (to "info-scp-mainModule") # (to "TSyntax") # (to "checksyntax-test") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'mkSyntaxQuotation' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'MonadQuotation' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'MonadQuotation' * | grep -a instance") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Quotation.lean" "def mkSyntaxQuotation") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/06_macros") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean.Elab.Command open Lean.Elab.Term.Quotation #check mkSyntaxQuotation elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{t}" elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{repr t.raw}" elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo (repr t.raw) #check_syntax 42 + "foo" #check `(42 + "foo") #check (`(42 + "foo") : Lean.MacroM (Lean.TSyntax `term)) #check (`(42 + "foo") : Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM (Lean.TSyntax `term)) def a := (`(42 + "foo") : Lean.MacroM (Lean.TSyntax `term)) def b := (`(42 + "foo") : Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM (Lean.TSyntax `term)) #check `(#h $x:str) #check `(#help $x) -- end do let info ← Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos let scp ← Lean.getCurrMacroScope let mainModule ← Lean.getMainModule pure { raw := Lean.Syntax.node3 info `term_+_ (Lean.Syntax.node1 info `num (Lean.Syntax.atom info "42")) (Lean.Syntax.atom info "+") (Lean.Syntax.node1 info `str (Lean.Syntax.atom info "\"foo\"")) } : ?m.1206 (Lean.TSyntax `term) (lsp) ##### # # Monad # 2024mar24 # ##### # «Monad» (to ".Monad") # (to "do-notation") # (to "extends") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Bind") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Pure") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Functor") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Applicative") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Monad") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Monad" "extends Applicative") # (find-lean4doc "monads/intro") # (find-lean4doc "monads/functors.lean") # (find-lean4doc "monads/applicatives.lean") # (find-lean4doc "monads/monads.lean") # (find-lean4doc "monads/readers.lean") # (find-lean4doc "monads/states.lean") # (find-lean4doc "monads/except.lean") # (find-lean4doc "monads/transformers.lean") # (find-lean4doc "monads/laws.lean") # (find-fplean4page 71 "def twice (action : IO Unit) : IO Unit") # (find-fplean4text 71 "def twice (action : IO Unit) : IO Unit") # (find-fplean4page 79 "Worked Example: cat") # (find-fplean4text 79 "Worked Example: cat") # (find-fplean4page 164 "The Monad Type Class") # (find-fplean4text 164 "The Monad Type Class") # (find-fplean4page 165 "General Monad Operations") # (find-fplean4text 165 "General Monad Operations") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check Monad -- end ##### # # Monad-map # 2024jun12 # ##### # «Monad-map» (to ".Monad-map") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/transformers#lifting") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/wiki/Monad-map A solid arrow upwards from A to B means "when in the A Monad, anything in B can be called directly", i.e. there is a lift from B to A. (If this arrow is labeled, you must call that function to do so.) A dotted line downwards from B to A means that you can call a function (possibly with some extra arguments, such as initial state) to run B inside A. Note that many of these functions have apostrophe variants (e.g. TermElabM.run and TermElabM.run'): run typically returns the final state of the monad that we're running inside the other monad along with the actual return value, whereas run' simply discards it. This diagram is ordered from bottom to top, with simpler monads at the bottom and more complex ones at the top. As such, lifts go up, and run-like functions go down. # (find-fline "~/tmp/monad-map.png") # (xz "~/tmp/monad-map.png") Note that IO and EIO are taken to each other by the functions IO.toEIO and EIO.toIO, neither of which is a lift, so in this case, the top-to-bottom directionality of dotted lines isn't meaningful. Many application-specific monads are defined in terms of monad transformers on top of typical metaprogramming monads; for example, in addition to SimpM, we have SimpAll.M, and many others. Instead of having dedicated functions to run in the monad they're defined on top of, many of these simply use the function given by the monad transformer, e.g. StateRefT'.run for SimpM to return to the MetaM monad. SimpM is given here as an example. Note that runTermElabM and liftTermElabM both turn a TermElabM into a CommmandElabM (and neither is a MonadLift). The difference is that runTermElabM allows the TermElabM computation to act on any scoped free variables (introduced by the variable command), whereas liftTermElabM doesn't. As a mnemonic: the run lets us specify some part of the "initial state" for the monad computation (like e.g. StateT.run), whereas the lift (as usual) doesn't. # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean #check Lean.Elab.Tactic.TacticM #check Lean.Elab.Term.TermElabM #check Lean.Meta.MetaM #check Lean.CoreM #check EIO #check IO #check Lean.Server.RequestM #check Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator.DelabM #check BaseIO #check Lean.Elab.Command.CommandElabM #check Lean.Meta.Simp.SimpM #check Lean.Elab.Frontend.FrontendM -- end ##### # # Monad S # 2024jun22 # ##### # «Monad-S» (to ".Monad-S") # (to "Id.run") # (to "outParam") # (find-lean-links "MonadState") # (find-lean-links "must be an inductive type") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'MonadState' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'MonadState' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Monad' * | grep instance") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Pure' * | grep instance") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") universe u universe v def S (α : Type) : Type := String × α instance : Monad S where pure o := ⟨"", o⟩ bind sa f := ⟨sa.fst, (f (sa.snd)).snd⟩ --bind sa f := f (sa.snd) #check show S Nat from do return 42 #eval show S Nat from do return 42 #eval show IO Nat from do return 42 #check List.pure #check List.bind #check List.pure Nat #check List.pure 42 -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") universe u universe v def S (α : Type u) : Type u := String × α -- "S" stands for both "State" and "String" instance : Monad S where pure o := ⟨"", o⟩ bind {α : Type u} {β : Type u} (sa : S α) (f : α → S β) : S β := -- or just: bind sa f := ... let state := sa.fst let a := sa.snd ⟨state, (f a).snd⟩ #check do return 42 #check show S Nat from do return 42 #eval show S Nat from do return 42 -- end # (find-lean-links "MonadStateOf") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class MonadState ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class MonadStateOf ") ##### # # modules # 2024may29 # ##### # «modules» (to ".modules") # (to "import") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rv /tmp/MA* mkdir -p /tmp/MA/MB/MC/ # (ee-copy-rest-3 nil "-- end" "/tmp/MA.lean") def a := 42 -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import MA #check a -- end ##### # # mutual # 2024jun05 # ##### # «mutual» (to ".mutual") # (to "inductive") # (to "partial-mutual") # (find-fplean4doc "dependent-types/universe-pattern") # (find-fplean4docr "dependent-types/universe-pattern" "in a `mutual` block") # (find-fline "~/usrc/fp-lean/examples/Examples/DependentTypes/Finite.lean" "-- ANCHOR: MutualStart") # (find-fplean4file "examples/Examples/DependentTypes/Finite.lean" "-- ANCHOR: MutualStart") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Declaration.lean" "The kernel compiles (mutual) inductive declarations") # (find-lean-links "inductive") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'inductive' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'inductive fam' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'mutual inductive' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'mutually inductive' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'mutual' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") mutual inductive A where | a0 : A | a1 (b : B) : A inductive B where | b0 : B | b1 (a : A) : B end mutual def A.foo : A → String | A.a0 => "a0" | A.a1 b => "a1_" ++ (B.foo b) def B.foo : B → String | B.b0 => "b0" | B.b1 a => "b1_" ++ (A.foo a) end #check B.b1 (A.a1 B.b0) #check B.foo (B.b1 (A.a1 B.b0)) #eval B.foo (B.b1 (A.a1 B.b0)) -- end ##### # # mydef # 2024jun27 # ##### # «mydef» (to ".mydef") # (to "Unhygienic.run") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command def mydef (name : Name) (stx : TSyntax `term) : CommandElabM Unit := do elabCommand (← `(command| def $(mkIdent name) := $stx)) run_cmd let stx ← `(fun a => a+2) Lean.logInfo m!"{stx}" Lean.logInfo m!"{repr stx}" mydef `bla stx #eval (bla 1) #eval repr (bla 1) -- end note that your original #eval bla fails because the resulting expression has type Nat -> Nat you can #print bla if you want to see that it was defined as intended ##### # # mySpecialCheck # 2024may24 # ##### # «mySpecialCheck» (to ".mySpecialCheck") # (to "TermElabM") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/07_elaboration") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/07_elaboration") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/07_elaboration" "mySpecialCheck") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command Term Meta elab "#check" "mycheck" : command => do logInfo "Got ya!" @[command_elab Lean.Parser.Command.check] def mySpecialCheck : CommandElab := fun stx => do if let some str := stx[1].isStrLit? then logInfo s!"Specially elaborated string literal!: {str} : String" else throwUnsupportedSyntax #check mycheck -- Got ya! #check "Hello" -- Specially elaborated string literal!: Hello : String #check Nat.add -- Nat.add : Nat → Nat → Nat -- end ##### # # Name # 2024jun20 # ##### # «Name» (to ".Name") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "inductive Name where") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Command.instance' *") # (find-leanmetapage 110 "let name := mkIdent $ Name.mkSimple str") # (find-leanmetatext 110 "let name := mkIdent $ Name.mkSimple str") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean #check Name #check Name.mkSimple #check Name.mkNum #check ``Lean.Parser.Command.instance #check ``Parser.Command.instance def name1 := ``Parser.Command.instance def name2 := Name.mkNum name1 42 def name3 := Name.mkNum "foo" 42 #eval name1 #eval name2 #eval name3 def f1 : Name → String | .anonymous => ".anonymous" | .str (pre : Name) (str : String) => s!".str ({f1 pre}) ({str})" | .num (pre : Name) (i : Nat) => s!".num ({f1 pre}) ({i})" def f2 : Name → String | .anonymous => ".anonymous" | .str _ (str : String) => str | .num (pre : Name) (i : Nat) => s!".num ({f2 pre}) ({i})" #eval f1 name1 #eval f1 name2 #eval f1 name3 #eval f2 name1 #eval f2 name2 #eval f2 name3 -- end ##### # # namespace # 2024mar15 # ##### # «namespace» (to ".namespace") # «section» (to ".section") # (to "import") # (to "open") # (find-lean-links "namespace") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "tpil4" "15" "2.7. Namespaces") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "tpil4" "83" "6.3. More on Namespaces") # (find-tpil4page 15 "2.7. Namespaces") # (find-tpil4text 15 "Namespaces") # (find-tpil4page 16 "The open command") # (find-tpil4text 16 "The open command") # (find-tpil4page 83 "6.3. More on Namespaces") # (find-tpil4text 83 "More on Namespaces") # (find-tpil4page 167 "open scoped <namespace>") # (find-tpil4text 167 "open scoped <namespace>") # (find-tpil4file "dependent_type_theory.md" "# Namespaces") # (find-tpil4file "interacting_with_lean.md" "More on Namespaces") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "only `S` and `K` under `Combinator.Calculus`") # (find-lean4doc "sections") # (find-lean4doc "namespaces") # (find-lean4doc "tour#functions-and-namespaces") # (find-lean4docrfile "namespaces.md" "# Namespaces") # (find-lean4docrfile "tour.md" "# Functions and Namespaces") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4" "56" "Namespaces") # (find-fplean4page 56 "Namespaces") # (find-fplean4text 56 "Namespaces") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '`namespace`' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '`open`' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '`section`' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "The `open` command") # (find-tpil4file "type_classes.md" "open scoped <namespace>") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinTerm.lean" "@[builtin_term_elab «open\ »]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «namespace»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «section»]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «open\ »]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «namespace»") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «section»") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"namespace \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"section \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"open \"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Extra.lean" "possibly with namespaces") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "(appending the current namespaces)") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/ResolveName.lean" "namespace ResolveName") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/Completion.lean" "Search namespaces") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Environment.lean" "Environment extension for tracking all `namespace`") # (find-lean-links "registerNamespace") # (find-lean-links "namespace") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'registerNamespace' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'builtin_command_elab' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «namespace»]") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") namespace A namespace B def c := 42 end B end A #check A.B.c namespace A #check A.B.c #check B.c end A namespace A.B #check A.B.c #check B.c #check c end A.B namespace A namespace B #check A.B.c #check B.c #check c end B end A --#check c open A.B #check c -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") namespace A def c := "Ac" end A namespace B def c := "Bc" end B #eval A.c #eval B.c open A #eval c open B #eval c -- err: ambiguous -- end ##### # # notation # 2024mar28 # ##### # «notation» (to ".notation") # (find-lean-links "notation") # (find-tpil4grep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e 'notation' *.md") # (find-tpil4file "interacting_with_lean.md" "notation ``≤`` to the `isPrefix` relation") # (find-tpil4file "interacting_with_lean.md" "notation:65 lhs:65 \" + \" rhs:66") # (find-tpil4file "tactics.md" "The notation ``←t``") # (find-tpil4file "type_classes.md" "how the notation `a*b` is defined in Lean") # (find-lean4docgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'notation' *") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'notation' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "\" ∧ \"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «notation\ »") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions#constructing-expressions" "double backticks") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#free-form-syntax-declarations") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#free-form-syntax-declarations" "scoped syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Free form syntax declarations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "`command`, this is the category for top-level commands") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#declaration-helpers") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Declaration helpers") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "notation:65 lhs:65 \" ~ \" rhs:65 => (lhs - rhs)") ##### # # observation-study # 2024jun28 # ##### # «observation-study» (to ".observation-study") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/Seeking.20Lean.20users.20for.20an.20observation.20study # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GkisJ0OImg Alex Kontorovich # https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2brkQoKuPv0ep7FkfEGPgQ Bolton Bailey ##### # # opaque # 2024jun03 # ##### # «opaque» (to ".opaque") # (to "partial") ##### # # open # 2024jun14 # ##### # «open» (to ".open") # (to "namespace") # (find-tpil4page 16 "The open command") # (find-tpil4text 16 "The open command") # (find-tpil4page 167 "open scoped <namespace>") # (find-tpil4text 167 "open scoped <namespace>") ##### # # Options # 2024jun02 # ##### # «Options» (to ".Options") # (to "instance-implicits") # (to "pp.universes") # (to "trace.Elab.command") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'pp.notation' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'pp.universes' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Options.lean" "pp.notation : Bool := {") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Options.lean" "pp.universes : Bool := {") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Options.lean" "pp.explicit : Bool := {") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/PrettyPrinter/Delaborator/Options.lean" "pp.instances") # (find-lean4doc "monads/monads.lean#basic-monad-example") # (find-lean4docr "monads/monads.lean#basic-monad-example") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- end ##### # # optParam # 2024jun30 # ##### # «optParam» (to ".optParam") # (to "implicit-arguments") # (find-leanbook-links 'fplean4 "optParam") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Optional.20implicit.20argument # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Term.lean" "def explicitBinder (requireType := false) ") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'optParam' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def f1 (a : Nat ) (b : Nat ) : Nat := a+b def f2 (a : Nat := 20) (b : Nat := 3) : Nat := a+b def f3 (a := 20) (b := 3) : Nat := a+b #check f1 #check f2 #check f3 #check @f2 #check @f3 #eval f1 40 5 -- 45 #eval f2 40 5 -- 45 #eval f2 (a:=40) (b:=5) -- 45 #eval f2 (b:=5) (a:=40) -- 45 #eval f2 (b:=5) -- 25 #eval f2 #check `(command| def f2 (a : Nat := 20) (b : Nat := 3) : Nat := a+b) -- end ##### # # <|>, a.k.a. orelse # 2024may15 # ##### # «orelse» (to ".orelse") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "`p1 <|> p2` is shorthand for `orelse(p1, p2)`") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "`(stx| $p₁ <|> $p₂) => `(stx| orelse($p₁, $p₂))") ##### # # outParam # 2024jun22 # ##### # «outParam» (to ".outParam") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'outparam' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRHw --null -e 'outparam' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Membership (α : outParam (Type u)) (γ : Type v)") # (find-fplean4page 117 "declared with the outParam modifier:") # (find-fplean4text 117 "declared with the outParam modifier:") # (find-fplean4page 123 "class GetElem (coll : Type) (idx : Type) (item : outParam Type)") # (find-fplean4text 123 "class GetElem (coll : Type) (idx : Type) (item : outParam Type)") # (find-fplean4page 148 "(indicated by an outParam modifier)") # (find-fplean4text 148 "(indicated by an outParam modifier)") # (find-fplean4page 251 "class MonadReader (ρ : outParam (Type u))") # (find-fplean4text 251 "class MonadReader (ρ : outParam (Type u))") # (find-fplean4page 252 "Just as in MonadReader , the environment ρ is an outParam .") # (find-fplean4text 252 "Just as in MonadReader , the environment ρ is an outParam .") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRHw --null -e 'optparam' *") ##### # # p123456 # 2024jun09 # ##### # «p123456» (to ".p123456") # (to "inductive-Arith") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive A where | n (n : Nat) : A | minus (b c : A) : A | pow (b c : A) : A deriving Repr def paren : A → String | .n n => toString n | .minus b c => "(" ++ paren b ++ "-" ++ paren c ++ ")" | .pow b c => "(" ++ paren b ++ "^" ++ paren c ++ ")" def p123 : A := A.minus (A.minus (A.n 1) (A.n 2)) (A.n 3) def p456 : A := A.pow (A.n 4) (A.pow (A.n 5) (A.n 6)) def p123456 : A := A.minus p123 p456 #eval paren p123456 --> "(((1-2)-3)-(4^(5^6)))" declare_syntax_cat catA syntax num : catA syntax:50 catA:50 " - " catA:51 : catA syntax:70 catA:71 " ^ " catA:70 : catA syntax "[: " catA " :]" : term macro_rules | `([: $n:num :]) => `(A.n ($n)) macro_rules | `([: $b:catA - $c:catA :]) => `(A.minus ([: $b :]) ([: $c :])) macro_rules | `([: $b:catA ^ $c:catA :]) => `(A.pow ([: $b :]) ([: $c :])) #check [: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 :] #eval paren [: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 :] --> "(((1-2)-3)-(4^(5^6)))" -- end ##### # # Partax # 2024jun14 # ##### # «Partax» (to ".Partax") # https://github.com/tydeu/lean4-partax # (find-git-links "https://github.com/tydeu/lean4-partax" "partax") # (code-c-d "partax" "~/usrc/lean4-partax/") # (find-partaxfile "") # (find-partaxfile "README.md") # (find-partaxfile "tests/lcompile.lean" "#match_stx term term | 2 + 2 = 4") # (find-partaxfile "Partax/Test/Basic.lean" "@[scoped command_parser] def matchStx :=") # (find-partaxfile "Partax/Test/Basic.lean" "@[macro matchStx] def expandMatchStx") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Introducing.20Partax.2C.20the.20Parser.20Compiler/near/379967441 * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lean4-partax/ mkdir -p ~/usrc/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/tydeu/lean4-partax cd ~/usrc/lean4-partax/ git clean -dfx git reset --hard time ./test.sh 2>&1 | tee ot ;# takes a few minutes # (find-file "~/usrc/lean4-partax/tests/lcompile.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" (ee-partaxfile "a.lean")) import Lean import Partax open scoped Partax open Lean Elab Command compile_parser Lean.Parser.Term.attributes => attrs -- with CompileConfig.lParse #eval attrs.run' "@[instance high, inline]" -- TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Term.attributes -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" (ee-partaxfile "a.lean")) import Lean import Partax open scoped Partax compile_parser Lean.Parser.Term.attributes => attrs -- with CompileConfig.lParse #eval attrs.run' "@[instance high, inline]" -- TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Term.attributes compile_parser_category prio -- with CompileConfig.lParse #eval prio.run' "default + default" -- TSyntax `prio open Lean Elab Command in -- 2000 #eval liftMacroM (m := CommandElabM) do match prio.run' "default + default" with | .ok stx => evalPrio stx | .error e => Macro.throwError e -- end ##### # # #match_stx2 # 2024jun16 # ##### # «Partax-match_stx2» (to ".Partax-match_stx2") # (code-c-d "partax" "~/usrc/lean4-partax/") # (find-partaxfile "") # (find-partaxfile "README.md") # (find-partaxfile "tests/lcompile.lean" "#match_stx term term | 2 + 2 = 4") # (find-partaxfile "Partax/Test/Basic.lean" "@[scoped command_parser] def matchStx :=") # (find-partaxfile "Partax/Test/Basic.lean" "@[macro matchStx] def expandMatchStx") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" (ee-partaxfile "a.lean")) import Partax.Test.Basic open Partax.Test #check expandMatchStx open Lean open Parser namespace MyTests @[scoped command_parser] def matchStx2 := leading_parser "#match_stx2 " >> ident >> termParser >> " | " >> parserOfStack 2 @[macro matchStx2] def expandMatchStx : Macro := fun matchStx => do let stx := matchStx[4] let some src := stx.updateTrailing "".toSubstring |>.reprint | Macro.throwError "cannot reprint syntax" let p : Ident := ⟨matchStx[2]⟩ let test ← `((matchStxFn · $(quoteSyntax stx))) `(#eval $(p).run' $(quote src) >>= $test) #match_stx2 term term | 2 + 2 = 4 -- def_from_match_stx a224 := term term | 2 + 2 = 4 -- #eval a224 end MyTests -- end ##### # # #parse_term # 2024jun15 # ##### # «parse_term» (to ".parse_term") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/.E2.9C.94.20How.20to.20test.20a.20syntax # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") elab "#parse_term " _t:term : command => pure () #parse_term 2 + 2 -- end ##### # # partial # 2024mar23 # ##### # «partial» (to ".partial") # (to "Inhabited") # (to "termination") # (to "opaque") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'partial' *") # (find-fplean4page 80 "The dump function is declared partial") # (find-fplean4text 80 "The dump function is declared partial") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/cat#streams") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/02_overview#type-correctness") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/02_overview" "### Type correctness" "use the `partial` keyword") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Declaration.lean" "inductive DefinitionSafety where") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Declaration.lean" "inductive Declaration where") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Declaration.lean" "| opaqueDecl") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Declaration.lean" "| mutualDefnDecl") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/MutualDef.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def bufsize : USize := 20 * 1024 partial def dump (stream : IO.FS.Stream) : IO Unit := do let buf ← stream.read bufsize if buf.isEmpty then pure () else let stdout ← IO.getStdout stdout.write buf dump stream #print dump -- opaque -- end ##### # # partial-mutual - "This trick is useful if you need mutual recursion among your instances" # 2024jun04 # ##### # «partial-mutual» (to ".partial-mutual") # (to "mutual") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/.22failed.20to.20synthesize.20instance.20ToLuaTree.20Name.22.20inside.20.22insta/near/441936047 partial def toLuaTreeName (name : Name) : String := let _ : ToLuaTree Name := ⟨toLuaTreeName⟩ match name with | .anonymous => "(.anon)" | .str pre str => zconcat ".str" [toLuaTree pre, q str] | .num pre i => "(.n)" instance : ToLuaTree Name := ⟨toLuaTreeName⟩ # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- end ##### # # polymorphism # 2024may19 # ##### # «polymorphism» (to ".polymorphism") # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "fplean4") # (find-fplean4page 34 "Polymorphism") # (find-fplean4text 34 "Polymorphism") ##### # # posOrNegThree # 2024may23 # ##### # «posOrNegThree» (to ".posOrNegThree") # (find-fplean4page 36 "def posOrNegThree") # (find-fplean4text 36 "def posOrNegThree") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive Sign where | pos | neg def posOrNegThree (s : Sign) : match s with | Sign.pos => Nat | Sign.neg => Int := match s with | Sign.pos => (3 : Nat) | Sign.neg => (-3 : Int) #eval posOrNegThree Sign.pos #eval posOrNegThree Sign.neg -- end ##### # # postulate # 2024may20 # ##### # «postulate» (to ".postulate") # (to "axiom") # (find-THfile "eev-lean4.blogme" "question-postulate") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/How.20do.20I.20translate.20Agda's.20.22postulate.22.20to.20Lean.3F/near/439561780 # (find-es "agda" "postulates") ##### # # pp.notation # 2024jun02 # ##### # «pp.notation» (to ".pp.notation") # (to "Options") # (to "sleep1") ##### # # pp.universes # 2024may28 # ##### # «pp.universes» (to ".pp.universes") # (to "Options") # (find-leanmetapage 18 "set_option pp.universes true in") # (find-leanmetatext 18 "set_option pp.universes true in") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/03_expressions" "set_option pp.universes true in") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check @List.map set_option pp.universes true in #check @List.map -- end ##### # # Pratt parser # 2024mar27 # ##### # «pratt-parser» (to ".pratt-parser") # (to "ullrichmp") # (find-es "pratt") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'pratt' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Basic.lean" "def prattParser") # (find-lean4docrfile "metaprogramming-arith.md" "(a:60 + b:61):60 + c") ##### # # precedence # 2024jun12 # ##### # «precedence» (to ".precedence") # (to "binop") # (find-leanmetapage 5 "the" "higher the number, the tighter the binding") # (find-leanmetatext 5 "the" "higher the number, the tighter the binding") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "@[inherit_doc] infixl:65 \" + \" => HAdd.hAdd") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "macro_rules | `($x + $y) => `(binop% HAdd.hAdd $x $y)") ##### # # #print # 2024mar11 # ##### # «print» (to ".print") # (find-fplean4page 190 "#print Nat") # (find-fplean4text 190 "#print Nat") # (find-fplean4page 191 "#print IO.Error") # (find-fplean4text 191 "#print IO.Error") # (find-tpil4grep "grep --color=auto -nH --null -e '#print' *.md") # (find-tpinleanpage (+ 6 89) "6.8 Displaying Information") # (find-tpinleantext (+ 6 89) "6.8 Displaying Information") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def print") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Print.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «print\ »] def elabPrint :") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Print.lean" "private def printIdCore (id : Name) :") # (find-lean-links "print") # (find-lean-links "#print") # (find-lean-links "printAxioms") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'print' * | grep -a command") # (to "leading_parser") Repr doesn't have anything to do with #print. What #print does is pretty print a declaration, whose value is an Expr. -- Old: #print definition : display definition #print inductive : display an inductive type and its constructors #print notation : display all notation #print notation <tokens> : display notation using any of the tokens #print axioms : display assumed axioms #print options : display options set by user #print prefix <namespace> : display all declarations in the namespace #print classes : display all classes #print instances <class name> : display all instances of the given class #print fields <structure> : display all fields of a structure ##### # # #print inductive # 2024jun20 # ##### # «print-inductive» (to ".print-inductive") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '#print' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'Command.print' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'number of parameters' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'printInduct' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" \\.\\. \"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Print.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «print\ »]") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Print.lean" "private def printInduct") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Print.lean" "printInduct id us numParams t ctors u") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean open Nat #print Nat #print Expr #print Expr.const #check Expr.const -- end a.lean 36 1 info inductive Lean.Expr : Type number of parameters: 0 constructors: Lean.Expr.bvar : Nat → Expr Lean.Expr.fvar : FVarId → Expr Lean.Expr.mvar : MVarId → Expr Lean.Expr.sort : Level → Expr Lean.Expr.const : Name → List Level → Expr Lean.Expr.app : Expr → Expr → Expr Lean.Expr.lam : Name → Expr → Expr → BinderInfo → Expr Lean.Expr.forallE : Name → Expr → Expr → BinderInfo → Expr Lean.Expr.letE : Name → Expr → Expr → Expr → Bool → Expr Lean.Expr.lit : Literal → Expr Lean.Expr.mdata : MData → Expr → Expr Lean.Expr.proj : Name → Nat → Expr → Expr (lsp) ##### # # Prod # 2024jun13 # ##### # «Prod» (to ".Prod") # (find-fplean4page 42 "Prod") # (find-fplean4text 42 "Prod") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/polymorphism#prod") # (find-tpil4page 106 "structure Prod") # (find-tpil4text 106 "structure Prod") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "structure Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- end ##### # # project # 2024may29 # ##### # «project» (to ".project") # (to "lake-new-greeting") # (find-es "emacs" "project.el") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/starting-a-project") # (find-leanrefdoc "using_lean#id3" "1.3.2. Multi-file Projects") ##### # # Pure # 2024jun22 # ##### # «Pure» (to ".Pure") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class Pure (f : Type u → Type v) where") ##### # # Range # 2024may24 # ##### # «Range» (to ".Range") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Range.lean" "[i:j]") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Range.lean" "structure Range where") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Range.lean" " start : Nat := 0") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Core.lean" "inductive ForInStep ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Core.lean" ""class ForIn ") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check [:(5:Nat)] #check [:5] #check [:(5:Int)] -- err -- end ##### # # ReaderT # 2024may21 # ##### # «ReaderT» (to ".ReaderT") # (to "run_cmd") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Command.lean" "abbrev CommandElabCoreM (ε) := ReaderT Context") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "def ReaderT") # (find-fplean4page 250 "Adding a Reader to Any Monad") # (find-fplean4text 250 "Adding a Reader to Any Monad") # (find-fplean4page 254 "A Monad Construction Kit") # (find-fplean4text 254 "A Monad Construction Kit") # (find-fplean4doc "monads/arithmetic#custom-environments") # (find-fplean4doc "monads/arithmetic#readers-with-failure") # (find-fplean4doc "monads/arithmetic#readers-with-failure") ##### # # #reduce # 2024may28 # ##### # «reduce» (to ".reduce") # (to "whnf") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#full-normalisation") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "### Full Normalisation") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") inductive A where |a1 |a2 deriving Repr inductive B where |b1 |b2 deriving Repr open A B #check a1 def f : A → B |a1=>b2 |a2=>b1 #check f a1 #eval f a1 #print f #reduce f #reduce f a1 -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Lean.Expr Lean.Meta def someNumber : Nat := (· + 2) $ 3 #eval Expr.const ``someNumber [] #eval reduce (Expr.const ``someNumber []) #reduce someNumber def traceConstWithTransparency (md : TransparencyMode) (c : Name) : MetaM Format := do ppExpr (← withTransparency md $ reduce (.const c [])) @[irreducible] def irreducibleDef : Nat := 1 def defaultDef : Nat := irreducibleDef + 1 abbrev reducibleDef : Nat := defaultDef + 1 #eval traceConstWithTransparency .reducible ``reducibleDef set_option pp.explicit true #eval traceConstWithTransparency .reducible ``reducibleDef #eval traceConstWithTransparency .instances ``reducibleDef #eval traceConstWithTransparency .default ``reducibleDef #eval traceConstWithTransparency .all ``reducibleDef -- end ##### # # repl # 2024jun09 # ##### # «repl» (to ".repl") # https://github.com/leanprover-community/repl # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/How.20to.20interface.20with.20Lean.20from.20another.20language.3F # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/lean4_jupyter.3A.20A.20Lean.204.20Jupyter.20kernel.20via.20repl ##### # # Repr and ToString # 2024mar24 # ##### # «Repr» (to ".Repr") # (to "structure") # (to "instance") # (to "inductive-Nat") # (to "synth") # (find-fplean4page 19 "deriving Repr") # (find-fplean4text 19 "deriving Repr") # (find-lean-links "Repr") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort | grep Repr") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Repr.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Repr.lean" "def List.repr") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Deriving/Repr.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "recall that any type implementing") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Deriving/Repr.lean" "def mkReprInstanceHandler") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/MonadEnv.lean" "def isInductive") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Structure.lean" "def getStructureFields") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'mkRepr' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") set_option trace.Elab.command true inductive myNat where | zero : myNat | succ (n : myNat) : myNat deriving Repr def my1 := myNat.succ myNat.zero #check my1 #print my1 #eval my1 #eval repr my1 #check repr my1 -- #print repr my1 #check Std.Format #synth Repr myNat #print instReprMyNat -- end ##### # # Is there a variant of repr that "prints the type"? # 2024jun11 # ##### # «repr-type» (to ".repr-type") # (to "runTermElabM") # (to "inferType") # (to "elab-type") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Is.20there.20a.20variant.20of.20repr.20that.20.22prints.20the.20type.22.3F/near/444131617 Is there a variant of repr that "prints the type"? I wrote my first DSL a few days ago - here https://github.com/edrx/LuaTreeLean , screenshot http://anggtwu.net/LuaTreeLean/screenshot.png - and I'm in a stage in which I still have to decompose each example in the Metaprogramming book into 10 smaller snippets to understand what is going on in it... and this looks like a good way to explore (specific) Syntax/TSyntax objects: # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command elab "#withstring " x:str : command => match x with | `("a") => logInfo x | `("b") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x) } | `("c") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x.raw) } | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax #withstring "a" #withstring "b" #withstring "c" -- end I know that repr o converts o to its repr as a string, and #check o prints o and its type - but #check is a command, so it has access to the current context... Is there a function that receives an object o and returns its type converted to a string? ##### # # runActions # 2024jun01 # ##### # «runActions» (to ".runActions") # (to "do-notation") # (find-fplean4doc "hello-world/running-a-program#combining-io-actions") # (find-fplean4page 66 "Combining IO Actions") # (find-fplean4text 66 "Combining IO Actions") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def getoutput (cmd : String) (args : Array String) : IO String := do let out ← IO.Process.output { cmd := cmd, args := args } return out.stdout def now := getoutput "date" #["+%S"] def sleep1 := getoutput "sleep" #["1"] #eval now #eval sleep1 #eval Unit.unit #eval now #eval sleep1 #eval now #eval Unit.unit #check () -- end ##### # # runCmd # 2024may18 # ##### # «runCmd» (to ".runCmd") # «run_cmd» (to ".run_cmd") # (to "show-from-do") # (to "CommandElabM") # (to "ReaderT") # (find-lean-links "runcmd") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'runCmd' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'executes code in' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab runCmd]") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "The `run_cmd doSeq` command executes code in") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" "syntax (name := runCmd) \"run_cmd \" doSeq : command") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/run_cmd.2C.20monads.2C.20and.20tests.20for.20their.20methods/near/442408599 # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean import Lean.Elab.Command open Lean.Elab.Command open Lean -- set_option trace.Elab.command true namespace Foo run_cmd logInfo (← getCurrNamespace) #eval show CommandElabM Unit from do logInfo (← getCurrNamespace) #eval show (CommandElabM Unit) from (do logInfo (← getCurrNamespace)) #check do logInfo (← getCurrNamespace) #check logInfo #check getCurrNamespace #check CommandElabM Unit #check CommandElabM #check AddMessageContext #check MessageData #check MonadLog #check MonadOptions #check logInfo run_cmd do let stx <- `(fun {α β} [BEq α] (ab : α×β) => let (a,_) := ab; a==a) -- process stx Lean.logInfo m!"{stx}" -- end ##### # # runParserCategory # 2024jun12 # ##### # «runParserCategory» (to ".runParserCategory") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Simple.20parsing.2Belaboration.20with.20metaprogramming # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/217875-Is-there-code-for-X.3F/topic/.E2.9C.94.20.60unfold.60.20tactic.20only.20accepts.20an.20identifier.2E/near/448078065 # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/search/runparsercategory # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean inductive MyType | a : MyType -> MyType | b : MyType -> MyType | c : MyType deriving Inhabited, BEq, Repr open Lean Elab unsafe def stringToMyType (string : String) : TermElabM (Option MyType) := do let e ← getEnv let .ok syn := Parser.runParserCategory e `term string | return none logInfo syn -- we could elab here, but its not needed -- let expr ← Term.elabTerm syn (some (.const `MyType [])) -- logInfo expr let out ← Term.evalTerm MyType (.const `MyType []) syn logInfo (repr out) return out #eval MyType.a (.b (.a (.a .c))) #eval stringToMyType "MyType.a (.b (.a (.a .c)))" -- end ##### # # runTermElabM # 2024jun12 # ##### # «runTermElabM» (to ".runTermElabM") # (to "inferType") # (to "repr-type") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Is.20there.20a.20variant.20of.20repr.20that.20.22prints.20the.20type.22.3F/near/444131617 # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Command.lean" "def runTermElabM") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/SyntheticMVars.lean" "def elabTermAndSynthesize") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/SyntheticMVars.lean" "partial def synthesizeSyntheticMVars") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Meta/Basic.lean" "@[extern 6 \"lean_infer_type\"] opaque inferType") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command Meta elab "#my_check1 " t:term : command => do runTermElabM fun _ => do let e1 ← Term.elabTermAndSynthesize t none let eTy1 ← inferType e1 logInfo m!"{e1} : {eTy1}" elab "#my_check2 " t:term : command => do runTermElabM fun _ => do let e2 ← Term.elabTerm t none Term.synthesizeSyntheticMVars (mayPostpone := false) (ignoreStuckTC := true) let eTy2 ← inferType e2 logInfo m!"{e2} : {eTy2}" #my_check1 "s" --#my_check1 do logInfo "foo" #my_check2 do logInfo "foo" -- end ##### # # rw # 2024mar14 # ##### # «rw» (to ".rw") # (find-lean4rc1file "Init/Tactics.lean" "macro (name := rwSeq) \"rw\"") # (find-mathsinleanpage 9 "2.1 Calculating") # (find-mathsinleantext 9 "2.1 Calculating") # (find-mathsinleanpage 9 "2.1 Calculating" "tactic rw") # (find-mathsinleantext 9 "2.1 Calculating" "tactic rw") # (find-leanmathsdoc "C02_Basics#calculating") # (find-mathsinleanfile "MIL/C02_Basics/S01_Calculating.lean") ##### # # saveState # 2024jun08 # ##### # «saveState» (to ".saveState") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#backtracking") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "## Backtracking") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean def tryM (x : MetaM Unit) : MetaM Unit := do let s ← saveState try x catch _ => restoreState s -- end ##### # # scoped-syntax # 2024may15 # ##### # «scoped-syntax» (to ".scoped-syntax") # (to "check") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#free-form-syntax-declarations") # (find-leanmetadocw "main/05_syntax#free-form-syntax-declarations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Free form syntax declarations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "namespace Playground2") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Term.lean" "elaboration function for '{k}' has not been implemented") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Command.lean" "elaboration function for '{k}' has not been implemented") ##### # # semi-output # 2024jun22 # ##### # «semi-output» (to ".semi-output") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "Gadget for marking semi output parameters") ##### # # server # 2024jun01 # ##### # «server» (to ".server") # (to "import-problem") # (to "trace.Elab.info") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/Completion.lean" "Search namespaces") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/README.md") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/README.md" "cannot import a `.lean` file without compiling it first") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/README.md" "lake setup-file") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Server/README.md" "set_option trace.Elab.info true") ##### # # show # 2024mar22 # ##### # «show» (to ".show") # (to "from-do") # (find-lean-links "show") # (find-tpil4file "propositions_and_proofs.md" "show p from hp") # (find-tpil4page 25 "show p from hp") # (find-tpil4text 25 "show p from hp") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "`show T' from e` is sugar for") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Tactics.lean" "`show t` finds the first goal") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check show Int from 42 #check show Nat from 42 -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") set_option trace.Elab.command true variable {P : Prop} variable {Q : Prop} theorem t1 : P → Q → P := fun p : P => fun q : Q => show P from p theorem t1 : P → Q → P := fun p : P => fun q : Q => show P from p theorem t0 : P → P := fun p : P => show P from p theorem t0a : P → P := fun p : P => show P from p theorem t0b : P → P := fun p : P => p #check fun p : P => show P from p #check show Int from 42 #check fun p : P => show P from p #check fun p : P => p #check show Int from 42 -- end ##### # # show ... from do ... # 2024may21 # ##### # «show-from-do» (to ".show-from-do") # (to "Id.run") # (to "show") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "`show T' from e` is sugar for") # (find-lean-links "from do") # (find-lean-links "from") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'from do' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'from do' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"from \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" from \"' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e from * | grep -a do") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '«from\ »' *") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#basic-operations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "### Basic Operations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "### Basic Operations" "#eval show MetaM Unit from do") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") instance : Monad List where pure := List.pure bind := List.bind #check do return 42 -- _ : ?m Nat #check show IO Nat from do return 42 -- _ : IO Nat #check show List Nat from do return 42 -- _ : List Nat #check show List Int from do return 42 -- _ : List Int -- end ##### # # sleep1 and friends # 2024jun02 # ##### # «sleep1» (to ".sleep1") # (to "do-notation") # (to "pp.notation") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def getoutput (cmd : String) (args : List String) : IO String := do let out ← IO.Process.output { cmd := cmd, args := args.toArray } return out.stdout def getoutput0 (cmd : String) (args : List String) : IO Unit := do let _ ← IO.Process.output { cmd := cmd, args := args.toArray } return def duplicate (str : String) : IO String := getoutput "echo" [str, str] def seconds : IO String := getoutput "date" ["+%S"] def sleep1 : IO Unit := getoutput0 "sleep" ["1"] #eval getoutput "echo" ["a", "b"] #eval duplicate "abc" #eval seconds #check sleep1 #eval do IO.println (← seconds) def ss := do let a ← seconds sleep1 let b ← seconds return a++b #check ss #eval ss #print ss set_option pp.notation false in #print ss -- end ##### # # specialize # 2024jun01 # ##### # «specialize» (to ".specialize") # (find-lean-links "specialize") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'specialize' *") ##### # # State # 2024jun22 # ##### # «State» (to ".State") # (find-es "haskell" "wikibook") # https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Understanding_monads/State # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Control/State.lean" "instance : Monad (StateT σ m) where") # (find-lean-links "State") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/transformers#state") # (find-fplean4page 262 "def StateT ") # (find-fplean4text 262 "def StateT ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "class MonadState ") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Control/State.lean" "def StateT ") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") structure LetterCounts where vowels : Nat consonants : Nat deriving Repr inductive Err where | notALetter : Char → Err deriving Repr def vowels := let lowerVowels := "aeiuoy" lowerVowels ++ lowerVowels.map (·.toUpper) def consonants := let lowerConsonants := "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz" lowerConsonants ++ lowerConsonants.map (·.toUpper ) def countLetters (str : String) : StateT LetterCounts (Except Err) Unit := let rec loop (chars : List Char) := do match chars with | [] => pure () | c :: cs => let st ← get let st' ← if c.isAlpha then if vowels.contains c then pure {st with vowels := st.vowels + 1} else if consonants.contains c then pure {st with consonants := st.consonants + 1} else -- modified or non-English letter pure st else throw (.notALetter c) set st' loop cs loop str.toList -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check StateM #check StateM Nat #check StateM Nat Nat #check StateT #check StateT Nat #check StateT Nat List #check StateT Nat List Nat #check StateT.get #check StateT.bind #check StateM #check StateM Nat #check StateM Nat Nat #check show StateM Nat Nat from do return 42 #check show StateM Nat Nat from do return (← get) -- end ##### # # Std.Format # 2024may17 # ##### # «Std.Format» (to ".Std.Format") # (to "coercion") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Format/Basic.lean" "inductive Format") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Format/Basic.lean" "Wadler's" "A Prettier Printer") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Format/Basic.lean" "instance : Coe String Format := ⟨text⟩") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/Format/Basic.lean" "class ToFormat (α : Type u) where") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Init.Data.Format #check Std.Format.isEmpty #check Std.Format.paren open Std.Format open Std #check Format #check line #check text #check text "ab" #check paren (text "ab") #check ( "ab" : Format) #check (("ab" : String) : Format) #eval paren "ab" #eval nest 2 <| "." ++ align true ++ "a" ++ line ++ "b" #eval nest 2 <| "..." ++ align true ++ "a" ++ line ++ "b" #eval nest 2 <| "..." ++ align false ++ "a" ++ line ++ "b" -- ? #eval nest 4 <| "..." ++ align true ++ "a" ++ line ++ "b" def pile : (List Format) → Format | [] => "" | [item] => item | item :: rest => item ++ line ++ pile rest def zpile (head : String) (fmts : List Format) := nest (1 + String.length head) <| head ++ align true ++ (pile fmts) #eval pile ["b", "c"] #eval zpile "a" ["b", "c"] #eval zpile "aaa" ["b", "c"] #eval zpile "aaa" ["b", "c", zpile "d" ["e", "f"]] -- end ##### # # s!"str" and m!"str" # 2024mar23 # ##### # «string-interpolation» (to ".string-interpolation") # (to "interpolatedStr") # (find-fplean4page 59 "String Interpolation") # (find-fplean4text 59 "String Interpolation") # (find-fplean4page 106 "when a value occurs in an interpolated string") # (find-fplean4text 106 "when a value occurs in an interpolated string") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/conveniences") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/conveniences#string-interpolation") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#conversion-to-strings") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#conversion-to-strings" "in an interpolated string") ##### # # structures # 2023jun24 # ##### # «structure» (to ".structure") # «structures» (to ".structures") # (to "inductive") # (to "coercion") # (to "Repr") # (find-fplean4page 18 "Structures") # (find-fplean4text 18 "Structures") # (find-fplean4page 20 "structure Point3D where") # (find-fplean4text 20 "structure Point3D where") # (find-fplean4page 23 "To override a structure's constructor name" "two colons") # (find-fplean4text 23 "To override a structure's constructor name" "two colons") # (find-fplean4page 24 "The function Point.modifyBoth") # (find-fplean4text 24 "The function Point.modifyBoth") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/structures") # (find-fplean4doc "getting-to-know/structures#updating-structures") # (find-tpil4page 106 "structure Prod") # (find-tpil4text 106 "structure Prod") # (find-tpil4page 152 "Declaring Structures") # (find-tpil4text 152 "Declaring Structures") # (find-tpil4doc "inductive_types#constructors-with-arguments") # (find-tpil4docr "inductive_types" "Constructors with Arguments") # (find-tpil4docr "inductive_types" "structure Prod") # (find-tpil4doc "structures_and_records") # (find-tpil4doc "structures_and_records#declaring-structures") # (find-tpil4docr "structures_and_records" "Declaring Structures") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Structure.lean" "Recall that the `structure command syntax is") # (find-lean-links "structFields") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'structFields' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" structFields \"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "def structFields ") # (find-anggfile "LEAN/structures1.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") structure S1 where a : Nat b : Nat structure S2 where mymk :: a : Nat b : Nat structure S3 where (a : Nat) (b : Nat) structure S4 where mk :: (a : Nat) (b : Nat) structure S5 where mymk :: (a : Nat) (b : Nat) #print S1 #print S2 #print S3 #print S4 #print S5 inductive I1 where | mk : Nat → Nat → I1 inductive I2 where | mk : (a : Nat) → (b : Nat) → I2 inductive I3 where | mk (a : Nat) (b : Nat) : I3 inductive I4 where | mk (a : Nat) (b : Nat) inductive I5 where | mk (a b : Nat) #print I1 #print I2 #print I3 #print I4 #print I5 #check I1.mk #check I5.mk -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") structure Point where x : Float y : Float deriving Repr def p45 : Point := { x := 4, y := 5 } #eval p45 #eval { p45 with y := 6 } #check Point.mk #check Point.x #check Point.y structure Point3D where x : Float y : Float z : Float deriving Repr def origin3D : Point3D := { x := 0.0, y := 0.0, z := 0.0 } --#check { x := 0.0, y := 0.0 } -- err #check ({ x := 0.0, y := 0.0 } : Point) #check { x := 0.0, y := 0.0 : Point} -- end ##### # # structure-like # 2024jun02 # ##### # «structure-like» (to ".structure-like") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Expr.lean" "must be an structure-like inductive type. That is") ##### # # stx # 2024jun13 # ##### # «stx» (to ".stx") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Notation.lean" " | `(stx| $p +) => `(stx| many1($p))") ##### # # syntax (command) # 2024jun08 # ##### # «syntax-command» (to ".syntax-command") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#free-form-syntax-declarations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Free form syntax declarations") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "add a new" "syntax rule to an already existing") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "syntax \"[Bool|\" boolean_expr \"]\" : term") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#constructing-new-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Constructing new `Syntax`") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#matching-on-syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax" "### Matching on `Syntax`") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax#typed-syntax") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check Lean.Parser.Category #print Lean.Parser.Category #check Lean.Parser.Category.boolean_expr declare_syntax_cat boolean_expr #check Lean.Parser.Category.boolean_expr syntax "⊥" : boolean_expr syntax "⊤" : boolean_expr syntax:40 boolean_expr " OR " boolean_expr : boolean_expr syntax:50 boolean_expr " AND " boolean_expr : boolean_expr syntax "[Bool|" boolean_expr "]" : term #check_failure [Bool| ⊥ AND ⊤] syntax binOne := "O" syntax binZero := "Z" syntax binDigit := binZero <|> binOne syntax binNumber := binDigit,+ syntax binNumber' := binDigit,* syntax "emptyBin(" binNumber' ")" : term #check_failure emptyBin() syntax "binCompact(" ("Z" <|> "O"),+ ")" : term #check_failure binCompact(Z, O, Z, Z, O) syntax "binDoc(" (str ";")? binNumber ")" : term #check_failure binDoc(Z, O, Z, Z, O) #check_failure binDoc("mycomment"; Z, O, Z, Z, O) open Lean def isAdd11 : Syntax → Bool | `(Nat.add 1 1) => true | _ => false def isAdd : Syntax → Option (Syntax × Syntax) | `(Nat.add $x $y) => some (x, y) | _ => none #eval isAdd11 (Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[Syntax.mkNumLit "1", Syntax.mkNumLit "1"]) #eval isAdd11 (Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[mkIdent `foo, Syntax.mkNumLit "1"]) #eval isAdd (Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[Syntax.mkNumLit "1", Syntax.mkNumLit "1"]) #eval isAdd (Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[mkIdent `foo, Syntax.mkNumLit "1"]) #eval isAdd (Syntax.mkApp (mkIdent `Nat.add) #[mkIdent `foo]) -- end ##### # # syntax (parser) # 2024may23 # ##### # «syntax-parser» (to ".syntax-parser") # (find-lean-links "syntax") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'syntax' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\"syntax \"' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «syntax»") ##### # # syntax (name := bla) ... # 2024may23 # ##### # «syntax-name» (to ".syntax-name") # (find-lean-links "syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/02_overview#3-essential-commands-and-their-syntax-sugars") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/02_overview" "## 3 essential commands and their syntax sugars") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/07_elaboration") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/07_elaboration") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e syntax * | grep -a name") # (find-leanmetadocrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'syntax (name' *") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «syntax»") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Syntax.lean" "def namedName := leading_parser") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Command.lean" "abbrev CommandElab") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Elab Command syntax (name := xxx) "red" : command syntax (name := yyy) "green" : command syntax (name := zzz) "blue" : command @[macro xxx] def redMacro : Macro := λ stx => match stx with | _ => `(green) @[macro yyy] def greenMacro : Macro := λ stx => match stx with | _ => `(blue) @[command_elab zzz] def blueElab : CommandElab := λ _ => Lean.logInfo "finally, blue!" red -- finally, blue! -- end ##### # # #synth # 2024may31 # ##### # «synth» (to ".synth") # (to "leading_parser") # (to "Repr") # (to "deriving") # (find-lean-links "#synth") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/leading_parser.3F # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def synth") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean" "@[builtin_command_elab «synth\ »] def elabSynth") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRHw --null -e 'synth' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") set_option trace.Elab.command true inductive myNat where | zero : myNat | succ (n : myNat) : myNat deriving Repr #synth Repr myNat #print instReprMyNat -- end ##### # # #tactic_expand1 # 2024jun23 # ##### # «tactic_expand1» (to ".tactic_expand1") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/.E2.9C.94.20see.20result.20of.20tactic.20macro/near/446310888 # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean elab "#tactic_expand1 " t:tactic : command => do let some t ← Elab.liftMacroM <| Lean.Macro.expandMacro? t | logInfo m!"Not a macro" logInfo m!"{t}" #tactic_expand1 exists 1 -- (refine ⟨1, ?_⟩; try trivial) -- end ##### # # tagged-subgoals # 2024apr30 # ##### # «tagged-subgoals» (to ".tagged-subgoals") # (find-tpil4page 55 "5. Tactics") # (find-tpil4text 55 "Tactics") # (find-tpil4page 57 "tagged the first subgoal as left") # (find-tpil4text 57 "tagged the first subgoal as left") # (find-tpil4doc "tactics#entering-tactic-mode") # (find-tpil4docr "tactics" "Entering Tactic Mode") # (find-tpil4docr "tactics" "Entering Tactic Mode" "tagged the first subgoal as") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (P Q R : Prop) variable {P Q R : Prop} variable {p : P} variable {q : Q} example (p : P) (q : Q) : P ∧ Q := And.intro p q #check fun (p : P) (q : Q) => And.intro p q -- end ##### # # telescopes # 2024apr27 # ##### # «telescopes» (to ".telescopes") # (find-angg "LEAN/telescopes1.lean") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#deconstructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "### Deconstructing Expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "forallTelescope") # (find-lean-links "telescope") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'telescope' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'telescope' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'foralltelescope' *") ##### # # termination # 2024jun06 # ##### # «termination» (to ".termination") # (to "partial") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'failed to show' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'fail to show' *") # (find-fplean4page 31 "fail to show termination for") # (find-fplean4text 31 "fail to show termination for") # (find-fplean4-links "termination") # (find-fplean4docrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'termination' *") # (find-fplean4docrgrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'termination_by' *") # (find-fplean4doc "programs-proofs/summary") # (find-fplean4doc "programs-proofs/summary#proving-termination") # (find-fplean4docr "programs-proofs/summary" "## Proving Termination") # (find-fplean4docr "programs-proofs/summary" "## Proving Termination" "A good way") "A good way to write recursive functions is to begin by declaring them `partial` and debugging them with testing until they return the right answers. Then, `partial` can be removed and replaced with a `termination_by` clause." fail to show termination for LuaTree.toLua with errors structural recursion cannot be used failed to prove termination, possible solutions: - Use `have`-expressions to prove the remaining goals - Use `termination_by` to specify a different well-founded relation - Use `decreasing_by` to specify your own tactic for discharging this kind of goal ##### # # termParser # 2024may15 # ##### # «termParser» (to ".termParser") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Basic.lean" "def termParser") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Basic.lean" "def termParser (prec : Nat := 0) : Parser :=") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Basic.lean" "def categoryParser") ##### # # theorem # 2024mar27 # ##### # «theorem» (to ".theorem") # (find-fplean4doc "props-proofs-indexing#propositions-and-proofs") # (find-fplean4doc "props-proofs-indexing#propositions-and-proofs" "theorem keyword instead of def") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs#working-with-propositions-as-types") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "Working with Propositions as Types") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "``theorem`` command") # (find-tpil4page 25 "the theorem command") # (find-tpil4text 25 "the theorem command") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Tactics.lean" "This simp theorem") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Meta/Tactic/Simp/SimpCongrTheorems.lean" "with the `congr` attribute") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/DefView.lean" "leading_parser \"theorem \"") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Declaration.lean" "Lean.Parser.Command.theorem") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Tactic/Simp.lean" "using the simp theorems collected in `ctx`") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "def «theorem\ »") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Explain.20induction.20in.20baby-steps.2E/near/447627480 # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (P Q R : Prop) variable {P Q R : Prop} theorem t1a : P → P := fun p : P => p theorem t1b : P → P := fun p : P => show P from p theorem t1c (p : P) : P := p #print t1a -- p → q → p #print t1b -- p → q → p #print t1c -- p → q → p theorem ta (p : P) (q : Q) : P ∧ Q := And.intro p q example (p : P) (q : Q) : P ∧ Q := And.intro p q #check fun (p : P) (q : Q) => And.intro p q #check fun (p : P) (q : Q) => let paq := And.intro p q paq -- end ##### # # toolchains # 2024may12 # ##### # «toolchains» (to ".toolchains") # (to "metaprogramming-toolchain") # (find-fline "~/.elan/toolchains/") # (code-c-d "elantoolchains" "~/.elan/toolchains/") # (find-elantoolchainsfile "") # (find-elantoolchainssh "du -ch") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Update.20toolchain ##### # # ToString # 2024may22 # ##### # «ToString» (to ".ToString") # (to "match-bar") # (find-fplean4page 106 "ToString") # (find-fplean4text 106 "ToString") # (find-fplean4doc "type-classes/pos#conversion-to-strings") # (find-lean4presh "find * | sort | grep -i tostring") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/ToString.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/ToString/Basic.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Data/ToString/Macro.lean") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check toString 42 #eval toString 42 #check toString "42" #eval toString "42" inductive N where | z : N | s (n : N) : N deriving Repr open N #check s (s z) #eval s (s z) def N.tos | z => "z" | s n => "s" ++ n.tos #check (s (s z)).tos #eval (s (s z)).tos instance : ToString N := ⟨N.tos⟩ #check toString (s (s z)) #eval toString (s (s z)) -- end ##### # # TPiL: exercises on p.38 # 2024jun22 # ##### # «tpil-p38» (to ".tpil-p38") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs#examples-of-propositional-validities") # (find-tpil4page 37 "Exercises" "Prove the following identities") # (find-tpil4text 37 "Exercises" "Prove the following identities") # (find-tpil4page 38 "-- commutativity of ∧ and ∨") # (find-tpil4text 38 "-- commutativity of ∧ and ∨") # (find-tpil4page 38 "example : p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p := sorry") # (find-tpil4text 38 "example : p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p := sorry") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Core.lean" "structure Iff") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '↔' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" ↔ \"' *") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (P Q R : Prop) -- commutativity of ∧ and ∨ theorem tc1 : P ∧ Q ↔ Q ∧ P := sorry theorem tc2 : P ∨ Q ↔ Q ∨ P := sorry -- associativity of ∧ and ∨ theorem ta1 : (P ∧ Q) ∧ R ↔ P ∧ (Q ∧ R) := sorry theorem ta2 : (P ∨ Q) ∨ R ↔ P ∨ (Q ∨ R) := sorry -- distributivity theorem td1 : P ∧ (Q ∨ R) ↔ (P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ R) := sorry theorem td2 : P ∨ (Q ∧ R) ↔ (P ∨ Q) ∧ (P ∨ R) := sorry -- other properties theorem top1 : (P → (Q → R)) ↔ (P ∧ Q → R) := sorry theorem top2 : ((P ∨ Q) → R) ↔ (P → R) ∧ (Q → R) := sorry theorem top3 : ¬(P ∨ Q) ↔ ¬P ∧ ¬Q := sorry theorem top4 : ¬P ∨ ¬Q → ¬(P ∧ Q) := sorry theorem top5 : ¬(P ∧ ¬P) := sorry theorem top6 : P ∧ ¬Q → ¬(P → Q) := sorry theorem top7 : ¬P → (P → Q) := sorry theorem top8 : (¬P ∨ Q) → (P → Q) := sorry theorem top9 : P ∨ false ↔ P := sorry theorem top10 : P ∧ False ↔ False := sorry theorem top11 : (P → Q) → (¬Q → ¬P) := sorry -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (P Q R : Prop) theorem tc1 : P ∧ Q ↔ Q ∧ P := let a : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P := fun b : P ∧ Q => let c : P := b.1 let d : Q := b.2 let e : Q ∧ P := ⟨d,c⟩ e let f : Q ∧ P → P ∧ Q := fun g : Q ∧ P => let h : Q := g.1 let i : P := g.2 let j : P ∧ Q := ⟨i,h⟩ j ⟨a,f⟩ #print tc1 #reduce tc1 -- [b:P∧Q]^1 [b:P∧Q]^1 [g:Q∧P]^2 [g:Q∧P]^2 tc1 := ⟨a,f⟩ where -- --------- --------- --------- --------- a := λb:P∧Q.e where -- c:P d:Q i:P h:Q c := b.1 -- -------------- -------------- d := b.2 -- e:Q∧P j:P∧Q e := ⟨d,c⟩ -- ---------1 ---------2 f := λg:Q∧P.j where -- a:P∧Q→Q∧P f:Q∧P→P∧Q h := g.1 -- ------------------------------- i := g.2 -- tc1:P∧Q↔Q∧P j := ⟨i,h⟩ -- end ##### # # trace.Elab.command # 2024jun08 # ##### # «trace.Elab.command» (to ".trace.Elab.command") # (find-esgrep "grep --color=auto -niH --null -e trace.Elab.command lean.e") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") set_option trace.Elab.command true in declare_syntax_cat ltsyntax -- end # (find-lean-links "trace") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'trace' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" trace \"' *") ##### # # trace.Elab.info # 2024jun10 # ##### # «trace.Elab.info» (to ".trace.Elab.info") # (to "server") ##### # # try-catch # 2024may12 # ##### # «try-catch» (to ".try-catch") # (to "exceptions") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro" "### Building a command") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/CoreM.lean" "try-catch") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Do.lean" "def doTry :=") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e catch *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'catch \"' *") # (find-fplean4doc ) # (find-fplean4page 261 "def divFrontend") # (find-fplean4text 261 "def divFrontend") # (find-fplean4doc "monad-transformers/transformers#type-classes-for-exceptions") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") def ab [Monad m] [MonadExcept Nat m] : m String := try pure "a" catch | _ => pure "b" #print ab -- end ##### # # TSyntax # 2024jun02 # ##### # «TSyntax» (to ".TSyntax") # (to "checksyntax-test") # (to "mkSyntaxQuotation") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "structure TSyntax") # (find-leanmetagrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e TSyntax *") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/06_macros") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/07_elaboration") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/07_elaboration") # (find-leanmetadoc "extra/03_pretty-printing") # (find-leanmetadocr "extra/03_pretty-printing") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'mainModule' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'addMacroScope' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'mkInfoFromRefPos' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nwRH --null -e 'TSyntax' * | grep -a instance") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "pure (Lean.addMacroScope mainModule n scp)") # (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "@[inline] def MonadQuotation.addMacroScope") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Quotation.lean" "def stxQuot.expand (stx : Syntax) : TermElabM Syntax") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Quotation.lean" "def mkSyntaxQuotation") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Elab/Quotation.lean" "def mkSyntaxQuotation" "@TSyntax.mk") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") #check Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos #check Lean.getCurrMacroScope #check Lean.getMainModule #check Lean.Syntax.atom #check Lean.Syntax.node1 #check Lean.Syntax.node3 #check Lean.TSyntax import Lean open Lean Elab Command #check TSyntax.mk #check TSyntax.mk Syntax.missing #check show TSyntax `term from TSyntax.mk Syntax.missing def ts := show TSyntax `term from TSyntax.mk Syntax.missing #check ts #eval ts #eval ts.raw def foo1 (ts : TSyntax ks) : Nat := 42 def foo2 {ks : SyntaxNodeKinds} (ts : TSyntax ks) : Nat := 42 def foo3 {ks : SyntaxNodeKinds} (ts : TSyntax ks) : SyntaxNodeKinds := ks def foo4 {ks : SyntaxNodeKinds} (ts : TSyntax ks) : Syntax := ts.raw #check @foo1 #check @foo2 #eval foo1 ts #eval foo3 ts #eval foo4 ts elab "#withstring " x:str : command => match x with | `("a") => logInfo x | `("b") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x) } | `("c") => do { logInfo x; logInfo (repr x.raw) } | _ => Elab.throwUnsupportedSyntax #withstring "a" #withstring "b" #withstring "c" def c := Lean.Syntax.node (Lean.SourceInfo.none) `str #[Lean.Syntax.atom (Lean.SourceInfo.original "".toSubstring { byteIdx := 317 } "\n\n".toSubstring { byteIdx := 320 }) "\"c\""] -- end ##### # # typeclass-search # 2024jun22 # ##### # «typeclass-search» (to ".typeclass-search") # (to "class") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/How.20does.20Lean.20.22synthesize.22.20a.20.22get.22.20inside.20a.20.22do.22.3F # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'typeclass' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'typeclass search' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'typeclass inference' *") # (find-lean4page 19 "typeclass resolution procedure") # (find-lean4text 19 "typeclass resolution procedure") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") class Cla (α : Type) where met : String instance : Cla String where met := "(string)" instance : Cla Bool where met := "(bool)" instance : Cla Nat where met := "(nat)" instance : Cla Int where met := "(int)" def foo {α : Type} [inst : Cla α] (_ : α) : String := inst.met #eval foo true #eval foo 42 #eval foo (-42) #eval foo "abc" -- end # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") set_option linter.unusedVariables false def foo1 [Monad m] [MonadState σ m] (a : Nat) : m Nat := do let xxxxxxxx := "--delimiter--" let b ← get -- ok return a def foo2 [Monad m] -- [MonadState σ m] (a : Nat) : m Nat := do let xxxxxxxx := "--delimiter--" let b ← get -- error: failed to synthesize... return a def foo3 [inst1 : Monad m] [inst2 : MonadState σ m] (a : Nat) : m Nat := do let xxxxxxxx := "--delimiter--" let b ← get -- ok let c ← inst2.get -- same as b return _ -- end ##### # # typeof # 2024may05 # ##### # «typeof» (to ".typeof") # (find-lean-links "typeof") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'typeof' *") def foo1 {A : _} (a : A) := a def foo2 {A : _} (_ : A) := A #check foo1 42 #check foo2 42 ##### # # underscore # 2024apr06 # ##### # «underscore» (to ".underscore") # (find-tpil4page 36 "you can use an underscore _") # (find-tpil4text 36 "you can use an underscore _") # (find-tpil4page 21 "holes") # (find-tpil4text 21 "holes") # (find-tpil4page 87 "replaced by @t _") # (find-tpil4text 87 "replaced by @t _") # (find-tpil4page 87 "unicode brackets") # (find-tpil4text 87 "unicode brackets") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs#examples-of-propositional-validities") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "Examples of Propositional Validities") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "you can use" "an underscore ``_``") # (find-lean4grep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'synthesize placeholder' *") # (find-lean4file "src/Lean/Elab/Term.lean" "synthesize placeholder") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") variable (P Q R : Prop) theorem triv1 (p : P) : P := p theorem triv2 (p : P) (ptoq : P → Q) : Q := _ theorem triv3 (p : P) (ptoq : P → Q) : Q := ptoq _ theorem triv4 (p : P) (ptoq : P → Q) : Q := _ p_ -- oops theorem triv5 (p : P) (ptoq : P → Q) : Q := ptoq p #check triv1 #check triv2 #check triv3 #check triv4 #check triv5 #print triv1 #print triv2 #print triv3 #print triv4 #print triv5 -- end ##### # # Unhygienic.run # 2024jun27 # ##### # «Unhygienic.run» (to ".Unhygienic.run") # (to "mydef") # (find-luatreeleanfile "ToPrettier1.lean") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Hygiene.lean" "protected def run") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean def stx := Unhygienic.run `(fun {α β} [BEq α] (ab : α×β) => let (a,_) := ab; a==a) #eval IO.print stx #eval IO.print (repr stx) -- end ##### # # variable # 2024mar15 # ##### # «variable» (to ".variable") # (find-lean-links "the ``variable`` command") # (find-tpil4doc "dependent_type_theory") # (find-tpil4doc "dependent_type_theory#variables-and-sections") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "# Variables and Sections") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "the ``variable`` command") # (find-tpil4doc "dependent_type_theory#implicit-arguments") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "Implicit Arguments") # (find-tpil4docr "dependent_type_theory" "can also be specified as implicit") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs") # (find-tpil4doc "propositions_and_proofs#disjunction") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "### Disjunction") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "variable (p q r : Prop)") # (find-tpil4docr "propositions_and_proofs" "variable {p : Prop}") # (find-lean4doc "sections") # (find-lean4docrfile "sections.md" "``variable``") # (find-lean4docrfile "sections.md" "``section``") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Parser/Command.lean" "@[builtin_command_parser] def «variable»") # (find-lean4prefile "Lean/Meta/ExprTraverse.lean" "variable {M} [Monad M] [MonadLiftT MetaM M]") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/I.20accidentally.20proved.202.3D3 ##### # # W-types # 2025mar22 # ##### # «W-types» (to ".W-types") # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductive_type#W-_and_M-types # (find-angg ".emacs.papers" "leanttmain" "27" "5 Reduction of inductive types to W-types") # (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "dybjer-if" "441" "H, Z, +, I, N,, N, W") # (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "girard" "88" "11.5 Representation of inductive types") # (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "hott" "154" "5.3 W-types") # (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "martin-lof" "43" "W-formation") # (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "nederpelt-geuvers" "167" "8.2 Inductive and recursive definitions") ##### # # #where # 2024may18 # ##### # «where» (to ".where") # (to "getCurrNamespace") # (find-lean-links "#where") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '#where' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e 'where' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '«where»' *") # (find-lean4pregrep "grep --color=auto -nRH --null -e '\" #where \"' *") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/A.20command.20that.20prints.20the.20current.20namespace.3F/near/439330480 # (find-sh "lean") # (find-sh "lean --version") # (find-lean4prefile "") ##### # # whnf # 2024may28 # ##### # «whnf» (to ".whnf") # (to "reduce") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#weak-head-normalisation") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam" "### Weak Head Normalisation") # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") import Lean open Lean Lean.Expr Lean.Meta open Lean.Elab.Term in def whnf' (e : TermElabM Syntax) : TermElabM Format := do let e ← elabTermAndSynthesize (← e) none ppExpr (← whnf e) #eval whnf' `(List.cons 1 []) #eval whnf' `(List.cons (1 + 1) []) #eval withTransparency .reducible $ whnf' `(List.append [1] [2]) #eval whnf' `(λ x : Nat => x) #eval whnf' `(∀ x, x > 0) #eval whnf' `(Type 3) #eval whnf' `((15 : Nat)) #eval whnf' `(List.append [1]) #eval whnf' `((λ x y : Nat => x + y) 1) #eval whnf' `(let x : Nat := 1; x) def matchAndReducing (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option (Expr × Expr)) := do match ← whnf e with | (.app (.app (.const ``And _) P) Q) => return some (P, Q) | _ => return none def matchAndReducing₂ (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option (Expr × Expr × Expr)) := do match ← whnf e with | (.app (.app (.const ``And _) P) e') => match ← whnf e' with | (.app (.app (.const ``And _) Q) R) => return some (P, Q, R) | _ => return none | _ => return none -- end ##### # # delaborator-diagram # 2024mar10 # ##### # «delaborator-diagram» (to ".delaborator-diagram") # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/287929-mathlib4/topic/Pretty-printing.20of.20sums/near/355279588 # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/287929-mathlib4/topic/Pretty-printing.20of.20sums/near/355262783 # # String ---(parser)---> Syntax ---(elaborator)---> Expr ---(delaborator)---> Syntax ---(formatter)---> String # # parser elaborator delaborator formatter # String --------> Syntax ------------> Expr -------------> Syntax -----------> String ##### # # reference-manual # 2024mar09 # ##### # «reference-manual» (to ".reference-manual") # «:leanref» (to ".:leanref") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "ee-rstdoc-:leanref") # https://leanprover.github.io/reference/ # (find-leanrefdoc "using_lean#using-lean-with-emacs") # (find-leanrefdocw "using_lean#using-lean-with-emacs") # (find-leanrefdocw "declarations") # (code-c-d "leanrefdoc" "$S/https/leanprover.github.io/reference/") # (find-leanrefdocfile "") # (find-leanrefdocfile "_sources/") # (find-leanrefdocfile "") # https://leanprover.github.io/reference/lean_reference.pdf (code-pdf-page "leanref" "$S/https/leanprover.github.io/reference/lean_reference.pdf") (code-pdf-text "leanref" "$S/https/leanprover.github.io/reference/lean_reference.pdf") ;; (find-leanrefpage) ;; (find-leanreftext) ##### # # metaprogramming # 2024mar09 # ##### # «metaprogramming» (to ".metaprogramming") # «:leanmeta» (to ".:leanmeta") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-rstdoc-:leanmeta") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "ee-rstdoc-:leanmeta") # (to "mySpecialCheck") # (to "mdgen") # (find-es "minted") # (find-lean4-intro "1. `find-wgetrecursive-links'") # https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/md/ # https://github.com/leanprover-community/ # https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book" "leanmeta") # (code-c-d "leanmeta" "~/usrc/lean4-metaprogramming-book/") # (find-leanmetafile "") # (find-leanmetash "find * | sort") # (find-leanmetash "cd lean; find * | sort") # (find-leanmetafile "lean/main/01_intro.lean") # (find-wgetrecursive-links "https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/") # (find-leanmetadoc) # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions") # (find-leanmetadocrfile "main/07_elaboration.lean") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#book-structure") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/01_intro#building-a-command") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/02_overview") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/03_expressions") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#full-normalisation") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#constructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/04_metam#constructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadocw "main/04_metam#constructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/04_metam#deconstructing-expressions") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/05_syntax") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/06_macros") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/07_elaboration") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/07_elaboration" "### Giving meaning to commands" "MonadEnv") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/08_dsls") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/09_tactics") # (find-leanmetadoc "main/10_cheat-sheet") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book" "leanmeta") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/lean4-metaprogramming-book/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-metaprogramming-book cd ~/usrc/lean4-metaprogramming-book/ * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) cd ~/usrc/lean4-metaprogramming-book/ git clean -dfx git pull lake exe cache get lake exe cache get! lake exe mdgen lean md lake exe mdgen lean md lake build lean4-metaprogramming-book |& tee olb lake build lean4-metaprogramming-book md |& tee olb # (code-c-d "leanmeta" "~/usrc/lean4-metaprogramming-book/") # (find-leanmetafile "") # (find-leanmetafile "md/") # (find-leanmetafile "pygments/") # (find-leanmetafile "lakefile.lean") # (find-leanmetafile "olb") # (find-leanmetash "find * | sort") # (find-leanmetash "find .lake | sort") # (find-leanmetash "find .lake * | sort") # (find-leanmetash "find .lake * | rev | sort | rev") # (find-leanmetafile ".lake/packages/std/") # (find-leanmetagrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e pdf * .lake") # (find-leanmetagrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e mdgen * .lake") # (find-leanmetagrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e 'lake exe' * .lake") # (find-leanmetagrep "grep --color=auto -niRH --null -e pygments * .lake") # (find-leanmetafile ".lake/packages/mdgen/") # (find-leanmetafile ".lake/packages/mdgen/README.md") # (find-leanmetafile ".lake/packages/mdgen/README.md" "lake exe mdgen <input_dir> <output_dir>") ##### # # metaprogramming-book.yml # 2024may28 # ##### # «metaprogramming-book.yml» (to ".metaprogramming-book.yml") # (find-leanmetafile ".github/workflows/book.yml") ##### # # metaprogramming-toolchain # 2024may26 # ##### # «metaprogramming-toolchain» (to ".metaprogramming-toolchain") # https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/project.html#working-on-an-existing-project # (to "toolchains") # (find-leanmetafile "") # (find-leanmetafile "lake-manifest.json") # (find-leanmetafile "lake-manifest.json" "inputRev") # (find-leanmetafile "lake-manifest.json" "inputRev" "v4.7.0") # (find-leanmetafile "lakefile.lean") # (find-leanmetafile "lakefile.lean" "require std from git") # (find-leanmetafile "lakefile.lean" "require std from git" "v4.7.0") # (find-leanmetafile "lean-toolchain") # (find-leanmetafile "lean-toolchain" "leanprover/lean4:v4.7.0") ##### # # TermElabM # 2024may25 # ##### # «TermElabM» (to ".TermElabM") # (to "mySpecialCheck") # (find-leanmetadocr "main/07_elaboration" "`TermElabM` is basically an upgrade of") ##### # # Theorem Proving in Lean 4 # 2024may19 # ##### # «tpil» (to ".tpil") # (find-angg ".emacs" "ee-rstdoc-:tpil4") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "ee-rstdoc-:tpil4") # https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/title_page.html # https://github.com/leanprover/theorem_proving_in_lean4 # (find-wgetrecursive-links "https://lean-lang.org/theorem_proving_in_lean4/") # (find-git-links "https://github.com/leanprover/theorem_proving_in_lean4" "tpil") # (code-c-d "tpil" "~/usrc/theorem_proving_in_lean4/") # (find-tpilfile "") ##### # # useandabuseoip # 2024may25 # ##### # «useandabuseoip» (to ".useandabuseoip") # (find-psne-arxiv-links "https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.01629v3.pdf" "useandabuseoip") ;; <useandabuseoip> ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.01629v3 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.01629v3.pdf ;; Anne Baanen: "Use and abuse of instance parameters in the Lean mathematical library" (code-pdf-page "useandabuseoip" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2202.01629v3.pdf") (code-pdf-text "useandabuseoip" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2202.01629v3.pdf") ;; (find-useandabuseoippage) ;; (find-useandabuseoiptext) ##### # # Sebastian Ullrich: Lean Together 2021 - Metaprogramming in Lean 4 # 2024mar11 # ##### # «ullrichmp» (to ".ullrichmp") # (to "pratt-parser") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "lt2021leo") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "lt2021leom") https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Sebastian-Ullrich-2132232638 https://leanprover-community.github.io/papers.html https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/ https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/schedule.html *** https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021.pdf https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/leo-LT2021-meta.pdf https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/sebastian-lean4-parsers-macros.pdf https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/sebastian-An-Overview-of-Lean-4-Demo.pdf https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/gihan-exlean_2021.pdf https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/thomas-LT2021-Galois-Theory.pdf # (find-youtubedl-links "/sda5/videos/" "Lean_Together_2021_-_Metaprogramming_in_Lean_4" "hxQ1vvhYN_U" ".webm" "lt2021sebastianleo") # (code-video "ullrichmpvideo" "/sda5/videos/Lean_Together_2021_-_Metaprogramming_in_Lean_4-hxQ1vvhYN_U.webm") # (find-ullrichmpvideo "0:00") # (find-ullrichmpvideo "6:50" "notation") # (find-ullrichmpvideo "8:45" "trace.Elab.command") # (find-ullrichmpvideo "9:30" "for the next command") # (find-ullrichmpvideo "12:00" "longest parse wins") # (find-ullrichmpvideo "26:45" "crosses") (code-pdf-page "ullrichmp" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/sebastian-lean4-parsers-macros.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ullrichmp" "$S/https/leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/sebastian-lean4-parsers-macros.pdf") ;; (find-ullrichmppage) ;; (find-ullrichmptext) # (find-ullrichmppage 5 "notation:80 lhs \" ^ \" rhs:80 =>") # (find-ullrichmptext 5 "notation:80 lhs \" ^ \" rhs:80 =>") # (find-ullrichmppage 13 "precedence (Pratt) parser") # (find-ullrichmptext 13 "precedence (Pratt) parser") 1-2-3 # (find-leanmetadoc "md/main/05_syntax#declaration-helpers" "longest parse") ##### # # mechanics-of-proof # 2024jun01 # ##### # «mechanics-of-proof» (to ".mechanics-of-proof") # «:mechprf» (to ".:mechprf") # (find-angg ".emacs.lean.el" "ee-rstdoc-:mechprf") # https://hrmacbeth.github.io/math2001/ # (find-git-links "https://github.com/hrmacbeth/math2001" "mechprf") # (code-c-d "mechprf" "~/usrc/math2001/") # (find-mechprffile "") # (find-mechprffile "README.md") # (find-mechprffile "Library/") # (find-mechprffile "Math2001/") # (find-mechprfdoc "01_Proofs_by_Calculation") # (find-mechprfdocw "01_Proofs_by_Calculation") # (find-mechprfdocrfile "01_Proofs_by_Calculation/") ##### # # thesis-sebastian # 2024dec01 # ##### # «thesis-sebastian» (to ".thesis-sebastian") https://lean-lang.org/papers/thesis-sebastian.pdf ##### # # Colorized # 2024jun04 # ##### # «Colorized» (to ".Colorized") # (to "lake-current-directory") # (find-telegachat "@leanlangbr#520" "lakefile current directory") # https://github.com/axiomed # https://github.com/axiomed/Colorized.lean # https://github.com/algebraic-sofia?tab=repositories # https://github.com/edrx # (find-git-links "https://github.com/axiomed/Colorized.lean" "colorized") # (code-c-d "colorized" "~/usrc/Colorized.lean/") # (find-colorizedfile "") * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) rm -Rfv ~/usrc/Colorized.lean/ cd ~/usrc/ git clone https://github.com/axiomed/Colorized.lean cd ~/usrc/Colorized.lean/ # lake exe example # lake exe example # (find-colorizedfile "") # (find-colorizedfile "lakefile.lean") # (find-colorizedfile "Example.lean") # (find-colorizedfile "Colorized.lean") ##### # # leandojo # 2024jun07 # ##### # «leandojo» (to ".leandojo") # https://leandojo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide.html#traced-repos ##### # # `do' Unchained: Embracing Local Imperativity in a Purely Functional Language # 2024jun14 # ##### # «do-unchained» (to ".do-unchained") # (to "let-mut") ;; https://lean-lang.org/papers/do.pdf ;; `do' Unchained: Embracing Local Imperativity in a Purely Functional Language (Functional Pearl) ;; SEBASTIAN ULLRICH, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany ;; LEONARDO DE MOURA, Microsoft Research, USA ;; (find-fline "$S/https/lean-lang.org/papers/") (code-pdf-page "dounchained" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/papers/do.pdf") (code-pdf-text8 "dounchained" "$S/https/lean-lang.org/papers/do.pdf") ;; (find-dounchainedpage) ;; (find-dounchainedtext) ##### # # The Hitchhiker's Guide to Logical Verification # 2024jul30 # ##### # «hitchhik-lv» (to ".hitchhik-lv") ;; <hitchhiklv> ;; https://browncs1951x.github.io/static/files/hitchhikersguide.pdf ;; https://lean-forward.github.io/hitchhikers-guide/2023/ ;; https://github.com/blanchette/logical_verification_2023 ;; https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41112103 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Logical Verification [pdf] (2023) (browncs1951x.github.io) ;; (find-fline "$S/https/browncs1951x.github.io/static/files/") (code-pdf-page "hitchhiklv" "$S/https/browncs1951x.github.io/static/files/hitchhikersguide.pdf") (code-pdf-text "hitchhiklv" "$S/https/browncs1951x.github.io/static/files/hitchhikersguide.pdf") ;; (find-hitchhiklvpage) ;; (find-hitchhiklvtext) ##### # # oficina 0, aula 1 # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a1» (to ".of0a1") ##### # # oficina 0, aula 2 # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a2» (to ".of0a2") # (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "10:21" "primeira aula") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "14:16" "go to") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "14:56" "f10 l l") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "16:31" "primeira aula") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "16:47" "coerção") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "16:57" "grep") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "19:05" "Então, na primeira aula") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "19:32" "aula 2") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "21:19" "Curry-Howard") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "21:31" "Dedução Natural") # (find-2024lean4of0lsubs "25:26" "na aula 2") (find-ssr-links "2024lean4of0aula2" "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2") (code-eevvideo "2024lean4of0aula2" "2024-lean4-oficina-0-aula-2") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "0:00") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "0:47" "of0a2") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "1:08" "lsubs") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "1:30" "go to e go back") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "3:02" "leanref") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "3:43" "M-h M-k") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "4:01" "4. Creating elisp hyperlinks") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "4:20" "find-efunction-links") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "4:24" "eek") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "4:50" "find-efunctiondescr") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "5:08" "find-efunction") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "6:15" "codigo fonte") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "6:40" "find-lean4prefile") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "6:55" "preamble/prelude") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "7:12" "se eu seguir o find-lean4prefile") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "7:30" "go to no Inhabited") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "7:48" "testem isso") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "7:57" "agora o segundo bloquinho") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "8:06" "M-x l") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "8:30" "link errado") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "8:48" "agora ha pouco a gente tava vendo o M-h M-k") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "8:54" "M-h M-f pra uma funcao") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "9:29" "ela e' uma funcao muito curta") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "10:02" "nesse momento o a.lean") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "10:12" "kill? yes") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "10:18" "find-esetkey-links") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "10:49" "tem esse trechinho") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "10:59" "define-key") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "11:04" "foi gerada pelo find-esetkey-links") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "11:15" "como é que a gente descobre?...") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "11:25" "tecla super") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "12:06" "se alguém quiser teclas pra togglar") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "12:10" "mais help sobre o menu-bar-mode") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "12:39" "copy-rest") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "12:48" "lista de erros") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "13:00" "LuaTreeLean") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "13:15" "LuaTree.lean") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "14:00" "go to e go back") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "14:36" "às vezes a gente vai querer ver todos os erros") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "14:45" "ativar a menu bar") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "15:00" "List errors") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "15:15" "se eu dividir a janela em duas ... f10 l l") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "15:22" "Porque f10 l l?") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "15:50" "uma opção seria eu decorar que C-c ! l") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "15:57" "mais fácil ... mostrando helps") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "16:16" "que tem algum output são as que tem o >>") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "16:24" "se eu ando ele highlighteia a linha em que eu tou") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "17:25" "ee-copy-rest-3m") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "17:42" "copia") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "18:06" "ele disse aqui embaixo copied") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "18:25" "teriam anotações que elas iriam perder") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "18:30" "pro kill ring, que é o clipboard") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "18:49" "vários jeitos da gente dar paste") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "19:10" "a mensagem diz C-y") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "19:40" "lembra que eu disse que M-h M-k") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "20:02" "list of errors, o M-h M-k abre...") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "20:12" "copiar pras minhas anotações") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "20:25" "nesse caso ele me diz o nome da função") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "20:57" "um exemplo em que isso não funciona super bem") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "21:50" "não vale a pena eu explicar como eu criei") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "22:08" "eu fiquei de explicar o cr3") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "22:34" "deixa eu mostrar como o cr3 funciona") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "22:56" "não tem um docstring") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "23:14" "underscore") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "24:42" "a gente vai testar esse bloquinho daqui") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "25:00" "normalmente o que eu faço") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "25:28" "essa primeira linha - variable") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "26:14" "digamos que eu não sei provar") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "26:40" "nesse contexto eu sei") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "27:25" "ptoq aplicado a alguma coisa") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "28:22" "se eu der #check neles") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "28:52" "e se eu peço pra ele me dizer a prova") (find-2024lean4of0aula2video "29:43" "terminei o que eu queria fazer") ##### # # Oficina 0, aula 2: "go to" e "go back" # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a2-go-to-and-go-back» (to ".of0a2-go-to-and-go-back") # (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "14:12") # (find-2024lean4of0video "14:12") # (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "14:26" "go to") # (find-2024lean4of0video "14:26" "go to") # (find-lean4-intro "3. Test the five manuals") # (find-lean4-intro "3. Test the five manuals" "leanref") # https://leanprover.github.io/reference/using_lean.html#using-lean-with-emacs # (eek "M-h M-k M-. ;; xref-find-definitions") # (eek "M-h M-k M-, ;; xref-go-back") # (find-lean4-intro "8. Visit a .lean file") ##### # # Oficina 0, aula 2: `M-x l' e `M-x a' # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a2-l-a» (to ".of0a2-l-a") # (find-eev-quick-intro "4.2. `find-ekey-links' and friends") # (eek "M-h M-f l") # (find-efunction 'l) # (eek "M-h M-f a") # (find-efunction 'a) ##### # # Oficina 0, aula 2: `find-esetkey-links' # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a2-find-esetkey-links» (to ".of0a2-find-esetkey-links") # (find-es "osx" "Halian-dot-emacs") # (find-es "osx" "Halian-dot-emacs" "find-esetkey-links") # (find-angg ".emacs" "super-key") # (global-set-key (kbd "s-t") 'tool-bar-mode) # (global-set-key (kbd "s-m") 'menu-bar-mode) # (eek "M-h M-f menu-bar-mode") # (find-enode "Command Index" "* menu-bar-mode:") # (find-efunction-links 'find-esetkey-links) # (find-efunctiondescr 'find-esetkey-links) # (find-efunction 'find-esetkey-links) # (find-eevtemplhsubs "14:23" "4. `find-esetkey-links'") # (find-eevtemplvideo "14:23" "4. `find-esetkey-links'") # (find-eevtemplhsubs "14:46" "If we just run (find-esetkey-links)") # (find-eevtemplvideo "14:46" "If we just run (find-esetkey-links)") ##### # # Oficina 0, aula 2: `M-x cr3' e `f10 l l' # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a2-cr3» (to ".of0a2-cr3") # «of0a2-list-of-errors» (to ".of0a2-list-of-errors") # (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "14:56" "f10 l l") # (find-2024lean4of0video "14:56" "f10 l l") # (find-2024lean4of0hsubs "36:14" "f10 l l") # (find-2024lean4of0video "36:14" "f10 l l") # (find-emacs-keys-intro "6. Windows") # https://leanprover.github.io/reference/using_lean.html#using-lean-with-emacs C-c ! l # (eek "M-h M-f cr3") # (find-customizegroup 'lean) # (ee-copy-rest-3m nil "-- end" "/tmp/L/a.lean") -- (find-elongkey-links "<menu-bar> <lean 4> <List of errors>") -- (find-efunction-links 'flycheck-list-errors) -- (find-elongkey-links "<menu-bar> <lean 4> <Customize lean4-mode>") -- end ##### # # Oficina 0, aula 2: holes, underscores # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a2-underscore» (to ".of0a2-underscore") # (to "underscore") ##### # # Oficina 0, aula 2: Natural Deduction # 2024aug09 # ##### # «of0a2-natural-deduction» (to ".of0a2-natural-deduction") # (to "tpil-p38") ;; (find-elocus-links "M-," 'global-map) stdout.putStrLn # (find-fplean4page 76 "import «Greeting»") # (find-fplean4text 76 "import «Greeting»") https://leanprover-community.github.io/lean4-metaprogramming-book/md/main/01_intro.html#introducing-notation-defining-new-syntax https://lovettsoftware.com/NaturalNumbers/PropositionWorld.lean.html Proposition world. A Proposition is a true/false statement, like 2 + 2 = 4 or 2 + 2 = 5. Just like we can have concrete sets in Lean like mynat, and abstract sets called things like X, we can also have concrete propositions like 2 + 2 = 5 and abstract propositions called things like P. Mathematicians are very good at conflating a theorem with its proof. They might say "now use theorem 12 and we're done". What they really mean is "now use the proof of theorem 12..." (i.e. the fact that we proved it already). Particularly problematic is the fact that mathematicians use the word Proposition to mean "a relatively straightforward statement which is true" and computer scientists use it to mean "a statement of arbitrary complexity, which might be true or false". Computer scientists are far more careful about distinguishing between a proposition and a proof. For example: x + 0 = x is a proposition, and add_zero x is its proof. The convention we'll use is capital letters for propositions and small letters for proofs. https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game/FAQ.html https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/natural_number_game https://github.com/mpedramfar/Lean-game-maker https://xenaproject.wordpress.com/2021/06/05/half-a-year-of-the-liquid-tensor-experiment-amazing-developments/ Picking a basis and then pretending you didn’t https://github.com/leanprover-community/leanprover-community.github.io/blob/newsite/data/zulip.md https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/Calling.20lean.20from.20command.20line https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/natural_number_game/ https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2020/11/perceus-tr-v1.pdf (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "colton") https://leanprover.github.io/reference/ https://leanprover.github.io/reference/using_lean.html#using-lean-with-emacs https://lawrencecpaulson.github.io/2023/01/18/Sqrt2_irrational.html https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34437735 Formalising a new proof that the square root of two is irrational (lawrencecpaulson.github.io) *** https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35511152 What I've Learned About Formal Methods in Half a Year (jakob.space) ;; <schemesinlean> ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.02602 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.02602.pdf (code-pdf-page "schemesinlean" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2101.02602.pdf") (code-pdf-text "schemesinlean" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2101.02602.pdf") ;; (find-schemesinleanpage) ;; (find-schemesinleantext) https://proofassistants.stackexchange.com/questions/2153/type-theory-lean-3-to-lean-4 ;; <ullrichmhm> ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.10490 ;; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.10490.pdf ;; Ullrich/Moura: "Beyond Notations: Hygienic Macro Expansion for Theorem Proving Languages" (code-pdf-page "ullrichmhm" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2001.10490.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ullrichmhm" "$S/https/arxiv.org/pdf/2001.10490.pdf") ;; (find-ullrichmhmpage) ;; (find-ullrichmhmtext) # (find-ullrichmhmpage 13 "token antiquotation %$x") # (find-ullrichmhmtext 13 "token antiquotation %$x") ;; <leanteach2020> ;; https://github.com/vaibhavkarve/leanteach2020 ;; https://vaibhavkarve.github.io/leanteach_report.pdf ;; https://wiki.illinois.edu/wiki/display/LT2020/LeanTeach+2020+Home ;; Dolcos/Kong/Zhao/Phillips/Karve: "Interactive Theorem Proving in Lean" (code-pdf-page "leanteach2020" "$S/https/vaibhavkarve.github.io/leanteach_report.pdf") (code-pdf-text "leanteach2020" "$S/https/vaibhavkarve.github.io/leanteach_report.pdf") (code-c-d "leanteach2020" "~/usrc/leanteach2020/") (code-video "leanteach2020video" "~/usrc/leanteach2020/igl_talk.mp4") ;; (find-leanteach2020page) ;; (find-leanteach2020text) # (find-git-links "https://github.com/vaibhavkarve/leanteach2020" "leanteach2020") # (find-leanteach2020file "") # (find-leanteach2020video) # (find-leanteach2020video "0:00") https://pp.ipd.kit.edu/person.php?id=144 Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Ullrich https://www.math.uni-bonn.de/ag/logik/events/MLPTT/Ullrich_lean.pdf Embedding Languages into Lean 4 ;; <ullrichemb> ;; https://www.math.uni-bonn.de/ag/logik/events/MLPTT/Ullrich_lean.pdf ;; (find-fline "$S/https/www.math.uni-bonn.de/ag/logik/events/MLPTT/") (code-pdf-page "ullrichemb" "$S/https/www.math.uni-bonn.de/ag/logik/events/MLPTT/Ullrich_lean.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ullrichemb" "$S/https/www.math.uni-bonn.de/ag/logik/events/MLPTT/Ullrich_lean.pdf") ;; (find-ullrichembpage) ;; (find-ullrichembtext) # (find-ullrichembpage 20 "ParserContext =") # (find-ullrichembtext 20 "ParserContext =") https://leanprover.github.io/presentations/20181012_MSR/#/4 https://leanprover-community.github.io/lt2021/slides/sebastian-An-Overview-of-Lean-4-Demo.pdf https://jiggerwit.wordpress.com/2018/09/18/a-review-of-the-lean-theorem-prover/ elaborator https://jiggerwit.wordpress.com/2019/06/20/an-argument-for-controlled-natural-languages-in-mathematics/ https://leanprover.github.io/papers/lean4.pdf https://leanprover-community.github.io/archive/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Metaprogramming.20tutorial.html https://github.com/leanprover-community/quote4 https://leanprover-community.github.io/undergrad.html https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/Mathlib/Analysis/NormedSpace/Exponential.html#NormedSpace.exp https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib-overview.html https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Yoneda.html#CategoryTheory.yoneda https://leanprover-community.github.io/theories/category_theory.html https://github.com/ImperialCollegeLondon/formalising-mathematics-2024 https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/287929-mathlib4/topic/Project.20idea.3A.20linking.20MathLib.20to.20math.20books https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/idiom.20for.20using.20calc.20to.20rewrite.20the.20goal https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-samples/blob/main/RubiksCube/README.md https://lean-lang.org/lean4/doc/examples/widgets.lean.html https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-samples/blob/main/ListComprehension/README.md https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean4-samples/blob/main/GuessMyNumber/README.md https://florisvandoorn.com/ HOTT in Lean (find-lean4prefile "Init/Prelude.lean" "triangle") https://github.com/kmill https://github.com/kmill/lean4-raytracer https://github.com/kmill/LeanTeX https://github.com/kmill/glimpse_of_lean https://github.com/kmill/leanprover-community.github.io https://github.com/kmill/tutorials https://leanprover-community.github.io/archive/stream/270676-lean4/topic/getting.20started.20with.20Lean.204.html https://kmill.github.io/cv/cv.pdf https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Creating.20Expr.20objects/near/438922814 @_**Eduardo Ochs|381195** [said](https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/leading_parser.3F/near/439313997): ````quote Now about the output of "`#print foo`": wow and thanks! It works here, but I think that I need to understand other things before understanding that... and my guess is that would be a good idea to start by understand how "`deriving Repr`" works in a simple case. I tried this, ``` inductive myNat where | zero : myNat | succ (n : myNat) : myNat deriving Repr def my1 := myNat.succ myNat.zero #check my1 #eval my1 #print my1 #check repr my1 #eval repr my1 #print repr my1 #check Std.Format ``` and then: 1) the method "`repr`" for the type `myNat` is not in a super-obvious place, like in `myNat.repr`, 2) the output of "`#check repr my1`" is "`repr my1 : Std.Format`", and I don't have test snippets (yet) for the class [Std.Format](https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/Init/Data/Format/Basic.lean), 3) but I read some parts of the source starting by "[mkReprInstanceHandler](https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/Lean/Elab/Deriving/Repr.lean#L118)" and I found references to "[isInductive](https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/Lean/MonadEnv.lean#L27)" and "[getStructureFields](https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/Lean/Structure.lean#L79)" - they look very useful, can we start by them? If yes, question: how do I call "`isInductive`" and "`getStructureFields`" on the "`myNat`" or on the "`my1`" of the example above? Thanks in advance! ```` https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/leading_parser.3F/near/439313997 How to use getStructureFields Hi all! How can I use [getStructureFields](https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/blob/master/src/Lean/Structure.lean#L79) to obtain the fields of a structure? Or, to be more concrete, how can I use it to obtain the fields of myNat after running this? ``` inductive myNat where | zero : myNat | succ (n : myNat) : myNat deriving Repr def my1 := myNat.succ myNat.zero #check my1 #eval my1 #print my1 ``` NOTE: the question above is similar to one that I asked in a [thread about leading_parser](https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/leading_parser.3F), and it may be related to [this thread](https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/How.20do.20I.20write.20a.20.22.23check_syntax.22.3F/near/438953824), in which showed me this example of how to write a command... ``` import Lean.Elab.Command elab "#check_syntax " t:term : command => do Lean.logInfo m!"{repr t.raw}" #check_syntax 42 + "foo" ``` https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/116395-maths/topic/Proving.20extentionality.20for.20category.20structure.20with.207.20entries https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/pdfs/BuzzardICM2022talk.pdf https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2022/07/17/icm-2022-kevin-buzzard-the-rise-of-formalism-in-mathematics/ https://alectryon-paper.github.io/bench/books/proof-by-reflection.html # Clément Pit-Claudel: "Untangling mechanized proofs" # https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3426425.3426940 # https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3426425.3426940 https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/writing.20simple.20parsers Parsec https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34456573 Lean – Theorem Prover (leanprover.github.io) ;; <ochigame> ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.11457v1 ;; https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.11457v1.pdf (code-pdf-page "ochigame" "$S/https/arxiv.org/abs/2309.11457v1.pdf") (code-pdf-text "ochigame" "$S/https/arxiv.org/abs/2309.11457v1.pdf") ;; (find-ochigamepage) ;; (find-ochigametext) https://mathstodon.xyz/@tao/111208692505811257 Terence Tao and the NNG https://fredrikj.net/blog/2022/04/things-i-would-like-to-see-in-a-computer-algebra-system/#section7 Lean phrasebook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Gsn5al4hlpNc_xKoXdU6XGmMyLiX4q-LFesFVsMlANo/edit#gid=854838157 https://media.ccc.de/v/gpn22-483-intro-to-lean-4-a-language-at-the-intersection-of-programming-and-mathematics https://lean-fro.org/about/roadmap/ https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/.E2.9C.94.20Lean4.20equivalent.20of.20library_search.20and.20suggest https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/.E2.9C.94.20Discussion.3A.20Making.20Your.20Lean.20Code.20More.20Readable focusing dot # Kyle Miller, 2024jun12 - Here's the sort of mental model I have for Lean's type system: # https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/.E2.9C.94.20Type.20and.20Type*/near/444063991 https://github.com/PatrickMassot/GlimpseOfLean Proof Visualization for the Lean 4 theorem prover https://pp.ipd.kit.edu/uploads/publikationen/b%C3%BClow22bachelorarbeit.pdf https://blog.codeminer42.com/exploring-lean4/ Sofia https://github.com/orgs/axiomed/repositories https://github.com/axiomed/Http.lean https://kmicinski.com/cis352-f23/assets/slides/types.pdf https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/Finding.20a.20Lean.20to.20English.20analysis.20project https://kmill.github.io/ https://kmill.github.io/informalization/ContinuousFrom.html https://leanprover-community.github.io/teaching/courses.html https://leandojo.org/ https://leanprover-community.github.io/mwe.html https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2024/09/25/a-pilot-project-in-universal-algebra-to-explore-new-ways-to-collaborate-and-use-machine-assistance/ https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/pretty.20print.20for.20elaborator.20input.3F https://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~buzzard/xena/formalising-mathematics-2022/Part_C/cheatsheet.html https://github.com/siddhartha-gadgil/MetaExamples https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix8zSpsfbDk&list=PL_bVGic_CrGtMw1QVFRLRsZjcymm56mRi Metaprogramming in Lean # (find-telegachat "5924372230#244827" "nomatch") # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: