Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
# E-scripts on sdl.
# Note 1: use the eev command (defined in eev.el) and the
# ee alias (in my .zshrc) to execute parts of this file.
# Executing this file as a whole makes no sense.
# An introduction to eev can be found here:
#   (find-eev-quick-intro)
#   http://angg.twu.net/eev-intros/find-eev-quick-intro.html
# Note 2: be VERY careful and make sure you understand what
# you're doing.
# Note 3: If you use a shell other than zsh things like |&
# and the for loops may not work.
# Note 4: I always run as root.
# Note 5: some parts are too old and don't work anymore. Some
# never worked.
# Note 6: the definitions for the find-xxxfile commands are on my
# .emacs.
# Note 7: if you see a strange command check my .zshrc -- it may
# be defined there as a function or an alias.
# Note 8: the sections without dates are always older than the
# sections with dates.
# This file is at <http://angg.twu.net/e/sdl.e>
#           or at <http://angg.twu.net/e/sdl.e.html>.
#        See also <http://angg.twu.net/emacs.html>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/.emacs[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/.zshrc[.html]>,
#                 <http://angg.twu.net/escripts.html>,
#             and <http://angg.twu.net/>.

# (find-es "love" "love")

# «.load81»		(to "load81")
# «.lazy-foo-tutorial»	(to "lazy-foo-tutorial")
# «.cga-tron»		(to "cga-tron")
# «.sdl-ttf»		(to "sdl-ttf")

# load81
# 2012mar08

# «load81»  (to ".load81")
# https://github.com/antirez/load81/

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rfv ~/usrc/load81/
mkdir   ~/usrc/load81/
cd      ~/usrc/
git clone https://github.com/antirez/load81
cd      ~/usrc/load81/

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
cd      ~/usrc/load81/
make  |& tee om

cd      ~/usrc/load81/
./load81 examples/lines.lua
./load81 examples/asteroids.lua

# (find-fline "~/usrc/load81/")
(code-c-d "load81" "~/usrc/load81/")
;; (find-load81file "")

# Lazy Foo SDL tutorial
# 2012may16

# «lazy-foo-tutorial»  (to ".lazy-foo-tutorial")
# http://www.lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/
# http://www.lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson31/index.php pixels
# http://www.lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson31/index.php

# http://www.lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson01/linux/index.php setup
apti install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev

# http://www.lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson01/linux/cli/index.php
# http://www.lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson02/index.php
# (find-angg "SDL/1.c")
# (find-angg "SDL/2.c")

# (find-zsh "dmissing sdl-config")
# (find-status   "libsdl1.2-dev")
# (find-vldifile "libsdl1.2-dev.list")
# (find-udfile   "libsdl1.2-dev/")

# (find-man "3 SDL_BlitSurface")

# http://www.lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson08/index.php

        //If there's an event to handle
        if( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
            //If a key was pressed
            if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN )
Now when we want to check when a key is pressed, we check for event type SDL_KEYDOWN.
                //Set the proper message surface
                switch( event.key.keysym.sym )
                    case SDLK_UP: message = upMessage; break;
                    case SDLK_DOWN: message = downMessage; break;
                    case SDLK_LEFT: message = leftMessage; break;
                    case SDLK_RIGHT: message = rightMessage; break;
            //If the user has Xed out the window
            else if( event.type == SDL_QUIT )
                //Quit the program
                quit = true;
Now if a key was pressed, we need

# (find-fline "~/tmp/lesson08.zip")

# CGA Tron
# 2012may29

# «cga-tron»  (to ".cga-tron")
# (find-angg "SDL/2.c")
# (find-angg "SDL/cga-tron.c")
# (find-vtutil4file "vtfontlib.lua" "vcsa_colors =")
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_Graphics_Adapter

# (find-sh "locate -i sdl.h")

# 2012jun20

# «sdl-ttf»  (to ".sdl-ttf")
# http://aaroncox.net/tutorials/2dtutorials/sdl_text.pdf
# (find-status   "libsdl-ttf2.0-dev")
# (find-vldifile "libsdl-ttf2.0-dev.list")
# (find-udfile   "libsdl-ttf2.0-dev/")
# (find-udfile   "libsdl-ttf2.0-dev/examples/")

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
rm -Rv /tmp/sdl-ttf/
mkdir  /tmp/sdl-ttf/
cd     /tmp/sdl-ttf/
cp -v /usr/share/doc/libsdl-ttf2.0-dev/examples/* .
gunzip *
make |& tee om

# (find-fline "/tmp/sdl-ttf/")
# (find-sh "xlsfonts")
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203257/how-to-get-a-list-of-installed-true-type-fonts-on-linux-using-c-or-c
# http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/fontconfig

#  Local Variables:
#  coding:               utf-8-unix
#  End: