Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
;; cheap-face.el - a cheap way to specify a few faces for ascii screenshots.
;; Copyleft 2007, Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>.
;; Current version: 2007mar12.
;; Source:   <http://angg.twu.net/elisp/cheap-face.el>
;; Htmlized: <http://angg.twu.net/elisp/cheap-face.el.html>

;; (find-eevfile "eev-glyphs.el")
;; (eval-buffer)

(setq cheap-face-plist '(
  "\^A" cheap-face-1
  "\^B" cheap-face-2
  "\^C" cheap-face-3
  "\^D" cheap-face-4
  "\^E" cheap-face-5
  "\^F" cheap-face-6

(defface cheap-face-0 nil "")
(defface cheap-face-1 nil "")
(defface cheap-face-2 nil "")
(defface cheap-face-3 nil "")
(defface cheap-face-4 nil "")
(defface cheap-face-5 nil "")
(defface cheap-face-6 nil "")

;; (find-ecolors)

(set-face-background 'cheap-face-0 "gray10")
(set-face-background 'cheap-face-1 "gray22")
(set-face-foreground 'cheap-face-2 "gold2")
(set-face-foreground 'cheap-face-3 "royalblue1")
(set-face-foreground 'cheap-face-4 "red2")
(set-face-foreground 'cheap-face-5 "green")
(set-face-foreground 'cheap-face-6 "forestgreen")

;; (find-eleimfile "quail/sgml-input.el" "&bull;")
;; (find-eevfile "eev-glyphs.el")

(eev-set-glyph 0 183    'cheap-face-0)
(eev-set-glyph 1 342434 'cheap-face-1)
(eev-set-glyph 2 342434 'cheap-face-2)
(eev-set-glyph 3 342434 'cheap-face-3)
(eev-set-glyph 4 342434 'cheap-face-4)
(eev-set-glyph 5 342434 'cheap-face-5)
(eev-set-glyph 6 342434 'cheap-face-6)

;; (find-efaces)
;; font-lock-function-name-face
;; font-lock-string-face
;; font-lock-variable-name-face
;; font-lock-type-face

;; (find-efunctiondescr 'plist-get)
;; (find-elnode "Other Plists")
;; (find-elnode "Narrowing")
;; (find-elnode "Regexp Search")

(defun cheap-face-apply1 (s e)
  (interactive "r")
  (let* ((c (buffer-substring-no-properties s (+ s 1)))
	 (face (lax-plist-get cheap-face-plist c)))
    (put-text-property s (+ s 1) 'invisible t)
    (put-text-property (+ s 1) e 'face face)))

(setq cheap-face-regexp "[\000-\^F][^\000-\^F]*")

(defun cheap-face-apply (s e)
  (interactive "r")
      (narrow-to-region s e)
      (goto-char (min s e))
      (while (re-search-forward cheap-face-regexp (point-max) 'noerror)
	(cheap-face-apply1 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))))

;; (find-elnode "Prefix Command Arguments")

;; cheap-face: facify or unfacify a region
(defun cheap-face (s e)
  (interactive "r")
  (if current-prefix-arg
      (remove-text-properties s e '(face nil invisible nil))
    (cheap-face-apply s e)))

(eeb-define 'cfb 'cheap-face "\n;;*\n" nil t t)

;; Lua 5.1.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
;; > print(2 +
;; >> 3, 4)
;; 5       4
;; > 

;; Local Variables:
;; coding: raw-text-unix
;; modes: (emacs-lisp-mode fundamental-mode)
;; End: