Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
% (find-sfcfile "zhas.tex")
% (find-sfcfile "zhas.lua")
% (defun c () (interactive) (find-sh "lualatex zhas.tex"))
% (defun d () (interactive) (find-xpdfpage    "zhas.pdf"))
% (find-xpdfpage "zhas.pdf")

\tikzset{outer/.style=gray,very thin}
\tikzset{cut/.style=very thick}


% (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty" "colors")
\def\blue  #1{{\color{blue}#1}}
\def\red   #1{{\color{red}#1}}
\def\smashedvrule#1#2#3{\vrule width#1 height#2 depth#3 \kern-#1}

% (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty" "dags")
\def\dagput(#1,#2)#3{\put(#1,#2){\hbox to 0pt{\hss\scriptsize#3\hss}}}
  \lower #5\unitlength\hbox{%


    \dagput( 0,  0){$#1$}    % top
    \dagput(-6,-12){$#2$}    % second line, left
    \dagput( 6,-12){$#3$}    % second line, right
    \dagput(-6,-24){$#4$}    % third line, left
    \dagput( 6,-24){$#5$}    % third line, right

    \dagput( 0,  0){$#1$}    % top
    \dagput(-6,-12){$#2$}    % second line, left
    \dagput( 6,-12){$#3$}    % second line, right
    \dagput(-6,-24){$#4$}    % third line, left
    \dagput( 6,-24){$#5$}    % third line, right

$\dagHouse abcde$

1: $\bdagpicture(12,12)(12,12)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){a}}$

2: $\bdagpicture(12,12)(12,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){a}}$

3: $\bdagpicture(12,12)(0,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){a}}$

4: $\bdagpicture(12,12)(-6,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){a}}$

5: $\bdagpicture(12,12)(-6,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){a} \dagput(12, 0){b} \dagput(6, 6){c}}$

6: $\bdagpicture(12,12)(-6,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){1} \dagput(14, 0){2} \dagput(7, 7){3}}$

7: $\bdagpicture(26,18)(-7,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){1} \dagput(14, 0){2} \dagput(7, 7){3}}$

8: $\bdagpicture(26,18)(-6,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){1} \dagput(14, 0){2} \dagput(7, 7){3}}$

9: $\bdagpicture(19,18)(-6,0)[0]{\dagput(0, 0){1} \dagput(14, 0){2} \dagput(7, 7){3}}$

a: $\bdagpicture(19,18)(-6,0)[6]{\dagput(0, 0){1} \dagput(14, 0){2} \dagput(7, 7){3}}$

% (find-es "tikz" "luacode")
% (find-es "luatex" "luacode")

dagpictureheader0 = function (maxx, maxy, lower)
    local sh = 7*maxx + 12
    local sv = 7*maxy + 12
    local dh = -6
    local dv = 0
    local lv = (lower or 0)* 7
    return format("(%d,%d)(%d,%d)[%3.1f]", sh, sv, dh, dv, lv)
bdagpictureheader = function (maxx, maxy, lower)
    return "\\bdagpicture"..dagpictureheader0(maxx, maxy, lower)
dc = function (x, y)
    local h = 7*x
    local v = 7*y
    return format("(%d,%d)", h, v)
dagputheader = function (x, y)
    return format("\\dagput(%d,%d)", 7*x, 7*y)

% (find-es "luatex" "LUA_INIT")
% (find-angg "sheavesforchildren/zhas.lua")
  dofile "zhas.lua"

\def\uv(#1,#2){\luaexpr {pcomma(xyfromuv(#1, #2))}}



dagput\luaexpr{dc(1,3)} 1

dagput\luaexpr{dc(0,2)} 2

dagput\luaexpr{dc(2,2)} 3

dagput\luaexpr{dc(1,1)} 4

dagput\luaexpr{dc(0,0)} 5


% $
% \expandafter\bdagpicture\luaexpr{dagpictureheader0(2,3)}{
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(1,3)}{1}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(0,2)}{2}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(2,2)}{3}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(1,1)}{4}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(0,0)}{5}
% }
% $

\catcode`*=13 \def*{\ensuremath{\bullet}}


%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(1,3)}{1}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(0,2)}{2}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(2,2)}{3}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(1,1)}{4}
%   \dagput\luaexpr{dc(0,0)}{5}
% }
% $


-- (find-dn4ex "edrx08.sty" "dags")

* (eepitch-lua51)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-lua51)
dagpictureheader0 = function (maxx, maxy, lower)
    local sh = 7*maxx + 12
    local sv = 7*maxy + 12
    local dh = -6
    local dv = 0
    local lv = (lower or 0)* 7
    return format("(%d,%d)(%d,%d)[%3.1f]", sh, sv, dh, dv, lv)

= dagpictureheader0(0, 0)
= dagpictureheader0(1, 0)
= dagpictureheader0(1, 1)

% Local Variables:
% coding:           raw-text-unix
% ee-anchor-format: "«%s»"
% End: