Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
-- This file: 
--   http://angg.twu.net/IDRIS/Tut.idr.html
--   http://angg.twu.net/IDRIS/Tut.idr
--           (find-angg "IDRIS/Tut.idr")
-- This is my eev-ized version of the Idris tutorial. See:
--   http://angg.twu.net/emacsconf2019.html <- eev @ EmacsConf 2019
--   http://angg.twu.net/#eev
--   (find-eev-quick-intro)
-- To install Idris on Debian, follow these instructions:
--   (find-es "idris" "idris-on-debian")
-- and add ~/.cabal/bin to the PATH:
--   (find-es "haskell" "cabal-PATH")
-- To download Idris from git and compile its documentation into PDFs, do:
--   (find-es "idris" "idris-git")
--   (find-es "idris" "idris-git" "make user_doc_pdf")
-- We will get a file "idris-documentation-complete.pdf".
-- Here's how I use it:
--   (find-pdf-like-intro)
--   (find-angg ".emacs" "idris")
--   (find-es "idris" "idris-doc-complete")
-- See also:
--   (find-es "idris" "idris-docs-online")
-- To install idris-mode for Emacs and also download it from git:
--   (find-es "idris" "idris-mode-git")
-- Its main keys (IMHO) are `C-c C-l' and `C-c C-t':
--   https://github.com/idris-hackers/idris-mode
--   (find-idrismodegitfile "readme.markdown" "C-c C-l")
--   (find-idrismodegitfile "readme.markdown" "C-c C-t")
-- Note: I know VERY LITTLE Idris at the moment! See:
--   http://angg.twu.net/math-b.html#notes-yoneda
--             (find-TH "math-b"    "notes-yoneda")

-- «.import»			(to "import")
-- «.types-and-functions»	(to "types-and-functions")
--   «.data-types»		(to "data-types")
--   «.functions»		(to "functions")
--   «.dependent-types»		(to "dependent-types")
--   «.useful-data-types»	(to "useful-data-types")
--     «.records»		(to "records")
--   «.more-expressions»	(to "more-expressions")
--   «.interfaces»		(to "interfaces")
-- «.theorem-proving»		(to "theorem-proving")
-- «.Pair»			(to "Pair")

-- «import»  (to ".import")
-- (find-es "idris" "import")
import public Data.Vect

-- «types-and-functions»  (to ".types-and-functions")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 4) "1.3      Types and Functions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 4) "1.3      Types and Functions")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 4) "1.3.1    Primitive Types")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 4) "1.3.1    Primitive Types")

-- «data-types»  (to ".data-types")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 5) "1.3.2      Data Types")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 5) "1.3.2      Data Types")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 172) "Data types")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 172) "Data types")

data MyNat    = Z   | S MyNat           -- Natural numbers
data MyList a = Nil | (::) a (MyList a) -- Polymorphic lists

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
idris2 Tut.idr

-- Can't disambiguate name: Main.Z, Prelude.Nat.Z
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 221) "6.20.2     Namespaces and type-directed disambiguation")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 221) "6.20.2     Namespaces and type-directed disambiguation")


-- «functions»  (to ".functions")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 6) "1.3.3    Functions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 6) "1.3.3    Functions")

-- Unary addition
myplus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
myplus Z     y = y
myplus (S k) y = S (myplus k y)

-- Unary multiplication
mymult : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
mymult Z     y = Z
mymult (S k) y = myplus y (mymult k y)

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
idris2 Tut.idr

myplus (S (S Z)) (S (S Z))
mymult (S (S (S Z))) (myplus (S (S Z)) (S (S Z)))
(S (S (S (S Z))))
(Main.S (S (S (S Z))))
myplus 2 2
mymult 3 (myplus 2 2)


-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 7) "where clauses")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 7) "where clauses")

reverse : List a -> List a
reverse xs = revAcc [] xs where
  revAcc : List a -> List a -> List a
  revAcc acc [] = acc
  revAcc acc (x :: xs) = revAcc (x :: acc) xs

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
idris2 Tut.idr

[2, 3, 4]
reverse [2, 3, 4]


-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 7) "Note: Scope")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 7) "Note: Scope")

-- foo : Int -> Int
-- foo x = case isLT of
--             Yes => x*2
--             No => x*4
--     where
--        data MyLT = Yes | No
--        isLT : MyLT
--        isLT = if x < 20 then Yes else No

* (eepitch-shell)
* (eepitch-kill)
* (eepitch-shell)
idris2 Tut.idr

foo 19   --> 38
foo 20   --> 80


-- «dependent-types»  (to ".dependent-types")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 8) "1.3.4     Dependent Types")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 8) "1.3.4     Dependent Types")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 9) "Vectors")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 9) "Vectors")
-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/base/Data/Vect.idr" "data Vect :")

isSingleton : Bool -> Type
isSingleton True = Nat
isSingleton False = List Nat

mkSingle : (x : Bool) -> isSingleton x
mkSingle True = 0
mkSingle False = []

ssum : (single : Bool) -> isSingleton single -> Nat
ssum True x = x
ssum False [] = 0
ssum False (x :: xs) = x + ssum False xs

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 11) "\"using\" notation")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 11) "\"using\" notation")

data IsElem : a -> Vect n a -> Type where
   Here : {x:a} ->    {xs:Vect n a} -> IsElem x (x :: xs)
   There : {x,y:a} -> {xs:Vect n a} -> IsElem x xs -> IsElem x (y :: xs)

* (eepitch-to-buffer "*idris-repl*")
Vect 4 Nat
:t IsElem
IsElem Nat

3 :: 4 :: Nil
[3, 4]

IsElem [3, 4]


-- testVec : Vect 4 Int
-- testVec = 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: Nil

-- inVect : IsElem 5 Main.testVec
-- inVect = There (There Here)

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 12) "1.3.5    I/O")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 12) "1.3.5    I/O")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 12) "1.3.6    \"do\" notation")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 12) "1.3.6    \"do\" notation")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 13) "1.3.7    Laziness")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 13) "1.3.7    Laziness")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 13) "1.3.8    Codata Types")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 13) "1.3.8    Codata Types")

-- «useful-data-types»  (to ".useful-data-types")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 14) "1.3.9    Useful Data Types")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 14) "1.3.9    Useful Data Types")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 15)   "List and Vect")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 15)   "List and Vect")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 15)   "List and Vect" "[1,2,3] means")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 15) "  Aside: Anonymous functions and operator sections")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 15)   "Aside: Anonymous functions and operator sections")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 15)   "Aside: Anonymous functions and operator sections" "=>")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 17)   "Dependent Pairs")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 17)   "Dependent Pairs")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 17)     "vec : (n : Nat ** Vect n Int)")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 17)     "vec : (n : Nat ** Vect n Int)")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 17)     "with (filter p xs)" "|")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 17)     "with (filter p xs)" "|")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 17)   "Records")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 17)   "Records")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 19)   "Dependent Records")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 19)   "Dependent Records")

-- «records»  (to ".records")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 17)   "Records")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 17)   "Records")

record Person where
    constructor MkPerson
    firstName, middleName, lastName : String
    age : Int

fred : Person
fred = MkPerson "Fred" "Joe" "Bloggs" 30

* (eepitch-to-buffer "*idris-repl*")
firstName fred
age fred
:t firstName
record { firstName = "Jim" } fred
record { firstName = "Jim", age $= (+ 1) } fred


-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Prelude.idr")
-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Prelude/List.idr")
-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/base/Data/List.idr")

-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Prelude/")
-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Prelude/Bool.idr")
-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Prelude/Either.idr")
-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Builtins.idr" "data Pair :")
-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Builtins.idr" "data DPair :")
-- (find-idrisgitgrep "grep --color -nrH -e impossible libs/")
-- (find-idrisgitgrep "grep --color -nrH -e postulate libs/")
-- (find-idrisgitgrep "grep --color -nrH -e Vect libs/")

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 179) "LinearTypes")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 179) "LinearTypes")

-- «more-expressions»  (to ".more-expressions")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 19) "1.3.10    More Expressions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 19) "1.3.10    More Expressions")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 19)   "let bindings")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 19)   "let bindings")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 20)   "List comprehensions" "[ expression | qualifiers ]")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 20)   "List comprehensions" "[ expression | qualifiers ]")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 20)   "case expressions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 20)   "case expressions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 20)   "case expressions" "(== c)")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 21) "1.3.11     Totality")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 21) "1.3.11     Totality")

-- «interfaces»  (to ".interfaces")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 21) "1.4      Interfaces")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 21) "1.4      Interfaces")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 22) "1.4.1    Default Definitions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 22) "1.4.1    Default Definitions")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 22) "1.4.2    Extending Interfaces")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 22) "1.4.2    Extending Interfaces")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 23)   "multiple constraints")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 23)   "multiple constraints")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 23) "1.4.3    Functors and Applicatives")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 23) "1.4.3    Functors and Applicatives")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 23) "1.4.4    Monads and do-notation")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 23) "1.4.4    Monads and do-notation")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 25)   "do Just x_ok <- readNumber |")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 25)   "do Just x_ok <- readNumber |")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 25)   "Monad comprehensions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 25)   "Monad comprehensions")

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 39) "filter   p (x :: xs) |")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 39) "filter   p (x :: xs) |")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 39) "with clause, followed by a vertical bar |")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 39) "with clause, followed by a vertical bar |")

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 173) "Records")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 173) "Records")

-- «theorem-proving»  (to ".theorem-proving")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 40) "1.9     Theorem Proving")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 40) "1.9     Theorem Proving")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 40) "1.9.1    Equality")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 40) "1.9.1    Equality")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 41) "1.9.2    The Empty Type")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 41) "1.9.2    The Empty Type")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 41) "1.9.3    Simple Theorems")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 41) "1.9.3    Simple Theorems")

-- plusReduces : (n:Nat) -> plus Z n = n

-- plusReducesZ : (n:Nat) -> n = plus n Z
-- plusReducesZ Z = Refl
-- plusReducesZ (S k) = cong (plusReducesZ k)

-- cong : {f : t -> u} -> a = b -> f a = f b

-- plusReducesS : (n:Nat) -> (m:Nat) -> S (plus n m) = plus n (S m)
-- plusReducesS Z m = Refl
-- plusReducesS (S k) m = cong (plusReducesS k m)

* (eepitch-to-buffer "*idris-repl*")
plusReducesZ 3
plusReducesS 3 4
3 = 3
3 = 4
Refl 3
Refl Nat


-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 42) "1.9.4    Theorems in Practice")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 42) "1.9.4    Theorems in Practice")

-- parity : (n:Nat) -> Parity n
-- parity Z     = Even {n=Z}
-- parity (S Z) = Odd {n=Z}
-- parity (S (S k)) with (parity k)
--   parity (S (S (j + j)))     | Even = Even {n=S j}
--   parity (S (S (S (j + j)))) | Odd = Odd {n=S j}

-- Unfortunately, this fails with a type error:
-- When checking right hand side of with block in views.parity with expected type
--         Parity (S (S (j + j)))
-- Type mismatch between
--         Parity (S j + S j) (Type of Even)
-- and
--         Parity (S (S (plus j j))) (Expected type)

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 45) "1.10      Provisional Definitions")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 45) "1.10      Provisional Definitions")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 48) "1.10.2     Suspension of Disbelief")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 48) "1.10.2     Suspension of Disbelief")

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 55) "1.13.1    Implicit arguments")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 55) "1.13.1    Implicit arguments")

-- (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "hindley-seldin2")
-- (find-hindleyseldin2page (+ 14  61)  "4D Abstract numerals and Z")

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 135) "5.2     Curry-Howard correspondence")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 135) "5.2     Curry-Howard correspondence")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 135)   "the (1=1) Refl")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 135)   "the (1=1) Refl")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 136) "5.2.1      And (conjunction)")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 136) "5.2.1      And (conjunction)")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 136) "5.2.2      Or (disjunction)")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 136) "5.2.2      Or (disjunction)")
-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 137) "``postulate``")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 137) "``postulate``")

* (eepitch-to-buffer "*idris-repl*")
2 = 2
3 = 4
Refl                -- err
:t Refl
the (2 = 2)
the (2 = 2) Refl
the (3 = 4)
the (3 = 4) Refl    -- err

Pair Nat Nat
Either Nat Int


-- (find-fline "~/IDRIS/Yoneda.idr")

-- (find-idrisgitfile "libs/prelude/Builtins.idr" "data Pair :")

-- proo : (P, Q, R : Type)  -> Type
-- proo : (p, q, r : Type)  -> Type
proo : Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
proo p q r = (Pair p q) -> r
-- proo = ?proo
-- proo p q r = Nat

-- (find-idrisdoccpage (+ 1 179) "| Impossible")
-- (find-idrisdocctext (+ 1 179) "| Impossible")

* (eepitch-to-buffer "*idris-repl*")

the Integer -3
the Nat -3



-- «Pair»  (to ".Pair")

-- (find-es "idris" "idris2-mode")
-- Local Variables:
-- coding:               utf-8-unix
-- modes:                (idris2-mode idris-mode)
-- End: