Eduardo Ochs - Academic Research - Categorical Semantics,
Downcasing Types, Skeletons of Proofs, and a bit of Non-Standard
The best things here are marked like [this].
Quick index:
Note: I use Dednat6 to draw most of my diagrams.
The LaTeX source of my PDFs is always available - or should be.
To download the LaTeX source of a PDF called foo.pdf try:
then unpack it and run lualatex foo.tex .
If neither the .tgz not the .zip are online, get in touch!
Adapting Lean tutorials to the Brazilian case (2025)
My submission to the EBL 2025.
Panic! At Equalities (Versão Teresópolis) (2024)
This was my presentation at the "Retiro de Teresópolis" in
2024jun18. The "Retiro" doesn't have a page yet, but it was
organized by the same people who organized these meetings. My presentation was in
Portuguese and with slides in Portuguese, and it was mainly about
the techniques that I've been using to teach Calculus 2 (page, PDFzão) to the
students of Rio das Ostras, that usually arrive at the course
without knowing how to manipulate expressions.
On a way to visualize some Grothendieck Topologies (2022)
My presentation at the XX EBL (sep/2022).
LaTeX source,
See my "Grothendieck Topologies for Children" (2021).
On the missing diagrams in Category Theory (2022) ***
This is a rewrite of [FavC].
Its abstract is:
Most texts on Category Theory are written in a very terse style, in
which people pretend a) that all concepts are visualizable, and b)
that the readers can reconstruct the diagrams that the authors had
in mind based on only the most essential cues. As an outsider I
spent years believing that the techniques for drawing diagrams were
part of the oral culture of the field, and that the insiders could
read texts on CT reconstructing the "missing diagrams" in them line
by line and paragraph by paragraph, and drawing for each page of
text a page of diagrams with all the diagrams that the authors had
omitted. My belief was wrong: there are lots of conventions for
drawing diagrams scattered through the literature, but that unified
diagrammatic language did not exist. In this chapter I will show an
attempt to reconstruct that (imaginary) language for missing
diagrams: we will see an extensible diagrammatic language, called
DL, that follows the conventions of the diagrams in the literature
of CT whenever possible and that seems to be adequate for drawing
"missing diagrams" for Category Theory. Our examples include the
"missing diagrams" for adjunctions, for the Yoneda Lemma, for Kan
extensions, and for geometric morphisms, and how to formalize them
in Agda.
This was published as a
of this book:
Handbook of Abductive Cognition.
The current ("first-person") version is here.
The version on Arxiv (also "first-person") is here:
The technical report "On the missing diagrams in Category
Theory: Agda code" will be at this
The version accepted into the "Handbook of Abductive Cognition" is
drier and shorter: it is not in the first person, it has a much
shorter introduction, and it doesn't have the chapter
that shows extensions of the diagrammatic language. I think that
the first-person version is much better. =/
Grothendieck Topologies for Children (2021)
The paper "Planar Heyting Algebras for Children" (here) showed how to use Planar Heyting
Algebras to visualize the truth-values and the operations of
Propositional Calculus in certain toposes; the "...for children" of
its title means: "we will start from some motivating examples ('for
children') that are easy to visualize, and then go the general case
('for adults') - but there are precise techniques for working
on the case 'for children' and on the case 'for adults' in
parallel". These techniques are described in detail here.
In these notes we will use these techniques to visualize
Grothendieck topologies - first in the "archetypal" case of the
canonical topology on a certain finite topological space, and then
we will generalize that to arbitrary Grothendieck topogies on
certain finite posets. that we will treat as "ex-topologies".
The PDF is here, but it is a mess. I rewrote most of the important ideas
cleanly here.
I give two informal talks on that, both in Portuguese, here.
The first one was in may 17, 2021, and was a bit messy. Recording.
The second one was in june 7, 2021, and was much better. Youtube, better quality recording.
Category Theory as An Excuse to Learn Type Theory (2021) **
The organizers of the "Encontro Brasileiro em Teoria das Categorias" invited me to give a
50-minute talk there. My talk was on the thursday, 28
january 2021. The abstract for my talk is here, and the slides
are here. The
recording is here (in Portuguese).
Each closure operator induces a topology and vice-versa (2020/2021) ***
One of the main prerequisites for understanding sheaves on
elementary toposes is the proof that a (Lawvere-Tierney) topology
on a topos induces a closure operator on it, and vice-versa. That
standard theorem is usually presented in a relatively brief way,
with most details being left to the reader, and with no hints on
how to visualize some of the hardest axioms and proofs.
These notes are, on a first level, an attempt to present that
standard theorem in all details and in a visual way, following the
conventions below; in particular, some
properties, like stability by pullbacks, are always drawn in the
same "shape".
On a second level these notes are also an experiment on doing these
proofs on "archetypal cases" in ways that makes all the proofs easy
to lift to the "general case". Our first archetypal case is a
"topos with inclusions". This is a variant of the "toposes with
canonical subobjects" from section 2.15 of [Lambek/Scott 86];
all toposes of the form Set^C, where C is a small category, are
toposes with inclusions, and when we work with toposes with
inclusions concepts like subsets and intersections are very easy to
formalize. We do all our proofs on the correspondence between
closure operators and topologies in toposes with inclusions, and
then we show how to lift all our proofs to proofs that work on any
topos. Our second archetypal case is toposes of the form Set^D,
where D is a finite two-column graph. We show a way to visualize
all the Lawvere-Tierney topologies on toposes of the form Set^D,
and we define formally a way to "add visual intuition to a proof
about toposes"; this is related to the several techniques for doing
"Category Theory for children" that are explained in the first
sections of [FavC].
The PDF of the
current version (2021jul26). Arxiv.
Older versions: 2020nov24.
See also: "On a formula
that is not in Grothendieck Topologies in Posets'" (Arxiv).
On my favorite conventions for drawing the missing diagrams in Category Theory (2020) ***
I used to believe that my conventions for drawing diagrams for
categorical statements could be written down in one page or less,
and that the only tricky part was the technique for reconstructing
objects "from their names"... but then I found out that this is not
This is an attempt to explain, with motivations and examples, all
the conventions behind a certain diagram, called the "Basic
Example" in the text. Once the conventions are understood that
diagram becomes a "skeleton" for a certain lemma related to the
Yoneda Lemma, in the sense that both the statement and the proof of
that lemma can be reconstructed from the diagram. The last sections
discuss some simple ways to extend the conventions; we see how to
express in diagrams the ("real") Yoneda Lemma and a corollary of
it, how to define comma categories, and how to formalize the
diagram for "geometric morphism for children" mentioned in section
People in CT usually only share their ways of visualizing things
when their diagrams cross some threshold of of mathematical
relevance - and this usually happens when they prove new theorems
with their diagrams, or when they can show that their diagrams can
translate calculations that used to be huge into things that are
much easier to visualize. The diagrammatic language that I present
here lies below that threshold - and so it is a "private"
diagrammatic language, that I am making public as an attempt to
establish a dialogue with other people who have also created their
own private diagrammatic languages.
PDF, arxiv.
The non-arxiv PDF is better - it has colors and hyperlinks.
See [MD] for a rewritten version of these notes.
Notes on Notation (2020)
In 2020 I decided to test my conventions
for drawing missing diagrams by drawing
some of the diagrams that are "missing" in several texts and seeing if
I always get diagrams that are easy to translate into Idris. These are
messy notes for personal use, but if you have your own conventions I'd
love to see them - please get in touch.
More "*"s mean more interesting.
Awodey's book,
Badiou's "Logics of Worlds",
Badiou's "Mathematics of The Transcendental",
Barr/Wells's CTCS,
Bell's "Toposes and Local Set Theories",
Diaconescu's "Institutions...", *
Jacobs's "Categorical Logic and Type Theory", **
Kock's "A Simple Axiomatics for Differentiation",
Lawvere's "Adjointness in Foundations" (1969),
Lawvere's "Equality in Hyperdoctrines" (1970),
MacLane's CWM,
MacLane/Moerdijk's "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic", *
McLarty's "Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes", *
Reyes*2/Zolfaghari's "Generic Figures...",
Riehl's "Categories in Context",
Seely's "Hyperdoctrines...", **
Seely's "LCCCs and Type Theory",
Valeria de Paiva's "The Dialectica Categories"
What kinds of knowledge do we gain by doing CT in several levels of abstraction in parallel? (2020)
A talk that I submitted to Diagram 2020. Its short
abstract is:
Concepts and proofs in Category Theory are usually presented in a
very abstract way, in which the diagrams, the motivating examples
and the low-level details are mostly omitted and left as exercises
for the reader. Here we will discuss how to work in this more
abstract level and in less abstract levels at the same time, using
parallel diagrams and transfering some information from the more
abstract diagram to the less abstract one and back - and we will
show formally, using type systems, what we gain by working in two
levels of abstraction in parallel.
Its "real", 4-page abstract is here.
Notes about classifiers and local operators in a Set^(P,A) (2020)
In the last section of Planar Heyting
Algebras for Children 2: Local Operators, J-Operators, and
Slashings (PDF)
I wrote that the proofs that my definitions for Ω and j "work as expected" are "routine". Well, they are only routine
if you know some techniques... these notes will
discuss these techniques and show all the calculations, but they
are currently in a very preliminary form.
The PDF.
On two tricks to make Category Theory fit in less mental space (2019)
A talk at the Creativity
2019 in Rio de Janeiro, in the workshop on formal logic and foundations.
Its full title was "On two tricks to make Category Theory fit in
less mental space: missing diagrams and skeletons of proofs", and
the abstract that I submitted is here.
Using Planar Heyting Algebras to develop visual intuition about IPL (2019)
Two presentations with the same title in two small events.
The first one was in 2019aug19 at the "Jornadas de Mirantão"
at Ilha Grande, and in it I alternated between its slides and
my slides for the
World Logic Day 2019.
The second one was in 2019sep10 at the "Seminário do Hermann" at PUC-Rio, and
in it I alternated between its slides and
the Planar
Heyting Algebras for Children paper (see here).
I did not prepare abstracts for them.
On some missing diagrams in the Elephant (2019) *
[MDE] This is a 12-page extended abstract
(also here
with darker fonts) that I submitted to ACT2019, that happened in Oxford
in july 2019. The extended abstract's abstract is:
Imagine two category theorists, Aleks and Bob, who both think
very visually and who have exactly the same background. One day
Aleks discovers a theorem, T1, and sends an e-mail, E1, to Bob, stating and proving T1 in a purely algebraic
way; then Bob is able to reconstruct by himself Aleks's diagrams
for T1 exactly as Aleks has thought them. We say that Bob
has reconstructed the "missing diagrams" in Aleks's e-mail.
Now suppose that Carol has published a paper, P2, with a
theorem T2. Aleks and Bob both read her paper
independently, and both pretend that she thinks diagrammatically
in the same way as them. They both "reconstruct the missing
diagrams" in P2 in the same way, even though Carol has
never used those diagrams herself.
Here we will reconstruct, in the sense above, some of the
"missing diagrams" in two factorizations of geometric morphisms
in section A4 of Johnstone's "Sketches of an Elephant", and also
some "missing examples". Our criteria for determining what is
"missing" and how to fill out the holes are essentially the ones
presented in the "Logic for Children" workshop at the UniLog
2018; they are derived from a certain definition of
"children" that turned out to be especially fruitful.
My submission was not accepted to become a talk, only to the poster session (on tuesday 16/july).
The PDF of
the poster. I wrote INCOMPLETE at the bottom
of it by hand when I hanged it to the wall.
The poster makes reference to these papers, notes, and slides:
- PH1 ("Planar Heyting Algebras for Children"): PDF, more info.
- PH2 ("Planar Heyting Algebras for Children 2: Local
Operators"): PDF, more info.
- NYo ("Notes on the Yoneda Lemma"): PDF, more info.
- MDE ("On some missing diagrams in the Elephant"): PDF of the
extended abstract.
- IDARCT ("Internal Diagrams and Archetypal Reasoning in
Category Theory"): PDF, more info.
See the "Planar Heyting Algebras for
Children" series.
Notes on the Yoneda Lemma (2019/2020)
My plan was to make a video from this, but I got stuck...
Then some friends asked me to present this to them in Portuguese
by Zoom in 2020may29, and they recorded it. Then I
got unstuck -
and I wrote the paper "On my favorite
and declared these slides obsolete.
The full title of the slides is:
A diagram for the Yoneda Lemma
(In which each node and arrow can be
interpreted precisely as a "term",
and most of the interpretations are
"obvious"; plus dictionaries!!!)
I am trying to implement this in a proof assistant -
on top of Jannis Limpberg's work or on idris-ct -
but I am progressing slowly! Help, please!!!
Here is my eev-ized version of the Idris tutorial.
Older versions of the slides:
If you don't know the Yoneda Lemma well
then start by these blog posts:
An introduction to type systems (and to the "Logic for Children" project) (2019)
This is going to be a series of videos, but I am still
working on the slides... work in progress!
Preliminary mini-abstract: once we learn a bit of
type systems - the Barendregt Cube and BHK; the Calculus
of Constructions is not really needed - we can use the
techniques of the "Logic for Children" project to build diagrams
for categorical concepts in a way in which every node and arrow
in these diagrams can be interpreted precisely as a lambda term;
moreover, we can create "dictionaries" based on those diagrams
that help us translate between several standard notations found
in the literature - and help us read the standard literature.
Links to some of the slides (work in progress!):
1. [NTy] An
introduction to Type Theory (40% ready).
2. Notes on the
Yoneda Lemma (90% ready; moved to the item above)
I almost gave a presentation about the part on types at IFCS in 2019jun18, but Jean-Yves Beziau forgot to pick up the
projector from the secretary's drawer in the morning... she left
everything locked, went out for lunch and only returned many, many
hours later.
Five applications of the "Logic for Children" project to Category Theory (2019)
A talk that I gave at the EBL2019
in 2019may09. Its abstract is here. My plans for this
talk were very ambitious: I wanted to present the main ideas,
motivations and constructions of PHAfC 1, 2
and 3 and Logic for Children in
20 minutes, with lots of figures... but when it was my turn to present
all the people who knew a bit of Category Theory were in another room,
attending a session with technical talks, and I did not have the 5 or
6 slides that I could have made my talk more accessible to an
audience of philosophers. I failed miserably.
Ensinando Matemática Discreta para calouros com português muito ruim (2019)
I organized a round table about how to teach Logic
to undergraduates in the EBL2019.
Its abstracts are here
(in Portuguese). It happened in 2019may06.
The slides of my talk - about a way to teach Discrete Mathematics
to freshmen who speak and write Portuguese very badly - are here (about 70%
in English).
How to almost teach Intuitionistic Logic to Discrete Mathematics Students (2019) *
A talk in the World Logic
Day - 2019jan14 - in Rio de
Janeiro, about:
1) my approach to teaching Discrete Mathematics to the students
that we get nowadays,
2) my course without prerequisites on lambda-calculus
and intuitionistic logic, and
3) how this fits at the base of the Logic for Children project.
Dednat6: an extensible (semi-)preprocessor for LuaLaTeX *
A talk at TUG2018, in Rio de
Janeiro, in 2018jul20 about
the package that I use to typeset several kinds of
Its full title is "Dednat6: an extensible (semi-)preprocessor for
LuaLaTeX that understands diagrams in ASCII art".
2018-12-31: Official page:
2018-10-29: Revised version of the article about
Dednat6 to TUGboat. PDF, source; published in
2018-10-16: Original version of the article about Dednat6 to
TUGboat: PDF, source. Has some very ugly line breaks.
2018-07-20: First day of the Conference. Program, my slides and a video of my
presentation (without me jumping to point to things).
2018-05-08: Abstract submitted to the conference.
Logic for Children (workshop at UniLog 2018) *
I organized (with Fernando Lucatelli) a workshop called "Logic for Children" that
happened at the UniLog 2018 in
Vichy, France, in june 24, 2018.
[LFCV] I made a video to advertise the workshop. It was based on these slides. I took
the pentomino image from here.
[LFC] Here is its
unofficial page, that has lots of links and
Here is the official page
of the workshop.
Here is its
original description and call for papers in PDF form.
Visualizing Geometric Morphisms (talk at UniLog 2018)
A talk given at the workshop "Categories and Logic" in the
UniLog 2018 in june 22, 2018.
Its subtitle was "An application of the "Logic for Children" project to
Category Theory".
Planar Heyting Algebras for Children (2017-) ***
Finite planar Heyting Algebras ("ZHA"s) are very good tools for
teaching Heyting Algebras and Intuitionistic
Propositional Logic to "children"; "children" here means "people
without mathematical maturity", in the sense that they are not able
to understand structures that are too abstract straight away, they
need particular cases first.
This is going to be a series of three papers.
[PH1] The first paper,
called "Planar Heyting Algebras for Children", is
about intuitionistic logic and ZHAs, and about the relation
between ZHAs and topological semantics. It has been tested on real
"children" - sophomore CS students! - and it was published in the
South American Journal of
Logic, vol.5, no.1.
[PH2] The second paper,
called "Planar Heyting Algebras for Children 2:
J-Operators, Slashings, and Nuclei", is about a way to visualize
nuclei on ZHAs; nuclei are the basis for building sheaves. There
is a version of it on arxiv, as arXiv:2001.08338, and the
current version is here. I am
rewriting some of its sections (for the n-th time).
[PH3] The third paper - with Peter Arndt, about
tools for visualizing some of the material about geometric
morphisms and sheaves in section A4 of Johnstone's Sketches of
an Elephant - is still in gestation, but the extended abstract
called "On some missing diagrams in
the Elephant" (PDF) - that I submitted to the ACT2019 contains many of the ideas that will be on it.
"On my favorite conventions..." - a
broad view of the "for children" project, with concrete examples
(2020). Start by this!
"Visualizing geometric
morphisms" - my talk about the third paper at the
"Logic for Children"
- a workshop that I organized at the UniLog2018.
When I present this to "real" children who don't know
lambda notation we go through this
material first.
Notes on notation (2017)
"Different people have different measures for "mental space";
someone with a good algebraic memory may feel that an expression like
[...] is easy to remember, while I always think diagramatically,
and so what I do is that I remember this diagram [...] and I
reconstruct the formula from it." (IDARCT)
These are very informal notes showing my favourite ways to draw the
"missing diagrams" in MacLane's CWM, and my favourite choice of letters for them. Work in progress
changing often, contributions and chats welcome, etc. My plan is to do
something similar for parts of the Elephant next.
A skeleton for the Yoneda Lemma (PDF).
Notes on notation: CWM (PDF).
Notes on notation: Elephant (PDF).
IPL For Children and Meta-Children, or: How Archetypal Are ZHAs? (2017)
This is a 20-minute talk that I gave in the
EBL2017 in 2017may09.
The full title is:
"Intuitionistic Propositional Logic For Children and Meta-Children,
or: How Archetypal Are Finite Planar Heyting Algebras?"
It is an introduction to the material in
Planar Heyting Algebras for Children.
Abstract: PDF.
Slides: PDF
Handouts: PDF.
Lambda-calculus, logics and translations (course, 2016-)
In 2016 I started giving a very introductory
course on lambda-calculus, types, intuitionistic propositional logic,
Curry-Howard, Categories, Lisp and Lua in the campus
where I work. The course is 2hs/week, has no prerequisites at all, has
no homework, and is usually attended by 2nd/3rd semester CompSci
students; they spend most of their time in class discussing and doing
exercises together in groups on a whiteboard.
I have LaTeXed a part of the material; it's here. For
bibliography, images of the whiteboards, etc, go here.
Intuitionistic Logic for Children, or: Planar Heyting Algebras for Children (2015)
Seminar notes, with lots of figures (all drawn with Dednat6).
Not self-contained. Superseded by this.
I never wrote a textual abstract for this, but the page 2 of the
PDF is a nice "One
page intro" with text and diagrams.
The PDF is here
(and here).
Current version: 2015oct19b.
(First version: 2015sep24.)
Logic and Categories, or: Heyting Algebras for Children (2015)
A tutorial presented at the UniLog 2015 conference (Istanbul), 20-22/jun/2015.
Abstract: PDF,
Slides: PDF.
Handouts: PDF.
Notes on a meaning for "for children": PDF.
Sheaves for children (2014)
A 20-minute talk - here are its slides - presented at the XIV EBL, on 2014apr09. Its abstract:
First-year university students - the ``children'' of the title
- often prefer to start from an interesting particular case, and
only then proceed to general statements. How can we make
intuitionistic logic, toposes, and sheaves accessible to them?
Let D be a finite subset of N2. Draw arrows for all
the ``black pawns moves'' between points of D, and let D
be the poset generated by that graph; D is what we call a
``ZDAG'', and SetD is a ``ZDAG-topos''. It turns out that the
truth-values of a SetD can be represented in a very nice way as
two-dimensional ASCII diagrams, and that all the operations leading
to sheaves and geometric morphisms can be understood via algorithms
on diagrams.
In this talk we will present a computer library for performing
computations interactively on the truth-values of ZDAG-toposes. The
diagrams are rendered in ASCII by default, but there is a module
that typesets them in LaTeX.
The second - and much longer - version of this talk (at the Seminário Carioca de
Lógica, 2014may19, 15:00, IFCS) had these
slides and these
handouts, and was meant for much younger "children". The focus this
time was a visual characterization of the subsets of N2 that are
Heyting Algebras, and how can we treat their points as truth-values,
and so how to interpret intuitionistic logic on them. I call these
subsets "ZHAs", the definitions and main theorems for them are in the
pages 20 to 27 of the slides, and also at the handouts.
Sheaves on Finite DAGs may be Archetypal (2011)
Can the ideas of my article about "internal
diagrams" be used to present the basic concepts of toposes and
sheaves starting from simple, "archetypal" examples? I believe so, but
this is still a work in progress!
Here are 7 pages of very nice
handwritten notes (titled "Sheaves for Children"):
They were written after discussions with Hugo Luiz Mariano and Claus
Akira Matsushige Horodynski in feb/2012, during a minicourse on CT in
Brasilia organized by Claus, with me and Hugo as lecturers...
...and here are some slightly older notes
- I submitted them, in a admittedly incomplete form, to the XVI EBL, with this abstract - and then I did a bad
job at presenting them; here are the
slides, they cover only the first ideas =(.
For the sake of completeness, here are some handwritten diagrams
describing Kan extensions in an (hopefully) archetypal case,
motivated by discussions with G.F. Lima:
1200dpi djvu,
600dpi djvu,
600dpi pdf.
Internal Diagrams in Category Theory (2010/2013) ***
A paper that I published at Logica Universalis in
its special
issue on Categorical Logic in 2013.
The published version has some weirdly-sized figures and some ugly
page breaks. The preprint is much
Here is its abstract:
We can regard operations that discard information, like
specializing to a particular case or dropping the intermediate steps
of a proof, as projections, and operations that reconstruct
information as liftings. By working with several projections in
parallel we can make sense of statements like "Set is the
archetypal Cartesian Closed Category", which means that proofs about
CCCs can be done in the "archetypal language" and then lifted to
proofs in the general setting. The method works even when our
archetypal language is diagrammatical, has potential ambiguities, is
not completely formalized, and does not have semantics for all
terms. We illustrate the method with an example from hyperdoctrines
and another from synthetic differential geometry.
This was my first "real" paper.
For my talk at the UniLog 2010 (below) I prepared
a HUGE set of
slides, and after chatting with several people at the conference I
understood that the best way to try to publish those ideas would be to
focus on the philosophical side and to leave out most technicalities
(e.g., fibrations)... so I wrote "Internal Diagrams in Category
Theory" and submitted it to LU. The referees told me to change some
things in it, including the title, and to split the paper in two.
Instead of splitting it I wrote some new sections to explain how its
two "halves" were connected, and this became "Internal Diagrams and
Archetypal Reasoning in Category Theory".
I abandoned the idea of "downcasings" after some years - now I use
internal diagrams and particular cases. See here and here.
(2013) Internal Diagrams and
Archetypal Reasoning in Category Theory
(2010) Internal Diagrams in Category
Downcasing Types (at UniLog'2010)
I gave a talk about Downcasing Types at the special session on Categorical Logic of UNILOG'2010, on 2010apr22. Very few people attended - because of the
volcanic ashes many people could not fly to Portugal, and
from all these programmed talks only these ended up happening. The abstract was:
When we represent a category C in a type system it becomes a
7-uple, whose first four components - class of objects, Hom, id,
composition - are "structure"; the other three components are
"properties", and only these last three involve equalities of
We can define a projection that keeps the "structure" and drops
the "properties" part; it takes a category and returns a
"proto-category", and it also acts on functors, isos, adjunctions,
proofs, etc, producing proto-functors, proto-proofs, and so on.
We say that this projection goes from the "real world" to the
"syntactical world"; and that it takes a "real proof", P, of some
categorical fact, and returns its "syntactical skeleton", P-. This
P- is especially amenable to diagrammatic representations, because
it has only the constructions from the original P --- the diagram
chasings have been dropped.
We will show how to "lift" the proto-proofs of the Yoneda Lemma
and of some facts about monads and about hyperdoctrines from the
syntactical world to the real world. Also, we will show how each
arrow in our diagrams is a term in a precise diagrammatic language,
and how these diagrams can be read out as definitions. The
"downcased" diagrams for hyperdoctrines, in particular, look as
diagrams about Set (the archetypical hyperdoctrine), yet they state
the definition of an arbitrary hyperdoctrine, plus
A longer version of the abstract:
First official release of the slides (2010jun21, 100 pages):
Latest version of the slides (109 pages): dvi, pdf.
Some related posts at cat-dist:
Natural infinitesimals in filter-powers (2008)
"Purely calculational proofs" involving infinitesimals can be
"lifted" from the non-standard universe (an ultrapower) to the
"semi-standard universe" (a filter-power) through the quotient
SetI/F→SetI/U; and after they've been moved
to the right filter-power they can be translated very easily to
standard proofs. I don't know how much of this idea is new, but I
liked it so much that I wrote it down in some detail and asked for
feedback in the Categories mailing
Preliminary version (2008jul13), including the message to the
mailing list:
A (long-ish) abstract for a presentation intended for undergrads:
I presented that at the students' colloquium at
PUC-Rio, on 2008aug20, 17:00-18:00hs.
I will talk about it again at
IMPA, on
2008sep17, 15:30 (pdf).
(News: Reinhard Boerger pointed me to later (post-1958) work by
Laugwitz and Schmieden, and I got a copy of the "Reuniting the Antipodes" book; my current impression is that my result is not as trivial as I
was afraid it could be. Homework-in-progress: several cleanups on the
preliminary version above, and I'm trying - harder - to understand
Moerdijk and Palmgren's sheaf models.)
Note (2010): I still don't have the tools for formalizing this
idea completely. As what I have is an "incomplete internal language",
the ideas in this preprint may help.
Sheaves for Non-Categorists (2008)
This is another presentation that - maybe after some clean-ups
- will be accessible to undergrads... The current version of the
slides (far from ready, with lots of garbage and gaps!) is here:
The presentation will be at the Logic Seminar at UFF, on 2008sep04, 16:00-17:00hs.
Here's an htmlized version of the abstract:
Take a set of "worlds", W, and a directed acyclical graph on W,
given by a relation R ⊂ W × W. Let's call the functions W
→ {0,1} "modal truth-values", and the R-non-decreasing
functions W → {0,1} "intuitionistic truth-values". If we see W
as a topological space with the order topology induced by R, the
intuitionistic truth-values correspond to open sets.
The pair (O(W), ⊆) is a Heyting algebra --- meaning that we
can interpret intuitionistic propositional logic on it --- and it is
a (bigger) DAG, and so we can repeat the above process with it, to
generate a (bigger) topological space (O(W), O(O(W))), which is the
natural setting for talking about "covers", "saturated covers", and
"unions of covers".
This presentation will be focused on understanding all these
ideas (and more!), mainly in the case where W has three worlds
forming a "V", and R has two arrows pointing downwards. The
operation of "taking the union of a cover" turns out to be a
particular case of a "Lawvere-Tierney modality"; the double negation
is another LT-modality.
Seminar on downcasing types (nov/2007)
If you are going to attend my seminars at PUC at November/2007
and want to take a peek at my notes (they are very incomplete at the
moment, it goes without saying), they have just been split into
several parts:
Bad news (?), dec/2007: the seminars will not happen - instead, I
got a job at São Paulo, on computer stuff. I'll keep working on maths
and on my personal free software projects in my spare time. If you
find any of these things interesting, and want to discuss or to
encourage me to finish something, get in touch!
2008: I am giving a series of seminars at UFF to try to
organize my ideas about downcasing types... here are links to some of
TeXed slides (they are very preliminary, too. Should I be embarassed
to provide links to these things? Well...):
General links
I moved them to this page.
PhD and post-PhD research *
I did both my MsC and my PhD (and also my graduation, by the way)
at the Department of Mathematics at
PUC-Rio. The Dept of Mathematics is a fantastic place - tiny,
incredibly friendly, well-equipped, lots of research going on -,
but (rant mode on) PUC-Rio is a private university, and most of the
students from other departments were ultra-competitive rich kids
who had never stepped out of the marble towers they live in. I used
to find it very hard - very painful, even - to interact with them,
and even to stand their looks, like if they were always trying to
tag me as either a "winner" or a "loser", as if there weren't any
other ways to live. Eeek! But these days are long gone now (rant
mode off).
I spent the first eight months of 2002 at McGill University in Montreal, doing
research for my PhD thesis there, working with Robert Seely... I was in a "Sandwich
PhD" program (thanks CAPES!), which
is something that lets us do part of the research abroad and then
come back and finish (and defend) the thesis at our university of
I defended my PhD thesis (with lots of holes) in August, 2003 and
presented the final version - filling out some of the gaps -
in February, 2004. Then I spent most of 2004 teaching part-time in
an university at the outskirts of Rio (FEBF/UERJ), and also trying to finish a
very important Free Software project that I've been working on
since 1999 (GNU eev).
The thesis is in Portuguese and you don't want to see it. Really. =(
News (2010/2013): this paper has all the ideas from my
PhD thesis, plus some! It fills all the gaps from the thesis, and it
is quite well written =).
News (October 2005): I gave a series of talks about my PhD thesis
at UFF.
This is the abstract for a talk that I gave at the FMCS2002 in June 8, 2002.
Title: A System of Natural Deduction for Categories
We will present a logic (system DNC) whose terms represent
categories, objects, morphisms, functors, natural
transformations, sets, points, and functions, and whose rules of
deduction represent certain constructive operations involving
those entities. Derivation trees in this system only represent
the "T-part" (for "terms" and "types") of the constructions, not
the "P-part" ("proofs" and "propositions"): the rules that
generate functors and natural transformations do not check that
they obey the necessary equations. So, we can see derivations in
this system either as constructions happening in a "syntactical
world", that should be related to the "real world" in some way
(maybe through meta-theorems that are yet to be found), or as
being just "skeletons" of the real constructions, with the
P-parts having been omitted for briefness.
Even though derivations in DNC tell only half of the story, they
still have a certain charm: DNC terms represent "types", but a
tree represents a construction of a lambda-calculus term; there's
a Curry-Howard isomorphism going on, and a tree can be a visual
help for understanding how the lambda-calculus term works -- how
the data flows inside a given categorical construction. Also, if
we are looking for a categorical entity of a certain "type" we
can try to express it as a DNC term, and then look for a DNC
"deduction" having it as its "conclusion"; the deduction will
give us a T-part, and we will still have to go back to the
standard language to supply a P-part, but at least the search has
been broken in two parts...
The way to formalize DNC, and to provide a translation between
terms in its "logic" and the usual notations for Category Theory,
is based on the following idea. Take a derivation tree D in the
Calculus of Constructions, and erase all the contexts and all the
typings that appear in it; also erase all the deduction steps
that now look redundant. Call the new tree D'. If the original
derivation, D, obeys some mild conditions, then it is possible to
reconstruct it -- modulo exchanges and unessential weakenings in
the contexts -- from D', that is much shorter. The algorithm that
does the reconstruction generates as a by-product a "dictionary"
that tells the type and the "minimal context" for each term that
appears in D'; by extending the language that the dictionary can
deal with we get a way to translate DNC terms and trees -- and
also, curiously, with a few tricks more, and with some minimal
information to "bootstrap" the dictionary, categorical diagrams
written in a DNC-like language.
I also gave a shorter version of that talk at the CMS Summer 2002 Meeting, in
June 17.
Slides for the longer talk (45 minutes, 26+3 pages):
Slides for the shorter talk (one week later, 15 minutes, 16+2 pages:
Fact: all the essential details (i.e., the "T-part", as in the
abstract above) of a certain construction of a categorical model of
the Calculus of Constructions - and also of categorical models of
several fragments of CC - can be expressed in (a few!) categorical
diagrams using the DNC language. I'm currently (February/March 2005)
preparing talks and articles about that.
An older talk about Natural Deduction for Categories. After
using something like the DNC notation for years just because "it
looked right", but without any good formal justification for it, in
February 2001 I had the key idea: there were rules of both
discharge and introduction for the "connectives" for functors and
natural transformations. A few months after that (in July 5 2001, to
be precise) I gave a talk about it at a meeting called Natural Deduction Rio
Abstract (3 pages and a bit):
Slides (16 slides):
Another talk, even older, about Natural Deduction for
Categories. After finding the key idea that I mentioned above I
arranged to give a (very informal) talk at the Centro de Lógica e Epistemologia at
UNICAMP. It happened in April 25, 2001, and for it I had to
assemble my personal notes into something that could be used as
slides. The title was ""Set^C is a topos" has a syntactical proof".
The notes from which the slides were made:
MsC Thesis and related things *
My master's thesis: "Categorias, Filtros e Infinitesimais
Naturais" (April, 1999). The thesis and the slides used in the
defense are in Portuguese.
Thesis (7+116 pages):
Slides (15 slides):
The diagrams were made with diaglib and the
deduction trees with dednat.icn.
A few months after the defense (in February 24, 2000, to be
precise) I gave a talk at UFF about a kind of "Nonstandard Analysis
with Filters", and about skeletons of proofs. Slides (12 slides plus
one page), in Portuguese:
My advisor at PUC: Nicolau Saldanha
Typesetting categorical diagrams in LaTeX
2017set19: update: since mid-2015 I'm using Dednat6, LuaLaTeX and pict2e for all my diagrams.
My PhD thesis included lots of hairy categorical diagrams, and I
ended up writing a LaTeX preprocessor in Lua - called "dednat4.lua" -
to help me typeset them. Below are some examples of diagrams that I
have typeset with dednat4:
if a functor R has a left adjont
then it preserves limits
The Beck-Chevalley map
in an LCCC
The Frobenius map
in an LCCC
Downcasing A×
(three views)
Note that dednat4 is obsolete, and that the diagrams above use an
obsolete notation - the notation for "downcasings" from IDARCT...