Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
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% «.cases-0-1-9-2»		(to "cases-0-1-9-2")
% «.lemmas»			(to "lemmas")
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% «.proofs-12-to-15ppp»		(to "proofs-12-to-15ppp")
% «.proofs-16-to-19»		(to "proofs-16-to-19")
% «.proofs-20-to-23»		(to "proofs-20-to-23")
% «.interval-lemmas»		(to "interval-lemmas")
% «.interval-induction»		(to "interval-induction")
% «.interval-induction-2»	(to "interval-induction-2")
% «.interval-induction-3»	(to "interval-induction-3")
% «.intervals»			(to "intervals")

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Index of the slides:
% To update the list of slides uncomment this line:
% then rerun LaTeX on this file, and insert the contents of "tmp.los"
% below, by hand (i.e., with "insert-file"):
% (find-fline "tmp.los")
% (insert-file "tmp.los")
\tocline {E-mail} {2}
\tocline {Increasing and decreasing} {3}
\tocline {L1, L2, Types} {4}
\tocline {Definitions} {5}
\tocline {Cases 0, 1 and 9} {6}
\tocline {Cases 0, 1 and 9 (2)} {7}
\tocline {Lemmas} {8}
\tocline {Proofs (5 to 11)} {9}
\tocline {Proofs (12 to 15${}'''$)} {10}
\tocline {Proofs (16 to 19)} {11}
\tocline {Proofs (20 to 23)} {12}
\tocline {Interval lemmas} {13}
\tocline {Induction in intervals} {14}
\tocline {Induction in intervals (2)} {15}
\tocline {Intervals} {16}

% (defun a () (interactive) (insert "$\\begin{array}{lcl}\n \\end{array}\n$\n"))

\def\isdisjoint{\text{ is disjoint}}
\def\different{\text{ different}}
\def\covers{\text{ covers }}

% --------------------
% «e-mail»  (to ".e-mail")
% (s "E-mail" "e-mail")
\myslide {E-mail} {e-mail}

Tenho boas notícias sim... vou dar um resumo.

O Petrúcio tava tentando fazer todas as provas numa linguagem - que eu
chamo de "L1" - que não tem conjuntos, interseções, uniões, etc. Eu
tava usando uma linguagem - "L2" - que permite tudo isso e algumas
coisas mais, e que pra mim era óbvio que tudo que eu fizesse em L2
podia ser traduzido para L1...

Bom, eu formalizei essa L2 - não totalmente ainda, mas acho que
suficiente bem - e a tradução dela para L1, e tenho um monte de lemas
interessantes cujas provas em L2 são curtíssimas e bem intuitivas... e
isto inclui vários pedaços da demonstração de que aquela construção do
Petrúcio prova Ind |- Zer \/ Inj.

Essa outra abordagem daqui me pareceu ainda mais natural. Como sempre,
tudo fica mais fácil com um exemplo ("dever de casa pro leitor:
generalize" - só que como eu não tou dando detalhes suficientes esse
dever de casa não é pra ser levado a sério). Imaginem que o nosso N é
isso aqui:


eu encontrei um modo de caracterizar os elementos do loop (i.e., {4,
5, 6}) e o primeiro cara de fora do loop que aponta pro loop (o 3),
usando L2 - e portanto, com a tradução, tenho um modo de fazer tudo
isso em L1... daí dá pra provar que o 4 tem dois antecessores. Ainda
não chequei todos os detalhes do que eu vou dizer agora, mas lá vai...

Eu chamo de "L" a construção que me dá esse loop, de "[a,\infty)" a
construção que me dá todos os sucessores de a, e de "\notS A" a
construção que me retorna todos os elementos de A cujo sucessor não
está em A. Então nesse caso

  L(0) = {4, 5, 6},

  [0,\infty) \ L(0) = {1, 2, 3},

  \notS([0,\infty) \ L(0)) = {3},

e o sucessor do 3 é o único cara de [0,\infty) que pode ter mais de um
predecessor em [0,\infty) - um dentro do loop e um fora. No caso em
que eu tenho um w com w->0 (por ~Zer) e vale Inj, então todo mundo
pertence a [0,\infty), inclusive o w; aí eu vou ter L(0) = todo mundo,
[0,\infty) \ L(0) = vazio, e não vou poder ter um cara com dois
predecessores... ou seja, Inj (o "Inj de verdade", sobre o N todo),
vai valer.

Depois vou escrever os detalhes direito.

  [[]]s, té quinta,

% --------------------
% «incr-and-decr»  (to ".incr-and-decr")
% (s "Increasing and decreasing" "incr-and-decr")
\myslide {Increasing and decreasing} {incr-and-decr}

We will say that a predicate $P$ on $N$ is ``non-decreasing'' when
$ýx.Px⊃PSx$, and ``non-increasing'' when $ýx.PSx⊃Px$; obviously, the
idea is that the characteristic function of a predicate on $N$ may be
non-decreasing or non-increasing (for each arrow $x \to Sx$), and we
are making these terms apply to predicates too.

  \neto P & := & ýx.Px⊃PSx && \text{(non-decreasing)}, \\
  \seto P & := & ýx.PSx⊃Px && \text{(non-increasing)}. \\

Note that $\neto P \Bij \seto (¬P)$.

We can define the set of successors of $a$ and the set of predecessors
of $b$ as:
  x Ý  [a,‚) & := & ýA. Aa ∧ \neto A ⊃ Ax \\
  x Ý (-‚,b] & := & ýB. Bb ∧ \seto A ⊃ Bx \\

It is easy to see that $\neto(Ý[a,‚))$ and that $\seto(Ý(-‚,b])$.

Lemma: $bÝ[a,‚) \Bij aÝ(-‚,b]$.

  bÝ[a,‚)  & \equiv & ýA. Aa ∧ \neto A ⊃ Ab \\
  aÝ(-‚,b] & \equiv & ýB. Bb ∧ \seto A ⊃ Ba \\
           & \equiv & ýA. ¬Ab ∧ \neto A ⊃ ¬Aa \\
           & \equiv & ýA. Aa ∧ \neto A ⊃ Ab. \\

Now let's define the ``closed interval'' $[a,b]$. This will be like
$[a,‚)$, except that the characteristic function will be allowed to
decrease at the arrow $b \to Sb$; when $b \notin [a,‚)$ we will have
  x Ý  [a,b] & := & ýA. Aa ∧ (ýx \neq b.Px⊃PSx) ⊃ Ax \\

Lemma: if $Sb \in [0,b]$ then $[0,b]=[0,‚)$.

Proof: straightforward (look at the arrow $b \to Sb$).

Lemma: if $xÝ[a,b]$ and $Sx \notin [a,b]$ then $x=b$.

Proof: straightforward.

% \msk
% Now suppose that $\ang{N, 0, S}$ is a DP-structure in which $\Ind$
% holds. $\Ind$ means that $N = [0,‚)$ (i.e., all elements of $N$ are
% successors of 0).
% Definition: a wabc-structure is a DP-structure with four extra
% constants, $w, a, b, c$, in which $\Ind$ holds, and where $Sw=0$ and
% $Sa=Sb=c$. Note that $\Ind$ implies that $w,a,b,c \in [0,‚)$.
% In a wabc-structure we have:
% %
% $$\begin{array}{c}
%   {} [0,‚) = [0,w] = (-‚,w] = (-‚,0], \\
%   {} [0,a]þ\{c\} = [0,c] = [0,b]þ\{c\} \\
%   \end{array}
% $$
% {\it (oops, the last line is wrong...)}
% (Note that a closed interval $[0,x]$ in a wabc-structure either is the
% whole $N$ or has a ``last element'' whose successor is not in the
% interval... and that element is necessarily $x$.)

% --------------------
% «types»  (to ".types")
% (s "L1, L2, Types" "types")
\myslide {L1, L2, Types} {types}



  x,y &:& N \\
  P,Q &:& Ø \\
  A,B         &:& \Pts(N)       \text{\;\;(i.e., $N \to Ø$)} \\
  \calA,\calB &:& \Pts(\Pts(N)) \text{\;\;(i.e., $(N \to Ø) \to Ø$)} \\


  x,0,Sx             &:& N \\
  §,®,¬P,P∧Q,P⊃Q,P∨Q &:& Ø \\
  Ax, x=y            &:& Ø \\ 
  ýx.P, Îx.P         &:& Ø \\
  ýA.P, ÎA.P         &:& Ø \\


  ýx \in N.P, Îx\in N.P              &:& Ø \\
  ýA \subseteq N.P, ÎA \subseteq N.P &:& Ø \\


  \emp, N, AÌB, AþB, A \bsl B              &:& \Pts(N) \\
  \{a\}, \{a,b\}, \ldots                   &:& \Pts(N) \\
  \emp, \Pts(A), \calAÌ\calB, \calAþ\calB, \calA\bsl\calB &:& \Pts(\Pts(N)) \\
  \sst{aÝN}{P}, \bigcap\calA, \bigcup\calB                &:& \Pts(N) \\
  ýA \subseteq N.P, ÎA \subseteq N.P       &:& Ø \\
  \sst{A\subseteq N}{P}                    &:& \Pts(\Pts(N)) \\
  x Ý A                                    &:& Ø \\
  A Ý \calA                                &:& Ø \\


 [a,‚), \, (-‚,b], \, [a,b]   &:& \Pts(N) \\
 \neto A, \seto A             &:& Ø       \\
 \notS A                      &:& \Pts(A) \\
 La, a \to b, a \epito b,     &:& Ø       \\
 a \le b, a < b, a \sim b     &:& Ø       \\
 L^9a, L'a, L^¢a              &:& \Pts(N) \\
 \Ind, \Inj, \Zer             &:& Ø       \\

% --------------------
% «definitions»  (to ".definitions")
% (s "Definitions" "definitions")
\myslide {Definitions} {definitions}


 aÝA           &:=& Aa      \\
 AÝ\calA       &:=& \calA A \\
 \sst{x}{P}    &:=& ðx¨N.P  \\
 N             &:=& ðx¨N.§  \\
 \emp          &:=& ðx¨N.®  \\
 \sof{a,b}     &:=& \sst{x}{x=a∨x=b} \\
 AÌB           &:=& \sst{x}{xÝA ∧ xÝB} \\
 AþB           &:=& \sst{x}{xÝA ∨ xÝB} \\
 A \bsl B      &:=& \sst{x}{xÝA ∧ ¬xÝB} \\
 \sst{A}{P}    &:=& ðA.P  \\
 \bigcup\calA  &:=& \sst{x}{ÎAÝ\calA.xÝA} \\
 \bigcap\calA  &:=& \sst{x}{ýAÝ\calA.xÝA} \\
 \neto A       &:=& ýx.xÝA⊃SxÝA \\
 \seto A       &:=& ýx.SxÝA⊃xÝA \\
 {}[a,‚)       &:=& \bigcap\sst{A}{aÝA ∧ \neto A} \\
 {}[-‚,b)      &:=& \bigcap\sst{B}{bÝB ∧ \seto B} \\
% {}[a,b]       &:=& \bigcap\sst{A}{aÝA ∧ (ýx \neq b.xÝA⊃SxÝA)} \\
 \notS A       &:=& \sst{aÝA}{Sa \notin A} \\
 La            &:=& a Ý [Sa,‚) \\
% L^9a          &:=& [a,‚) \\
 L^¢a          &:=& \sst{bÝ[a,‚)}{Lb} \\
 L'a           &:=& \sst{bÝ[a,‚)}{¬Lb} \\
 a \to b       &:=& Sa = b \\
 a \epito b    &:=& [a,‚) \ni b \\
% a \le b       &:=& [a,‚) \supseteq [b,‚) \\
% a < b         &:=& [a,‚) \supsetneq [b,‚) \\
% a \sim b      &:=& [a,‚) = [b,‚) \\
 \calA \isdisjoint      &:=& ýA,BÝ\calA.A \neq B \funto AþB=\emp \\
 \calA \covers a \to Sa &:=& ÎAÝ\calA.\{a,Sa\} \subseteq A \\
 {} [a,b]               &:=& \bigcap\sst{A}{aÝA ∧ ýxÝA\bsl\{b\}.SxÝA} \\
 {} [a,bc]              &:=& \bigcap\sst{A}{aÝA ∧ ýxÝA\bsl\{b,c\}.SxÝA} \\


% Theorem: if $c,dÝ[a,‚)$ then $c \epito d ∨ d \epito c$.
% Proof: suppose that $c,dÝ[a,‚)$ and $¬(c \epito d)$ and $¬(d \epito
% c)$, and define:
% %
% $$B := \sst{bÝ[a,‚)}{b \epito c ∧ c \epito d}.$$
% Then $aÝB$, $\neto B$, and so $[a,‚) \subseteq B$;
% but $c,d \notin B$, which contradicts $c,dÝ[a,‚)$.
% \msk
% Theorem: the elements in $L^¢a$ are all $\sim$-equivalent.
% Theorem: the elements in $L^9a/\sim$ are linearly ordered.
% \msk

% Theorem: each element $cÝL'a$, $c \neq a$, has exactly one predecessor in $L'a$.
% Proof: the predecessor is $\notS (L^9a \bsl \{c\})$ (...)
% \msk
% Theorem: each element $cÝL^¢a$ has exactly one predecessor in $cÝL^¢a$.
% Proof: the predecessor is $\notS (L^¢a \bsl \{c\})$ (...)
% \msk
% Theorem: if $L'a \neq \emp$ and $L^¢a \neq \emp$ then $L'a$ has a last element ---
% namely, $\notS L'a$.

% --------------------
% «cases-0-1-9»  (to ".cases-0-1-9")
% (s "Cases 0, 1 and 9" "cases-0-1-9")
\myslide {Cases 0, 1 and 9} {cases-0-1-9}

We say that $b$ {\sl is in a loop} --- and we write this as $Lb$ ---

when $Sb \epito b$, i.e., when $bÝ[Sb,‚)$.

With the predicate $L$ we can split $[a,‚)$ in two disjoint parts:

a ``linear part'', $L'a$, and a ``loop part'', $L^¢a$, that are defined as:
  L'a  &:=& \sst{bÝ[a,‚)}{¬Lb} \\
  L^¢a &:=& \sst{bÝ[a,‚)}{Lb} \\

Theorem: $[a,‚)$ is either a loop,

an infinite straight line, or a ``nine''.

We will call these cases ``0'', ``1'' and ``9'',

according to the shapes of the numbers.

    . <- ... <- .
 <-               <-
w                    .
 ->                ->
   a -> . -> . -> .

      Case 0

   a -> . -> . -> ...

      Case 1

                       <-     <-
                      c          .
                       ->      ->
   a -> . -> ... -> b -> d -> .
   \________  ______/ \____  ____/
            \/             \/
           L'a            L°a

      Case 9

% --------------------
% «cases-0-1-9-2»  (to ".cases-0-1-9-2")
% (s "Cases 0, 1 and 9 (2)" "cases-0-1-9-2")
\myslide {Cases 0, 1 and 9 (2)} {cases-0-1-9-2}

If $a=0$ and $\Ind$ holds, then $[a,‚)$ is the whole universe (i.e., $N$).

We want to show that $¬\Zer$ only holds in the case ``0'',

and that $¬\Inj$ only holds in the case ``9''.



$L^¢a$ is a single loop: for $b,cÝL^¢a$ we have $b \epito c$ and $c \epito b$.

A loop is a sink: there may be arrows from $L'a$ to $L^¢a$,

but no arrows leave $L^¢a$ back to $L'a$.

$L'a$ is linearly ordered: $b,cÝL'a$ either $b \epito c$ and $c \epito b$ hold,

and if both $b \epito c$ and $c \epito b$ hold then $b=c$.

Each element $\neq a$ of $L'a$ has exactly one predecessor (in $L'a$).

$\upto$ {\sl [ I have not proved this yet!]}

$L'a$ has a last element if and only if we are in the case ``9'';

and this last element (`$b$' in the figure), when it exists, is unique.

The successor of the last element of $L'a$ is in the loop part

(the arrow $b \to d$ in the figure for the case ``9'').

Every element in a loop has a predecessor in the loop

(arrows $w \to a$ in the figure ``0'', $c \to d$ in the figure ``9'');

this shows that $\Inj$ fails in the case ``9''.

{\sl [I have not shown yet that the predecessor-in-the-loop is unique...

I will need that to show that $\Inj$ holds in ``0'']}

In the cases ``1'' and ``9'' the element $a$ (i.e., 0) has no

predecessor --- i.e., $\Zer$ holds.


% --------------------
% «lemmas»  (to ".lemmas")
% (s "Lemmas" "lemmas")
\myslide {Lemmas} {lemmas}

  (1) & \neto[a,‚) \\
  (2) & \seto(-‚,b] \\
  (3) & \neto A \Bij \seto(N \bsl A) \\
  (4) & bÝ[a,‚) \Bij aÝ(-‚,b] \\
  (5) & [a,‚) = \{a\}þ[Sa,‚) \\
  (6) & a \epito b \Bij [a,‚) \supseteq [b,‚) \\
  (7) & a \epito b, b \epito a \Bij [a,‚) = [b,‚) \\
  (8) & a \epito b \funto Sa \epito Sb \\
  (9) & La \Bij [a,‚) = [Sa,‚) \\
 (10) & La \funto LSa \\
%(11) & \notS(-‚,b] = \emp \Bij Lb \\
 (11) & \neto(-‚,b] \Bij Lb \\
 (12) & a \neq b, a \epito b \funto Sa \epito b \\
 (13) & \notS(-‚,b] \subseteq \{b\} \\
 (14) & La \funto [a,‚) \subseteq (-‚,a] \\
 (15) & La, a \epito b \funto b \epito a \\
 (15') & La, a \epito b \funto Lb \\
 (15'') & La, a \epito b, a \epito c \funto b \epito c ∧ c \epito b \\
 (15''') & La, a \epito b \funto [a,‚)=[b,‚) \\
 (16) & c \nepito d, d \nepito c \funto \neto\sst{b}{b \epito c ∧ b \epito d} \\
 (17) & a \epito c, a \epito d, c \nepito d, d \nepito c \funto ® \\
 (18) & a \epito c, a \epito d \funto c \epito d ∨ d \epito c \\
 (19) & a \epito c, a \epito d, Lc, Ld \funto c \epito d ∧ d \epito c \\
 (20) & L'a \neq \emp, L^¢a \neq \emp \funto \notS L'a \neq \emp \\
 (21) & b,cÝ\notS L'a, b \neq c, b \epito c \funto ® \\
 (22) & b,cÝ\notS L'a, \funto b=c \\
 (23) & Ld, Sd \neq d \funto \notS([d,‚)\bsl\{d\}) \neq \emp \\

% --------------------
% «proofs-5-to-11»  (to ".proofs-5-to-11")
% (s "Proofs (5 to 11)" "proofs-5-to-11")
\myslide {Proofs (5 to 11)} {proofs-5-to-11}

%:*.<=.*\subseteq *
%:*.>=.*\supseteq *
%:*->>*\epito *
%:*!->>*\nepito *
%:*<<-*\epiot *
%:*!=*\neq *
%: *b->>cd*b \epito c ∧ b \epito d*
%:                                                     SaÝ[a,‚)   \neto[a,‚)
%:                                                     ---------------------
%:  aÝ(\{a\}þ[Sa,‚))   \neto(\{a\}þ[Sa,‚))    aÝ[a,‚)     [Sa,‚).<=.[a,‚)   
%:  --------------------------------------    ---------------------------
%:       [a,‚).<=.\{a\}þ[Sa,‚)                  \{a\}þ[Sa,‚).<=.[a,‚)
%:       ^i-5.1                                 ^i-5.2
%:   a->>b                  [a,‚).>=.[b,‚)
%:  -------  ----------     --------------
%:  bÝ[a,‚)  \neto[a,‚)      [a,‚)\ni"b
%:  -------------------      ----------
%:    [b,‚).<=.[a,‚)          a->>b
%:    ^i-6.1                  ^i-6.2
%:      a->>b            b->>a           [a,‚)=[b,‚)      [a,‚)=[b,‚)    
%:  --------------   --------------    --------------   --------------   
%:  [a,‚).>=.[b,‚)   [b,‚).>=.[a,‚)    [a,‚).>=.[b,‚)   [a,‚).<=.[b,‚)   
%:  -------------------------------    --------------   --------------   
%:            [a,‚)=[b,‚)                  a->>b            b->>a        
%:            ^i-7.1                       ^i-7.2           ^i-7.3
%:                    [bÝ\{a\}]^1   
%:                    -----------   
%:       a->>b            b=a           
%:      -------          -----                   -----------
%:      bÝ[a,‚)          Sb=Sa     [bÝ[Sa,‚)]^1  \neto[Sa,‚)
%:   --------------    ---------   -------------------------
%:   bÝ\{a\}þ[Sa,‚)    SbÝ[Sa,‚)        SbÝ[Sa,‚)
%:   --------------------------------------------1     -----------
%:                 SbÝ[Sa,‚)                           \neto[Sa,‚)
%:                 -----------------------------------------------
%:                            [Sb,‚).<=.[Sa,‚)
%:                            ----------------
%:                               Sa->>Sb
%:                               ^i-8
%:         La                                 [a,‚)=[Sa,‚)
%:       ------            ------             ------------
%:       Sa->>a            a->>Sa               aÝ[Sa,‚)
%:   ---------------   ---------------          --------
%:   [Sa,‚).>=.[a,‚)   [a,‚).>=.[Sa,‚)          Sa->>a
%:   ---------------------------------          ------
%:                [a,‚)=[Sa,‚)                    La
%:                ^i-9.1                          ^i-9.2
%:         La
%:        ------
%:        Sa->>a
%:       --------
%:       SSa->>Sa
%:       --------
%:         LSa
%:         ^i-10
%:   [bÝ(-‚,a]]^1
%:   ------------
%:      b->>a       La
%:     -------    ------    --------
%:     Sb->>Sa    Sa->>a    aÝ(-‚,a]  \neto(-‚,a]   
%:     -----------------    ---------------------
%:        Sb->>a                 SaÝ(-‚,a]
%:      ---------                ---------
%:      SbÝ(-‚,a]                 Sa->>a
%:     -----------1               ------
%:     \neto(-‚,a]                  La
%:     ^i-11.1                      ^i-11.2
$$\ded{i-5.1} \qquad \ded{i-5.2}$$
$$\ded{i-6.1} \qquad \ded{i-6.2}$$
$$\ded{i-7.1} \qquad \ded{i-7.2} \qquad \ded{i-7.3}$$
$$\ded{i-9.1} \qquad \ded{i-9.2}$$
$$\ded{i-11.1} \qquad \ded{i-11.2}$$

% --------------------
% «proofs-12-to-15ppp»  (to ".proofs-12-to-15ppp")
% (s "Proofs (12 to 15${}'''$)" "proofs-12-to-15ppp")
\myslide {Proofs (12 to 15${}'''$)} {proofs-12-to-15ppp}

%:               a->>b
%:          --------------
%:   b!=a   bÝ\{a\}þ[Sa,‚)
%:   ---------------------
%:       bÝ[Sa,‚)
%:       --------
%:       Sa->>b
%:       ^i-12
%:                          [aÝ(-‚,b]\bsl\{b\}]^1
%:                          ---------------------
%:  [aÝ(-‚,b]\bsl\{b\}]^1          aÝ(-‚,b]
%:  ---------------------          --------
%:         a!=b                      a->>b
%:         -------------------------------
%:                   Sa->>b
%:                 ---------
%:                 SaÝ(-‚,b]
%:            --------------------1
%:            \notS(-‚,b].<=.\{b\}
%:            ^i-13
%:                 La
%:  --------   -----------
%:  aÝ(-‚,a]   \neto(-‚,a]
%:  ----------------------
%:      [a,‚).<=.(-‚,a]
%:      ^i-14
%:      La
%:  ---------------
%:  [a,‚).<=.(-‚,a]
%:  -----------------
%:  bÝ[a,‚)=>bÝ(-‚,a]
%:  -----------------
%:    a->>b=>b->>a
%:    ^i-15
%:  La  a->>b
%:  ---------
%:    b->>a       La
%:    -------   ------
%:    Sb->>Sa   Sa->>a   a->>b
%:    ------------------------
%:          Sb->>b
%:          ------
%:            Lb
%:            ^i-15'
%:   La  a->>b          La  a->>c
%:   ---------          ---------
%:     b->>a    a->>c     c->>a    a->>b
%:     --------------     --------------
%:          b->>c             c->>b
%:          -----------------------
%:                b->>c∧c->>b
%:                ^i-15''
%:         La  a->>b
%:         ---------
%:  a->>b    b->>a
%:  --------------
%:   [a,‚)=[b,‚)
%:   ^i-15'''

% --------------------
% «proofs-16-to-19»  (to ".proofs-16-to-19")
% (s "Proofs (16 to 19)" "proofs-16-to-19")
\myslide {Proofs (16 to 19)} {proofs-16-to-19}

%:  [b->>d]^1  c!->>d             [b->>c]^1  d!->>c
%:  -----------------             -----------------
%:        b!=c         [b->>c]^1       b!=d          [b->>d]^1
%:        ----------------------       -----------------------
%:                Sb->>c                     Sb->>d
%:                ---------------------------------1
%:                      \neto\sst{b}{b->>c∧b->>d}
%:                            ^i-16
%:                   a->>c   a->>d       c!->>d   d!->>c
%:                 -----------------   --------------------
%:  a->>c  a->>d   aÝ\sst{b}{b->>cd}   \neto\sst{b}{b->>cd}
%:  ------------   ----------------------------------------
%:    c,dÝ[a,‚)          [a,‚).<=.\sst{b}{b->>cd}             c!->>d   d!->>c
%:    -------------------------------------------         -----------------------
%:                c,dÝ\sst{b}{b->>cd}                     c,d\notin\sst{b}{b->>cd}
%:                ----------------------------------------------------------------
%:                                            ®
%:                                            ^i-17
%:    a->>c  a->>d
%:  ----------------
%:  c!->>d∧d!->>c=>®
%:  ----------------
%:  ¬(c!->>d∧d!->>c)
%:  ----------------
%:  ¬(¬c->>d∧¬d->>c)
%:  ----------------
%:  ¬¬(c->>d∨d->>c)
%:  ---------------
%:    c->>d∨d->>c
%:    ^i-18
%:                            Lc  [c->>d]^1   Ld  [d->>c]^1   
%:                            -------------   -------------
%:  a->>c  a->>d   [c->>d]^1    d->>c            c->>d       [d->>c]^1
%:  ------------   ------------------            ---------------------
%:  c->>d∨d->>c        c->>d∧d->>c                   c->>d∧d->>c
%:  ------------------------------------------------------------1
%:                          c->>d∧d->>c
%:                          ^i-19

% --------------------
% «proofs-20-to-23»  (to ".proofs-20-to-23")
% (s "Proofs (20 to 23)" "proofs-20-to-23")
\myslide {Proofs (20 to 23)} {proofs-20-to-23}

%:  L'a!=\emp   [\notS"L'a=\emp]^1
%:  ---------   ------------------
%:    aÝL'a       \neto"L'a
%:    ---------------------       ------------
%:         [a,‚).<=.L'a           L'a.<=.[a,‚)
%:         -----------------------------------
%:                   L'a=[a,‚)
%:                   ---------
%:                   L^¢a=\emp                  L^¢a!=\emp
%:                   -------------------------------------
%:                                   ®
%:                              ---------------1
%:                              \notS"L'a!=\emp
%:                              ^i-20
%:  bÝ\notS"L'a   b!=c  b->>c   cÝ\notS"L'a
%:  ----------    -----------   -----------
%:    a->>Sb        Sb->>c        cÝL'a      bÝ\notS"L'a
%:    ---------------------------------     ------------
%:                SbÝL'a                    Sb\notin"L'a
%:                --------------------------------------
%:                               ®
%:                               ^i-21
%:  b,cÝ\notS"L'a
%:  -------------
%:   b,cÝL'a
%:   ---------
%:   b,cÝ[a,‚)    b,cÝ\notS"L'a  [b!=c]^2  [b->>c]^1   b,cÝ\notS"L'a  [b!=c]^2  [b->>c]^1
%:  -----------   ----------------------------------   ----------------------------------
%:  b->>c∨c->>b                 ®                                   ®
%:  -----------------------------------------------------------------1
%:                             ®
%:                            ---2
%:                            b=c
%:                            ^i-22
%:                         Sd!=d           [\notS([d,‚)\bsl\{d\})=\emp]^1
%:                   -------------------   ------------------------------
%:      Ld           SdÝ([d,‚)\bsl\{d\})      \neto([d,‚)\bsl\{d\})
%:  ------------     ----------------------------------------------
%:  [d,‚)=[Sd,‚)              [Sd,‚).<=.[d,‚)\bsl\{d\}
%:  --------------------------------------------------
%:             [d,‚).<=.[d,‚)\bsl\{d\}
%:             -----------------------
%:                       ®
%:             ---------------------------1
%:             \notS([d,‚)\bsl\{d\})!=\emp
%:             ^i-23

% --------------------
% «interval-lemmas»  (to ".interval-lemmas")
% (s "Interval lemmas" "interval-lemmas")
\myslide {Interval lemmas} {interval-lemmas}


 S(A)   &:=& \sst{x}{ÎaÝA. Sa=x} \\
 A,\_ &:=& \sst{X}{A \subseteq X} \\
 \_,B &:=& \sst{X}{S(X \bsl B) \subseteq X} \\
 A,B  &:=& A,\_ Ì \_,B \\{}
 [A,B]  &:=& \bigcap \, A,B \\{}
 [a,b]  &:=& \bigcap \, \{a\},\{b\} \\{}
 [ab,cd]  &:=& \bigcap \, \{a,b\},\{c,d\} \\


Elementary lemmas:

 (1) & A \subseteq [A,B] \\
 (2) & \notS([A,B]) \subseteq B \\
 (3) & [a,B] \subseteq [a,‚) = [a,\emp] \\
 (4) & AþA',\_ = A,\_ Ì A',\_ \\
 (5) & AÌA',\_ = A,\_ þ A',\_ \\
 (6) & \_,BþB' = \_,B þ \_,B' \\
 (7) & \_,BÌB' = \_,B Ì \_,B' \\
 (8) & [AþA',B] \\& = \bigcap(A,\_ Ì A',\_ Ì \_,B) \\& = [A,B] þ [A',B] \\
 (9) & [A,BÌB'] \\& = \bigcap(A,\_ Ì \_,B Ì \_,B') \\& = [A,B] þ [A,B'] \\


Order lemmas:

 (1) & [AþS(B),BþB'] = [AþS(B),B'] \\
 (2) & b \notin [A,C] \funto [A,C] = [A,\{b\}þC] \\
 (3) & BÌ[A,C] = \emp \funto [A,C] = [A,BþC] \\
 (4) & b,b' Ý \notS([a,B]) \funto b=b' \\
 (5) & [a,BþC] = [a,B] \text{ or } [a,BþC] = [a,C] \\
 (6) & bÝ[a,c] \funto [a,b] \subseteq [a,c] \\
 (7) & bÝ[a,c] \funto [b,c] \subseteq [a,c] \\
 (8) & b,SbÝ[a,c]\phantom{, \; b \neq Sb} \funto [a,c] = [a,b]þ[Sb,c] \\
 (9) & b,SbÝ[a,c]         , \; b \neq Sb  \funto [a,c] = [a,b]÷[Sb,c] \\

% --------------------
% «interval-induction»  (to ".interval-induction")
% (s "Induction in intervals" "interval-induction")
\myslide {Induction in intervals} {interval-induction}

Induction lemmas:

 (1) & A \subseteq X, \; S(X \bsl B) \subseteq X \funto [A,B] \subseteq X \\
 (2) & A \subseteq X \subseteq [A,B], \; S(X \bsl B) \subseteq X \funto [A,B] = X \\


Small lemmas: one whose proof I have not finished yet,

 (1) & bÝ[a,c] \funto [a,b] = [a,bc] \subseteq [a,c] \\

%:         -----------------
%:         \_,bc.>=.\_,b
%:  -------------------------------
%:  a,\_Ì\_,bc.>=.a,\_Ì\_,b
%:  -------------------------------
%:  a,bc.>=.a,b
%:  ---------------
%:  \bigcapa,bc.<=.\bigcapa,b
%:  -----------------------------
%:  [a,bc].<=.[a,b]
%:  ^indintfoo

%:                    c\notin[a,b]∨b=c
%:            -------------------------------
%:            [a,b]\bsl\{b,c\}=[a,b]\bsl\{b\}
%:  -------   -------------------------------
%:  aÝ[a,b]      S([a,b]\bsl\{b,c\}).<=.[a,b]
%:  -----------------------------------------
%:             [a,b]Ýa,\_Ì\_,bc
%:             --------------------
%:             [a,b]Ýa,bc
%:             --------------------
%:             [a,b].>=.\bigcapa,bc
%:             --------------------
%:               [a,b].>=.[a,bc]
%:               ^indint2
%:  \_,bc.<=.\_,c
%:  -------------------------------
%:  a,\_Ì\_,bc.<=.a,\_Ì\_,c
%:  -----------------------------------------------
%:  \bigcap(a,\_Ì\_,bc).>=.\bigcap(a,\_Ì\_,c)
%:  -----------------------------------------------
%:  \bigcapa,bc.>=.\bigcapa,c
%:  ---------------------------
%:  [a,bc].<=.[a,c]
%:  ^indint3



% --------------------
% «interval-induction-2»  (to ".interval-induction-2")
% (s "Induction in intervals (2)" "interval-induction-2")
\myslide {Induction in intervals (2)} {interval-induction-2}

...and another small lemma (whose proof is complete):

 (2) & bÝ[a,c] \funto [b,c] \subseteq [ab,c] = [a,c] \\

%:  -----------------
%:  b,\_.>=.ab,\_
%:  -------------------------------
%:  b,\_Ì\_,c.>=.ab,\_Ì\_,c
%:  -------------------------------------------------
%:  \bigcap(b,\_Ì\_,c).<=.\bigcap(ab,\_Ì\_,c)
%:  -------------------------------------------------
%:  [b,c]\subseteq[ab,c]
%:  ^indint0
%:         bÝ[a,c]
%:     --------------
%:     bÝ\bigcapa,c
%:  --------------------
%:  b,\_\supseteqa,c
%:  --------------------
%:  b,\_Ìa,c=a,c
%:  --------------------------
%:  b,\_Ìa,\_Ì\_,c=a,c
%:  --------------------------
%:  ab,\_Ì\_,c=a,c
%:  --------------------
%:  ab,c=a,c
%:  ------------
%:  [ab,c]=[a,c]
%:  ^indint1

$$\ded{indint0} \qquad \ded{indint1}$$

Big lemmas (not proved yet):

 (1) & b,cÝ[a,c], b \neq c \funto [a,Sb] = [a,b] ÷ \{Sb\} \\
 (2) & b,cÝ[a,c], b \neq c \funto [b,c] = \{b\} ÷ [Sb,c] \\
 (3) & b,cÝ[a,c], b \neq c \funto [a,c] = [a,b] ÷ [Sb,c] \\

% --------------------
% «interval-induction-3»  (to ".interval-induction-3")
% (s "Induction in intervals (3)" "interval-induction-3")
\myslide {Induction in intervals (3)} {interval-induction-3}


 {} [a,b;Sb]       &:=& ([a,Sb] = [a,b]÷\{Sb\}) \\
 {} [b;Sb,c]       &:=& ([b,c] = \{b\}÷[Sb,c]) \\
 {} [a,b;Sb,c]     &:=& ([a,c] = [a,b]÷[Sb,c]) \\
 {} [a,b;Sb;SSb,c] &:=& ([a,c] = [a,b]÷\{Sb\}÷[SSb,c]) \\


Induction rules:
%:  P(a)  ýbÝ[a,‚).P(b)⊃P(Sb)
%:  -------------------------
%:       ýbÝ[a,‚).P(b)
%:       ^iind-1
%:  P(a)  ýbÝ[a,c],b\neq"c.P(b)⊃P(Sb)
%:  ---------------------------------
%:       ýbÝ[a,c].P(b)
%:       ^iind-2
%:  P(a)  ýbÝ[a,c],b\neq"c,Sb\neq"c.P(b)⊃P(Sb)
%:  ------------------------------------------
%:       ýbÝ[a,c],b\neq"c.P(b)
%:       ^iind-3


%:  cÝ[a,c]  a\neq"c    b,Sb,cÝ[a,c]  b,Sb\neq"c  [a,b;Sb]     b,cÝ[a,c]  b\neq"c    
%:  ================    ==================================     ==================    
%:     [a,a;Sa]                   [a,Sb;SSb]                      [a,b;Sb]           
%:     ^ind-abb0                  ^ind-abb+                       ^ind-abb           
%:  cÝ[a,c]  a\neq"c    b,Sb,cÝ[a,c]  b,Sb\neq"c  [b;Sb,c]     b,cÝ[a,c]  b\neq"c    
%:  ================    ==================================     ==================    
%:     [a;Sa,c]                   [Sb;SSb,c]                      [b;Sb,c]           
%:     ^ind-bbc0                  ^ind-bbc+                       ^ind-bbc           
%:  cÝ[a,c]  a\neq"c    b,Sb,cÝ[a,c]  b,Sb\neq"c  [a,b;Sb,c]   b,cÝ[a,c]  b\neq"c    
%:  ================    ====================================   ==================    
%:     [a,a;Sa,c]                 [a,Sb;SSb,c]                    [a,b;Sb,c]         
%:     ^ind-abbc0                 ^ind-abbc+                      ^ind-abbc          
$$\ded{ind-abb0} \qquad \ded{ind-abb+} \qquad \ded{ind-abb}$$
$$\ded{ind-bbc0} \qquad \ded{ind-bbc+} \qquad \ded{ind-bbc}$$
$$\ded{ind-abbc0} \qquad \ded{ind-abbc+} \qquad \ded{ind-abbc}$$

%:  b,Sb,cÝ[a,c]  b,Sb\neq"c  [a,b;Sb]
%:  ==================================
%:            [a,Sb;SSb]              
%:            ^ind-abb++
%:  b,Sb,cÝ[a,c]  b,Sb\neq"c  [b;Sb,c]
%:  ==================================
%:            [Sb;SSb,c]              
%:            ^ind-bbc++
%:               Sb,cÝ[a,c]  Sb\neq"c
%:               --------------------
%:  [a,b;Sb,c]      [Sb;SSb,c]         b,cÝ[a,c]  b\neq"c
%:  --------------------------         ------------------
%:       [a,b;Sb;SSb,c]                  [a,b;Sb]
%:       ----------------------------------------
%:                      [a,Sb;SSb,c]
%:                      ^ind-abbc++

% --------------------
% «intervals»  (to ".intervals")
% (s "Intervals" "intervals")
\myslide {Intervals} {intervals}

{\bf [This is old! Cannibalize and delete it.]}

Convention: whenever we write $[a,b]$ it is implicit that $a \epito b$.

We will write $A÷B÷C$ to indicate a disjoint union ---

i.e., $AþBþC$, but it is implicit that $\{A,B,C\}$ is disjoint.



  (1) & \notS[a,b] \subseteq \{b\} \\
  (2) & a \neq b \funto [a,b] = \{a\}÷[Sa,b] \\
  (3) & a,b,c \different,\, bÝ[a,c] \funto [a,b]÷[Sb,c] \\
  (4) & b,cÝ[a,b] \funto [a,bc]=[a,b]∨[a,bc]=[a,c] \\
  (5) & a,b,c,d \different, \, b,cÝ[a,d], \, bÝ[a,bc] \funto \\
      & Sb,c \notin [a,bc] \\ 
  (6) & a,b,c,d \different, \, b,cÝ[a,d] \funto \\
      & [a,d]=\{a\}÷[Sa,bc]÷[Sb,cd]÷[Sc,bd] \\
  (7) & a,b,c,d \different, \, b,cÝ[a,d] \funto \\
      & \{\{a\},\,[Sa,bc],\,[Sb,cd],\,[Sc,bd]\} \text{ does not cover } \\
      & a \to Sa,\, b \to Sb, \text{ or } c \to Sc \\
  (8) & La \funto [Sa,a] = [Sa,‚) = [a,‚) \\


Now suppose that $a$ is in a loop, that $b,cÝ[Sa,a]$,

that $Sa,b,c,a$ are different, and that $Sb=Sc$.

This implies that

and this should be absurd (check).


This implies that each element in a loop

has at most one predecessor in the loop.

We already knew that each element in a loop

has a predecessor in the loop, so this shows that
$$La \funto Î!pÝ[a,‚).Sp=a.$$

% (fooi "\\nepito" "!->>" "\\epito" "->>" "\\funto" "=>" "\\neq" "!=")
% (fooi "\\nepito" "!->>" "\\epito" "->>" "\\funto" "=>")



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