Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and the conversion rules are here. |
-- This file: -- http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2014istanbul-a -- http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2014istanbul-a.html -- (find-angg "LATEX/2014istanbul-a") -- (defun l () (interactive) (find-LATEX "2014istanbul-a.lua")) -- (defun t () (interactive) (find-LATEX "2014istanbul-a.tex")) -- bigstr = [[ \def\foo{%s} % Fruits Banana Bacate Bacuri Belancia \def\bar{%s} % Greens BANANA Bacate BACURI Belancia ]] bigstr = [[ \def\Basic{%s} ZSets BPM, WPM T/R closure ZDAG Stable map Stable subset Open subset Topology Priming Generators Walls L/R generators Interwall arrows $(D^-, \downarrow)$ % % \def\Zhas{%s} {} ZHAs (x,y) and (l,r) O(D-) bij D Logic in a topology Interior Implication Negation Logic on ZDAG Logic in a ZHA {} ZDAGs as cats T/and/imp as props $\lambda$-notation Functors Stable maps Priming (andQ) (Qimp) Adjunctions (andQ)/(Qimp) ess/disc/int NTs Adjunctions as NTs imp in topologies Representables bot, or, coimp Archetypal cases \def\Intpl{%s} Intuitionistic PL ZDAG models Axioms Theorems Non-theorems ND Sequents impE in sequents impE in ND Tableaus Countermodels {} $\lambda$-calculus Curry-Howard $\beta$ and $\eta$ CCCs {} Modalities on ZDAGs Examples Axioms Theorems Non-theorems Modalities on ZHAs as functors stable truth-values diamond-shaped regions co-J co-J/inc/J separators The algebra of modalities and,or,comp,impimp The ten theorems {} Maps between ZHAs monic epi factoring kernels action on generators \def\Toposes{%s} ZToposes objects maps elements subobjects sub-elements products pullbacks classifier logic internal logic internal language Sequents functional logical logic ]] -- (find-angg "LUA/lua50init.lua" "split") -- split = function (str, pat, use_rest) -- local arr = {} -- str = string.gsub(str, pat or "([^%s]+)", function (word) -- table.insert(arr, word) -- return "" -- end) -- if use_rest and str ~= "" then table.insert(arr, str) end -- return arr -- end dofile(os.getenv("LUA_INIT"):sub(2)) initsp = "\\phantom{o}" initsp = "." initsp = "\\phantom{i}" line_change_initial_spaces = function (li) return (li:gsub("^( +)", function (s) return (s:gsub(" ", initsp)) end)) end line_transform = function (li) if li:match"^%%" then return end return line_change_initial_spaces(li).." \\\\\n" end block_transform = function (B) local C = {} for i,li in ipairs(B) do C[#C+1] = line_transform(li) end return C end blockstr_transform = function (blockstr) return table.concat(block_transform(splitlines(blockstr))) end blockstr_transform1 = function (blockstr) local fmt, blockstr = blockstr:match "^([^\n]+)\n(.*)$" assert(blockstr, "No match") local blockstr = blockstr_transform(blockstr) local blockstr = format("\\begin{tabular}{l}\n%s\\end{tabular}", blockstr) return format(fmt, blockstr).."\n\n" end blockstr_transformn = function (bigstr) return ((bigstr.."\n\n"):gsub("([^\n].-)\n\n+", blockstr_transform1)) end bigstr2 = blockstr_transformn(bigstr) writefile("2014istanbul-a.inc", bigstr2) --[==[ * (eepitch-lua51) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-lua51) dofile "2014istanbul-a.lua" = blockstr_transform [[ % Fruits Banana Bacate Bacuri Belancia ]] = initsp" Hello" splitblocks(bigstr) PP(split(bigstr, "(.-)\n\n\n*")) PP(split(bigstr, "(.-)\n\n\n*", 1)) --]==] -- Local Variables: -- coding: raw-text-unix -- End: