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{\text{ND} _{{∧}{→}}} %\noedrxfooter % (find-LATEX "edrxheadfoot.tex") \def\drafturl{http://angg.twu.net/LATEX/2020-1-C2.pdf} \def\drafturl{http://angg.twu.net/math-b.html\#2021-excuse-tt} \def\draftfooter{\tiny \href{\drafturl}{\jobname{}} \ColorBrown{\shorttoday{} \hours}} \setlength{\parindent}{0em} % _____ _ _ _ % |_ _(_) |_| | ___ % | | | | __| |/ _ \ % | | | | |_| | __/ % |_| |_|\__|_|\___| % % «title-page» (to ".title-page") % (excp 1 "title-page") % (exca "title-page") % (ecop 1 "title-page") % (eco "title-page") \thispagestyle{empty} % (find-es "tex" "thispagestyle") \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c} \phantom{a}\\[-15pt] {\Large {\bf Category Theory}} \\[1pt] {\Large {\bf as An Excuse to}} \\[1pt] {\Large {\bf Learn Type Theory}} \\[0pt] \ColorGray{(talk @ Encontro de Categorias 2021)}\\[-5pt] {\tiny\url{http://angg.twu.net/math-b.html#2021-excuse-tt}}\\[8pt] \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}[c]{r} By: \\ Eduardo Ochs $→$ \\ \ColorGray{(main author)} \\ \\ Selana Ochs $→$ \\ \ColorGray{(friend and coauthor)} \\ \\ \\ \end{tabular} \!\!\!\!\!\!\! \begin{tabular}[c]{c} $\includegraphics[height=100pt]{2021excuse-selana1.jpg}$ \end{tabular} \phantom{mm} % \msk % \url{http://angg.twu.net/\#eev} \end{center} \newpage % «rings» (to ".rings") % (excp 2 "rings") % (exca "rings") {\bf Rings} \ssk A ring $R$ is a tuple $(R,0,1,+,-,·)$ in which: \ssk $\begin{array}{ccl} R & \text{is} & \text{a set}, \\ 0 & \in & R, \\ 1 & \in & R, \\ + & : & R×R→R, \\ - & : & R→R, \\ · & : & R×R→R \\ \end{array} $ \ssk and this $(R,0,1,+,-,·)$ obeys several conditions. The part $(R,0,1,+,-,·)$ is called \ColorRed{structure}, and the conditions are called \ColorRed{properties}. \msk (For more on structure and properties see\cite[section 7.5]{FavC}, \cite[p.15]{BaezShulman2007}). % (favp 39 "ness") % (fav "ness") \newpage % «rings-2» (to ".rings-2") % (excp 3 "rings-2") % (exca "rings-2") {\bf Rings (2)} \ssk The symbols $0,1,+,-,·$ in $(R,0,1,+,-,·)$ have standard conventions that let us infer their arities, types, and equations --- what they have to obey to ``deserve their names''. \msk Also, if $f:R→S$ is a morphism of rings then $f$ is a function from the underlying set of $R$ to the underlying set of $S$ that obeys several equations --- for example $f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b)$, that is actually % $$∀a,b∈R.\,f(a +_R b) = f(a) +_S f(b) \; ...$$ These things can be written in several levels of detail. \newpage % «conventions-CT-1» (to ".conventions-CT-1") % (excp 4 "conventions-CT-1") % (exca "conventions-CT-1") {\bf Conventions in Category Theory} \ssk Category Theory is like that too, only much, much worse. The notation changes a lot from one text to the other. Most diagrams are left to the reader. Some parts of the \ColorRed{structure} are left to the reader too... For example (see \cite[section 3]{FavC}): \msk Fix a set $A$. Let $(A×)$ be \ColorRed{the} functor that takes each object $B$ to $A×B$. \msk This says that the \ColorRed{action on objects} of the functor $(A×)$ is $(A×)_0(B) = A×B$, and the ``\ColorRed{the}'' implies that the reader knows how to discover that the action on morphisms is: % $$(A×)_1(B \ton{f} C) = A×B \xton{〈π,f∘π'〉} A×C.$$ % (favp 11 "to-deserve-a-name") % (fav "to-deserve-a-name") \newpage % «downcasing» (to ".downcasing") % (excp 5 "downcasing") % (exca "downcasing") {\bf A weird idea: downcasing} \ssk This looked very natural to me when I was starting to learn CT and Haskell by myself... it is great as an \ColorRed{informal} tool. \ssk Btw, the paper \cite{IDARCT} is about how I tried to formalize this idea for years, failed miserably, and then found a way to use it for ``skeletons of proofs''. % %D diagram ?? %D 2Dx 100 +20 +30 +25 %D 2D 100 A0 B0 B1 C0 %D 2D %D 2D +25 A1 B2 B3 C1 %D 2D %D 2D +20 D0 D1 %D 2D %D ren A0 B0 B1 C0 ==> b B A{×}B (a,b) %D ren A1 B2 B3 C1 ==> c C A{×}C (a,c) %D ren D0 D1 ==> \Set \Set %D %D (( A0 A1 |-> %D B0 B1 |-> %D B0 B2 -> .plabel= l f %D B1 B3 -> .plabel= r A{×}f %D B0 B3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D B2 B3 |-> %D C0 C1 |-> %D D0 D1 -> .plabel= a (A{×}) %D %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{??} \qquad \scalebox{0.9}{$ \begin{array}{l} (a,b) \mapsto (a,c) \\ ≡ (a,b) \mapsto (a,f(b)) \\ ≡ (a,b) \mapsto (π(a,b),f(π'(a,b))) \\ ≡ p \mapsto (πp, f(π'p)) \\ ≡ p \mapsto (π(p), (f∘π')(p)) \\ ≡ p \mapsto 〈π,f∘π'〉(p) \\ ≡ 〈π,f∘π'〉 \\ \end{array} $} $$ \newpage % «downcasing-2» (to ".downcasing-2") % (excp 6 "downcasing-2") % (exca "downcasing-2") {\bf A weird idea: downcasing (2)} \ssk Downcasing and upcasing are like lowercasing and uppercasing, but for terms and types. \ssk Downcasing a set gives us a name for \ColorRed{a} ``typical element'' of that set. Downcasing a type gives us a name for a variable of that type. \def\CO#1{\ColorOrange{\text{#1}}} \msk $\begin{array}{rcll} a &:& A & \CO{(ok)} \\ a' &:& A' & \CO{(ok)} \\ a' &:& A & \CO{(ok when there's no $A'$)} \\ b &:& B & \CO{(ok)} \\ (a,b) &:& A×B & \CO{(ok?)} \\ b \mapsto c &:& B→C & \CO{(weird)} \\ (a,b) \mapsto (a,c) &:& A×B→A×C & \CO{(weird)} \\ \end{array} $ \newpage % «term-inf-proof-search» (to ".term-inf-proof-search") % (excp 7 "term-inf-proof-search") % (exca "term-inf-proof-search") {\bf Term inference is like proof search} \ssk Finding \ColorRed{the} meaning of $A×f$ means finding \ColorRed{a} natural construction for $\ColorRed{?}:A×B→A×C$ from $f:B→C$... \ssk ``Natural constructions'' are $λ$-terms. This is a bit quirky. Details: \cite[section 3]{FavC}. Main diagrams: \msk %L addabbrevs("|->", "\\mapsto ") %: %: [(a,b)]^1 p %: --------- --- %: [(a,b)]^1 b b|->c [p]^1 π'p f %: --------- ------------- ----- ----------- %: a c πp f(π'p) %: ------------------- ------------------- %: b|->c (a,c) (πp,f(π'p)) %: ============= -------------1 --------------1 %: (a,b)|->(a,c) (a,b)|->(a,c) λp.(πp,f(π'p)) %: %: ^nc-1 ^nc-2 ^nc-3 %: %: \pu $\scalebox{0.9}{$ \ded{nc-1} \squigto \ded{nc-2} \squigto \;\;\; \ded{nc-3} $} $ % (favp 11 "to-deserve-a-name") % (fav "to-deserve-a-name") \newpage %: %: %: [P∧Q]^1 %: ------ %: [P∧Q]^1 Q Q→R %: ------- ----------- %: P R %: ------------- %: Q→R P∧R %: ======== -------------1 %: P∧Q→P∧R P∧Q→P∧R %: %: ^nc-log-1 ^nc-log-2 %: %: [p:A{×}B]^1 %: ------------ %: [p:A{×}B]^1 π'p:B f:B→C %: ------------ --------------- %: πp:A f(π'p):C %: ---------------------------- %: f:B→C (πp,f(π'p)):A{×}C %: ==================== => -----------------------------------1 %: (×A)_1f:A{×}C→A{×}C (λp⠆A{×}B.(πp,f(π'p)):A{×}B→A{×}C %: %: ^nc-4 ^nc-5 %: \pu $\scalebox{0.8}{$ \ded{nc-log-1} \;\;\; \squigto \ded{nc-log-2} $} $ \msk $\scalebox{0.8}{$ \ded{nc-4} \;\;\; \squigto \;\;\; \ded{nc-5} $} $ \newpage % «haskell» (to ".haskell") % (excp 9 "haskell") % (exca "haskell") %: [p:A{×}B]^1 %: ------------ %: [p:A{×}B]^1 π'p:B f:B→C %: ------------ --------------- %: πp:A f(π'p):C %: ---------------------------- %: (πp,f(π'p)):A{×}C %: -----------------------------------1 %: (λp⠆A{×}B.(πp,f(π'p)):A{×}B→A{×}C %: %: ^nc-5 %: %: [\co{ab}:A{×}B]^1 %: ----------------- %: [\co{ab}:A{×}B]^1 \co{b}:B \co{btoc}:B→C %: ----------------- ----------------------------- %: \co{a}:A \co{c}:C %: -------------------------------- %: \co{ac}:A{×}C %: -----------------------------------1 %: \co{abtoac}:A{×}B→A{×}C %: %: ^nc-6 %V -- Translation to Haskell: %V -- (with help from ski @ #haskell) %V atimes :: (b -> c) -> ((a,b) -> (a,c)) %V atimes btoc = abtoac where %V abtoac ab = ac where %V a = fst ab %V b = snd ab %V c = btoc b %V ac = (a,c) %L %L verbdef "atimesHaskell" \pu $\hspace{-0.4cm} \scalebox{0.72}{$ \begin{array}{c} \ded{nc-5} \\ \\ \cded{nc-6} \qquad \begin{tabular}{l} \co{a = fst ab} \\ \co{b = snd ab} \\ \co{c = btoc b} \\ \co{ac = (a,c)} \\ \co{abtoac = \\ ab -> ac} \\ \co{atimes = \\ btoc -> abtoac} \\ \end{tabular} \\ \\ \atimesHaskell \end{array} $} $ \pu % $\vcenter{\resizebox{!}{120pt}{\foo}} % $ \newpage % _ _ _ _ % | | | |_ __ (_)_ _____ _ __ ___ __ _| |___ % | | | | '_ \| \ \ / / _ \ '__/ __|/ _` | / __| % | |_| | | | | |\ V / __/ | \__ \ (_| | \__ \ % \___/|_| |_|_| \_/ \___|_| |___/\__,_|_|___/ % % «universals-CWM-orig» (to ".universals-CWM-orig") % (excp 10 "universals-CWM-orig") % (exca "universals-CWM-orig") Here's how \cite[section III.1]{CWM2} defines universals: % (find-cwm2page (+ 13 55) "III. Universals and Limits") % (find-cwm2text (+ 13 55) "III. Universals and Limits") % (find-cwm2page (+ 13 55) "1. Universal Arrows") \begin{quote} {\bf Definition.} If $S: D→C$ is a functor and $c$ an object of $C$, a universal arrow from $c$ to $S$ is a pair $〈r, u〉$ consisting of an object $r$ of $D$ and an arrow $u: c→Sr$ of $C$, such that to every pair $〈d,f〉$ with $d$ an object of $D$ and $f: c→Sd$ an arrow of $C$, there is a unique arrow $f': r→d$ of $D$ with $S f'∘u = f$. \end{quote} This is too hard for my tiny brain. \ColorRed{Solution:} I need types, diagrams, a way to use other letters and fonts, and examples. % _ _ _ _ __ % | | | |_ __ (_)_ _____ _ __| | ___ / _|___ % | | | | '_ \| \ \ / / __(_) / _` |/ _ \ |_/ __| % | |_| | | | | |\ V /\__ \_ | (_| | __/ _\__ \ % \___/|_| |_|_| \_/ |___(_) \__,_|\___|_| |___/ % % «universals-defs» (to ".universals-defs") % (excp 11 "universals-defs") % (exca "universals-defs") \def\OK#1{\ColorGreen{(ok#1)}} \def\OK#1{\ColorOrange{(ok#1)}} %D diagram universal-CWM %D 2Dx 100 +25 %D 2D 100 C1 %D 2D | %D 2D +25 C2 C3 %D 2D | | %D 2D +25 C4 C5 %D 2D %D 2D +15 C6 C7 %D 2D %D ren C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 ==> c r Sr ∀d Sd D C %D %D (( C1 C3 -> .plabel= r \sm{u\\\univ} %D C2 C3 |-> %D C2 C4 -> .plabel= l ∃!f' %D C3 C5 -> .plabel= r Sf' %D C2 C5 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D C4 C5 |-> %D C1 C5 -> .slide= 28pt .plabel= r ∀f %D C6 C7 -> .plabel= a R %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D diagram universal-my-letters %D 2Dx 100 +25 %D 2D 100 C1 %D 2D | %D 2D +25 C2 C3 %D 2D | | %D 2D +25 C4 C5 %D 2D %D 2D +15 C6 C7 %D 2D %D ren C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 ==> A B RB ∀C RC \catB \catA %D %D (( C1 C3 -> .plabel= r \sm{η\\\univ} %D C2 C3 |-> %D C2 C4 -> .plabel= l ∃!f %D C3 C5 -> .plabel= r Rf %D C2 C5 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D C4 C5 |-> %D C1 C5 -> .slide= 28pt .plabel= r ∀g %D C6 C7 -> .plabel= a R %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D diagram universal-ring %D 2Dx 100 +30 %D 2D 100 C1 %D 2D | %D 2D +25 C2 C3 %D 2D | | %D 2D +25 C4 C5 %D 2D %D 2D +15 C6 C7 %D 2D %D ren C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 ==> 1 \Z[x] U\Z[x] ∀R UR \mathbf{Rings} \Set %D %D (( C1 C3 -> .plabel= r \sm{\nameof{x}\\\univ} %D C2 C3 |-> %D C2 C4 -> .plabel= l ∃!f %D C3 C5 -> .plabel= r Rf %D C2 C5 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D C4 C5 |-> %D C1 C5 -> .slide= 28pt .plabel= r ∀\nameof{a} %D C6 C7 -> .plabel= a U %D )) %D enddiagram %D \pu \def\universaltextCWM{ \begin{tabular}{rl} If & $C,D$ are categories, \\ & $S:D→C$ is a functor, \\ & $c∈C$ is an object, \\ & $r∈D$ is an object, \\ & $u:C→Sr$ is a morphism, \\ then & $〈r,u〉$ is universal from $c$ to $S$ \\ iff & $∀d∈D$, \\ & $∀f:C→Sd$, \\ & $∃!f:r→d$ with $Sf'∘u=f$ \\ \end{tabular} } \def\universaltextmyletters{ \begin{tabular}{rl} If & $\catA,\catB$ are categories, \\ & $R:\catA→\catB$ is a functor, \\ & $A∈\catA$ is an object, \\ & $B∈\catB$ is an object, \\ & $η:A→RB$ is a morphism, \\ then & $(B,η)$ is universal from $A$ to $R$ \\ iff & $∀C∈\catB$, \\ & $∀g:A→RC$, \\ & $∃!f:B→C$ with $Rf∘η=g$ \\ \end{tabular} } \def\universaltextRings{ \begin{tabular}{rll} If & $\Set,\Rings$ are categories, & \OK{} \\ & $U:\Rings→\Set$ is a functor, & \OK{: $U =$ underlying set} \\ & $1∈\Set$ is an object, & \OK{: $1=\{*\}$} \\ & $\Z[x]∈\Rings$ is an object, & \OK{} \\ & $\nameof{x}:1→U\Z[x]$ is a morphism, & \OK{: $\nameof{x}(*)=x$} \\ then & $(\Z[x],\nameof{x})$ is universal from $A$ to $R$ \\ iff & $∀R∈\Rings$, \\ & $∀\nameof{a}:1→UR$, \\ & $∃!f:\Z[x]→R$ with $Uf∘\nameof{x}=\nameof{a}$ & \OK{: $f(P(x)) = P(a)$} \\ \end{tabular} } \newpage % «universals-CWM» (to ".universals-CWM") $\scalebox{0.9}{$ \myvcenter{\universaltextCWM} \qquad \diag{universal-CWM} $} $ \newpage % «universals-my-letters» (to ".universals-my-letters") $\scalebox{0.9}{$ \begin{array}{c} \myvcenter{\universaltextmyletters} \qquad \diag{universal-my-letters} \\ \\ \\ \ColorOrange{ \qquad \qquad \begin{tabular}{c} $↑$ Looks like \\ Type Theory \end{tabular} \qquad \qquad \qquad \begin{tabular}{c} $↑$ Looks like \\ Freyd's notation \end{tabular} } \end{array} $} $ \newpage % «universals-rings» (to ".universals-rings") $\scalebox{0.75}{$ \begin{array}{c} \diag{universal-ring} \\ \\ \myvcenter{\universaltextRings} \end{array} $} $ \newpage % ___ _ _ _ % |_ _|_ __ | |_ ___ _ __ _ __ __ _| | __ _(_) _____ _____ % | || '_ \| __/ _ \ '__| '_ \ / _` | | \ \ / / |/ _ \ \ /\ / / __| % | || | | | || __/ | | | | | (_| | | \ V /| | __/\ V V /\__ \ % |___|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/ |___/ % % «internal-views» (to ".internal-views") % (excp 13 "internal-views") % (exca "internal-views") {\bf Internal views} % (favp 19 "internal-views") % (fav "internal-views") \ssk The internal view of a \ColorRed{function}: \def\ooo(#1,#2){\begin{picture}(0,0)\put(0,0){\oval(#1,#2)}\end{picture}} \def\oooo(#1,#2){{\setlength{\unitlength}{1ex}\ooo(#1,#2)}} % %D diagram second-blob-function %D 2Dx 100 +20 +20 %D 2D 100 a-1 |--> b-1 %D 2D +08 a0 |--> b0 %D 2D +08 a1 |--> b1 %D 2D +08 a2 |--> b2 %D 2D +08 a3 |--> b3 %D 2D +08 a4 |--> b4 %D 2D +14 a5 |--> b5 %D 2D +25 \N ---> \R %D 2D %D ren a-1 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 ==> -1 0 1 2 3 4 n %D ren b-1 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 ==> -1 0 1 \sqrt{2} \sqrt{3} 2 \sqrt{n} %D (( a0 a5 midpoint .TeX= \oooo(7,23) y+= -2 place %D b-1 b5 midpoint .TeX= \oooo(7,25) y+= -2 place %D b-1 place %D a0 b0 |-> %D a1 b1 |-> %D a2 b2 |-> %D a3 b3 |-> %D a4 b4 |-> %D a5 b5 |-> %D \N \R -> .plabel= a \sqrt{\phantom{a}} %D a-1 relplace -7 -7 \phantom{foo} %D b5 relplace 7 7 \phantom{bar} %D )) %D enddiagram %D \pu $$\scalebox{0.95}{$ \begin{array}{rrcl} \sqrt{\;\;}: & \N &→& \R \\ & n &↦& \sqrt{n} \\ \end{array} \qquad \diag{second-blob-function} $} $$ \newpage % _____ _ % | ___| _ _ __ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ % | |_ | | | | '_ \ / __| __/ _ \| '__/ __| % | _|| |_| | | | | (__| || (_) | | \__ \ % |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__\___/|_| |___/ % % «functors» (to ".functors") % (excp 15 "functors") % (exca "functors") {\bf The internal view of a functor} % (favp 8 "the-conventions") % (fav "the-conventions") % (favp 17 "internal-view-functor") % (fav "internal-view-functor") \ssk {\sl Above} usually means {\sl inside}. (CAI) The image of a diagram above $\catA$ by a functor $F:\catA→\catB$ is a a diagram {\sl with the same shape} above $\catB$. (CFSh) % %D diagram internal-view-functor-0 %D 2Dx 100 +12 +12 +25 +12 +12 %D 2D 100 A1 ____ B1 ____ %D 2D +12 | ____ A3 | ____ B3 %D 2D +12 A2 ____ | B2 ____ | %D 2D +12 A4 B4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 \catA ------> \catB %D 2D %D ren A1 A2 A3 A4 ==> A_1 A_2 A_3 A_4 %D %D (( A1 A2 -> .plabel= l f %D A2 A3 -> .plabel= m g %D A3 A4 -> .plabel= r h %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= a k %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= b m %D \catA \catB -> .plabel= a F %D )) %D enddiagram %D %$$\pu % \diag{internal-view-functor-0} %$$ % %D diagram internal-view-functor-1 %D 2Dx 100 +12 +12 +25 +16 +16 %D 2D 100 A1 ____ B1 ____ %D 2D +12 | ____ A3 | ____ B3 %D 2D +12 A2 ____ | B2 ____ | %D 2D +12 A4 B4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 \catA ------> \catB %D 2D %D ren A1 A2 A3 A4 ==> A_1 A_2 A_3 A_4 %D ren B1 B2 B3 B4 ==> FA_1 FA_2 FA_3 FA_4 %D %D (( A1 A2 -> .plabel= l f %D A2 A3 -> .plabel= m g %D A3 A4 -> .plabel= r h %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= a k %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= b m %D \catA \catB -> .plabel= a F %D %D B1 B2 -> .plabel= l Ff %D B2 B3 -> .plabel= m Fg %D B3 B4 -> .plabel= r Fh %D B1 B3 -> .plabel= a Fk %D B2 B4 -> .plabel= b Fm %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \scalebox{0.9}{$ \diag{internal-view-functor-1} $} $$ In this case we don't draw the arrows like $A_1 \mapsto FA_1$ because there would be too many of them --- we leave them implicit. \newpage % «functor-2» (to ".functor-2") {\bf The internal view of a functor (2)} \ssk We say that the diagram in the previous slide is \ColorRed{an} internal view of the functor $F$. To draw \ColorRed{the} internal view of the functor $F: \catA → \catB$ we start with a diagram in $\catA$ that is made of two generic objects and a generic morphism between them. We get this: %D diagram internal-view-functor-2 %D 2Dx 100 +20 %D 2D 100 A0 A1 %D 2D %D 2D +20 A2 A3 %D 2D %D 2D +15 B0 B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 A2 A3 B0 B1 ==> C FC D FD \catA \catB %D %D (( A0 A1 |-> %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l g %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r Fg %D A2 A3 |-> %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D B0 B1 -> .plabel= a F %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{internal-view-functor-2} $$ % Compare this with the diagram with blob-sets in Section % \ref{internal-views}, in which the `$n \mapsto \sqrt{n}$' says where % a generic element is taken. \newpage % «functor-3» (to ".functor-3") {\bf The internal view of a functor (3)} %\ssk Any arrow of the form $α \mapsto β$ above a functor arrow $\catA \ton{F} \catB$ is interpreted as saying that $F$ takes $α$ to $β$, or, that $Fα$ \ColorRed{reduces} to $β$. So this diagram % %D diagram internal-view-functor-3 %D 2Dx 100 +25 %D 2D 100 A0 A1 %D 2D %D 2D +20 A2 A3 %D 2D %D 2D +15 B0 B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 A2 A3 B0 B1 ==> B A{×}B C A{×}C \Set \Set %D %D (( A0 A1 |-> %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l f %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r λp.(πp,f(π'p)) %D A2 A3 |-> %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D B0 B1 -> .plabel= a (A{×}) %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{internal-view-functor-3} $$ % \ColorRed{defines} $(A×)$ as: % $$\begin{array}{rcl} (A×)_0 &:=& λB.\,A×B,\\ (A×)_1 &:=& λf.λp.(πp,f(π'p)).\\ \end{array} $$ \newpage % «functor-4» (to ".functor-4") % (excp 18 "functor-4") % (exca "functor-4") {\bf The internal view of a functor (4)} \ssk Here the codomain of $F$ is $\Set$, and so we can also use the internal view of $(A×)f$ to define $(A×)_1$... % %D diagram internal-view-functor-4 %D 2Dx 100 +25 +30 +35 %D 2D 100 A0 A1 C0 D0 %D 2D %D 2D +20 A2 A3 C1 D1 %D 2D %D 2D +15 B0 B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 A2 A3 B0 B1 ==> B A{×}B C A{×}C \Set \Set %D ren C0 C1 ==> (a,b) (a,f(b)) %D ren D0 D1 ==> p (πp,f(π'p)) %D %D (( A0 A1 |-> %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l f %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r (A{×})f %D A2 A3 |-> %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D B0 B1 -> .plabel= a (A{×}) %D C0 C1 |-> %D D0 D1 |-> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{internal-view-functor-4} $$ \newpage % _ _ _____ % | \ | |_ _|__ % | \| | | |/ __| % | |\ | | |\__ \ % |_| \_| |_||___/ % % «NTs» (to ".NTs") % (excp 19 "NTs") % (exca "NTs") % (favp 22 "internal-view-NT") % (fav "internal-view-NT") {\bf How to draw the internal view of a NT} \ssk If $F,G:\catA \to \catB$ are functors from $\catA$ to $\catB$, $T:F \to G$ is a natural transformation from $F$ to $G$, and $h:C \to D$ is a morphism in $\catA$, then \ColorRed{$Th$ is a commutative square in $\catB$.} \msk How do we visualise this? How do we visualise this with all details? \newpage % «NTs-2» (to ".NTs-2") % (excp 20 "NTs-2") % (exca "NTs-2") %D diagram NT-img-T-only %D 2Dx 100 +40 %D 2D 100 C0 ---_ %D 2D \ v %D 2D +20 ---> C3 %D 2D %D ren C0 C3 ==> \catA \catB %D %D (( C0 C3 -> .curve= _12pt .PLABEL= _(0.2) F %D C0 C3 -> .curve= ^12pt .PLABEL= ^(0.8) G %D newnode: TL at: tow(@C0,@C3)+v(-7,1.5) %D newnode: TR at: tow(@C0,@C3)+v(9,1.5) TL TR => .plabel= a T %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D diagram NT-img-h-only %D 2Dx 100 %D 2D 100 C %D 2D +20 D %D 2D +15 \catA %D 2D %D # ren ==> %D %D (( C D -> .plabel= l h %D \catA place %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D %D %D %D diagram NT-img-full %D 2Dx 100 +20 +20 +20 %D 2D 100 A0 -------_ %D 2D | -> v %D 2D +20 | A1 ---> A2 %D 2D v | | %D 2D +20 B0 -|-----_ | %D 2D ->v v v %D 2D +20 B1 ---> B2 %D 2D %D 2D +17 C0 ---_ %D 2D \ v %D 2D +20 ---> C3 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 A2 ==> C FC GC %D ren B0 B1 B2 ==> D FD GD %D ren C0 C3 ==> \catA \catB %D %D (( A0 A1 |-> %D A0 A2 |-> %D B0 B1 |-> %D B0 B2 |-> %D C0 C3 -> .curve= _12pt .PLABEL= _(0.2) F %D C0 C3 -> .curve= ^12pt .PLABEL= ^(0.8) G %D %D A0 B0 -> .plabel= l h %D A1 B1 -> .plabel= m Fh %D A2 B2 -> .plabel= m Gh %D A1 A2 -> .plabel= m TC %D B1 B2 -> .plabel= m TD %D %D newnode: FL at: tow(tow(@A0,@B0),tow(@A1,@B1),0+0.17) %D newnode: FR at: tow(tow(@A0,@B0),tow(@A1,@B1),1-0.17) FL FR |-> %D newnode: GL at: tow(tow(@A0,@B0),tow(@A2,@B2),0+0.37) %D newnode: GR at: tow(tow(@A0,@B0),tow(@A2,@B2),1-0.19) GL GR |-> %D newnode: TCL at: tow(@A0,tow(@A1,@A2),0.4) %D newnode: TCR at: tow(@A0,tow(@A1,@A2),0.8) TCL TCR |-> %D newnode: TDL at: tow(@B0,tow(@B1,@B2),0.5) %D newnode: TDR at: tow(@B0,tow(@B1,@B2),0.85) TDL TDR |-> %D %D newnode: TL at: tow(@C0,@C3)+v(-7,1.5) %D newnode: TR at: tow(@C0,@C3)+v(9,1.5) TL TR => .plabel= a T %D )) %D enddiagram %D $\pu \pdiag{NT-img-T-only} \pdiag{NT-img-h-only} = \left( \;\; \diag{NT-img-full} \;\; \right) $ \newpage % «NTs-3» (to ".NTs-3") % (excp 21 "NTs-3") % (exca "NTs-3") %D diagram ?? %D 2Dx 100 +25 +25 %D 2D 100 A0 B0 B1 %D 2D %D 2D +25 A1 B2 B3 %D 2D %D 2D +20 C0 C1 %D 2D %D ren A0 B0 B1 ==> C FC GC %D ren A1 B2 B3 ==> D FD GD %D ren C0 C1 ==> \catA \catB %D %D (( A0 A1 -> .plabel= l h %D B0 B1 -> .plabel= a TC %D B2 B3 -> .plabel= a TD %D B0 B2 -> .plabel= l Fh %D B1 B3 -> .plabel= r Fg %D C0 C1 -> .plabel= a T %D %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{??} $$ \newpage % __ __ _ % \ \ / /__ _ __ ___ __| | __ _ % \ V / _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _` |/ _` | % | | (_) | | | | __/ (_| | (_| | % |_|\___/|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_| % % «yoneda» (to ".yoneda") % (excp 22 "yoneda") % (exca "yoneda") {\bf Trailer: Yoneda in a particular case} (With a representable functor... \cite[section 7.7]{FavC}) % (favp 40 "representable-functors") % (fav "representable-functors") % (favp 42 "representable-functor-ex") % (fav "representable-functor-ex") %D diagram 2.3.4._Z[x] %D 2Dx 100 +55 %D 2D 100 A1 %D 2D +20 A2 A3 %D 2D +20 A4 A5 %D 2D +15 B0 B1 %D 2D +15 C1 C2 %D 2D +20 C3 %D 2D %D ren A1 ==> 1 %D ren A2 A3 ==> \Z[x] U(\Z[x]) %D ren A4 A5 ==> R UR %D ren B0 B1 ==> \Rings \Set %D ren C1 C2 ==> \Rings(\Z[x],-) \Set(1,U-) %D ren C3 ==> U %D %D (( A1 A3 -> .plabel= r \sm{\nameof{x}\\\univ} %D A2 A3 |-> %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l ϕ %D A3 A5 -> .plabel= r Uϕ %D A4 A5 |-> %D A1 A5 -> .slide= 25pt .plabel= r \nameof{ϕ(x)} %D A2 A5 harrownodes nil 20 nil |-> %D B0 B1 -> .plabel= a U %D C1 C2 <-> .plabel= b T %D C1 C3 <-> .plabel= b T' %D C2 C3 <-> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \scalebox{0.9}{$ \diag{2.3.4._Z[x]} $} $$ \newpage % _ __ % | |/ /__ _ _ __ % | ' // _` | '_ \ % | . \ (_| | | | | % |_|\_\__,_|_| |_| % % «kan» (to ".kan") % (excp 23 "kan") % (exca "kan") {\bf Trailer: (right) Kan Extensions} (From \cite[section 7.9]{FavC}) % (favp 45 "kan-extensions") % (fav "kan-extensions") % (favp 33 "basic-example-full") % (fav "basic-example-full") %D diagram kan-1 %D 2Dx 100 +35 %D 2D 100 A0 - A1 %D 2D | | %D 2D +20 A2 - A3 %D 2D | %D 2D +20 A4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 B0 = B1 %D 2D %D 2D +15 C0 - C1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 ==> GF ∀G %D ren A2 A3 ==> RF R{:=}\Ran_FH %D ren A4 ==> H %D ren B0 B1 ==> \catC^\catA \catC^\catB %D ren C0 C1 ==> \catA \catB %D %D (( A0 A1 <-| %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l GU %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r ∃!U %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| %D A2 A3 <-| %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l T %D A0 A4 -> .slide= -20pt .plabel= l ∀V %D B0 B1 <- sl^ .plabel= a ∘F %D B0 B1 -> sl_ .plabel= b \Ran_F %D C0 C1 -> .plabel= a F %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D diagram kan-2-cells-1 %D 2Dx 100 +25 +25 +20 +25 +25 +20 +25 +25 %D 2D 100 A1 B1 C1 %D 2D / \ / \ / \\ %D 2D +25 A0 ---- A2 B0 ---- B2 C0 ---- C2 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 A2 ==> \catA \catB \catC %D %D (( A0 A1 -> .plabel= a F %D A1 A2 -> .curve= _10pt .plabel= m R %D A1 A2 -> .curve= ^20pt .plabel= a ∀G %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= b H %D A0 A2 midpoint relplace -4 -8 \Dn{T} %D A1 A2 midpoint relplace 2 -3 \Dn{∃!U} %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \diag{kan-1} \qquad \quad \diag{kan-2-cells-1} $$ \newpage % ___ _ _____ _____ % |_ _|_ __ | |_ _ __ ___ |_ _|_ _| % | || '_ \| __| '__/ _ \ | | | | % | || | | | |_| | | (_) | | | | | % |___|_| |_|\__|_| \___/ |_| |_| % % «intro-TT» (to ".intro-TT") % (excp 24 "intro-TT") % (exca "intro-TT") \thispagestyle{empty} % (find-es "tex" "thispagestyle") \begin{center} \vspace*{1.5cm} \begin{tabular}{c} {\Large {\bf Introduction}} \\[1pt] {\Large {\bf to Type Theory}} \\[1pt] \end{tabular} \end{center} \newpage % «untyped-lambda» (to ".untyped-lambda") % (excp 25 "untyped-lambda") % (exca "untyped-lambda") {\bf A bit of untyped $λ$-calculus} \ssk If $h = (λa.a·a+4)$ then... % (lam181p 5 "lambda") % (lam181 "lambda") %D diagram reduce-h %D 2Dx 100 +35 +35 +40 +30 %D 2D 100 A ----> B %D 2D | | %D 2D v v %D 2D +20 CL ---> DL %D 2D | | %D 2D v | %D 2D +20 CS ---> DS %D 2D | | %D 2D v | %D 2D +20 E | %D 2D | \ | %D 2D | v | %D 2D +20 | F | %D 2D | \ | %D 2D v v v %D 2D +20 G ----> H -> I -> J %D 2D %D ren A B ==> h(2+3) h(5) %D ren CL DL ==> (λa.\,a·a+4)(2+3) (λa.\,a·a+4)(5) %D ren CS DS ==> (a·a+4)[a:=2+3] (a·a+4)[a:=5] %D ren E F ==> (2+3)·(2+3)+4 (2+3)·5+4 %D ren G H ==> 5·(2+3)+4 5·5+4 %D ren I J ==> 25+4 29 %D (( A B -> CS DS -> CL DL -> E F -> F H -> G H -> %D A CL -> CL CS -> CS E -> E G -> %D B DL -> DL DS -> DS H -> H I -> I J -> %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \scalebox{0.80}{$ \diag{reduce-h} $} $$ \newpage % «types-after-discrete» (to ".types-after-discrete") % (excp 26 "types-after-discrete") % (exca "types-after-discrete") {\bf Types after Discrete Mathematics} \ssk % (lam181p 9 "typed-L1-trees") % (lam181 "typed-L1-trees") $\begin{array}{l} \text{If:} \\ A = \{1,2\}, \\ B = \{3,4\}, \\ C = \{30,40\}, \\ D = \{10,20\}, \\[5pt] \text{Then:} \\ A×B = \cmat{(1,3),(1,4),\\(2,3),(2,4)} \\[8pt] B→C = \cmat{ \csm{(3,30),\\(4,30)}, \csm{(3,30),\\(4,40)}, \csm{(3,40),\\(4,30)}, \csm{(3,40),\\(4,40)}\\ } \\ \end{array} $ \newpage If we know \ColorOrange{(the values of)} $a$, $b$, $f$ then we know \ColorOrange{(the value of)} $(a,f(b))$. If $(a,b)=(2,3)$ and $f=\csm{(3,30),\\(4,40)}$ then $(a,f(b))=(2,30)$. \msk In trees: %: %: (a,b) (2,3) %: -----π' -----π' %: (a,b) b f (2,3) 3 \csm{(3,30),\\(4,40)} %: -----π --------\app -----π --------------------------\app %: a f(b) 2 30 %: --------------\pair -----------------\pair %: (a,f(b)) (2,30) %: %: ^idxf1 ^idxf2 %: $$\pu \scalebox{0.9}{$ \ded{idxf1} \qquad \ded{idxf2} $} $$ \newpage \scalebox{0.8}{% \begin{tabular}{l} If we know the {\sl types} of $a$, $b$, $f$ \\ we know the type of $(a,f(b))$. \\ If we know the types of $p$, $f$ \\ we know the type of $(πp,f(π'p))$. \\ If we know the types of $p$, $f$ \\ we know the type of $(λp:A×B.(πp,f(π'p)))$. \\ \end{tabular} } \msk %: %: (a,b):A×B p:A×B %: ---------π' -----π' %: (a,b):A×B b:B f:B→C p:A×B π'p:B f:B→C %: ---------π ---------------\app ------π ----------------\app %: a:A f(b):C πp:A f(π'p):C %: ----------------------\pair ----------------------\pair %: (a,f(b)):A×C (πp,f(π'p)):A×C %: %: ^idxf3 ^idxf4 %: %: %: p:A×B %: -----π' %: p:A×B π'p:B f:B→C %: ------π ----------------\app %: πp:A f(π'p):C %: ----------------------\pair %: (πp,f(π'p)):A×C %: -----------------------------λ %: (λp:A×B.(πp,f(π'p))):A×B→A×C %: %: ^idxf5 \pu $$\scalebox{0.8}{$ \begin{array}{l} \ded{idxf3} \\ \\ \ded{idxf5} \end{array} $} $$ % $$\ded{idxf4}$$ % $$\ded{idxf3} \qquad \ded{idxf4}$$ \newpage % «type-inference» (to ".type-inference") % (excp 29 "type-inference") % (exca "type-inference") \def\und#1#2{\underbrace{#1}_{#2}} % {\bf Type inference} % The usual way to type all subexpressions in via trees... Compare: \msk % (lam181p 8 "types") % (lam181 "types") % (lam181p 11 "type-inference") % (lam181 "type-inference") %UB λ p : A×B. (π p , f (π' p )) %UB ---- ---- ---- ---- %UB :A×B :A×B :B→C :A×B %UB ------ ------- %UB :A :B %UB --------------- %UB :C %UB ------------------------- %UB :A×C %UB -------------------------------------- %UB :A×B→A×C %L %L defub "Axf 1" % $\pu \scalebox{0.9}{$ \begin{array}{c} \ded{idxf5} \\ \\ \ub{Axf 1} \end{array} $} $ \newpage % «typing» (to ".typing") % (excp 30 "typing") % (exca "typing") {\bf Typing} \def\Co#1{{\color{orange}(#1)}} % Constraint \def\Bc#1{{\color{Red} #1 }} % Bad constraint (not yet satisfied) \def\Gc#1{{\color{Green}#1 }} % Good constraint (satisfied) \def\Gc#1{{\color{SpringGreen4}#1 }} % Good constraint (satisfied) \ssk Idea: start with lots of type variables, look at the constraints induced by the underbraces, try to find a substitution that works... \msk %UB λ p . (π p , f (π' p )) %UB ---- ---- ---- ---- %UB :A :A :B :A %UB ------ ------- %UB :C :D %UB --------------- %UB :E %UB ------------------------- %UB :F %UB -------------------------------------- %UB :G %L %L defub "Axf 2" % $\pu \myvcenter{\ub{Axf 2}} \qquad \begin{array}{rc} \Co{C⇒} & \Bc{A = C×▁} \\ \Co{D⇒} & \Bc{A = ▁×D} \\ \Co{E⇒} & \Bc{B = D→E} \\ \Co{F⇒} & \Bc{F = C×E} \\ \Co{G⇒} & \Bc{G = A→F} \\ \end{array} $ \msk First step: $[A:=C×D]$ \newpage In the previous slide all the constraints were red, meaning ``not satisfied yet''. Let's mark the ones that are satisfied in green and perform more substituions if needed... \msk %UB λ p . (π p , f (π' p )) %UB ---- ---- ---- ---- %UB :C×D :C×D :B :C×D %UB ------ ------- %UB :C :D %UB --------------- %UB :E %UB ------------------------- %UB :F %UB -------------------------------------- %UB :G %L %L defub "Axf 3" % $\pu \myvcenter{\ub{Axf 3}} \qquad \begin{array}{rc} \Co{C⇒} & \Gc{C×D = C×▁} \\ \Co{D⇒} & \Gc{C×D = ▁×D} \\ \Co{E⇒} & \Bc{B = D→E} \\ \Co{F⇒} & \Bc{F = C×E} \\ \Co{G⇒} & \Bc{G = C×D→F} \\ \end{array} $ \msk Next step: $\bmat{B:=D→E \\ F:=C×E}$ \newpage Let's do it again... \msk %UB λ p . (π p , f (π' p )) %UB ---- ---- ---- ---- %UB :C×D :C×D :D→E :C×D %UB ------ ------- %UB :C :D %UB --------------- %UB :E %UB ------------------------- %UB :C×E %UB -------------------------------------- %UB :G %L %L defub "Axf 4" % $\pu \scalebox{0.85}{$ \myvcenter{\ub{Axf 4}} \qquad \begin{array}{rc} \Co{C⇒} & \Gc{C×D = C×▁} \\ \Co{D⇒} & \Gc{C×D = ▁×D} \\ \Co{E⇒} & \Gc{D→E = D→E} \\ \Co{F⇒} & \Gc{C×E = C×E} \\ \Co{G⇒} & \Bc{G = C×D→C×E} \\ \end{array} $} $ \msk Next step: $[G := C×D→C×E]$ \newpage Done! Note that: 1) $C,D,E$ are {\sl type variables}, 2) this typing is {\sl universal} --- all other valid typing are substitution instances of this one. For example... (see the next page) \bsk \bsk \ColorBrown{ \footnotesize Exercise: Compare our naïve approach here with the ones in \cite[chapter 22]{Pierce}. % (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "pierce") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 317) "22 Type Reconstruction") % (find-tapltext (+ 22 317) "22 Type Reconstruction") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 317) "22.1 Type Variables and Substitutions") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 319) "22.2 Two Views of Type Variables") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 321) "22.3 Constraint-Based Typing") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 326) "22.4 Unification") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 329) "22.5 Principal Types") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 330) "22.6 Implicit Type Annotations") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 331) "22.7 Let-Polymorphism") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 336) "22.8 Notes") } \newpage %UB λ p . (π p , f (π' p )) %UB ---- ---- ---- ---- %UB :C×D :C×D :D→E :C×D %UB ------ ------- %UB :C :D %UB --------------- %UB :E %UB ------------------------- %UB :C×E %UB -------------------------------------- %UB :C×D→C×E %L %L defub "Axf 5" % %UB λ p . (π p , f (π' p )) %UB ---- ---- ---- ---- %UB :A×B :A×B :B→C :A×B %UB ------ ------- %UB :A :B %UB --------------- %UB :C %UB ------------------------- %UB :A×C %UB -------------------------------------- %UB :A×B→A×C %L %L defub "Axf 6" % $\pu \scalebox{0.85}{$ \begin{array}{c} \left(\myvcenter{\ub{Axf 5}}\right) \bmat{C:=A \\ D:=B \\ E:=C} = \\ \\ \left(\myvcenter{\ub{Axf 6}}\right) \end{array} $} $ \newpage {\bf Very very concrete types} \msk %UB λ p :\A×\B . (π p , f (π' p )) %UB ------ ------ ------ ------ %UB :\A×\B :\A×\B :\B→\C :\A×\B %UB -------- --------- %UB :\A :\B %UB ----------------- %UB :\C %UB ------------------------------ %UB :\A×\C %UB ---------------------------------------------------- %UB :\A×\B→\A×\C %L %L defub "Axf concrete 1" % $\pu \def\AA{\{0,1\}} \def\BB{\{2,3\}} \def\CC{\{4,5\}} \scalebox{0.80}{$ \begin{array}{c} {\def\A{A} \def\B{B} \def\C{C} \left(\myvcenter{\ub{Axf concrete 1}}\right) } \bmat{A:=\AA \\ B:=\BB \\ C:=\CC} = \\ \\ {\def\A{\AA} \def\B{\BB} \def\C{\CC} \left(\myvcenter{\ub{Axf concrete 1}}\right) } \end{array} $} $ % (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "damas") % (find-damasphdpage (+ 8 72) "2.4. The type assignment algorithm W") % (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "pierce") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 317) "22 Type Reconstruction") % https://papl.cs.brown.edu/2014/Type_Inference.html \newpage % «intro-to-the-hard-part» (to ".intro-to-the-hard-part") % (excp 36 "intro-to-the-hard-part") % (exca "intro-to-the-hard-part") \thispagestyle{empty} % (find-es "tex" "thispagestyle") \begin{center} \vspace*{1.0cm} \begin{tabular}{c} {\Large {\bf Introduction}} \\[1pt] {\Large {\bf to the Hard Part}} \\[1pt] {\Large {\bf of Basic Type Theory}} \\[1pt] \end{tabular} \end{center} \newpage % «some-references» (to ".some-references") % (excp 37 "some-references") % (exca "some-references") Girard: \cite{GLT} and \cite{GirardBlind} \msk Benjamin Pierce's book, Haskell: \cite{Pierce}, \cite{HaskellCore}, \cite{Hutton} \msk HOTT, Kamareddine: \cite{HOTT}, \cite{Kamareddine} \msk Also: \cite{Sommaruga}, \cite{BauerGDDTT} \msk Some of them don't even mention $Σ$-types... ``$Σ$-types can be constructed from $Π$-types'' \ColorRed{This is not trivial at all! \frown} \newpage % ____ _ _ % / ___|___ _ __ | |_ _____ _| |_ ___ % | | / _ \| '_ \| __/ _ \ \/ / __/ __| % | |__| (_) | | | | || __/> <| |_\__ \ % \____\___/|_| |_|\__\___/_/\_\\__|___/ % % «contexts» (to ".contexts") % (excp 38 "contexts") % (exca "contexts") % (ntyp 60 "judgments-2") % (nty "judgments-2") \def\und#1#2{\underbrace{#1}_{\text{#2}}} {\bf Contexts} $\setofsc {\uC{\ug{a∈\{1,2\}}, \ug{b∈\{2,3\}}, \uf{a<b}}} {\ue{10a+b}}$ here the context has ``generators'' (``{\sl var} $∈$ {\sl set}'') and ``filters'' (``{\sl this expression must be true}''). \msk In $\uC{\uvt{A⠆Θ}, \uvt{B⠆Θ}, \uvt{C⠆Θ}, \uvt{p:A×B}, \uvt{g:B→C}} ⊢ \uconc{\uterm{(πp,g(π'p))}:\utype{A×C}} $ the context is made of several declarations of the form ``variable : type''... \newpage % ____ _____ ____ % | _ \_ _/ ___| ___ % | |_) || | \___ \/ __| % | __/ | | ___) \__ \ % |_| |_| |____/|___/ % % «PTSs» (to ".PTSs") % (excp 39 "PTSs") % (exca "PTSs") {\bf Derivations in Pure Type Systems} Derivations in a PTS have {\sl lots} of bureaucracy. This is what we need to derive $A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢(Πa⠆A.B)⠆Θ$: \msk %: (fooi-t ":" "⠆") %: %: ----a ----a ----a ----a ----a %: ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ %: ----a ----a ----a -----------w -------v -----------w %: ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ %: -----------w -------v -----------------------w -----------v %: A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢B⠆Θ %: -----------------------w ---------------------------------w %: A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ,a⠆A⊢B⠆Θ %: ----------------------------------------------Π_{ΘΘΘ} %: A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢(Πa⠆A.B)⠆Θ %: %: ^depprod1 %: %: ----a ----a ----a ----a ----a %: ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ %: ----a ----a ----a -----------w_□ -------v_□ -----------w_□ %: ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ %: -----------w_□ -------v_□ -----------------------w_□ -----------v_□ %: A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢B⠆Θ %: -----------------------w_□ ---------------------------------w_Θ %: A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ,a⠆A⊢B⠆Θ %: --------------------------------------------------Π_{ΘΘΘ} %: A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢(Πa⠆A.B)⠆Θ %: %: ^depprod1 %: %: %: ----a ----a ----a %: ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ ⊢Θ⠆□ %: ======= -------v_□ -----------w_□ %: A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ⊢Θ⠆□ %: -----------------------w_□ -----------v_□ %: A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢B⠆Θ %: =========== ---------------------------------w_Θ %: A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ,a⠆A⊢B⠆Θ %: ---------------------------------------------------Π_{ΘΘΘ} %: A⠆Θ,B⠆Θ⊢(Πa⠆A.B)⠆Θ %: %: ^depprod2 %: \pu \resizebox{1.0\textwidth}{!}{% $\ded{depprod1} $} \msk i.e.: \resizebox{1.0\textwidth}{!}{% $\ded{depprod2} $} \newpage % ____ _____ ____ ____ % | _ \_ _/ ___| _____ __ |___ \ % | |_) || | \___ \ / _ \ \/ / __) | % | __/ | | ___) | | __/> < / __/ % |_| |_| |____/ \___/_/\_\ |_____| % % «PTSs-2» (to ".PTSs-2") % «pts-derivation-2» (to ".pts-derivation-2") {\bf Pure Type Systems: a derivation (2)} This is what we need to derive $A⠆Θ⊢(λa⠆A.a)⠆(Πa⠆A.A)$: \msk %: %: %: ----a %: ⊢Θ⠆□ %: ======= -------v_□ %: A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ %: ======= ======= -----------------w_Θ %: A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ⊢A⠆Θ A⠆Θ,a⠆A⊢A⠆Θ %: -----------v_Θ -----------------------Π_{ΘΘΘ} %: A⠆Θ,a⠆A⊢a⠆A A⠆Θ⊢(Πa⠆A.A)⠆Θ %: -------------------------------------λ %: A⠆Θ⊢(λa⠆A.a)⠆(Πa⠆A.A) %: %: ^depprod3 %: \pu \resizebox{1.0\textwidth}{!}{% $\ded{depprod3} $} \bsk \bsk \ColorBrown{ \footnotesize Exercise: Read the presentation of PTSs in \cite[section 4c]{Kamareddine}. Translate these trees to the notation of the book. You will need a few tiny changes. % (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "typetheory") % (find-mpottpage (+ 12 116) "4c Pure Type Systems") % (find-mpottpage (+ 12 118) "4c1 The Barendregt cube") % (find-mpottpage (+ 12 121) "4c2 Metaproperties of PTSs") } \newpage % _ _ _ _____ % | |_ _ __| | __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ ___ |___ / % _ | | | | |/ _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __/ __| |_ \ % | |_| | |_| | (_| | (_| | | | | | | __/ | | | |_\__ \ ___) | % \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\__, |_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|___/ |____/ % |___/ % % «judgments» (to ".judgments") % (excp 37 "judgments") % (exca "judgments") % (ntyp 61 "judgments-3") % (nty "judgments-3") {\bf Judgments} If we think --- \ColorRed{informally} --- that $Θ$ is the ``set of all sets'' (mnemonic: Theta for ``Theths''), then we can put these judgments for $λ$-calculus in a very homogeneous form... \msk $\uC{\uvt{A⠆Θ}, \uvt{B⠆Θ}, \uvt{C⠆Θ}, \uvt{p:A×B}, \uvt{g:B→C}} ⊢ \uconc{\uterm{(πp,g(π'p))}:\utype{A×C}} $ \msk the context is a series of declarations of the form ``var : type'', and the conclusion is of the form ``term : type''. \newpage % ____ _ % | _ \ ___ _ __ | |_ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ % | | | |/ _ \ '_ \ | __| | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| % | |_| | __/ |_) | | |_| |_| | |_) | __/\__ \ % |____/ \___| .__/ \__|\__, | .__/ \___||___/ % |_| |___/|_| % % «dependent-types» (to ".dependent-types") % (excp 42 "dependent-types") % (exca "dependent-types") % (find-books "__logic/__logic.el" "hott") % (find-hottpage (+ 12 25) "1.4 Dependent function types (-types)") % (find-hottpage (+ 12 26) "1.5 Product types") % (find-hottpage (+ 12 30) "1.6 Dependent pair types (-types)") {\bf Dependent types for children} \ssk \def\ato#1#2{\csm{(0,#1),\\(1,#2)}} \def\ABCD{ \begin{array}[t]{c} A = \{0,1\}, \\ B = \{2,3\}, \\ C_0 = \{4,5\}, \\ C_1 = \{6,7\} \\ \\ f:A→B \\ f(a)∈B \\[5pt] g:(a⠆A)→C_a \\ g(a)∈C_a \\[5pt] p∈A×B \\ π'p∈B \\[5pt] q∈(a⠆A)×C_a \\ π'q∈C_{πq} \\[5pt] \end{array}} \def\Examples{ \begin{array}[t]{rcl} \multicolumn{3}{l}{\text{Function types and}} \\ \multicolumn{3}{l}{\text{dependent function types ($Π$-types):}} \\[5pt] A→B & = & \cmat{\ato22, \ato23, \ato32, \ato44} \\[10pt] (a:A)→C_a & = \\ Πa:A.C_a & = & \cmat{\ato46, \ato47, \ato56, \ato57} \\ \\ \multicolumn{3}{l}{\text{Product types and}} \\ \multicolumn{3}{l}{\text{dependent pair types ($Σ$-types):}} \\[5pt] A×B & = & \{ (0,2),\, (0,3), \, (1,2), \, (1,3) \} \\[5pt] (a:A)×C_a & = & \\ Σa:A.C_a & = & \{ (0,4),\, (0,5), \, (1,6), \, (1,7) \} \\ \end{array}} $\scalebox{0.75}{$ \begin{array}{l} \ABCD \quad \Examples \\ \\ \begin{tabular}{l} Note: ``$(a:A)→C_a$'' and ``$(a:A)×C_a$'' are Agda-isms. \\ Many places use the terms ``dependent products'' and ``dependent sums''. \\ \end{tabular} \end{array} $} $ \newpage % _ _ _ _ % / \ _ __ __| | __ _ _ __ __| | (_)_ __ ___ _ __ % / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | / _` | '_ \ / _` | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ % / ___ \| | | | (_| | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | |_) | % /_/ \_\_| |_|\__,_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_|_| |_| |_| .__/ % |_| % % «typing-and-and-implies» (to ".typing-and-and-implies") % (excp 43 "typing-and-and-implies") % (exca "typing-and-and-implies") {\bf Typing proofs of ``and'' and ``implies''} $«Q»$ is a proof of $Q$. $⟦Q⟧$ is the set of all proofs of $Q$. \msk $⟦Q∧R⟧$ is the set of all proofs of $Q∧R$. \ColorRed{A} $«Q∧R»$ is a proof of $Q∧R$. \ColorRed{A} $«Q∧R»$ is a pair $(«Q»,«R»)$, so $⟦Q∧R⟧$ = $⟦Q⟧×⟦R⟧$. \msk $⟦Q→R⟧$ is the set of all proofs of $Q→R$. \ColorRed{A} $«Q→R»$ is a proof of $Q→R$. \ColorRed{A} $«Q→R»$ is an operation that takes $«Q»$s to $«R»$s, so $⟦Q→R⟧$ = $⟦Q⟧→⟦R⟧$. \newpage % _____ _ _____ % | ___|_ _ __ _ _ __ __| | | ____|_ __ % | |_ / _` | / _` | '_ \ / _` | | _| \ \/ / % | _| (_| | | (_| | | | | (_| | | |___ > < % |_| \__,_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_____/_/\_\ % % «typing-forall-and-exists» (to ".typing-forall-and-exists") % (excp 44 "typing-forall-and-exists") % (exca "typing-forall-and-exists") {\bf Typing proofs of ``for all'' and ``exists''} \bsk % (find-mpottpage (+ 14 103) "II Propositions as Types, Pure Type Systems, AUTOMATH") % (find-mpottpage (+ 12 105) "4 Propositions as Types and Pure Type Systems") % (find-mpottpage (+ 12 106) "4a Propositions as Types and Proofs as Terms (PAT)") % (find-mpottpage (+ 12 106) "4a1 Intuitionistic logic") % (find-mpottpage (+ 16 123) "A universal quantification") % (find-mpotttext (+ 16 123) "A universal quantification") % (find-mpottpage (+ 16 147) "various ways in which PAT") % (find-mpotttext (+ 16 147) "various ways in which PAT") \def\und#1#2{\underbrace{#1}_{\text{#2}}} \def\und#1#2{\underbrace{#1}_{#2}} %UB «∀b⠆B.P(b)» = \PFA %UB ------------ ------------ %UB :⟦∀b⠆B.P(b)⟧ :Πb⠆B.⟦P(b)⟧ %L %L defub "forall" % $\pu \def\PFA{\cmat{ (2,«P(2)»), \\ (3,«P(3)») }} \scalebox{1.0}{$ \begin{array}{c} \ub{forall} \end{array} $} $ \bsk \bsk %UB «∃b⠆B.P(b)» = \PEX %UB ------------ ------------ %UB :⟦∃b⠆B.P(b)⟧ :Σb⠆B.⟦P(b)⟧ %L %L defub "forall" % $\pu \def\PEX{(b,«P(b)»)} \scalebox{1.0}{$ \begin{array}{c} \ub{forall} \end{array} $} $ %\GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!} % Used by `M-x cv' % \end{document} % \newpage % % % «marsden» (to ".marsden") % % {\bf String diagrams: Marsden} % % % (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "marsden-dragging") % % (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "marsden-ctusd") % % (favp 44 "2-category-of-cats") % % (fav "2-category-of-cats") % (find-es "haskell" "haskell-to-core") \newpage % ______ ____ __ ____ _ _ % / ___\ \ / / \/ | / ___|_ __| | / | % | | \ \ /\ / /| |\/| | | | | '__| | | | % | |___ \ V V / | | | | | |___| | | |___ | | % \____| \_/\_/ |_| |_| \____|_| |_____| |_| % % «guessing-nu-CWM-1» (to ".guessing-nu-CWM-1") % (excp 45 "guessing-nu-CWM-1") % (exca "guessing-nu-CWM-1") {\bf CWM: Creation of Limits, theorem V.1} % (find-books "__cats/__cats.el" "maclane") % (find-cwm2page (+ 13 109) "V. Limits") % (find-cwm2page (+ 13 109) "1. Creation of Limits") \def\Cone{\mathrm{Cone}} \def\Nat{\mathrm{Nat}} \def\vcat#1#2#3{\psm{ & \\ & &↓ \\ #1&→\\}} \def\constvcat#1{\vcat{#1}{#1}{#1}} \def\smallvcat{{\scalebox{0.50}{$\vcat123$}}} \def\ACB{A{×_C}B} %D diagram nu-CWM-1 %D 2Dx 100 +30 %D 2D 100 A0 - A1 %D 2D | | %D 2D +20 A2 - A3 %D 2D | %D 2D +20 A4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 B0 - B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 ==> Δ* * %D ren A2 A3 ==> ΔL L %D ren A4 ==> F %D ren B0 B1 ==> \text{Set}^J \text{Set} %D %D (( A0 A1 <-| %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l Δg %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r ∃!g %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| %D A2 A3 <-| %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l \sm{ν\\\text{(univ)}} %D A0 A4 -> .slide= -30pt .plabel= l ∀σ %D B0 B1 <- sl^ .plabel= a Δ %D B0 B1 -> sl_ .plabel= b \Lim %D newnode: A3R at: @A3+v(28,8) .TeX= \defL place %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D diagram nu-CWM-X %D 2Dx 100 +30 %D 2D 100 A0 - A1 %D 2D | | %D 2D +20 A2 - A3 %D 2D | %D 2D +20 A4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 B0 - B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 ==> ΔX X %D ren A2 A3 ==> ΔL L %D ren A4 ==> F %D ren B0 B1 ==> \text{Set}^J \text{Set} %D %D (( A0 A1 <-| %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l Δh %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r ∃!h %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| %D A2 A3 <-| %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l \sm{ν\\\text{(univ)}} %D A0 A4 -> .slide= -30pt .plabel= l ∀τ %D B0 B1 <- sl^ .plabel= a Δ %D B0 B1 -> sl_ .plabel= b \Lim %D )) %D enddiagram %D $$\pu \def\defL{\begin{array}{l} :=\Cone(*,F) \\ =\Nat(Δ*,F) \\ = \Hom(Δ*,F) \\ \end{array}} % \scalebox{0.9}{$ \diag{nu-CWM-1} \quad \diag{nu-CWM-X} $} $$ \newpage % «guessing-nu-1» (to ".guessing-nu-1") % (excp 46 "guessing-nu-1") % (exca "guessing-nu-1") {\bf Guessing $ν$: first attempt} %D diagram nu-1-small %D 2Dx 100 +35 %D 2D 100 A0 - A1 %D 2D | | %D 2D +20 A2 - A3 %D 2D | %D 2D +20 A4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 B0 - B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 ==> Δ1 1 %D ren A2 A3 ==> Δ\Lim\,F \Lim\,F %D ren A4 ==> F %D ren B0 B1 ==> \Set^\catJ \Set %D %D (( A0 A1 <-| %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l Δg %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r ∃!g %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| %D A2 A3 <-| %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l \sm{ν\\\text{(univ)}} %D A0 A4 -> .slide= -30pt .plabel= l ∀σ %D B0 B1 <- sl^ .plabel= a Δ %D B0 B1 -> sl_ .plabel= b \Lim %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D diagram nu-1 %D 2Dx 100 +50 %D 2D 100 A0 - A1 %D 2D | | %D 2D +35 A2 - A3 %D 2D | %D 2D +35 A4 %D 2D %D 2D +25 B0 - B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 ==> \constvcat{1} 1 %D ren A2 A3 ==> \constvcat{\ACB} \ACB %D ren A4 ==> \vcat{A}{B}{C} %D ren B0 B1 ==> \Set^\smallvcat_{\phantom{a}} \Set %D %D (( A0 A1 <-| %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l Δg %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r ∃!g %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| %D A2 A3 <-| %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l \sm{ν\\\text{(univ)}} %D A0 A4 -> .slide= -45pt .plabel= l ∀σ %D B0 B1 <- sl^ .plabel= a Δ %D B0 B1 -> sl_ .plabel= b \Lim %D )) %D enddiagram %D $\pu \scalebox{0.9}{$ \diag{nu-1-small} \qquad \diag{nu-1} $} $ \newpage In this first attempt the types don't match... A natural transformation % $$σ: \vcat{1}{1}{1} → \vcat{A}{B}{C}$$ is a triple $(\nameof{a}:1→A, \nameof{b}:1→B, \nameof{c}:1→C)$, but an element of $\ACB$ is a triple $(a,b,c)$... \bsk \ColorRed{(I'm omitting the ``obeying certain properties''!)} \ColorRed{(Why can I do that? Long story...)} \newpage % «guessing-nu-2» (to ".guessing-nu-2") % (excp 48 "guessing-nu-2") % (exca "guessing-nu-2") {\bf Guessing $ν$: second attempt} \ssk ...so let's try to guess $ν$, $g$, $h$ by finding their types, then finding natural constructions that yield terms of those types, and then checking if our guesses behave as expected... \newpage % «guessing-nu-2-diag» (to ".guessing-nu-2-diag") % (excp 49 "guessing-nu-2-diag") % (exca "guessing-nu-2-diag") % (cwmp 14 "creation-of-limits") % (cwm "creation-of-limits") %D diagram nu-attempt-2-1 %D 2Dx 100 +40 +35 %D 2D 100 C0 A0 - A1 %D 2D | | | %D 2D +25 | A2 - A3 %D 2D | | %D 2D +25 C1 A4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 C2 B0 - B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 ==> Δ1 1 %D ren A2 A3 ==> ΔL L %D ren A4 ==> F %D ren B0 B1 ==> \Set^\catJ \Set %D ren C0 C1 C2 ==> 1 FJ \Set %D %D (( A0 A1 <-| %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l Δg %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r \sm{∃!g\phantom{ooo}\\:=λ*.ℓ} %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| %D A2 A3 <-| %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l \sm{ν:=\\λJ.λℓ.ℓJ*}\!\! # \sm{ν\\\text{(univ)}} %D A0 A4 -> .slide= -40pt .plabel= l ∀ℓ %D %D newnode: A3R at: @A3+v(28,0) .TeX= =\Hom(Δ1,F) place %D %D B0 B1 <- sl^ .plabel= a Δ %D B0 B1 -> sl_ .plabel= b \Lim %D %D C0 C1 -> .plabel= l ℓJ C2 place %D )) %D enddiagram %D %D diagram nu-attempt-2-X %D 2Dx 100 +40 +35 %D 2D 100 C0 A0 - A1 %D 2D | | | %D 2D +25 | A2 - A3 %D 2D | | %D 2D +25 C1 A4 %D 2D %D 2D +15 C2 B0 - B1 %D 2D %D ren A0 A1 ==> ΔX ∀X %D ren A2 A3 ==> ΔL L %D ren A4 ==> F %D ren B0 B1 ==> \Set^\catJ \Set %D ren C0 C1 C2 ==> X FJ \Set %D %D (( A0 A1 <-| %D A0 A2 -> .plabel= l Δh %D A1 A3 -> .plabel= r \sm{∃!h\phantom{oooooooooooo}\\:=λx.λJ.λ*.TJx} %D A0 A3 harrownodes nil 20 nil <-| %D A2 A3 <-| %D A2 A4 -> .plabel= l \sm{ν:=\\λJ.λℓ.ℓJ*\\\text{(univ)}} %D A0 A4 -> .slide= -40pt .plabel= l ∀T %D %D newnode: A3R at: @A3+v(28,0) .TeX= =\Hom(Δ1,F) place %D %D B0 B1 <- sl^ .plabel= a Δ %D B0 B1 -> sl_ .plabel= b \Lim %D %D C0 C1 -> .plabel= l TJ C2 place %D )) %D enddiagram %D $\pu \scalebox{0.60}{$ \begin{array}{r} \diag{nu-attempt-2-1} \\ \\ \\ \diag{nu-attempt-2-X} \end{array} \qquad \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}[t]{rcl} ℓ &:& Δ1 → F \\ ℓJ &:& Δ1J → FJ \\ ℓJ &:& 1 → FJ \\ ℓJ* &∈& FJ \\[5pt] ν &:& ΔL → F \\ νJ &:& ΔLJ → FJ \\ νJ &:& L → FJ \\ νJℓ &∈& FJ \\[5pt] g &:& 1 \to L \\ g* &∈& L \\ \end{array} \quad \begin{array}[t]{rcl} T &:& ΔX → F \\ TJ &:& ΔXJ → FJ \\ TJ &:& X → FJ \\ TJx &∈& FJ \\[5pt] h &:& X → L \\ hx &∈& L \\ hx &:& Δ1 → F \\ hxJ &:& Δ1J → FJ \\ hxJ &:& 1 → FJ \\ hxJ* &∈& FJ \\[5pt] \end{array} \\ \\ \text{Let's try this:} \\ %[5pt] \def\IE{\hspace{-0.75em}⇒} \begin{array}[t]{rcll} νJℓ &=& ℓJ* & \IE \\ νJ &=& λℓ.ℓJ* & \IE \\ ν &:=& λJ.λℓ.ℓJ* & \\[5pt] g* &=& ℓ & \IE \\ g &:=& λ*.ℓ & \\[5pt] hxJ* &=& TJx & \IE \\ hxJ &=& λ*.TJx & \IE \\ hx &=& λJ.λ*.TJx & \IE \\ h &:=& λx.λJ.λ*.TJx \\ \end{array} \end{array} $} $ % \newpage % (find-LATEX "catsem-slides.bib") % \cite{Riehl} % (find-books "__comp/__comp.el" "pierce") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 315) "V Polymorphism") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 317) "22 Type Reconstruction") % (find-tapltext (+ 22 317) "22 Type Reconstruction") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 317) "22.1 Type Variables and Substitutions") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 319) "22.2 Two Views of Type Variables") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 321) "22.3 Constraint-Based Typing") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 326) "22.4 Unification") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 329) "22.5 Principal Types") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 330) "22.6 Implicit Type Annotations") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 331) "22.7 Let-Polymorphism") % (find-taplpage (+ 22 336) "22.8 Notes") % http://angg.twu.net/2018.2-MD.html % http://angg.twu.net/2018.2-MD/20180813_lista_1.pdf % http://angg.twu.net/2018.2-MD/20180813_lista_2.pdf % (favp 39 "ness") % (fav "ness") \newpage \printbibliography \GenericWarning{Success:}{Success!!!} % Used by `M-x cv' \end{document} % __ __ _ % | \/ | __ _| | _____ % | |\/| |/ _` | |/ / _ \ % | | | | (_| | < __/ % |_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\___| % % <make> * (eepitch-shell) * (eepitch-kill) * (eepitch-shell) # (find-LATEXfile "2019planar-has-1.mk") make -f 2019.mk STEM=2021excuse veryclean make -f 2019.mk STEM=2021excuse pdf % Local Variables: % coding: utf-8-unix % ee-tla: "exc" % End: