Warning: this is an htmlized version!
The original is here, and
the conversion rules are here.
// From:
// http://angg.twu.net/blogme3/html5-audio.js.html
// http://angg.twu.net/blogme3/html5-audio.js
//              (find-blogme3 "html5-audio.js")
// Author: Eduardo Ochs <eduardoochs@gmail.com>
// Version: 2013dec09
// (find-2a '(find-fline "html5-audio.js") '(find-fline "html5-audio-mini.js"))
// (find-tkdiff          "html5-audio.js"               "html5-audio-mini.js")
// http://angg.twu.net/2013-petropolis.html
// http://angg.twu.net/html5-audio.html
//           (find-TH "2013-petropolis")
//           (find-TH "html5-audio")
// http://html5doctor.com/native-audio-in-the-browser/
// (find-udfile "librhino-java-doc/examples/jsdoc.js")
toseconds = function (t) {
  if (typeof(t) == "number") { return t; }
  var a = "0:00:00";
  var b = a.substr(0, a.length - t.length) + t;
  var h  = b.substr(0, 1);
  var mm = b.substr(2, 2);
  var ss = b.substr(5, 2);
  return h*3600+mm*60+ss*1;

function audios () { return document.getElementsByTagName("audio"); }
function audio  (n) { return audios()[n|0]; }
function playat (n, t) { audio(n).currentTime = toseconds(t); audio(n).play(); }

function naudios () { return audios().length; }
function audiosdo (f) { for (var i=0; i < naudios(); i++) f(audio(i)); }
function pauseall () { audiosdo(function (a) { a.pause(); }); }

function pl_ (n, t) { pauseall(); playat(n, t); }
function kpl_(n, e) {
  if (!e) e = window.event;
  if (e.keyCode == 13) pl_(n, e.target.value);
  if (e.keyCode == 32) { pauseall(); e.preventDefault(); }
function  pla(t) {  pl_(0, t); }
function  plb(t) {  pl_(1, t); }
function kpla(t) { kpl_(0, t); }
function kplb(t) { kpl_(1, t); }

href0 = function (tgt, text)  { return '<a href="'+tgt+'">'+text+'</a>'; }
href  = function (tgt, text)  { return tgt ? href0(tgt, text) : text; }
jref  = function (code, text) { return href('javascript:'+code, text); }
time_re = /[0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9](:[0-9][0-9])?/g;

seekbox = function (F, T) {
  return '<input size=8 value="'+T+'" onkeydown="'+F+'()">';
ptime0       = function (G, T)    { return     jref(G+"('"+T+"')", T);     }
ptime        = function (G, T)    { return "("+jref(G+"('"+T+"')", T)+")"; }
seekboxptime = function (F, G, T) { return seekbox(F, T)+" "+ptime(G, T) }
my_activate = function (elt, f) {
  elt.origtext = elt.origtext || elt.innerText;
  elt.innerHTML = f(elt.origtext);
my_activate_id = function (id, f) {
  my_activate(document.getElementById(id), f);

function  boxptimepla (t)   { return seekboxptime("kpla", "pla", t); }
function  boxptimeplb (t)   { return seekboxptime("kplb", "plb", t); }
function rboxptimepla (str) { return str.replace(time_re, boxptimepla); }
function rboxptimeplb (str) { return str.replace(time_re, boxptimeplb); }

function activate_audio_links_a (id) { my_activate_id(id, rboxptimepla); }
function activate_audio_links_b (id) { my_activate_id(id, rboxptimeplb); }

See: (find-blogme3 "anggdefs.lua" "html5-audio")
Typical usage: (find-TH "tmp")

<audio preload="auto" controls>
<source src="2013dec04-aduff.mp3">
<pre id="mypre2">
0:00 foo
1:23 bar
<script src="../blogme3/html5-audio.js"></script>